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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5658685 No.5658685 [Reply] [Original]

help me /ck/

after doing some research into my condition (ulcerative colitis) i have discovered that becoming a vegan may greatly improve my health.
only problem is i hate vegetarians and vegans, i've always hated picky eaters and have eaten meat for all 19 years of my life.
all my favorite foods contain non vegetarian ingredients and it will be hard for me to let them go

any advice on anything

tring my best not to sound plebbian

>> No.5658765

Figure out which specific ingredients are bad for you and avoid those.
Go full vegan until you notice an improvement, then methodically reintroduce ingredients until your condition worsens.

Also: ask your doctor

>> No.5658772

To be honest for you to go vegan would be one of the few acceptable situations to do so. It would suck, but if it alleviates the symptoms of what I hear is a really nasty condition then I think you should.

But aye, ask your doctor.

>> No.5658774

Did your doctor tell you to go vegan, or a holistic website you found on google?

>> No.5659044

many sources on the web state that going veggie may help with my digestive system.
i've decided to try going vegetarian for one week and see how i feel

>> No.5659071

Make healthy vegan dishes and smother them with your favorite condiments.

>> No.5659095
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Don't "go vegan" then, just follow a plant-based diet that happens to be vegan.

Learn how to cook different bean and whole grain dishes, snack on fruits, and incorporate vegetables as much as you can

>> No.5659096

try 2 weeks friend
it takes longer for gut flora to adjust than one week.

>> No.5659105


That sucks, but rest assured that being an adult involves a whole lot of giving up enjoyable things. Hot chips are good, vege dumplings, salt will make things taste good.

>> No.5659172

Dang, what a sensible reply

>> No.5659182

Look into resistant starch, OP. It's a very "potent" prebiotic for your gut flora, and a brief search tells me there's evidence it can help treat ulcerative colitis. So look into that and see what you think. Easy to incoroprate into your diet via raw unmodified potato starch, which is almost pure resistant starch. Green plantains are good too, can put them or the potato starch in smoothies full of other prebiotic-rich foods to make it even more effective. Just remember that heat breaks it down into regular starch that will have no effect on your gut flora.

>> No.5659191

Oh, also, start slowly. As in 1/4 of a teaspoon for two days, then after two days add another 1/4 teaspoon, add another after two more days.... If you eat any significant amount of it right away before your gut flora have time to get used to it, you will fart nonstop for a whole day.

>> No.5659194

Recently diagnosed with Crohn's (similar to UC) and I've been really sick the last year. I have no idea what to do with my diet, how to start etc. I can't even fucking cook...

>> No.5661397



>> No.5661405

just a thought but alot of hippies and not a doctors think it may be related to the pesticides and gmo's and modified enzymes and other wacko taint they put in gmo foods wreck your gut bacteria and thin the lining of your stomach.

so eating organic and vegan may be even better.

also taking probiotics. don't buy probiotics with only one type of bacteria.

garden of life at wholefoods has a bunch of different ones all in the same pill for example.

I am Not a doctor.

>> No.5661503

be careful to not get too much fiber to start off with especially if you are already having stomach problems. you don't want to rape your insides anon.

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5661514

I had some pretty horrible digestive system problems like OP but then I cut out red meats from my diet and added more vegetables and I'm doing so much better.

Good luck OP, try what you're most comfortable with and keep changing options until you get the best fit. I know how much this sucks.

>> No.5661518

just eat medical marijuana, op

>> No.5661570 [DELETED] 

It would be great if they made this legal everywhere.

>> No.5661646 [DELETED] 

>be long time ago
>start eating healthy
>bathroom like no other...
>get used to it
>things better now for me

so yea

>> No.5662038

OP here, thanks for the replies guys.

i feel for you man, i've heard chrons is a lot worse than UC, its all trial and error so just try as much food as you can and see what happens.
i cant have medical marijuana since im in the uk...only illegal marijuana....not into drugs though anyway

>> No.5662094

>"forced" to become a vegan due to "illness/GF/roomie/family/etc" thread #163

Your still here? I fucking told you already, just make the damn thread and stop making bullshit excuses.

