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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5653545 No.5653545[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

teach me bros

Why is the standard food pyramid wrong and what should it look like?

>> No.5653555

Remove the bottom layer completely and it will be pretty good

>> No.5653560

Look your body doesnt give a shit whether you feed it fast food or a broccoli and grilled salmon.
It only recognizes fats, protein, fiber, etc.
What matters is delivering these nutrients in the most efficient manor possible to maximize potential gains and minimize potential harm
Giving your body too much or too little of something will do harm
Eating food groups that should not be eaten together will result in improper digestion. Putrification and fermentation. Basically smelly farts and bad stool
Your diet also effects how long you sleep

Vegetables > fruits > grains > meat > nuts > oils > non raw foods, processed foods, artifical shit

>> No.5653571

thanks bruv

>> No.5653575


/fit/ plz go

>> No.5653590

exchange the lowest one for

>anything with roggen

good food= minimum of 20g of protein mixed in trough 2 proteiningredients

>> No.5653944

cut off the top three sections and then you'll be off to a good start.

>> No.5653947

you're wrong and should feel bad

>> No.5653951

It should have a lot less grains/starches in it. Compare the American diet of the 1950s to now and it's pretty easy to see how the obesity epidemic came with the increase of carbs.

>> No.5653958

It should be divided into things such as Complex Carbs, Healthy Fats, Protein, Fiber etc.

Not 'food groups' which mean nothing.

Increase of calories in general not carbs.

>> No.5653968

Agreed, but I really doubt the increase in high fructose corn syrup had nothing to do with the weight gain either.

It's a lot easier now than it was then to consume more calories thanks to the amount of crap added to things.

>> No.5654009

>cut out protein entirely
nigga what

>> No.5654027

Just eat more veggies, cut out processed shit, and have smaller portions. Do that and you can pretty much eat what you want. Going out of your way to buy disgusting low-fat cheese and using completely the wrong oil for the temperature you're cooking at because "hurr durr, muh good fats bad fats, muh Mediterranean diet" is very much the wrong way of doing things. Look at the French - you can eat great food and still live a long and healthy life, just exercise a little moderation.

>> No.5654042

Moving veggies to base
Swapping meat with fruit
Stick the carbs up there too.

Really the grain base is the problem. I'm not even an anti-grain fanatic, but christ that thing is fucked.

" mommy what's for dinner?"

Only the best government diet! Lightly buttered spaghetti served in a bread bowl with saltine crackers crumbled on top

>> No.5654050
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>Eating food groups that should not be eaten together will result in improper digestion. Putrification and fermentation.
No no no.
This fucking retardedness is left over from a stupid book written in the 70s called "Fit for Life" which has been thoroughly debunked long ago.

>> No.5654053

I'd move meats and veggies to split the base, change grains, etc to where veggies are and drop bread from it. leave sweets at the top, but put oils and fats where dairy is, move dairy to fruits, and move fruits to where meat was.

>> No.5654059

Biggest problem with the food pyramid is that it's influenced so heavily by lobbyists from decades ago. It ignores the foods that human populations have traditionally lived on. It ignores our entire evolutionary history.

Everyone is different, too, so there's really no single food plan that will work for everyone. If you were to design a food pyramid that suited me for # of servings of what food, bottom would be vegetables, above that animal parts (meat, organs, skin, bone, fat) split with dairy (whole milk, cheese, yogurt, cream), then above that fruits split with nuts, then at the top "sweets and grains, eat sparingly."

But some people don't tolerate dairy well. Some pepole are allergic to nuts. Some people handle grains better than I do. I could go on. Everyone is different, OP, and while I believe that "my" food pyramid would work very well for most people, I cannot jump into other people's bodies and test it out to be sure. It works very well for me.

>> No.5654061

>Everyone is different, too, so there's really no single food plan that will work for everyone.

This snowflake theory is bullshit.
Allergies and intolerances aside out digestive tracts are all pretty much identical.

>> No.5654074

People's gut flora can vary significantly depending on region, ancestry, diet, etc. Gut flora play a huge role in digestion, and they have a big impact on which foods we can get the most benefit out of. Our digestive tracts themselves are quite identical, yes, but their contents are not, and thus the best foods for some people are different from the best foods for other people.

>> No.5654078

Not to the level of food pyramid broad brush strokes .

