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File: 67 KB, 500x333, pringles_wife_beater_fuck_this_shit_ck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5606784 No.5606784[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can we have an alcoholics thread?

I need some tlc ladies. Im on day 7.

>> No.5606788

maybe you should go to a bar and let a guy fuck you so you can feel you matter to someone

>> No.5606813
File: 178 KB, 1500x1000, luc_besson_stealing_your_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh darling, arn't you just the sweetest.

>> No.5606824


pleb plz

i don't know if that refers to drinking or woman beating, but either way

>> No.5606864

You are a bad influence on me. Fuck you.

>> No.5606874

Day 7 of what?

>> No.5606881


>> No.5606886

Get back to me on day 32

>> No.5606888

If it is depression you're running away from by using the alcohol I can tell you it gets better when you remain sober for an extended time. Drinking makes anxieties worse btw

>> No.5607014


the guy from this video was in a 1st season X-Files episode

>> No.5607026

Just find someone to drink with......my boyfriend and i have been on a bender for a week.

>> No.5607032

go to /soc/ you fucking attention craving faggot, no one gives a shit what youre drinking or feeling

>> No.5607091


>day 7 of drinking
>lel im an alcohol xD

This is insulting, I havent had a single evening sober, or a solid shit all year

>> No.5607098
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Day 7 of no alcohol.

>> No.5607100
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Funny how every female ever gets away with being more violent more often though.

>> No.5607117


>>5607091 here. Oh.

Well I haven't been that clean in about 7 years now. What's it like? How do you feel?

>> No.5607132

I don't think I've had a drink in the last year.

Fug it, too expensive

>> No.5607138

>tfw wake up at 7am ready for work, tired as shit with a rumbling runny shit bubbling away in my gut
>tell myself that I'm definitely not drinking again tonight because it isn't worth feeling like this
>sit on toilet for 30 minutes (because the poo likes to come out in 5-10 minute intervals and if I don't do this I'm busting by the time I arrive at work)
>shower and drive groggily to work
>feel tired and hungry all morning (no time for breakfast)
>eat lunch
>about an hour after lunch I feel totally fine and start getting cravings for muh beers
>argue with myself all afternoon about whether I'll drink tonight or not
>do stupid shit like flip a coin to decide (it is now at the point of if heads wins 3 rounds of best of 7, I get to drink)
>sometimes tails wins
>buy booze on the way home anyway and drink my usual 10 stellas then order a pizza or something
>wake up at 7am for work

Life is suffering

>> No.5607142

How the fuck do you do it? I've been drinking at least 4-7 days a week for the past few years and the past few weeks it's been basically every night and I get black out drunk. Last night I had only 3 shots and then only managed an hour of sleep because I woke up with the most fucking intense bloating and pain from irritating my stomach/intestines. I need to detox badly, I don't know how the fuck you've been doing that shit for that long.

>> No.5607146
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>argue with myself all afternoon about whether I'll drink tonight or not
This is a bad feel.

>> No.5607156


It's not any different for me, I can actually feel aching pains in my liver and kidneys if I touch those spots. They throb often too. I desperately need to detox, I probably don't have much longer before I end up in hospital or dead.

>> No.5607166

Do it, man, it's not fucking worth it. I learned my less badly today. I'm still in a ton of pain and the bloating just doesn't want to go down right now. My intestines and stomach are on fire.

>> No.5607183


I should, but maybe I'll just make tonight the last night, r-right?

captcha: nstepara alcohol

>> No.5607188

I've heard a theory that instead of putting shit off until the next day or whatever, starting RIGHT NOW slightly increases the chances of it actually working because there's no time for you to begin to make up excuses.

Go pour out all your booze, man. That's what I did and I'm not looking back.

>> No.5607192

Actually...that being said, it would probably be best for you to go to a doctor since the withdrawals can be bad.

>> No.5607201


That's what I meant, I basically tell myself that every night is the last night. I don't keep booze, I just go to the store and buy some and finish it all.

>> No.5607212

Yeah, that's basically what I do, but sometimes I'll have shit left over. I don't start drinking until the nighttime though, so while I can't keep booze in my house without drinking it, I can at least manage to get through the day without touching it.

I find when I'm trying to quit, I tend to drink a fuck ton of tea.

>> No.5607258

As a former stupidly heavy drinker myself, I have one tip of advice: do not fall prey to the horrors that is cheap liquor. It will eat you alive.

Stick with beer if you're going to drink in excess.

>> No.5607281


>>5607138 here.

I've been drinking 10 cans of 500ml 5% beer about every night since 2008.

How long do I have left to live if I keep going?

Any protips for stopping or even cutting down drinking? I can't comprehend an evening without binge drinking now, I just wouldn't know what to do.

Should I do AA?

>> No.5607289

Not him but

>I can't comprehend an evening without binge drinking now
I know full well how that is. Once you begin to associate things you like doing with booze, it's hard to enjoy them without. Someone suggested finding a hobby that you have yet to associate with drugs/alcohol.

>Should I do AA?
Hell no. They're basically a fucking Jesus pushing cult, it's almost creepy.

>> No.5607412

Clarity for me has meant recognizing the things in my life i need to change and seeing that i haven't done shit about it every day. This can be good (school, finding a job, making dinner), or slightly terrifying (facing the psychological reasons for the alcohol abuse).

I've found avoiding moments of high anxiety & situations that automatically pushed you to the bottle has worked best. For me im not seeing my family at all, and really only leaving my house to buy food, or see bf. Fortunately that Campral dependancy has faded quickly, and i think the craving will reduce day by day.

I fucking quit smoking. Fuck alcohol if it beats me.
I keep telling myself about the money i spent on booze, so i hope this strategy can work.

>> No.5607429

In addition, change your music playlist. When I've been hitting those "lonely nights", having something softer & less abbrasive helps.

>> No.5607456
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Everybody ITT:

First of all, there is a lot of mythos surrounding alcohol. Drinking alcohol can be good for you. When your work is done and it's the end of the day, drinking helps you forget your travails and feel like a child again. Plato wrote this shit 2,400 years ago, and it's still true today.

Alcoholism is just a word. Somebody can be properly described as an alcoholic if they get drunk during the daytime. That's all. It's not a "disease", it's not some boogeyman beyond your control like the psychologists insist. People can change. You can change. If you want to change badly enough, then you will do it. There is no will, only desire.

This is usually how people quit smoking cigarettes: eventually, they realize that they are destroying their health, and they start to value their health. They realize what they used to desire (they thought it was somehow good) is actually bad and so they no longer desire it.

Drinking and smoking are pleasurable, despair is not. So, do drink, but don't despair. If you drink yourself to sleep every single night, then congratulations, you've discovered the secret of most successful adults.

(Some don't find drinking pleasurable, or unwind in some other way at the end of the day. Good for them. Their livers are lucky.)

>> No.5607461

First off, AA is NOT bad thing, you just have to find the right group. It never worked out for me personally, but I know people it has worked for. Basically, you've got to be willing to replace your drinking with AA meetings. Some are super religious, but by and large, they're not.

You can probably keep living a fairly ok life drinking like that. 5% beer is mostly water, which means that the organs which are most affected by alcohol consumption, liver, stomach, pancreas, brain, intestines, can hold their own fairly well. Some of it boils down to genetics, other to luck. If you eat well, drink lots of water, work out, but binge drink at night, I'd guess you'd probably live to a decent age. This is also if you can keep your shit together and have a stable job, living situation, etc etc.

Stopping drinking? Will power, that's it. Cutting down? If you drink 10 cans a night, do that for one week. Next week you drink 9 cans, then the next week 8, etc etc etc.

In my experience most heavy drinkers continue to do so out of either depression (which drinking only exacerbates it), social anxiety or the inability to sleep. You're probably going to experience severe levels of all three for a while after drinking and insomnia is a bitch. Again, will power is all you've got going for you. If you can get your doctor to prescribe you a benzo (usually klonopin) that'll help with any physical withdrawals and help you to sleep. You also might be able to get this illicitly through a dealer (it's a moderately common street drug).

If you have more questions, feel free to ask. Best of luck.

