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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5659143 No.5659143[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any opinions/stories regarding Cracker Barrel?
Friend is taking me their for the first time and I'd like to hear your thoughts.

>> No.5659150

No one goes there for the food. They go for the atmosphere and the gift shop. It was my very favorite place to go as a kid for weekend breakfast with my grandma, and I don't even remember the food.

>> No.5659153

There's a disappointing lack of barrels full of crackers.

>> No.5659159

thank you

cracker barrell is good after a weekend camping. this is the only appropriate time to go.

>> No.5659175

Racist chain with meh food and a gimmick.

>> No.5659184

>No one goes there for the food.
Speak for yourself. I always order the chicken and dumplings or country fried steak with a side turnip greens and baked apples.
They also have a pretty good breakfast menu.

Since it's your first time going, you'll probably be an ignor-a-moose at the tee peg game.

>> No.5659193

I don't like them as a vegetarian- they add lard or bacon to almost every menu item, and don't accommodate my picky diet so I don't give them my business.

>> No.5659210

Vegetables boiled with meat in the pot amiright?

>> No.5659216

only time I ever went, I got a frosty mug of their cold apple cider and poured a few ounces of bourbon from my flask into it. It improved the flavor wildly.

The food all ranged from bland, flavorless gobs of nothingness, to INCREDIBLY salted, dried out things. I swear their collard greens had more salt than vegetable. And their chicken and dumplings look like what a prop designer would make for a comedy sketch joking about airline food, but the director would reject it for being "too disgusting".

>> No.5659235

The name refers to the clientele, not the food.

>> No.5659266
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>> No.5659272

The only thing I know about this place is they have a novelty gift shop and pretty decent country fried steak

>> No.5659277

It has a nice homely atmosphere and the staff has always been great. The food is just ok.

>> No.5659286

ex-retail cracker barrel employee reporting in:

don't buy shit from the gift shop, it is all literally toxic

the boxes we unpack the items from every week almost always come with warnings about the paint, especially the plates and cups and whatnot

>> No.5659303

What about the harmonicas? Please not the harmonicas!

>> No.5659311

I like the country fried steak, biscuits and gravy, and the candy from the gift shop. I bought a monkee's DVD there once and it was nice.

Wasn't there some news article a long time ago about a staff member being rude to someone?

>> No.5659323
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>chicken and dumplings or country fried steak
Mmmm, probably fresh off the trailer.

>> No.5659357

best quater pound burger

>> No.5659366

I like their sister chain better, the Nigger Bucket.

>> No.5659385

I am also an ex retailer and dishwasher from Cracker Barrel. This isn't true at all, why would you lie on the internet.

>> No.5659409

>walk into cracker barrel
>no delicious barrels of crackers for me to consume

walk out immediately.

>> No.5659418
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what is it like having ESL, Pedro?

>> No.5659452
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I noticed right after I posted.
The world continued to spin.

>> No.5659477

I've had the same problem.

>> No.5659526

back to /pol fag

>> No.5659540

I like Cracker Barrel on road trips. Seems wrong to eat there, otherwise. I used to love the gift shop as a kid, but now it's not that interesting. The peg game on the table is the best part. The food isn't bad. Nothing special, but not bad.

>> No.5659547

This might be dumb but havevany black people gone to cracker barrel and gotten harrased by the staff? I've never been there and I don't want to fight a waiter again.

>> No.5659552

really? so all the christmas shit from the past couple of years and a bunch of painted items from the nature theme didn't come with a cancer warning on it eh

every single thing unpacked from the trucks, particularly the clothes, didn't reek of formaldehyde eh

why lie and defend this place, it's shit and uses incredibly dodgy materials to keep the cost of production cheap despite the astronomical markup

>> No.5659595

I'll be going to one in New York. I'm sure they'll have black people working there.

>> No.5659598 [DELETED] 
File: 228 KB, 1950x1471, pancake-breakfast-flyer-template[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone saying their food is shit
Their pancakes are amazing and the only thing you should order at cracker barrel. Don't even bother with anything else because it sucks.
They're good at breakfast food bad at everything else.

>> No.5659604
File: 2.32 MB, 1950x1471, pancake-breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people ordering anything but their pancake breakfast
Their pancakes are amazing. Everything else sucks. Don't bother even ordering if you're not getting breakfast.

>> No.5659609
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So no biscuits and gravy? Chicken fried steak? Thought that sort of food was their specialty.
I'm breaking a 3 month strict diet and I wanna make it worth it.
A good pancake sounds good though.

