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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5659755 No.5659755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is eating boiled eggs every morning the way to go if I'm trying to get fit? (Along with going to gym of course) What other good breakfast provide enough proteins?

>> No.5659762


No. Eggs have massive amounts of cholesterol. Same with whey protein.

I recommend sacha inchi powder and klamath lake blue green algae.

>> No.5659767

>what is dietary cholesterol for 1000?

>> No.5659769

I'm not OP but nigga I don't even know what the fuck any of that shit is because I'm a pleb who eats the common man's dishes.

But yeah OP maybe try eating a protein bar in the morning you know because it has the word PROTEIN in the title and you want PROTEIN right? so makes sense though I'm sure you'd get sick of eating them also they taste like plastic.

I can't cook for shit so I can't really recommend what you could make because i'm a fatass who gets all my meals from fast food places or I eat pre-made shit.

>> No.5660064

It's commonly accepted fact these days that dietary cholesterol doesnot increase serum cholesterol. Also, "Same with whey", what? Isolated whey protein does not, in fact, have cholesterol, seeing as it's... isolated whey protein.

Eggs are a pretty good breakfast. Do try to cook them in a way so that the yolks aren't 100% cooked. Slightly runny or very runny are the best way to go, otherwise the cholesterol oxidizes, and that's when the bad shit happens. The yolks themselves are practically multivatmins, too, lots of great micronutrients. You should eat other things with the eggs, too. Consider blueberries or greens if you're looking to get the most nutritional bang for your buck.

>> No.5660076

The year I lost 120lbs (and have kept it off, thankfully), I ate either a boiled egg and an apple for breakfast, or a boiled egg and a glass of V8 for breakfast. Kept me from being hungry until well into the afternoon. And, btw, my cholesterol levels are low, as are my triglycerides, and all my other blood work is perfect, it was even before I lost weight. I've had doctos draw smiley faces on my lab reports before, lel. So, eating eggs doesn't necessarily mean you're going to have high cholesterol from it. It's more genetics. Of course, it doesn't hurt that I swim every day, either.

>> No.5661094

i like to boil some oatz in whole milk with an egg or two cracked in and serve with a few big spoonfuls of natural yoghurt and a scoop of protein powder

>> No.5661127

You put 3 in a cup and swallow it raw. If you're concerned about cholesterol, just the whites of 4-5 eggs.

>> No.5661350

Greek yogurt
Unsweetened peanut butter or almond butter
turkey sausage

These are all foods you can use to build your up your breakfast repertoire.

honeydew melon slices wrapped in prosciutto are a really tasty and surprisingly filling breakfast.

>> No.5661361


Go away, American Egg Board


>> No.5661584
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>> No.5661591

>posting that shill
>wanting to be taken seriously

>> No.5661695

LOL, that's the first thing i thought of, i was like WTF!
"AEB advertising reached 92 percent of
Americans, ages 18-49, 10 times in 2013." -

And Michael Greger, MD is fucking GOLD!

>> No.5661697

>1 cup oatmeal
>1/2 cup greek yogurt
>1/2 cup milk
>spoonful of chia seeds
>frozen fruit/honey to taste
Recipe for success.

>> No.5661701

Pedo gook culture sickens me.

>> No.5662027


>pedo gook culture

will be reusing this term

>> No.5662037
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They're all in their mid 20s tho

>> No.5662041

Dressed like 12 year old girls.


>> No.5662050
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White people just can't handle the idea that asian women remain attractive well into their 30s, so they make up all these bizarre fantasies about how if a woman doesn't have sagging disgusting cow udders and a face that looks like a dried coconut husk, she's a 10 year old boy and no straight man would have her.

It's mostly ugly white women (redundant) that promote this nonsense. Muh curves. If you don't like to have to push your way past numerous rolls of leaf lard to get to the hole, you must be a pedophile.

Repeat something often enough and you begin to believe it.

>> No.5662054

>asian women remain attractive

>> No.5662055


because it was funny

>> No.5662074

Reminder that white people are disgusting

>> No.5662076

I-is that man made of straw?

>> No.5662082

skip lunch to get fit.

