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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 694 KB, 671x664, californiarolls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5605351 No.5605351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone eaten here before? Im going to Japan in October and wanted to know all the good places to go for rolls. Should I go to Jiro's or is it overpriced shyte?

>> No.5605355

>starting this thread again
Oh boy

>> No.5605360


>should I go to Jiro's

So I assume you're talking about October 2024 then?

>> No.5605364


[kawaii bento box copypasta]

>> No.5605375
File: 46 KB, 400x294, Mega+mac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get yourself one of these instead son. Jiro is overhyped pretentious bilge. I mean seriously, he dictates when to eat each piece of sushi and how!? You dont want to be a hipster do you?

>> No.5605726

If you read the online reviews people have written, his sushi is good, but he is an asshole to foreigners.

>> No.5605756

Try one of these instead

luxeat dot com slash blog slash 30-sushi-restaurants-tabelog-users/

keeps thinking this is spam for some reason

>> No.5605757

Japan always gets the good shit
Fuck you Japan

>> No.5605759


>he is an asshole to foreigners

soooo he's standard Japanese then

>> No.5605773

>Anyone eaten here before?
Yes, I have eaten before. I think most of us here have.

>> No.5605786

Even if you're not a gaijin, Jiro tries to rush you out the door within 30 minutes. He's not worth it. Why are you spending that money for sushi that you can't even enjoy at a leisurely pace?


>> No.5605789

I'll just post the top 5 since OP can afford to go to Jiro's.

1. Sushi Saito (Sushi Saitou) (3*) http://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1308/A130802/13015251/

2. Miyako sushi (Miyakozushi ) http://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1302/A130204/13018162/

3. Sawada (2*) http://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1301/A130101/13001043/

4. Sushi Ichikawa (1*) http://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1317/A131715/13140619/

5. Hashiguchi http://tabelog.com/tokyo/A1308/A130801/13134517/

>> No.5605806

>go to foreign country
>decide to eat at one of their fine traditional establishments
>don't bother to familiarize myself with their customs at all
>get irate and think owner is the ass for treating me as the crude spoiled brat that I am

>> No.5605838

Jiro please go

Don't you have some dishes to wash or something?

>> No.5605864

>be a restaurant owner
>treat customers like shit
>get away with it because someone made a movie about you

>> No.5605867

>since OP can afford to go to Jiro's.
It's not that outrageously expensive. Look, you're flying to Japan anyway, what's another $350?

>> No.5605878

Bullshit circle jerk movie.
Bullshit circle jerk restaurant.

>> No.5605879

>be crude spoiled brat
>think all restaurant owners should like the boots of everyone that steps into their establishment, no matter how disgusting they may be
>think he should learn his place
he didn't treat anyone like shit
and your over reaction to it just reinforces the fact that he is right to treat people who think the way you do the way he does

>> No.5605886


>> No.5605895

The thing is Jiro has a long ass reservation. You have to wait a month to get a table.

>> No.5605898

>he didn't treat anyone like shit

He sure treats his sons and wife like shit.

>> No.5605907

>go to Jiro's
>dunk the fish in soy sauce
>stir up some wasabi soy and smear it on things
>ask for mayonnaise
>remark that it's even better than all-you-can-eat sushi buffet back in Kansas City
>sit and take your time sipping tea after the meal
>fart repeatedly and loudly

>> No.5605910

His son's place is better and quite cool with foreigners

>> No.5605913

If you go, bring someone from Tokyo along.

>> No.5605919

Anon don't listen to these guys.

You don't need a reservation. Just drop in.
Tell him Reddit sent you, and he'll knock 15% off bill

>> No.5605988

>Should I go to Jiro's or is it overpriced shyte?
I would go...just so you been there done that. That guy is OLD. This opportunity won't last forever. The window gets smaller every day. Just do it!

>> No.5605992
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I was grimacing until
>>fart repeatedly and loudly

Also wear this

>> No.5606006

>Go to Jiro's
>Say America is best when you sit down
>Ask for hotdog sashimi
>If they give you a tuna sashimi use chopsticks and break the rice apart by squeezing hard when you try to pick it up
>Ask for kewpie and say how much you love and use kewpie at home
>Put kewpie on every piece of sushi until it is one white glob
>Pull out ramune soda and sip loudly so everyone can look at you

>> No.5606043

All japanese food is overpriced, bland shit. Why do you think they waste so much time and effort with presentation? It's to trick you into paying beaucoup bucks for tiny portions with the same four bland flavors.

>> No.5606046

>all washoku food is overpriced

>> No.5606076

OP, go to this tempura restaurant that the Japanese Prime Minister originally intended to take Obama too rather than Jiro.




>> No.5606097
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mfw I went to Japan and didn't have sushi.

>> No.5606107

>Still thinking he can get a reservation

>> No.5606109

Like any intelligent, forward thinking citizens of the 21st century, my wife and I are feminists. And like any feminists we were shocked and disgusted by this movie.

Both the main character (Jiro) AND the narrator are male! If alarms aren't going off in your head so far you're probably a bigot. Things became more and more repulsive as the movie played on. All of the supporting characters are male! And even worse, almost every single character in the movie is male!

