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5615829 No.5615829 [Reply] [Original]

I just tried rambutan and lychee and loved them. What other exotic fresh/whole foods should I try?

>> No.5615873


>> No.5615874

scorpion pepper

>> No.5615880


>> No.5615913

>scorpion pepper
maybe just the smallest taste … I love hot peppers

>> No.5615916


inb4 memefruit

>> No.5615945


if you're the kind of person who like trying new things then you might as well try it

it smells like rotting foot but tastes like vanilla onion custard. I've heard people say that you "either absolutely love it or hate it" but this wasn't the case for me. I dig it , not the best thing ever but I definitely didn't hate it.

>> No.5615949

it's like a weird garlic vanilla icecream, especially if you have it really cold, it's totally excellent.

>> No.5615965

does the smell permeate your body?

>> No.5616006


the smell of the fruit itself is very strong and it makes your breath very smelly but in my experience it doesn't linger after you wash your mouth.

>> No.5616043

I love cold lychees from the fridge. I'll pull the car over in a snap if someone is selling them side of the road down here, in season.

But, if you can get them while they are ripe, and dehydrate them in your food preserver, there's an amazing sweetness to carimbola (star apples). Great fresh for an upside down cake, thanks to the sweet sugar, they're a touch bland on their own until you dehydrate them, at which point, chop them up and make muffins. Heavenly tropical flavor.

I like a key lime pie made with whole calamondins. These tart little citrus have sweet peels with no pith. Cut in half, deseed, and just puree them into the key lime pie recipe. You need about 15 of them to each can of sweetened condensed milk and 2 eggyolks. There's a floral element to the taste, a hint of tangerine and it's just as tart as a key lime. Amazing family favorite.

If you've never cooked with tamarind, it's easy to make up an aqua fresca, a cocktail starter syrup with brown or coconut sugar, or some fizzy drink with soda water added to your syrup. Consider a touch of lime zest for a great summer shandy with it.

I love a green mango salad, as well as a green papaya salad, thai or vietnamese style. I also think you should seek out various types of mango, since they differ so greatly. If you haven't had an apple-banana, again, the varieties are as dissimilar as apple varieties.

>> No.5616054


>> No.5616087
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mexican pitayas
the asian ones (dragonfruit) have no taste

>everytime i eat one, i imagine im eating an alien brain

>> No.5616513

Pink dragonfruit is sweeter

>> No.5616531

Starfruit, papaya, langsat/duku, soursop, jackfruit

Also, durian is amazing, fuck the haters

>> No.5616563
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those look like prickly pear fruit, I have a night blooming cereus cactus and the outside peel is smooth and soft. They taste pretty bland when the peel is still red, they're sweeter when the red fades to pink.

>> No.5616568

Durian is pretty fucked up sometimes, it's a love hate relationship and there's a reason that it's illegal on public transportation in some nations.

If you want to fuck somebody though, just leave a little piece of durian around them in their office.

>> No.5616590 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 600x354, Salak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, finally, the thread I've been waiting for.
>Black Sapote
10/10 best fruit ever, if you don't like this, you're probably satan
It's nicknamed the chocolate pudding fruit for a reason, it's identical in taste.
9/10, would eat for years
Mark Twain was quoted as saying the cherimoya is "deliciousness itself"
Only reason I didn't give it a 10/10 is that the seeds are fairly large, but not giant.
>Wood Apple
8.5/10, why is this only in and around India?
It has a raisin nutty type taste, and a similar smell. It looks extremely weird, and is a bit difficult to get into, but other than that, it's one of the most popular foods in India.
8/10, it's known as the "snake fruit" for its outside.
It has a marshmallow consistency, and tastes very good.
I took a few points off because they will constipate you if you eat too many, and its seed is sizable.
>Star apple
7.5/10, would recommend. It's soft, sweet, and has a good consistency.
It's not too out there, but isn't too special from other fruits. It's just all around good, no downsides.
7/10, either you'll love it, or hate it.
If you can get over the smell, it has a custardy consistency, with the taste somewhere between a mango and a red onion.
It has large fruit output, and one fruit is basically a whole meal.

