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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5635043 No.5635043[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Ayo /ck/ookies.
Can we get a food service venting thread? I need to blow off some steam. I know some of you guys work foodservice. If you do and you're here odds are you're at least a little passionate about it,so vent here.
>Bad Managers.
>Customer stories.
>Stupid co workers.

>> No.5635051

Disturbed - Rock Am Ring 2008

>> No.5635052

>Be me.
>Work foodservice at assisted living home.
>Cook twice a week,serve the food 3 times a week. Full time.
>The cook is the boss,and I have 3 servers under me at this particular place.
>Boss trusts me to not kill 60 people who ServSafe calls "High Risk" customers.
>Doesn't trust me to use a non stick teflon skillet cause he's afraid I'll scratch it so he hides it in his office.
>Scrambled egg order success probability:0 fucking percent.

>> No.5635065

>Be not very good at cooking yet.
>Have recipe book I have to follow. Diet management people make the menu that rotates every 4 weeks for our residents.
>Serving anywhere from 60 to 50 people.
>Mission: Make bow tie pasta with tomatoes,cream and sausage.
>Nervous cause it's the first real meal I get to make.
>Read the recipe they supply us.
>Says I need 15 pounds of fucking sausage.
>I say fuck it and use 5 pounds.
>Still too much.
>Fuck the book.
I'm barely out of high school and I have to adjust recipes a fucking college grad dietitian makes?
Mad because incompetent recipe book can't be trusted to have correct ingredient ratios.

>> No.5635093

Fucking recipe books man. I worked at a casino fast-food window for a while. Every time there was a debate about how to make something, the incompetent management (all former bartenders, go figure) would have us treat the decade-out-of-date recipe book as gospel, even if it wasn't even close to being right.

>> No.5635131


>shitty recipes

this is why less fancy places go to shit when the main cook quits, he probably wasn't following that shitty recipe word for word. for instance I worked at a place that served house made chili con carne. it was hit and miss depending on who made it. some guys followed the recipe exactly and it was a watery, greasy, virtually tasteless meat soup, the spice/salt/liquid ratios were painfully unbalanced. these fucks also didn't bother tasting the chili and making adjustments as it cooked they just got drunk and followed the bad recipe. only me and another chili bro gave a fuck how it tasted, we didn't add ingredients that werent in the recipe but we understood spice and salt ratios and made chili people would jizzm over. you can't season a four gallon pot of chili with three teaspoons of salt. no it isn't in the recipe but you really need to skim the half inch of grease floating on top the pot.

>> No.5635147

>Be new to job.
>"Anon,Make 3 and a half salads.
>K Boss.
>K Boss.
>Be a few months later.
>"Chef salad day"
>Cut tomatoes as instructed by boss the exact same way each time.
>Boss walks up to me cutting tomatoes.
>Boss proceeds to cut each tomato in half,then into thirds,then into sixths.
What the fuckith.

>> No.5635161

>Be working 6-2 breakfast serving shift.
>11-7 cook comes in.
>Freaking out about her family bullshit.
>Cook left her kid with her mother. Cooks mother had to work that day,too.
>At 11:30 she calls boss.
>Boss says it's okay for her to just fucking go home.
>Work short for lunch.
>Work a 13 hour day,pissed as fuck the entire time.
>She wasn't even fired even after a couple no call no shows because "her alarm wasn't working".

>> No.5635167
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>first restaurant job
>walking from through dining room from kitchen to the bar
>walk past a table full of really drunk middle aged people
>start yelling at me and demanding their drinks
>tell them I can't
>call the manager over
>"one of your employees just refused to serve us, what are you gonna do about it?"
>umm nothing
>"why not?"
>he's the dishwasher

>> No.5635181

>work at restaurant where all salads are $10+
>one usually has things like strawberries and customer's choice of fish/chicken
>cobb salad, too
>customers only ever eat the stuff that's not the arugula
>say they'll eat more, never do

>> No.5635225

first time poster, long time lurker in /ck/ here...
I too work in an assisted living home. Our facility serves around 100 fine old folks during lunch and around 70 at breakfast and dinner. Now, lunch runs better than a Swiss clock, and dinner and breakfast runs just as well... when it's not my shift. Not because I suck at my job mind you, hell I've become a damn good cook since I was promoted from a disher. But the geniuses that make the schedules decided, I only need two people to take the orders of, and run the food for these 70 people, all in one hour.

>> No.5635237

Well thats bullshit friend. I have 55 now and we each serve roughly 20 people at full capacity. What company do you work for if you dont mind me asking? I work for Americare.

>> No.5635272

How many people do others get for those times?

Also, what's it like otherwise to work in an old folk's home? It always struck me that kitchen staff in a place like that do an incredible amount of work for very little thanks.

>> No.5635289

And some my coworkers are useless. The gay one takes hour long breaks every day, and then six smoke breaks on top of that. The single mother has no respect for our boss (not a big surprise, not many people respect their boss, but calling an award winning chef a pedophile?) The fat one is slow, and is just as slow a year later. And the activities assistant, god damn I hate her. She leaves work halfway through a meal service and demands the nurses help the kitchen in her place. One cook mentor botches the prep list weekly, and the other regularly avoids completing prep/pulls. Anyone else know how it feels to be the only one that's done any logs / deep cleaning in months?

>> No.5635291

I've never worked anywhere else to compare the workload to,but I never found it easy.
Especially because my main serving partner literally can't remember what she did yesterday so she does all kinds of inefficient goofy shit all day. And there really isn't much thanks,no. I'm getting tired of getting summoned for someone's coffee for the 50th time when they've only drank a couple tablespoons and they're mad cause it's cold now from sitting for at least 15 minutes.
I don't want to go to work in the morning now,thanks guys.

>> No.5635300

Oh and the fucking smokers. God damn. I hate smokers. The boss man where I work is a smoker. Breakfast will slow down and then he'll disappear to go smoke for 10 minutes while orders stack up.
>Hey smoking co worker,lets go smoke!
>It's okay cause anon(Me) has it under control.

>> No.5635302
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>chef always gets on my shit to make me do better
>never take any of the yelling personal
>actually feel bad when I fuck something up

No thanks, no venting from me.

>> No.5635312
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I love my workplace.

I'm only a dishwasher/prep guy in a small restaraunt, but we're all bros back there. The head cook's a fucking bro, always looking out for us, every night ends with "you did a great job anon" and we all help eachother out. Most of all, unlike many other people, I get respect from the cooks for always being able to expedite shit they need for the line.

Now if only the owner wasn't a literal and figurative jew and would pay us more / not be so stingy about basic expenses.

>> No.5635313

>start working at Starbucks, said my schedule was completely open to increase my chances of being hired
>opening shift, have to get there at 4:30am. Slept for 2 hours because I tend to stay up late.
>working with newly promoted supervisor who's this ornery fat black woman
>at around 8am a customer asks if we can blend a soymilk "frappucino" in the blender, she says no. I know she's a bitch so I don't want to call her out on this in front of a customer
>tell her in the back room that we are allowed to do that, we just have to sanitize the blender thingy afterward (I had just read this in the handbook less than a week prior)
>she sends me home for my "behavior"

I was as polite as possible too. Thankfully my manager was really competent, and when I explained this situation to her this became the first of 3 "strikes" against this person before she was let go less than 3 weeks later.

>> No.5635314

Rittenhouse, a lovely place, despite my grumbling here.
The other cooks have at least 3 helpers, as well as housekeeping help for breakfast (but they're not there on the weekends, wouldn't you know my shifts).
I enjoy working in a old folks home, especially a higher tier one. The way my job works is kind of like a catering gig, with a bit of short order cook thrown in.

>> No.5635319

Didn't you start a thread about yelling at a dishwasher? Your story entertained me. What happened to him?

>> No.5635321

The only thing about my job I hate are the fucking customers. Way too many people have more money than sense, and I see plates come back with half the food on it, like they're too much of assholes to even get it to go, meanwhile I've got just enough money to put gas in my car to go to work and the grocery store.

>> No.5635325


>> No.5635332

Rittenhouse here. And this! Goddamn I hate this! The soup is boiling when I serve it and the send it back to get it warmed up because they talk over for 10 minutes...

