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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 131 KB, 844x474, octo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5598984 No.5598984 [Reply] [Original]

Live BBQ Octopus:

Live Fried fish:

Dancing Squid:

>> No.5598986 [DELETED] 

don't you know they're soulless robots?

>> No.5598989
File: 30 KB, 322x213, get-a-brain-morans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a fish lives a nearly complete life cycle in its natural habitat and then dies, predicably when cut up
>a cow is trapped in a cage and force fed antibiotics mixed with the slurry of ground up male chickens that were fed the slurry of ground up cow parts, and is tasered into standing so it can technically meet the minimum FDA requirement for being sold for human consumption before being inefficiently killed by a stoned mentally retarded slaughterhouse employee with a captive bolt gun

Yes, we're the cruel ones.

>> No.5598992

I don't know.

On the other hand, faggots crying about
>muh octopi, most intelligent invertebrate ;_;
need to get a fucking grip. Worse things happen at sea. Do you get upset when a predator eats a poor widdle octopus alive? No? Then you can't get too upset about humans killing them too. As long as we're at least not giving them a worse death than they'd get in the wild then I can't really find any problem with eating them.

>> No.5598994

>before being inefficiently killed by a stoned mentally retarded slaughterhouse employee

you make a good point, but aren't you being a little over dramatic?

>> No.5599000


Not all livestock are reaised under those conditions.

>> No.5599001


No? What kind of person takes a job as a captive bolt gun operator? It's one thing to kill an animal while hunting, entirely different to want to do that 40+ hours a week. If you do this for a living, guaranteed you are touched in the brain and you need drugs to cope with the fact that your life is a minimum wage ogrish.com video.

>> No.5599005


True but this is poorchan where properly raised livestock is "overpriced hipster shit"

We all want our 99c/pound garbage meat from Aldi and Walmart, who cares if it's covered in weird antiseptics and has a texture that barely resembles meat.

Haven't you seen the threads complaining that it's the meatopalypse now that discount frozen bulk chicken breast has gone up by 12 cents a pound in the last five years? All food is the same, penn & teller said so.

>> No.5599012

Because Asians are a member of Homo Sapiens.

>> No.5599013

>mfw vegephobic shitlords think #NotAllLivestock is a legitimate excuse


>> No.5599015 [DELETED] 

its well documented asians dont have souls

>> No.5599018 [DELETED] 

Asian here, I have a soul.

>> No.5599019

the squid is dead in the third. Its similar to the one of the guy putting salt on the skinned frog legs

>> No.5599020

all humans are cruel
or none of us is, and that is just normal

>> No.5599024

Asians are cruel because they know damn well what they are doing and even are proud of it
at least europeans/americans try to look away because they can't stand it, is that better? No. Is that more humane? Yes.

>> No.5599030 [DELETED] 


>Lying on the internet


>> No.5599031 [DELETED] 

>implying there are no asians on the internet

flyoverland you are funny sometimes

you're that fat idiot who accuses me of being a weeb just because I know about foods from my own country, aren't you. because we arr rook same to you.

>> No.5599038

How is it any more cruel than force feeding geese for foie gras, boiling live lobster, grinding up chicks alive, letting calves in veal crates marinate in their own shit and piss etc? I'm not a veganfag or anything, but come on. At least Asians aren't so hypocritical about this stuff.

>> No.5599041

I dont see what point there is to cooking these animals while they are still alive.

Its a simple matter to kill them quickly and reasonably painlessly before cooking.

No practical need or reason to cook them alive.

>> No.5599046
File: 63 KB, 500x284, because-they-are-alive-when-you-kill-it-lobster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hi snooki

>> No.5599049

it's not about whether they still end up dead or not, it's that they suffer less, so I'd say you're more like snooki than he is

>> No.5599052


You seem to be reading impaired.

This is about cooking it while its alive, as opposed to killing it swiftly before cooking it.

You are some kind of cocksucker, yes?

>> No.5599056

And? That's exactly the same point he just made. Maybe you should get your eyes checked instead.

>> No.5599061

>X isn't bad or worth discussing because Y exists and Y is arguably worse than X.


fucking pleb

>> No.5599063

Do you not understand the difference between killing something BEFORE cooking it, and killing it while it writhes in agony for extended time by cooking it ALIVE?

>> No.5599069

Because shitty Eastern beliefs about harnessing the power of the animal.

>> No.5599072

Can you read at all?