>> No.5607483
File: 55 KB, 594x437, keanuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I look at homeless drunks on the street and think how far i am away from that.

>good for you

>> No.5607495

How long have you been sober for? What was your crisis moment?

>> No.5607498
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Many people who live drunk on the streets prefer to live that way.

>> No.5607504
File: 12 KB, 460x276, ricky_gervais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really? They wake up every day covered in their own shit and think "well im ok with this"?

>> No.5607534

>wake up around 11am hung over
>have a shot of jack
>drink beer while taking a shit
>make lunch (maybe) and have a beer and a shot
>watch tv with another beer
>walk to 7-11 before the highshool lets out and its packed with punk ass nigger kids
>grab a 30 pack of busch and some frozen burritos
>ask for a pint of jack and the counter but i'm $3 short
>put burritos back
>have a shot of jack in the parking lot
>open a beer for the walk home
>can't find anything in the freezer to eat
>have a handful of doritos for dinner
>watch tv/play vidya/fuck around on the internet and drink until whatever time it is i pass out
>wake up around 11am
>have a shot of jack

this is my life

>> No.5607536
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>There is no will, only desire

While I agree with this to an extent, it isn't that black and white.

The fact is that I like drinking and I would rather drink than not drink. I just worry about what it's doing to my health and social life, because I would literally rather sit in my apartment drinking alone than socialise. I just dumped my girlfriend because I'd rather drink and vidya in the evenings than have to spend time with her. This is, what I believe, is alcoholism. When you would rather drink than do literally anything else.

The thing is, I don't WANT to want to drink. I wish I didn't want to drink.

>> No.5607542


As a functioning alcoholic, I am jealous of this. I wish I could afford to keep my nice flat, be able to eat, keep my car etc and be unemployed and drink and sleep all day. I fucking wish.

Being a drunk and having to get up at 7am every day is dicks. Weekends are heaven though.

>> No.5607548

> tfw no an alcoholic

feels good "men"

>> No.5607556


Im living in a 100 dollar a day hotel room in hollywood, still technically in jail but out on work release.

Drinking n watchin tv n shit.

Consider that the human conciousness is so versatile and adaptible that it could get used to anything. People that talk in terms of "don't take things for granted" and "you never know what you got until you lost it" are full of shit.

The truth is - you DON'T have anything until you lose it. What you have is worthless. Look at the people with billions, they're stressed out about millions.

But a drunk with 4 dollars in his pocket knows exactly where his happyness lies.

Happyness is in enjoying life. That guy with the American dream is just as happy as a drunk with a bottle, a WoW nerd with a bufffed out account, or a retard with a helium baloon.

Point is, everything is relative and there is no "rock bottom". Things can get smaller and bigger, but the relations never change - the decisions you make in life are like a neverending fractal, just zooming in or out, etc.

People that hang up on material goals like
> Nah, fuck that. I'm not fucking up anymore. I'm gonna get this job here, go at it for a couple months until i finish that degree, then more doors will open up, Vicky will take me back, blah blah blah im lying to myself.

The truth is inside, not outside.

>> No.5607565
File: 102 KB, 500x461, 1340615708479.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is a fucking excellent post.

>> No.5607572

thanks bro... your reaction image made me crack up, too. new computer so first one of the folder.

>> No.5607587

are you me

>> No.5607589

>wake up feeling like shit, cloudy head, upset stomach
>shit for 20 minutes, agony
>drink 3 cups of coffee, stomach hurts even worse but can't eat
>go to class, still feeling fuzzy
>sit in back, try to pay attention
>somehow get decent grades and shit
>come home, take a couple shots
>go to work
>come home, drink 6-10 beers and go to bed
>do it all over again

Life sucks then you die

>> No.5607593

I'm on day uhh, idk like 240?

I drink 1.75L of vodka in 2 days.

Still have a job and go to uni full time, still go to the gym every day so I'm not fat (not sure how that works, since I'm not one of the alcoholics who just doesn't eat and I drink a fuckton of alcohol calories).

I feel like hell though, I really need to fucking stop.

>> No.5607597
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Those long, drawn out shitting feels

>> No.5607608
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You sound like Patrick Bateman compared to me.

Im jelly.

>> No.5607611
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Drinking Rochefort 10 right now. Fuck being sober.

>> No.5607636

>tfw all around better person when tipsy/drunk
>tfw being drunk makes me feel things

Don't know if I'm an alcoholic, I sure hope I'm not. But if I could, if it weren't so expensive and if it alcohol didn't have so many calories, I'd be drunk all the time.

>> No.5607645

Let me guess: Law School?

>> No.5607646
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>that nice watch

show me the clock face, i must see it

>> No.5607653

Is that why i have trouble shitting? Dehydration and bowel weakness due to alcohol poisoning?

>> No.5607661


>day after partying, i.e. being really drunk
>wake up drunk
>stomach hurts
>know that I have to shit
>go to the toilet
>only a bit of liquid shit comes out
>stomach still rumbling, feel all that shit inside of me
>it's drawn out over two days

This is just not good.

>> No.5607665
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>> No.5607671
File: 13 KB, 214x317, comedy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That shit reminds me of this.

It's pretty great, and its something that alot of anons on /tv/ have related too. /tv/ has alot of alkies too.

>> No.5607673


That's a Relox, clean your windows and how can you have snow it's summer, your life is a lie! Or maybe it isn't. I don't know.
>10 Biere
That's just one. It's getting worse and worse here, man

>> No.5607676

I haven't had a solid shit in about two months. My stomach and intestines must be fucked because spicy food + dairy that I used to eat constantly now goes through me in about 20 minutes.

>> No.5607684

The watch is real.

There is no snow. The sun has bleached out the color of the wheat.

It had just lightly rained, so the window has water spray on it.

>> No.5607685


nice everything. is it kinetic? i have only one nice watch

>> No.5607686


And it all falls apart when it comes to the "10 Biere".

>> No.5607687

Noice. Good choice.

>> No.5607692

What do you mean by "kinetic"?

I have no idea what you are saying.

>> No.5607694


10 Biere means 10 beers. And that's just one beer. Cheque, mate.

>> No.5607695


Welcome to my every day.

>two dribbles of liquid poo at 7am - 7:20am
>stomach noises and bubbling during the 45 minute commute to work
>get in to work and go for a shit
>5-6 dribbles
>rock back and forth to help lever the liquid shit out
>about 3pm
>2-3 more dribbles
>8pm, the last of the dribbles, already few pints down by now the build up the following mornings poo challenges.

>> No.5607698

Dude, the beer is called Rochefort 10.

How drunk are you?

>> No.5607702


Drunk enough to see through your masquerade...Old Man Lochester!

>> No.5607706


does it require batteries, or work off of kinetic energy? i would guess not, it usually is inscribed on the face.

>> No.5607713

It's a Rolex Sea-Dweller. It has the 3135 automatic movement. No batteries. It is self winding. No batteries in automatic watches.

All the energy is wound up in the mainspring.

>> No.5607715

Op here, this thread is so depressing (especially the "shit" posting). I need a drink.

>> No.5607719


First greenposter and first "shitposter" itt here

>5 drinks down

Get your game on, son

>> No.5607726


I hate taking shits at work.
>go to restroom
>nobody's in there
>go into stall
>drop down onto the toilet
>try to push shit out as fast as possible
>Not gonna happen, officer
>strain and push
>restroom door opens
>shit immediately flees from the exit and goes back deep into my bowels
>sit there until other person left
>try to push it out again
>door opens again
>somebody enters a stall
>hear belt unbuckling
>hear somebody sitting down

Game over, man.

>> No.5607736

2pm, 2 beers down because I feel like vomiting. Work in a few hours

>> No.5607774

>Left my home town 10 years ago, worked in a great place with great people
>Keep in touch with them but one who is hard to reach
>Keep hearing that he's turning up to work drunk in the morning
>He gets fired
>Hear that he's become a bum
>Last week brother calls me and tells me the guy died
>"Yeah doc told him to stop drinking. He had surgery and half his stomach removed. Died as he kept going,"

I won't ever tell someone to change what they do, but I know what people are going to be: dead men, and way before their time.

Genuine question to the guys who do, and this is from someone who did develop and issue when he was younger: is it worth it?

