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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5640855 No.5640855 [Reply] [Original]

Let's try something a little different, /ck...

So I work in this shithole, earn minimum wage. Long story short, I'm staying hours past the 'end' of my shift and not getting paid enough, while working for a dickless owner. So I'm not happy. I'm quitting the job tomorrow. That's enough of my bullshit.

We do some food, like burgers and shit, so I walk in the cooler to set up the kitchen and see this. Blood. A pool of blood on the floor. The blood came from meat (later worked up the courage to turn over the open bag it was in and found out it was chicken) in a cardboard box smack dab on the floor. Yes, the blood is running to bread- which is, yes, under more meat in containers that are either not sealed or sealed with loose saran wrap. The entire cooler smells like body-odor and some of the bread has meat drippings on the package. It has been like this since Friday- the day this picture was taken, and it is now Sunday... The blood has been mopped but it keeps coming back. Why don't we move it? Already did that, someone moved it back. Don't care about the job enough to move it again.

This could be a lot worse, and I HAVE seen worse, but it's still enough for me to call the health inspector tomorrow (with other stories I'll share). But /ck- What are your food horror stories? I'm not talking overcooked and underseasoned, I'm talking messy, grimy, black mold, rank-ass shit you wouldn't feed to your dog. Share, /ck.

>> No.5640859

OP real fast. Pic is shit, phone is potato.

>> No.5640872

>Blood. A pool of blood on the floor.

nigga that's myoglobin. meat juice, not blood. it'd smell a hell of a lot worse than body odor if it were blood.

still ain't even remotely sanitary tho.

>> No.5640880

Huh. Thanks, anon. Now I know how to sound professional in my health report!

Kind of a brainlessfag when it comes to food. I work with the bad, as you can see, but want to work with the good. Eventually.


>> No.5640898

Typical /ck/ pompous faggot. This is why I don't come to this board anymore.

>> No.5640905
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Wow, with employees like you,who needs enemies?
Something spilled in a walk in?
Call the cops.

>> No.5640908

good leave

>> No.5640916

No u

>> No.5640929

I used to work at a grocery store, bakers would drop froze doughnuts onto the floor and leave them there for weeks/months before picking them up and heating them at the food stand.

Meat department was exceptional. I worked the frozen foods sections, and our coolers would go down a lot, so wed have to pull all the product and send it to the back room. The problem was this happened so often that originally the managers threw out anything that thawed, like they were supposed to. but because of the frequency they started to cut the losses and re shelf it. To this day (I quit) when I go in ill see pizzas folded into themselves and tons of ice in the packages of shit that was totally thawed and then thrown back up.

We also had rats in our cereal isle before too, and had to clean the whole thing out and kill them. not because it was right, but because the area boss was coming to inspect. Fuck retail.

>> No.5640931

Quit,wait until you cash your final paycheck. then call your local/county health department, as anon. you don't want to give your name unless independently wealthy. and not if wanting to work again with in 100 miles

>> No.5640932

I've worked for restaurants all my life (and have been in well over a hundred different professional kitchens since I once had a job as a wholesale delivery fag) and not once have I ever seen anything that was truly unsanitary. Stop working for shit restaurants.

>> No.5640946

Same guy who posted this. When you buy a can of arizona or something wash the can. Ive had co workers stock arizona cans that had fallen underneath dairy racks. This is bad because the dairy racks leak and drain all their milk onto the floor, so the sour old yellow disgusting shit gets onto the lips of the cans, and I wore gloves as did my co workers, which soaked that shit up too. I used washed gloves so they were relatively clean (I had my own i took home and washed) but my co workers all used the same 2 public pairs for months before they were replaced. They smelled so bad at the end of my time there id gag. Thats what touches your soft drinks.

We also had pidgeons in the back rooms before shitting on products in the racks, im not making any of this up either.

>> No.5640958

Thank you for sharing, Anon.

This isn't the first time we've had a complaint. I used to work there back in July '13- December '13... And the place was shut down twice in that period, twice more when I was gone (for a period of time). Let me share another story.

So the place was actually clean-ish before. Bleach was put away and not left out on the open table, things were washed and sanitized instead of wiped down, and things that went on the floor went in the trash and not on hamburger buns. But there was a roach problem. Somewhere between the 'oh shit' and 'jesus fuckin christ' level... And the boss didn't give a shit. Pointed it out to him on several occasions, he didn't do anything. Didn't even bother to call the exterminator. Think he had to when he got shut down the next time, though... But seriously think about it. Bugs, meat stored improperly in containers... YOU want to be served that shit?

