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File: 45 KB, 640x360, 111111043551-pickles-story-top[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5635684 No.5635684 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone just love the fuck out of pickles?
Like can't get enough?
I love the fuck out of pickles. I get them on everything.
Any other pickle lovers out there?

>> No.5635697

I do love me a spicy dill pickle. Shame a hail storm in the middle of fucking July killed most of my cucumber plants.

>> No.5635698

yes but not pickled cucumbers.

i don't dislike them, but my love for giardiniera veggies and peppers is much greater.

also, pickled garlic, holy shit. hold me

>> No.5635707

>yes but not pickled cucumbers.
You do know what a pickle is... right?

>> No.5635720
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Pickle juice makes for a pretty epic chicken marinade.

>> No.5635730

it can be really tough to find a simply pickle with no additives or yellow 5, but I find some somehow and I enjoy them, rarely though because I crave them alot and then get tired of them.

>> No.5635735


i know that a pickled cucumber is what immediately comes to mind, but the process of pickling can be applied to a variety of foods

you got what i meant anyway

>> No.5635742

>Not making your own pickles
it's not even hard

>> No.5635750


that's what your mom said last night


>> No.5635759
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I got into the most retarded, loudest argument with my sister one time about this.
We were talking about pickling things, and she mentioned pickled cucumbers, and I said i've never had them, it sounds gross.
Then she said yes, yes I have. I've ate them my whole life.
I said no, I think i'd know if i'd ever ate a fucking pickled cucumber.
"Stop fucking around, yes you have."
"No, I haven't. YOU stop fucking around."
It just escalated from there for no goddamn reason until we were both honestly shouting and throwing shit and slamming doors

>> No.5635761

You know they have pills for that now right? Go get some and then give that dudes mum the fuck of her life.

>> No.5635766

>posting the worst stargate besides infinity

>> No.5635768

see dude, its probably all the yellow 5.

>> No.5635772
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I has a pickle

>> No.5635809

Sliced up some lebanese cucumbers and put them in some old pickle brine with some extra sugar and vinegar.
Best I have ever eaten, perfectly crunchy and just good

>> No.5635818
File: 29 KB, 500x375, pickle-pop-recipe-500x375[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are good on hot days where you sweat a lot.

Can't fucking believe people just dump the juice out.

>> No.5635833

Are Claussen kosher spears/halves/whatever available everywhere? I guess they are also called Deli Pickles. Those salty bastards are the best on burgers. Also whatever the pickles they serve at Movie theaters and the like are fucking amazing

>> No.5635849

Man my sister gives me so much shit for drinking pickle or sauerkraut juice. I honestly don't get why she finds it so disgusting that she demands I leave the room.

>> No.5635864

She's half-right.

>> No.5635869

Man home fermented sauerkraut juice tastes awesome I dunno what you are talking about.

>> No.5635870


Yeah I like kosher dill pickles and eat them straight out of jar

>> No.5635891

At our highschool lunch, the days where pickle spears were served in big 20l Camsquare -- me and my friends probably like 5 of us at a table would go over to the condiment table and just fucking say fuck it and take the entire container to our table and demolish the shit...pretty awesome lol...

>> No.5635900
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I read that, well. like this:

>some lesbian cucumbers and the sugar with extra sugar
>mfw no qt3.14 girlfriend

what are lebanese cucumbers like? adding sugar and old pickle brine, can you describe the flavor please?

this seems very strange and new, would definitely try.

>> No.5635908

>mfw I just went and got a whole dill pickle out of the fridge and am eating it right now because of this thread
I never knew these things were good on their own. Holy fuck.

>> No.5635941

I craved pickles like crazy when my potassium was low.

>> No.5635977

Tastes just like that crunchy green thing in a Big Mac that you pick out and throw at the drive thru window.

>> No.5635979

i have an awkward gravitational force towards pickles, onions, and garlic.

>> No.5635987

I eat pickles and drink that juice when I'm fucked up. Helps me every time. I have a local place that sells by the quart of dill, spicy, garlic. Love that shit. God bless Allentown's Farmer's Market

>> No.5635988

Holy shit, that's why I've liked them so much! For the past like 6 months I've been craving pickles, and at the same time dealing with low potassium,huh.

>> No.5635992


>> No.5635995
File: 18 KB, 400x299, mfw garlic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same here. I fuckin LOVE onions and garlic, and I find myself just munching pickles straight out of the jar now and then.

Garlic the most though. I don't know why.
All my life I've always heard people saying that garlic stinks or whatever, and i've always wondered what the fuck they were talking about. I love the smell of garlic more than anything else i've ever smelled.
(The mixed smell of fresh cut grass and lawnmower gas coming close second)
Garlic on fucking everything. Tons of it.
I just get these cravings for it.
I've always wondered if there was some genetic predisposition to loving certain foods, or if its just.. a deficiancy of something.
Like theres somethin in garlic that my body isn't getting from anything else.
Its healthy as fuck, so i'm not particularly worried about eating it.

