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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 274 KB, 640x480, pizza[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5625759 No.5625759 [Reply] [Original]

>Go on a "health food" website out of morbid curiosity
>See this abomination that someone managed to convince themselves was a pizza
>Looks at the ingredients
>Rice tortilla, "pesto" that replaced basil with dandelion (what the hell)
Is this seriously what eating "healthy" is like? Fuck that, I'll take a nice, marbled ribeye with with some greasy fries on the side.

>> No.5625762

Link to this shit

>> No.5625770

That looks delicious. I mean, not a substantial meal. But a tasty snack.

Don't limit yourself. Try new things. Try different, even 'strange' sounding things. What if it's yummy? You don't even know.

>> No.5625777
File: 27 KB, 263x400, 1arug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh you're eating vegetables? trying to be healthy?

Ask me how I know you had bad parents.

>> No.5625781


>> No.5625788

Hell, it looks like it'd be great if it had real pesto, but this bitch is marketing it as a "pizza" and as a meal. Plus, pesto with no basil? Call me a purist, but how the hell is that pesto?

>> No.5625793

looks okay. I would eat that. they should have still used some basil too though.

>> No.5625799
File: 94 KB, 640x480, IMG_3247[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this sushi made with fucking quinoa instead of rice
What's even wrong with rice? Is she replacing things just for the sake of looking 'cool' and 'healthy'?

>> No.5625811

I'd try it,
would definitely make my own crust for it though. Using a tortilla or naan for pizza is just so lazy.

>> No.5625822

quinoa is just better nutritionally than rice. Rice is by no means a bad food but it's just not as good as quinoa. Although quinoa sushi sounds pretty stupid because it would not taste anywhere near the same with rice vinegar. Would probably be a better idea to do those donburi things with quinoa than sushi.

>> No.5625826

more like don cheadle amirite?

>> No.5625833
File: 67 KB, 400x500, 1404799192531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5625850

that's what eating "healthy" is like if you have an eating disorder that you try to cover up with some diet that has bizarre food restrictions

>> No.5626411

>implying I can't just eat this sometimes if I feel like it because It looks good.

>> No.5626435

you wanna be the war machine

>> No.5626449


Doesn't seem like a health food really, has a bunch of oil and cheese, but it sounds tasty. You'd probably like it if you tried it, you're just used to over-the-top Americanized food

>> No.5626454


while I agree that it doesn't look bad, I really doubt that you'd go back to it after eating it for the first time

>dandelion instead of basil

>> No.5626474
File: 105 KB, 640x429, Microwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, not foodbabe.

>> No.5626516

Can someone give me a TL;DR on this microwaving water is harmful for human consumption shit thats been going around lately?

>> No.5626533

it's a fad
like "peanut butter isn't good for babies"

>> No.5626536

Never heard of that, but I am only 19.

>> No.5626540

>That looks delicious. I mean, not a substantial meal. But a tasty snack.
It looks like a moldy tortilla.

>> No.5626544


i've never heard of it and I'm 26

anyway the microwave shit is psuedoscience that's been around since I was a kid

>> No.5626552

I figured as such, I'm currently reading Garl Tsagins Demon Haunted World and then my mom mentions that microwaving water is bad bullshit at the dinner table, tried not to visibly face-palm

>> No.5626554

it would be nice if it had some more basil but I would love to give dandelion a try. If I liked it I would totally eat it again of course.

might try different styles of it too. I like trying cool things.

>> No.5626556

there are lots of people who like to tell everyone how much of a crock of quacking ducks people are who avoid microwaves but it was one of the things I changed about the way that I eat, and I absolutely refuse to use microwaves to heat my water for tea or cook my food.

I don't care if some other people like them, but when all they do is run around and tell people "oh yeaaa its crazyyy microwaves are finnnee" it almost sounds as if they are trying to convince the people who explicitly avoid them, to use them by making them feel ashamed of being "crazy" or "different"

I just wanted to share that, and that I absolutely refuse to use microwaves because I do believe they are harmful. we disagree you know? but I had to make my side known.