>> No.5599083

This. Asian are just less hypocrite.
Well, they could just smash the fish head to kill it promptly instead of torturing it on purpose just for the show, but meh, it's just a fish.

>> No.5599093 [DELETED] 

Yes. I can.

Are you a cocksucker?

>> No.5599102 [DELETED] 

Man you should really work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.5599115 [DELETED] 

>>still hasn't answered

It seems to be you who has reading comprehension problems.

I ask once again:
Do you suck cocks?

>> No.5599117 [DELETED] 

>because we arr rook same to you.

>implying you look different

>> No.5599123 [DELETED] 

Keep wishing you were born master race weabo

>> No.5599132

It's fun to be cruel to them.

>> No.5599178 [DELETED] 

One of the more fucked things I've seen and fits OP's theme perfectly. Fucking chinks.


>> No.5599179

>Why are Asians so cruel?
Sure is underage here.

>> No.5599181 [DELETED] 

I'm not even the guy you're replying to but I can't tell if you're a really good troll or one of the most retarded people I've seen on this website.

>> No.5599200

>we act like pussies and ignore where our food comes from
>hurrdurr, we're so humane

Are white people really this stupid? You've obviously never had to slaughter your own animals and prepare your own meat.

>> No.5599429


That's fucking horrible.

>> No.5599488 [DELETED] 

But you've peeled a frog live or sliced a fish whole or grilled a whole live octopus so you have the high ground.
Get fucked chang.

>> No.5599499 [DELETED] 
File: 54 KB, 399x388, sadfrog_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pepe's last meal

>> No.5599551

Except there's a difference between

>Slaughtering animals in as painless a manner as reasonable, out of simple respect for the animal
>Going out of your way to keep the animal alive after or during cooking, for no reason other than shock value or entertainment

Chopping a fish's head off and cooking it is okay.
Boiling half of a fish so that it stays alive is fucked up.

>> No.5599566 [DELETED] 

Is it wrong that I like eating frogs legs, I'd like to eat the dancing squid in OP's video, but I feel sick looking at this toad looking at me?
Or am I just too French?

>> No.5599574 [DELETED] 

that was funny

>> No.5599578
File: 655 KB, 847x472, thiskillsthefrog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5599579

You think keeping blind, feces covered chickens in warehouses so densely packed that they create a biohazard to humans on the other side of the PLANET is "reasonable"?


>> No.5599595

I don't really have a problem with butchering animals and shit because it will always exist.

What does make me mad is the fact that some fucks out there ENJOY watching the animal suffer. I know, animals are dumb etc. etc. But enjoying the suffering of another life is cruel.

>> No.5599605 [DELETED] 
File: 951 KB, 1280x720, discard the baby.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They also place their elderly on the streets
>but dey respec elders
^That is a myth spouted by weaboos and asian fetishists

They have a different value system

>> No.5599612 [DELETED] 

I think they respect THEIR elders, as in family. But most the time they don't give a fuck about others. Unless your in Thailand or in some tiny village.

>> No.5599615

This does seem cruel to me, but in the end food is food and those animals are dead either way. Kind of a shame because octopus is one of the more intelligent animals.

>> No.5599616

Its not like we enjoy defeathering it alive, trying to somehow gut it and cook it while its still alive, and serving it on a plate flopping around in pain. Thats the equivalent of these sick fucks in OP are doing.

Fuck dude, even when I cook lobsters I drive a knife between their eyes so they don't have a slow painful boiling death.

Let me make it clear, I have dispatched quite a few living, breathing, creatures for food. I have shot and killed a number of pestilent animals. Have some damn respect for the animals and take its life humanely. There is no valid argument to defend putting animals through undue suffering before death.

>> No.5599630


back to the tears factory bitch nigga

>> No.5599640

I can't say for sure but having been around plenty of them at my Universities there's no doubt that they operate on a completely different system of morals and social norms. There's also a definite emptiness/absence of personality/awareness about them.

>> No.5599642 [DELETED] 

>dat gif

>> No.5599653
File: 25 KB, 465x594, bertrandrussell2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These threads make me embarrassed to be an american.
What a bunch of weaklings we have become.
Crying over fish and squid?
You fuckers need to harden the fuck up.
Your weakness and misplaced I'll informed compassion sickens me.