>> No.5662334

really. asian, mex/latino native n american. inuat, cherokee. they hit 40. face like a frying pan and ass as big as a barn door. except the few skinny ones that keep the weight off buy constantly running the mouth. to be fair, the latter applies to many white women. also if 40 + you are not a "cougar" just an old hoe that can't charge. why the double standard a 45 year old guy trying to pick up a 20 year old lady is a nasty old perve but a 45 year old lady with 20 thousand in plastic surgery, implants chasing a 20 old guy is a "cougar"I am not perfect but yellow,red,black or white if 200+ lbs you better be 7 foot tall.that's not "rubenesque" that's fat.I understand people gain weiight over time not a whole extra person . bbw my ass.time to put down the wineglass,chips ahoy and cellphone.that's another thing. aside from ordeing pizza or take out,when is the last time you cooked anything that did not require a microwave.

>> No.5662385

>keep the weight off buy constantly running the mouth

>> No.5664288

asian mike myers in wayne's world: cannot unsee

>> No.5664417

They're fine. Eat natural proteins. They're cheaper and not full of chemicals. I've been in the medical field for 25 years, and there are NO scientifically valid (double blind, randomized) studies that support the "bioavailability" bullshit that supplement producers sling. Eat a couple of eggs, drink milk, eat yogurt and cottage cheese, eat meat, nuts, beans. Cheap, nutritious, and enough protein to allow you to grow.

>> No.5664422

Choa is a girl

>> No.5664428

So true. Fatties are ALWAYS jealous of attractive women, and double if they're another race.

>> No.5664439

with the amount of plastic surgery and makeup most korean girls have, you could hardly define that thing as female

>> No.5664454

If you saw her in real life you would ask for her autograph

>> No.5664457


>dietary cholesterol has an impact on serum cholesterol

dad pls go

that said you don't need that much protein, like 0.8 per kg is fine, if you're doing heavy weightlifting you could increase that to like 1.2-1.5 per kg.

>> No.5664460

wait what why when where how

>> No.5664468

if you're looking for a cheap hardy breakfast have
1c or 125g of quick oats
1c 1% or 2% milk
mix together and eat, cooking the oats is optional.

altogether its about...
588 cal
11g fat
98g carbs
29g protein
with about 10g fiber

would fill me with energy and keep me full until lunchtime at 1230 from 7am at a busy summercamp job

>> No.5664508


It does have an impact on blood cholesterol. Not as much as saturated fat (which eggs also contain) and the amount of impact it has diminishes as you eat more (from 0mg to 200mg of cholesterol raises cholesterol more than the difference of going from 400mg to 600mg of dietary cholesterol), but it does impact it.

While raising your cholesterol is bad, that's unfortunately not all eggs do to you. See


>> No.5664517
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Your best sources of protein come from whole foods. Protein bars are candy bars in disguise.

I eat upwards of 4-6 eggs once a week or more. My cholesterol is perfectly healthy. They now know that when you intake more dietary cholesterol, your body produces less.

A single large boiled egg contains:

Vitamin A: 6% of the RDA.
Folate: 5% of the RDA.
Vitamin B5: 7% of the RDA.
Vitamin B12: 9% of the RDA.
Vitamin B2: 15% of the RDA.
Phosphorus: 9% of the RDA.
Selenium: 22% of the RDA.
Eggs also contain decent amounts of Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Calcium and Zinc.

In a study done The response to egg consumption varies between individual:

In 70% of people, eggs don’t raise cholesterol at all. In the other 30% (termed “hyper responders”), eggs can mildly raise Total and LDL cholesterol.

Eggs also raise good cholesterol (HDL). Two eggs a day for six weeks rose an average of 10% in a study. It can also change LDL from small, dense molecules to large, linked ones, decreasing risk of heart disease.

>> No.5664593


>> No.5664602

not contesting your statements but can you link your sources?
I'm pro-egg and I'd like to start a list to counter anti-egg arguments

>> No.5664613

autism is strong with this one

>> No.5664614


its effect is essentially negligible after consumption and even moreso longeterm

that's like saying that sodium increases your blood pressure because of it's short-term effects. actually that's a much more significant crappy argument than this.

>> No.5664615

nah you're just a cocknigger

>> No.5664629

the thing is, I'm pro autist-shaming. I'd like to start a list to counter mouthy autistic underage posters like yourself. I'm not contesting your autism, truly it is apparent, but could you link your original diagnosis?

>> No.5664630





>> No.5664660


The cholesterol raising aspect doesn't go away.