>> No.5626557

>i disagree with science

>> No.5626558

I have the freedom to avoid microwaves and you wont make me feel bad about it. I really do believe they are bad for the food, and in turn bad for the body. that's what I believe, and I wanted to pop in and tell you that you didn't change my mind.

>> No.5626568
File: 470 KB, 792x1224, microwave-poster-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are lots of people who like to tell everyone how much of a crock of quacking ducks people are who believe the world is only 13,000 years old but it was one of the things I changed about my beliefs, and I absolutely refuse to believe the Earth is 4 billion years old.

I don't care if some other people believe it, but when all they do is run around and tell people "oh yeaaa its crazyyy look at the geological evidence" it almost sounds as if they are trying to convince the people who explicitly avoid it to believe them by making them feel ashamed of being "crazy" or "different"

I just wanted to share that, and that I absolutely refuse to believe the Earth is billions of years old because I do believe its wrong. we disagree you know? but I had to make my side known.

>> No.5626571

I dont care what numerous exhaustive testing shows I dont believe it!

>> No.5626578


of course you have the freedom to avoid them, but your choice is not based on science and it seems like you somehow think that people who acknowledge this are "microwave shills" or something

>> No.5626584

I believe that there is scientific reason why they are bad and you can't change my mind.

>> No.5626588

>i believe there is scientific evidence that proves my point(which there isnt) but all other scientific evidence proving the contrary are false.

>> No.5626592

At least you are being stubborn about something that couldn't possibly affect anyone else's wellbeing, how do you handle eating out though. Microwaves aren't uncommon

>> No.5626593

my grandma was also born in the 20's and thinks computers and microwaves are evil

>> No.5626597

How do you feel about cell phones? Are you aware of all the damage they cause with all those waves floating around your head?

>> No.5626602

This same thing happens everytime you post this shit. You'd think you'd learn.

>> No.5626605
File: 199 KB, 720x655, 1344460159480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this seriously what eating "healthy" is like?
No, this is what eating healthy is like.

Stop making excuses, fatty.

>> No.5626609


I just wanted to stop by and tell you you're wrong. Microwaves aren't bad for your food regardless of how much you don't believe it. You are crazy and different but not in a cool rebellious way.

If you ever get laid your kids will use microwaves. They will think you're strange for not using them. You will die just like all the microwave users out there.

Just want to tell you that you lunatic. Willful ignorance isn't a virtue.

>> No.5626621


>1:1 ratio of meat and not-meat

What? No, that sounds terribly unhealthy. Half of your every meal (snacks and desserts included) would have to be meat. You'd have to be a shark to process a diet like that.

>> No.5626649

I don't use the cell phone very often and I don't eat from teflon cookware.

>> No.5626652

jesus fuck are you foodbabe?

>> No.5626654

you are telling me to stop voicing my opinion? I only had to share it because you couldn't stop trying to make everyone against microwaves feel bad for being healthier.

I see you in every single thread
>"hey did you know microwaves are not actually bad, and everyone who says otherwise is crazy?, yea wow like totally I agree with myself"

sorry bro but every single time I see that since this is a discussion board i will share my opinion as well.

>> No.5626659

>feel bad for being healthier

>> No.5626660

youre opinion should be backed up by facts which it isnt

no one is healthier for not using microwaves

you mean share an opinion that is not only completely unsupported but also 100% disproven

>> No.5626664

i disagree with what you say, but i will defend to the death your right to be retarded

>> No.5626678
File: 294 KB, 720x655, 42453243345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you serious

>> No.5626680

just for that, I'm not using microwaves even harder.

>> No.5626682

its better than yours. Personally I eat mean some kind of carb and several vegetables for most meals and fruit for dessert or snacks with a moderate amount of physical activity and am perfectly health as is my family who have been eating like this for generations and like to 85-90

>> No.5626683

no, I am an ordinary normal person who doesn't like teflon, microwaves, or cellphones all that much. I avoid them as much as possible because that is my life decision.