Now for the peppers
>Carolina Reaper
The current world record holder for heat, it averages out at over 2million scoville units, and peaks at about 2.3million. For reference, police grade pepper spray is 5million, where as pure capsaicin in 16million. Never tasted it for obvious reasons, but I've been told it's sweet.
>Bhut Jolokia
Also known as the ghost pepper. This averages around 800K scoville units, with a peak of about 1million. Again, they're semi sweet, but mostly hot.
These peppers are perfect, they're usually between 12-20k scoville units, and are the perfect heat, have a great smell and taste, basically the king of peppers. 10/10

>> No.5616593

lonzanes, pomelo, and philippine mangos

>> No.5616602


>permeate your body

that sounds like some scifi shit

but no, it doesn't

if you eat it and don't drink anything then after a few minutes you'll have a mild taste that's kinda like how it smells, but you can just drink a little water after you eat it and it won't be an issue

It's worth trying. Even if you don't like it it's not disgusting, although it smells like fucking garbage.

A classmate brought some to class a few weeks ago (it was a cultural nutrition class and we got extra credit for bringing foods related to our heritage) and I brought some to my mom at work. I asked her if she knew what it was and if she wanted to try an "exotic asian fruit", she didn't respond negatively so I was delighted to funk up her work (metal building, she's a mechanic) with the glorious smell. Apparently one of their service writers loved it.

>> No.5616606

>the asian ones (dragonfruit) have no taste

nah.. its like a mild kiwi

>> No.5616612

where the f can i obtain some of these in the NYC area

ive only had dragonfruit, rambutan, cherimoya (gross), and idk if passion fruit is considered exotic but its one of my favorites

>> No.5616616


chinatowns or jackson heights

btw tropical fruit flown to NYC isn't going to taste the way it tastes where it came from

>> No.5616620


just look on yelp for an asian market

>> No.5616624 [DELETED] 
File: 136 KB, 850x616, UWotM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cherimoya (gross)
Get the fuck out of this thread.... No, leave this board, it's not for you.

>> No.5616631

meanwhile i seem to be the only person who actually enjoys dragon fruit. it's so refreshing and delicate.

cherimoya...too bubblegummy and the seeds just made me paranoid. maybe i'd try it again.

>> No.5616633

also this >>5616616
The durian didn't even smell, it was pathetic

>> No.5616645


i love canned jackfruit

>> No.5616646

really? you enjoyed rambutan and lyche?
try pitahaya, it's delicious

>> No.5616651

Gross. They add way too much sugar in that shit

>> No.5617455

Not properly a fruit but tuna is delicious, it's the Mexican fruit of the Nopal

>> No.5617528


dried dates

>> No.5617593

I love the taste of diabetes! Especially when chilled.

>> No.5617632


Came here just to post this.

Dragon fruit are petty nice, too.

>> No.5617738
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>> No.5617742

>whole foods
What the fuck does this even mean?
Is an entire burger not a whole food?

>> No.5617760
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Ugni: think guava, pineapple and strawberry all at once though I may have had a particular subtype as some just say they taste like wild strawberries /strawberry with pepper but I think people can't decipher the myrtle quality to it

Tiny fruit with a punch to it, hard to get though only Chile and Tasmania grow it to a commercial scale but the grow up to Vancouver out west or Devon/southern England in gardens

>> No.5617767

Fuck yeah.
My favorite part about living in new Zealand. That and our lamb.

>> No.5617769

fucking rotten

>> No.5617788


>> No.5617790

God, my grandma's crazy over this fruit. It's her favorite ever since she was young, and we occasionally buy some for her, but the smell of the fruit really fucks up the entire fridge.

I really can't describe the smell. I don't think it's rotting foot. Maybe kind of like armpit but sharper and less B.O.-like?

>> No.5617792

>philippine mangos

>tfw live in shitty third world all my life
>one of the saving graces is beautiful mangoes
God damn, it's fucking sweet, no hair, and just really really good.

Try green/unripe mangoes too, OP. Dip it in some soysauce or spicy shrimp paste.

>> No.5617793
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>> No.5617795
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>> No.5617797
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Yeah, don't ask me why they have apples in their names

>> No.5617840

seconding this. custard apples are great, but you have to get the ripe ones.

>> No.5617861

dragon fruit is pretty nice, but kinda expensive.
Dont try durian, it tastes good to begin with, but then it tastes like garbage
Go to asia and buy fruit from the streets, heaps of random and cool stuff which i didnt even know what it was!

>> No.5617872

Why would you post a rotten one?

>> No.5617923

Because they're red and vaguely apple-shaped.

>> No.5617932

I meant all those three: star apple, sugar apple, rose apple. Does apple mean something?

