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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 640x640, quinoa_sushi_lead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5659567 No.5659567[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

can we get a food snob thread going on, what stupid people do to make themselves feel better.

>pic related sushi with quinoa.

>> No.5659572

Let me guess, this is is from a Californian establishment?

>> No.5659574

>filled with vegetables

wtf is wrong with people just eat a fucking salad if you want to be healthy

>> No.5659584

Ew, what the fuck?

>> No.5659586

>exploring culinary boundaries and increasing nutrtional value of foods by replacing empty ingredients makes you a stupid snob
Because there's only one right way to make anything, and that's final.

>> No.5659594
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using a shittier and more expensive product as a substitute for very little increase in nutrition.

>> No.5659611

There is a huge increase in nutritional value from short grain rice to quinoa which is less inflammatory, has less carbs, delivers more protein, and is lower on the GI

Pick one

>> No.5659631

Consider suicide.

>> No.5659649

There's nothing wrong with quinoa. It's not traditional in sushi, but that doesn't mean it's bad. If anything, it's probably better from both taste AND nutritional standpoints, not to mention the contrast in colors is nice.

>> No.5659655

The problem is that if you use quinoa, then it is by definition NOT sushi. It's like calling a fish sandwich a hamburger.

>> No.5659658


Why does people eating vegetables without it being a salad bother you?

>> No.5659660

Who cares? People should be free to try new things all the time.

>> No.5659663

>implying carbs are bad
>inflammatory what the fuck people eat mountains of rice
>more protein okay sacrifice taste in a small amount of sushi quinoa that is rarely eaten

>> No.5659664

Wait, is this supposed to be a thread where we get mad at people who aren't eating junk food, because they make people who eat junk food feel bad?

>> No.5659666

Yeah you can have a fish burger, a turkey burger, etc. and replace other "traditional" parts of a hamburger and still keep it a burger. Fucking semantic obsessed faggots

>> No.5659667

Semantics. You know as well as anyone that general terms are just that. When someone asks a friend to go get some crunchy rolls and california rolls, they don't say "hey lets go get some rolls." It's ambiguous and confusing. They're going to say, "lets go get sushi," which could mean sashimi or proper sushi or rolls. The person they're talking to understands. If the quinoa is rolled and stuffed and presented in such a way that looks identical to regular rice rolls, then anyone selling it will rightfully refer to it as sushi. It's what the general consumer will understand. The stipulation of ingredients comes later.

>> No.5659693

Who said anything against trying new things?

A fish burger is not the same thing as a fish sandwich. Seems to me you're the one introducing ambiguity and confusion here.

See above for why maintaining reasonable distinctions is not sophistry. The word sushi literally refers to the seasoned rice. If you remove that rice altogether, it's not sushi. It's why if I don't want said rice, I order the sashimi plate instead of the sushi plate. Are you really this retarded? Would you think it reasonable if I sat down to eat, ordered a cheeseburger, and got upset because they put cheese on it?

>> No.5659696

You're autistic. Not in the general way 4chan overuses the term. You actually are. You're entirely incapable of accepting terms in a contextual manner. Your literal attitude is completely insane.

>> No.5659720

Somewhere in this thread is simplistic burger guy :^)

>> No.5659729

I want you to go to your nearest Irish pub, order a fish sandwich, and complain and call them autistic when they serve you a fried cod filet on a bun instead of a seasoned ground cod patty on a bun. Go ahead, and report back.

>> No.5659758

Autism doesn't exist. What you call an autist is a crystal child.

The Crystal children began to appear on the planet from about 1990-2010, although a few scouts came earlier. Their main purpose is to take us to the next level in our evolution and reveal to us our inner and higher power. They function as a group consciousness rather than as individuals, and they live by the “Law of One” or global oneness. They are also advocates for love and peace on this planet.

They are mostly born into the Gold Ray of Incarnation and Evolution, which means they have access to gifts of clairvoyance and healing. They are born on the sixth dimension of consciousness, with the potential to open up rapidly to the ninth dimensional level of full Christ consciousness, and then from there to the thirteenth dimension, which represents universal consciousness.

