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File: 13 KB, 458x206, aeroknifecloseup[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5629683 No.5629683 [Reply] [Original]

>Live with my dad
>Have been complaining about our shitty knives for a couple weeks
>Was planning on getting a couple Victorinox ones when money was better
>One day dad approaches me
>Hey anon, I got you a new chef's knife :))
>fuck yes
>See the knife
>Pic related
>It's dollar store tier garbage that's almost a downgrade from our current knives
>Make tacos
>Can't even cut an onion in half without sawing
>Blade is literally bending, cutting the onion in a way that's all sort of wrong
>Having to put all my force into chopping cilantro because it just hits it without cutting if I don't
>tfw don't want to tell him it's shit because the last time he bought me something I didn't like he got ultra upset at me

>> No.5629695

Don't take offence to this question OP but how old are you?

>> No.5629698

>there are people who go their entire lives realizing knives are supposed to cut through something without much effort, and that sawing is blasphemy

>> No.5629700

Fuck. My family bought one of those for me.

Thank god I don't live with them. I use it to cut bread.

>> No.5629713


>> No.5629714

18. We're pretty poor, so I'm taking the year off to save up some money before going off on my own for college.

Yeah, it seems like it might be good for tomatoes, too, but I have to use it as a goddamn chef's knife. I'm thinking of staging some way to lose it or something, but he might just buy me a new one if I did that.

>> No.5629725
File: 4 KB, 280x280, Joyce_Chen_6.5_Santoku_Knife[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just get a santoku knife you whiney cunt.

50 bucks and you got yourself a knife that you can shave yorself with.

>> No.5629730


that's the most horrible santoku I've ever seen and I've seen some horrible santokus in my time

>> No.5629733


>> No.5629736

Yeah don't "lose" it. It's usable, just not ideal in any sense of the word.

Fuck, I wish I could be there to help you. If only just to explain to your family why you need a basic knife without serrations.

But I recommend keeping quiet for now if you can tolerate it, for the same reason I kept quiet. I love my family.

>> No.5629742

Like I said, I was planning on getting something nice when money was better, but my dad is very... sensitive. When I was 16 and first getting into music, he got a turntable for my birthday. Of course, being 25 dollars from the pawn shop, it was garbage that would've ruined my records faster than I could listen to them, so I asked if he could return it so we could spend the money on something I'd actually use. When I did, he got this really sad expression on his face, like he'd just utterly failed me, and we didn't have a normal conversation for like a week after that.

>> No.5629754

>my parents know I like computer things
>"let's go to fry's and you can pick out something you want"
Seriously, why is this shit so hard for people to understand?

>> No.5629757

Is it sharp? Even a shitty knife should be usable if you sharpen it properly.

>> No.5629771

man the fuck up and explain to your father that you really appreciate that he got you a knife but that the knife he got you is shit.
let him know that his heart is in the right place but that the knife market is rife with counter-productive gimmicks and he has unfortunately fallen for one.

of course he'd take it personally if you just tell him it's shit like you did with that turntable, you just shut him down when he thought he was giving you something nice.

>> No.5629774

just tell him your gay

>> No.5629778

save up some money...buy a new knife, break the one your dad got on purpose and say it was mistake

>> No.5629779

Is everyone in this thread 14?

Last time my parents took me to to pick a present out for myself I was 15 or so and we went to Toys R Us. Think I got myself Assassin's creed 2.

>> No.5629784

Already have ;o

I just told him. He seemed to take it better than he did with the turntable, but we'll have to see what his long term reaction is.

Basically, he apologized and told me that it would just have to be a temporary solution until we got something better. It went smoothly, but god damn did I feel bad.
>he just wanted to make me happy with what he had
>tfw i feel like a dick for not being grateful enough for even being able to buy a new knife and not being some poor niglet in africa barely surviving on millet and river water

>> No.5629791


now both of you, together, can go out and buy a proper knife that will make you both happy.
neither of you can be disappointed with a purchase that you both try out and buy together.

>> No.5629793

get a job

>> No.5629798

Can you sharpen them? Even the cheapest knives can be sharpened.

>> No.5629802

My advice is, do what your parents did! Get a job, sir! The bums will always lose

>> No.5629803

Hirrey dishorrorobul, grass oppa.

Whusthoff ikon classic line has a godly santoku.

>> No.5629805

My broke ass inherited some dull fucking knives that are like 10 years old. A few hours of work with a grinding stone they were good as new.