>> No.5617999


>> No.5618031

In Germany we sometimes call an orange an Apfelsine (= chinese apple) too

I think apple is just used as a synonym for fruit

>> No.5618034

btw we also call horse shit apples

>> No.5618199

custard apple or black sapote, so good

>> No.5618206
File: 41 KB, 800x330, soursop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We had a sugar apple tree when I was young. Grandma would be delighted to see a huge fruit from it, then we'd harvest it and eat it together.

>tfw I only have memories of it now

I never really thought much about it before, but god damn childhood was a blast because of grandma's garden.

You can also try soursop, OP. Not sure how rare this is over there. I've heard a lot of good things from it, like crazy health benefits and stuff. Pic related.

>> No.5618247

The insides look like a ghost.

>> No.5618290

i heard these things seeds are super bad for you though

>> No.5618298

I have no idea. I ate them when I was a kid because we had a tree of it. I never encountered any problem. I have also not encountered anyone who had a problem with its seeds, and this is the first time I've heard of it. I may have to check google.

>> No.5619112

the most delicious fruit of all is the slightly poisonous guyabano, or perhaps you would know it as soursop.

>> No.5619551

nobody has mentioned white strawberries yet? guys, if you ever have them they taste like raspberries and strawberries.

it's an out of this world flavor

>> No.5620083

>white strawberries
sounds bland

>> No.5620131

You have never tasted the vagina of a girl with strawberry curls.

>> No.5620397

There are some white Chilean strawberries I had the luck of trying apparently its a Mapuche heirloom but they taste good, small though and more like Pacific Strawberries not the alpine/woodland strawberries most people have had in the wild

>> No.5620822

>sugar apple seeds are poisonous
>guyabano are slightly poisonous
Fuck, this is the first time i've heard of this. I've had sugar apple and soursop during childhood and thank fuck I never encountered these poisonous situations you guys claim.

>> No.5620905

I only had it once, it reminded me more of a banana, but probably because of the texture. Still had the smell though.

>> No.5620909

The French call potatoes "pomme de terre," meaning apple of the earth(or ground).

>> No.5620924


>> No.5620938

Prickly Pear (don't touch them without gloves)

>> No.5620943

Aw yiss. The juice is great as well.

>> No.5620984

Since we're on the topic of eggs, my local asian chain market has these salted duck eggs. I've never had one before but I like putting salt on hard-boiled chicken eggs. Has anyone ever tried one? I'm wary about buying it solely because they don't sell individual ones so I can try, my only option is to spend something like ten USD on a dozen eggs and I'd hate to waste money if I don't like it.

>> No.5621172


>> No.5621177

We're on the topic of eggs?

>> No.5621182

anon, you're lost/in a different thread; are you drunk?

>> No.5621196


>> No.5621284

fucking lychees man, i haven't seen them anywhere in forever

shame because they're delicious

>> No.5621310


Well, fuck me, this is what happens when I have a million different tabs up and I'm doing a bunch of things at once. I thought I was posting in >>5618208.

>> No.5621333
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One of my favorite fruits, but really expensive.

>> No.5621393

I didn't catch that. What the fuck is a whole food?

>> No.5622214


Can we rename this to "vag fruit"?

>> No.5622675

Pomegranate. Fucking delicious.

>> No.5622917
File: 86 KB, 800x600, 363.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love calamondin/calamansi but they don't last long after being picked so can be hard to find outside the tropics

>> No.5622942
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They are called "breast-milk" fruit. Don't ask why.

>> No.5622969

That is MY FUCKING JAM in Viet Nam. God damn.

>> No.5622976

Not sure if its a racial thing but I disagree. My brother and I live in NYC we have plenty of asian friends who keep durian on stock (its available 9 months of the year in Chinatown). Anyways we're Irish and this fruit has always tasted like shit to both of us. Its like onions and tapioca

>> No.5623259

I just bought one for $1.50 and am enjoying it right now. Refreshing.

>> No.5623271

Yeah, I love that stuff. My local asian market sells frozen calamansi juice in 1/4 cup packets, which is acceptable.

>> No.5624526


>> No.5626319

i read your post in the voice of morgan freeman, i was not disappointed.

>> No.5626361

These are fucking god tier when frozen and eaten like ice cream

>> No.5627052

on Asian shits, eat mangosteen and chilled lychee.

>> No.5627892
File: 3 KB, 103x90, dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might like dragon eye OP since it's pretty similar to lychees texture wise

>> No.5627914

same with cherry seeds

>> No.5627920

im laughing my ass off lol