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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5666917 No.5666917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Top three boards you visit
>Three foods you eat regularly that you associate with the boards you frequent
>Pick one of your top three boards. If you are chosen to decide the food-theme of a banquet for this board, what do you choose?

I'll start.

Boards: /ck/, /x/, and /a/

/ck/: Johnnycakes (you taught me how to make them)
/x/: pot brownies
/a/: Gyoza

Banquet: I pick /a/ and the theme would be WacArnolds (McDonalds food) because there's a WacArnolds (or similar) restaurant in almost every anime nowadays.

>> No.5666926
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Boards: /f/, /fit/, /m/

/f/ - Chankonabe
/fit/ - Rice
/m/ - Cheeseburgers

Banquet: /fit/ STEEL CUT OATS

>> No.5666927

/ck/ stuffed peppers, cooked over a fire in tinfoil
/fit/ steak, stilton sauce, broccoli
/pol/ fuck knows

>> No.5666953

are Johnnycakes those things from Sopranos?

>> No.5666956

/lit/ - oatmeal with berries, coffee on the side
/tv/ - home made pizza
/ck/ - some garbage I throw together out of leftovers

Banquet I choose /ck/ and the theme would be Misinformation, where I follow the instructions of a poster that claims to know what hes talking about and demonstrate how bad their advice is with side by side comparisons of every dish, made their way and mine.

>> No.5666982

They're kind of like cornmeal pancakes.

>/ck/ and the theme would be Misinformation, where I follow the instructions of a poster that claims to know what hes talking about and demonstrate how bad their advice is with side by side comparisons of every dish, made their way and mine.

This is superb.

>> No.5667239
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/mu/-either starvation or drugs

>> No.5667250

/fa/ - cigarettes and a cup of water

>> No.5667255

/a/ - Mochi
/co/ - burgers looking at you Hal
/tv/ - crab legs

If you owned a movie theater, what sort of food would you serve? Me? I'd serve crab legs.

>> No.5667258

/pol/ likes bagels and matzo ball soup

they're just tsundere for jews

>> No.5667264

stuffed chicken breast
cakes, sweets, tea
> [s4s]
top kek

>> No.5667265

/o/ - PB&J (I don't fucking know)
/fit/ - oatmeal
/sp/ - hot wings

/sp/ Hooters party on NFL Sunday

>> No.5667267

king crabs are big guys

>> No.5667268

/ck/: I learnt pulled pork from ck
/b/: Whiskey
/fit/: Chicken and brocolli

>> No.5667279

/ck/: Burgers
/sp/: Hot pockets
/fit/: apples

>> No.5667286

delicious/10. I would chill with /cgl/ more if it meant there would be cakes

I would go to this banquet first, then /cgl/ for dessert.

>> No.5667288

/tg/ - Pizza
/k/ - MREs
/asp/ - Vegetables and Brown Rice

>> No.5667289

lots of hard liquor and fast food

jewish delis, food bought with food stamps


>> No.5667304

/v/ - Spaghetti
/ck/ - Sardines on toast
/sp/ - Curry goat with rice and peas (It's always on offer it seems and everyone on /sp/ is the next goat)

Banquet: /v/, theme being "grill gamer". All manner of grilled meat and veg dishes. Maybe vidya themed. Everyone argues, food gets eaten, spaghetti gets dropped and no-one has fun

>> No.5667324


/fa/ - coffee

>> No.5667349

>/v/, theme being "grill gamer". All manner of grilled meat and veg dishes.

OP here. +20 points for being 'punny'

>> No.5667363
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also cigarettes, adderal, and spring water.

>> No.5667372
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/toy/-Chicken nuggets
/k/-Chili Mac MREs
/ck/-Onion rings I don't know why shit

/k/ MRE fiesta, I want everybody's bowels to be eviscerated

>> No.5667387

Fast food after 3 hour canyon drive
Pizza delivered, no tipping and a 2 litre soda bottle to piss in
Pallets grinded into a dough with a side of hydroponic veggies, served inside a shipping container

>> No.5667396

Hardtack and mre's
Mare juice

>> No.5667416
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bundt cake
cakes with strawberries
pic related

>> No.5667422
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Oh and they've gotta be McNuggets

>> No.5667461


/pol/ - Beer, stew and Fuhrer cakes (look it up)

/fit/ - steak, steamed vegetables and a protein shake

/lit/ - black coffee, cigarettes

>> No.5667513

handmade pizza
sweets with tea or coffee
kosher salt and bacon

/cgl/ banquet: English tea party with sweet and savory petit four

>> No.5667553
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/ck/: fish fried rice
/s/: granola bars
/v/: pretzel sticks

Banquet (/v/): fancy, four-course dinner party where the food tastes like shit, but everyone is forced to eat it while painstakingly following standard rules of etiquette. Rules would be enforced by shock collars, and each diner's shock collar could be electrified by any and all other diners at any time.