I bought some dollar store knife sets when i moved into my first apartment, they all literally broke at the stress of dicing an onion. Shit's a fucking safety hazard.

>> No.5629808

>asks if people are 14
>gets assassins creed 2 at 15
>15 in 2009

yeah youre a little faggot just like the people you're trying to insult

>> No.5629810

>ikon classic
>not grand prix
syn pls go

>> No.5629811

2009 was 5 years ago fag.
He's 20.
Get over yourself.

>> No.5629812


I'm 20.5 years old.

>calling me a faggot

That's rude and makes me feel vulnerable. :(

>> No.5629814

this makes me feel old

>> No.5629815

Feel you, bro. My dad made my an Xbox out of wood one year for Christmas. It lit up a little with tree lights and has magic marker pacmans along the outside. We were homeless at the time, and I know he was doing good best.

>> No.5629817

this just sounds depressing

>> No.5629818


>> No.5629820

also if you were homeless he should have spent a little less time woodworking and a bit more looking for a job.

>> No.5629823

The steel is the same, the grip is sexier.

>> No.5629828

OP here, that's really fucking sad. Definitely makes me feel a little better about my family's financial situation.

>> No.5629841

Seriously, I get the impression most people on this board are either little kids or jobless manchildren.

OP just reading this thread makes me sad for your dad. Sharpen the damn knife and use it to chop your food, get a damn job and buy your dad a present that he would actually want you ungrateful piece of shit. I never even knew my dad and my friends dad beat his ass his whole childhood and murdered his mother, you make me sick.

>> No.5629843


Yeah, and he has such a look of pure l pride on his face when he gave it to us. He stayed late at the wood shop where he worked for about a week to cut it down. We had an old Atari that he took apart and put inside, drilling holes for the wires and buttons. My brother and I were old and polite enough to know not to complain.

Similarly, when it was time for me to get a bike, he got a girls bike with a banana seat, welded a bar across so it would look like a boys bike, and painted it powder blue. I was just happy to have a bike.

>> No.5629846

See my they post. He made it at the shop he was working at after hours with the scrap wood.

>> No.5629850

Your dad sounds boss as fuck.

>> No.5629852

that "xbox" actually sounds pretty badass. pics?

>> No.5629854
File: 455 KB, 2052x1544, Knives.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know I love my grand prix though thats probably got a lot to do with the fact that it was a christmas present from one of my favorite chefs who I no longer work for, pic related, knives from my main roll, gran prix santuko in the center

>> No.5629858

Dude a custom Atari sounds tight as hell, I hope you kept it, your dad sounds really nice.

>> No.5629860

OP here. Don't think you're so special. I never knew my mom, which is the reason why I got into cooking and whatnot - because there was no one else to do it. I have a job, but it's minimum wage, and I also help out with rent and save up to go to college. The knife's sharpness isn't the issue, it's that it's flimsy as hell and has no weight behind it. And I do buy my dad presents, where the fuck did I imply that I didn't?

>> No.5629867

He tried. That's all you can do, right?
Sorry, no pics. I just remember my younger brother who didn't know any better telling the neighborhood kids who has real ones that we had one, and me explaining that he was just kidding.

>> No.5629876

Sorry I like to assume things, I know it's a touchy subject here but honestly fancy chef knives are frivolous and a luxury. I just wanted to give you some shit because you claim to be poor and it sounds like you shit all over every gift your father gives you and actually make a point to tell him you don't like it, that is incredibly rude IMO. Try not to mention to him how you are calling him poor all over the internet, I know you probably feel the need to.

I'm just jiving you man, but seriously just research sharpening knives, if you put a good sharp edge on it you wont be able to tell it's flimsy because it will just cut through stuff like butter.

>> No.5629885

Why so pearing? I'll show you my roll tomorrow.

Ikon classic feels best in my hands.

>> No.5629888

I see where I might've made it seem like I'm throwing my dad's gifts in his face like a spoiled piece of shit, but that's really not the case. In the case of the turntable, it just didn't make sense not to return it, as I was never gonna use it because I didn't want my records damaged and we could've used the money on something much more useful. He was probably more upset at the fact that he didn't have the money for a nice turntable than that I didn't like it. The knife, I admit, I probably could've kept quiet about, since I've used dull knives all my life.
Also, the current model of this knife is serrated for god knows what reason. Would I be able to sharpen it into a smooth edge?

