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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 27 KB, 400x289, FoodFeeRape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5616990 No.5616990[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Alright coo/ck/s, that'll be $18 + mandatory delivery fee + tip, for one large pizze.

We don't tip workers in fast food restaurants. We don't tip those working in bakeries. We don't tip the butcher. So why the fuck should someone get tipped for bringing me my food?
It's not my fault your boss is allowed to pay you less than minimum wage because you're EXPECTED to get tips. Also, if you're not tipped, your boss has to cover the difference for that hour anyways. There's literally no reason to tip outside the fact that Americunts are spoiled, entitled faggots that want to make $20+ an hour for walking over a plate of food.
>Try to prove me wrong /ck/, no tip, you can't.

>> No.5617029

>$20+ an hour for walking over a plate of food
it generally doesn't go over $10 an hour for delivery

>your boss has to cover the difference for that hour anyways
enjoy getting fired, delivery guy

>hurr prove me wrong
no thanks, feel free to continue not tipping.

>> No.5617059

It's a system that genuinely works, especially with delivery.

I've never spat in someone's food, toilet-papered a house, or anything like that.

However, not tipping the driver successively will get you banned from ordering from our store.

Also, I have a particularly good memory for remembering specific addresses that stiffed me on more than one occasion, as well as ones that always tipped me well or were generally good people (i.e. not up my ass for being 3 minutes late).

I haven't been a driver in a long time, but I watch the delivery tickets that come in, and I will tell drivers to take X delivery before Y because X is a good tipper and Y is a jackass.

Enjoy waiting longer for food that is almost guaranteed to be cold.

>> No.5617065

I find that it would be a better system if the chef was tipped rather than the waiter, while the waiter made a steady amount per hour, just like the chef would. This would probably encourage better food.

>> No.5617068

>However, not tipping the driver successively will get you banned from ordering from our store.
pretty shitty store. i tip essentially everyone who does any sort of service for me, but that's just petty.

>> No.5617080
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>However, not tipping the driver successively will get you banned from ordering from our store.
>Your entitlement to my money is showing
Do your job like everyone else. Maybe if you got the pizza to my house quicker than usual, I'd give you a tip for being quick. It's your bosses fault for not paying you enough to cover the cost of gas, not me.
>Still waiting for a good argument.

>> No.5617088


I gave my friend in middle school money to pay the pizza delivery guy, and he came back to my room with change. I almost had a panic attack I was so upset. I've kinda been raised to assume your servers and delivery people have the right to spit in your food if you've stiffed them in the past. I actually felt really bad,

>> No.5617115

>Do your job like everyone else.
Good one.

Again, I'm not longer a driver, but so very little of an order being late falls into the driver's responsibility. Their job is stupid easy.

Also, from my previous experience as a driver, I got better tips when I was running late than when I was early.

>slow night, might take a couple doubles, easily 30 minutes early each time - lucky to get 10% tips - nothing above $4
>ass-rape busy night, taking 4 orders at a time, all spread out around town, usually 15 minutes late - minimum $5 tip, rarely less than 15%.

Ain't my boss's fault for shit. It's just a less secure form of income.

The alternative is we raise the price of a large pepperoni pizza from $14.50 to $30 to cover everyone in the store making $12/hr.

Either way, you're paying for it. One way or another, you're paying our checks. Whether it be entirely upfront (who the fuck would pay $30 for a large pepperoni pizza?) or if you decide the driver has done a good job and slip him a fiver that he later splits with the people working inside.

Whichever way you'd like it, let me know. I'll talk to the owner. It's a family owned business, and I've actually taken their son shooting for his first time.

Might be worth mentioning that there's no better way to foster rampant mediocrity than with guaranteed income. If I'm making $15/hr without having to please people and make tips, fuck yeah I'm taking my time, probably going to stop by my house and pick up a bottle of whiskey along the way.

>> No.5617135

it's fine in my country where we're not trained to tip.

>> No.5617138


It's not like one day X driver gets stiffed, then three months later, Y driver gets stiffed then we black list them.

It sadly works out to the same driver taking the order there three times in a row, getting stiffed each time before we take action.

It's not required, but it's incredibly shitty do that and we don't play that game.

>> No.5617141
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Eat shit, commie, like your fucking country matters.