Eggs are not impressive at all nutritionally. That's purely marketing. It has some vitamins and even fewer minerals, like all foods do, but it's not a good source of anything except maybe riboflavin, which isn't exactly a nutrient of concern.

>My cholesterol is perfectly healthy.

Not knowing your cholesterol levels, I'm not going to say you're bullshitting, but if you've been reading the kind of brainwashing websites that tell you eggs are nutritious and healthy, you more than likely have a warped view of what healthy cholesterol levels are like. The same people promoting eggs and bacon are the people telling you "that whole cholesterol thing is just a myth" and that high cholesterol is a good thing

>> No.5664666

perhaps you could get together and make lists of each other's arguments and counter-arguments.

You could split the costs of an independent review for each of your best sources, and run an elaborate poll in concentric circles around your mother's houses to determine which of you is further along the spectrum.

>> No.5664667

Can you fuck off already, all your shit is fake, go provide some proof.

>> No.5664672

don't make them angry, they will lapse into repetition and caps lock.

>> No.5664686

those sources are as legit as your mom's pureness

>> No.5664692


A more convincing article than Anthony Colpo's "authority nutrition" cholesterol denialist blog has already been posted


Written by David Spence ("the father of carotid plaque measurement"), David Jenkins (invented the glycemic index), and John Davignon (director of the hyperlipidemia and atherosclerosis research group in Montreal)

>Recent media reports reflect the remarkable effectiveness of the sustained propaganda campaign of the egg producers’ lobby.
>In human subjects, a high intake of dietary cholesterol increased fasting low-density lipoprotein (LDL) levels by approximately 10% (17) in a dose-dependent manner (18). A 10% increase in fasting cholesterol levels may not seem like much, but in the first study to show that diet and cholestyramine reduced coronary risk, a 12% reduction of fasting LDL levels reduced coronary risk by 19% (19)
>A focus on fasting LDL and dietary cholesterol levels per se has obscured three important issues. The first is that dietary cholesterol increased susceptibility of LDL to oxidation by 37% (21) in one study and by 39% in another (22). The latter study was performed with cooked egg yolks fed for periods of 32 days. The second issue is that the consumption of more than 140 mg dietary cholesterol in a single meal markedly increases postprandial lipemia (23). Third, dietary cholesterol potentiates the adverse effects of dietary saturated fat (the bacon and egg effect), as discussed below.
>Dietary cholesterol, including egg yolks, is harmful to the arteries.

Three of the world's leading experts in stroke and atherosclerosis research carry more weight than Kris Gunnar's cholesterol denialist blog

>> No.5664698


also you're a delusional retard that has yellow fever is all

>> No.5664703


>Anthony Colpo

Shit, meant to say Kris Gunnar. I can't even keep track of which crazy person runs which crazy website anymore

>> No.5664710



The Harvard Physicians Health Study also found that 1 egg or more a day significantly increases your risk of heart failure

>> No.5664721

unless you're in the nutrition science field your opinion isn't any more valid than anyone else's. most doctors know shit about diet

>> No.5664728

what? where are you getting these numbers from. completely wrong

>> No.5664757

I've been in the medical field for over 49 years and I verify the shit out of these numbers. Do you even know who the fuck you;re talking to you egg-sucking sonofasnakecunt? I have over 300 confirmed kills in the ER. I slingshot premees from the ICU to the nursery on my lunch break with a mouth full of eggs and my dick in the receptionist's mouth. You're bitch ass wouldn't know a bag of oats from a colostomy bag. Fuck off back to /po/ to play with your dolls sally, before I show you what 29g of protein feels like, stat

>> No.5664790

you can not go wrong with pea'ness love

>> No.5664813
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>> No.5664830
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>> No.5664868

yeah go tell that to athletes who exercise regularly that eat upwards to 6+ eggs a day and aren't fucking 40+ year olds with a sedentary life style which they usually use in their bullshit studies.

>> No.5664886


Most athletes (in this case I think you mean specifically bodybuilders, who aren't known for having good long-term health) will eat anything. I don't support eating white rice either but athletes slam that stuff down (especially endurance athletes). I don't know why you're offended by the idea of eggs being unhealthy though. Nobody's telling you not to eat eggs, we just shouldn't lie about their healthiness.

>> No.5664905

no, atheletes =/= bodybuilders

>> No.5664910

and i'm not offended, swearing (i.e. using the word fucking every sentence) is just my second language. i can't help it. like how mexicans slur spanish into some of their english in which comes out to be "spanglish" or some shit.