>> No.5635349


ok, same person

>group of older caucasians come in, one woman orders a tea
>double cup it because our water is hot as balls, am pouring the water (around 205f into the cup)
>I was going to put it on after putting the water in since they're right next to the register
>her yelling distracts me and I pour the water all over my hands, horrible pain, try not to yelp. They obviously saw.
>am as polite as possible despite her being really angry for some reason
>at the end of the order she holds a penny up to my face and says "this is for you", then drops it in the tip jar

We had gotten our order in that day. Lots of huge boxes were stacked in the middle of the back room. I proceeded to walk back there after the order and punch the shit out of one of them.

One of my coworkers saw and apparently realized this was a good way of expressing anger about bad customers, and almost half our staff started punching the boxes every thursday when the order would come in.

>> No.5635350
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>like they're too much of assholes to even get it to go

But there's a stigma attached to that, too.

It might be a stupid stigma, but I'd expect at least a couple of posts in this kind of thread to be jaded restaurant staff spouting:

>and then I had to bag up the leftover for them
>cheapskate fucks

>> No.5635358

Holy shit is your hand okay?
What a bitch

>> No.5635364

All servers I have ever worked with don't work nearly as hard as the kitchen.

>> No.5635368


this was in 2008, it was fine just hurt like hell. I have a high tolerance for pain but it still fucking hurt.

we had tons of cunty customers, like one lady who had a free drink coupon and had asked for two pastries in addition to her drink but then refused to pay for them and started literally screaming. She had her 12ish year old daughter with her, who looked like she was praying for death.

Working in customer service made me racist against my own fucking race. Whereas mexicans would come in, and by the way mexicans all order caramel frappucinos, like we'd literally just start making them when we'd see a large group of mexicans come in (ok I guess that's sort of racist too), and if you asked them if they wanted extra caramel they were so fucking happy it's like you made their goddamn day. I'd talk to this one dude in the morning who worked 16 hours a day 9 months out of the year, he was such a fucking bro and he'd always tip so much which I felt bad for because he worked so hard for his money.

>> No.5635381

What happened with crazy free-drink lady?
At least her kid doesnt seem to want to follow in her tracks

And bro-tier customers are my favorites; Also, guessing you quit? What happened?

>> No.5635403

Sort of this >>5635350
I once visibly upset this waitress at an Indian restaurant in San Francisco because I asked for my food to go. She thought I didn't like it or something. It was awkward.

>> No.5635412

>first job is a host at a popular restaurant
>get absolutely no training, have to learn on my own
>conflicting directions from fucking everyone

>manager is chinese, she wants to fucking fit everyone in the restaurant
>she co-manages seating because too many people
>mfw she doesn't know how to seat
>mfw she seats walk-ins at the worst possible minute, which causes the reserved persons to wait and get furious at me
>blames her bad seating on me
>literally tells customers this lel, my favorite times were when they chewed her out because they remembered it was her that seated them not me
>try to rotate tables so waiters don't have to over-work
>can't because manager squeezes them all in whatever seat's available
>get yelled at by waiters because too many customers to serve at once
>walk-in customers complain about their seating when the restaurant is FUCKING FULL

>also have to do bussing, cleaning, changing tableware
>no breaks, all this chaos for 8~9 hours straight, can't even sit down
>constantly harassed by manager that she's going to fire me if i don't magically read her mind
>chinese-run restaurants, never again.

>> No.5635587 [DELETED] 
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>MFW my parents asked me how long my breaks and lunch were after a full shift.

>> No.5635591
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>MFW my parents asked me how long my breaks and lunch were after a full shift.

>> No.5635776

>work night shift at a 24-hour junk food place
>run BOH all by myself on a few weeknights
>place is dead after 2, never have a problem getting all my shit done
>except the one night I was slammed for the full shift
>day manager flips shit that the kitchen isn't clean when she comes in
>just says something about "making excuses" when I try to explain myself even though she can see sales were 2.5x normal
>get a bad reputation for making excuses and leaving the kitchen a mess
>because of that one night

Fucking cunts. That whole job was basically this Onion article.


>> No.5635804

>being so slow and shit that you can't even take five minutes to eat or piss
You sicken me.

>> No.5635810

Thank fuck you weren't kicked out because of that stupid bitch. I hate it when that kind of people get promoted.

>> No.5635815

>and I see plates come back with half the food on it
This has been a peeve of mine, maybe because I was raised by my grandmother to not waste food (but not force myself to be extremely full anyway). I hate it when people waste food.

>> No.5635821

What a fucking bitch. Fuck, this makes me mad.

>> No.5635823

There's a stigma in having your leftovers packed?? Is this a west thing?

>> No.5635832

Do remember that's it not your problem. Your family can raise you anyway you want but letting your butthurt feeling get in the way of being a professional is why you're making shit minimum wage.

It's none of your fucking business what they or other paying customers eat or don't eat. Remember who's paying the company that you work for and therefore paying you. If you don't like it, quit and find another job... but don't go through life butthurt.

>> No.5635837

Not at all, if there's something left over worth taking home and I or my GF are the ones paying for it, no problem, I'll take it home. But it doesn't always work so easily, if you're out with family or for business, and have to go out to other places or whatever, there's no place to store it and walking around with a fucking bag looks stupid.

You fuckers have no concept of real life.

>> No.5635903


we just let her leave, not much we could do and it wasn't really worth it

we were arguing with her for around 20 minutes though and it was a fucking spectacle, thankfully one where there weren't many other customers

>> No.5635911

>Be me
>Move in with gf that lived 4 hours away 4 months ago
>Been working at Red Lobster for the past 4 months
>Managers boast I'm the fastest learner they've seen in a long time
>Promoted to chef
>Other chef gets demoted because he is borderline autistic and fucks up nearly every order
>Now secretly resents me because "I took his spot"
>Refuses to try hard
>Trys to leave early whenever he can
>Bitches about not getting hours
>Bitches when we get a dinner rush
>Bitches in general

Why won't he either just shutup and try or quit?

>> No.5635918

Tell him specifically(but not too specifically) why he sucks and pretend that you want to see him improve.

>> No.5635982


Oh and I eventually quit because I moved and work in a hipster coffee shop in san francisco now. It honestly wasn't that bad and starbucks is actually a decent company to work for, we just had no shortage of horrible customers, as I'm sure anyone who has ever worked in customer service can attest to.

>> No.5636051

>party of 8 wants seperate checks
>I lose all my faces

>> No.5636069

make 740 an hr while im waiting for another job interview to come through (have five apps in ...its been a struggle). Except i work in fast food....this shit is the worst scum. I made the mistake of letting them know i was a competent human being and now the managers think they can leave me in charge and give me half their stress. It's real hell but at least the hours come through.

I tell you though the one thing that kills my soul a little everyday is landwhale families ordering forty dollars worth of food in the TIMED drive thru and bitching if its not in their fat rich hands fast enough

>> No.5636075

Iktf. punching and stomping on boxes in the walk in cooler is sometimes my only relief

>> No.5636084

I had a chuckle at this

>> No.5636088

I would have never guessed there was a stigma to taking your leftovers with you. Most places in the states give such huge portions that I almost always end up getting a to-go box (if I'm going home after), sometimes the server will come by with the bill and offer a to-go box themselves without me asking first if I've left enough on the plate. That's happened at a couple different places I go to.

>> No.5636102
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>work pastry at a fine dining restaurant
>owned by a famous chef so we're constantly busy
>always short staffed for the amount of work we do, work a few service shifts alone every week
>one night, get SLAMMED with tickets. so fucking busy
>run out of souffle, chef tells me to make more. ask to put a count on it for the time being because I have more tickets than I can fit on the board
>proceed to get raped by tickets for 45 minutes
>finally have a minute to get to souffles, haven't even sold my last one yet so it's all good
>"Anon, how are the souffles?"
>"i'm making them right now chef!"

I was getting my ass handed to me on the line and he saw it happening the whole time. Still got yelled at for not magically having it done. It was kind of nice though, it pushes me to try harder when he flips out on me.

>> No.5636104

>People at a job who don't want to work but complain when they don't get hours
>Gets offered hours
>muh weekends

>> No.5636108

I had to refuse a few dozen people when I walked into the bar for water.
Does the cap/chequered pants not give it away?
Also why the fuck is it so hard for a waitress to bring the sweaty cunt who brings them all their crockery and cutlery a drink within an hour?