>> No.5626684

Boiling or microwaving water removes the oxygen from it. If you take your microwaved water, let it cool, and use it to water a plant, then you will drown the roots of the plant and it will die.

Idiots think that this proves microwaves are harmful.

>> No.5626687

you thinking this is even possible shows how dumb you are.

>ordinary normal person
no you arent and I wouldnt be surprised if you had mental issues

> that is my life decision
Im glad you changed that from health reasons since there arent any

>> No.5626688

I wont listen to biased fox guarding the chicken coop, corporation based studies that don't tell the truth. I believe that microwaves denutritionalize food, make it taste like and have the consistency of rubber, and cause more carcinogenic compounds to be created in the food. I just heat my food up on the stove or in the oven and I'm happy with that.

>> No.5626689


And you're still wrong! Nothing changes. Funny how reality is like that.

>> No.5626692

I was just trying to be funny, but I do like only eating plants. to each their own.

>> No.5626693

jesus youre deluded

>hundreds of peer reviewed studies and general scientific consensus are wrong!

>> No.5626695

if that is the truth then why would I ever remove the oxygen from my food and water? my body is used to drinking clean water but with the normal amount of oxygen.

>> No.5626698


Boiling water removes dissolved O2, it doesn't break apart the water molecules. Be careful how you say that.

>> No.5626701

except I believe that you are wrong. why are you trying so hard to make me change my mind?

>> No.5626706

>completely ignores all the studies that say anything against their argument

>> No.5626707


You believing I'm wrong doesn't make me wrong. You're struggling really hard with this belief vs reality thing. It's okay. It's why you're a loony.

>> No.5626711

what peer reviewed studies that are accepted by the scientific community published withing recent years based on new model microwaves says that shit?

oh thats right, none

>> No.5626718

but you believe that I am wrong and You believing I'm wrong doesn't make me wrong.

you can believe that I'm wrong as hard as you want, but you can't get me to start using microwaves. that's where you fail, and I succeed.

>> No.5626720

weight of the claim that there are none rests on the claimer. prove that there are none.
>[citation needed]

>> No.5626721

no what makes you wrong is that your views have been 100% disproved by science and you arent succeeding in anything except continuing to be ignorant you sure as hell arent pulling anyone to your side

>> No.5626727

you are the one who first claimed there were some retard, sorry you dont have anything to back your arguments up so you have to resort to that bullshit.

>> No.5626730


>ordinary normal person

believe whatever you want but don't convince yourself that's what a normal, sane person believes

I'm batshit fucking crazy but I'm not that retarded

>> No.5626731


Me believing you're wrong is based on the fact that you're wrong. You believing I'm wrong is based on being buttpained. Since my belief is founded in reality, it is correct.

It's okay most people don't understand arguing, epistemology, science, or logic. They get through the day by clinging to whatever trendy blogs tell them. Most of the time it's harmless but sometimes it's not.

>> No.5626732

>your views have been 100% disproved by science

I don't agree. I believe science backs up my perspective on the matter. still not using microwaves.
>such a shame
>can't use microwaves
>much ignorant
>missing out so much

you are really trying to save me from waiting one extra second for my food to heat up on the stove huh?

>> No.5626733

Everyone that says "I have a right to believe X and you can't change my mind" is either a troll or a retard. Or from tumblr, because I hear that they care a whole lot about feelings and beliefs there. But that would still make you a retard, so my point still stands.

tl;dr: "I believe X" isn't an argument in any capacity.

>> No.5626735

I'm not the one who refuses to see the studies that prove it effects the nutritional content of the food. you have the entire internet infront of you and you pretend to play dumb.

>> No.5626738

call me crazy but I will continue to not use teflon.