>> No.5640968

>place is disgusting
>decides to work there a second time

>> No.5640976

Yea man NP Im trying to think of more shit to say.

the freezers had outrageous mold growth in them, but I dont think thats uncommon in grocery stores. Im talking a big chain too in north america, getting up there with walmart.

>> No.5640982

u the ask a kroger guy anything OP?

>> No.5640992
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No Ive never been to a kroger before, all I ever OPed for was pic related

>> No.5641003

I briefly worked in a small kitchen run by an angry little man who thought raw chicken wings were done as soon as they floated in the deep fryer. Apparently it was "too much trouble" to bake them off. (That also meant we were constantly handling raw chicken during work, which was just risky.) I don't even want to know how many people he served uncooked chicken to. I mostly just served the food and took orders, so it took me a while to realize that the wings came out in 5 minutes instead of 15-20 when he was cooking. I tried to tell him the other cooks told me they take longer but he just got angry and insisted that was how it worked (float=done).

He came in with his wife and friends one night and ordered 4 dozen wings. I pulled them a minute after they floated and served them up; they looked just like when he made them. A few minutes later him and his wife are storming over yelling (literally) about raw chicken and showing us how some of the wings aren't even hot inside.

So that was pretty petty of me but he was never gonna learn.

>> No.5641004

>be yesterday
>make some hamburgers outside
>tent some foil on them and head inside for a few minutes to grab the potato salad and cut some bread
>come back outside and lift the foil
>a dozen flies burst out from under it
>fly eggs all over fucking everything

seriously I was inside for 10 minutes tops,and all my burgers had egg clusters deposited on them

>> No.5641014

They are going on the grill anon.
Flame sterilization is flawless.
Are all you kids so squeamish?
What a weak generation.

>> No.5641023

they were already cooked

>> No.5641030

Literally 10 seconds per side back on the grill.
But ya that is a bit worse. You get a pass on this one.

>> No.5641031

do you work in a rural area?

i work at two different fancy pantsy places in rural areas and our kitchens are swarmed with flies this time of year. we have lots of farms and orchards and wineries and shit around so i think that's the reason

>> No.5641038

suburb as fuck but I think its because the wind was blowing in my direction so they just kept getting pushed at us

>> No.5641112

>the wind was blowing in my directio
no matter which way the wind is blowing, it is always blowing in your direction

>> No.5641129

Sylvia Plath pls go

>> No.5641138

Did he tell you something alone the lines of 'this isn't how i run my business and tell you to do shit' or go back to his table with his thumb up his ass?

>> No.5641147

I work at a Shop Rite, in the deli department, and let me tell you, even with our good policies and shit the place is fucking disgusting. On the slicing side, we keep shit mostly clean throughout the day, and all of it gets sanitized and wiped down at night, but the meat can sit there until it mold for people to realize they should fucking throw it out. Even if it has mold, the quality of worker we're hiring nowadays doesn't understand that cutting the moldy part off of a totally brown/grey salami does not make it acceptable to slice for customers. The sandwiches/hot food/catering side is better about what food we actually serve to customers, but the cleanliness of that area is just... so bad I wish the would tear it down and tsart all over, and teach people to clean the oil off of ALL OF THE PARTS of the fryers! We just had a slow dat today and I went around and took sanitizer to everything. Went through three rags before I even got halfway down the maybe 30 foot section of space we have for this shit. And it still isn't nearly as clean as it should be. I fucking hate my job. Don't buy fried chicken at shop rite; the oil has been used for 3 days straight at least with nothing more than a filter.

>> No.5641150

yes call the cops, minimum wage employee sees the problem before his boss is re-donk-u-lus. I'm from the kind of place where chef or GM drops something small and watches to see who go in and out and how long it stays on the floor before ripping asses. that walk-in looked like a fucking nightmare and was half empty. I expect, as should anyone, for a walk-in to have organization with appropriately sized containers as well as being
cleaned up at least three times and meats in cardboard on sheet pans to catch blood.
you moved it once and someone moved it back? time to get the fuck out. good looking out op, keep those standards and let the others fail. chefs to teach them the right way.