>> No.5599671 [DELETED] 

asians are, as I said, soulless robots

>> No.5599676

Have you ever heard of ike jime? I'm not saying I agree with it but the justification is that eating the flesh as close to the time of biological death maximizes the quality of the meat. This is just an ostentatious display of freshness, something that people who primarily value dry aged red meat aren't going to have an equivalent for.

>> No.5599694

it isn't weakness to care about defenseless animals and their mistreatment and slow deaths. if you're gonna kill an animal kill it like you want to be killed.

>> No.5599701

But I'd prefer not to be killed and eaten at all, how is that in any way an answer to this?

>> No.5599707

That's a pretty big assumption. I mean, most are probably at least semi-fucked, but not everyone has the same philosophical views on nonhuman animals. For them it's like a job cracking eggs all day

>> No.5599721

I have not heard of that before, but from what wikipedia says it is presumably much more humane and painless than frying a fish alive, and even other forms of death. It is something I would probably enjoy eating. My issue is with these assholes who seemingly go out of their way to make the animals suffer for shock value as it needlessly endures prolonged suffering before death.

I love fresh seafood, sushi and sashimi, etc. I shucked some live oysters yesterday and ate those raw. When I cook a live fish I cut its head off before filleting it. Thats just the right thing to do.

>> No.5599726

you guys.

you need to understand something about octopusses,

every single inch of their body is covered in dense nerves. you CANT effectively kill them fast except to do something similar to cooking (IE wide surface area attack on their body),
all that "Smarts" isn't in their head, its in their tentacles too. I'm sure theres a better way than holding it over a grill but fuck. you could probably split it in half and it would keep going.

>> No.5599732

All it does is destroy the spinal tissue. I'm not knowledgeable on the neurology of fish but if we are anthropomorphizing their pain, it would be important to destroy the brain not paralyze them and then serve the meat while the mind is still active.

It's just a fish bro

>> No.5599736

You're not wrong that the nerves are spread out, but the fastest way to kill it is to split it in half with a knife. Cooking it on a grill is clearly not about efficiency, using a knife kills it in a matter of seconds

>> No.5599739

Unless I am misunderstanding, ikejime does kill the fish immediately and supposedly painlessly.

>> No.5599741

you can cut off the tentacles and they will keep going for a long time. its not a faster way to kill it than say, boiling it alive.

>> No.5599752

i hear chinese like to boil eggs into virgin boy piss that they collect from public toilets

tell me this is not true

>> No.5599758

Right, but it's not alive at that point, those are random firings that happen in dead animals. If you remove its organs, nothing keeps the octopus' brain going, and it dies quickly. You're confusing death with destruction of the brain

>> No.5599764


sadly, this is true


>> No.5599769

still less cruel than marching them one by one to slaughter

>> No.5599791 [DELETED] 

>Why are Asians so cruel?
no souls

>> No.5599796 [DELETED] 

According to whom? Its defenders? "Kill" and "painlessly" seem like they could be debated endlessly where non talking, non human creatures are concerned.

What happens when a death row inmate is injected with paralytic drugs? Is that painless death or is he just unable to express the unspeakable pain? Proponents of lethal injection would undoubtedly have a similar argument to the ike jime practitioners.

>> No.5599810


>> No.5599846

Hasn't it recently been proven that fish do feel pain?

>> No.5599848 [DELETED] 


I get what you're saying about the lethal injection since there's always the question of was the dose sufficient and how quickly does it take effect.

But I fail to see how a fish can feel pain with ike jime when the brain and nerves are physically destroyed. There's no ambiguity there.

>> No.5599866 [DELETED] 

The brain isn't destroyed though. It's just a coat hanger up the spinal column.

>> No.5599868

You bet your fucking ass its weakness.
You grandmother would slap you fucking silly for having no goddamn spine.

>> No.5599871

Are you that anti-asian anon from pol?

>> No.5599928
File: 141 KB, 634x965, i sense some vietnam fucking shits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only one person can dislike me
Fantasy lands in widescreen must be nice

>> No.5599932

Except I never said that, that's fucked up as well.
Animals should be raised and killed as humanely as possible, which is why I try to buy meat from local farmers.

>> No.5599933 [DELETED] 

>pepe is the meal

>> No.5599939

>Be Asian
>Have cute white girlfriend
>Take her to family style chinese restaurant with friends
>She's not used to the fried whole chicken to still have its head
>Steamed whole fish
>She's not used to the fish not being in fillet form or sushi
I was surprised and asked if her family and their friends were like that. She said yeah it's a white thing. I said all right well now can say you've tried it.