>> No.5659615
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>going to a restaurant to eat something that simple to make
the hashbrown casserole is the only thing ever worth eating at cracker barrel but they charge you ten bucks for a fucking quart of it that they don't even fill properly

>> No.5659624

Good luck man. I'm in Virginia, so the south is strong in these parts.

>> No.5659697

Cracker Barrels per capita is closely associated with political conservatism in the region

:) the more u kno

>> No.5659770

yeah, they're "seasoned with meat"

>> No.5659812

bland as fuck, which is probably why you'll find so many old people when you go there.

>> No.5659828
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I feel like a Duck Dynasty guy living in a Miley Cyrus world. And to be perfectly honest with you, I feel like I'm getting twerked on by Washington DC.

It's really no surprise that I identify with Mr. Phil and Miss Kay and Uncle Si. We're all Southern. And like the Robertsons, I'm proud to call myself a gun-toting, sweet-tea drinking, Bible clinging American.

President Obama calls us bitter, but I prefer to be called blessed. Besides, the only reason we're clinging to our guns and our Bibles and our jugs of sweet tea is because we're afraid he's going to take them away from us.

We're a peculiar people. That's how the Bible describes us. My Uncle Jerry, from Coldwater, Mississippi, fancies himself to be an armchair theologian. He said the literal interpretation of the passage means, "I'm an odd duck."

Well, quack, quack, quack, baby.

I grew up in a much simpler time - when blackberry was a pie and dirty dancing meant somebody forgot to clean out the barn for the square dance. It was a time when father still knew best - when the girls were girls and the men were men.

I grew up in a time when a rainbow was a sign of God's promise, not gay rights. When I grew up, spam was something you ate and a hard drive was the twelve-hour trip to grandma's house without any bathroom breaks. It was a time when a virus was cleared up with a bowl of chicken soup.

God Bless America and Support Our Troops

>> No.5660171
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/pol/ pls

>> No.5660216


>> No.5660242
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Stopped in once about 15 years back on I-75 just inside the Michigan border and ordered the liver & onions.

Everything was good and there was plenty of it.

>> No.5660255
File: 77 KB, 800x584, Gourmet-on-the-go-Anthony-Bourdain-makes-the-most-of-each-layover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying fancy pants restaurants don't have their food trucked in also

Do you think Les Halles raises their own free range cows on the roof of the Empire State Building?

>> No.5660269

>This might be dumb but havevany black people gone to cracker barrel and gotten harrased by the staff? I've never been there and I don't want to fight a waiter again.

Hmm, better not risk it. In fact, avoiding any white people is probably the best course of action. Or even leaving white countries!

I'll pay for your plane ticket.


>> No.5660276

Nah man it's not like that. I don't avoid all white people but I'm not gonna go up and start chatting up some good ol boys

>> No.5660278

this. Ill also pay for your ticket

>> No.5660280

>implying they arent that way because all the nogs theyve met are pieces of shit

>> No.5660285
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lol ok

>> No.5660327

I'll bet he buys better shit than Sysco.

>> No.5660331

I only went there when I went on a long road trip. I actually went there twice. The dinner was okay, but the breakfast was great. I loved the french toast.

>> No.5660355
File: 64 KB, 281x211, pimpin easy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm white and I loathe "good ol' boys" as much as I loathe ghetto trash nogs, but I can get along with both if I need to. just be cool and friendly and don't make a scene, its not like blacks going to cracker barrel is weird, your server will probably be black. the breakfast plates are great, if you go for dinner I recommend the meat loaf. the whole place isn't too shabby considering its a freeway chain.

>> No.5660361

>hates country folk as much as the people responsible for most violent crime in the US
top kek

>> No.5660364

Pretty good bait. I like that.

>> No.5660374
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nice cast there m8 :^)

>> No.5660375
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not bait, fact

>> No.5660379
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>> No.5660385
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>> No.5660431

A study can show the average of something, but hardly ever what every single person does. Your logic is flawed.

>> No.5660438

Honestly, (Not the guy you were talking to btw) It might be a good idea to just keep your mouth shut about that kind of stuff outside of your Tumblr, it's going to lead to the same arguments every time, and you'll never be in the right about it. You'll be happier for avoiding it all together.

>> No.5660440
File: 452 KB, 630x355, 1402277855052.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you people keep this race shit off of /ck/? If you want to act like fucking dipshits, go back to /pol/

>> No.5660442
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is this you?