Crystal children’s auras aren’t specifically opalescent, but are octarine, which is a color that isn’t in the normal visual range of human eyes, but is the manifest color of high magic, and on another color octave entirely. They have beautiful pastel hues to them. To the untrained eye, it appears to be without color at all, therefore Crystal, but the extremely high frequency of the energy field is what gives it away.

The first thing you will recognize about Crystal children is their forgiving nature. They are very sensitive, warm, and caring. Don’t mistake these characteristics as a sign of weakness as Crystal children are also very powerful.

>> No.5659810

All burgers are sandwiches, not all sandwiches are burgers. Neither is synonymous with the other but the word sushi IS synonymous with the roll and preparation, even though it literally means rice. A simple clarification by referring to OP's pic as quinoa sushi should suffice
>example: chili with beans

Anyone too blinded by authenticty that can't look past semantics has proven themselves to be a self righteous snob

>> No.5659823

You are the only person in this thread to use the term "authenticity." Yet you want to talk about snobbery. Fuck off with your buzzwords.

>> No.5659834

>Sushi (すし, 寿司, 鮨?) is a Japanese food consisting of cooked vinegared rice (鮨飯 sushi-meshi?) combined with other ingredients (ネタ neta?), seafood, vegetables and sometimes tropical fruits

There's rice in OP's pic, far more than there is quinoa. It's not a big deal to me, but it IS sushi by definition.

>> No.5659841
File: 112 KB, 271x289, rogan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im high as shit and reading that whole thing was knarly

>> No.5659845

And out you go! Don't let the digital door hit your ass on the way.

>> No.5659858

>implying he who smelt it dealt it
>implying standard english = snobbery
>using "buzzword" while simultaneously ridiculing buzzwords

>> No.5659874

qinoa is a fad food with no taste.

>> No.5659886

It would be nice if it had no taste. Then I could easily sub it into anything. It has a dirt, earthy taste that overpowers most bases. Not a fan.

>> No.5659902

>implying he who smelt it dealt it
I'm implying you haven't even taken a whiff. You simply saw a sushi-related thread and decided to chuck in the A-word.

>> No.5659904

Are you sure you're not eating dirt? It tastes like boiled peanuts to me.

>> No.5659913

Nah, I've tried a couple different brands. I dunno, maybe it's like cilantro. Some people taste one thing while others are repulsed by a different flavor?

>> No.5659916

That "sushi" looks disgusting.

>> No.5659921
File: 74 KB, 541x566, 10500336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brother is a bit weeabo
>get some local asian take out
>'this isn't authentic anon'

>> No.5659933

There's been a lot of dancing around the "a-word" throughout this thread. I was just the first to type it outright. If it's not about that then would you be so kind to explain the real reason quinoa in sushi is such a big deal?

>> No.5659981

I hate quinoa cold, but warmed, I find it a good replacement for rice when paired with meat dishes.

>> No.5660218

The average person would be wise to at least have an idea of which kind of carb they're consuming and how much. White rice is a simple carb, quinoa complex. And since both rice and quinoa are usually served to accomodate other foods that usually conatin more carbs, quinoa is usually a smarter choice

>mountains of rice
People eat valleys of pasta too, what's you're point? In countries where rice is a staple it's usually served alongside more nutrtious, anti-inflammatory foods. White rice by isn't all that healthy

That looks like an opinion, but even outside the realm of sushi, quinoa wins pound for pound nutritionally

>> No.5660222

Only if you can't read. The question was never "what is authentic or inauthentic sushi" but whether words mean anything at all. If you replace the sushi with quinoa, then it isn't even linguistically sushi. Much in the same way that a hamburger without a ground meat (or meat substitute) patty isn't a hamburger.

What you did, was say to yourself, "hey, it's a sushi thread with people disagreeing. Let me not read the thread and instead use that fucking buzzword because all sushi threads are about 'authenticity,' whatever the fuck that means."

Saying that a diamond is not a bacon strip is not analogous to saying, for instance, that a spicy meat stew with beans is not "authentic" chili.

>> No.5660228

Did you taste the sushi though, OP? What if it's actually good?

>> No.5660232
File: 1.83 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it me or you?

