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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5616694 No.5616694 [Reply] [Original]

and clog the toilet before even adding paper.

you might not agree with everything I say or do things the way that I do but this is the way that I do things. to each their own.

this is basically what I do, and how I eat.

I don't eat any fish or meat or chicken or milk, animal products, and I eat as much fruits and vegetables as I can all day and drink alot of water. no soda. I get all my protein from hemp, beans, quinoa, nuts and seeds.

I don't drink almond milk. I eat almonds and drink water.

I don't eat much processed foods, like bread. I eat oats and whole grain wheat and other grains, cooked into a porridge.

I buy all my fruits and veggies and nuts and seeds in bulk whenever I can find them at a good price opportunistically, even better when I find a kickass deal on the organic version or "food" like grandpa used to call it.

I chew all my food until its totally obliterated in my mouth. no pieces of corn show up in my toilet. better surface area = better absorption into my body.

I chop up all my stuff and prepare it in pieces, put it into bags and press the air out, and then put it into another bag and press the air out again and then freeze it all.

you can wash the bags out and reuse them again if you want.

I buy chia and flax seeds whole and put them in the coffee grinder at home, two teaspoons of each mixed into a big glass 50% prune juice 50% water. I drink this in the morning every other day. (1 day break in between)

every morning I do ten crunches. it isn't alot but it does alot.

when I need to take the ultimate poo I stand on the toilet seat carefully and kneel down into a squatting position hugging my knees against my stomach while leaning forward a little, using one arm to grab hold of the wall or other useful object next to my toilet.

careful to not push too hard and develop hemorrhoids, I use my stomach to push.

>clogs the toilet everytiem

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

so how does /ck/ eat?

>> No.5616860

>when I need to take the ultimate poo I stand on the toilet seat carefully and kneel down into a squatting position hugging my knees against my stomach while leaning forward a little, using one arm to grab hold of the wall or other useful object next to my toilet.
>le master kekman OP!

>> No.5616926

I don't understand.

>> No.5616968

O don't understand why you want to clog your toilet op?
Why do you love teh poo so much?

>> No.5616979

i never have good shits anymore and i eat right i don't understand it but i bet it would cost money to get the problem actually diagnosed because it's frivolous and no doctor would believe i eat the right food life sucks

>> No.5616983

Hungary has 90 percent death from cancer and heart disease?
I think this chart is maked up.

>> No.5617074

I was just about to write this. There is no way.

I think it's only the people who die of "natural" causes and some specific section of the population like eliminating the very old and very young.

>> No.5617206

It just flat out made up by a vegan troll.

>> No.5617218

Yeah, and Mexico is the most obese nation in the world and you don't get a nation full of obese people from eating 50% of calories from unprocessed plant based foods.

>> No.5617257


>I buy chia and flax seeds whole and put them in the coffee grinder at home,

Nice, I do the same with flax

> two teaspoons of each mixed into a big glass 50% prune juice 50% water

What the fuck. That sounds disgusting. I put a tablespoon or two of ground flax on my oatmeal sometimes, but most of my flax goes on my greens with some vinegar, like an unprocessed salad dressing. I use about 4 tablespoons of flax for that. I don't see a need to drink flax prune juice. Prune anything sounds redundant anyway, since if you're eating that kind of whole plant food diet you're going to get more than enough fiber. Prune juice is for old people who like bacon and eggs for breakfast and don't eat enough plants

>> No.5617275

I'm vegan and I know other vegan friends who are emaciated. I'm dying of dysentry right now and I only feel better when I nibble on some meat, whereupon I experience a rush of euphoria and empowerment. I still consider myself a vegan, but I now understand humans were born to eat meat.

>> No.5617277


>like this if you cry every time

>> No.5617387

I know it sounds gross but besides adding chia and flax to other aspects of my diet I do that weird prune flax chia drink. its not as gross as it sounds but it sure is bizarre, but I drink it down. its not that bad.

also bacon has nothing to do with prune juice. never heard of someone who appreciates some prune juice every once in a while?

>> No.5617389

>doesn't know how to eat a balanced diet
>eats poptarts and potato chips and soda
>why and i malnurish?

go talk to a doctor and a nutritionist please...