>> No.5641162

burger on the grill on one side for 10 minutes and you are worried about flies? why don't you just by Kingsford charcoal to slide between the buns?

>> No.5641173
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My wife works at a known chinese place and apparently the drinking machine is full of mold every day. They use bleach to clean the shit out but it keeps coming back.

>mfw people are drinking bleach
>mfw people are drinking fungi/mold
>mfw people are drinking 150g sugar+

Oh right, I'm in the south..

>> No.5641207

nah, live right by the water. if the wind is blowing from the water there wont be bugs, when its blowing out to sea it sucks them at you like a vortex

>> No.5641222


LOL we don't even use a filter here... Oil will stay in the fryer for a week straight if we're lucky. Even so, the grease needs to be cleaned. It's nasty the fuck enough, and it only attracts bugs.

Also, thanks to all who are sharing, I love reading these stories.

>> No.5641244

myoglobin. pfffffft. This fucking guy

>> No.5641260

unfiltered oil is not the end of the fucking world, if anything it just costs the owners money because they don't get as much life out of it.

It has no repercussions as far a food safety goes, its a vat of hot oil.

And here's a pro tip, if you want things to change: do it yourself. Look at it from the manager's perspective, who do you want to be? Mr. constantly unhappy employee who bitches about things not being done, or Mr. sees something that could be better and does something about it?

>> No.5641263

There's a puddle of fryer grease out back near the kitchen staff's porch that we smoke on. The oil from the fryer gets put into the grease trap near the dumpster across the parking lot and is recycled into biodiesel which is cool, but we don't have a second grease trap so any grease with soap or water in it just gets dumped into the puddle. The grease runs waaaaay down into the earth in that one spot.

The weird thing is that we see the squirrels and chipmunks taking leaves that fall into the puddle, picking them up, and licking them for nourishment. Given that the de-greaser we use for the flattop is toxic as fuck we joke that the squirrels are all going to die or breed a race of de-greaser-immune super-squirrels.

Also the area behind and under the side of the line with all of the cooking equipment rarely if ever gets cleaned. I have to fish out spatulas that fall back there every once in a while and the greasy residue that accrues on them is absolutely vile.

Not TOO bad of a place though.

>> No.5641264

best part is, in this case it actually is blood and not myoglobin

>> No.5641276

All I remember is him not having much to say all the sudden.
They were both pretty pissy all the time so it wasn't that different from usual. They didn't even fire me, so I guess they didn't feel like they had a leg to stand on. I quit a week later for a different thing.

>> No.5641409

>who do you want to be?

This is the one post OP should read.
Don't complain about shit. Fix it.
Even if this employer sucks and does not appreciate it , your next one will.
Don't cry babby tattle.
Just do the best job you possibly can.

>> No.5641430


That is honestly the most pathetic walk-in I've ever seen.

Fuck sanitation issues; this place is going out of business regardless.

>> No.5641474

3 critical 1 non critical hd violations in op's potato walk in pic. -80 points.

sweet call them.

>> No.5641477

>work harder, goy

>> No.5641612

>working in supermarket freezer
>pick up a big box of frozen buns
>box starts to disintegrate in my hands, it's been a shitty shift so far
>using the last bit of structural integrity, throw box across freezer, over the top of all cages
>bread explodes everywhere, including the floor

we probably sold them a few weeks later

>> No.5641654

It's not that bad of a story but when I was working at a bar this one busy night we ran down to 3 salmon kebabs and I accidentally dropped the third one to the floor. I forgot how much the dish cost but it was significant enough for them to freak out. The dishwasher and cook told me to pick it up and wash it and heat it up. I refused to that and we wound up giving the customer 2 free items in compensation for it. As much as I hated our snobby customers I wasn't about to feed them a fish that was covered in floor mat grease.

>> No.5641703
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mfw I'm grown up now
mfw I used to eat shitty kebabs at cheap stands
mfw I now realize they probably ejaculated into them or some shit

fuck people, y'all fucking pig disgusting FUCKS I MAD NOW

>> No.5641767
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>> No.5641813
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Used to work at a fancy-pants restaurant and they would literally ladle poison right
onto the food (had a bucket of it sitting on the floor with a skull & cross-bones on it)
and this was a B.F.Goodrich 4-star joint!

>> No.5641834

worked at a bar all the fucking bathroom toilet was sploded poop and piss with glases in toilet did we clean em you bet.

