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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 231 KB, 500x500, sadpeasant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5624121 No.5624121[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be Euro before contact with Americas
>tfw no corn
>tfw no tomatoes
>tfw no peppers of any sort
>tfw no potatoes
>tfw no raspberries
>tfw no turkey
>tfw only eat boiled cabbage with pig bones
America literally saved world cuisine from boredom.

>> No.5624195


those evil crackers! how dare they enrich mexico!

>Introduced foods included olive oil, rice, onions, garlic,oregano,coriander,cinnamon,clovesand many other herbs and spices.[6]More importantly, they introduced domesticated animals such as pigs, cows, chickens, goats and sheep for meat and milk, raising the consumption of protein. Cheese became the most important dairy product.[6][13]The most important cooking technique introduced by the Spanish was frying.[6]

don't forget citrus of all types and wheat. where would you be without limes and flour tortillas?!

oh gawd imagine a world without chili and lime Frito's!

>> No.5624308

Pretty sure there is a cultivar of Raspberry native to Europe.

>> No.5624325

>tfw only eat boiled cabbage with pig bones

Well, you have successfully proved you're an ignoramus. Next!

>> No.5624397

Tomatoes aren't new world, though they were thought to be poisonous, being form the nightshade family.

>> No.5624424

Tomatoes are most definitely New World.

>> No.5624444

Pretty sure they're from the new world

>> No.5624460

>le epin trol

>> No.5624469

As a guy who studied food and warfare as one of his History degree modules i can safely say you are talking out of your ass

>> No.5624491


Not OP but enlighten us. I thought all those things were introduced to Europe from the Americas.

>> No.5624538
File: 37 KB, 219x173, 134534366334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is it for Americans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

I went to visit some relatives in Iowa, and got to stay in their house. They lived in a pretty small city, and had to do this because of something that had to do with their city sewage treatment.

Essentially, you had to throw the used TP in a separate bin, and then also scoop the turds back up and put them in yet another separate bin.

I've experienced the TP thing in hotels in Cyprus, Spain and Greece, but the scoop thing came as a complete shock and I thought they were joking.

Could some American shed some light on this? How prevalent is it?

>> No.5624550

Tomatoes and potatoes have had huge impact on european cuisines but other than that? Coffee is pretty important as well I guess.

>> No.5624559

>not this shit again

Old, stale, pasta.
(which, for the uninitiated, is false, the only places I've seen that is in Mexico, and I've seen our friendly "immigrants" do it because they don't know any better. )

>> No.5624560

Australian here. Call us shitposters if you will, but by the look of it, you need us. Its 4.30 in the morning here so not so many Aussies but about a million yuro vs yanks threads.

>> No.5624624

>be American before the Euros came around
>tfw no wheat
>tfw no barley
>tfw no grains
>tfw no diary
>tfw no eggs
>tfw no alchohol
>tfw no sugar
>tfw no pasta
>tfw only eat barbequed corn(without salt or butter) and raspberries.
Euros literally saved the world cousine from from overexposure.
Euros literally saved the world cousine from boredom.

>> No.5624631

Coffee is native to East Africa

>> No.5624637

Pre-Columbian Americans definitely had alcohol. They used corn, honey, manioc, pineapple, agave and other native sources of sugars for the basis of fermentation.

>> No.5624685

And the fucking Romans had acces to peppers, so i dont see why i have to be correct when OP didnt bother to.

>> No.5624699

I know this is just a troll thread, but what actually was the European staple? America had yams, sweet potatoes, corn and potatoes. Asia had rice and noodles. The Middle East had Couscous.

What did Europe use as their main starch that is native there? Especially the cold northern nations?

>> No.5624710

Wheat, barley and oats maybe buckwheat and stuff like that as well.

>> No.5624716
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, typicaleurotoilet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How common is it for Europeans to use the setup in pic related for their bathrooms?

I went to visit some relatives in Birmingham, and got to stay in their house. They lived in a pretty small village, and had to do this because of something that had to do with their city sewage treatment.

Essentially, your shit would be used to feed the swine conveniently located below the outhouse. Sometimes they'd come up out of the toilet and lick your ass clean.

I've experienced the pig thing in hotels in Cyprus, Spain and Greece, but the pig's tongue up my ass came as a complete shock and I thought they were joking.