I don't care if this is a documentary. My wife left the room in tears at the end of the first hour during a particularly sickening scene where Jiro serves a room full of customers. He says (not an exact quote) "I made the meals smaller for the women and larger for the men so that everyone would finish at the same time." Things like this would be expected in a film about Adolf Hitler or Winston Churchill (both disgusting sexist pigs)but in a movie about food it was just chilling. And that wasn't even the worst part! The women in the room appeared (probably special effects or movie magic of some type) TO APPROVE OF THIS. Can you believe that?

My wife won't talk about it and I'm not sure I could if I wanted to. I finished the movie with tears in my bloodshot eyes. I can't believe we've advanced so far as a society and women are still seen as being gutter scum.

Anyone forward thinking enough to simply be on the internet, to find this movie, to read this review, will be disgusted by the brutally sexist assault on your senses and common decency this movie has gotten away with.

>> No.5606112

Is this copy pasta?

>> No.5606124

>oh my god out of all the thing's i've read on /ck/ this one might be the most autistic

>pic related: what you should have died in

>> No.5606128


>> No.5606136
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yeah i fucked up

>> No.5606138

on my 3rd trip to tokyo i finally managed to wake to go to tsujiki market

had the best sushi of my life

do eet

>> No.5606141

>Both the main character (Jiro) AND the narrator are male! If alarms aren't going off in your head so far you're probably a bigot. Things became more and more repulsive as the movie played on. All of the supporting characters are male! And even worse, almost every single character in the movie is male

thats pretty shitty of you. How do you know what gender they identify as without asking? Why do you just assume their gender and pronouns based on something as archaic and preconceived rolls based on outward appearance

>> No.5606148

I went but returned the food as it was raw, wtf man

>> No.5606366

Does he have any Groupons?

>> No.5606381

jiro 2014 for 15% off and a free cola

>> No.5606395

>That guy is OLD.
>The window gets smaller every day.
Perhaps visitors should bring him thoughtful small gifts, such as clocks and calendars, to count the time he has left.

Or is that rude only in China?

Does he have Diet Coke available, or just Coke Zero?

>> No.5606447

sushi is the best food in the world
but jiro is not the best

>> No.5606456


number 2 is the only thing that looks good, the rest are too fucking arrogant to show the food they serve or stick to very uninspired looking dishes.

>> No.5606475

I would eat at jiro's if i had the chance. I am not exactly an aficionado of sushi but I do like meat. Pretty much any decent sushi place would satisfy me.

>> No.5606481

>not taking pictures of your food to post online makes you arrogant

>> No.5606497

he only has pepsi

>> No.5606523

I was just watching the documentary for the first time as I saw this post.

It's really fucking expensive. Like $300. So unless you are a sushi afficianado, you probably won't taste the difference between their sushi and the place around the corner.

And you need a reservation way in advance.

>> No.5606534

Cry some more, you butthurt weeb. Face it, you worship a culture of repressed, genocidal barbarians. These people managed to accomplish something even the british could not: They fucked up curry. You have wasted your life.

>> No.5606540
File: 60 KB, 640x612, that-word-inigo-montoya-word-think-means-princess-bride-mand-demotivational-poster-1260739585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Maybe if i toss this word around a whole bunch, my s00p3r 1337 intarwebz friendz will think I'm kewl!!!

You must be the edgiest kid at hot topic. Are you made because mom bought the wrong kind of pocky again?

>> No.5606544

Except there isn't much of a difference. It's that expensive partly because it is in Ginza. He uses the same strain of japonica rise as everyone else uses and the same fish. He cooks the rice the same way and prepares the fish the same. A lot of Japanese people won't even know who he is. If you can read Japanese, a lot of people complain that he over vinegars his rice. Probably because he is so old and doesn't produce as much saliva. Remember, it was his son that won the Michelin stars. Not to mention Michelin stars don't hold any real standard in Asian restaurants.

>> No.5606545
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Do amerifats really think like this?

>> No.5606549

Do weebs in flyover states really think they're fooling people when they post shit like this? Deal with it, Japanese "cuisine" is mostly food from other culture with the flavor removed

>> No.5606551

Jesus, what sort of a fucking backwater hole in the wall does he run?

I hope he at least has Sriracha sauce on the tables.

>> No.5606627

I really wish you and your wife would take a healthy dose of shotgun mouthwash.

>> No.5606811

I recommend Sushi Iwa in Ginza. Lunch time is a great deal. ~$120 with beer.

That said, also get to the standing sushi place in Shibuya. It'll be like $25!

>> No.5606815

Nah fuck that one. Go to Genki Sushi in shibuya. Its brilliant.

>> No.5606816

All I'm saying is cheap sushi in Japan is pretty good..

>> No.5606848

I went there late last year when I was in town on business without being aware of this documentary. His son is running the whole operation now and is doing a shit job at it.

The whole meal ($350/person for lunch) felt extremely rushed and felt like the cooks were aiming for turnover rather than lunch. There are about hundred other places you can get a cheaper, better and more memorable meal.