>> No.5642386

OP here.. There's other issues here besides nasty walk-ins. But this is /ck, not '/what the fuck is up with this job'. So let's stop being faggots and just share stories.

>> No.5642396

In regards, I do have another story. Before the job I have now, I worked in a restaurant/bar and the job was... Cleaner, but worse. There was too much shit drama, people saying there were drugs in the batter (not true, but people WERE dealing drugs in the back), constant games of he-said she-said... Anyway.

One day I went on a cleaning binge like I was gonna spruce the place up. I started with the waitress area in the kitchen, where the drinks were made and food was picked up. I found things like black mold lining the fridge and under the ice bin. I opened one of the lower cabinets and found two old as shit cleaning products tumped over, spilled out, and covered in what I thought was rust (hope it was rust, but could have been something else). So I didn't touch it. We called a professional cleaner two days later, I think. Not just for that one cabinet, but it still sucks we were breathing that shit in.

>> No.5642427

err i want a mygoblin

>> No.5642524
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>Now I know how to sound professional in my health report!

>Making a health report

Fucking bottom feeding, minimum wage scumbag. You see shit like that? THEN FUCKING FIX IT.

Think for a fucking minute, ESO comes in, sees shit like this, and shuts you down? How you going to get paid if you don't have a job? You see, it's just plain ignoring shit like this which is why you are, and will stay on the bottom rung of the ladder. You think it's not your problem, it fucking is your problem. Stop ignoring shit like this.

Yeah, I'm slightly mad, given I have to deal with shitheads like you on a day to day basis. Stop assessing problems, come up with solutions instead. You'll get further in life if you do.

Here, have a dog.

>> No.5642597

The only people who can really make changes and decisions are managers in many minimum wage jobs. Try to change something without asking permission? Enjoy getting chewed out for twenty minutes.

It all depends on your manager. If they're an agreeable person who listens to reason then you're good. If you're stuck with some ego driven asshole then you're fucked.

You're coming off as an overly judgmental butt monkey trying to talk down to a kid. Sometimes a job is a job and not your main concern in life, especially if you're in school as well. It's really not your concern if management won't do their job and mange the situation. They're paid more than the minimum wage monkeys to be in charge of fixing things like health code violations.

Oh, and "bottom feeding, minimum wage scumbag"? Get over yourself. Quit throwing shit, I know you're chock full of it but no one else wants to deal with it.

>> No.5642632
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>> No.5642646


>> No.5642667

wiseau is a goddamn comedic genius
nearly everything he says or does is comedy gold to anyone sophisticated enough to get it

>> No.5642692

Fuck this guy. SHUT THAT PLACE DOWN.

>> No.5642694

I worked in the produce department of a grocery store.

Our store was exceptionally clean and had a lot of attention to detail - we had to continually rotate and clean out any produce that wasn't near-perfect and also clean out the buckets they were displayed in and stuff.

However one time under my old manager, a shipment of strawberries was just bad and there were moldy strawberries in just about every single container. Close to half of the strawberries had white fuzzy mold on them, and my old manager had me go through each box and pick out all of the strawberries with no white on them and repack them (which was about half of the strawberries)

I mean if i had a box of strawberries for myself and there were a few with mold on them i would take those out and be fine with eating the rest but im sure some people would find this gross

>> No.5642697

Fuck you.
Expose him, OP!
You shouldn't be running a business if you can't handle something as serious as this.

>> No.5642703

calling bullshit on this one. if you get yelled at for going the extra mile you are working for fucktards

>> No.5642708

>going the extra mile
>thinking that kind of garbage matters
have you even worked job

>> No.5642717

>calling the health inspector
>with other stories

I want to know the development of this story

>> No.5642721

said the neet on 4chan. Enjoy your studio apartment.

>> No.5642727

>dickless owner.
They're called women, OP.

>> No.5642730

>all these wage slaves that willingly serve dangerous food to customers

there is a special place in hell for you

>> No.5642739

>implying i don't live in a 2 bedroom in a nice part of town
you seem confused m8

>> No.5642740

>getting mad because someone isn't paid enough to give a shit about you
poor baby

>> No.5642754

>having a job where you dont get paid enough
have fun living with niggers and mexicans poorfag

>> No.5642759

>implying i still work a minimum wage job
>implying everyone magically gets to where i am with no experience
kek, how's that life experience treating you?