>> No.5636113

The only reasons I dont work weekends is because of the bus.

>> No.5636580



>> No.5636594

I've been cooking for so long, I preemptively spit in every order because the odds of that customer being a douche is very fucking good.

>> No.5636637

Dude harsh. ;_;

>> No.5636657
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Maybe if you worked weekends you could afford a car.

>> No.5636680

Fuck smokers and their disgusting habit. Why is it they can go outside and smoke while I can't take 2 seconds to go take a piss?

>> No.5636687

Because we die sooner
Check your longevity privilege

>> No.5636709

Start taking a non-smoking break and stand outside enjoying the sunshine for 10 minutes.

>> No.5636741

You have to adjust the number of cuts for the size of the tomato. The important part is that they're a uniform size, not that you use the same number of cuts every time.

>> No.5636751

Holy fuck, this. All our wait staff have to follow a dress code, including black or khaki pants and a black shirt. Why would you assume that the guy wearing shorts and a metal t-shirt, with a ponytail and wearing a baseball cap is going to serve you?

>> No.5636755

lol, i never get real "breaks" during my shift either, but the ktichen staff does all go out to drink beer, smoke pot and cigs after every dinner service

>> No.5636772
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>mfw tell the waitress that my party of 20 wants seperate checks and we're all paying with cards

>> No.5636775

>I tell you though the one thing that kills my soul a little everyday is landwhale families ordering forty dollars worth of food in the TIMED drive thru and bitching if its not in their fat rich hands fast enough

entrees where i work cost at least $40 and I don't make any more than you do

>> No.5636796

Oh wow that sounds terrible. So much stress must have caused you bowel cancer or stomach ulcers by now.

>> No.5636821

>I tell you though the one thing that kills my soul a little everyday is landwhale families ordering forty dollars worth of food in the TIMED drive thru and bitching if its not in their fat rich hands fast enough

I hate when I order food at a drive thru, then turn the corner only to see a ham hock resting on the door frame of the car ahead of me. WHY!?!

>> No.5636846

There is always that asshole who thinks he has everything figured out and thinks everyone in the thread has no legitimate complaints.

>> No.5637000
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>worked at McDonald's
>redneck looking customer comes in
>orders the Big Tasty
>when telling him we dont have it he throws a fit
>continue to verbally barrages me
>just trying my hardest not to laugh
>being this upset over a burger
>Bromanager walks over, practically tells customer to fuck off

>> No.5637089

UK here
I didn't even think that getting leftovers to take with you was a thing you could do. I've never seen it done once, ever, in any place.

>> No.5637116

>be in a party of 14
>all paying separately
>those paying cash have it all piled neatly in the middle of the table
>those paying on card all work out the exact amount before the waitress comes back with the card machine

It still took an age, can't imagine if you had to dick around with separate receipts

>> No.5637177

>First restaurant job
>Busser at certain restaurant/brewhouse chain
>Dishwasher is a total cock. Loudmouth Mexican who screams at everyone in Spanish if they tell him he fucked something up
>He fucked up routinely
>One day he's in a particularly shit mood for some reason, starts throwing silverware and dishes at me and shoving me and punching me in the chest and shit
>"Oh well"
>Return to dishwasher station
>Push overhead rack full of glassware over to his side
>It slips off the rack and a big heavy crate full of glasses falls right on top of him
>He's unconscious
>Wakes up moments later
>Heads straight for me with right hand balled into a fist
>GM detains him, fires him the next day
and it turned out to be one of the best jobs i've ever had

>> No.5637205

>Be a waiter
>Tourist Norwegian family of 10 walk in
>The dad asks me if he could add cashews to a certain dish but made it very clear that he's not ordering yet.
>Take everyone's order and the dad orders a completely different dish but his brother orders the dish the dad originally asked about.
>Bring all the food out and the dad starts sharing his dish with the brother who sat 4 seats away.
>The dad calls me over and complains why there weren't cashews in his brother's dish.
>I apologize and explain the confusion that the brother was the one who ordered and never mentioned that HE wanted cashews. The dad still mad. Everyone else enjoying their meals.
>As I'm clearing the table and the family is walking out, the dad was the one who paid the bill and his wife kind of asks if everything was ok with the bill.
>The manager up front says "you gave the waiter $5 for a $250 bill." Wife looks surprised but the dad begins complaining about the cashews. Wife manages to get him to give $2 more.

>> No.5637301


here's a little inverse tale for you:

>order a whisky neat
>server looks perplexed
>server: "with ice?"
>me: no--neat.
>server looks perplexed
>me: neat. no ice.
>gf orders a rye and ginger
>server brings me a shot glass of whisky
>me, calmly: would you mind putting it in a glass? i didn't order a shot and we're not sitting at the bar.
>server brings me back less than a shot, roughly a jigger, in a glass
>implying this isn't the 9000th whisky i've ordered and won't know the difference
>rye and ginger arrives tasting funny and so watered down you can't taste the soda OR the booze
>random other server appears out of thin air and grabs the whisky from my hand, pours it into a small shot glass and claims that that is what i ordered
>he walks away with my drink and never comes back (??)
>i invite the server closer and ask him quietly in his ear to fix the rye and ginger
>nervously shouts "I-IT'S NOT WATERED DOWN!" at the top of his lungs
>tell him it's not a personal indictment of his character as a human being it's just a poorly made drink and not what was ordered
>i am still completely calm and polite as i am used to regular screwups on drink orders
>5 minutes later server comes back with a glass of ice, a can of soda, and a jigger of rye
>just now asks if i wanted the drink the other guy took away
>...yes, please.
>finally get a proper whisky in a glass with no ice
>got served gf's food and ate half of it without realizing
>some hours later

quite an experience.

>> No.5637306


Everyone said she was a really good employee before she got promoted, at which point she went fucking insane.

>> No.5637321

>The manager up front says "you gave the waiter $5 for a $250 bill."
This feels weird to me. Do people really talk about the tip given to the waiter?

>> No.5637327
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Glorious. Maybe next time the shitbags will think twice.

>> No.5637359

Lel I dont let my cooks do that I say you're not addicted to fresh air plus you'll live longer so its a fair trade

>> No.5637362


I can't imagine a manager ever saying anything, if the story is real that manager is batshit insane. I have heard of waitresses screaming at the patrons as they walked out because they did not tip, but they didn't tip because she was a crazy incompetent bitch to begin with so I guess that's in character.

>> No.5637385

what the FUCK?
i understand you have an interest and everything because, well, it's you, but what the FUCK?

How DARE a member of staff say ANYTHING to a customer about how much they tipped. I would seriously blow my shit if a manager said something to me like that, regardless if i tipped or not, or if i had a grievance with the service.

>> No.5637392 [DELETED] 

>using teflon at all
Fucking kill yourself

>> No.5637397 [DELETED] 

They probably were calculating how much protein and carbohydrates they should be eating you fucking sperglord.

>> No.5637410

>60 to 50 people.
>Only 5 pounds of meat
15 pounds wasn't enough, that shit is criminal. Isn't the general rule half a pound of meat per person? That's normally what I aim for in supper.

>> No.5637461
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There's only 2 servers in this thread, and only one of them mentioned ANYTHING about tips.

>> No.5637478


>itt you don't read the thread

>> No.5637483

>dat arrogance
no wonder service wenches are looked down on

>> No.5637485

>asked for a vodka martini with an olive at a local bar.
>"We don't have any olives" wtf.
>server takes a martini glass pours a shot of vodka in the glass.
>uses the fucking soda hose to fill the rest of the glass with water.
>adds a single ice cube.
>"That'll be $8.00"
>Walk out

>> No.5637509
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I only really worked at a restaurant before, got yelled at sometimes for asking if everything was okay or if they needed anything.

>First restaurant job, other than bus boy
>working the floor myself after 4 months
>dinner rush dinner rush
>whole floor is full
>have blurry vision past 10 or so feet, no glasses cuz poor
>drop trays of boiling water on self sometimes because i trip often
>manager on duty helps me with drink orders
>have massive fucking stress from job that I vomit every time on break
>all this while 50+ tables
>mfw when lady asks for her 6 milkshakes
>mfw my eggs aren't right x 3 on one customers
>mfw im not paying for this perfectly fine food because of service
>mfw im fucking 18 and this is hell

I later got promoted to cook but I couldn't handle the vomiting and stress so I didn't show up to work one day.
I'm scum.