Could some Eurotrash shed some light on this? How prevalent is it?

>> No.5624722

pol please go

youre bleeding onto other boards

nobody here was even arguing

>> No.5624725

after marco polo came back, pasta started spreading, almost all grains can be boiled and eaten, not just rice. chickpeas, fava beans and peas were also rather common.

>> No.5624729

Come now, we havn't used americans chained under outhouses for years man, unless this is from the 1800's it's an obvious troll.

>> No.5624746
File: 16 KB, 260x190, American_pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5624787

Tomatoes are the New world's cultivated nightshade, as was potatoes.

Old world had eggplants from india, which come from nightshade as well.

>> No.5624818


Are we talking America as in that whole 'it's the name for both continents' bullshit? Because much of the stuff people think of as typically American isn't native to North America at all and was spread there from other parts of the New World BY Europeans.

>> No.5624823

>tfw no turkey
that's actually kind of good

>> No.5624831


I usually just toss all of it in one can. I only poop about once a week though since burgers provide such poor nutrition it basically shuts my digestive system down.

>> No.5624832

Pasta as we know it today (from semolina) dates back to the 800-900s in southern Europe, brought there by Mohammedans during the days of the Emirates, predating Marco Polo by quite a number of years.

Noodles are actually rather dissimilar from pasta. Unlike what is commonly believed, modern pasta has no relation to Chinese noodles but rather comes from Persia/India, where semolina (called 'rava' in both Persian and Hindi) is native. The difference is, pasta in these cultures was used not as something savoury but rather as a sweet, boiled, cooled and dressed with rose syrup. The the expanse of Islam in the 700s, the Arabs were introduced to semolina-based pasta from the Persians and brought it back westward into North Africa where it took hold as a common food in the form of couscous and tlitli, Berber pastas. Tlitli is the predecessor of all modern pasta and couscous the predecessor of tlitli.
Oh, and egg noodles were known to the Greeks, the Romans and even the filthy Teutonic barbarians in northern Europe so no, Marco Polo didn't have shit to do with pasta.

>> No.5624833

all sorts of bread. and turnips.
and scandinavia had big problems because they cannot grow grain.

>> No.5624836
File: 149 KB, 960x638, quebec-poutine-chez-ashton-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot
>no poutine

>> No.5624837

There are types native to Europe. I was looking at raspberries about a week back. Trying to find some that would grow in my region.

>> No.5624855

The hunger....

>> No.5624875

That was rather interesting anon. Thanks for the post.

>> No.5624908

>Especially the cold northern nations?

Cousine based on fish, forest fruits and very small amount of actually grown food, since the lands were really not good for it on the most part.

That's why they've developed into such great explorers and travelers (...and pillagers).

>> No.5624909
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>> No.5625331

>flour tortillas
Gtfo. Corn master race

>> No.5625359

>tfw no potatoes
I thought ireland lived off potatoes from the beginning of time. Russia and Poland potato vodka? Am I an ignorant pleb?

>> No.5625900

At least you arent Japanese during the middle ages

>no meat allowed, period.

>> No.5626131

No they didn't, this is why the native population was so susceptible to alcoholism. Lrntoread

>> No.5626181

Yes, you are an ignorant pleb. Potatoes originated in the Americas and were brought to Europe by returning explorers. They were so easily cultivated and difficult to destroy by passing armies that they quickly became popular among peasants.

>> No.5626185

fun fact horses came from the americas and migrated to the east but the american ones died out before people so they had to be reintroduced

>> No.5626191
File: 148 KB, 721x1107, pulque_en_dia_de_muertos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5626193

>no turkey
Who really cares?

>> No.5626197

>inb4 Lamarckism
>inb4 chicha

>> No.5626204
File: 27 KB, 500x375, 1403279934764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aussies always fail
always fail

>> No.5626221


did the Indians eated them to death?

>> No.5626228


>White King
>Proudly Filipino

da fuck?!



>> No.5626231

gone before them

>> No.5626257
File: 31 KB, 450x335, still_life_eggs_thrushes_vill_hi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Usually eaten as a porridge, (with the pig bones) as bread was a lot more work and thus wasn't very common.