>> No.5617144
File: 200 KB, 500x276, 1404357870860.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a delivery guy for Pizza Hut, I can say that tips are greatly appreciated. However, OP brings up a point. You'll still make minimum wage if you get shit tips, because they have to supplement your pay. HOWEVER, being a delivery guy is a shitty job. Just don't be a shithead like OP. Even a $1 or $2 tip is nice. Tip your driver if you want faster and better service. Being a known asshole puts you at the bottom of the delivery queue.

>not tipping the driver successively will get you banned from ordering from our store
This is bullshit. Buy pizza from somewhere else if the place has this sense of entitlement.

>> No.5617151
File: 1.30 MB, 400x400, HeyFaggotListenUp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, from my previous experience as a driver, I got better tips when I was running late than when I was early.
Bullshit, the customer isn't aware of how busy a business is when they're not there in person, all they care about is how long it takes, you're just lying through your three teeth now you dirty money hungry slut.
>Ain't my boss's fault for shit. It's just a less secure form of income.
It's all his fault, he's pushing the cost of paying his employees wages onto the customer. Imagine if every business did that, no one would tip at all.
>The alternative is we raise the price of a large pepperoni pizza from $14.50 to $30 to cover everyone in the store making $12/hr.
I've had friends work in pizza joints, it takes anywhere from $6-9 to make a large pizza, depending on the quality and toppings. The rest of the cost (usually about $14-16 for a large) is going to paying your wage and the owner's profits. I wouldn't mind a $2 raise in the price of my food, but it damn wouldn't be twice as much, you're just exaggerating at this point.
>Might be worth mentioning that there's no better way to foster rampant mediocrity than with guaranteed income
HAHAHAHAHA, you're arguing my point now you moron! There's no better way to increase mediocrity if tips aren't for excellent service, but instead EXPECTED. Try thinking before you type faggot.
>Still waiting for a decent argument.

>> No.5617211

I tell you what, I'd rather tip a delivery driver than a bartender.

>> No.5617219

>but it's incredibly shitty do that
almost as shitty as the employees' sense of entitlement. this mindset completely defeats the purpose of tipping.

>> No.5617223

another tipping thread, just go away

>> No.5617224

I always tip the delivery guy, at least 15% if it's a big order, or 20-25% if it's a small one.

I once worked at a delivery guy for a very fancy, gourmet catering service. I rarely got tipped, no matter whether it was a corporate delivery or residential one. I made $10/hr either way, but occasionally getting the $20, $40, or sometimes even $60 tip would really make my day. I would often deliver $500 or more orders, so if I got even 10% it would have tripled my $10/hr wage at least

>> No.5617236

i thought tip was optional?

why the fuck am i required to pay tip ON EVERY GODDAMN MEAL.

>> No.5617241

you're not required. what would make you think that? the only consequence you'll ever really see is people whining about it.

>> No.5617255
File: 1.62 MB, 2400x2880, 1377147030863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this tired old shit again

Go fuck yourself, OP, and stop posting this stupid shit, it's getting fucking old. No one cares.

>> No.5617260

I live somewhere where you don't have to tip and it fucking rules. The food itself is a little more expensive but you don't have to worry about all this shit and the delivery drivers have a higher wage.

>> No.5617264

>The food itself is a little more expensive
>you don't have to worry about all this shit

it's not exactly any different when you're paying comparable amounts of money anyway.

>> No.5617267
File: 32 KB, 450x536, YOU'REWRONG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently I went out to eat at a family gathering, there must have been about 15-16 of us, and the bill came out to $360ish. Then one of the wealthy grannies paid the tip at like 25%(It was written on the fucking bill as "the suggested tip amount", unfucking real of them to write what we should tip, regardless of the service provided.), which then brought the total bill to like $450.
Honestly, I might tip someone like 10-15% for a meal with that many people, but only if it's only one waiter or waitress working for all of us, because they'll be pretty busy. If the work is split up between two or more people for a large order, fuck them, they didn't work for shit.
Tips that are expected, aren't earned, which causes mediocre service, because even if they do a shitty job, they expect you to pay them at LEAST 15-20%, which defeats the whole fucking point of tips!

>> No.5617270

That sense of entitlement stems from them willingly putting miles on their personal vehicles, personally upkeeping them and braving the elements when you're too lazy to pick up a pizza in a torrential rainstorm.

It's a sense of entitlement because obviously working 20-30 hours a week for $7.25/hr is stupid compared to working a full-time job for a little bit more per hour.