>> No.5629898

lol, different ones for different things Ive got 2 more in with my garnishing kit, thats just my main roll that I lug around minus my boning knife. I keep my specialized knives at home like my shashimi knife b/c I rarely use it and keep a bunch locked in a big toolbox at work especially my butchering knives and stuff. cant find a roll that will carry all my shit well plus I dont need to have it all with me all the time so I just carry that plus my garnishing kit with me

>> No.5629912

I got a good roll that I will post up tomorrow with my knives. fits everything

>> No.5629915

Yes, watch some youtube vids, there is more than one way to sharpen a knife and you can literally redo the whole edge, just takes a little patience. It may not seem worth it to some people, but I myself am financially challenged and I take pride in making the best out of what I've got to work with. Personally I'm happy with a $20 set of knives from walmart that I've sharpened, but cooking is a hobby and necessity for me, not a passion, I drop all of my extra cash into bicycle and motorcycle shit. If your passion lies in cooking then save up and get a fancy knife, but you can make this one work in the meantime.

>> No.5629931

do you work in the industry or just a home cook? Also did you see all that shit I posted on your snapper thread b4 it got pruned? it would have been the only long post in the thread did you get to use your tweezers on it or have they not came yet?

>> No.5629934

If it really is a cheap dollar store knife, leave it in the sink and let some water sit on it. Pretty soon you'll develop rust/shit spots and you can say that the quality just isn't there and prove it to him visually. I bought a Chicago knife at Walmart, because I was going somewhere where it could get lost/stolen and I didn't want to worry about a good knife. Thought, "Chicago did okay knives back in the day, and now they're at Walmart, so..." and then had it spot the fuck up, wasn't even worth the $7 I paid for it.

I'm sure it won't be hard to fuck up yours.

>> No.5629995


Plz dont get a crosley turntable

>> No.5630006
File: 50 KB, 500x333, basic1_shadow[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn't Crosley, but it was some similar 'all in one' turntable with a straight tonearm and no adjustable counterweight. Like I said, money's really tight right now, but I'm saving whatever scraps I have leftover from my paychecks for a U-Turn Orbit. Shit's sexy as hell, plus supposedly really nice quality for the <$200 price tage.

>> No.5630245

Dude, trust me, it won't ever get any better.

>> No.5630372

Home cook. Cooking is my therapy. My luge is otherwise hellish right now.

The tweezers came and worked well, Burt I need to figure out how to pull a pin jobs without also pulling out any meat. Also, those dimples are just stickers, and provide no grip, unlike what the description says.

Thanks for the tip.

>> No.5630374


sharpen it. IT's not like more expensive knifes are going to sharpen themselves either.

>> No.5630389


Did anything stick to the blade though

>> No.5630554
File: 32 KB, 640x483, 1397366147593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're just terrible at knifehandling.
It's not just the tool it depends on. It's the person using it.
At this point I'm so skilled I could slice bread using a slice of bread.
Fuck you.

>> No.5630561

>Drop some cash on a 3 pack of Wusthof classic knives
>Use them once, never go back to any of my old knives

It take a decent knife to show you just how blunt and shit your old one were. I've never diced an onion so thinly.

>> No.5630574

>knives that rust are worthless
It's great to know something l O1 or W1 steel is completely worthless for knives.

>> No.5630587

Moral of the story kid: Complaining makes you feel guilty/a doofus.

>> No.5630589

"It broke." (with this structure it's really nothing unexpected), "...so I bought a replacement."

>> No.5630591

Don't tell him he's wrong or even suggest it. Talk to him about buying products that are an investment long term is cheaper than not

>> No.5630599

Reminds me of that Mormon ad.

>> No.5630603

Most the general western population doesn't buy more decent knives than what you got there. Chill.

>> No.5630608


Man, your dad sounds really cool.

>> No.5632532
File: 2 KB, 131x110, byebye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5632644

Fuck, I have a friend whose family owned nothing but dull knives.

First thing he does in my kitchen is start sawing away at an onion with a victorinox 10" and goes half way through his thumb.

He literally did not realize that a knife could actually cut flesh. Gave me the heeby jeebes around knives for a few weeks.

>> No.5632736

sorry to blow your mind but cheap knives work just fine you just have to sharpen it. any 3 star chef will say the time thing.

just go to a local thrift store and some cheap knives then sharpen it

>> No.5633057

Took you a while.

>> No.5633074