>> No.5626739

>guys I made a silly choice but by-God it's a choice I made and I have a right to make choices you should respect my ability to make dumb choices and totally consider me a person with value because I can make a choice, no matter how stupid it is. I also have opinions. I have opinions, really strong ones. Very strong convictions. You have to respect someone with strong convictions even if they're dumb. I have opinions, convictions and I make choices based on them.

Liberalism, not even once.

>> No.5626741

what are you even on about? You clearly ARE the one who doesnt accept the general scientific consensus that they arent bad and refuses to hear any claims contrary to your beliefs

>> No.5626744


Post five (5) recent (past 10 years) peer-reviewed studies that were published in well respected major medical journals concerning nutrition.

I'll wait Dr Science.

>> No.5626745

or cell phones or microwaves right?

>> No.5626746

you believing I'm wrong is flawed based on the fact that your perspective of science is incorrect.Since your belief that you are right is an opinion, you can in fact argue that it is founded in reality, because opinions are real.

I'm really enjoying my spaghetti I just warmed up on the stove.

>> No.5626749

the world would be such a great place if you were in charge.

>> No.5626750

>your belief that you are right is an opinion
its not an opinion its literal fact

>> No.5626751

>quinoa is just better nutritionally than rice.
>just not as good as quinoa
Sure it is, quinoa (like all grains) is a shit source of anything but bulk carbs.

>> No.5626752

okay, then prove me wrong with the studies that prove I'm right. go ahead. can't do it?

>> No.5626755

>stop liking what I don't like!
>stop not liking what I like!
>how dare you have different views!

and you call me liberal?

this is a food and cooking board btw. post some vegetables or get out.

>> No.5626756

and no one is saying that food isnt better heated on the stove or that microwaves make food taste good, hell I hardly ever use a microwave myself but to say its dangerous and unhealthy is just plain wrong and that is what everone is bitching about

>> No.5626759


Your opinion isn't founded in science or reality. Sorry. Enjoy that spaghetti all you want but it would have the same nutritional content had you heated it in your microwave. It doesn't matter what you believe, the result would be the same.

I don't know what happened in your life that you must compensate by going around telling everyone your superior heating method, but good luck with that. I wish your life would get better so you can move on and come to accept reality as it is.

>> No.5626763

he says while spouting memes

>> No.5626765


>how dare you have different views

Yes I'm calling you a liberal because you value diversity over reality. Having the different view is more important than having a correct view.

You're probably under 18 too.

>> No.5626767

>your belief that you are right is an opinion
>its not an opinion its literal fact

... uh

>it is a literal fact that I am right.

okay. so.. you will leave me alone now?

>> No.5626768


It's not the same person genius.

>> No.5626769

>but it sounds tasty. You'd probably like it if you tried it, you're just used to over-the-top Americanized food
Yeah, no. Dandelion leaves have little flavor (young leaves) or taste like ass (mature leaves). Pesto needs a tasty veg, basil, arugula, garlic scapes etc

>> No.5626772

>calls criticizing someone for being against anyone that is different to them in any way a "meme"

>> No.5626774

i wasnt even the person you were replying to and they arent against anyone who is different maybe look at the reply chain dumbfuck

>> No.5626777


Nobody is criticizing you for being different, we're criticizing you for being dumb.

>trying to pull a Galileo Fallacy

>> No.5626778

tumblr pls go

>> No.5626779

no the literal fact is that microwaves arent harmful, it doesnt matter what opinions are b/c this is a proven and well documented fact

>> No.5626780
File: 27 KB, 436x432, bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop trying to make everyone against microwaves feel bad for being healthier.

>> No.5626781

Why in the fuck would they replace basil, a leaf, with dandelion?

>> No.5626782

>Enjoy that spaghetti all you want but it would have the same nutritional content had you heated it in your microwave. It doesn't matter what you believe, the result would be the same.

I politely disagree. the result is that I warmed up my spaghetti the way that I wanted to without denutritionalizing it and making it into rubber the temperature of the sun in one spot, and frozen in another spot.

