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[ERROR] No.56033[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>/co/ laughs at /mlpol/
>/mlp/ and /pol/ actually get along
>Samurai jack is postponed next week
>actually thinking they could get away blaspheming kek
Ironic Isnt it /co/?

>> No.56201

>everyone laughs at /mlpol/

>> No.56267

enjoying that new episode anon?

>> No.56386

of rick and morty? sure

>> No.56448

cartoon /co/ isn't real /co/

the dumb casuals deserve what they got

>> No.56473

Eh. Not the biggest fan of Rick and Morty. It was okay though. I can wait a week.

>> No.56536
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>tfw like both shows and really don't care about what happened

Sometimes you should just try chilling once in awhile, it's actually pretty great.

>> No.56589

Enjoying that horsedick, stormshitter?

From now on horsefuckers is my new synonym for /pol/tards/stormshitters.

>> No.56646
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Dont try to rewritte history.

I was there on /mlpol/, it was war and shitposting for most of the day. The fags from there went to cry on /qa/ and other boards.

You are acting like you deserve a fucking medal for managing to balance things out there.....when every other board did this without problem.

Also, we waited 13 years, no issue waiting one week more, R&M is also a nice surprise.

>> No.56656

>horsefuckers wasn't already your synonym for /pol/tards/stormshitters

>> No.56762

>/mlp/ and /pol/ get along
>implying that isn't even more embarassing

>> No.56867
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>this is what poltards actually believe
>they think no one saw them losing their shit for 13 hours straight

>> No.56882

>implying samurai jack was good anyways
Everyone knows it was just a bunch of AS interns shilling their stupid cartoon on /co/

>> No.57012
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Why does /co/ just make shit up? There were threads reeeing at /mlp/ the first hour or two of the merge but then /mlpol/ got along.

>> No.57164
File: 33 KB, 374x292, it's not denial I swear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thread made at 22 hours
Sure, I believe you. It's not like I was there the whole time.

>> No.57179
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>being this much in denial
Almost as much as those jackfags thinking it would start at midnight.

>> No.57241

Stop lying nigger, I was there.

The threads are on the fucking archive.

>> No.57348

>tfw Samurai Jack didn't actually get rebooted
>it was all just a publicity stunt to get people to watch Rick & Morty

>> No.57440
File: 272 KB, 960x652, pol3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't /pol/ like 50 times more active than /mlp/? so it's less "merge" and more /pol/s add some horses to their regular schedule of shitposting while bronies look on in horror.

>> No.57603
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I already said they were shitposting at each other initially.

>>thread made at 22 hours
What are timezones

Surely you don't mean 4chan's because /mlpol/ doesn't have its own archive.

>> No.57612

So just for the record you're saying /mlp/ didn't just rape you took the horsecock willingly?

>> No.57872

/mlp/ has an autism level around /jp/. /pol/ got out shitposted hard it was pretty damn fun to watch. They got shitposted so hard they are already trying to pretend it was all part of some master plan to drive the evil jews and liberals off their board as a way to save face. See >>57012 for an example.

>> No.57914

>Surely you don't mean 4chan's because /mlpol/ doesn't have its own archive.

I already said, I was there, I saw the shit unfold, one thread with 2 responses every 8-12 shitshows doesn't really mean much. And this was consistent until after 1 pm CTM, Merge having happened before 7 am

>> No.57939

Nobody means the internal archive when they say the archive you stupid newfag.

>> No.58042
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Thing is, it's EASY to shitpost any /pol/ thread with ponies (I did).

But /pol/ can do nothing against /mlp/. Some fags tried to post gore, but the newfags doesn't know that /mlp/ loves gore.

There were terrorist attacks today, and the board still was taken over by horse porn. /pol/fags had no other choice besides let themselves be assimilated.

>> No.58135

Seems calm now

>> No.58223

Yeah I saw that, it was hilarious

The only other thing they tried to do was spam trump generals but that got completely flooded with pony images too. /mlp/ completely steamrolled them and they tried fleeing to /tv/, /qa/ and other boards

>> No.58249
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>I already said, I was there, I saw the shit unfold, one thread with 2 responses every 8-12 shitshows doesn't really mean much. And this was consistent until after 1 pm CTM, Merge having happened before 7 am
You're making shit up. I already conceded that when the merge happened there was infighting (porn spam and horse gore everywhere) but that did not last anywhere near 13 hours straight unless you want to say that isolated complaint threads that got shat on by the rest of the board count.

>Nobody means the internal archive when they say the archive you stupid newfag.
Where do you think I got the picture from?