>> No.5606849

>rather than creating a memorable meal and establishing a bigger customer base.

Holy fuck I'm tired.

>> No.5606862

nah just go to matsuya

>> No.5606882

It's been said

The important quote:
>As my brother and I entered the restaurant, my brother removed his jacket and placed it on a rack. Before I could reach for my scarf, my brother’s jacket was — literally — shoved back into his chest, and he was being pushed in the back towards me and told, >Sorry, no foreigner.
>My wife, as yet unseen, suggested she try herself — being Japanese — and sure enough, she was treated as if a new guest had come in. When she confirmed our reservation and learned our table was ready, she beckoned us in. They were startled to see us re-enter the restaurant with her, although no apology was forthcoming.

>> No.5606932
File: 32 KB, 388x386, 1403924039129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clap after every course
>good jawwb good jawwwb
>leave tip

>> No.5606935
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>bring soy sauce
>put soy sauce on everything

>> No.5606941
File: 71 KB, 640x430, 171860580_ffea823f0d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

white people in America:
>minorities are so oversensitive, they should just get over it, go back to the tumbeler
white people in Japan:
>zomg racism! this is an outrage! remember pearl harbor! we should have dropped more nukes!

and now you know :)

>> No.5606949


>> No.5606952


When has a slope ever been refused service in such a fashion in this generation in the U.S.? There's tons of slants in the U.S., they keep to themselves, but they're hardly mistreated.

The Japanese on the other hand hate everyone who isn't Japanese, especially other Asians.

>> No.5606956


My mother who is Asian was refused service occasionally in the deep south in the 1960s. It wasn't a regular occurrence but it did happen.

I don't know what it would be like today because I avoid backwards places like that.

Depending on the region, black people experience this kind of thing up to the present day. It happened to my coworker just a few years ago when she was vacationing with her husband in Florida.

A friend of mine who is Indian (not muslim) frequently experienced insults from small business owners in Indiana in the years following 9/11. He would just quietly leave rather than try to engage them or stick around.

Of course white people rarely if ever experience unprovoked violence from Japanese people, which is not uncommon for minorities in America. Many people who looked vaguely muslim were attacked and killed after 9/11. Then of course there are the countless police shootings of unarmed black males that occur each year due to paranoia and racial profiling.

>> No.5606959

>was refused service occasionally in the deep south in the 1960s. It wasn't a regular occurrence but it did happen.
Oh god I'm so sorry that happened.
Wait, what the fuck is your point?

>> No.5606960




As you so eloquently put it, it's no biggie when it happens to someone else, but it's the holocaust when it happens to you. I'm glad you've had this educational experience and I wish you a pleasant day.

>> No.5606962

The difference is you're talking about sometimes, in one of the most historically racist times and places in American history. Or overhearing snide remarks at some tiny local business.

This is one of the most famous, high-end restaurants in the world being blatantly and unabashedly racist pricks. There's no justification for that.

>> No.5606965


This entire place hasn't done anything to disprove my statement. In OUR generation, Asians are not a group that experience discrimination in the U.S.

>Of course white people rarely if ever experience unprovoked violence from Japanese people, which is not uncommon for minorities in America.

Both assertions are untrue. This isn't the 60's, Americans are more tolerant than they've ever been. Of course this does not mean racism doesn't exist, but it certainly is leaps and bounds over a culture that has been intentionally homogenous, has never even has a civil rights movement (even though they need it) and has been exclusionary since its founding.

>> No.5606966

The patties and fries in Japan are way off point- I think they use different oils, makes the whole food taste different and far less pleasant.

>> No.5606968


>this entire post**

>> No.5606973


Look buddy, you don't have to convince me about Japan, they did things to my people far worse than anything Americans experienced in WW2.

This is not about which country is superior or more advanced or whatever. It's about the irony of minor (yes, these are very minor) slights being blown out of proportion by people who are used to downplaying such incidents when they happen to someone else.

>> No.5606977

It always comes back to war with you guys doesn't it?

>> No.5606980


I bring it up because white Americans are incapable of talking about their feelings on Japan without invoking WW2 tropes and I assumed it would establish that we are more or less on the same page when it comes to their historical record.

Was I wrong to do so?

>> No.5606984

It never happened

>> No.5606986
File: 211 KB, 361x361, aged_wb20140525043550964000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread, once again, proves the shitposting qualities of the American community on 4chan.

>> No.5606989


It's wrong in the sense that you are ironically the only poster in this thread stereotyping white Americans by erroneously pointing out stereotypes white Americans make.

>> No.5606991


Get over it

>> No.5606993

Yes you were wrong to do so. And stop assuming that all white Americans are as retarted as the country bumpkins that you clearly deal with. I'm not even white and that shit just chapped my ass.

>> No.5606994


>posts a tired throwaway comment about shitposting on 4chan
>assumes he's contributing anything other than the same retarded shit that infests 90% of the site

Would be funny if it weren't so pathetic.

>> No.5606996

>comparing certain isolated towns in the deep south to high class wapanese fish bars

>> No.5606999
File: 69 KB, 469x463, big_hat_guy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You certainly contributed to this thread.