It's been established that you're meant to tip your servers - be it waiters, drivers, porters, taxi drivers or barbers.

When someone refuses to tip you because they're trying to be edgy as fuck and try to single-handedly overturn a system that is centuries old - yes there is resentment. Whereas a perfectly normal person would have left you at least a $3 tip, this autist decided he'd try to prove some point by stiffing you.

It's optional in the sense that washing your hands is optional after you take a shit right before you eat is optional.

>> No.5617273

>there must have been about 15-16 of us
Most establishments have mandatory minimum gratuity for large groups (usually 8-10 in a party).

That's because taking care of such a large group of assholes is an enormous undertaking and prevents the servers from attending to other patrons.

>> No.5617276

>still completely missing the point of tipping

tipping is not meant to pay someone's wages, it's meant to be a showing of gratitude for good service.

as i've said, i tip very often, but if someone shows me any hint of that sort of entitlement, i'll be more than happy to stiff them, slam the door in their face, and stop ordering from such a classless establishment.

>> No.5617280
File: 51 KB, 720x528, YOUIDIOT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When someone refuses to tip you because they're trying to be edgy as fuck and try to single-handedly overturn a system that is centuries old
Your autism is showing.
Yes, tipping may be pretty old, but EXPECTED tipping is only a few decades old.
There's a reason why old people give shitty tips. It's not because they're stingy, it's because in their time, TIPS WEREN'T FUCKING EXPECTED YOU ENTITLED CUNTS!
>That sense of entitlement stems from them willingly putting miles on their personal vehicles, personally upkeeping them and braving the elements
Oh, boo fucking hoo. They're soooooo brave for fucking driving. Are you fucking kidding me? Do you piss yourself when you have to turn on the car every time or something you pussy?
Again, it's not my fault your boss doesn't pay you a higher wage for a job that'll obviously take its toll on your car. Don't push the cost of your employees salary onto the customer you stingy fuck.

>> No.5617289
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>Not reading the rest of my comment explaining I'd gladly tip maybe 10-15% for someone who caters to that many of us, but nowhere near 25%.
Your autism is showing.

>> No.5617295

>there must have been about 15-16 of us
and i bet you didn't even have a reservation. i am a matre'd at the best restaurant in my city and i would have refused to seat you and "your granny"

>> No.5617328
File: 78 KB, 650x650, ThisIsYouRightNow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're assuming. It was a graduation party for my cousin, we reserved in advance because we knew they would be busy.

>> No.5617330
File: 486 KB, 499x330, 1393945046492.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tipping is not meant to pay someone's wages, it's meant to be a showing of gratitude for good service.
Maybe when it was a nascent gesture of genuine gratitude. However, for better or worse (definitely for worse), it has become ingrained as an informal mandatory tariff for service - regardless of the quality.

How is you stiffing a 17 year old pizza delivery boy going to change the fact that national chains like Dominos and Pizzahut advertise their drivers' hourly wage as $15/hr because of tips?

Your sense of entitlement to be exempt from social norms is far more insulting than tipping.

>Yes, tipping may be pretty old, but EXPECTED tipping is only a few decades old.
>There's a reason why old people give shitty tips. It's not because they're stingy, it's because in their time, TIPS WEREN'T FUCKING EXPECTED YOU ENTITLED CUNTS!
Okay, so then why are there so many scenes in film noir movies and fucking childrens cartoons from the 1930s and 1940s where a bellhop has carried a patron's bags to their room and extended a hand to receive a tip?

>Oh, boo fucking hoo. They're soooooo brave for fucking driving.
In the United States, delivering food is one of the most dangerous jobs behind stuff like lgging and commercial fishing. Not only are you constantly on the road and subjected to more road hazards, but you're an established target for criminals because they know you have money on you.

That's why I carried a pistol in my car while I was delivering.

10% is a minimum if you were dining alone or with a party of 3-5.

Even eldery Jews will dole out 10% for mediocre service.

I know OP is trolling, but I'm drunk and bored as shit and need a good argument.

>> No.5617343


>Being a known asshole puts you at the bottom of the delivery queue.

Manager of a Pizza Hut: It is first come first serve, or at least should be if your district manager is careless enough not to wonder why certain deliveries are being passed up, enjoy your termination when he finds out it's because you won't get good tips.

Employer covering the difference if you don't make minimum wage is true, except is it NOT based on weekly, rather the business period, and you can bet your supervisor is going to dig why you aren't getting tips.