>> No.5637512

>not grinding old people into cattle feed

name one thing people over 70 are good for

>> No.5637521

kill yourself you fucking racist

>> No.5637530

Not exactly food service but

>work front desk at a hotel
>phone rings
>Hello I'd like to order room service
>we dont' have room service sir
>complains and says I should comp his room because we weren't' as advertised
>we never advertised any room service of any sort
>Hahah no
>Hang up

>Breakfast is served her from 6-9
>guests come down at 5 and are livid that there's no food out

I'm sorry that our breakfast lady just fucking got here

>> No.5637531 [DELETED] 

>work at McDonald's
>mfw $16/hr for wash up
>be on the line
>accidentally put two cheese slices in Big Mac
>"I'll pretend I never saw that, Anon."
>fuck off back to making McBites and 10:1 patties

>> No.5637533

>confusing Caucasians for jews

>> No.5637536


she didn't look at all jewish

>> No.5637545

>mfw hardest shift of week
>mfw I finished and got out on time today

No complaints from here. Maybe next week.

>> No.5637552

>on the line
>order asks for two family dinner boxes and 6 apple pies
>mfw that's like 12 burgers, 2 6 piece nuggets and hella fries
Fuck dinner boxes.

>> No.5637561

>tfw my worst customer ever was this older guy who wanted the grid lines on his map to match the runway and have it point north, but didn't understand why it was impossible

>> No.5637564

>see martini on board behind bar
>sure why not, i wanted whisky buf you convinced me
>ask for martini
>turn around distracted, dont watch bartender
>cocktail glass arrives, looks kinda strange
>tastes like straight vermouth
>hey barkeep, what did you put in this?
>shows me bottle of martini brand vermouth
>what about the gin?

>> No.5637582

>not asking beforehand
>not having the mental capacity to do simple math

>> No.5637588

Because they are better than you.

>> No.5637590

You're just seeing yourself in your side view mirror

>> No.5637592

I also once ordered a bloody mary that came out with literally a whole shot of wusta sauce

>> No.5637593

No tips in Yurop unless service is great. So for them, 7$ is already 7$ more than what you deserve.
Read that, a tipless restaurant in the USA. They closed, yelp reviews show that people could not comprehend tipless and complained prices were too expensive (by 17% I guess)

No, if I remember, it's 120g for adults, so more like 1/4 pound. Give or take for old people.
Yeah, that's small, but it's health recommendations.

>> No.5637632
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>Just finished 4 years of school/courses in cookery
>Have choice between two jobs, One as a dishwasher at this big pub, the other was a second cook at this smaller one
>me all green thinks the job as a line cook would be better so i take that one
>job is in a tiny kitchen about the size of two double beds put lengthways
>fast foward a year later
>head cook has literally been taking days off every week that I have to cover
>I'm working 12-14 days in a row at a time, 11 to late shifts, in the kitchen by myself serving groups of 35+, rarely have a dishand, maybe one day off inbetween
>chef is actually less skilled then me, I'm doing almost all the prep/cleaning/ordering. at least she can cook properly when we work together
>bar tenders are on my side, always telling the owner how bad she is and how much she fucks up
>owner way too nice to ever do anything about it
>finally she decides to hand in resignation, says "it's too much work", I'm guessing before I started it was way worse quality
>thank fuck, maybe I can work with a better cook for once who doesn't
>her mother takes over
>is twice as worse, and can't actually cook (burns simple things like fries all the time, doesn't know anything about cutting basic vegetables)
>I'm now doing every single bit of prep
>one point take two days off (my first since I started), so that's 4 days I'm away total
>leave like 2 easy things on the prep list
>get back, prep hasn't been done, more things added to list
>ask bar tender if it was busy
>"no we were dead for these past few days"
>tell manager (first time I've ever said anything)
>he gets pretty pissed about her, doesn't do anything though, just complains about her everytime
>fastfoward to Christmas
>she organises the roster so I'm working every non-public holiday for 3 weeks
>ask her why the fuck am I doing her shifts
>"if you don't work these days, how would you get paid?"
>too dumbfounded to say anything

Pt.2 incoming

>> No.5637637

>letting yourself be pushed around like this
>not just leaving them behind to steep in their own shit

>> No.5637666
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>Call up owner, tell him
>at least get my birthday off
>day before working on prep list I wrote
>she comes in and hangs around doing nothing but drinking (even checks in/out on time sheet)
>end of day tells me "I've done fuck all", even though I've done more in that day she's done in the past two months.
>bartender and me both be like "what the fuck, this nigga serious"
>days later get a strongly worded letter from second owner for not doing things she was supposed to do
>say fuck this, write resignation letter
>good owner almost in tears when i hand it in, gives me like a 10 minute speech, offers me role as head cook even
>he's a big guy so this is pretty suprising
>turn it down anyway
>old cook ends up coming back to replace me
>two weeks up, excited because it's my last day
>cook calls up and asks if I can work the entire next week because old cook is in hospital
>agree to only doing three days because I feel sorry for the owner and felt like I owed the old cook for giving me a job
>third day over, finally, freedom
>get a call asking if I can do the next week
>decide on two more days leading into easter
>get one more call after easter
>"can you do another day?"
>decline because Fuck this, it's been two weeks since I was meant to leave
>never ended up getting my holiday pay/whatever either even though good owner kept telling me I was going to

And that's why I decided to go back to school and study IT. Fuck working as a cook, rather keep it as a hobby. Also job made me slightly racist towards black woman. Pretty sure I was ripped off a bunch too, was on minimum wage the entire time. Only stayed two years because momma taught me not to quit.

>> No.5637674

>And that's why I decided to go back to school and study IT.
I work IT man, we have the same fucking shit.

>> No.5637677

You need to march back in there, and demand your holiday pay. Walk in with some swole if you arent.

>> No.5637680


>> No.5637689


>> No.5637690

I wanted to get the minimum 3 years experience a lot of other places ask for. Only lasted 2 though.

Fuck, really? What do you mean by that?

I would but it's been like 6 months and they'd just try get me to work there again. Got a text two weeks ago asking me to come back. Didn't reply because fuck that and I want some actual references so I couldn't just say fuck off.

>> No.5637699 [DELETED] 

>Also job made me slightly racist towards black woman
top kek
what did you even expect
never ever work with blacks if you have the choice

>> No.5637704


Agreed 100 percent and this is my story

>working as waiter in casual fine dining joint
>some business books the entire restaurant for the night for a company presentation/party
>restaurant is immaculate
>roughly 50 people attend event the place is at capacity
>set menu only 3 apps 4 entrees and 2 desserts
>service is flawless which wasn't unusual
>Bill comes out to about 8,000 including drinks (expensive wine and liquer)and special orders
>paid with company card
>manager looks at the receipt
>no tip
>fat bald alcoholic man fucking chases down the main person from the party as they are leaving
>explains that gratuity was not added for the event (they never added gratuity to the bill no matter how large the party was)
>explained how much work was put into saif event by the staff
>we had to rearrange the entire place, add a stage with all the equipment, lights, mic, speakers
>the chef prepared a special menu for the event based on their preferences
>apparently the guy thought gratuities were included in the price
>feels bad and tips roughly 1600 dollars
>we had our own company party that night

>> No.5637713

>Fuck, really? What do you mean by that?
I mean that so long as you are on the bottom of the totem pole you have a chance to get shit on. I've had jobs where my boss cut my hours so much I wasn't full time anymore to 'punish me for the way I talk', whatever that means. I've had jobs that pay on completion with no hourly rates where every other party involved was dragging my on site time out to line their pockets while I lost money every day over. I've been on 8 man teams where I did half the work for 3/4th the pay. I've driven 100 miles only to find out someone fucked up and the job I was hired for was done weeks ago. I've been hired as salary, and then watched as a tenth of the staff were laid off and my hours were increased to 7 10s indefinitely. I quit that fucking shit.

Shit fuckers are pretty much in every field.

>> No.5637726


fucking lol

was the bartender a persian guy? U LIKE MARTINI JUST GET IN SPORTS CAR

>> No.5637733

So what do you do now then?