>> No.5664930

Look into "whole juices" (just another word for a smoothie). You just get some leafy greens (Spinach, Kale, and Parsley are what I use), a scoop of vanilla or flavorless protein powder, a few fruits to add more vitamins (banana, orange), and some liquid to thin it out (I use unsweetened almond milk, you could use water). Throw it all in a blender and let it go till the particles are barely to be seen. Adjust things to your taste.

Price wise, it comes down to ~$1.5-$2 per 16 oz serving. Simple to make. Good protein. Lots of fiber.

If you do use a juice or smoothie as your breakfast, do not forget to stay hydrated otherwise you'll be tricked by your stomach into thinking you're starving.

>> No.5664937

you're eliminating some of the fiber if you blend it all

just eat the shit raw if you want 100% of the fiber

or just double the fiber items used if you're in a hurry

>> No.5664939


Regardless of who you mean, the short-term health of select people getting intense, regular exercise isn't great data to determine the health of a food. People who get regular exercise are going to see health improvements from the exercise regardless of their diet initially, but the long term complications can be severe. Stephen Byrne was a personal trainer who died of a stroke at 41 due to his heavy egg and meat diet. CT Fletcher fueled his workouts with McDonalds cheeseburgers until he had to have bypass surgery. Wilt Chamberlain died of congestive heart failure. Physically active or not, heart complications are a likely concern if you eat the dietary building blocks that lead to heart disease. Again, I'm not telling people not to eat eggs or use them as a tool for building muscle, but let's not brand foods healthy when they aren't

>> No.5664956

i don't understand the point you're trying to prove

just cause some dude in his 40s died of eating eggs regularly doesn't mean others will. they could, but that is just ridic. and he probably ate more than 6, probably 10+ a day which is obviously bonkers. and PT's aren't athletes. bodybuilders aren't athletes. most bodybuilders are going to die young because they make their body go through hell purely for aesthetic reasons. humans aren't naturally <10% BF. shit is unhealthy to maintain.

eggs are gud.

>> No.5664971


The point is being physically active doesn't mean food stops affecting you negatively. Eggs are bad for athletes the same as they're bad for everyone else, but athletes are in their prime in 20s and early 30s, before the effects of diet have really set in. If Michael Phelps eats a large pepperoni pizza, it doesn't mean pizza is good for you

>> No.5664979

we're talking about eggs though, dude

wtf are you bringing all this general irrelevant shit to the thread

>> No.5664985
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>a scoop of protein powder
>Good protein

>> No.5664987


And eggs are an unhealthy food. You're making it sound like eggs are only unhealthy if you're not an athlete

>> No.5664993

>And eggs are an unhealthy food.

yeah, no.

if anything, anything is bad if you over do it. which is obvious. moderation is the key.

>> No.5665012
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As >>5664710 shows, even 1 or 2 eggs a day is bad for you. If eating one tiny egg gives you a 28% increase in heart failure risk, you can't call eggs a healthy food. Stuff like this is why eggs are legally disallowed from being marketed as a health food. Don't use that old tobacco industry tactic of dumping responsibility onto the vague concept of "only too much is bad"

>> No.5665060

yeah but OP is trying to get fit

the people they use in those studies are all old busted up sedentary sloths who shouldn't be even eating that kind of shit in the first place. if they used athletes and people who give a damn about their health, the results would be different. go on /fit/ and make a thread about eggs there. they'll vehemently defend the shit out of it. i can't because all you do is throw bullshit studies that speculate what they think about eggs after giving overweight folks who could not give two shits about their health. now i have to go. go to /fit/.

>> No.5665094


>go on /fit/ and make a thread about eggs there. they'll vehemently defend the shit out of it.

That's because /fit/ is a bodybuilding board full of retards who think bulking on fried chicken and ice cream is a good idea, who are more interested in broscience about gains than they are about long-term health. We have epidemiological studies like that Harvard study that show the effects of egg consumption in regular people in normal living conditions, and then we have clinical studies like what were talked about in that paper by the three experts that describe the negative effects of dietary cholesterol that exist whether or not you're an athlete. You can say it would affect an athlete less, because they have the advantage of the exercise to help negate the bad things they eat, but it still doesn't make sense to say eggs aren't unhealthy any more than it would make sense to say ice cream isn't unhealthy