>> No.5627018

>tfw black eyed peas are from europe

>> No.5627028

>they quickly became popular among peasants.
Well, not in France, where the king literally had to run a viral marketing campain.

>> No.5627061


Rye and barley and other crops that grow in the harsh climate used for various breads were a staple along with stews.

From what archaeologists have gathered pretty much everyone ate meat daily as well. Rich or poor.

>> No.5627149

You're ignorant and apparently unable to learn.

>> No.5627160


i have also read that marco polo was in persia and just thought it was china.

>> No.5627186


This shit's pretty fascinating


>Famine was an ever-present danger in these circumstances, and in 1961 it snowed in June. The hard frost killed everything growing in their garden, and by spring the family had been reduced to eating shoes and bark. Akulina chose to see her children fed, and that year she died of starvation. The rest of the family were saved by what they regarded as a miracle: a single grain of rye sprouted in their pea patch. The Lykovs put up a fence around the shoot and guarded it zealously night and day to keep off mice and squirrels. At harvest time, the solitary spike yielded 18 grains, and from this they painstakingly rebuilt their rye crop

>> No.5627193

fucking Siberia

>> No.5627196

You left out the part where vice read the article, flew out there immediately, shat all over the little homestead and gave the old lady a deadly flu virus that killed her, all for a youtube "documentary" for teenagers to lol at

>> No.5627202

I think you're mixing up the people who initially found them in the 80s with Vice. She's still alive.

>> No.5627413

That would make sense... except the fact that the court of Kublai Khan, the emperor of the Mongolian dynastic powers ruling China at the time, had records not only of Marco Polo and his father and uncle being received at court, but also of various other Venetians living within China's borders in the century following Polo's visit. Under the Khanate, these Italian foreigners, who lived mostly in Yangzhou, were called 'huihui,' which translates loosely as 'fucking Muslims,' or something like that, not knowing the difference.

Polo and his family were basically kept captive at the Khan's court as a curiosity. Kublai Khan disallowed them to leave for 20 years.
They were able to leave China westward towards Persia to accompany a mail-order-bride that Kublai had chosen for his great nephew, the Khan of Persia. Polo and his family fled from Persia westward back to Italy, arriving back to Venice in 12...95, I think? I CBA to look it up.

People claim that he wasn't in China because he didn't mention the use of chopsticks. This is silly. Here's why: he stayed with the Khans, who were culturally and ethnically Mongolian. Not only did the court not speak any Sino-related language at all and were an entirely different people from those they ruled... but...
Polo didn't interact with the peasantry so would have had no notion of what the average Chinese did. He was basically a tourist for 20 years, seeing only what the Khan wanted him to see. He did, however, travel as far south as Isan, then under control of the Sukhothai dynasty of Southeast Asia, which controlled all of modern day Thailand and Laos at the time as well as parts of Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar/Burma. The Khan sent him down there as an envoy and to show off to emperor Ramkhahaeng how he got himself a white boy to do his bidding.

>> No.5627435

>India and the middle east never existed
Captcha:Eastern swasch

>> No.5629189

They had access to black pepper and paprika, those are not the same thing. They are not the same as capsicums which are native to the Americas.

One thing not included in OPs comments were guourds, such as pumpkins and squash.

>> No.5629223

Hate to burst your obviously Aussie/Kiwi bubble, but paprika is made from red sweet peppers. You know: "capsicums."
Also, there are some old world gourds. Calabash, for example. Another commonly cited and thoroughly wrong assumption as a new world exclusive is yam. Yams have existed on both sides of the Pacific and Atlantic for thousands of years.

>> No.5629226

Yeah and pooty poot has given us made in Moscow cabbage rolls. Light up the fucking fireworks!

>> No.5629240

It's not the same, and I'm from the USA, so fuck your lame assumtions.

Please do look it up, you had no access to access to capsicums, that's bell peppers or hot peppers before you "disovered" the Americas. Get over it and admit it now or look like a moron.

>> No.5629253

I'm not saying you're wrong about yams but you are properly distinguishing between sweet potatoes and yams, aren't you?

>> No.5629256

That's exactly what I just said, you fucking moron!