>> No.5607001

No board is safe from /pol/. It sort of figures, people that are on /pol/ don't have jobs are are neets.

>> No.5607005


Certainly more than you :^)

>> No.5607008
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>> No.5607009

What is gutter oil

>> No.5607013
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jiro doesn't like my boots?

>> No.5607020
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 43giam9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not even if they're really nice boots?

>> No.5607036

The sushi I had at Tsukiji was pretty much exactly what I would get at every single kaitenzushi place I've ever been to. If you didn't eat sushi anywhere else in Japan Im sure it was great but seriously the cheap grocery store sushi I eat for lunch every out here is as good as the stuff they serve in restaurants in America

>> No.5607037

>Not to mention Michelin stars don't hold any real standard in Asian restaurants.
What does that even mean? Tokyo has the most Michelin stars of any city in the world. They very much carry about quality and consistency here.

>> No.5607040
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>> No.5607052
File: 265 KB, 980x735, eK1uEWC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5607056

I could go for some chawamushi

>> No.5607230

Then why do I live ramen so much? I've been to dozens of m star restaurants but nothing is the same as this Adams Morgan ramen shop.

>> No.5607237

>Old nips are racist fucks

>> No.5607266

You are racist.

>> No.5607317

Those boots are a little /too/ nice, if you ask me

>> No.5607329

It's not the boots, it's the leather. If your boots arent made with 100% genuine leather from cows that are reincarnations of buddhist deities and raised in the Himalayas by the Dalai Llama himself, it's not worth licking.

>> No.5607334

That's shell u turbopleb

>> No.5607355

This old decrepit bastard can go to hell. And serve some sashimi to Hirohito.

>> No.5607363

No it's PVC.

>> No.5607503

>refused service in the 1960s
So, 45 to 55 years ago? As compared to today?

Got news for ya, the world has changed a lot in fifty years.

>> No.5607508
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>> No.5607551

Tell that to my black coworker who got denied a tank of gas in the deep South a few years back

>> No.5607557

>travel overseas to eat fucking rice wrapped in seaweed with a birdshit's worth of fish in it

>> No.5607640

Yeah, if that had really happened, your black coworker would have made $50,000 in free money from a civil rights suit against the gas station owner.

>> No.5607728

Americans don't spend their time stealing and murdering in Japan unlike spics and niggers in the US. Plus, the US accepts pretty much all of Europe; Japan doesn't even accept the rest of Asia.

>> No.5607747

The spics and niggers are all Americans though.

Hell, you REELECTED one of them as your president.

>> No.5607761

>free money

>lawyers are free
>everyone wants to go through the massive pain in the ass which is a court case

this tool right here.

>> No.5607784

implying that isnt how niggers try to make money instead of working

>> No.5607790

Don't you have to make a reservation like 3 months in advance to eat at his place?

>> No.5607798

I don't care what you read in the daily mail but normal people do not jump from "casual racism" to "lawsuit" especially when they are on vacation in a strange land (protip: the south is basically another country)

>> No.5607900

I sure as hell didn't.

>> No.5607946

>implying that was relevant to what was happening here

god damn idiots.

>> No.5607992

I didn't read it in the Daily Fail, dumbass. I'm an attorney, and although I don't do civil rights litigation, I have classmates who would cheerfully have taken on that nigger's case and made the gas station owner sorry that he'd ever existed.

Google "Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States" and start your education from there.

>> No.5607994

Lawfag again. Civil rights lawyers ARE free -- their fees are paid for by the losers, i.e., the gas station owners who refuse service to dumb niggers.

>> No.5607998

pick one

>> No.5607999

"Not My President". Remember, kids, dissent is patriotic.

>> No.5608003

But we white Americans have a right to be racist to old nips like Jiro-chan. See, Jiro lost WW2 to us, and afterwards, we occupied Japan and fucked some sense into their women.

Hey, if Jiro is 89, why didn't he die honorably in the service of the Emperor during WW2 like most of his generation? He would have been of prime dying-in-battle age in 1941-1945. Was he unfit for battle, or simply too much of a coward to commit honorable hara-kiri?

>> No.5608007

Hey, at least the Daily Mail is better than American mass media.

>> No.5608011

Great, I'll make sure she knows the 4chan lawyer has an acquaintance who is in law school who might have been willing to take on the case had she wanted to put her entire life on hold five years ago or whatever. I'm sure her cop husband who was with her was entirely clueless about the legal system too, and their decision not to file a suit was due to being black and ignorant. Dumbass.

>> No.5608025


People complain in general that Michelin stars are given out too easy in Asia.

>> No.5608040

It's more like too readily for non French food.

See: Tim Ho Wan in HK, Laut in NYC

Both are perfectly good food but hardly worthy of a star

>> No.5608099

Yh i get you but genki sushi cost me a tenner. And you get the novelty of the computer screen to order from with conveyer belts.

>> No.5608116

>Bald son stayed at home with his abusive father and works in a train station with his dad
>The other one opened a restaurant that probably has JAVs shot in it

>> No.5608612

I watched the movie with him in it and the son that works with him look dead inside. The younger one is on his own atleast.