>> No.5617392

I think that's Fiji or some pacific island nation. It's not Mexico.

>> No.5617566

if you ever eat healthy, you will understand how great a healthy.... you know what... feels.

its like you get up, and your stomach feels so clean and you feel so light.

ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5617574

you never know. you know how you picture paris to be all le french peple keesing and the baguetts and the mimes? well its not like that anymore. places change, so the chart might be right.

>> No.5617588

>no pieces of corn show up in my toilet.
You fucking liar

>> No.5618911

someone didn't chew their food very well.

>> No.5618917

I'm a raging alcoholic and I eat fuckloads of meat (although I also eat fuckloads of vegetables) and I crap out fucking bricks.

I had a surprise shit at the gym (I typically try to avoid crapping anywhere than my house because I don't want to shit up a public bathroom) a few months ago. I weighed myself before and after and I lost almost 6 pounds.

I hope OP is copypasta because otherwise you're a fucking retard.


>I have no idea what cellulose is

>> No.5619004

sorry that you are an alcoholic that poops their pants in public, but I chew my corn very well thank you.

I had no need to copy or paste, I wrote this straight from my knowledge of how I eat and how I make the best of my diet.

I am not a doctor, so you should ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5619021


>poops their pants

Uhh, I said I took a dump at the gym. It wasn't in my pants, jesus christ.

Also you clearly have no fucking idea how metabolism works, ffs you could probably find this out if you googled for like 3 minutes.

>I wrote this straight from my knowledge of how I eat and how I make the best of my diet.

Jesus fuck it's real? My god... And I realize the irony of criticizing someone else's diet when I'm an alcoholic, but at least I'm an informed one.

Anecdotal evidence is shit, just saying.
>tfw alcoholic in the medical field

>> No.5619027

why don't you just drop the act and tell me you hate me and hate everything I say, because its obvious you disagree with me.

I however like the things that I said and that's why I posted them.

I think A, and you think B. we disagree.

>> No.5619068


I can't hate someone that I don't know, but yes I disagree. I fundamentally disagree with anyone who blindly bases their beliefs off anecdotal evidence, because even if their beliefs are actually supported by science they way they came to those beliefs is inherently flawed. That said the things you said are not even supported by science, they are purely anecdotal. Everyone is different, and different diets will effect people differently. That said there are general guidelines that people should follow, and I agree that vegetables and fruits that should absolutely be a part of ones diet. People don't need to avoid meat or animal products though. If you want to do this for moral reasons that's your choice, but suggesting that it is definitively ideal from a health standpoint is just irresponsible.

>> No.5619149

I have to perch to poo.

>> No.5619205

>you might not agree with everything I say or do things the way that I do but this is the way that I do things. to each their own.

its the second line. it was meant for people like you.

>> No.5619213


not that dude but you guys aren't arguing about something that's purely about personal opinions

he was saying that you are ignoring actual evidence regarding what you're talking about and instead suggesting that your own experience is ideal for no other reason than because that's how you eat and it makes you shit good

the drunk dude being more articulate and rational than op is hilarious

>> No.5619218

>because the drunk guy disagrees about how well OP chews their corn and needs to factor in anecdotal evidence to fight against the claim

>> No.5619537

how do you cook pinto beans? Every time I've tried I feel like I did it wrong. I'm about to soak some now. Give me your rice and beans recipe.

>> No.5620323


If beans are dry (canned ones suck):
Rinse and pick through beans, put in pot, filled with water enough to cover 1 inch over the beans.

Boil beans for 20-30 min.

Turn off heat, let pot cool to room temp.

Place pot covered in fridge, covered and let soak over night.

Next day.
Put beans back on stove, bring to boil, then reduce to simmer. Cooking time varies between 1-4 hours depending on how old the beans are.
Try them every hour for softness. You don't want it hard or mealy.

Basically you cook to taste.

2.5 cups chicken broth to 1 cup rice.
bring to boil for 5 min, then simmer to taste/softness.

Take beans you will eat now, with liquid put in separate pot with a few splashes of water.