>romans had access to paprika!!! DERP

>but anon: paprika is made from peppers, which are new world

That's what just happened here. Yes, you've certainly corrected me. No one could be so base and idiotic but an American. Forgive me for thinking you a descendant of debtors and thieves rather than a descendant of religious extremists and political infants. Apologies.

>> No.5629263

What is paprika made from? This Anon is clearly arguing that the Romans DID NOT have access to paprika because it's a new world cultivar

>> No.5629264

You're wrong, paprika isn't made from capsicums. Do you want to be proven by anon to be incorrect? It's a separate plant.

Similar names, different plant.

>> No.5629266

Yes. Sweet potatoes are native to the Americas. Yams, however, existed on both sides. There was, and still remains to be, a greater variety of yam sorts in the old world v the new.

>> No.5629268

You made the assertion, you tell me, it's not capsicums. I know the answer, I just want to see you admit to being wrong.

>> No.5629274

Dear me, how many shades of fucking idiot have you been painted, Anon? Paprika. Is made. From sweet. Red. Peppers. Got it?


>> No.5629281

Agreed, just being autistic and making sure you knew that.

>> No.5629283

Not the same kind of peppers at all, and the ones that make paprika aren't peppers.

>> No.5629285

>Paprika is a spice made from ground, dried fruits of the chili pepper family of the genus Capsicum annuum.

You might want to talk to a counselor about your rage issues.

>> No.5629289

American education, everyone. The one thing it teaches with any success is to entirely deny facts even when presented with them.

Leave them be. It's clearly a pig newton. The mental three-year-old is right.

>> No.5629290

What year were they first recorded?

>> No.5629297

You haven't presented shit for facts, nor can you. Just stop, I'll make you look stupid.

>> No.5629299

Which happened so long ago to not matter.
This just reads as a bitter post over being an invaded country. I mean come on, vegetables?

>> No.5629304

So you have DNA evidence that the peppers used to make paprika, which were originally introduced to Spain and Portugal from the New World in the 1500s, are not related to the peppers that were used in the New World in the 1500s?

>> No.5629312

Leave it alone. It's a pig newton. Don't read the fucking box. You can't win an argument with a three-year-old.

>> No.5629320

Don't you believe scientists saying that all people came from Africa? Well if you believe one, why not the other?

This seems as a valid question to me.

>> No.5629327


>> No.5629330

>if you believe that one specific species originated in one specific place why do you believe some other specific species originated in some other specific place?
>why don't you believe all various species originated in the same specific place this one specific species originate in?

>> No.5629336

There is DNA evidence for it, the same that makes us all come from africa.


>> No.5629343

You've lost the plot, as you've needed to write in green text.

>> No.5630544

that's a militia, not a peasant
god I have to pump those fuckers out to make fire archers

>> No.5630585

You mean south and central, not northern as you are trying to childishly imply?

>> No.5630607

I can't imagine italian cuisine without tomatoes or peppers

>> No.5630743

except out of africa has been disproven

>> No.5630751

Lots of beans. Also, salsa/ragù Genovese predates the new world. It is based on caramelised onion. After the new world, though, small quantities of tomato are now added to the soffritto at the beginning.

A lot of dishes based on pulses/beans in the south and meat/dairy in the north.

>> No.5630752

yeah. here i thought caesar himself was eating spaghetti. nope.

>> No.5630755

Which Caesar?
Although not a Caesar, Virgil ate egg pasta.

>> No.5630759
File: 74 KB, 720x417, pasta-alla-genovese-e1324724058794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>salsa/ragù Genovese

Man this does not look appetizing.

>> No.5630764

That's a particularly bad pic of it, but even that one looks pretty delicious to me!
Maybe it's a cultural thing? I'm assuming you're not from Italy? I am. And it looks wonderful. Om nom nom.

>> No.5630770

No it hasn't.

>> No.5631072

So trolling aside, what cuisine can the Americlaps genuinely lay claim to? The burger? That's it right? Even the fucking apple pie was being made in Europe hundreds of years before.

>> No.5631077

you're most likely not native american

>> No.5631085

Southern/soulfood, Tex Mex, barbecue and cajun. The rest is mostly Americanisations of British or other European cuisines.

>> No.5631332

Tex Mex owes a huge amount to North Africa via the Canary Islands.

>> No.5631371

And French cuisine owes a tonne to German, Italian and British stuff, too. Doesn't make it any less distinct from each of the three.

