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5646578 No.5646578[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you cut your sandwich?

>> No.5646588

diagonal always

>> No.5646590
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>> No.5646592

Uncut usually because I'm lazy otherwise Diagonal, gotta eat them corner pieces first

>> No.5646596

Sandwich Girls best friend
Burger Mirror cut

>> No.5646599

Like cocks, uncut sandwiches are best.

>> No.5646605

What I do is i fold the uncut and then bite into in the center of the fold.

>> No.5646612

on the bias is the only way to cut a sandwhich

>> No.5646613

Fucking animal

>> No.5646618

He probably folds his pizza like a barbarian.

>> No.5646625

Depends on the sandwich.

>> No.5646628
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> not trimming the crusts and cutting them into 6 rectangular tea sandwiches

Well, I never.

>> No.5646641

Fuck how you cut them. What kind of sandwich do you make when you crave a sandwich?

I like a good Reuben sandwich with a real good corned beef and fresh sauerkraut.

>> No.5646645

The first time I saw this as a kid, I thought it was magic.

>> No.5646648

>Grills best friend cut

I think you mean "grilled cheese cut".

>not making toast soliders

>> No.5646649


Grilled chicken, pesto/mozzarella/tomato panini

>> No.5646666

>Not eating the crusts

>> No.5646685

Quads have spoken.

>> No.5646690

>Ir's the only way forward:

>> No.5646700
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>burger mirror cut
>not diagonal cut master race

>> No.5646713


bad goyim

>> No.5646730
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Uncut master race

always bit straight down in the middle

mayo on white is best

>> No.5646733

Why would you ever cut a sandwich on a standard size piece of bread?

>> No.5646738

I got uncut and sort of eat around the middle so there are no crusts left and the last bite is the best one

>> No.5646796

This is actually how I cut my sandwiches.

>> No.5646804
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I've had good successes with this cut, myself.

>> No.5646825


I do it because I'm half tard and somehow I spill less mustard/mayo/whatever eating smaller pieces.

Sometimes if I'm feeling especially sad and lonely I'll do the Mom cut which is quartering the thing, like my mom used to do. It was cute as a kid but she'd serve me and my friends sandwiches that way in high school to troll me I guess.

>> No.5646854

Uncut is the best despite the brainwashed masses thinking cut is better. They claim cut has some benefits like stuff in the sandwich not spilling out when you bite into it but that's bullshit.

>> No.5646859




>> No.5646876

Typically uncut but if the bread is toasted I prefer diagonal.

>> No.5646880

i feel like sandwiches taste the best cut diagonally

>> No.5647000

Sandwiches taste better cut diagonally.

This is scientific fact.

>> No.5647008

>majority of people enjoy a sandwich cut a certain way

jesus christ get off infowars and remove the tinfoil hat. your sanity is starting to deteriorate.

>> No.5647014


Who are these people who believe that creating more edge-area prevents stuff from falling out of the sandwich?

Follow up: what are you smoking, and can I have some?

>> No.5647029

IF your mom doens't cut your snadwitched into triangles she doesn't love you

>> No.5647077

salami, avocado, provolone, tomato, onions, arugula and mayo (sometimes pickles and mustard too). usually have a baguette or roll though, not sliced bread

>> No.5647084

Roast beef, maybe some provolone, horseradish and a little mayo. Probably on rye bread or a hard roll.

>> No.5647086



>> No.5647105

Bias cut best cut

>> No.5647126

Better presentation, but do you really care when you're just making a quick sandwich with meat, mustard, and lettuce for lunch?

>> No.5647143
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Fixed your pic

Burgers are round.

>> No.5647145

I was planning on trying this, because when I make sandwiches, I usually use chunks of leftover chicken which have a tendency to fall out of the bread. With a wider base on each half, it might prevent spillage more.

>> No.5647161

>burgers are round

What fucking disgusting planet do you live on?

>> No.5647587
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>burgers are round
nigga wat

>> No.5647595

Toast points are indisputably the best.

>> No.5647601
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>Burgers are round

>> No.5647612

Are you guys trying to start shit over nothing, or are you just retarded?

>> No.5647626
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Girls like uncut best

>> No.5647638
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man, compare this to the "jaunty" from above and it has all the same benefits

i think surprising cut might be the most real thing ever

we just gotta shift it over so we can incorporate the 65 degree jaunty cuts in the surprising shape and the world will explode

>> No.5647641

you forgot the quarter cut.

you also forgot the into-teeny-tiny cubes cut.

you also forgot the vertical cut, also known as a sandwich salad.

>> No.5647862
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quarter triangle master race

just like eating a catered lunch every day

>> No.5647879

if you replace equator and uncut you get loss.

>> No.5648158
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I'm a manchild, i know. It's just easier to eat while doing something else

>> No.5648523
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Illuminati master race reporting in.

>> No.5648528

My family hates sliced bread. Detests it. Only buys those pre-packaged extra-mushy soft ass hamburger buns for sandwiches. All sandwiches. So you get chunks of gooey white bread-like balls clinging to the roof of your mouth as you try to find what's inside. And forget about cuts- what's the point?

>> No.5648532

I think you've changed my life

Some people are just visionaries

>> No.5648535
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I like you. You're a maverick, you don't play by the rules but damn it you get results.

>> No.5648545

faggots, my sister told me to cut it like this years ago

>> No.5648547

cut my sandwich?