>> No.5599968 [DELETED] 


>Asian s-stereotypes are incorrect, okay?
>''Watashi am paafekuto nihongo desu masterrace. You are white-skinned big eye subhumane dog, I kirru you'.

>> No.5599980 [DELETED] 


I lol'd while squinting my eyes in a sinister asian fashion >implying I have to do anything to do that

>> No.5599984 [DELETED] 
File: 9 KB, 299x168, china_scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are inferior subhumans who lack an evolved consciousness, similar to Africans.

>> No.5600001 [DELETED] 

Why kill the poor froge?

>> No.5600034 [DELETED] 


To be fair, it would have died as soon as soon as he cut it in half.

>> No.5600057

You surely can't be this stupid. By averting your eyes you're not even taking responsibility for your actions.

>> No.5600073


>been around

i have a strong feeling your experiences hardly go beyond working with them/being around them. there may be a cultural barrier but i really doubt you made any effort at all to get to know them.

>> No.5600085

Why do you guys fear food that looks anything like the animal it was made from?

You guys wouldn't survive if you were plopped in the wilderness even with a gun and shelter.

>> No.5600094


Because meat comes from "the store" and food from other cultures frightens and confuses me.

>> No.5600095

I wish I had the opportunity. I'm a city slicker without any wilderness for hours in any direction. I've always wanted to hunt and butcher my own kill.

>> No.5600100

What gave you that idea? I'm just opposed to needless torture for the sake of entertainment. I'd sooner kill a bird with an axe than tape it to a grill, its not 'all the same' just because you're killing it.

>> No.5600104

If I was in the wilderness, I would finish the animal off before gutting and deep frying it.

>> No.5600156

You do realize that quality tradesman butchers slaughter the animal without it suffering right? Animal suffering reduces the quality of the meat and that's the only thing they have to justify their higher prices in order to compete with supermarkets. Even an amateur can tell the difference between quality meat and supermarket garbage.

Fuck, even a tundra nomad peasant drops his cattle in a split second with a sissy knife in the neck.

>> No.5600159

>torturing animals is responsible

It's guess that's why you're a soulless Chinese.

>> No.5600172


Which is why those small ethical slaughterhouses are so popular, right? NOT.

It's a free market, where large industrial meat interests lobby local governments to shut down those places on technicalities, and lobby the federal government into relaxing the rules on meat processing so they can save $0.0002c per carcass by spraying even sketchier chemicals all over the place as a substitute for hygiene.

Too bad we can't all be tundra natives, eh?

>> No.5600184

>Which is why those small ethical slaughterhouses are so popular, right? NOT.

Hey i never said i approved of retarded mass consumerism. In fact, if you love your food you'll support the quality tradesmen, not your local superjew.

As a bonus you'll also ensure the animal lives a live that's not total shit. Win-win situation. But alas, it is not so. Just know that it doesn't have to be this way, and your protein doesn't have to be shit.

>> No.5600185

what a story Mark

>> No.5600222

>She said yeah it's a white thing.


>> No.5600228

Its not torture you Peta loving assclown.
Animals are not humans.

>> No.5600252

>Get fucked chang.
hold on a sec,
if this the guy who posts these threads on /pol/?

>> No.5600288

>Torture is the act of deliberately inflicting severe physical or psychological pain and possibly injury to a person (or animal)


What the fuck did you even think torture was??

>> No.5600297

All of /pol/ hates the Chinese. Whether its their food cruelty or kids being run over into paste and no one on the street giving a fuck.

>> No.5600331
File: 32 KB, 600x300, get fucked chang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I meant was this

>> No.5600383


It's usually for a demonstration of freshness

>> No.5600510

>nobody has a legit response to this poster
>America confirmed for btfo

Fuck me on a stick I didn't know so many Americans post here, let alone the stupid ones

>> No.5600526

>you didn't know americans posted on a american site
kek. we know who the stupid one is.

>> No.5600539

The dancing squid is clearly dead. It's just the salty sauce making nerves go off. For the middle one, fish don't actually feel pain. The only one that you have a point on is the first one, which is legitimately fucked up.

>> No.5600542
File: 991 KB, 500x308, thedude.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because muh "culture"
>same reason they kill sharks for .02%of their body
>same reason they kill dolphins
>same reason they support poaching of tigers rhinos and elephants

>muh special potions

fuckin shitheads

>> No.5601430

>These threads make me embarrassed to be an american.