>> No.5637738

>Fuck, really? What do you mean by that?

Not him, but there's shit in every job. Just because you move into IT doesn't mean you won't deal with idiot co-workers, managers and clients.

>I would but it's been like 6 months and they'd just try get me to work there again.

Contact a labor advocate, because withholding holiday pay is third-world tier, illegal shit.

>> No.5637742

I'm doing part time contract data erasure shit while trying to wrangle a county wide position with the state. I really what that delicious government job, it'll be so soft I'll feel like I'm on vacation.

I make about $77 dollars an hour doing data erasure, but it's hard fucking work and I sometimes go a month between jobs so that money is getting stretched out instead of invested or whatever. And I'm not kidding with that hard work thing. It's basically driving half way across the country and doing squats while holding computers for nine hours a day every day until the job is done and never making a single mistake ever if you want paid. I've gained 20 pounds of muscle since I started doing it, shits crazy.

>> No.5637745


Jesus christ. Even if your story turned out alright, the customer could've easily walked away.

>> No.5637750 [DELETED] 

Lol 70 isn't that old anymore you fucking imbecile.

>> No.5637752

Would you say it's better than working as a cook? At least moneywise?

But then I wouldn't have any references and that's probalby more important in the long term then $100 or so dollars. At least until I get another job.

>> No.5637754

Take your meds and go to bed Grandpa.

>> No.5637757

>Would you say it's better than working as a cook? At least moneywise?
I have never worked as a cook, but I know a lot more happy cooks then I do happy people in IT.

>> No.5637760

just old enough to be a massive burden on everyone around them.

>> No.5637765

They didn't take care of themselves then. 90 is about when people start hitting the 'help me I'm old' stage in my family, and fuck, they'll only be alive another 11 years tops. They took care of their kids longer then that.

>> No.5637773

Are you me? I've had both of those exact situations happen. In fact, the only difference in my stories would have been that our breakfast hours are 6-9:30.

>also work at hotel, but night auditor
>small hotel, so night auditor sets up breakfast and watches desk during early morning
>guest comes to me complaining that his waffle was overcooked
>waffle station is entirely self-serve
>no idea what the fuck to say
>finally just say, "I'm sorry sir, but who actually cooked your waffle?"
>loses his shit, forces me to call GM (who is at home in bed, it's 6:30 AM)
>GM's pissed, but laughs when I tell him what's happening
>put angry guest on line
>hear GM yelling, can't make out words
>guest goes pale, hands back phone
>returns to dining area and eats his burnt waffle without another word
>GM tells me not to worry, "It's taken care of."
>he laughs and hangs up

Still no idea what the fuck he said.

>> No.5637778

Well fuck anon, why'd ya have to go and say that. Is the pay any good?

>> No.5637787

Answer the question

>> No.5637789

My great-grandmother by my mom's side is still active at 90, but I don't remember what her job is.
Likewise, my great-grandmother by my father's side was still active until well into her 70's, and only stopped because of Alzheimer's.

>> No.5637790

Sometimes, but not normally at first. I didn't start getting well paying jobs until 5 years in and I still haven't had a job that's been more then a 1 year contract thing. I imagine it varies by area though. I pretty much have to leave town anytime I want to make real money.

>> No.5637803

My great aunt Anita lived by herself and just died this year at 114. She was something like the 140th oldest person in America. This is not really relevant, I just think it is really cool.

>> No.5637807

That's awesome. Does she perhaps have any German or Japanese heritage?

>> No.5637832

>get job as prep cook at an Applebee's
>alright, this could be fun
>orientation day
>find out they've pretty much hired an entire crew worth of new BoH staff at the same time as me
>first day of training
>trainer is an obese fry cook with a speech impediment
>doesn't explain how to read prep list
>doesn't tell me where shit is in the walk-in/in the kitchen in general
>"lol here cut 10 pounds of celery into sticks for the wings"
>fuck me
>learn nothing useful that day
>final day of training I finally get one of the competent cooks
>she has to teach me all the shit that none of the other trainers could be fucked to tell me
>third day out of training
>find out I'm supposed to train someone in that day
>go up to fat mexican kitchen manager to ask what the hell he's thinking
>he just shrugs and tells me to do whatever, then goes back to sitting in his office.
>deal with this garbage for another few weeks
>Finally quit a bit after Father's Day

That whole place was an accident waiting to happen. There were basically no nonslip mats in the whole kitchen and the there was barely enough room to get around, let alone actually get shit done in a timely manner. The prep list was the same every day and always had shit on it that didn't need to be done because the night staff apparently never bothered to actually do one properly. We ran out of basic shit like lettuce, potatoes and red peppers on a regular basis.

>> No.5637839

German, yes. No oriental heritage at all. She was great, though I only talked to her once, during a rather large family reunion.

>> No.5637847


thats absolutely true. the manager while being an alcohol and fat was also a master salesman. if you came in and said that you dont like pork he would have you eating porkchops by the end of the night and you would be loving every minute of it. it also helped that the food and service was excellent as well

>> No.5637848


the guy intended to tip though, he just didn't realize that gratuity wasn't added for larger parties

not that I ever would chase someone down but that's one of the few situations where I would be annoyed about not being tipped, because you had to go way out of your way as opposed to just getting extra money for doing your normal job

>> No.5637861

A quick guide on what's considered advanced age is when the percent of those in that age range classified as obese is virtually non-existent.

>> No.5637874

Longevity gene, bitches. It's totally an axis powers super ability.

>> No.5637952
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>Working line 6 days a week to pay for school
>work pizza and grill at an Italian place
>Exhaust is shitting the bed so it's above 35 most days plus summer heat
>Get a bill, 5 pizzas, couple brushettas, 3 or 4 salads with chicken/shrimp addons
>manage to keep up and get everything up
>server comes and says sorry half that bill was supposed to be on second

>> No.5637974

>>server comes and says sorry half that bill was supposed to be on second
Sorry, could you elaborate? I'm not sure what that means.

>> No.5637988

When a server puts in an order into the computer they're supposed to specify if certain stuff is 1st or 2nd course like say, appetizers and mains like steak. In this case it sounds like the server didn't specify what was 2nd course meaning he'd have to cook more food, which would just sit under the lamp and spoil.

>> No.5637993

instead of rushing to put out that entire massive order all at the same time/temp
he could have saved himself a lot of effort by not having to cook that order en masse

>> No.5637996

Ah, I didn't clue in that "second" meant "second course." Thanks for clearing that up.

>> No.5638012

>you really need to skim the half inch of grease floating on top the pot.
I didn't know this.

>> No.5638016

Not eating your arugula is the penultimate pleb move. Pisses me off.

>> No.5638235

I think I was raised to believe that it wasn't edible.

>> No.5638252
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>guest comes to me complaining that his waffle was overcooked
>waffle station is entirely self-serve

>> No.5638296

sounds like the food industry isnt for you, friend

>> No.5638325

>not working for a place that includes 18% gratuity to all bills over 6 people

>> No.5638336

i know lots of cooks and they are all sociopaths who hate their jobs. and they get paid shit

>> No.5638347

your boss sound BASED

>> No.5638357

What's wrong with that? Also I expect location plays a big factor. I live in a very rural area where everyone knows everyone else, every 4th person is armed, and there really aren't many overt assholes.

>> No.5638361

Now this one I can believe.

How was Saturday /ck/?

>> No.5638425

busy as fuck

kitchen staff was pissed as fuck, so instead of making individual meals for each of the waitresses we just served them all the leftovers on one big plate

>> No.5638432
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Just quit my job at Panda Express like 2 days ago. I stayed about a year as a "cashier" but I did plenty of prep, cleaning, dishwashing, etc.

It made me racist. How am I supposed to not be racist when people perpetuate there own ethnic stereotypes on a daily basis? Middle class black women will ALWAYS complain. Even when I am the sweetest most helpful understanding person they will ask for damn refunds. I am so done.

Also no one should ever cook at my work. During rushes its the FoH's job to tell back of house which dishes we need so they're getting yelled at because everyone is panicking. Plus the whole company is run by cheap Asian people. Beware.

>> No.5638435

Servers tend to give the cooks at my place a lot of trouble.
Ringing in tickets wrong, ie modifiers.
Taking things from the windows in order to cover up their mistake.