>> No.5608753

In this fucking movie, they mention that there is nothing special about the fucking food. The ingredients are fresh, it's prepared cleanly and properly, and that's it.

I don't get why anyone would pay such a premium for something as basic as sushi.

inb4 I get attacked by a bunch of weebs who love pedo culture

>> No.5608807


can you get all those ingredients at that level of quality? no, you can't.

I saw the same movie and came to a different conclusion than you, so obviously either we didn't see the same movie or you suck at reading between the lines.

>> No.5608812

Or, you're another autistic pedophile furiously defending the one culture you figure will accept your repugnant ass. I think we all know the answer.

>> No.5608814


I guess this is your way of saying you're wrong.

apology accepted ^_^

>> No.5608819


Who gives a shit? A fresh fish is a fresh fish. Why would I pay 50,000 for a fish of marginally better (more importantly, not noticeable) quality than one that costs less than a hundredth of the price? It's absolutely retarded.

>> No.5608824

No, it's my way of telling you that you are an autistic pedophile and a waste of life.Try worshiping a culture worth a damn some time, it might make you a smidge less pathetic.

>> No.5608832


are you trying to atone for years of being a weeaboo or something? normal people do not react this way when talking about sushi. it's been around since the 80s in anywhere civilized. maybe not where you live.

>> No.5608876

We call it bait up here. We catch the fish fresh and send the scraps to you suckers and laugh at the prices you pay.

>> No.5608883

As long as I don't have to live in your backwards shithole I'm fine paying a markup on your fish. Although let's be real here, whatever you're selling represents a tiny fraction of our selection, and the markup isn't going into your pocket. So much the better.

>> No.5608908

Actually it is going into our pockets. How do you think we afford jacked up trucks, guns, and fishing boats? Hey, i'm sure that living in a polluted city full of minorities and other criminal scum is worth it, tho. All I have to worry about are drunk indians.

>> No.5609133

>acquaintance who is in law school
You really are a dumbass. I wrote that I was in law school and am now a lawyer. I wrote that some of my classmates do civil rights litigation. One would think you would be able to figure out that since they were in my class, and I am a lawyer, that they have also graduated and are lawyers.

Anyway, if she's married to a cop, she deserves whatever happens to her.

>> No.5609144
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>Just remember one thing, OP

>> No.5609389

ask for a fork too

>> No.5609508


So Jiro has 3 Michelin stars for knowing the right guys at the fish market? It's like the Peruvian guy who was declared the best fast-food in the world (despite needing to reserve weeks or months in advance), he makes ceviche with nothing but fish, lime and salt. Big whoop. It's just weeb critics falling over themselves to praise something because somehow when someone from a different culture is dedicated to something, they're evidently taken a lot more seriously than someone similarly dedicated in the decadent West.

>> No.5609551

This. You people honestly would not even notice the difference.

>> No.5609616

It's the number one news site in the us.

>> No.5609619

This is true. All of Germany has only ten 3 stars.

>> No.5609623

Damn, that is some fine writing. Who wrote that?

>> No.5609632

the ingredients are not the entire equation. The entire preparation of each type of meat is a very intricate process, and Jiro has tweaked and perfected it over the course of his life time.

Even if some slob down the street could get the same quality of ingredients, he wouldn't be able to prepare or serve it with the same aptitude that Jiro painstakenly maintains.

you're literally retarded.

>> No.5609644


There are innumerable chefs who can fillet and slice a fish with great skill. What is it about the way that this one does it that makes him deserving of the highest accolade in international cuisine?

>> No.5609662

Jiro puts extra vinegar in his rice.

>> No.5609695

That's because Asian food is the best type of food

>> No.5609727

He does it with an even greater skill.

>> No.5609771

You're the last generation that's going to be able to pull fish out of the ocean and all you can think to spend your income on is another cowadoody rifle and a "hemi" for your pickup truck?


>> No.5609773


He's still cutting raw fish and putting it over rice.

There is technical skill involved but does it actually have any impact on the flavour at this point?

Honestly, its raw fish and rice, the fish is great quality, sure, but its not worth the price tag at all.

>> No.5609803

Shooting guns and driving powerful vehicles is fun. Fuck fish.
>thinking a Hemi is an object you just add or attach to a vehicle.
Please tell me you are a grill.

>> No.5609819

Aren't you the guy who was projecting his autistic pedophile experience all over this thread earlier?

Why would you be interested in an 18+ grill? I applaud your efforts to "pass" for a normie, but I really think you should get yourself chemically castrated.

>> No.5609823

>He's still cutting raw fish and putting it over rice.
>its raw fish and rice
>implying it's raw
>implying it's fish

>> No.5609824

I guess you think I'm the guy you originally replied to? I'm not going to even go that far up to see what your talking about. I just seen you being a colossal faggot and had to say something

>> No.5609828


I'm sorry my hamfisted attempt to use hick slang in a condescending fashion failed to produce happy feelings in your heart. Let's agree to disagree?