>> No.5601439


>edgy faggot who thinks inflicting pain on animals is awesome/funny/cool

>> No.5601440

Are you circumcised?

>> No.5601445

how is that relevant?

>> No.5601449


His foreskin alone would be bigger than your asian dick

>> No.5601450

The hospital probably sold it to another company to make beauty products, unless you kept it.

>> No.5601452

and im circumsized btw

>> No.5601458
File: 180 KB, 422x274, thedude3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that means jack shit though
>a meaningless piece of skin
>a shark DIES for a 5 lb fin?

u avin a giggle m8?

>> No.5601459


>> No.5601473

im not gonna argue why i dont feel the need to have smega here anon
>the fact remains that asians are the biggest users of animals like this

>a fin for a fucking animals life
>a tusk or horn for an animals life
>a skeleton of an endangered species for anything


>> No.5601477

Are you mad they sold half your dick's skin to Jews?

>> No.5601478

Holy shit why?
Just kill them as soon as you're going to cook it, fresh as the fresh prince.

This is not right.

>> No.5601479

great /pol/ tier thread
/ck/ is beyond help at this point.

>> No.5601484

Yeah. If the word "Asians" wasn't there then this will be a /ck/ thread.

>> No.5601488

not really cuz im pretty hung

>> No.5601490

please watch cancerous bald man

>> No.5601494

Now with more Outdated and no sources!

>> No.5601497

I am proud of my help with destroying /ck/
Now as for the way they treat animals. It makes them taste better.

>> No.5601509

what's the difference between this and any other live shellfish that most westerners love? Faggots that ruin oysters to exactly the same broiling them or grilling them.

>> No.5601517 [DELETED] 

Sources in the description.
Stay mad Jew.

>> No.5601864

Only if the purpose of the action is the pain you assclown.
If a doctor has to perform an emergency surgery out in the woods with no anesthesia its not torture.

Killing animals in a way that makes them more flavorful is also not torture.

>> No.5601880


>you will one day be reincarnated as that octopus
>you will one day suffer its fate

How do I escape the cycle guys?

>> No.5601884

Atheism ends the cycle of stupidity you seem to be trapped in.
Also look into skepticism.

>> No.5601889
File: 28 KB, 400x363, theydont.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i tell you h-what,

We had a few chikens from a 'nice' egg farm a while back,

not sure how it's said in english but those chickens are described as chickens who could freely walk around,

the thing is they are being trampled by each other, hell even chickens who have to sit in a small cage doing nothing instead of sitting and shitting out eggs have a better life,

the only livestock living a good live are the ones who live around the house of a normal family instead of a farm.

>> No.5601891

they don't say it being any of the things you said it was. they just said animals will die for food, whether it be humans or bigger animals.

>> No.5601895

>le goalpost face

>> No.5601898

enjoy your ban

>> No.5601910
File: 14 KB, 259x194, images (12).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5601976

French Label Rouge (Red Label) defines de maximum density of chickens to 14 chickens per square metre. That's 1.3 chicken per square feet.
Fuck me, I thought it was a legit quality label before checking.

Yuropean Organic Label defines the maximum to 1000 chickens per hectare (10000 square metres). In other words, 10 square metre per chicken, or 107.6 square feet.

>> No.5601980

im not gonna lie i didnt enjoy that

>> No.5601988

I don't know, maybe they have another relation to animals.

What I don't understand is why crabs/lobsters have to be cooked while they're still alive. Why not kill them shortly before throwing them into the boiling water? Is that too much to ask?

>> No.5601989


>not getting free-range chicken/eggs from a farmer you know

>> No.5601991

they are not random nervs firing you dumbass, they continue to act as if they are still attached, man do you just not have a brain? do you not listen? I understand how this shit works in normal animals but an octopus is not fucking normal. its severed tentacles will still behave like they are attached, and even try to feed the octopus if it grabs something. theres nothing random about it.

>> No.5602008

>not used to whole fish

I really don't get why this is so much of a novelty to some people.

>> No.5602023

I mean I know that every woman you ever met came to the conclusion your dick was meaningless, I'm just surprised you're on board with them.

>> No.5602042

It's similar to halal butchering.

Particularly for Japan, being coastal and island nations a lot of their meat was and still is seafood. This over emphasis on freshness has derived from centuries of eating fish and is a custom for avoiding sickness.

>> No.5604333


We're not used to it.

>> No.5604392

Most are.