>> No.5607775

How many times have you been arrested?

How many times have you woken up somewhere and you dk how you got there?

>> No.5607778

I'm not sober, I'm a social drinker. Alone, I drink at most 9 beers a week, well over the recommended limit, but I'm not binge drinking. I get drunk, but only with friends and I would say less than once ever 2-3 months.

Crisis moment? I got sick the withdrawals. Got tired of throwing up uncontrollably if I hand't drank in 24 hours, thinking I had developed acute pancreatitis, worrying about the condition of my liver, etc.

Took me several long years to really realign my body without being dependent on alcohol. Did the whole, got sober for a while, got confident that I was strong enough to drink again, fell into the hole, repeat ad nauseam.

It's a fuckton of work, but you also have to consider, how much time you invested into drinking. Dry yourself out slowly, start eating well, drink water and start working out. Being physically active is honestly your best ally.

>> No.5607808

how the fuck do you afford that hotel room on work release

>> No.5607826


>Hell no. They're basically a fucking Jesus pushing cult, it's almost creepy.

Maybe this varies by location, but when I went to AA it seemed like there were more non-religious people than anything. Your "higher power" doesn't have to be god, a lot of people just use AA as their higher power.

Also I can't really feel like something is a cult unless they ask money and/or it's started by some 50-something year old dude who wants to bang teenagers.

>> No.5607831


no but good guess! (I know a couple law school students and they are raging drunks)

it's in the medical field, and by that I don't mean going to junior college to become a professional ass wiper (nurse)

>> No.5607834


>looking down on nurses

Oh boy.

>> No.5607893


You might actually want to get real help in real life.

From 3D people who have some experience with helping alcoholics.


>> No.5607919

I used to drink a bottle of whisky per night but the anxiety and panic attacks the following day just got to be too much. I called into work, told them I wouldn't be in for 2 weeks, and just lay in bed the whole time. Didn't sleep the entire two weeks, barely ate anything, had that 'impending doom' feeling the entire time... literally thought I was going to die every second. I'm 1 year sober now and the thought of alcohol makes me sick.

>> No.5607936
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congrats op. im basically at the same point of sobriety too. it sucks huh. i wanna drink so bad

>> No.5607960
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>> No.5607970


Nurses are the single most important functional unit in the health system, you little faggot

>> No.5607981

>I'm 1 year sober now and the thought of alcohol makes me sick.
I wish I was you right now.

>> No.5608005

>doesn't eat calories

Careful with that. Eat some protein at least.

>> No.5608048


I work in an office. Every time I go to take a shit this happens too.

Except they fucking sit next to me 80% of the time when there are enough stalls to have an extra barrier. I can still operate if they aren't next to me.

I'd say they were faggots, but no foot-tapping has happened. Maybe they just get off on smelling shit and forcing someone else to smell their shit fresh from the ass.

>> No.5608051

That guy is annoying

>> No.5608101
File: 1.99 MB, 328x166, u wot m8.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it weird that I don't get hangovers like you guys are talking about? all this talk about weird shitting patterns gurggling stomach noises is news to me. I start drinking after I get off work and keep going until I pass out that night. Wake up at seven feeling fine except for reddish eyes, thank you Clear Eyes drops. Never miss work, never late, do a great job, get along with family, stay out of trouble, etc.

I-is this abnormal? I drink a whole lot more than most people everyday but am not showing the symptoms.

>> No.5608118
File: 22 KB, 408x230, beer thread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Godly beer, jealous. my parents brought me one and this glass back from a recent trip to Belgium. goddamn I want a rochefort 10 right now. bottle has some kick too, high abv.

>> No.5608123


I was like this for a long time, sort of what made me think it was totally fine to drink every evening.

You treat your body like a toilet for long enough and it will catch up to you, and you will get the morning shitty gurgles just like me. Give it some time.

>> No.5608131

been doing it for around seven years though bro.

>> No.5608135

she eat le pringles maek er stop

>> No.5608139

different anon. but i didn't get that until about 11 years in. Shit sucks bro.

>> No.5608153
File: 379 KB, 499x253, feels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im about a week sober. within that week ive done some refelecting had some major cravings.. but they will pass i think. i do feel like ive gone to another level in my maturity though. i no longer feel the need to make fun of or scoff at fatter people or feminists or etc.. i just look at them and hope they realize they can become healthier/happier, and if they never do i just hope they have a fullfilling life. alcohol allowed me to knee jerk react like that and join in with the mostly immature crowd of 4chan. ive come to terms that there are people different than me in the world but my sarcastic hate comments wont change shit. in this week of sobriety if had some major personal feels too. i no longer have alcohol at the ready to numb the pain/fuel the anger and hatred i have because of it. ive had so many suicidal thoughts in the past days because of this but overall i think im gonna make it. the threads i used to lurk and waste time on no longer interest me. i used to think i only used alcohol to enhance music and other things i would do while drunk or help me sleep, but thats bs. alcohol is a crutch for the weak if you abuse it.
tldr: if you drink to numb the pain or for it to make you feel better than others youre in for a suprise if you ever decide to get sober.

>> No.5608162

also i understand what a "trigger" is now. so i hope the tumblr 4chan thing dies off soon.
>also youre gonna make it OP

>> No.5608165

Funny, alcohol never did that to me. I've been on this site for quite a long time and I'm generally pretty nice. It's just kind of who I am I guess and I've even been suicidal and all that jazz etc. You really think it was the alcohol doing that to you or was it some other psychological thing? You seem like you've just been putting things into a different perspective since you quit, really.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you never have to experience another relapse, man. You can do it.

>> No.5608188

Good luck man. as for triggers I think I'd drink a lot less if I weren't coming to this place all the time. i have almost no interest in even lurking 4chan if I havent had a drink but the more I drink the more I'm drawn here. something about it mesmerizes me when drunk. I try not to shitpost or be too harsh but understand what you are saying when its easier to knee jerk react with an immature comment.

>> No.5608190

It's not that "triggers" aren't a real thing, it's the way tumblr uses them that people hate. They put trigger warnings for literally everything and anything.

>> No.5608194

if you're under the age of 27 this is why you are still fine.
27 is like hitting a wall when it comes to drinking

>> No.5608207
File: 141 KB, 1280x720, triggered.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does it look like when a woman is "triggered"?

Do they lay on the ground and vibrate?
Do they scream?
What happens?

>> No.5608213

They make sandwiches.

>> No.5608219

Reading this thread I can sympathize, and I dont want to run the risk of going beyond cooking here but I was addicted to opiates for some time and I can really appreciate where youre all coming from.

Just drank all day, but I dont like alcohol so I dont have to worry about a habit. honestly getting stuck on alcohol seems hard to me, it just really ruins your ability to function. Does it not do that when you're addicted to it? I couldn't cook all day and I wanted to try some new tuna recipes so I have to put it off until tomorrow.

Well anyway, I hope you guys get better if you want to, if youre breaking the habit the best advice I can give is find a show to watch hardcore for two or so weeks. Thats when life gets normal again. And I have to be honest here, /ck/ is not that good of a spot to go for assistance with this shit. if you want to keep it to your self like most addicts just read blogs and help forums online for encouragement. As i said I was on opiates and living at home I couldnt really bring it up with anyone so online forums were the best aids, just reading others experiences.

This stuff gets easier with time, the anxiety or depression or bad feelings or needing to take a drink when youre feeling down. I know it sounds cop-outty saying "oh hurr durr just wait it out" but it really does work. Honestly time is the best solution for addictions from my experience.

>> No.5608246
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Anyone else here got the diabeetus but love booze as well? I'm really trying to cut down, but still drink an unacceptable amount on a weekly basis.

Anyone else? I feel like I'm slowly killing myself (although likely at a faster rate than non-diabetics)

>mfw waking up in the hospital after getting hammered

>> No.5608258


Depends, I guess. If they're Tumblr-triggered, they're forced to make a comment/post about how that triggered them.
If they actually have witnessed something traumatic, well, I don't know, weird things happen when people snap.

>> No.5608265

Man you guys are fuckin poisoning your body and the booze isn't even fun anymore. Give it a rest or you'll fucking die in a miserable way...