>> No.58310


This afternoon there was a period where there were fucking 32 "Trump Generals" there at the same time, because of the shitposting

>> No.58320

>But /pol/ can do nothing against /mlp/. Some fags tried to post gore, but the newfags doesn't know that /mlp/ loves gore.
Oh that was precious, there were threads with pictures that I have already saved from /mlp/ threads over the years!
The hoof-less horse, man, we had that for OP in a thread less than a week ago!
well, yeah, a few hours after the massive butthurt began many /pol/acks fucked off and many ponyfags got bored so they also went away, after that the threads were mostly filled up by people who lurk both boards or weren't as fanatic so of course they were going to "calm down", but that still took more than half of the day.
>You're making shit up.
No u.
>Where do you think I got the picture from?
self-contradicting much?

>> No.58324

>/pol/ is the jewish crab

>> No.58330

theres nothing wrong with browsing and sharing info from /mlp/ and /pol/ though

>> No.58362

The lack of self awareness /pol/ shows is remarkable.

>> No.58425

And you are a know kiddy diddler arc royale.

>> No.58469
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>> No.58679
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You've already proven yourself wrong by backpedaling on your claim that it was a shitshow for 13 hours straight and now saying it went from ~7am to ~1pm. /pol/ isn't even fucking active in the morning anyways if you check 4chan statistics.

>> No.58705

>/mlp/ and /pol/ actually get along

>> No.58719

The downsidem however, is that when we are able to post on /mlp/ again there's going to be a massive boost in confidence for all the /pol/ thread-killing crossposters that were already there, not to mention the influx of new ones.
Just look at how easily /pol/acks delude themselves, now look at the latest /mlpol/ inventions:
>Equestria is a redpilled utopia
>/Pol/ is full of ex-/mlp/ posters
>/mlp/ has been succesfully redpilled
As if the general-filled cesspool wasn't full of logically-fallacious kids.

>> No.58724

I think its hilarious how many people are flipping out about it. It is one fucking week, jesus christ

>> No.58754

>/a/ didn't get merged with anyone
>/v/ didn't get merged with anyone
What's the point? I guess I'm flattered that they actually remembered /co/ for once but why didn't they do anything with the biggest boards?

>> No.58829

>pol gets butthurt after being merged with mlp
>starts making threads about how they were totally not butthurt
Shows how underaged those retards were

>> No.58872

They did, just later. /v/ merged with /int/ which I've found out is /pol/ on steroids but not as controversial and /a/ with /sp./ So both boards now have flags.

>> No.58880

They did two hours ago

>> No.58979

>nitpicking his hard
I already said it lasted more than half of the day for people to actually calm down, I also said that the merge happened before 7 am, never gave an exact time, because not even I can tell;the archive shows posts well into yesterday, but up until 6:40 am today you could still post on /mlp/, so yeah, the merge started before 12 am today but it was more significant after 7 am when nor/mlp/eople couldn't post in their own board anymore. Still, you can find in the archive a lot of assblasted /pol/acks whining at those early hours, even if with little response, but all the other threads ignoring the situation didn't get a very significant amount of responses either, in compliance with what you claim about activity vs time.
I repeat, for a board that has a sticky talking about logical fallacies (even if a poorly made one) you still are a bunch of fallacy-making little chucklefucks.

>> No.59015

>/mlp/ and /pol/ actually get along

You missed earlier when /pol/ posters ran to other boards upset saying "Nazis aren't even 25% of our board why are you guys doing this to us!"

>> No.59081

I could quite literally murder every single living person over at CN right now without a hint of remorse or pity.
I damn them and their families to the lowest, darkest, filthiest depths of Hell, and pray that they suffer nothing but loss and shame until the day of their actual demises.
Yes. I am mad.

>> No.59128

They're trying to save face. Anyone who was there, or looked at the archives saw the exact opposite happen.

>> No.59177


I came seriously late to this so I missed everything, but has anyone seen barneyfag at all

>> No.59279

We /cuck/ now

>> No.59676
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>half of the day
This isn't true though unless you count isolated whiners, and if you do you can easily argue every other board that got merged was a shitshow for a long degree of time too. /cock/ had buttmad /ck/ posters throughout the day. There's not even a point giving you examples because you would just call them all cherrypicked.

>Still, you can find in the archive a lot of assblasted /pol/acks whining at those early hours
I never said otherwise.

>I repeat, for a board that has a sticky talking about logical fallacies (even if a poorly made one) you still are a bunch of fallacy-making little chucklefucks.
If you're going to accuse someone of making a logical fallacy it would probably do you good to actually name said fallacy.