>I don't know what happened in your life that you must compensate by going around telling everyone your superior heating method,

I kindly suggest anyone rewind the thread and see who suddenly brought up microwaves for no reason to tell everyone to start using them because if they didn't "they are crazy!"

>I wish your life would get better so you can move on and come to accept reality as it is.

I too hope nothing but the best for you friend.

>> No.5626784

it looks like someone was making a budget pizza out of some Freegan ingredients, and weeds from the local park

>> No.5626786

having a different view than yours is exactly what you are against. look at the way that you talk.

it sounds like you are saying that any view that contradicts your own just isn't even based in reality. sounds like those people that plug their ears and scream "la la la la" when they don't want to hear what the other person has to say.

>> No.5626787 [DELETED] 

well i legitimately hope you die horribly and soon and im not even trolling, you are absolutely retarded and completely irrational

>> No.5626789

>making it into rubber the temperature of the sun in one spot, and frozen in another spot.

Why did you freeze spaghetti?

>> No.5626791

I believe that microwaves are harmful and I won't use them. I doesn't matter what you opinions are because I have already considered them and I have chosen what I know is the best for me.

>> No.5626792

no he was sawing any view that contradicts well established scientific evidence is retarded

>> No.5626793

I didn't assume anything. I just replied.

>> No.5626794


No I'm not saying ANY view that contradicts my own is wrong. I'm saying YOURS (singular) is wrong, and it just so happens that yours also contradicts mine since mine is aligned with reality.

But you can keep trying to twist this to sound like you're being persecuted. A persecution complex is the hallmark of psuedoscience.

>> No.5626795

its not a fucking opinion its a goddamn fact that microwaves arent dangerous

>> No.5626796

I did, as seen here

good troll though, sure has someone ass fractured

>> No.5626797 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 278x457, omnomnom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetables are food's food, why don't you get out nigger faggot cunt.

>> No.5626798

i would almost 100% guarantee you are a woman

>> No.5626800

I wasn't the person either.

(this is an anonymous board so how can any of us assume we really know which of us is the other?)

the usual anon would say "I'm not dumb, YOUR dumb!"

but I simply believe that I am not dumb, while I don't really care what you are. what and who you are is your choice.

My choice, is to avoid microwaves. thats all.

>> No.5626802


Looks like you did:


The above person went in a tirade about their microwave use which isn't even what the guy asked.

>> No.5626803

>doesn't watch nutritionfacts with dr.gregor on youtube...

honestly you have no idea.

>> No.5626806

they kind of just popped up out of nowhere and started saying how everyone who doesn't use microwaves is crazy. I think that is more bait than anything.

>> No.5626808
File: 64 KB, 498x549, god_wills_it.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Debate's over. Microwaves proven safe, tumblr-tard proven to have shit for brains.

>> No.5626809

>what and who you are is your choice
jesus fuck thats retarded what you are is a fucking male or female homo sapiens sapiens nothing you choose can change that shit.

>> No.5626810

they just felt like it I guess. pizza is really versatile and I could just make it the same way but with basil if I wanted to. why is everyone freaking out?

>> No.5626813

no one is saying that all we are saying is that they are perfectly safe to use. You are the one that started this shit claiming they are unsafe for no good reason.

>> No.5626816

/ck/ has gone to such shit over the years because of tumblr bitches like the one in this thread. I remember when angie was the worst thing we had to deal with. Now it's every thread turns into an argument about basic shit because a group of hens read on their crank blog that gluten causes brain cancer and water has memory. There's so much nutrition and food nonsense on here now. This went from a board about cooking to
>do americans really do this
>x general
>5 pizza threads
>reality tv

>> No.5626821

all of my this

>> No.5626823


No You popped out and said everyone is calling people who don't use microwaves crazy. Before you post nobody even mentioned that shit. We were answering one anon's question about the microwave water controversy

>> No.5626826


Don't forget vegan shit.

