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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5664740 No.5664740[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I don't know if it's an Ontario only thing but EVERYTHING has 'Natural And Artificial Flavours' in the ingredients these days. What happened to informing consumers what we're eating? These days they could put cat piss in cola and then put natural flavours on the damn label

>> No.5664760

just cuz es natural it don mean es gud for you.

god damn hippies

>> No.5664770

Yeah it's fucking disgusting. My suggestion is: Don't buy it then.

>> No.5664823

So what your saying is that you're entitled to consumer products that aren't made with piss because the world revolves around you, is that what you're saying?

Companies nowadays don't care what you want, as long as someone keeps buying their products, which they have made so convenient, it's nearly impossible not to.

If you want companies to avoid preservatives and sweeteners, you need to do one of two things:

Make it impossible for them to sell products that use preservatives and sweeteners
>good luck with that. amerifats will eat anything

Or sell a non preservative, unsweetened product that sells more conveniently than the competition

Take advice from two very successful businessmen. People don't know what they want, and people will always buy what is most convenient to them. That is how you solve this problem. Otherwise, corporate greed is an incurable disease, my friend.

>> No.5664828

I don't eat processed shit unless I have no choice (every couple years at friends house in san francisco where the only thing open is wallgreens) but who cares. I don't avoid it because hurr durr muh HFCS but because it tastes like shit. Hell HFCS in foods (as opposed to soda) is ironically lower in fructose than fucking glucose, retards who know nothing about how the metabolism works just get uppity about it because they saw some dumbfuck link an "infograph" on facebook. If for whatever reason you care then just don't eat it.

>> No.5664997

no I'm saying I (we) should be entitled to know what those natural and artificial flavours are
I don't understand how it can be legal for them to just label ingredients something vague like "natural flavours"

>> No.5665005

did you know they're putting numbers in food these days?
fact: >>5662436

>> No.5665224

this is happening everywhere. its exactly the reason everyone is going crazy and buying organic food.

>> No.5665227

>read everything
>buy only what is true.

>OP's image example of not truth.

>> No.5665229

whoa tough big person you sure sound cool standing up for evil corporations that love to feed everyone poison.

I just find it hilarious how nowhere in your post did you suggest any alternatives or option to choose better food.
for example:

>> No.5665232

regardless of how insanely unhealthy is is, and how much I rather eat a piece of fruit and drink a glass of water than drink cancer causing caramel colors, corn syrup tastes like garbage and if you're drinking anything so nutritionally void and so full of processed sugar, you're an idiot.

not you personally,

>> No.5665436

why would anyone ever eat that. I'm going to read everything from now on.

>> No.5665721

>the problem with todays food

>> No.5665734

>EVERYTHING has 'Natural And Artificial Flavours' in the ingredients these days.

I disagree. Meat, vegetables, legumes, fruit, poultry, fish, shellfish, and so on are all free of additives.

>What happened to informing consumers what we're eating?

1) They are. See that label you posted in OP?
2) What happened to cooking your meals from scratch?

If you're buying food with a label you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5665742

I only eat whole foods and processed foods with whole foods as ingredients (such as natty peanut butter). I really wonder if most people even read nutrition labels because some of the shit in food is just appalling.

>> No.5665763

>If you're buying food with a label you're doing it wrong.


buy whole raw ingredients. cook them.

>> No.5665774
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>If you're buying food with a label you're doing it wrong.

>> No.5665853

>If you're buying food with a label you're doing it wrong.

I agree. 99% of everything I eat now.

>> No.5668387

where can I get real food now?

>> No.5668398

>he thinks that his meat isn't bulked up with a salt solution

>> No.5669100

They do that because the total amount is less than a certain percentage of the final product and because listing them all out would take more space than there is on the packaging.

>> No.5669140


I hunt bro. I don't inject my meat with a salt solution.