>> No.5608286

Wow we had no idea, dude, thanks for the enlightenment! Wow I can see clearly now.

Suck a dick. You don't know shit.

>> No.5608291

the thing with me is that when I drink, I WILL binge drink. I'm not one of these guys who can have like 3-4 cans of beer and let that be that! so for that reason I refrain entirely from drinking during the week when I'm working as I hate working w/ a hangover, and its just not very enjoyable to drink knowing I've be up at 6:30 the next morning (and all the miserable shit that entails)

so my excessive need to drink is ironically keeping me from full-blown alcoholism

though that said, once the weekend comes I will drink almost non-stop no matter what I happen to be doing in the process

>> No.5608297


>> No.5608303


I think you misread what they said

>> No.5608427
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I have a friend like you. I'm the complete opposite. I can definitely put quite a few back, and I do on occasion, but I don't have a problem having only 2-3 beers then calling it a night. That being said, I have to have at least one. I don't remember the last time I didn't drink at all.

>mfw drinking is what convinced me to start working out, count calories and get enough sleep

>> No.5608448

WHos ready to get DrUnK tonight?!?!?

>> No.5608463
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>> No.5608502

Anyone have any suggestions for detoxing? Like what to eat/drink and what not. I just want to stop feeling physically like shit as soon as I fucking can.

>> No.5608511
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>> No.5608533

also interested in this

>> No.5608541


just taper down, there's not much else you can do to reduce the symptoms but tapering helps prevent them

>> No.5608609
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You're either an alcoholic or have never lived with one.

>> No.5608632

AA isn't supposed to be Jesus its supposed to be higher power. Which can be anything even your own will to live longer than 50.

>> No.5608636

It's not necessarily about the withdrawals, I'm more referring to the damage alcohol has caused to my body.

>> No.5608836

Alcohol usually causes a zinc deficiency. Get a zinc supplement. Apart from that, exercise, eat well, sleep a lot. Do everything that everyone else should do

>> No.5609811

What does a zink deficiency do to the body?

>> No.5609845
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I'm too american to give up.

>> No.5609909

>Zinc deficiency is closely associated with stunting, respiratory infections, diarrhea, and dermatitis

google it faggot

>> No.5610470

A real american wouldn't drive drunk and risk the lives of their wife and children.

>> No.5610476


not him but

>implying I'm married or have kids

>> No.5610870

>having a shortcut to winRAR
>on your desktop

absolutely disgusting

>> No.5610878

>notepad shortcut on desktop
>shitty babby gun
kill yourself

>> No.5610887

>a real american

you mean a decent human being. why are americans the only group of people you assume to be innately good people? because that is hilarious.

>> No.5610899

Americans are the only good people. Everyone else is scummy and probably moslem.

>> No.5610902
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stop trying to ruin our alcoholism thread

>> No.5611206

difference being that men are way more likely to beat you to death but ok

>> No.5611259

I quit drinking for a week and I'm even more depressed than I was while on it. I guess it doesn't help that bad shit keeps happening and I'm exhausted from work.

What's the point of anything.

>> No.5611266

fuck you, at least you have a job

>> No.5611274
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>> No.5611275

moral of the story

>dont spill coffee on people

>> No.5611290

just keep on staying sober man

>> No.5611419

>sober for 6 days
>still feel suicidal
>tell myself if its still like this after two weeks i should just do it
I-it'll get better, right?

>> No.5611427

i've gone through hydrocodone withdrawals before so i vaguely know your pain, stay strong man, it'll get better

if you dont have much to do i'd recommend trying to sleep through as much of it as possible, or going out for a long walk

last thing you wanna do is stay inside in a room by yourself left to your own thoughts and musings in this state

>> No.5611508

Is 2 buck chuck good to get drunk on? like in terms of Alcohol content

>> No.5611540

>this thread

And THIS is why people shouldn't go to AA meetings.

>> No.5611566


>> No.5611579

the white is good when it's cold, they raised the price now it's $2.71w/tax, the red wine they sell gives me bad heartburn after one bottle so I avoid it.

>> No.5611586

I would say so.

>> No.5611596

because a 95% relapse rate after 6 months is not the mark of success. Because telling people that they have a "disease" (because diseases can totally be cured by willpower) when they have a substance abuse problem is fucking stupid. Because pushing religion on vulnerable people is an asshole thing to do. Because pretending that substance abuse is THE problem as opposed to the symptom is fucking asinine. But mostly because: If you fail and relapse, it's because you are a shitty, weak person who did not want to be sober enough, but if you succeed it's because your higher power and the group helped you, because you are a worthless fuckup who can't do anything on his own. Anon groups are cults. The courts love them because the almost guaranteed relapses keep treatment centers and drug courts in the black. BTW, sober for 5 years, AA-free for 4.5.

>> No.5611599

>tfw get off work and the local liquor store is closed

>> No.5611606

Oh. Well, I agree with you. I was just wondering if you had a reason behind that.

>> No.5611608

>95% relapse rate after 6 months
[citation needed]

>> No.5611674
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>In this post: someone who has never been to AA

>because a 95% relapse rate after 6 months is not the mark of success.
Lots off people fall off the wagon with or without AA/NA within 6 months

>Because telling people that they have a "disease" (because diseases can totally be cured by willpower)
AA makes it very clear that the disease of alcoholism is not a matter of lacking willpower. In a metaphorical sense it's comparable to a disease - it has causes (be it environmental or genetic), symptoms and can be treated.

>when they have a substance abuse problem is fucking stupid.
It adds gravity to the situation instead of saying "lol just don't drink, have some backbone"

>Because pushing religion on vulnerable people is an asshole thing to do.
AA and any derivative of it denounces preaching of specific religions - almost every group I've been to will shut people down for going on tangents relating specifically to religion. It's not uncommon at all to have both atheists and agnostics in AA that do well - one of the common examples is to hold one's homegroup as a higher power.

>Because pretending that substance abuse is THE problem as opposed to the symptom is fucking asinine.

If you look into the 12 steps, you'll see that they're meant to at least alleviate some of the underlying conditions that lead people to chronically abuse alcohol or drugs. Your statement is patently inapplicable to AA.

>But mostly because: If you fail and relapse, it's because you are a shitty, weak person who did not want to be sober enough

Also patently wrong. Many established members of a group may be take a less vitriolic view, but after seeing people half-assing the program for so long, it can be difficult to keep from getting jaded. A vast, vast majority of people in groups are effusively supportive and welcoming - even if you relapse every other week and end up in meetings drunk.


>> No.5611689

>but if you succeed it's because your higher power and the group helped you
Wrong, it's because you've worked hard and honestly, and used the tools that the program provides for you in order to keep off the bottle.

>because you are a worthless fuckup who can't do anything on his own.

Someone never got far enough in AA to be involved in service or sponsoring (some of the most rewarding shit in the world).

>Anon groups are cults. The courts love them because the almost guaranteed relapses keep treatment centers and drug courts in the black.
I do agree that the courts over use them. They're not necessary for teenagers that get caught smoking pot, and yet, for someone that could possibly benefit from them, going 2-3 times a week is not nearly enough. It's recommended that you make a meeting every day for the first 90 days, and that's because of experience. I didn't miss a meeting a day until I was a little over a year clean.

>BTW, sober for 5 years, AA-free for 4.5.
I'm genuinely happy that you've managed to stay sober through your own means. Again, it's said (genuine complaint about AA, there are so many worn out, over used phrases; sorry for repeating them) - AA isn't the only way to stay sober, but it's an option. I'm glad you found yours.

>> No.5611693

Look at the cultists furiously defending their 1930's pop-psych.

>> No.5611702

its really not a cult you euphoric faggot
>if you want congratulations on your sobriety, congratulations. but shitting on other ways that help other people to get sober is a dick move.
personally i cant into AA because im introverted as fuck but the book is very good and the main goal is good as well so why would you shame people for trying?

>> No.5611706

I actually much preferred NA, especially since I did drugs and wasn't much into alcohol, apart from genuinely for the taste.

I had about 2 years clean off everything. I just slowly stopped going after a year and a half because work.