>> No.5660295

Jesus christ, this entire thread. Does it really matter? It's a different take on a sushi roll, nobody is going to call it some different term because it isn't traditional, nobody cares, they're going to call it for what it is. Go set several bowls of different salads on a table and ask people what it is, do you think they're going to not say "salads" and name every single one? Try it again with a bunch of rolls, and one with quinoa, ask again. They're going to call them all sushi rolls, because nobody cares about semantics.

>> No.5660322

If you put a bowl of cheesy grits on the table next to them, they should also call it salad. Because, you know, all a salad really is is just things mixed together in a bowl.

>> No.5660336
File: 128 KB, 800x600, onigiri-finished.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys! Check out this bitchin' sushi I made!

>> No.5660339
File: 230 KB, 1600x1200, nori-wrapped-ahi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is the sushi I made last week. Probably my best yet.

>> No.5660343
File: 245 KB, 1066x1600, norirolls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's my low-carb sushi I made for my 10/10 GF. You like?

>> No.5660347

What all did you put in this, anon? If you're not trolling, those actually look kind of good.

>> No.5660349
File: 168 KB, 478x366, taiyaki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's my tulpa's favorite sushi.

>> No.5660353


why is that better?

>> No.5660356

I totally just got it from a google image search, but according to the website (and my eyeballs) that's red cabbage, cucumber, carrots, and zucchini. She made a sauce out of tahini, chili powder, lemon and miso, which I think actually wouldn't work too well with the Arab-style sauce, but whatever. It does look pretty good though and a friend just gave me a bunch of zucchini and squash from his garden so I'm thinking of trying something like this myself.

>> No.5660359

Fuck, that was for >>5660347

God, this thread is retarded.

>> No.5660387

I don't know why I assumed the picture was yours. Thank you!

>> No.5660392

probably because he said it was

>> No.5660394

>Check out this awesome soda I invented
>It's soda, but instead of carbonated water, I used spring water
>and instead of syrup, I just used lemon juice
>and it's practically no calories, WOW

>> No.5660396

I also said it was sushi.

>> No.5660398

youre still a fucking liar

>> No.5660400

Jumpin' Jesuits! How did you work it out?

>> No.5660404


>which I think actually wouldn't work too well with the Arab-style sauce

any reason apart from the fact that it's not 'arab'

>> No.5660406

Has nothing to do with the origin, just the flavors. It's a hunch. Might be I try it and I'm pleasantly surprised. But way to jump to conclusions there, buddy.

>> No.5660414
File: 41 KB, 1017x435, ReverendMother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gesserits told me.

>> No.5660418

Why haven't we discovered Spice yet? I want to try it so bad.

>> No.5660419


so no reason

>> No.5660426

I've never had miso with lemon or sesame before, but I've had miso and I've had Arab concoctions with tahini and lemon before, and I suspect they wouldn't go together. If that's no reason to you, then take it as no reason. But thank you so much for your informative and insightful contribution. Please do more of it.

>> No.5660435
File: 39 KB, 480x480, dune-cat2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune cat killed Muad'Dib and banned the exportation.

>> No.5660439
File: 251 KB, 469x1024, atreides-brand-spice-melange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5660441

geriatric properties, here I come!

>> No.5660448

There's that buzzword 'buzzword' again

>isn't even linguistically sushi
ffs even Led Zeppelin understood that sometimes words have two meanings. And they had access to way better drugs than yours.

Sushi can also mean the way the food is prepared/presented/whatever. If you refuse to acknowledge that over authentic semantics, fine. Meanwhile, the rest of the world -save the spergs- will continue and won't raise an eyebrow when ground chicken is presented as a burger, or when a lasagna is made without noodles, if chili contains beans, or if sometimes sushi is prepared without rice

>> No.5660452

>or if sometimes sushi is prepared without rice
>or if rice is prepared without rice
Also you didn't read the thread. Chicken burgers and chili with beans have already been addressed.

>> No.5660468

so it has
>if sometimes hummus is made without chickpeas*
fixed it

>> No.5660476

Yeah, I make my hummus with eggplant instead of chickpeas. BUT IT'S STILL HUMMUS! If you call it mutabbal you're an autist obsessed with semantics.

>> No.5660498

I go to the kosher deli to get my Reubens.