>> No.5660443

That made me laugh harder than it should have

>> No.5660444

>babby's first correlation versus causation

Plus, following that logic, you shouldn't associate with adult males at all. It's the logical thing to do if you are afraid of getting murdered.

>> No.5660447
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>implying I cant have two tabs open
its 2014 dude keep up

>> No.5660449

Only time I ever go to a Cracker Barrel is when a white friend of mines treat me for breakfast. I much rather prefer a mom and pop diner place.
>why is it called "Cracker Barrel"
Cause the building is shaped like a barrel and it is full of white people xD

>> No.5660456

You're aware that "Correlation doesn't equal causation" does not imply that the preclude each other right?

I mean it'd be real embarrassing if you just kept parroting the first thing you heard in your statistics class without realizing that there's more to the issue that page 1 of McGraw-Hill's 3rd edition of Remedial Statistics for adults.

>> No.5660462

According to that graph, blacks commit less than 50% of the violent crimes.

So, given that a violent crime has been committed, it's more like that it was committed by a non-black than by a black.

Therefore you cannot say that blacks are responsible for "most violent crime".

>> No.5660466
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>> No.5660472

But since their population is a lot smaller but still commit large % of crime you are more likely to come across a criminal black than a white

>> No.5660480

Murder is a subcategory of violent crime. I'm talking about the latter. You gotta be more watchful of your terminology if you want to argue logically.

>> No.5660485

>implying its still not ridiculous and the original point still stands

>> No.5660487

>photo of a dead white woman
>implying most of the victims aren't also black (which is a good thing)

Because the beauty of the White Aryan woman must not perish from the earth.

>> No.5660488

no matter how hard you try your studies will never be true if you portray them that way

>> No.5660490

I'm not the dude you're arguing with but it sure seems to me like you're desperately grasping at straws.
Why do you need to deny that blacks are super violent? Are you black anon?

>> No.5660493

I'm just pointing out that a particular sentence is not backed up by the evidence that was presented. That is all.

>> No.5660495

This thread is nothing but fedoracore craziness.

>> No.5660504

And if you compute the crime rates for male versus female. You'll conclude that men are more likely to commit such crimes.

Probably the same if you split people in urban versus rural areas, or people by their income/education level.

Again, if your goal in life is to not get murdered, you should certainly avoid all of those people. Heck, avoid people altogether, that's the only 100% rational thing to do.

>> No.5660512

right, everyone... especially blacks
I like the way you think anon

>> No.5660517
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You are missing the point, yes men commit more murders than women and there are more in urban/ rural areas but not to the same extent with black

They are 13% of the population but commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime

>> No.5660520

>Why do you need to deny that blacks are super violent?

I don't know what "super violent" means. I've also met some black people that aren't violent in the slightest. If by "blacks" you mean all black people, then your statement probably doesn't reflect reality. Again, depending on what you mean by "super violent".

>> No.5660528

The definition of "super" includes the synonyms "especially" or "particularly". Given the statistics it is perfectly reasonable to call black people, as a people, "especially violent"

If your going to be an autist about semantics (since you can't argue with logic) at least get your semantics.

>> No.5660529
File: 580 KB, 605x682, Untitled3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about we word it this way:

Why do the commit a hugely disproportionate amount of crime compared to any other race?

>inb4 muh poverty, muh slavery, muh oppression
pic related

>> No.5660542

I was just pointing out that your statement was so fucking vague that it cannot be really be argued against. Even your supposed clarification is still vague.

Nice communication skills you've got there, buddy.

>> No.5660546

Everyone else seems to understand my meaning clearly. You are the exception. Is it because you're black and therefore lacking well developed analytical skills?

>> No.5660549

Because they're alphas and gods and the morality and laws of man cannot be applied to the actions of gods, thus they aren't actually crimes.
Your puny mind just can't comprehend their actions, so you heretically and reactively label them as crimes.

>> No.5660550

its because its the only argument they have, theyve nitpicked several times ITT instead of refuting claims with actual facts(because they cant)

>> No.5660552

>hugely disproportionate
If we are going to talk about magnitudes and quantities, we better start using numbers instead of adjectives.

You seem to understand that criminality depends on factors other than race. I'd be curious to see if, when adjusting for those factors, blacks still end up with a "hugely disproportionate" number (which would need be numerically defined).

Do you have any numbers of models we could use for this?

>> No.5660553



toppest of keks

>> No.5660556

already been posted and are widely available.