>> No.5642774

britfag. that explains it.

>> No.5642793

nah, i live in california friend.

>> No.5642803

No, I promise this guy's a dude. He just has no balls. (gets your implication, realizes joke)


It's not really /ck, but without going into too much detail it involves the shit treatment of reliable employees and not receiving paychecks. Which I will be calling the bureau about as well.


It is pretty unsanitary, and some people may have a problem or not, but that doesn't mean it's acceptable. Thanks for sharing!

>> No.5642906


Not that I know anything, but that sounds like reducing waste. Good.

Why throw away good strawberries?

>> No.5642969

Then you shouldn't be saying m8 like you're trying to be authentic.

>> No.5643014


serves you right

>> No.5643099

> box of leaky meat

Takes 5 mind to handle. Pull the box out. Find leaky bag or bags. Put leaky bag in hotel pan, use it first. Rinse other bags off. Put them in hotel pans. Discard box. Wipe shelf, mop cooler.

Watching people keep mopping without fixing it is dumb. Waiting to be instructed to fix a problem you notice is dumb. Not fixing because you're mad at the owner and you want praise is dumb.

What? Do you want a cookie? You noticed a problem and others didnt. That's most jobs. Your coworkers and you're boss will be lazy or dumb.

>> No.5643129

can't into education, utter pleb

>> No.5643148

Could you specify which poison?

>> No.5643367

nonetheless, the wind is always blowing in your direction.

>> No.5643378

Wow, lotsa you faggots are concerned with my work ethic.

As for another story, I remember towards the end of my previous job we were having some issues with the chicken. I remember ordering some to take home and getting sick and I had several customers think it tasted funny. So I go back to talk to one of the managers, let them know what was going on, and they said they didn't notice anything wrong with the chicken. But they took it out and showed it to me... It was green. The chicken was green, slimy, and smelled like fish. And they didn't see anything wrong with that. We didn't have that many cleanliness issues there, but when we did they were either huge fucking problems or dumbass mistakes.

>> No.5643482

>Your... and you're...
how the fuck...

>> No.5643524

The kitchen I work at has black mold in the cleaning supply cabinet because the fucking dishboy won't do his god damn job and clean it.
Not exactly food horror but, dangerous.

>> No.5644257

Ohh the master has'a pardon mah brotha thank'a massa

>> No.5644283

>going the extra mile
I smell a middle manager

>> No.5644289

>not receiving paychecks. Which I will be calling the bureau about as well.

labor department, not health inspector

>> No.5644291

Why should you have to get a bunch of money to care about another human being? Fucking scum, go learn some morals. People who do shit the way you do are the reason you're not paid a lot

>do shit work

>get paid shit

>> No.5644317

Yes, anon- I know, anon. Thank you anyway, anon.

Le'ts see... There was also this one time bugs were baked into a batch of bread rolls we served... But we quite serving them after we figured that out. I mean a whole batch, like 50 rolls or so. Hm... I'll try to think of more stories.

>> No.5644371
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So, every Sunday I have to clean out our walk-in cooler, including under the shelves. When I took the water hose and sprayed underneath, all these drain fly larvae would be squirming around in the water, and as much as I sprayed, it seemed like an endless amount of larvae emerging.

Well, one day we were close so that we could clean the fuck out of the kitchen, and it was my job to clean behind the freezers(right next to the walk-in). So, I moved the freezers so that I could clean them with ease, and as I looked down behind them, I saw this black puddle, maybe about one square foot in size. However, as I looked closer, I could see that this "puddle" was actually moving, with a few maggots included. Being slightly freaked out, I took the water hose and sprayed the puddle, and a wave of drain fly larvae surfaced. After cleaning it up, I took another look and saw that there was a small crack in the wall, and I figured that all those worms I saw when cleaning the walk-in were those drain flies.

Told my boss about it, and given I had cleaned them out, he gave me some caulk to seal it up(would prove to be very effective). However, when I poured some bleach behind the freezers and the water heater, a shit ton of full-grown drain flies flew out and scattered all round the area I was working in(a few landing on my lips). Freaked out again, I opened the back door to let them find their way out. I just killed the rest.

I figured they got there because given this all happened during the winter, they kept warm because of the water heater(as well as the water runoff), and were able to flourish because of it. After some research, I read that drain flies don't carry disease, but they still don't belong in a kitchen.