What do you mean it's not a kosher deli? That's semantics!

>> No.5660503

Roasted cauliflower hummus is pretty good. I'll have to try eggplant sometime.

>> No.5660523

see >>5660359 second paragraph

>> No.5660633

>made without chickpeas
Except that hummus is literally, linguistically, the arabic word for chickpea

>> No.5660640

I thought this was a board about cooking, boy was I wrong...

>> No.5660648

Semantics! Autism! Buzzwords!

You can't possibly be right! I can call it hummus if I want to! Everyone at my school cafeteria would call that hummus if you put it in a bowl on the table!

>> No.5660729

Yeah don't expect much, just go shitpost the vegan thread, it seems to be a fun hobby of most. That or try and actually learn some recipes but that can go south quick

>> No.5660752

Maybe if you try posting a thread with actual content? Nah, just sit there and complain that we're not spoonfeeding you recipes.

>> No.5660769

I think white sushi rice has a more neutral taste which helps focus on the other ingredients more.

I have tried brown rice sushi. It was good, but it does have a stronger taste and may not work well with everything. Works well with shitaki mushrooms.

>> No.5660785

Ha. Kinda sounds like an idea I had for a story. Though more with experiments in utero. Also a bit like Childhood's End.

>> No.5660786

I agree totally. Brown rice sushi never made much sense to me anyway. But when you think that it's a food that's all about balance, the flavor of the brown rice does seem to throw everything off for me.

>> No.5660797
File: 428 KB, 800x480, 2014-06-09 04.18.26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit. There is a cult with websites that actually belives this shit. I thought it was a crappy sci fi story.

>> No.5660800

this whole thread is full of whiny bitches

>> No.5660804

Thanks for whining!

>> No.5660806


>> No.5661264

OP people like different things. its in peoples nature to enjoy different foods so stop being such a bigot and save everyone from your whining that "meeeh! someone used a different thign than rice!"

>> No.5661274

3/10 you tried m8

>> No.5661280
File: 122 KB, 800x706, raw vegan pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5661281

>that faggot hippie douchebag who drinks water instead of soda

"hurr durr I'm healthy XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD i drink water, so I'm better than you! XDDDDDDDDDD"

>> No.5661286

Did they make a pizza in a pie tin?

>> No.5661324

Good bait. Youll get a few

>> No.5661666

>jelly doughnuts

>undercooked beef log

>bait (?)

No one in this thread has actually posted any sushi yet. I came here for picture of sushi and I'm feeling a bit let down.

>> No.5661675

>undercooked beef log
That's fish, mate

>> No.5661687

>bashing water
>guarenteed replies

>> No.5661693

my favorite little gay things people bitch about are usually with pizza.
>Dats not Nuuuu Yuuuooork pizza!
>real Nuuuu Yuuuoork pizza is like this and u hav ta FOLD it like dis!
Fuck everyone from new york.
And its never "real" New York/or Chicago pizza either. Its never good enough unless you were at the specific place they are droning on about.

To lesser degrees
>this isnt real (x) bbq
>this isnt real ramen
and so on, but these gripes are normally way less obnoxious.

It grinds my gears so fucking bad when someone asks you how you cooked something/ingredients you used, then proceed to critique everything you used like youre an idiot.
>you use /ricotta/ cheese??
yes thats what I was using, fuck off.

>> No.5661716

I think he is bashing those who brag about drinking water, in which I side with him, as a person who consumes ludicrous amounts of water, because I like water, literally no other reason

>> No.5661812

Why would anyone make a pizza base like that

A regular pizza dough is already vegan isn't it?

>> No.5662523

I think your problem is a failure to reconcile that the meaning of words change. Your real problem is with change. I doubt this is localized to just food in your case.

>> No.5662552

good double

good triple

good 9696

good double

good triple

>> No.5662559

Actually, one of those dubs is trips.

>> No.5662574


good triple

>> No.5663436

>somebody learns how to cook pasta "al dente" (or even just the term)
>never stops talking about it
>acts like they are a special snowflake for liking their noodles this way
>the majority of the time they vastly undercook it and mistake it for al dente anyways
Pisses me the hell off, it does.