>> No.5660561

Ok, let's go slow, since you seem to be a slow one.

If blacks are 0.01% more violent than other people, would think it's correct to call them "super violent"?

What about 1%? 5%? 7%?

Where do you draw the line?

Answer that question and I'll consider your statement to be clear.

>> No.5660567

its pretty clear that 13% of the population committing over half of all murders would qualify.

>> No.5660568


>> No.5660571

Here, let me put this in terms you can understand:
fried chicken
fruit punch gatorade

Does that help clear things up for you?

>> No.5660579

>its pretty clear that 13% of the population committing over half of all murders would qualify.

No it's not, you asshole, different people will have different opinions on what "super violent" means.
You are just throwing emotionally-loaded terms around, not arguing logically.

>> No.5660591

low r8 b8 m8

>> No.5660596

Nice catchphrase

>> No.5660597

Actually I'M the one who said super violent.
Again, if you're going to be autist do it right, "super" means "especially"
If 13% of the population commits half of all violent crime they are "especially violent.
Stop being daft, you silly nigger

>> No.5660600

Just trying to help. Sorry.

>> No.5660602

they are much like this person says. I live in a "tourisrty" area. lunch or dinner 7.49 (meat, two veg, bread tea or coffee) personally i would not order the chicken and dumplings(peta would be satisfied. a chicken walked through it, but came to no harm meatloaf is pretty good. they make a pretty nice breakfast, ala carte < 9 surrounded by red roof, holiday inn, ramada, all nice places.also mickey d, bk n ok place. clean ans... bland. the gift store is nice if you like that stuff. hillbilly spenncers

>> No.5660603

lel, didn't read

>> No.5660617

Right here

Not the guy your arguing with, hell I don't even agree with him, you're just acting like the absolute worst type of twat on the planet.

>> No.5660627

You know replacing the word "super" for the word "specially" still leaves the door open for many interpretations, right?

In any case, congratulations on a well-constructed sentence. You came up with your own special snowflake definition of "specially violent" based on some statistic of black people, and then applied such definition to describe black people. Way to go!

You should keep constructing sentences in the future.

>> No.5660630

I'll also pay for any random black person's plane ticket out of the country. If we all do this small favor, we can maybe make the USA a decent place again.

>> No.5660634

Dude stop being a retard:
I'm not the guy, but let's pretend it's "At least twice"

There, nice number, round, disgusting to imagine.

Shit once again, I don't even agree with racist douche bag, but fuck, what you're doing to rhetoric is like some sort of rape/murder porn on a BBS.

Please tell me you don't act like this much of a cunt IRL.

>> No.5660635

we already tried to do this with Liberia, sadly they realized they'd have a much better life living off whites in America than building anything for themselves

>> No.5660636

I was asking for data on how criminality rates relate to human factors other than race, and perhaps even a model that can help us isolate the different factors. 1395270644189.png shows some data about the city of Atlanta, not really what we need to pinpoint the impact of race alone in the criminality rate of the overall population.

>> No.5660641

Bullets are cheaper.

>> No.5660660

See, was that so fucking hard? That's a perfectly fine definition that we can use to determine if the statement is true or not. You totally got the point, unlike the other poster that just refused to give a clear definition of what he meant.

It's like me saying "Why do you try to deny that black people are cool? Just look at the data." There's no point in arguing such a statement.

>> No.5660738

And now are you going to address the original posters point, or just kind of leave off there?

>> No.5660770

I already conceded his point. See >>5660627

>> No.5660796

Thier biscuits are bad

>> No.5660810
File: 111 KB, 1261x600, shiggu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a grill cook at cracker barrel. AMA?

>> No.5660824

Are you guys related to the cheese in any way? or is the cheese separate? I like the cheese, but I don't like the shitty biscuit food.

>> No.5660828

thats a fucking joke right?

>> No.5660840

I work a grill, another grill for eggs, a fryer, and i dip your sides. The only cheese would be what I put in your eggs / on your sandwich or burgers. Possibly on your grits if your into that.

>> No.5660846

Once and for all. Can I expect a good chicken fried steak, biscuits, and gravy?

>> No.5660851

not them but IME the biscuits suck and the flour is never cooked out of the gravy

>> No.5660853

If your server is competent & there aren't 40 seated guests without food. Try the brown gravy since you'll already have a bowl of the white with your biscuits

>> No.5660857

get oatmeal while they still serve it. That's the only veg-friendly thing i can think of right now that's on their menu

>> No.5660871

We also have vegetable platters and salads. Occasionally vegetarian based soup.
But I'd agree CB isn't the place to go as a vegetarian.