>> No.5631374

>tfw no corn
one disgusting and unhealthy crop
>tfw no tomatoes
could be basically replaced with plum, as it was in Caucasus
>tfw no peppers of any sort
black pepper came from India
>tfw no potatoes
well, one point to gryffindor
>tfw no raspberries
full retarded, its european. Russian staple berry from idk
>tfw no turkey
meh, ducks and game birds are much better, chicken is cheaper
>tfw only eat boiled cabbage with pig bones
you wish.
OP sucks dick as always

>> No.5631399

I never said that Tex Mex is just North African food with a different name. My point stands, the cuisine of Mexico and the Anglicized version of some of that cuisine that we call Tex Mex derives a substantial part of its core ingredients, flavors and methods from North Africa via the Canary Islands.

Of course, the inclusion of maize, tomatoes, nopales, chili peppers and other New World crops does partly distinguish it as does the simple fact that behavior changes and diverges through time.

>> No.5631400

And my point still stands, as well: two entirely, wholly, completely different things.

>> No.5631404

by that logic almost all asian food isnt really asian but mexican since its so chile centric

>> No.5631410

>two entirely, wholly, completely different things.

Except that they partly share common origins, just like you and that cousin who took your virginity.

>> No.5631414

Did you even read what I wrote?

I didn't say they're the same thing. I said that one of them is substantially based in the other.

>> No.5631423

so no country has its own cuisine then, sure think captain dumb son of a bitch

>> No.5631428

Agreed, no 'country' or social group is an island. All human societies have interacted with other societies in the past and in the present.
This means that even in our daily life things like food demonstrate the historical interactions and influences of various groups.

You have now passed Social Science 101.

>> No.5631445

>social science
pick one

>> No.5631450

>no country is an island
what is greenland, australia, new zealand etc

>> No.5631460

>using the singular form when plural is clearly needed

They are geographic locations that have been colonized, settled and heavily influenced by European nations.

>> No.5631464

They are still both countries and islands not to mention australia was colonized before england got there.

>> No.5631471

Dogs and bears share common origins, too. They are still two totally, wholly, entirely different things. Just like British and German cuisines as well as Tex Mex and Canarian cuisines. Two totally, wholly, entirely different things.

>> No.5631477

>not grasping that Anon used the word 'island' metaphorically
Paul Simon would like a word with you.

>> No.5631510

What do you mean by "wholly, entirely different things"? I think it depends on the scale at which you look at it.

Within bears or dogs each individual is a different thing, yes? But dogs constitute a species that differs from bears, agreed. And yet both are members of the order Carnivora and, in fact, are both Caniforma and therefore more closely related to each other (and also to seals and walruses) than either is to a cat. But still, as Carnivora they are all more similar than any of them is to a deer or an elephant but those things still are mammals and therefore more like in comparison to a fish or a bird than they are dissimilar.

So, similarity and difference depend on the scale you are observing. Yes, in the present Tex Mex and North African cuisine are different food traditions. And yet, in the past North African influences entered the northern Mexican food culture via immigrants from the Spanish owned Canary Islands.

Also, British and German cuisines are basically the same thing. Sausage, cabbage, potatoes and beer.

>> No.5631525
File: 93 KB, 392x500, all_that_shit_by_you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>blah blah blah you're right but i want to split hairs
You could have just said that, Anon. I really didn't need to pic related.

>> No.5631797

No chocolate either.

>> No.5631962

pretty much anything potatoes do a turnip can do too.

plus beef, pork, fish, dove, pheasent, chicken, deer. all those are available. tomatoes did exist in europe but for a time where thought to be poison, theres loads of food that was great.

>> No.5631971
File: 190 KB, 331x327, nuthin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomatoes are from the New World and did not exist in Europe prior to the early 1500s

>mfw we've already had this discussion

>> No.5631979

Not at all. Turnips are very, very sweet. You know... being oversized radishes and all that.
Most of what a potato can do, taro and eddo can do. I don't know if taro/eddo have the scurvy-fightin' properties of potato, but they both function in much the same way as potato does. They can be boiled, roasted, simmered, fried and more. While I've never seen it, I assume they can also be boiled, mashed, pressed, dried and milled to make taro flour in the same way potato is.
Beeteedubs, fuck potato flour. Expensive as fuck.