Why nigga?

>> No.5648553

This is the only way to eat a sandwich as far as I'm concerned.

>> No.5648563
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>not reducing the dimension of your sandwich while maximizing the edge circumference

>> No.5648564

If I want a quick satisfying sarnie that takes me back to my childhood I'll have salami, butter and red pepper.

>> No.5648569

Uncut usually. I like diagonal best but if I cut it I usually do the equator.

>reducing the dimension
What the fuck are you talking about

>> No.5648578

Why do you live with people that control your groceries anon? Move out.

>> No.5648592


because unemployment. I'm working on it, anon, but right now I've got no cash. Anyway- this goes back as far as I can remember. Because of it, I've never liked sandwiches.

>> No.5648605

I do a cut that ends up with 4 triangular pieces.

Sort of inward facing

>< kind of thing

>> No.5648638

It depends on what's in the sandwich.

>> No.5648812

>gouda cheese

Simple as fuck but damn if it's not one of my favorite things.

>> No.5649067

I present the Half-Illuminated Jaunty Surprise.
Further testing shall be executed.

>> No.5649069

with a knife

>> No.5649071
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I am also a faggot.

>> No.5649112

Ham, cheese, mustard, mayo, pickles, flattened then toasted.

>> No.5649115

The middle piece looks nice, but the others don't look very satisfying.

>> No.5649126

Now you can choose from either two outside pieces to eat the little peninsula bit or having the big part first .
I like it but it might be because I'm a crust-loving faggot.

>> No.5649176
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You fuckers don't even know where to start.

>> No.5649260

It's so perfect. My eyes are open.

>> No.5649276

Did this last night after reading the thread. Felt like I had way more sandwich

>> No.5649298

>not the patrician cut
where you take off the crusts by hand because the average mom cannot score said crusts away from the bread without taking some of the bread with it

>> No.5649455

It's always gotta be diagonal for me.

>> No.5649463

Salami, pepper jack cheese, onions, pickled jalapeno slices, and Tabasco sauce.

>> No.5649477

>not eating the crust

Literally manchildren tier

>> No.5649655
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This is some next level shit.

>> No.5649812
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>Burgers are round

>> No.5649821
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3 dimensionally.

>> No.5649834

Whats a toast soldier?

>> No.5650084
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>> No.5650112

Thin strips.

>> No.5650164

I prefer uncut.

Just like the cocks I suck. :3

>> No.5650180
File: 925 KB, 794x602, 4chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you saw "uncut" and you associated it with penises that's very clever you are a clever guy

>> No.5650235


>> No.5650239

for you

>> No.5650257

Bros, steak bacon egg and cheese with hashbrowns

>> No.5650280

10/10 will try now

>> No.5650292

american cheese

>> No.5650306
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>> No.5650309


Brah it's pickled cabbage that shit is ancient when it goes on a Reuben

>> No.5650310



holy shit

>> No.5650320

sometimes mustard when I'm feeling extra fancy

>> No.5650325

it is

>> No.5650329
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>> No.5650333


>being this stupid

toppest of kecks

>> No.5650335


>easily create efficient seal with both hands on the two sides keeping all the good shit in
>you get to bite into the center first so you get maximum sandwich filling bliss

>> No.5650337
File: 21 KB, 615x513, jack in the ham sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get on my level

>> No.5650344

>not provolone

>> No.5650363

>not going for Wonderbread, ketchup, Kraft Single, Oscar Meyer Baloney, Miracle Whip, Wonderbread- in that order

>> No.5650369

its fucking bologna, it even says it in the damn jingle

>> No.5650373

okay so maybe i don't have the best taste in sandwiches since I put american cheese on it and not provolone, but i would NEVER disgrace a sandwich by putting ketchup on it

>> No.5650456

i might be the only one who got it but damn it i got it. Also consider the banach tarski cut+reassemble: one sandwhich into two

>> No.5650466

>Also consider the banach tarski cut+reassemble: one sandwhich into two
A-ha! So that's how Jesus did that fish and loaves trick.

>> No.5650890

>be Amerifat
>get no choice about the matter at birth
>ruined for life
>can only content myself by eating intact sandwiches

>> No.5650899
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Benoit pls go

Oh please. I use this as a template for my cheese plates.

>> No.5650900

How is there a Bias when its not weaved?

>> No.5650902

Why is it "girls best friend"?

>> No.5650951


>> No.5651030

Mesquite Turkey, Swiss, mayo, Dijon on this local light rye. Main regional baker makes this heavy marble rye shit designed for bigass patty melts and heavy rubuens, but the bakery down the street makes the best light rye.

>> No.5651325

Not that guy but then explain yourself. I mean, what isn't round about a circular patty? If it's a troll good job on making me reply.

>> No.5651329


>> No.5651336

I'm sorry, sir, but that is a triangle.

>> No.5651338
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But those are triangles.

>> No.5651348

Settle the autism. At least for now.

If it was me I would just call it diagonal, but I'm sure that's what op's pic is referencing.

>> No.5651428
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>> No.5651432
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Just like mama used to.

>> No.5651459

I cut a thin bagette into rounds, lightly toast them in the oven, take all of the sandwich ingredients, mince them fine, add just enough mayo to make them into the consistancy of like a chicken salad, and then spoon them onto the toasted baguette slices.