>> No.5635998


Are you Romanian? I visited Cluj for a few months and they put them on and with absolutely everything. Fatty meat and pickles.

>> No.5635999

Better than that. Those are sour pickle and are good but not great.

>> No.5636004

I'm a bit like that, I go through about 2 big bulbs of garlic a week and I live on my own. I keep a jar of minced garlic in the fridge just in case I run out of the fresh stuff and don't want to go to the shops.
Some coworkers have commented on my stench but I don't give a shit.

>> No.5636079

No we waited towards the end of lunch, no one ever fucking grabbed them because omgpickles....welp whatever they missed out

>> No.5636092

I make my own fermented salt pickles.

Infinitely better than jarred vinegar pickles. They have a sour taste without being completely overwhelming.

>> No.5636974

I love garlic but I'm not sure I could ever eat it raw.

>> No.5636977

My brother couldn't get enough pickles.
Two days later - dead.

>> No.5636996
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my favourite.
i crave pickles often. I looove drinking the juice and i save the juice for hangovers.

>> No.5637010

Pickles are fucking gross, I don't know people can like that rancid shit, I'd rather eat dog feces. If I order a burger and there's a pickle in it, I can't eat the burger because the pickle has contaminated it. Fuck you faggots that like pickles, you should shoot yourselves

>> No.5637017


>> No.5637061
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>hating pickles this much

>> No.5637075

I love those things but the weird colored seeds at the bottom always freaked me out.

>> No.5637082


>> No.5637092

that's mustard seeds. does mustard freak you out?

>> No.5637110


>> No.5637112

what the fuck did I just watch

>> No.5637126
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These are pretty good with a beer

>> No.5637142

I fucking love pickles and would probably like these pickle freezer pop things.
I'm worried about the health effects though, specifically how much sodium is in the juice itself (the pickles have an obscene amount) and is it really ok to just down like a cup of white vinegar?

Damn it now I need a pickle.

>> No.5637330
File: 67 KB, 600x402, 450-p6j8my.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like sweet pickles and spicy pickles.

So long as there's no fucking dill. I don't know what it is but Dill taste is just so offputting that I can't enjoy any sort of dill pickle.

>> No.5637347

shitlantis too

>> No.5637352

I love pickles, but they usually make me sick.

>> No.5637987

Anyone have any good recipes/suggestions for pickling fruits, like apples, or strawberries? I figure apples won't take any special precautions, but it seems like something as soft as strawberries would degrade into goop after being kept in a brine for any extended amount of time.

>> No.5638005


> fat hands

every time

>> No.5638029

Soft and ripe fruit might. You could pickle less-ripe fruit, and maybe add a bit of sugar to the brine if it's too sour.

>> No.5638115

He's eating a pickle, that's under 10 kcals. If he is fat, I think we should applaud his snacking choice.

>> No.5638595

How come on the label on the pickle jar it always says best consumed within 5 days of opening. I've had opened pickle jars in the fridge for months and they were still fine.
It's a conspiracy I tell you, the great pickle conspiracy.

>> No.5638609

>How come on the label on the pickle jar it always says best consumed within 5 days of opening.
After 5 days they won't taste as best as they could when you consume them as they will when you consume them in 5 days after first opening them and then consuming them.

>> No.5638625
File: 29 KB, 300x300, 93360223-c4a8-495d-84b5-3af901db8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


These are my absolute favorite. However, my local grocery store stopped selling them about half a year ago. Fucking A, I wish I had a time machine..

>> No.5638638

Claussen addict here. How come I have never seen or had these, like wtf.

Related: How can I make homemade pickles with a similar consistency to Claussen's?

>> No.5638644

mah motherfuckin nigga.
I used to make these all the time when I was younger. Really good with spicy pickle juice and a nice slice of pickle in the middle.

>> No.5638669
File: 41 KB, 459x574, img11c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only had the spicy kind that I found at Fresh Market, but goddamn, super hot but really addictive.

>> No.5638695
File: 55 KB, 520x347, pickled-okra-a[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pickled okra is best

>> No.5638715

Claussen really are the best pickles you can find at most supermarkets.

>> No.5638720


>> No.5640548

I tried a peanut butter and pickle sandwich a few days ago.

Not too shabby, don't think I'll make them all the time, but I enjoyed it.

>> No.5640572

Hi, Chris!

>> No.5640576
File: 22 KB, 300x300, iwantthispackedintomycoffin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hot giardiniera master race reporting in

>> No.5640581


im from Russia... every aunt and grandma (literally) in Russia is a craft picklemaster.

None of that mass produced store shit you find in the states, not even the exceptional pickles in the deli stores. (i like Zergut).

The best pickles are the tiny ones, with lots of little pimples, they're extra dark. And the best way to pickle them is not too much (malosol).