>> No.5654086

A single intolerance can change a person's ideal "food pyramid" quite significantly. My ideal food pyramid has lots of meat as my primary source of protein and calories. Say someone has the rare (but existent) meat allergy but otherwise they are the same as me. Not only are they going to have to remove meat from their food pyramid, but now they have to replace it with something else. Move nuts there, add legumes (which I eat only rarely), I don't know, but they will need a way to replace the protein and calories that they are now missing, and they may need to adjust everything else in response to the new macronutrient profile of their protein sources. One change can affect everything else. You oversimplify, you do not see the big picture.

>> No.5654102

It's a , poor representation of HOW you should eat. It lists by how many servings you should eat, but very few, in the US anyway, measure by serving sizes. Instead people generally measure based off vague measurements (two spoons off this, a large portion of that, etc).

I feel that the pyramid could easily represent exactly how much a person should eat per day if they more accurately set the measurements to one that people are more familiar with.

Personally I don't like the pyramid shape at all and would rather represent it with a pie chart and shrink gains and expand veggies till they are about even, but that's just me.

>> No.5654103

I covered all that in my first post.

Also if the flora in your gut varies too much from the norm you really should get a fecal transplant.

>> No.5654105

If I were to rearrange the food pyramid:
bottom: meat and fat
next row: vegetable and dairy
next row: fruit and grains
top of pyramid: sweets; ideally you shouldnt eat any at all

>> No.5654110

>meat and fat at the bottom

I wish, but that's just silly.

>> No.5654119

Why? Many cultures subsist on animal products--see nomadic tribes, the Maasai, Inuit, etc. That's not to say that others don't successfully live on plant products.
My dad changed his diet to merely remove almost all grains, and dropped 25 pounds ot healthy weight.
I am a believer that the current health thoughts about the dangers of fats, meat, and the benefits of whole grains is a load of bunk.
Eating lots of meat and fat fills you up quite quickly, so I don't feel that it is any more expensive than eating lots of quality carbs.

>> No.5654127

top: sweets, breads, pasta, etc
next down: red meat, milk, fruit
next down: fats, oils, nuts, seeds, legumes/beans, fish and crustaceans
next down; vegetables, roots, whole grains and brown rice

that's a rough and holistic approximation of what we think we know right now.

>> No.5654187

The idea of the food pyramid is to show what the ideal human diet is for health. Humans can survive off a lot of things and can lose weight eating anything. I don't think grains belong at the bottom by any means, but neither does meat and fat.

>> No.5654229
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>> No.5654254
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conan! stronk!! master race!

>> No.5654353

thanks man

>> No.5654355

Nothing wrong with this pyramid at all if you actually follow it and get a decent amount of physical activity. There reason it "didnt work" is because no one actually followed it.

>> No.5654360


>grass fed, organic

It still amazes me so many people fall for le epic trololol xD

>> No.5654425

Hye now. My dad grows grass-fed organic eggs, beef, and chicken.
The gg yolks are orange instead of yellow, and much richer and tastier htan normal eggs. the whites are less runny, and are way superior for uses in baking. they whip for meringues and such much better.
the beef is so tasty, i only eat it cooked blue rare.
the chicken is also much tastier, and the stock made from the carcass is incredible.
i also have the moral knowledge that the animals lived a happy life in their natural environment. it is also better for the environment as all of the animals and the fields are self-sustaining, requiring no fossil fuels, pesticides, herbicides etc

>> No.5654595


Fuck off hippie.

>> No.5655896

There's literally nothing you get from grains that fruit and veg cannot also provide.

>> No.5655901

>fruititarian plz go

>> No.5655910
File: 15 KB, 450x450, food pyramid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5655917

where do you buy your mario pipes and battleships in bulk?

>> No.5655934
File: 123 KB, 450x450, 1386873985_George_Costanza___Sweet_Fancy_Moses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Safe fish

>> No.5655946

i put two levels of meat becuase fattyer cuts should be twoard the top more

>> No.5655959

Sounds like the Gracie diet. Fuck I hate BRs

>> No.5655966
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>> No.5655968

with pasta rice carbs when needed

>> No.5655969

das bread nigga

>> No.5655975

long term carbs

>> No.5655996

/ck/ food pyramid, top to bottom:

>Pink Himalayan Salt
>Single malt Scotch
>Irish Stew
>Pork Bro$nan$
>Ramen noodles