>> No.5662101

this isnt me....first time i've made a thread on /ck/

>> No.5662181
File: 1.47 MB, 2592x1936, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>meat thread or vegan thread
>hurrdurr i love my meats
>enjoy your cancer, gout, cvd, diabetes, angina, obesity, ulcerative colitis
>saturated fat is good for you there is tons of sciernterfic ervidernce
>No. 10/10 of the worlds top health organizations have linked saturated fat intake and meat and dairy consumption with a gazillion diseases.
>whatever gou're a faggot, no it all vegan and everyone hates you i hope you die

Then... 18 threads all the time about

>>hey guys, i have cancer, gout, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, cvd... How do i into veggies?

Fucking hilarious. I hope all you carnists die before breeding.

>> No.5662186

>not the diseased ones
top kek m8

>> No.5662214

selection bias, brah

>> No.5662232

10/10 of the worlds top health organizations broseph

>> No.5662239

I was referring to this:

>>whatever gou're a faggot, no it all vegan and everyone hates you i hope you die

Then... 18 threads all the time about

>>hey guys, i have cancer, gout, ulcerative colitis, diabetes, cvd... How do i into veggies?

>> No.5663564

First off, watch your nutrients closely. A lot of people feel tired after they go veg, because they don't. Make sure you're eating plenty of beans and other healthy foods that pack a punch (like brocolli, spinach, kale, chia seeds, etc) and make sure to eat a decent variety of them as well.

Look into green smoothies, especially for breakfast. That shits the bomb.

Find a good basic ingredient list and abide by it.

Learn how to use herbs and spices

Never underestimate the power of bananas.

Check out some recipe sites like ohsheglows.com and www.theppk.com to get started.

Tumblr can also help with recipes, but beware since it is

This. Also you will have mad farts and shits while your body gets used to it.

>> No.5665100

this bro knows whats up

>> No.5665121


>> No.5665168

close enough? mushrooms are so good.

warning: do not eat mushrooms if you do not know if they are safe for you.

>> No.5665294

Did you know: Fungi/mushrooms are more closely related to the animal kingdom (i.e us) than they are to the plant kingdom.

>> No.5665316

veg fag please. If you hate meat so much, why are there so many vegan foods out there trying to replicate the taste? Is it too hard for you to give it up fully? Sounds like you're the one who won't be breeding if you can't commit to anything
>needs fortified foods
>it's perfectly fine guys!
>No. 10/10 of the worlds top health organizations have linked saturated fat intake and meat and dairy consumption
Remember guys if there is a link, it must be true! I could create scientific data to link cars and death, should we ban cars?

>> No.5665692

very interesting.

I hope plants don't feel pain.

>> No.5666069


There's quite a few of us OP so welcome to the bunch. Been living with it for over 8 years now. Here's the tips which I know, your milage may vary.

Prepare to change what you eat. I was a picky eater too. I ate shit from time to time and didn't really care. It's easy to go full blown vegan thinking it'll change your life. Protip buddy, it won't. This shit is here to stay and what you take in will only help. Not cure. Understand that shit and be at peace with it.

Cut out the shit. Yes, you know the stuff you love to eat? The pizza, the fry ups, you name it, say goodbye to it. You've got to go to square one on this which means going a long time without some of the nice stuff you splurge on.

Rice and pasta will now be your new best friends. Use them as the basis of every main meal to start with and add stuff like grilled chicken or simple meats. Don't season them. not even pepper. Keep it bland. Spend a little money on good meat from the butchers, not the supermarket shit. You'll notice the difference. It's not quite an elimination diet but its the basics. You're going to crave stuff but don't.

Now start introducing foods a few days at a time. Start with dairy, and end with wheat. Work out what works for you, what makes you shit, what gives you pain and expect a world of hurt when you find a trigger food. For me it's peanuts. Takes me out for days with just a handful. Cunts.

From there it's just a matter of introducing sensible foods and vegetables to your meals and working out how they taste with other things and how the react with you. Test and test again. This will take months.

I personally suggest cutting out wheat. Yes, it's a nightmare and the cravings are unbearable at times (I would kick a small child to death for toast right now) but you'll be better in the long run.

Eggs are great. Fresh pineapple juice reduces inflammation, drink as much as you can when you're suffering. Drink lots of water and be wary of carbs... tbc

>> No.5666095

(cont) Potato can cause people problems and you want to have a decent flow going on a regular daily basis.

If you feel brave you can do the FODMAP diet, however because colitis has trigger foods you may butcher an already restrictive diet.

Grains are now your own personal Hitler. Corn, seeds, that sort of shit - don't have them. They aggravate badly.