This motivates the driver to ensure they get the order to the customer quickly, fresh, and not fucked up in the box.

Even still, I see the good drivers bringing home $300+ a week for providing great customer service, compared to some shitty drivers who won't even break into triple digits.

>> No.5617351
File: 8 KB, 264x191, ButtHurt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Okay, so then why are there so many scenes in film noir movies and fucking childrens cartoons from the 1930s and 1940s where a bellhop has carried a patron's bags to their room and extended a hand to receive a tip?
I'm sure they added these scenes to show just how ridiculously entitled some young cunts are, now you're arguing my point for me.
On a side note, why the fuck are you watching children's cartoons from the 1940s and 1930s?
>In the United States, delivering food is one of the most dangerous jobs behind stuff like lgging and commercial fishing.
That barely means jack shit in the U.S., because of things like O.S.H.A., those jobs have really lowered their death tolls. Also, I don't know how fucking large or small the gaps between these three job's death tolls are. For instance, the U.S. in #3 in population, but nearly a billion behind both India and China respectively. Those jobs could have an astronomically high gap.
>Even eldery Jews will dole out 10% for mediocre service.
People only tip now because they're sheeple afraid of being judged for having their own opinions. Your system of fear mongering through the overlooming unspoken threat of food that will be spat in next time they come in has worked. Congratulations faggot, you're on par with commies.

>> No.5617358

>tfw on 6 months of workmans comp after getting into a car crash while delivering a pizza
>tfw make way more money w/o working than i ever did on tips

>> No.5617375

>Your sense of entitlement to be exempt from social norms
glad to see you didn't actually read my post

>> No.5617399

pretty good read more bribing that tipping though

on actual tipping

though this is a baseline, i usually tip based an services rendered not just a flat amount for no reason

>> No.5617406

I also believe the only person that should be tipped based on wine cost is (possibly) the somm, not the waitstaff and that there should be a maximum amount, tipping 20%(or whatever) on a say 1000 meal is stupid as they arent really doing much more than someone who served you a 100-200 dollar meal.

>> No.5617413

I don't even eat at restaurants but this is such a big annoying issue that i want people to stop having wars over it.

i always feel like its unfair how waiters and other tippable-type jobs get paid, just because the boss thinks that these poor wait staff get enough and should earn the rest from people who just wanted to eat a sandwich, and are not expecting to give up even more money than the price of the food.

what a retarded paradoxical system.

waiters should get paid FULL wages, not a penny and "earn the rest if your so good" they are already working a job, they should get paid for it.

as for the people eating at a restaurant, they shouldn't have to worry about paying for anything other than the price of food, people go to restaurants to sit down and relax and pay the restaurant to prepare and cook the food and bring it to them, and they already pay much more than it would have costed them to buy all the ingredients and make it themselves at home, so for the pressure of needing to pay some poor kid tips to be there, it kind of screws everyone over, the waiter, the customer, etc.

imagine if you could just walk in, sit down, pay for your meal, eat it, go home.

imagine if you could go to work, get paid for working, and go home.

>> No.5617417

continued and finish.

supposedly a study was done (I forget by who, you can probably find it on Google somewhere) which showed that if waiters and waitresses wages were changed to minimum wage that food prices at restaurants would go up by about ten cents at most. At restaurants the smallest expense which owners pay is the wages of their staff, and they are already so low that it won't make much difference. Additionally, there's this thing called balancing your budget and an owner could simply allocate a little money from one area and use it for wages, which would result in little or no change of food prices.

The whole "your food will become super expensive!" argument is perpetuated by the greedy chain-restaurants who want to get away with paying their staff next to nothing. They want customers to pay staff wages instead (which you do in the form of tips) and they have fixed the minimum wage for waiters and waitresses at a very low price.

"Former server here, you can get screwed. I would much rather work for tips than work for minimum wage and receive no tips" what if tips were not mandatory (as they seem to be) anymore, and optionally you could tip if you really felt a waiting employee did a really great job?

>> No.5617418

Shitposting aside, I generally order $20 to $30 worth from pizza places when I get delivery, but the pizza places are ~half mile away so it only takes the driver max 4 minutes to get to my place.

Is $3 good enough for being a poor graduate student given the short distance? I used to do $2, but then my friends told me I was being a cheap piece of shit. I'm poor, but not so poor that I care about the price difference.