>> No.5667596

/o/- Drive through burgers

/ck/ - Dark, thick beers that come with free fedoras

/n/ - vegan kale smoothies

>> No.5667605

/ck/: homemade pasta carbonara
/k/: whatever I shot with my moisin nagant
/pol/: wiener schnitzel, sour braten, and liberal tears

>> No.5667613 [DELETED] 
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fuck off op, scat is attractive to some people. its a legitimate fetish, for me its turns me on as much as a nice pair of tits turn you on

>> No.5667618

/v/ - beef tongues filled with strawberry jam

>> No.5667619


>> No.5667624

And 99.9% of the worlds population would think it's gross as fuck, and that you're fucked in the head. If you want people to accept you for the faggot you are then go back to tumblr.

>> No.5667625

sorry i thought this was another thread, disregard.

>> No.5667671

Leave /ck/
Don't ever come back.
Just go, now.

>> No.5667684


>well done milk steak, jelly beans, katsup



>> No.5667972

I visit /ck, /mlp/ and /b/.

I'm a middle aged fucker who has gotten off cholesterol and blood pressure meds by cooking a mostly vegetable based diet at home, so most foods posted on 4chan boards are not foods I eat often.

But for /ck/ I think of well done steak with ketchup. Either that or ramen.

For /mlp/ I think of cupcakes.

For /b/ I think of cheese pizza, marblecake or the delicious cake being a lie.

It's hard to be serious on 4chan when you've been here almost a decade.

The only thing I picked up here that I still eat regularly was a recipe for rajma some genius posted about 2-3 years ago, and I've been tweaking ever since.

>> No.5667987

>been here a decade
>still goes on /b/
>goes on /mlp/

>> No.5668015

As it's always been.

>> No.5668057

/fit/ - tinned fish of any kind
/ck/ - scrambled eggs (you didn't teach me, but I make them similar to this annoying Gordon Ramsay vid that circulated here when I used to lurk)
/gif/ - semen

>> No.5668062

/ck/ steak and ketchup
/fa/ cigarette
/sp/ hot pocket

>> No.5668157

/mu/ - tomatoes and radio wire
/ck/ - raw steak
/fa/ - rick owens tank w/ side of cigarettes

>> No.5668168

/b/ and /ck/ thats it

/b/ - kale chips

/ck/ - fried oysters

>> No.5668170

From the diner in New Hampshire? Yea.

>> No.5668176
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/ck/ Smoked Chicken
/b/ Oreos dipped in orange juice
/out/ MREs

>> No.5668196

Reminder not to respond to polls

>> No.5668205
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> tfw you want to make a bitching sandwich or something
> tfw you have none of the ingredients required to make one

I have whole wheat bread, cheese, but no fucking meat, why god?

>> No.5668265

/tg/: Potato chips.
/v/: Pub cheese on Wheathins.
/mu/: Beans and rice.

>> No.5668274

mind filling in someone who's relatively new here? does this count as a poll? is that really a rule?

>> No.5668275

toast bread
cheese on bread
put it in the oven
delish cheesy bread

>> No.5668297
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Improvising ain't always easy, bro.
Maybe make a something with cheese and condiments/sauce?

>> No.5668299

/ck/-eggs and fastfood

>> No.5669136

/ck/- roasted duck leg
/cgl/- sweets, cakes, macarons & pastries, etc with tea
/x/ rice crispy treats and LSD

>> No.5669162
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[s4s]: kek
/co/: probably cartoony cereal
/pol/: dried meat
/x/: pizza

>> No.5669184

/b/: party pizza, 4 cheese variety
/tg/: party pizza, 4 cheese with a sprinkle of fennel seeds
/ck/: goat curry

banquet: /tg/ theme is all night Titans session, I serve kit kats in the wee hours then earl grey and cheesy grits with eggs over easy come the rising sun

>> No.5669200

/ck/ ice cream
/sci/ sushi, gravlax or any other raw/salted seafood dish
/tv/ beer and wine

/sci/ - juices, smoothies, energy drinks, milk and light beer all around. who's got the time to use utentsils/chew food when you're high on science! ok, throw in some salads and club sandwiches for extra brain power.

>> No.5670070

Lurk more faggot

>> No.5670104

/ck/ - burgers and weaabo shit
/lit/ - coquilles, lambrack and fine cognac
/fa/ - half a rice waffle with vitamin supplements and a glass of water

>> No.5670120

/ck/: shitty college-student food since we get so much. So idk, ramen I guess.
/vg/ snack foods. I'll go with chips (not british)
/fit/ milk

>> No.5670240

>sweet and savory petit four

Oh shit nigga you did not just mention my favorite sweet

>be 12-14
>Invited to batmitzvahs and barmitzvahs left and right
>endless petit fours at every reception

>> No.5670269
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This thread is not a poll. It is a creative endeavor meant to encourage /ck/ to design a banquet for the favorite board of their choosing.

Some people are choosing to ignore the banquet question, but idgaf, Mr. No-fun-allowed-anon.

>/cgl/: Sandwich with sliced strawberries and plain greek yogurt on whole wheat toast (this was a Venus Angelic recipe, now one of my favorites)
>/sp/: taco bell (would pick chips or something, but I rarely keep salty snacks at home)
>/jp/: Hi Chew and various Japanese hard candies

Banquet: /jp/: Three course meal. All three courses consist of Every Burger. You may bring a +1 but it has to be your dakimakura.

>> No.5670276

/vr/ - 6$ Pepperoni pizza from Pizza Quick

/x/ - Halloween candy

/g/ - Coffee and cigarettes