"This is the last table", 5 more are sat. But this is the manager's doing.

>> No.5638457

my biggest pet peeve is

restaurant is full
servers go around and gets every tables order
rings it all it at once

instead of
get order, ring it in, get another order, ring it in

No matter how many times i tell them they still do this shit.

>> No.5638461

>tfw waitresses will do anything I ask of them
>tfw fucking two of them on the side

the pay is shit but damn sometimes being a line cook has its perks

>> No.5638477

>tfw i pay all my line cooks atleast 14/hr
>tfw they bust ass and are super reliable so I save $ by needing less cooks on staff
unless I take on a commis then they make 10-12

>> No.5638484

maek potato potato goes in soup soup is not ready clean the soup maek dishes for soup soup goes in the pot

>> No.5638577

>work as basically the manager of an icecream shop
>make icecream
>scoop icecream
>have nice chit chat with customers
>nice boss who used to be a chef that worked with wolfgang puck

Lol all of your jobs are shite

>> No.5638598

atleast we arent british

>> No.5638614

>implying not living in the south

anon pls

>> No.5638617

yeah, youre def not a son of the south

>> No.5638622
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>> No.5638627

lived here my whole life and never heard a southerner or even a yankee say shite

>> No.5638665

It's probably picked up from 4chan.

>> No.5638725

That's because all the smokers working with you suck.

Where I work we go out for cigarettes when we arrive, right before we open, if it's dead, or if there's very little going on right before a rush.

Smoking should be an incentive to get your shit done right and done fast or a way to mentally prepare yourself before a rush if you're gonna do it.

>> No.5638761

>Middle class black women will ALWAYS complain.

Yeah...kind of unfortunately true. I recall working the drive thru this one time at Panera and it was painfully obvious that there was a black lady in her car. It was some point after the dinner rush and she asks for some cinnamon crunch bagels, but because it's not the morning and iirc, Sunday, we were pretty much cleared of all bagels, especially those. My shift supervisor was taking the order and she's one of those people who whenever taking orders, doesn't sound tired or frustrated. The black lady on the other side was childishly upset and snapped these words before driving off


>> No.5638825

>line cook
>restaurant I work at has seating for somewhere around 600
>millions of dollars in annual business
>4-man line, 5 on weekends
>place has been referred to as 'boot camp' since about 80% of new hires can't hang and end up quitting
>been a year since I was promoted from prep to line cook and just got my AAS in Culinary Arts
How hard am I being fucked by this place

>> No.5638829

Pretty dead cause fireworks n shit brunch was quite busy though and I gotta get up in 7 hours for an 8-close cause my sous is off again he got his ass beat by his ex gfs methhead brother and im not even home yet

>> No.5638835

You can't negotiate wages?
What is the award for your profession?

>> No.5638836

My chef banned me from fucking hostesses apperantly fucking 3 in the same week causes drama and ripples but the other cooks can

>> No.5638853

This never happened

>> No.5638860

I got a dollar raise after being there a year which was about 3 months ago. They don't give them out very much. I'm 19 and have only been cooking for a couple years so I don't really know how much I am actually worth but for the past year I've been working full time from 3-11 closing down the line and went from being a prep cook to learning how to work every station so I definitely believe I am worth more than that.

>> No.5638869

But it did faggot there all 17 and im 20 who can buy alcohol stay mad your a virgin faggot

>> No.5638879

〉lady orders chicken dish
〉sends it back when it comes out
〉"i chipped a tooth, can i have the soup instead?"

Thats a sad waste of food. But she seemed to have a few hangups.

〉husband and wife both order the duck
〉we meal check, everythings fine.
〉clear meals at the end. "This was the dryest duck ive ever eaten, my wife only ate hers because she was hungry. Go on try mine !"... there was half a leg left over, we ripped it apart out back and found it was moist.
〉wife has eaten entire meal and ignores me when i try to get her opinion.

The table got free desserts. I can understand not sending food back because they dont want to waste it but if they eat all the food and then complain about it at the end, theres nothing i can do.

〉old man regular vip walks up to me at 12am... come on go home old fellow
〉"where is the owner i told the waiter to tell him to hang around"
〉" he hasnt been around for about an hour. Maybe ask the waiter you told"... i said this nicely mind you
〉"well... i dont know.... i told him to tell him to wait around."

Bizzare request

>> No.5638880

This kind of overt troll doesn't really get much of a rise on /ck/. People who talk like that don't tend to be around on the slower boards. I do admire your post, though — it is a work of art.

>> No.5638886

>this ticket never came out
>um okay, well they don't have it
>well it's not "out" so I don't know where it is
>we are all hopping around like jackrabbits, how could we possibly have....
>alright I'm getting the front manager, I don't have time for this

too much coke makes the line cooks so fucking paranoid.

>> No.5638888

Are you using a foreign keyboard, or a cellphone, or something?

>> No.5638891

Yeah i know lol i thought the arrow looked a little different.

No green text today

>> No.5638897

its popping off my screen and hurting my eyes whats happening

>> No.5638903

Im not trolling as the other guy said perks of being a line cook and im not saying there all 10/10 but atleast 7/10 and its not impossible to cleave through 3 in a week

>> No.5638905

It sounds like your job, your pay specifically, isn't about your perceived worth as much as it's about who is able to do the job.

Unless you can demonstrate unique/irreplaceable skills that a absolutely needed to keep the business profitable than you seem replaceable. Your seniority is irrelevant, as it sounds like turnover is high. They may not be able to replace you with someone that will stick around as long, but they can replace you.

Yes, that shit sucks.

A good way to solidify you position is to take on responsibilities that your boss/owner normally handles. The simpler the better. I can't talk more about this if you want, but I don't know your exact situation.

>> No.5638913

well I mean there's not much I can do besides hone my skills on saute and the grill as there's 3 sous chefs and an executive chef and no evident need for me to learn their responsibilities. As of right now that is. Still I feel like I should be making around 12 considering thats what the other guys on the line are at. I think I'm getting paid less because I'm way younger, which is fucked considering I have the same bills as everyone else living on my own.

>> No.5638925
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Try the subject with one of the friendlier chefs. State that you believe you are of great value and versatile, and that you would be happy to help with any sort of managerial tasks.
At worst they might laugh or dismiss you and at best they will consider you an ambitious worker who wants to move up/help.

>> No.5638953

Not necessarily cooking skills, you'll probably prove and hone those through your standard duties. There are often a lot of smaller, relatively simple (yet essential) tasks that managers/supervisors have to do on a regular basis. Buying/ordering, opening/closing shop, scheduling, shit ton of easy paperwork, etc.

If you aren't comfortable straight-up asking to be assigned to these tasks (as most employees aren't in almost every workplace) then ask by saying something like "Hey, can show me how to do X task? I might not be assigned to do it, and might never do it here, but it seems like a good thing to know." Eventually you WILL be asked to do one of these tasks you've learned (usually because the person is busy, hungover, or whatever). All you have to do is not majorly fuck up that one time and you're in. You are seen as someone that can take responsibility outside of normal duties and not fuck it up.

Probably going to suck at first, taking on extra responsibilities, but eventually you'll know your shit and people that don't know how to do the things you do will look at you as an authority figure. Even most shit bosses love employees that make the boss's life easier.

Also, don't burn your bridges. Former bosses and coworkers can make great references. Any decent boss that you would want to use as a reference will happily give your potential employer a good review if you aren't a fuck up.

>learn how to do a bunch of stuff
>don't fuck said stuff up when you do it

And the relevance of your age is dictate more by your actions than by your appearance or birth year.

>> No.5639041

Big Tasty is the best "burger" McD offers tho. That and the 1955.

>> No.5639066

>working the line, sunday night, not too busy
>service finished, we've cleaned everything, kitchen is spotless
>KP who is earning his stripes doing a bit of prep walks down the line
>emptys a 4 litre container of sink detergent into the fryer, thinking it was oil
>oil splats EVERYWHERE
>spend a half hour cleaning up the mess
Luckily no one was hurt. This KP is the most OCD, craziest Italian I've ever met. He's fucking good at his job and works like a horse but he's started telling the chefs how to do things, and now no one wants to show him anything because he knows everything apparently.