>> No.5632034

No, most of the "European" grains (wheat, barley, semolina, oats etc) and other domesticated plants came from the Levant (Iraq). The animals as well such as cows, goat, sheep, and poultry. So they had more than just couscous.

>> No.5632230

my wife makes mashed turnips, and scalloped turnips. if you didnt know it you would think they where the best scalloped/mashed potatoes in the world. so creamy and savory as well as buttery, sure plain they might be sweeter but prepared right they arent.

>> No.5632354

For one, Iraq is not in the Levant. Secondly, semolina isn't from either the Levant nor Iraq (It's from India/Pakistan/Afghanistan). Finally, you imply that couscous is native to either Iraq or the Levant and it's not. It's from Maghreb and only entered Levantine cuisine by way of Sephardic Jews moving to Israel from Maghreb.

>> No.5632463

Guiz, the mother fucking spice trade. Asia clearly saved us all. Salt and pepper will always reign supreme to spice and preserve our food.

>> No.5632472

I may be wrong but the reason potatoes prevail is their hardiness and growing potential, tarro needs more attention and fertil soil

>> No.5632520

The Britons were well capable of gaining salt from the North Sea well before the Romans invaded. There's no need to thank Asia for the ocean.

>> No.5632975

Mexico doesn't use limes signficantly, and flour tortillas are a American fabrication. Nobody eats them unless they have to.

>> No.5632983


So you don't like burritos? You must be real faggot

>> No.5632989

Burritos aren't mexican, they're tex-mex and people think of them as American.

>> No.5633035
File: 93 KB, 879x628, 67eb41d6-0110-4ca7-ba15-4d14b0510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mexitards couldn't even into cheese.

where do you think cheddar cheese came from? a place called Cheddar England! yes you dumb motherfuckers its a British cheese!

pic is real cheddar without that silly coloring. ameritards think everything needs to be dyed.

>> No.5633056

Nearly all native americans were lactose intolerant. In fact, Europeans are the only people who can eat dairy so freely, even half of Asians have trouble with it

>> No.5633078

ITT: people who should be reading "Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies" form Jared Diamond.

>> No.5633080
File: 63 KB, 640x360, 130747016570412596206201197_907CocoaBeans[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one person mentions the greatest discovery in the Columbian Exchange

shit thread

>> No.5633082
File: 101 KB, 600x453, 468S13a-f1.2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact, Europeans are the only people who can eat dairy so freely

not entirely true

>> No.5633119

Isn't the European gene for lactose digestion completely different than the one in West Africa though?

>> No.5633128

Looks like white people and the Arabs in NW Africa.

>> No.5633155

Wrong, the Indians (excuse me, "Native Americans") killed off both the Mammoth and the American horses.

>> No.5633171

Wiki links to the Vice youtube video:

Wiki seems to indicate that she is still alive.

>> No.5633210

>tfw swedish
>tfw wild raspberries and blackberries keep shitting up my rose hip patch
>tfw moose keep fucking up my wheat fields
>tfw hares keep ruining my cabbage patch
>tfw moles and rats keep eating my rutabagas
>tfw boiled fish, boiled meat, boiled turnips, boiled rutabagas, boiled beans and porridge every day
>tfw only drink milk, rose hip soup, pine tea and beer
>tfw american crops arrive
>tfw throw them out since the haulm tastes like shit

>> No.5633231

Plastic food and take away.

>> No.5633236
File: 30 KB, 570x238, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: Semantics

10/10 OO

>> No.5633256

What a fucking tard this kid is lol

>> No.5633268


Most autistic argument I've seen this week

>> No.5633285

>not showing the natives in the americas

>> No.5633293

Tomatoes being part of the nightshade family people thought they where poisonous. Turns out it was the pewter they used for everything.
There are some great old recipes that only use PR American ingredients. Try googling the medieval cookbook its one my wife uses.

>> No.5633834

Don't put it on quote marks, moron. It's not to appear politically correct, but to prevent mixing them with people from India.

>> No.5633872

yeah if you're some indian from merida

>> No.5633911

I never understood the accusation that Aussies shit post a lot until I went to /sp/.