Season liquid with complete seasoning of your choice such as Badia "Sazon Completa"

Bring up to simmer to heat through. Serve over rice.

>> No.5620342

I find that picture really funny because of the countries chosen for the example.

cancer isn't really a major concern when you live in an area of the world where you are guaranteed to know someone that accidentally stepped on a land mine while going for a walk

>> No.5620518
File: 121 KB, 500x490, get pimpin' or get simpin`.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what color is the shit you are taking

does it smell bad

is it one big log

does it float

do you shit often

>> No.5621373

Correlation doesn't equal causation bud. Also look at the general life span of those coubtries, I bet the ones on the left are a lot longer than those on the right. Of course they die of cancer and heart disease more, they're much longer lived. Your graph is shit and useless

>> No.5621386

You remind me of the main character in American Psycho.

>> No.5621437

Why is everyone obsessing over the image? It wasn't the point of the thread, but outlined why eating vegetables may suggest better health.

>> No.5621451

you can put 2 unrelated set of data together there's no reason to assume they are linked with each other.

>> No.5621533

lets just stay on topic. I understand that you don't like the image. I wont delete it because I like it, but lets just stay on topic.

>> No.5621965

It is when they actually have something to do with each other. Like the amount of anti-oxidants in the unrefined plant foods for instance. You think it is merely correlation, but causation has already been linked between them. Just follow the citations.





Never post an image more interesting than your subject matter.

>> No.5621993
File: 667 KB, 500x263, 1368846493003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I get all my protein from hemp
420 maaaan!

>> No.5622077

>implying hemp is the same thing as marijuana.

are you silly?

>> No.5622131

I think this is as close as I can get to accurately reproducing OP's graph with reliable data.

>> No.5622142

Pretty neat actually. So, no sugar and lots of unprocessed plant foods. Pretty straight forward though.

>> No.5622181

I'm a vegetarian and I can assure you I'm doing fine.

>> No.5622197

>10 crunches

I can do a thousand now

Also alcohol dries your skin, making you look old

>> No.5622199

are you eating like this just so you can clog your toilet every time?

>> No.5622219

bangladesh confirmed healthiest place on earth

>> No.5622258

You're still going to die. I'm sorry that you're missing out on steak, fried chicken, milk and cheese.

>> No.5622304


it is hard to die from heart disease and cancer when your life expectancy is so low

>> No.5622320
File: 97 KB, 1427x628, 1405280134160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5622470

OP didn't say they drank alcohol and 10 crunches was likely just to help the digestive system a bit.

didn't you read the whole thing?

>> No.5622526

6lb turd.. did you name it? did you get a picture? or did you flush it away like most mexican mothers?

>> No.5622989
File: 365 KB, 500x371, 1390119863953.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you spent any significant time in the joint OP? because dropping a deuce isn't something most folks (that I know) are particularly proud of.

>look ma i'm packin a hard one!

>> No.5623141


I'm just really proud of eating the way that I do because it allows me to produce a giant elimination of junk from my body. its like my body is doing a good job of cleaning itself of what it doesn't need anymore.

for example, have you ever eaten fast food and other really unhealthy food and used the bathroom and left still feeling bloated and junky? well when I "go" I feel very empty and light weight after. its this good clean feeling inside.

>> No.5623161

I never looked at it that way before.
>now I'll never not look at it that way.

>suck it, rest of the world

>> No.5623187

>when I "go" I feel very empty and light weight after.

but do you feel airy?

>> No.5623456

I fart just as much as anyone else I suppose.

>> No.5623485

>gotta poo
>give birth to what feels like 5' of rope
>wipe, nothing
>stand up to look


>> No.5623490

Ghost poop

>> No.5623513

yup. this happens.

what did you eat? anything particularly healthy?

>> No.5623563

you make eating sound not fun, and not tastey

>> No.5623567

That reminds me of the time my dog swallowed a plastic bag. Lets just say that the look of shame was invigorating.

>> No.5623573

its your ears not my sounds.

>> No.5625618


>> No.5626423

you just don't get how well OP chews their corn do you?

>> No.5626868


>> No.5627917

so basically
>eat healthier
>poop better than usual

>> No.5628460

what I. no. just like eating healthy.