Now I enjoy a beer with a meal every now and then, and relax with a nice glass of scotch whisky after work.

I thought it was deliciously hypocritical that most people in AA/NA religiously abused coffee and cigarettes.

I definitely don't regret the time I spent there, though. The one thing I can genuinely say about those programs is that they make it exceedingly difficult to feel completely alone. Most good groups will always politely swarm new people.

Not to mention all the hugs. That's seriously the one thing I miss the most.

>within 5 minutes of getting to a meeting early, hug at least a dozen people who are practiced huggers (old bikers give the best hugs, btw)
>before leaving hug another two dozen people.

>> No.5611734

I don't want to talk about sobriety. What are you guys drinking tonight?

>> No.5611742

>it's not a cult
He says as he gets progressively more upset and defensive.

>> No.5611749

Alcoholics Anonymous: Replacing your addiction to alcohol with an addiction to group therapy.

>> No.5611764

Usually coffee and cigarettes too.

>> No.5611773

can't forget 13th stepping newcomers, either.

>> No.5611815

got me some cheap ass generic canadian whiskey

>> No.5611858
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The only group therapy you gentlemen will ever need.

>> No.5611869

Eh, it's a good book, but DFW always came off as a tryhard Thomas Pynchon to me. That's not me knocking him so much as being a rabid Pynchon fanboi.

>> No.5611902

A lot of the AA members i've met are closet luciferians that prey to the devil, really weird people. My friend used to go to AA to pick up sluts before they split up the meetings into all males/all females.

>> No.5611908


There are still unisex meetings.

>> No.5611915

Yup. They have a name for people that use the meetings to hookup. That's what anon was referring to when he mentioned "the 13th step".

>> No.5611920

not where I live, they have all male meetings(most are gay in the area I live) to avoid hookups between men/women.

>> No.5611946

hail satan

>> No.5611981


hail seitan

>> No.5612228

>the decisions you make in life are like a neverending fractal, just zooming in or out
I am quite moved by this nugget right now

>> No.5612234


there are all male and all female meetings where I live, but most are mixed


weird, I've encountered plenty of athiests but not the edgy sort

and old friend used to pick up chicks at one of the CA meetings in hollywood though lol

>> No.5612826

This. Then I rely on sleeping pills.

>> No.5612841

I'm an alcoholic and a functioning one.

I've been on holiday for about a week now and spent one day sober so far.

I've recently gotten into wine, It's cheaper than most beers/spirits and the buzz is a bit better, allowing me to still play games and stuff.

If you are quitting, keep at it. Your work output will be substantially higher and your thoughts a lot clearer.

>> No.5612880


>cheaper than really shitty vodka

>> No.5612946

she poured that coffee like she was drunk

>> No.5613216

1 year?
>get on my level

>> No.5613221


I've been there before.

Although for me I was drinking out of depression more than anything else. My urge to drink went away when I stopped feeling so bad.

If you have a family history of alcoholism, I imagine it's a lot harder to control your urges.

>> No.5613284


boxed wine is

>> No.5613317
File: 29 KB, 486x412, FriendlyFoe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no fridge or freezer but I'd like to get my episodic alcohol problem rolling again.

What goes will hot beverages? I was thinking of enhancing my coffee seeing how I'm almost enjoying it by now.

>> No.5613322

What goes well with** hot beverages.

>> No.5613336

What do you mean episodic?

>> No.5613375

It's probably not the right word but I usually don't drink at all because I don't consider it a fun thing. However, when I feel completely overchallenged with life to the point where not even sleeping 16+ hrs everyday helps, I start drinking heavily. I will wake up and drink and will be completely wasted for the hours that I am awake and I'll do this everyday for a few months, tends to be 2-3 months usually and then I stop. Just like that. And I won't drink at all until maybe a year later or maybe only six months later I may have another episode.

>> No.5613441
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I'm just jumping in here since I got here a little late. I scanned the thread...I get the gist.

Umm, I've been drinking almost every single day for the past...10? 12? years. I'm 35 now...physically /fit/ as hell, eat very healthy. Daily gym rat.

about 5-7 years ago I would do a 30 pack of ice beer or 1.75L of shitty vodka a night. Then 5 years ago I turned 30...which I never thought I'd do...and I started taking my health seriously. Move out of the frat house environment into my own fancy apartment. The drinking subsided to 4-6 beers (typically 6-8ABV) a night...or a bottle of red wine....or 3 or 4 potent mixed drinks. Even the occasional night without drinking....though rare.

Then I left my girlfriend and got back to the single life and now I'm back to 6-10 beers a night or a 1.75L of vodka ever 3-4 days. I wake up early for work, I eat very healthy, I have no stomach problems, no hangovers, no runny shits...I have no fucking idea what you guys are on about with that.

Last year I decided "it's time to assess just how fucked I am with drinking," so I decided to take a month of from drinking...see how badly I missed it, how fucked up I felt (DTs? the shakes? mental breakdown? mental clarity?)...the result?

Fucking nothing. Getting to sleep was tricky the first week or so...and holy shit was I bored as fuck the entire time....but other than that and saving $50-$100 a week? Nothing else noticed.

I also don't get drunk easily (obviously, with the tolerance I've managed to build up). But I also "hold my liquor" in every other way. I don't fall apart and turn into a blathering mess. Don't slur my speech, turn into a psycho, get violent, etc. Most people often can't even believe that I've been drinking very heavily at parties I go to.

On the other hand I've known plenty of people that have 3 light beers and turn into a hot fucking mess.

I'm having a hard time taking this "I drink too much" thing seriously.

>> No.5613456

weird, and you stop just as easily? You need another coping mechanism i guess, or some anti-depressants.

>> No.5613461

Not being a psychiatrist I could be wrong but this sounds like bi-polar or clinical depression. It's up to you Anon, it being your life of course, but you might consider counseling.

>> No.5613471

Heres a tip, perspective changes everything.

>> No.5613474


With that kind of thinking and life style you'll be on dialysis in no time and lose liver function at 50 even if you are in good shape.

Heavy drinking also increases the risk of many types of cancer.

I drink heavily and enjoy being drunk as much as I am but ultimately I would like to cut down on it for health reasons.

>> No.5613483

I mean it's not like I never feel like wanting to drink again, but it's not a strong urge. I'm not actually experiencing any kind of difficult withdrawal. Abstaining from eating cake is harder than that. I guess it's because I really don't like ethanol and consciously think of how damaging this ill tasting stuff is even when I drink.

Actually will have to see someone soon. Been postponing it for three years.

>> No.5613484

Go on...I'm listening.

Those are the only concerns I really have. I'm no doctor and any time you try to find information...real talk...you just get obviously over-reactive save the fucking children style "1 drink a day a few times a week" recommendations... unless, that's the real deal? Can't be.

If you can recommend any legit reading I'm all ears. I'm having too much fun and feel far too good to really think it's doing that much damage...but I'm more than willing to be convinced otherwise.

>> No.5613489

Good, it's better to at least give it a shot.
I hate being the Anon looking over other Anons shoulders but if you're unhappy maybe you can do something about it.

>> No.5613491

The real question is: do you drink on an empty stomach? And the volume of alcohol you drink means nothing without knowing your weight and height.

>> No.5613512

sup anon,

I'm approaching two years sober. I drank an 18 pack every day for 12 years.

I still crave drinking to this day. AA is bullshit. But the worst part is, no matter how much hell you go through, how hard you struggle to be normal again, no matter how accomplished you feel after getting through that first year.......no one gives a flying fuck.

Just thought you should know. Godspeed.

>> No.5613530


I occasionally drink on an empty stomach...but I love to cook and I love to eat...and I burn massive calories at the gym and lead a pretty active lifestyle, so I typically only drink on a very full stomach...though occasionally on an empty stomach but rarely.

Also, I'm 6'1" @180-195lbs ...very trim, mostly muscle.

>> No.5613532
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>most people often can't even believe that I've been drinking very heavily at parties I go to

Goddamn this, I drink the most and maintain composure. i was recently at a party and a group of us decided to break away and hit up the bar, we'd all been drinking. they wanted me to drive since I was "sober", kek. somebody at the party had a little breathalizer machine and the group of us all went to blow into it to see whos BAC was the lowest. I wasn't all that buzzed but went last because I knew mine would be highest.