>> No.5639193

If you're still poor as shit, Get on medicade. They'll help you get free glasses bro.

>> No.5639204

>I have a high tolerance for pain


people who say this... gets me every time!

>> No.5639210

I work that same shift only on WEEKENDS. My nights are filled with piss-drunk fucks and dope heads, which I get the job of dealing with alone. Luckily the person coming in for day shift is awesome, but there is always that ONE co-worker who comes in too and flips the fuck out over shit not being done.

>> No.5639237

it's easy as hell to fuck slags

>> No.5639278

Are you saying that everyone who brags about some trait can't possibly have that trait? Are you saying that no one can have a pain tolerance? Are you saying that your pain tolerance is so superhuman everyone else that has claimed one seems false?

Personally, I prefer to give people the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.5639285


it's probably a movie line that he thinks you were supposed to understand. the simpsons or maybe family guy.

autism is an insidious disease

>> No.5639326

I work in Prepared Foods at a Wegmans, so I don't really have that much to complain about. I like my job a lot, even though I'm part-time due to me being a student at the moment.


>last year
>wave of people retiring, going back to school, or transferring to other stores
>suddenly hard-pressed for full-time servers
>scraping by with only part-time servers
>seems like chef can't find a single good full-time candidate
>ends up hiring some young dude from the front end of the store
>he's on the autism spectrum, but largely functional

A year later and he's still completely shit at what is an incredibly simple job. He can't multitask to any extent and his interactions with customers usually leave them uncomfortable. He's completely unaware of proper food safety and I'm constantly on his case because he'll scratch his nose or awful Amish-looking neckbeard with his gloves on and won't wash his hands or put a new pair on. It's just a bunch of little things that end up being a complete drag.

And despite all of this, the chef won't even consider firing him. Supposedly, the chef wasn't originally going to hire my autistic co-worker and made it relatively clear, but my co-worker went to the store manager and made some threats about discrimination lawsuits or something. So he's still the full-timer and won't be let go probably until I'm almost done with college and then I'll go full-time.

>> No.5639342

sassy fat niggers are the worst

>> No.5639346
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How hard is it to not get kicked out of a restaurant in a 4 star hotel in yurop?

They'll give me a 1 month trial period with the same pay and I start soon.

I will have already memorized the menu before I begin my training and will practice basic plate and service shit to compensate for my clumsiness.

I'll go destitute if I don't keep this job..

>> No.5639349

man I loved those little boss things when I was in Nipperland

>> No.5639595


>complained prices were too expensive (by 17% I guess)

Yet Americans clap enthusiastically when someone tips 20%+ of the total fee, and get the grumpy dumpys when someone tips less than that.

>> No.5639624

>not Kill la Killyourself
>not Boku no Killyourself

>> No.5639635

It sounds like your boss is someone who is capable of murder anon.

Kill him and take his wife as a trophy before he strikes first.

>> No.5639765

that's exactly what they want you to think

>> No.5639810

why do you keep making this post over and over again?

u sound like a whiny bitch

>> No.5639824


im paranoid and have anxiety issues

i almost vommited when some guy introduced me to a few of his friends at the sam etime

>> No.5639832

Normal fags call it rocket.

>> No.5640228

What is it with cooks/chefs and getting into shit?

>> No.5640243
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>there's nothing I can do

Sometimes the people are trying for a free meal anon. Don't hang yourself up on it.

>mfw plates with almost-finished food are sent back and a replacement is requested

>> No.5640252
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That's a fine set of digits you have there anon.

>> No.5640303

>be me
>quit cushy chain restaurant management position to actually put my culinary degree to use.
>get in near the ground with a local restauranteur. Good reputation, just sold two local favorites to start a new place.
>work my way up, easily surpass all of his kitchen hires.
>promoted to chef
>help him get his banquet business going over the next two years
>notice he drinks a lot as we get closer, but hey, so do i (first red flag I missed)
>get promoted to executive chef with option to buy in. He says we need to expand if we're ever going to do anything big. (second red flag missed - I've got my budgets on lock, we should be flush with cash at $40 a plate.)
> I stall on buying in, owner begins to fall apart. Drinking all day, knocks up a server, borrows money from the till, doesn't show up on weekends.
>I have a come to jesus talk with him and he vows to get back in the game and help me out.
>he fires the FOH/Bar manager immediately thereafter for "not knowing his place"
>he doesn't show up to help out, at this point I'm working 8am to close, managing from the line, servers and bartenders are robbing him blind
>I confront him about it over a holiday weekend and he spills the beans: his elderly parents bankrolled the place and he has been hemorrhaging money to his ex wife (he actually sold his other restaurants to pay off his lawyers)

>> No.5640325

because that's the only job felons and sex offenders can get

>> No.5640331

>plot thickens like cornstarch: mommy and daddy are tired of not getting any return on investment. They want out and the place is gonna shut down.
>my offer to buy in now makes total sense, he needs me to buy in to settle his back utilities and rent on the place.
>my dumb ass actually thinks I might be able to pull it off and finally own my own place
>I insist on seeing the books since the beginning, want to know exactly where everything stands before I buy in.
>$8k back utilities. $10k back rent. No savings. alimony and child support chewing up any chance at a profit.
>mfw I realize this guy is in deep shit, he put all his eggs in one basket and crapped out
>I stick around, hoping to keep the place going and keep myself in a paycheck long enought to find another job.
>Three weeks go by, and I finally lose my shit on him after a rough saturday night. He backs down and promises he will help me out more, says he's sorry for leving me high and dry because he's having a rough time.
>sunday morning I'm doing payroll and he stumbles in drunk.
>"Where the fuck do you get off talking to me like this in my own restaurant anon? You're lucky to even have your job"
>I let it roll off my back, he's obviously hammered. "calm down," i tell him. "I'm having a rough time too, you know I need your help if we're going to make this work."
>he says "I'm the owner, it's not my job to be your fucking nigger. Why can't you handle your job?"
>I manage to keep my cool, "how am I supposed to handle running a restaurant by myself? you fired the foh manager, the day cook, and half the waitstaff. We're overbooked for banquets and I can't count on you for any help. If anything, I'm the nigger in this situation."
>He responds "you'll always be my nigger"
>I knocked him on his ass and walked out. Called his mom and told her deal's off. I help her close the place because she's a sweet old lady with a shithead son.

This shit still makes my blood boil to this day.

>> No.5640335

unless you're in a major metropolitan area, $10/hour is par for the course man. Sorry you had to hear it now, but I've worked in many restaurants and unless you get into management, you;re making $12-$14 tops

>> No.5640340

>be exec chef
>expect the owner to come in and help you out

>> No.5640342 [DELETED] 
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Hmmmm well since you must be retarded or something and can't think of hypothetical scenarios in your head I'll list some examples.

>taxi driver
>doctor of medicine
>fast food worker

I hope those jobs were diverse enough for you, not that it really matters since you obviously have downs syndrome and don't care either way.

>> No.5640343

I think you missed the implied owner/chef thing going on. He was the chef and promoted me so he could focus on building a catering/banquet business.

>> No.5640350

>be father
>about twelve years ago
>working his fancy sous chef position
>lung collapse during yelling at someone and stirring hollandaise idk
>kid starts laughing
>father, despite having a collapsed lung still tries yelling at the kid

Fucking mexican fathers.

>> No.5640359

Not technically food service but food is involved-

I work in the produce department of a grocery store and sometimes customers would be visibly upset at me when I had to break the news that we were out of stock of something, as if it was my fault. Lots of rolling of eyes, muttering under their breath, one lady once sternly asked me "Why?" when I said we had no more red bell peppers and I really wanted to say "Because other people bought them all you idiot"

The majority of customers are polite though and mind their own business. Although a lot do seem to expect that I must be an expert in all the produce they buy because I stock it. I try to be pretty knowledgeable about the fruits and vegetables (for example a lot of people will ask me how to tell if a melon is ripe or something so I make sure I know the answer to that) but people ask me questions sometimes not even the farmer would know.