>> No.5609836

ROFL. *applause*

I tell you what, in seriousness, I did see some weird something in this film. I kept thinking the whole time how shitty it must be to be this dude's children. There was some undercurrent of abuse/emotional neglect from the sons. Waiting around for someone's father to retire in order to get thrown a bone in lieu of college and building your own way in the world, it was all murky. Even the one with the restaurant was kind of second tier, you could tell the father preferred his apprentices over his family. It's been a while since I've seen this...but did anyone else pick up on this? It wasn't even like an emasculated royal waiting for the parent to die or step down, it was like "you're shit, and I'll work this job til the day I die just to make sure you ruin your life waiting.

>> No.5609838

>thinking "hemi" is hick slang
God damn. At least try to act like a guy. I can tell your one of those faggots that says "you don't have to be interested in cars or have very basic fucking knowledge about them to be a guy" while adjusting your skinny jeans and hipster glasses while ordering a double fag mocha.

>> No.5609842


Trucks and American motor vehicles in general are for hicks. You apparently are having trouble understanding that you are a hick.

>> No.5609848

>American motor vehicles in general
I'm sure you have the fastest civic in town.

>> No.5609849


>> No.5609850

>If you didn't eat sushi anywhere else in Japan Im sure it was great but seriously the cheap grocery store sushi I eat for lunch every out here is as good as the stuff they serve in restaurants in America
Oh lord, get a load of this guy. By American restaurant, do you mean the takeout chinese with california rolls on the menu? You must. Because I live in a city with 5 million people, hardly any of which are asian, and I have no less than 25 really outstanding choices for sushi, and another 50 which are average.

>> No.5609852

>he thinks 5 million people is a "city"

Have fun polishing your hemi.

>> No.5609853

Also, I seem to be a very literate hick. Maybe I'm a new breed?

>> No.5609854


How many vehicles have Honda recalled in the last 2 years? How many have GM or Ford recalled?

But nah, keep being proud of your shit vehicles and shit manufacturing.

>> No.5609855
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Most of the time it's a Kawasaki or an Alstom.

>> No.5609858

I'm a German guy myself (BMW owner) but you just come off as a weaboo faggot when you spout shit like "all American cars are shit"

>> No.5609865



Ford has literally recalled none, it's a good company. GM is a sad excuse for a company in general, but you can put them on the same level as Toyota, who seem to want their customers to achieve speeds of Mach 2 instead of braking.

>> No.5609872

not necessary to go there, just too expensive, there are so many places which serve excellent sushi. jiro is just too famous.

>> No.5609904


You'd really rather eat at Jiro's than at, say, Le Bernardin? It takes all kinds, I guess.

>> No.5609906


If Jiro doesn't want you there he'll just have one of his sons shove you back into the subway station while muttering "gaijin baka arimasen"

If Chef Repair doesn't want you there he'll feed you from the "unwanted customers" bin while saving the good stuff for Mayor Diblasio and the Lucky Peach staff

>> No.5609914

You guys act like recalls aren't regular and all the time, from tires to headlamps to whatever. There are little recalls on every car or they don't give a shit. A recall means the company isn't passing the problem on to you, but rather picking up the cost and usually before you had an issue with part There is a big difference between having shit vehicles entirely. My sister got new Firestone tires on her Ford after that catastrophic lawsuit. I got new window switches on my Volvo once. BMW had the most. I've had airbags replaced before using, brake linings, all on various cars. The big differences between car quality will be determined by the model's tier, the pricetag going into it.

I had Cadillac from one year before the (current) recall window. I let the car sit in the garage for 2 years, afraid to drive it when no mechanic or dealer could find the problem. I knew the car randomly quit for no reason, usually at high speed or while turning a corner, and the sudden loss of power meant no power steering or brakes and very many near accidents before giving up. The issue with GM is not confessing the problem existed at all not to consumers nor dealer mechanics. I'm sure that car lost 13k in value when it was sitting idle and then later given to a junkyard so the conscience is clear someone isn't going to die in it. Now there is a simple recall, and my car year wasn't included? Clearly the car wasn't a lemon bu the info wasn't given to me. Ignition or some little switch doesn't mean the car didn't 0-60 like a racecar, or handle potholes like a cloud. I would call GM unethical, but a poorly manufactured car? No.

>> No.5609915


I own a Ford Focus, and I got a recall notice. But it was like "water might leak into your windshield wiper, causing the passenger side wiper to fail", not "braking may actually accelerate car."

>> No.5609918


You guys ever notice how these "unintended acceleration" cases, whether it's Audi in the 80s or Toyota in the 00s, always happen on automatic transmissions?

It's like for some reason people who can't manage to operate a motor vehicle correctly somehow, mysteriously, are subject to these freak mechanical accidents. Gee I wonder how someone who couldn't learn to work a shifter might forget that her (it's always a her) foot is mashing down the wrong pedal while she speed dials 9-1-1 on her iphone instead of double checking where her feet are.

>> No.5610292

John Fox Jr.