Bananas were mentioned by someone else - they're king. Get used to them as one of them a day should become a regular thing. Don't like the taste? Tough shit, learn to.

Nutrient intake can be difficult to manage but keep on top of things by recording everything if you must.

Onions are a tricky one. Some say it sets them off. I've never had a problem. Try it and see.

Fast food is a no-go. Once you're doing this, going back to what you like will horrify you. I can't stomach a BK Bacon double cheese burger. I can't even finish a pizza. If you need to get your fix, make them at home and use quality ingredients. Don't spend the earth, you don't need to. Just look around locally for good shit.

Watch out when it comes to spicy foods. Can cause problems as it passes through.

Rice Noodles taste like shit. Learn to flavour them.

I cut out wheat, however when I removed bread I noticed a massive change for the better. Try it and see if it works for you. If you need to get your bread on, some gluten free bread isn't half bad. Don't laugh, I know, sounds like rubbish, but honestly some are pretty good. Hell, make your own if you want to.

All in all, just keep in mind the following: Don't eat shit, don't pig out on too much food, buy decent stuff and be sensible. If you don't, you're only cheating yourself. And you'll pay for it.

Good luck.

>> No.5666128


If grains are bad for UC, why is rice and pasta good? Whole grains should be pretty beneficial

>> No.5666152

Be fucked if I know - I'm sure wikipedia or somewhere has the answer. I'm sure it's all about the softness as it passes through or something. All I know is, if you get someone with colitis eating a loaf of wholegrain bread, you're going to see some suffering 8 hours after.

>> No.5666156

does it matter? pain is just how sentient organisms are alerted to damage. all plants have their own way of noticing and responding to damage. i think being vegetarian/vegan based on moral arguments in animal-chauvinist. Moral dieters will never be able to accept that life is necessarily predicated on death.

>> No.5666177

Take your meds carnist

>> No.5666214

Hey OP I have ulcerative colitis and I'm a 20 year old male, been diagnosed since 16.typically when I have a flare up I eat a lot of baked n steamed foods like turkey, chicken I'll keep it bland n have veggies. Try avoiding fried foods and sodas, also avoid ice cream. If u want something sweet have an Italian ice, for breakfast I do scrambled eggs and maybe a side of bacon or hash Browns. Also, avoid greasy foods and salads, they just don't do well. If u get sick of chicken and Turkey, try lean beef or steak but not all the time. Maybe like once a week or so, and as for sandwiches, try lettuce as a bread substitute. Good luck

>> No.5666226

You're almost as smacktarded as the bicycle riding faggots that call anyone in a car a "cager". The term is omnivore, and I suggest you quit starving your body of the nutrients it needs before the cognitive damage becomes permanent

>> No.5666246


>starving your body of the nutrients it needs

That's a new one. "I need muh fried chicken for the NUTRIENTS! Check your privilege! Someone get me my statins!"

>> No.5666254

An omnivore is someone like me. I eat a variety of foods from animal and plant sources, but I respect people who choose to avoid some foods for health or personal beliefs

This differs conceptually from a carnist, which is a person who will militantly insist that everyone's diet must always contain meat. These people (I suspect you are one) manage to feel threatened by other people's dietary choices and will fixate on the topic regardless of how it came up.

>> No.5666305
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Thanks for the info
thanks man, good to know im not the only one on here, i've been diagnosed for about a year now and im only just starting to take my diet seriously after realising that i've not eaten anything substantial in a week.

any other tips

>> No.5666312

>implying omnivores only eat fried meats

This is what vegans actually talk themselves into believing. Goddamn, so much delusion.

>> No.5666350

Take your meds, carnist

>> No.5666358

she's so adorable I can't stand it

>> No.5666372

can we not turn this into a fucking debate about being vegetarian, vegan or a omnivore.
you eat what your comfortable with eating and dont force others to be like you, its the same as religion
i know the feeling bro

>> No.5666379

and when i say its the same as religion i mean trying to convince others to become vegan or vegetarian is the same as convincing someone to become a christian or a muslim

>> No.5666402

VIDF has arrived. abandon hope all ye who prefer science and reason.

>> No.5667490


>> No.5668339

it matters to me. I really want to know if they feel severe discomfort, rather than "sector 4 damaged"

>> No.5668345

this sounds like a little bit of truth with a little bit of disinfo mixed in.