>> No.5626832

I believe that /ck/ has gotten a lot better, raising awareness about potential health dangers, showing how americans are retarded, and how pizza is something you should talk about in 5 different threads. I believe all of that.


>> No.5626833

I don't get recipes like this. You could:

a) just not eat pizza so much if you're worried about the health effects
b) cook healthy and tasty without badly emulating 'non-healthy' dishes

But why would anyone make shit like this and pretend it's anything like pizza?

>> No.5626834

you know what I mean. I didn't. I have before. It was okay. fresh is better.

>> No.5626837


it's because 4chan became more mainstream, also it's summer

>> No.5626838
File: 67 KB, 300x100, 3543255.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't like microwaving food


>> No.5626843


It's not the "id rather evenly heat my food" part we have a problem with.

>person doesn't like to watch TV


>person doesn't like to watch TV because the illumanati send subliminal messages through antennae implanted in their head

Not okay.

>> No.5626854

the problem with your harsh perspective here is that anything you say and think, to YOU is reality because that is your own perspective and point of view. of course, from your point of view I am wrong because we have a disagreement, but that doesn't mean that your opinion is greater than mine.

you are not saying that any view that contradicts your own is wrong but you are saying that any view that isn't yours doesn't matter because only your thoughts and existence are even based in reality to begin with.

I'm not twisting anything or making anything sound any different than it is. I'm not an illusionist or a crazy person, I'm anon, who doesn't use microwaves.

this is where it gets complicated.

the idea that you have that you "think that I feel" that I'm being persecuted contradicts itself because on top of seemingly believing that your ideas are the only ones in the entire universe, you also want to believe that I feel something that I am not even feeling in the first place because you desperately need yourself to believe that I think that I am wrong because you can't even convince me. A persecutor complex is the hallmark of a psuedoauthoritarian complex.

if you can't deal with the fact that I don't like microwaves, It's not my problem. Its yours.

>> No.5626859

Sometimes it's impossible to tell the difference between a braindead retard and a master ruseman. Maybe there is no difference.

>> No.5626864

I disagree. I think what you're saying is an opinion.

why do you want me to use microwaves so much? I can use the toaster over, toaster, oven, stove, rice cooker, any of those things is common. stop forcing things on me.

>> No.5626866


It's really not that complicated. The sheer amount of mental gymnastics you're pulling to try and justify why you're equally right for being stubborn, and refusing to accept reality, is astounding. And to end it with a big "no u" is great.

I can deal with the fact that you don't like microwaves. I have dealt with it by telling you that you're wrong. You can't deal with being wrong or that people think less of you which is why you made the post that started this in the first place. You chose to have an outburst about how everyone ridicules the person who doesn't use the microwave. This is telling of your psychology, not mine. So don't pull the armchair psychologist bit with me sugartits. You're obviously the one in anguish here.

Looking forward to your next post proving you must have the last word.

>> No.5626867

>implying that gender has anything to do with wanting to be healthier.

>> No.5626871

scroll higher. for this to work, you need to start at the beginning of the thread and keep going until you see the first mention of microwave and then follow the trail. absolutely solid evidence of how the thread progressed.

>> No.5626873

that's a lie. two people showed up and started a conversation or (the same person?) saying how anyone who didn't use a microwave was crazy, before anyone who was even against microwaves even showed up.

>> No.5626875


Mention of the microwave didn't start this. You did. Nobody said anything about people who don't use microwaves until you did. People were commenting on microwaves turning ice crystals into satan crystals. You brought up the persecution you little martyr you.

>> No.5626876

I don't believe they are safe and I don't believe that you are scientifically correct.

maybe the microwave will not immediately injure me but I will always prefer cooking on the stove or eating fresh fruits and vegetables instead of a machine that turns my food into inedible rubber.

>> No.5626877

its 2014, get with it m8. people are going to be people and beyond.