>> No.5610299
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>> No.5610353

>Go there
>Tensely watch all your movements so not to upset the "wise" chef
>Mess up some tiny Japanese eating custom
>Get yelled at and thrown out

Waste of your time and money
Although some manners are important, ultimately you should be able to relax at a restaurant
Literally any other Sushi place in Tokyo will be decent since they can get fresh fish easily

>> No.5610414

For someone like OP, the only reason to go to Jiro's is for novelty. Is it worth $300 to you? Because if it isn't, there are plenty of places in Tokyo that is good for under $200.




I think Kondou is invite only

>> No.5610421


One of the last things an apprentice learns is to pick out good fish at the market.

>> No.5610436

>implying it takes intelligence to operate a manual transmission and that retarded simpletons don't drive tractor-trailers with 18 speed unsynchronized manual transmissions throughout their entire shitty lives
>implying that the Toyota recall wasn't because the cars were accelerating when the drivers' feet were NOT mashing down on the wrong pedal

>> No.5610444


Yeah I would not eat there because I don't want someone staring me down while I eat my food. I'm sure it's great, but I've been to other places in Tokyo that cost less and weren't so awkward.

>> No.5610448

Maybe he's one of those guys who held out in the jungle and refused to surrender until 1975?

>> No.5610744

That Jiro shit was hilarious. SO HERE WE HAVE THIS SUPER SPECIAL RICE ONLY JIRO CAN COOK. Five minutes later you see some apprentice just shove it in a pot like everyone else. The whole docu is full of shit like that.

This guy is almost completely hype and you could send anyone from /ck/ over there for a week and he could make the same stuff. It's all just marketing bullshit.

>> No.5611171

>implying this is not because of French anger over WW2

>> No.5611179

>Ford has literally recalled none
Ford Pinto owners would disagree with you. Well, if they're still alive.

>> No.5611194

Can you think of an example in the last 20 years?

>> No.5611195

Ask me how I know you didn't watch it

>> No.5611201
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>> No.5611208

it is rude to tip in japan?

>> No.5611210

Not that guy.. But how do you know?

Sounds like a perfect synopsis of the movie to me. That reporter documentary guy making the film was so far up jiro's ass i think he was tasting the sushi before jiro.

>> No.5611212

You really did make it sound like you were still in education and had not graduated by the way you wrote your post. (You made it sound like it could be either/or, really).

Not the guy you're arguing with btw, and don't care about your argument

>> No.5611213

take this shit to /o/
also, just google ford recalls
all car companies recall a lot
it's a scandal when they try to avoid it

>> No.5611217

>paying some old gook hundreds of dollars to put raw fish on rice because he had a movie made about him
>implying there's any difference between japanese restaurants aside from the quality of the fish

>> No.5611221

check out the light spot on his left wrist where the watch sits.

>> No.5611242
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>> No.5611294

Am I the only one that watched the documentary and thought Jiro was a kindly and personable old man who just wants to make the best sushi he can and have people eat it properly for all the work he puts into it.

>> No.5611298

How are you going to tell us to take it to /o/ and then contribute in the same post? Pants on head retarded.

>> No.5611308

Well, I'm going to assume this isn't a troll thread on the off chance that someone reading it can benefit from an anoninjapan.

Rolls are extremely rare here, you're going to get Nigiri or Battleship sushi at most places (including Jiro's).

Unless you book that shit now, and have sufficient Japanese, you're dicked on it anyway.

Jiro's an old japanese man. It's not that he's racist, or anything, but he's set in his ways. So if you're a prick or just ignorant, it's gonna suck for you in the end.

His son runs a branch that's cheaper and more easy going, but I forget the name.

>> No.5611311

It's okay to put the fish in soy sauce.

Just not the rice.

At higher end places, they tend to pre-sauce the fish though. Occasionally with a taro sauce.

But do the rice dunk.

Watch the horror

>> No.5611318

because I didn't start the post, and it was worth showing how retarded you are on top of off topic
ffs, how can you be so stupid to not even see that?
done responding now

>> No.5611321


>> No.5611476

Does anyone else think Jiro's sushi is bullshit? I mean don't get me wrong, I like sushi, but it's just a slab of fish on a clump of rice. It's literally not that hard to make and you don't need 10 years of samurai training.

>> No.5611497

Why is it not okay to dunk the rice in the soy? Sushi pieces are usually a one-bite deal anyway.

>> No.5611709

No, but there is an apprenticeship that may take longer than that and is more grueling. They fuckin make artforms out of putting shoes on.

>> No.5611713

Rice is already vinegared.

>> No.5611716

soy sauce is nothing like vinegar

>> No.5611720


it will absorb too much soy sauce and overpower the flavor of the fish

>> No.5611735

This is why you must separate the two.

>> No.5611765

>Does anyone else think Jiro's sushi is bullshit?
No, literally not a single other person in this thread has expressed a vaguely similar opinion.

Go back to Reddit.

>> No.5611782

No it doesn't, taste fine to me.

>> No.5611792

You're joking, right?



>> No.5611802

What's the variety of fish and price like at a cheap sushi place in Japan? Hate how here anything that's quality is like $5 for 2 pieces, and all the cheap places serve cream cheese covered trash

>> No.5611848

Not to people who really know their stuff. You live in a world of mediocrity.