>> No.5634063

He put it in quotes because they're not native. They came over from a land bridge from siberia or something. They're not native.

Being born here in the USA, I'm as native as they are, they just use it as a label, a crutch to get tax money.

>> No.5634079

>nobody in the world except for africans are native

>> No.5634087

Bering Strait, and that was many thousands of years ago. The people you refer to are called paleo-indians. And by your logic, we all should have a double African citizenship.

>> No.5634094

We always needed the ANZACs, never let some idiot assert the USA doesn't think you folk are pretty awesome. You and your kiwi friends(?) helped during WW II a lot. We're more or less a bunch of people fucking around with each other here. Rule #1 that I learned a long time ago, never take anything on the internet personally.


>> No.5634102

you're a stupid fucking cunt

>> No.5634106

Migrated to the west to siberia over that land bridge that brought the so called native Americans here. How would they migrate to the east?

>> No.5634109

ok where did europeans come from? arabs? indians? japanese? koreans? polynesians?

>> No.5634128

It's called the Bering strait, and your arguments are all asinine.

>> No.5634131

You can't even avoid using literal translations of mexican slang and you're insulting my intelligence?

>> No.5634135

Nobody is asserting that Rome didn't access to paprika, just not peppers. Black pepper yes, paprika yes, anything from the bell pepper family of capsicums no, those are native to the Americas and Rome had no knowledge of the Americas back then and there's no historical record to indicate that they did.

tl;dr Paprika and peppers and black pepper are not the same things

>> No.5634167

And you are, gtfo, there are no native american humans, that's a crutch to get tax dollars but they came from sibera or such over a land bridge.

Get over it honey.

>> No.5634171

europe and america is called the west and asia plus some of russia is called the east retard. I said they went to the east, not migrated east.

>> No.5634174

Again, by your flawed logic everyone is African and national identities are nothing but falsehood.

>> No.5634184

Colombia, wouldn't that be cocaine?

>> No.5634191

If you're gonna be politically correct like most morons are these days yeah, we're all from africa or so the scientists say.

>> No.5634204

national identities have nothing to do with this, before nations people were wandering around and making tribes and shit, going north from afreeka, going east from there crossing a land bridge that existed at that time and going to the Americas.

How you connect things that have no connection like that makes you winner of the moron of the day award. There'll be more tomorrow without a doubt.

>> No.5634212

from afreeka. or so the scientists say.
This is the scientific wisdom of the day, as all science does chance, but that's what they say and why you dutiflly pay your carbon credit taxes like morons.

>> No.5634214

sorry for not keeping it authentic 4 u

>> No.5634215
File: 79 KB, 845x403, 1395506323878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in addition to pic related there is also lots of research about how australians genetics show they arent from africa either

>> No.5634217
File: 21 KB, 216x336, maroon_cartoon-MV5BMTU2MDk5MzYwOF5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwNjEyMjc4._V1_SX640_SY720_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and you're just a maroon.

>> No.5634218

well not really and the out of africa theory isn't fully correct but it is true that if you go far back enough then everyone comes from africa

>> No.5634222

It's the Bering Straight now, but there used to be a land bridge between there and what we now call Alaska and Siberia. Climate change, nothing you faggots with your carbon credits can change.

The earth is over four billion years old, are you stupid enough to think that it's always looked as it does now? Are you really that fucking stupid?

>> No.5634229

depends on your point of view idiot or can't you use your brain to project? Oops, this is /ck.

>> No.5634247

I'm not saying that it's not possible, science is fluid and changes with new information, that's the point. Nothing is static like if someone comes up with an idea burn them at the stake like Catholics used to do and muslims still do.

>> No.5634252

You have to admit, our aussie friends are pretty messed up... hahaha! They've been fucking dingos.

>> No.5634260

Is that from Pravda, if you know it's from Soviet Russia then you know it must be as true as spoon benders and space aliens... yeah Soviet news.

In Soviet Russia, Spoon Lick You!

>> No.5634272

Are you literally retarded?
It was on the Bering Strait. The Bering Strait has existed for a loong time. The theory says it was on the Bering Strait. The location you are mentioning is the Bering Strait.

>> No.5634277

I know and there was a time when a land bridge existed that people and animals could cross.

Look it up twatnose.

>> No.5634303