>mfw I blew and grinned as I revealed to them by far the highest number of the group.


>> No.5613536


I don't really have any studies or articles to send so the only thing I can really suggest is reading through the wiki articles on alcohol and alcoholism. There's a lot of good info about issues that can arise and obviously since it's wiki they're all sourced to something (further reading).

Alcohol affects everyone differently and some people are just weird/lucky and can drink like a sailor til 95 others will have kidney, liver, and/or other issues at 50. The only thing you can really do is look at what can happen and know of those possibilities. Obviously healthy alcohol usage is by no means GOOD for the human body.

>> No.5613537


holding your liquor is about a lot more than not throwing up.

...kids these days.

>> No.5613539


>bragging about your failures

>> No.5613552


I'll do that. It's better to have some idea of the type of fire I'm playing with.

I do know that my dad, his dad and his dad (up to great grandfather) all drank pretty much like I do. None were problem drinkers. My great grandfather died at the age of 91 of boredom 2 weeks after being moved to the home. My grandfather died at 60 because of undetected colon cancer that was very far progressed before they caught it (doctorphobic...I'm trying to be more vigilant than that)....my dad is 54 and healthy as can be, drinks daily as well...though probably not as much as he used to.

>> No.5613880

How you get money?

>> No.5613935


This isn't fun though. I miss being able to drink and be buzzed and have a great time. I can't drink to the point that I can just let go and enjoy myself, no matter how much I drink I always feel sober and have total control at all times. It's dicks.

I went out with a friend tonight after work, after we had 2 pints he called his girlfriend and cancelled on her because he wanted a "night out" with me instead, he was well on his way to being pissed. I'm sat here now after 12 pints totally fine after dropping his obliterated ass home via taxi.

As a drunk, I miss actually being drunk.

>> No.5613947


That's what happens with some addicts. They just do whatever their choice of poison is until they are basically normal. It becomes a dependency instead of an indulgence.

source: dr drew

>> No.5613948

How do you guys get addicted like that? I love drinking, I love getting shitfaced just by myself on the computer. I drink on weekends when nothing is going on, and I'll drink on weeknights if I don't have any big stuff going on at work.

But if I have serious shit going on, I don't drink the night before and it doesn't even cross my mind. I've had a huge project going on for a week at work and haven't drank at all and it hasn't crossed my mind.

I mean, damn, you guys are so bad that you CAN'T not drink? Shit that's fucked. I love drinking but only when I know it won't negatively impact my professional or personal life. Then again, I only drink beer, no liquor.

>> No.5613953

I miss being able to actually stop after a few drinks to be able to enjoy the buzz. Now I can't stop ever, I just crave more the more I drink, I fucking hate it.

>> No.5613956


what the fuck

>> No.5613957

Welcome to what alcoholism is. Most of us want to stop, and yes, you just really can't most of time. Some people can't stop completely but it's insanely hard.

That's what addictions are.

>> No.5613960

i has been driniking now for several wekk days and has been lots of beer so full

>> No.5613961

>Some people can't stop

>> No.5613966

Did you match him beer for beer or did you go at your own rhythm? I have a really hard time believing people that claim they can't get drunk anymore. 2 shots for every beer will get anyone at least good and tipsy, I don't care who you are. Of course, the drawback is that it gets really expensive and outs you to anyone drinking with you as a bit of a lush.

>> No.5613975


Well shit, that sucks. I think I'm good. 25 now, been drinking since 18 but only when I can, if you know what I mean. Every time something important in my life is going on I can easily not drink. I don't wake up craving to drink or anything like that. Just a way to pass my time/boredom when I'm not doing anything.

It actually kinda sucks cause I was big into basketball/tennis but I hurt my foot and can't run now, so I have more time sitting around = more beer. But still, I stopped drinking liquor a few years ago and only drink light beer now and don't get cravings and can not drink when I need to, so I think I'm doing alright.

>> No.5613978

no, it isn't fun. it isnt misery either compared to some anons situations I've read ITT. it's just a lifestyle. drinking makes me feel normal, and it doesn't turn me into swearing staggering retard like it does for normal people.

I'm certain a large percentage of alcoholics are self medicating for a list of reasons, somebody has already said it but they are right. anxiety, depression, insomnia, and so on. alcohol is physically killing me I know, but at the same time my mental balance has gotten better. I'm not as on edge, sleep deprived, and depressed as I have been in the past.

>> No.5613994

not being able to fall asleep, racing thoughts, stress and anxiety. the more stress in my life the more I drink and the better I can handle it without turning into a mess.

>> No.5614034

Usually after I've been drinking the night before (almost every night these days) I have 0 interest in drinking and I don't want to. But then the day goes by and it slowly creeps into my head and I look more and more at the clock to see what time it is because the alcohol stores here close at 10 (thanks Canada). And I just get nervous about not being able to drink, cave and go buy some. It's the same shit almost every night unless I can force myself not to go.

I'm 25 now too and I've been drinking on and off since I was 16ish. It's only gotten this bad steadily more and more over the past few years, really.

>> No.5614040

Also this.

>> No.5614052

I'm not as degenerate as some of you cunts, I save it to the weekend to binge drink, But I do get wasted every single weekend on either a bottle of Captain Morgan and coke or 2-3 bottles of Red Wine. But I guess the result is the same, we're both going to get fucked livers,

>> No.5614062

>Still mixing your spirits.
Not saying you're not going to die from alcoholism but all the properly fucked people drink it straight and don't do brand names.

>> No.5614064

I welcome the crazy nightmares when I stop drininig for a couple days

most of the time I'm in control

>> No.5614068

You're still at a point where you can stop. Stop.

>> No.5614073


Melotonin is your friend. Although working hard cures everything. When I am hard at work, I come home at pass out. No need for alcohol or melotonin.

I love to drink but career > drinking.

>> No.5614083

Nah not that simple. I am an alcoholic. I HAVE to drink heavily every weekend. I just manage to not be completely degenerate every day.

>> No.5614088

Yeah I have similar issues. I just get a lot of anxiety if I stop for a few days and nothing seems as very fun.

Not that guy but I drink mostly cheap ass vodka and cheap high alc beer. I never even liked decent vodka but the cheap stuff tastes even worse so I have to mix it. Problem is that mixing it with anything sweet adds a lot more sugar and alcohol is already like pure sugar.

Good advice here. Or at least try to cut it back a little. You know you might be on the path to having an issue if you keep upping the amount you drink and how many times in a week. Generally all alcoholics have some sort of creep before they're fully addicted.

>> No.5614089


That's impossible. If you can go 5 days w/o drinking then you don't HAVE to drink on day 6

>> No.5614093

>alcohol is already like pure sugar
top kek

>> No.5614096

Well, I do work 8 hour shifts 5-6 days a week, sometimes even 7, but it's still not enough to make me not want to drink. I'd had 3 hours of sleep yesterday, worked for 9 hours under high heat and I still ended up caving and drinking while sleepy as fuck.

I wish I could stop it.

>> No.5614105

That's not how it works for me. I'm not technically addicted to anything but I associate certain things I play a game called Magic the Gathering. People there smoke so I smoke there and also when i'm drinking. I can't do either without smoking, otherwise I don't smoke. It's the same with weekends. I associate them with drinking so I drink.

>> No.5614106


meant to say pure calories

>> No.5614108

But I started with drinking hard liquor straight and didn't pay attention to the brand name. Am I already an alcohol? I'm drunk right now on some random generic cheap whiskey.

>> No.5614116

I know that feel. Pretty much everything I enjoy now is associated with drinking and when I try to quit I just can't enjoy it and I'm bored as fucking hell. You just go insane and it's so hard to stay away. I mean I'm sure it would normalize eventually, but getting to that point is fucking hard.

>> No.5614122


Find new hobbies. I play tennis and can't play that shit hungover.

>> No.5614127

Oh. Still, the human body supposedly can't make use of alcohol's calories very well. There's always people talking about how they drink tons of alcohol all the time and somehow stay /fit/. And then there's the phrase "beer belly" which is likely due to beer actually having calories from carbs rather than only alcohol.