>> No.5611863

There are dollar sushi places everywhere. Usually most plates of 2 nigiri will be a dollar and a handful of specialty ones can get up to 5 dollars or so.

>> No.5611871

Please, tell us more about the emperor's fabulous clothes.

>> No.5611876

It's good.

>> No.5612147

>So a murrifat, britbong and an aussie walk into Jiro's
>"What's up!" "Oi" "Straya Mate!"
>Jiro grunts.
>They take their seats after sliding them around noisily on the floor.
>Proceed to toss sushi rolls into each others mouths, missing on occasion
>Splat goes Jiro's sushi on the ground
>Jiro's face turns red, enters Karate stance as yelling "White Piggu's Go H-"
>Collapses on floor, dead of stroke
>Son emerges from the back, cheering loudly, shakes the foreigners hands, promises them free sushi for life.

>> No.5612156

Ehh needs work but could be good solid 5/10

>> No.5612172

Just like your mother.

>> No.5612887
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100 dollars for that

>> No.5612903


You don't need to tip in Japan.
They actually get paid

>> No.5612909

I just want to go full gaijin one day in Japan. Like 100% super gaijin.

I'd need to gain like 100+ pounds, wear a "Proud to be American" t-shirt, roll around on a scooter, rock the fanny pack, and enter sushi places just to order california rolls or something. I'd speak only English and if they don't understand me, I'll just speak very slowly with my best Japaneseu accento. Then I'll clap after everything and tell them "God Bless".

After that incident, I'm sure whatever town/city I'm in will ban foreigners, particularly Americans.

>> No.5612951


You seem like a massive faggot, so could probably just be yourself and the outcome would be the same, anon

>> No.5613019

His nose is unsettling.

>> No.5613071
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or lack thereof

>> No.5613134

>Jiro grunts.
funnier than it should have been

>> No.5613219

It's to sell dem tires in an emerging market

>> No.5615172

>Ask me how I know you didn't watch it

Ask me how I know you're a butthurt weeb

>> No.5615474

Totally disgusting. He's putting his hands all over that food. In a sanitary modern sushi kitchen, they have machinery to churn out perfectly-molded rice things every time, without getting skin oil and flakes and snot from picking the cook's nose all over them.

>> No.5615487


>> No.5615492

>guys smears some snot on a piece of fish, drops some rice on it, squeezes it a bit, then applies lacquer
>$9000 plz

Asian cuisine is a fucking scam

>> No.5615507
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>> No.5615512
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This is what happens when slopes try to use first world technology

>> No.5615528


>Hobby: BBQ sauce, being Rawhide

>> No.5615530


>> No.5615968

What a smorgasbord!

Ha ha!

>> No.5615999
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>> No.5616118


>> No.5616144

Do you really think he dreams of sushi?

>> No.5616179

idk anon but pao de quiejo is something I dream about

>> No.5617054

I thought it was kind of a fuck you to Jiro. The Docu pretty much admits that his son deserves all the credit since Jiro, the geriatric fuck, just sits there with the rest of the ninja turtles.

>> No.5617527

Goddamnit I wish I could make good sushi. Not even a weeb I just fucking love fish.

>> No.5617560

But he is the one that says he doesn't do much of the work these days. As he shouldn't, he is old and should be retired.
He seems like a cool guy, I know that feel when he is talking to kids and says something like "acting up here is there isn't a big deal, you're just being kids." and the teachers didn't really approve of that of course.

>> No.5617610


Lol, tell that to the okinawans.

>> No.5617655


Oh shit, I know a guy who is just this. He's a vietnamese guy obsessed with cowboys. He where's a fucking stetson everywhere.

I think it's pretty funny tbh.

>> No.5617751

Westaboos actually make me feel pretty fucking cool. Not in the way your thinking, I'm just happy to see that some people recognize the cool parts of western culture. I also like seeing how they filter it. Call me crazy but if I ever go to Japan I'm spending the whole trip partying in the elvis bars.

>> No.5617950

These days? What work did he do? He was off probably jacking off to hentai when his son won him the star. Fuck Jiro, and fuck Japan's bullshit tradition of following in your father's gay ass foot steps.

>> No.5617989
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>> No.5617992

>implying an 85 year old man would be jacking off at all, let alone to hentai

why is there so much projection ITT? just because you're a creepy reclusive pervert doesn't mean everyone else is

>> No.5619073

>One reference to hentai = whole thread referencing hentai
>I don't know what jokes or hyperbole are

Instead of seeing it as potentially being humorous, you jump to projection. How's that AP Psych class going arm chair psychologist?

>> No.5619117

>Spic but look like a Flip.
>Get treated even worse than white people in Nipland.

Asians are 2racist4me.

>> No.5619124


I'm a flip and I was treated pretty well over there.

Maybe your problem is you're ugly or rude or you don't dress well or something else unrelated to your race.

>> No.5620039

You fucked this up on several levels and you're a prick.

>> No.5620054

You bet I'm fucking made kid! I'm made like the bed! I'm made like your lunch! I'm made in fucking China! Problem?