One lady asked me why the scallions over the past few weeks were more bitter than usual.

there was one other lady who wanted me to pick out a good head of lettuce for her because apparently she was too indecisive. So I legitimately took one that I would pick out for myself if I was shopping, but she wasn't satisfied with it. About 4 more tries and she still didn't like the ones I picked out. I was like why am I doing this for you if you actually do know what you want

One creepy story -
I was stocking something next to our display of zucchini and a man was minding his own business picking out zucchini for himself, and I was minding my own business. He was putting his hands through and fondling the a lot of the zucchini trying to find the best ones. He then suddenly turned to me and said "I feel like a pedophile" and laughed
Like did he have to be a PEDOPHILE? why couldn't the zucchini be adult penises?

>> No.5640366
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>get written up for not doing something that would have also gotten you written up

>> No.5640384

>work as a dishwasher this summer
>psychological warfare
>dishes never stop coming
>food particles from nasty cunts spray into my face, eyeballs, and mouth
>come home clothes soaked, smelling like shit, and ugly old man hands
>shit pay
>required to fry shit and prep shit as well
>everyone gets mad because i can't clean 2000 dishes, put them all away at their proper stations, and do prep work at the same time, in a fast enough manner.
>line cook calls me a pussy bitch
>finish 2 hrs after restaurant closes because no one helps me

I'm happy I'm not going into the restaurant business after graduating. Good luck bros

>> No.5640403

>relying on teflon
>not just bringing your own teflon pan if you need it so badly

>> No.5640655

Anyone work somewhere (non-fastfood) where the food is bad?

>> No.5640739
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>New cook in a catering company
>Everyone's in a fucking rush, taking shortcuts and shit
>For example, caramelized walnuts were required for one dish, so I make them by roasting walnuts in a baking tray
>Boss sees me
>Starts yelling at me for wasting time
>Runs to the pantry comes back with a big ass bag of Walnuts and a huge ass jug of generic brand caramel topping
>This is how you make caramelized walnuts
>Walnuts in a large bowl, pours caramel topping and then mixes it
>It's some goopy shit
>This shit is supposed to be placed in a salad

>Caramelized red onions
>guy just uses whatever onions we have, adds vinegar, sugar and red food coloring
>cooks it down

>> No.5640761

move faster FGGT, we don't have time for you to whack the fucking tilly, this is a goddamn KITCHEN. MOVE MOVE MOVE WE ARE GETTING BEHIND AND FUCK OFF WITH AN EXCUSE YOU ARE WASTING TIME TALKING RIGHT NOW. FUCKING HURRY.

be glad you aren't going into the business. the hard work can be rewarding but honestly it isn't worth the pay unless you are in management, a head chef, or catering. all other positions are very low pay and attract not so great people who proceed to fuck up, be slow, and make the higher-ups life a screaming stressed out hell.

I don't blame you for being slow, the pays shit. but having also suffered from your low wage incompetency, I also hate you.

>> No.5640785
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>> No.5640937
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>work BoH for a popular brewpub
>supposed to be grill cook, but work literally every station INCLUDING dish at times
>scheduled 3-11, Friday
>half-price app time hits
>inundated with orders
>three other cooks decide to take their smoke breaks all at once
>lurking kitchen manager doesn't give a shit or offer to help
>still manage to stay on top of shit by some miracle; must have generated a small time warp from sheer stress
>catch a break when smokers come back, but won't be long enough to eat anything
>place a food order with cashier, pay and get receipt; plan on just getting food to-go at 11 when shift ends
>11 o'clock
>kitchen manager sends a closer home early for some reason and asks me to stay
>fuck it, more money
>decide I'll just take the ingredients for the food I bought home and cook it there; I and other cooks have done this before
>~2:30AM, kitchen's closed and clean
>clock out, gather ingredients for food I paid for
>manager stops me on the way out
>"What's in the bag, anon?"
>"My dinner. Going to cook it at home."
>"Like hell. Where's your receipt?"
>show receipt
>"How do I know you didn't just eat this earlier?"
>"Look at the time stamp. We were way too busy until closing, you saw us."
>"I don't believe you. Give me the bag."
>lose my shit, quit on the spot, and keep my food
>get home at 3 in the morning and make the most bitchin' burger I've ever eaten

Never again. I heard from a co-worker that not long after I quit, the place fell apart from people quitting over stupid shit the kitchen manager was doing. Made me feel a little better.

>> No.5641224

>tfw none of my tables understand my obscure underground music references
>tfw none of my tables sing along with me when the good songs come on the radio
>tfw my tables just look annoyed whenever i ask them if they want their change back
>tfw my tables don't laugh at my "tip me 20%" jokes
>tfw my tables don't wanna talk about politics
Why is serving so hard? Also, my average tip % is like fucking 16%. how do i get it higher??

>> No.5641255

>complaining about tips of any kind

You could start by not being an entitled shitcunt.

>doesn't appeal to customers
>blames customers

>> No.5641267
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>be first job at ice cream place
>working as cashier
>lady comes up and tells me she wants ice cream in a waffle cone and stares at me
>i stare back thinking she's still deciding
>"oh am i supposed to tell you what ice cream I want?"
>start to laugh in her face
>she's very confused
>takes her 5 minutes to figure out what ice cream she wants

>> No.5641269
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>> No.5641286
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my friend owns a restaurant
she works as the waiter/host
she is "rude" to people
when people complain and ask the manager she says she is the manager
give them le smug face

she is chinese, and you know these fuckers seem "rude", but thats how normally they are...

Im surprised her restaurant is successful because is rather hidden, and well reviews says that the service is fucking shit

>> No.5641309

>be >>5636102
>the famous chef i'm referring to is Wolfgang Puck

working for him doesn't mean much. Puck has restaurants EVERYWHERE and becoming a chef at one only takes a few years experience within the company.

>> No.5641327

>be bouncer
>not allowed to clean up and go home until everyone leaves bar
>some cunt is always still there past closing every single fucking night

>drunk girl crying in bathroom
>desperate girl propositioning me
>guy who insists he cant leave before finishing his shitty light beer
>attention whore taking selfies
>nigger trying to start a fight
>fat asshole passed out on toilet
>drunken wreck who cant find their friends
>girl who has no idea that bar closed and emptied out while she was on her phone

>> No.5641348
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>> No.5641353

>following a recipe to the letter rather than as a guideline

Found your problem, OP!

>> No.5641384

while that recipe is shit I work very hard creating my recipes and sometime make a dish 15-20 different way until I get it just right. If you came into my kitchen and just used it as a guideline Id fire your ass

>> No.5641400

Cooking noob here: what's wrong with teflon?

>> No.5641412

can't cook on high heat, can't use metal utinsels. I'm embarrassed to say I can't explain the exact science behind of state change or toxicity, but on high heat it creates a toxic gas, and with metal you'll scrape some off and be eating teflon.

i recommend ceramic/stoneware, but the whole of /ck/ seems to always sperg out and say "just use oil" or "well seasoned cast iron faggot" which both have their downsides (one doesn't address the problem, the other really isn't available unless you have a hand-me-down or years of cooking on it)

>> No.5641427

You'd get a smack from me if you tried that, faggot.

>> No.5641436

>I'm embarrassed to say I can't explain the exact science behind of state change or toxicity, but on high heat it creates a toxic gas

fluorocarbon gas.
teflon is basically plastic made out of fluorine, which is toxic.
heating the plastic up breaks it back down into toxic gas.

>> No.5641495

You need to get out more, faggot.

>> No.5641503

>equates £5.89

Below minimum wage in England (21+ anyway). Fuck that, getting minimum here is fucking depressing enough. Then again you all have it cheaper in regards to everything.

>> No.5641508

They're right 90% of the time. FOH is always fucking shit.

>> No.5641509

dude, that's like saying lorry or telly

you'd be given strange room if you said that here

>> No.5641545

Should have thrown the water on her face.

>> No.5641551
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Politics just piss people off, tip me jokes aren't funny, and stop being a money grubbing fuck. The way to make more serving is to have the ability to put on this act like you give a fuck about these people and want to have conversations with them letting them into your life without saying too much or boring them entirely

>> No.5641558

>want to have conversations with them letting them into your life without saying too much or boring them entirely
I dont want to know shit about my server and dont care about them knowing anything about me, I just want good service and to be left alone otherwise

>> No.5642060
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>you'd be given strange room if you said that here
>strange room

Predictive text huh, anon?

>> No.5643146


There are stone pans? Cool

>> No.5643149


I have no idea what you're even talking about but it sounds intense