>> No.5626878


quote them then


posted the recipe


posted her dumb shit


asked what is the deal with the controversy


mentions hearing about the controversy


you crying about people persecuting you for your beliefs

>> No.5626881

>someone disagrees with me so they must be from that website I don't like.

>> No.5626882
File: 24 KB, 469x352, copyrighttumblrreddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>maybe microwaves won't harm me but i still think they're harmful

you can't make this shit up

>> No.5626883


>implying you're not a woman
>implying you're not under 18
>implying you don't also browse reddit and tumblr
>implying you're not "curvy" (aka fat)
>implying you don't complain about microwaves and gmo and gluten and then sneak taco bell because you have no will power

>> No.5626887

the problem is that every time someone mentions "I liek vegetable" everyone flips the bean and hates on them for being vegan.

and then there's these people that run around antagonizing vegans and anyone who eats organic or refuses to use a microwave by baiting with "organic... PSHHH haha" or some other tease.

vegans and organic bros never start this junk.
(also we aren't responsible for the 20 pizza threads)

but if you don't like pizza why don't you just hide the thread?

>> No.5626889

organic... PSHHH haha

>> No.5626891

it picture looks like they tore a pita bread in half and toasted it with some tomatoes and some green paste.

I don't really hate it or anything, and it seems like something I wouldn't mind eating as a snack. it doesn't seem that difficult to make, and I'm sure whoever made it also cooks healthy good tasting food as well.

>> No.5626892


No just when they go out of their way to mention it like you did when you mentioned you prefer almond cheese or whatever. Or when people are talking about vegetables and you just have to mention that you don't touch that gmo/non-organic garbage.

>> No.5626893

nobody said anything about illuminati, they said they didn't like microwaves.

>> No.5626894


Who do you think is behind the big microwave corporations?

>> No.5626899

>The sheer amount of mental gymnastics you're pulling to try and justify why you're equally right for being stubborn,
you are doing the exact thing you are accusing me of doing, and you are being stubborn by for example:
>and refusing to accept reality, is astounding.
accusing me of refusing to accept your perspective and opinion as the absolute end all be all reality.
>And to end it with a big "no u" is great.
take it how you will I suppose?
>I can deal with the fact that you don't like microwaves. I have dealt with it by telling you that you're wrong.
no, you have failed at dealing with it, instead you have repeatedly insisted that you are right and that I am wrong, practically throwing a tantrum when I stand my ground. you won't accept the fact that we simply disagree, and continue to try and push your ideas on me.

>You chose to have an outburst about how everyone ridicules the person who doesn't use the microwave. This is telling of your psychology, not mine.
how can it be my psychology when you were the first one to say that everyone who didn't use microwaves is crazy? you are the antagonizer. you made your idea clear and when someone stepped up to simply tell you they didn't accept your lay of the land you showed everyone how mature you were by trying to shoehorn your ideas into anyones mind who disagrees with you.

>Looking forward to your next post proving you must have the last word.
you just did that a second ago. the point isn't about having the last word its about just chilling out and accepting that other people have different ideas than you. I simply want to be in peace doing what I do but you want to force me to change my ideas.

>> No.5626902

>I simply want to be in peace doing what I do

Go somewhere else. Free speech doesn't stop because your feelings are hurt.

>> No.5626912

>implying someone is stupid or trolling because of something so incredibly simple, that has been blown out of proportion as the result of extremely rigid, strict, and insane people refusing to allow anyone to have any ideas different from their personal comfy reality bubble?

you really believe that?

>> No.5626913

That's a lie. people were saying that anyone who didn't use microwaves is crazy, making all kinds of implications and suggestions that anyone against microwaves was insane just for making a choice that they have the freedom to make.

>> No.5626916

does smoking immediately harm the smoker? read the comment again.

>> No.5626918


just look at all that bad mouthing and shaming. how can you look this post straight in the post and type that it isn't obvious?

>> No.5626920

nope none of that.

>> No.5626927

people that are good at building microwaves and selling them?