>> No.5660880

jesus christ, no. CB is utter shit. you can get better anything at a diner.

>> No.5660895


but muh duck dynasty

>> No.5660899

CB is a highly successful franchise. They must be doing something right..

>> No.5661875

This, but the food is fucking great. It's upscale fast food, though.
Get the dumplings and the frired apples, OP.

>> No.5661881

Every time I ate at one of those places, I got sick. Three different locations on three widely separated occasions. Never again.

>> No.5661887

Country Fried Steak or Fried Catfish Sandwich

then with the sides carbo load with mashed potatoes, dumplings, mac n' cheese, and a biscuit

>> No.5661892

Only ate there once. Food was terrible. Puked in the car.

>> No.5662013

/ck/ seems to have a week digestive tract. Apparently there is no chain restaurant on earth that doesn't make you guys puke.

>> No.5662028

The child like antics in /ck/ are quite high.

>> No.5662532

>going to "Cracker" Barrel

>> No.5662566

That looks pleb as shit. I'd rather have a Denny's breakfast

>> No.5662708

Shut up

>> No.5662712

it's been well established that poverty and poor education and home circumstances lead to the crime rate that exists for most minorities, because theyre fucking poor.

>> No.5662721

Shut up

>> No.5662728

Man up pussy

>> No.5662729 [DELETED] 
File: 58 KB, 622x655, Starnes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you degenerates read a book once in a while?

>> No.5662736
File: 58 KB, 622x655, Starnes1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you degenerates try opening up a book once in a while?

>> No.5662752

Never trust anyone who uses buzzwords. Although I think buzzword itself is a buzzword. Little bit of a paradox there.

>> No.5662847

>being this naive
So where are all the white ghettos where they are killing each other hand over fist? And the white slums where they play knockout game, and baby moms' with 6 different daddy?

>> No.5662865

They're called trailer parks. I didn't read the thread but It's such an obvious response I had to.

>> No.5662874

Crime occurs in a vacuum, and the only relevant factor is the perpetrators' race.

>> No.5662937

>knockout game
>crazy amounts of single moms
See, money isn't the problem. Because poor whites don't do that shit.

>> No.5662941

>knockout game
>buying that sensationalist media-manufactured panic

>> No.5662957

You go down South most of those working in the kitchen are black. If you are in New York it depends on the location. It could be blacks, whites, or hispanics. Even in the same community you could go to one restaurant that is all black in the back and another that is all white.

>> No.5662967

Dat you, Rev. Jackson? Oh lawdy

>> No.5662973

>ordered the liver & onions.

do they still have this?

i've never had it before, but i want to try it.

>> No.5662978

The food is typical American home cooking but with a bit of a more Southern flavor. Since I grew up on this I didn't find it all that special. I don't care to go out so I can pay extra for what I am already quite accustomed.

>> No.5663016

but the amounts of blacks doing it is too disproportionate for that to be the only reason also see pic here >>5660529 not everyone who is poor turns to crime many just work hard to do better. Ever heard of horatio alger?

>> No.5663025


>> No.5663094

>>crazy amounts of single moms
except for this one. Also there got to be 50 more common examples on why blacks are shitty. Use them. Saying the same shit over and over makes you look stupid.

>> No.5663261
File: 11 KB, 227x222, aunty j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pointing out facts
pick one hippy.

But the core of the problem rarely gets spoken about. It's actually awful self hating moms raising these criminals. Laying down with men they KNOW wont take care of the kid, and living on welfare till all 5 of her kids are out the house. But dont say anything bad about those strong black women. Who pay Koreans 800$ for Indian hair. So proud, so strong.

Pic of a real black woman .

>> No.5663266

the whole fickin place is a barrel full of crackers. Old, angry crackers.

That being said, I find it rather enjoyable, with food at least as good as any other chain place. I'd gladly take it over other "decor" places like Friendlies of TGI.

>> No.5663269

>implying sysco is the only supplier that delivers via refrigerated trailer

>> No.5663324
File: 120 KB, 504x388, bf1c537b-492d-4321-8fef-a8d1088bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the "country boy breakfast". its a lot of food though

>> No.5663337

No. I was saying that single moms are very common in white trash neighborhoods.

>> No.5663343

oh god

that reminds me of this:

>> No.5663487

so what about the violence then?