>> No.5614199


"trigger" is associated with PTSD. Claiming that a fucking post on the Internet can have similar effects on someone as hearing a gun shot, say, can have on a soldier who fought in Iraq is fucking insane and is the reason why all non-Tumblrites are getting so pissed off at how Tumblr uses the term.

>> No.5614212

This thread made me pour myself a drink.

I don't drink often but I think I should. I feel a lot better when I drink, take my mind away from all the worries and the depression.

>> No.5614216

that feel. here's a shot for you buddy

>> No.5614226

Bottoms up.

>> No.5614236


It's genetic. The specific genetic variations that predispose someone to alcoholism/addiction have been known for 20 years or more.

>> No.5614269

hey guys, just checking in after work. having some good old canadian hunter tonight to put me to sleep

>> No.5614455

brown spirits. clear ones taste the most like alcohol, which isn't great tasting warm
you are familiar with hot toddies, right?

>> No.5614946

I'm what tumblr would call a rape survivor. I consider I was a drunk teenager who had gay sex and really regretted it the next morning.
But I get that actual rape survivor can be triggered the same way as soldiers. Rape can be traumatic if it involves guns and a pack of niggers for example, or with kids with selective amnesia.
Tumblr use the word to mean "this troll post pisses me off, it "triggers" my anger" (making this 4chan/tumblr war funny as fuck. Ask reddit for details, they are the neutral observers of this war.). And it's fucking annoying for people with actual real literal PTSD, the same way self diagnosised aspies annoy people who are on the spectrum.

>> No.5614950 [DELETED] 

You drink every weekend and on weekends if nothing's happening at work.

That could actually mean you drink quite a few nights a week. That could make you an alcoholic yourself.

>> No.5614961

Wait...please clarify. Did you have drunken gay sex consentingly? Did he force himself on you? Did you both just get drunk and fuck because who the fuck cares? Do you regret the sex and somehow consider it rape? Did he force you into shit? Did he actually rape you, as in did shit to you while you told him no, or while you did not consent?

If none of the above, please explain.

>> No.5614971

this. regretting your decision to have sex while drunk is not rape. happens to women all the time. if you don't want to be "raped" don't get drunk (unless you're an alcohol i guess)

>> No.5614975

But everyone knows women are children and have no ability to hold personal responsibility.

>> No.5614976

This >>5614950
Somehow you drink every weekend and don't consider yourself an alcoholic? You can stop drinking for a week or two, then you get back on the wagon? Try staying sober for a year then we'll talk.

>> No.5614978


to be fail the areas that consider it rape when you have sex with an intoxicated person do not discriminate between males and females

>> No.5614980


>to be fail

I meant fair, thanks drunken typing capabilities

>> No.5614982

at least pringles is willing to stand up for her

>> No.5615012

>Alcohol calories are magic and don't work like other calories.
Please kill yourself

>> No.5615017

>the human body is simple and 100% understood
>humans evolved to get energy from alcohol, even though the body treats it like a poison and in fact expends energy to get rid of it
no, get fucked faggot. do us all a favor and drink a gallon of gasoline, plenty of calories there!

>> No.5615038

Today would have been day 6 for me, but I drank last night. It wasn't enjoyable. The taste made me sick a few times, it wasn't as fun as it was previously before those 5 days. I think I may be slowly weening myself away from it even though my depression will still exist.

>> No.5615054


Clear spirits do taste the most like alcohol but darker spirits almost always have more impurities in which can make a hangover worse (if you get hangovers, some don't).

I like to combo beer + vodka for the best/easiest drunk but the beer is what contributes the most to dehydration and hangovers it seems for me. If I drink a nice 6pack in a night of some good dark beer, no matter how much water I chug during the process and before bed, I almost always feel dehydrated as hell the next day. Hard liquor doesn't seem to dehydrate me as much but maybe it's because I usually mix it with something.

>> No.5615058

you can do it anon. just try and go sober for more than 5 days next time

>> No.5615071

I have a good feeling that I can do it, or even if I drink once a week. I don't feel the need to drink or the want, I just need to occupy my time better and get my depression under control. Thanks anon.

>> No.5615087


Yeah alcohol might solve your temp depression symptoms but ultimately tends to make things worse in the long run. You might want to consider smoking weed of pharma meds if it's that bad. Everyone reacts a big differently to different things.

>> No.5615147

>drink nearly 7 days a week
>rent basement suite
>have no motivation to do anything but masterbate when I'm not drinking
>sleep all day till I have to work at 4pm
>no food in the house
>kitchen full of dirty dishes
>bottles/cans everywhere
>to embarrassed to take them out in case upstairs people see me
>have plans to go swimming with friend on day off
>lie, blow them off, get shitty drunk
>more bottles/cans

This is me

>> No.5615182

this. so much.

>> No.5615200

There's a 10 cent deposit on cans here but I throw them away because I don't want people to see my shame when returning them.

>> No.5615226

thats exactly how I was with weed for years, I HAD to be high to enjoy anything. playing vidya, have to smoke. going to class, have to smoke. cooking food, have to smoke. watching movie, playing guitar, writing essay, fucking the pussy, etc..., can't do it until I smoke. life was a boring chore when I was sober.

so I quit smoking. and eventually started drinking more and more. now i'm in the same situation with a different drug. I know I could quit drinking if I started smoking again but I really prefer alcohol to weed. booze calms me down, weed usually made me anxious around people. weed smells like shit, makes you smell like it too. I hate buying shady illegal shit, would rather walk to the liquor store. alcohol is less detectable and you can drink anywhere, I can have wine in a restaurant but not a bowl. Overall I function much better as a drunk than a stoner.

but this shit might kill me :(
should I go back to smoking? maybe smoke some to cut down on drinking?

>> No.5615231


become an exercise addict, that's what I did

the only thing you have to watch out for is injuring yourself due to over enthusiasm and lack of rest. that will royally fuck you over and then all you have left is drugs.

>> No.5615238

lucid dreaming?

when I quit a couple of days recently I had some very long and vivid lucid dreams that were as eye opening as some of my most powerful psychedelic experiences. They were great but I did have to go through hell before I got to that point.

>> No.5615281

if you have to have a vice id go with weed.
liver and pancreas>not being anxious

also try this>>5615231
along with or instead of drinking

>> No.5615284

*along with weed or instead of weed

>> No.5615286

>tfw don't drink all the time but generally have cravings for booze a lot
>get shitfaced every other weekend or so

G-guys am I an alcoholic

>> No.5615291

not even... at all

>> No.5615294

drinking alone
>technically youre an alcohol already
youl only drink more often and in higher quantity as time goes on most likely man

>> No.5615296

Try harder, piker.

>> No.5615395
File: 24 KB, 480x640, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know that feel.

>this is 3 days worth rite here

>> No.5615399
File: 428 KB, 740x495, pettiflower.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You sound like me 7 years ago.

Stop now. It just gets worse, you'll start doing it more often until it's every night.

I went from
>Every other weekend
>1 night a week (either friday or sat), during this time I thought drinking two nights in a row was barbaric and I'd die or something
>both friday and saturday nights
>friday, saturday, and occasionally sunday nights too (I work 8:30-5:30 mon-fri)
>Friday, Saturday and Sunday every time
>Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday
>Then it was every night except one, I always made sure to have one "sober" night for some reason, but I hated it.
>Now it's just every night

>> No.5615447
File: 36 KB, 590x375, hector_bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On my 2nd clean weekend, saturday night, doing nothing.

Can't go out, everybodys drinking. Bf's socializing with his friends.

Im all alone.

>> No.5615452
File: 25 KB, 512x384, 1391314854724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5615455

You're never alone when you have us, anon

>> No.5615465
File: 88 KB, 640x721, bavaria-cans-beer-online-1337741723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know like every cheap ass beer brand that exists.

>> No.5615477

>everybodys drinking
i don't understand this shit. everyone i've ever hung out with doesn't give a shit if someone isn't drinking, and often are happy to have a possible DD

>> No.5615484


As hostile and petty as 4chan often is, the alco threads here on /ck/ and sometimes even on /b/ are pretty supportive of each other so there's usually always someone around to talk to about the issue.