>> No.5626928
File: 31 KB, 299x301, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh come on OP, I've seen worse.

>> No.5626931

that is exactly one of my points. I have the freedom to say I don't like microwaves and avoid them, while the other anon seemed to be arguing that I wasn't allowed to think or breath. my feelings weren't hurt, but my pasta got cold.

>> No.5626932

I don't know what all that other stuff is but I will eat the lettuce I think.

>> No.5626951

I think it's three slices of chicken deli meat, ketchup, and mayo.

>> No.5626967

I'm 12 and what is this

>> No.5626968

Since whren is some bread, tomatoes, herbs and cheese unhealthy. If it was tossed in a bowl people would claim it's a salad.

>> No.5627079

How to derail a thread - microwave edition

>> No.5627155

Who the fuck microwaves water anyways?

>> No.5627181

people who just don't know what they are doing.

things will get better. the human race will get better.

>> No.5627222
File: 1.27 MB, 1625x1820, 1383711124892.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/fit/ here. This is health food.

>> No.5627227
File: 341 KB, 475x255, why.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chicken breasts
>canned beans

this is like /fit/ plus /ck/

>> No.5627240

what is this

why would you do this

>> No.5627260

I swear to god I thought you were trolling, but you're either quite dedicated or just genuinely retarded.

Would you like to know the number one way to tell if someone is a literal retard? They refuse to even entertain the thought of changing their opinions in the face of overwhelming evidence.

What you're doing is the opposite, and by saying "thats my opinion and I wont change it" you're not even contributing to the discussion, just shitposting because you can't go anywhere from there

tl;dr- are you sceak?

>> No.5627286

>Is this seriously what eating "healthy" is like?
No that's what retarded eating is like, and you an bet it was a “womyn” who came up with that garbage.
Healthy eating generally consists of not using over processed garbage, instead sticking to fresh fruit, veggies, and meat. Grains can come too.

>> No.5627555

OP looks really healthy.

I agree about the fruits and veggies but the meat/fish/chicken.. nah.

look up dr.gregor nutrionfacts on youtube he talks about a million reasons why meat and fish and chicken is the most dirty poisonous contaminated toxic garbage ever. all about health, has nothing to do with animal rights.

>> No.5627556

also I get all my protein from nuts and beans and seeds.

organic soy, hemp, chia seeds, beans, loaded with protein.

I'm Not a doctor. ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5627565

>doesn't watch nutrition"facts" with "dr."gregor on (jew)tube...

>> No.5627574

Looks so gud!

>> No.5627604

I believe you are a fucking idiot.

>> No.5627612

dandelions soaked in lemon juice is nice

>> No.5627911

I wonder how that tastes?

>> No.5628457

I want to eat that.

>> No.5629461

health food is based on what you do

most of my diet is ground turkey, fruit, eggs and oats among other things, around 4500 calories a day and on days where i dont have time to cook ill eat a family meal from kfc/popeyes or mcdonalds if i have to

>> No.5629527

how i feel in general when western cooks attempt to make asian cuisine

>> No.5629543

oh come on, asian cuisine is really flexible. Other than american chinese it's really not that bad. (Other than people not liking or knowing how and when to use five-spice. And being scared of "weird" cuts of meat)

>> No.5630556

looks like the grinches flip flop

>> No.5630565
File: 289 KB, 1024x768, 1345960465238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. these people are miserable
don't let them fool you

>> No.5632052

I was going to say.... if you remove the oxygen from water, you get hydrogen, which will explode. Microwaving water is bad!

>> No.5632544


>I don't believe they are safe

Okay, that's your (arguably stupid) opinion.

>I don't believe that you are scientifically correct.

Science is objective, your (arguably stupid) opinion has no influence over this.

Microwaves are scientifically proven to be safe.

You disagree with that, which is your right, but you are wrong for stating "microwaving food is dangerous".

You are correct when you state "I think microwaving food is dangerous"

Also I know I'm responding to a troll, but still.