Maybe you aren't an alcoholic then? If I sit around watching friends drinking, getting drunk, having fun, and I just sit there trying to hold myself to a drink or 2, it will drive me insane. If friends are drinking then I have to be keeping pace to be having fun. Maybe you aren't like that but a lot of people are.

>> No.5615490

Same here. A few of my friends drink, a few don't. When we have a game night or something no one cares who's drinking and who's not.

I think its better when there's a few who don't drink because then you have designated drivers and everyone wins.

>> No.5615522


You can do it. Get through today. Keep moving forward. Good luck.

>> No.5615641
File: 144 KB, 682x1023, 1351986670045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanna say, I love these threads. We may be alone with our problems in the real world (either because we're loners, or just that we haven't told anyone we are an alcohol) but we'll never be alone in our /alc/ generals.

I love you, bros

>> No.5615654

You're not drinking alone, you're drinking with your good buddies on 4chan!

>> No.5615663
File: 46 KB, 520x324, 10297944_10152794098934056_4767857798274568074_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>On the other hand I've known plenty of people that have 3 light beers and turn into a hot fucking mess.

why is this me? at a six pack I can't keep up how do you guys drink so much?

>> No.5615664

Shut up you idiot. Go to reddit for your hug box needs.

>> No.5615677

cheers bro.

>> No.5615679

increase drinking frequency then slowly increase your volume of alcohol periodically

>> No.5615683

Why I always drink alone now. Women suck to drink with and men suck too. I just like to think and read and browse threads while the warmth flows through me.

>> No.5615687

>Maybe you aren't an alcoholic then?
an alcoholic isn't only going to feel compelled to drink when around others who are drinking.

>> No.5615691
File: 46 KB, 592x754, 1386188137317[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be alki
>go to supermarket
>buy the daily 12 pack
>supermarket gives me 6 pack free beer because I bought 12 pack beer

>> No.5615692

>get a six pack
> I will definitely control my drinking by only drinking a six pack. It's the perfect taper for a drunk like me
>finish six pack
> walk to the local liquor store. chat with the guy behind the counter while buying a 12 pack of what ever.
Oh well, maybe when I get a gf I will cut down more.

>> No.5615694

how to an alcohol 101

>> No.5615699
File: 79 KB, 724x965, cheers anon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Cheers bro.

>> No.5615700
File: 33 KB, 620x349, 2232153-e1368551588627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


bro hugs no homo.

I wish moot would make /aa/, anonymous alcoholics board. i've heard the argument that it would attract too many shit posters and trolls but I don't think so. the alcoholic threads i've seen on /ck/, /b/, /tv/, /r9k/, etc are the most honest, helpful, real, and on topic threads you'll find on 4chan. any obvious shitposts and flames are always ignored, just real talk because we share a common trait that you can't even fight or argue about.

we're fucking al/ck/oholics, the most real people on 4chan.

>> No.5615702
File: 33 KB, 600x400, pan_seared_scallops_w_white_wine_sauce[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got so angry this morning because I apparently got so drunk last night that I cooked the scallops I was planning on having tonight.

I don't even remember cooking and cleaning let alone eating them but I woke up to a clean kitchen and 1 plate in the sink. I seriously don't remember one bit of it.

>> No.5615709

the only decent alcoholic threads i've seen on a consistent basis have been here on /ck/. the ones on /b/ and /r9k/ especially are full of shitposting more often than not (in my experience). besides, what's the point of a dedicated board when we can have these threads on any number of boards already?

>> No.5616010

correct me if I'm wrong, but that's a glock, and they aren't american.

>> No.5616072

haha you must have a serious case of "clean as you go".

>> No.5616295

I'm an alcohol. Anons, if you can choose, choose not to do this. It sucks.

That being said, I fucking love drinking.

>> No.5617366

Holy fuck I've been sober for a week but I don't think I can take it any more. The worst part is I just ate a big meal so I won't even be able to get super drunk.

>> No.5617371

>The worst part is I just ate a big meal so I won't even be able to get super drunk.
I feel you

>> No.5617407

hey maybe you guys could help me out

turning 21 soon, thinking about getting a bottle of rum. which brands should I get and which should I avoid

>> No.5617431

>which should I avoid
avoid all of them, and all alcohol for that matter. you can't get addicted if you never try it

>> No.5617437


>> No.5617439

you're sounding a lot like my 5th grade D.A.R.E. teacher

>> No.5617483

>thinking about getting a bottle of rum. which brands should I get and which should I avoid

Get Pusser's Navy rum

>> No.5617501
File: 44 KB, 409x393, 1384401573741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Slowly weening myself from cases to 12 packs till tonight when I'm only having a six pack. My face when I find an extra unopened beer.

>> No.5617503

Basically, when it comes to liquor: Avoid anything that's advertised heavily. If the spirit was decent, its reputation would hold up by itself.

>> No.5617504

you're quotiung the wrong person you drunk asshole

>> No.5617507

Yeah, well you're a smidge black yourself, mr. pot.

>> No.5617519

i just realized he was drinking an old fashion in that scene. Neat.

>> No.5617521

looks like it's on the rocks, to me.

>> No.5617529

That's what i thought at first but that yellow thing at the top kinda looks like lemon zest

>> No.5617550


Are those good? Never had one.

>> No.5617558

Its easily my favourite cocktail, doesn't denature bourbon very much and im a sucker for the aroma of citrus.

>> No.5617903

I'm >>5614946
>Did you have drunken gay sex consentingly?
Too drunk, I can't remember saying yes or no, nor being OK or not.
>Did he force himself on you?
I only remember sucking a cock and fucking a guy in the ass. And waking up with a condom on my cock and a hang over in my head.
>Did you both just get drunk and fuck because who the fuck cares?
That's the best way to describe what most likely happened.
>Do you regret the sex and somehow consider it rape?
I did regret. I don't consider it rape, but a tublr feminazi SJW would. That's what I was trying to say.

It was a long time ago, now I'm "meh, I was young and stupid" over it. In a positive light, now I'm sure I'm not bisexual. How many can say "I will never realise I'm gay and divorce you for a man" with a legitimate proof?

A full /aa/ board would be pointless, I hope a thread on /soc/ is a good compromise.

>> No.5618450
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Sunday night bros, you with me?

>> No.5618576

You need a fucking dog
Taking care of somthing else than would help you greatly

>> No.5618618

Meh, maybe. I got really drunk two days ago and felt kinda sick and nauseous during it, and started cursing like a sailor and crying like a bitch. Then I only got like 5 hours of sleep, waking up at 3am dehydrated as fuck. shit sucked

>> No.5618950

It will happen to you if you keep going hard. Not trying to scare you or tell you not to drink or whatever, I just assure you you will enter a new phase of what you think a 'hangover' is.

>> No.5619307

Wow, its like your me

>> No.5619394

Holy shit, you are me. Only difference is that I get up ten minutes earlier and drink vodka, not beer. Other than that it's fucking identical.

>> No.5619590
File: 64 KB, 450x315, suffering.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This was a concealed drunk shits thread all along wasn't it
>that runny yet somehow chunky or flaky consistency
>darker than the deepest abyss
>it actually smells how it looks
>takes at least 3 flushes to get it all down
>toilet bowl still left with brownish taint
>have to get it all out because otherwise your stomach is gonna make scary noises ALL FUCKING DAY and scary loud too
>decide to take a day off the alcohol
>decide otherwise
Rinse, repeat.

>> No.5619590,1 [INTERNAL] 

You all sound like a bunch of sad muppets
Im gay and fuckin proud of it anyone wanna tell me ? None of you are fuckin normal sat on ere cjattin shit you dont.know the first fuckin.thing about gay.people or lifestyles and who said st8s were norm? Fuckin.borin.cunts get a life shut it chatting shit u aint got a clue you bunch of sad individuals il tell u whats not.normal u fuckin lot chatting crap get a.night out u sados any questions throw.em at me il tell u sad.people.the guys who talk actuall mean they want cock
What.man on ere is a man.the mafia is gay go throw ya commemts over.pls do cos il find ya

>> No.5619590,2 [INTERNAL] 
