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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 430 KB, 2000x1333, breakfast9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5594890 No.5594890[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

breakfast /ck/ you?

>> No.5594905

Bowl of oats, around noon. I don't have time for that shit, what do you do for work?

>> No.5594910

Look I don't know if English is your second language but 'breakfast /ck/ you?' Is /b/ tier gramner and I really think we can do better. If you are just trolling then I tip my fedora but if you are seriously trying to start an interesting /ck/ discussion then I think you need to rephrase.
Perhaps you can try something like: 'hi /ck/, this is my breakfast what do you think? What are you guys having for breakfast?'

To me the 'meal /ck/ you?' phrase is plain rude, unintelligent or trolling.

>> No.5594911

Holy shit youre joking right?.

I just have a bunch of a single type of fruit.

>> No.5594913

Hi it's me again my iphone autocorrected the word 'grammar' to something else

>> No.5594922

construction. It's saturday here.

>> No.5594925

your table cover is giving me a seizusdwolA 98 0q-2

>> No.5594926

>I don't have time for that shit
Of course you do. You just choose to spend that time staying up later than you need to. Is browsing 4chan until midnight really worth having to rush in the morning?

>> No.5594930
File: 127 KB, 864x671, das_butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm with this guy OP, the internet is serious bidniss.

>> No.5594931

Yeah, mornings are shit regardless. I'm most motivated in the evenings

>> No.5594948

i had red beans and rice.

>> No.5594957

i like your table and i like your mug
plz tell me about both

>> No.5595009

table is hardwood 6 seater that can expand to 8 seater, purchased at an auction. Has a rubberry/felt type cover over it, not sure where gf acquired it.
Mug was purchased from an elderly gentleman at the St. Andrews hippy market.

>> No.5595045

and I thought I liked a lot of pepper on my eggs
What kind of bacon? Looks good.

>> No.5595063
File: 36 KB, 500x281, taco bell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tall glass of strong black coffee poured over ice and an american spirit burned down quick with the sunrise. I hear breakfast is important but I'm still sleepy and not hungry when I wake up.

>> No.5595076


Aunt Jemima® Buttermilk pancakes drowned in some Aunt Jemima® Original syrup and some generic brand butter.

>> No.5595078

just middle bacon from supermarket deli

>> No.5595082


Grapefruit, whole and a yogurt with some water and coffee

>> No.5595089


mornings are shit no matter how early I wake up or what I eat. unless its a weekend and I can roll around the bed for an hour or two after I wake up, thats the way to spend a morning the right way. I'd rather browse 4chan until midnight than wake up early and do morning shit though.

>> No.5595127

looks like the predator is sneaking up on you

>> No.5595171

I'm just being a pleb with one mandarin, a banana, an apple with some natural PB (not that kraft/skippy salt bomb shit), an green tea, and almond milk

>> No.5595532


>> No.5595565

i just had a fritter with tons of corn, tomatoes and red onion in it
topped with a previously made tomato salsa, avocado and a caramel lime sauce
coffee too, of course

>> No.5595705

sounds good

>> No.5595822
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am I being trolled?

is this what being trolled feels like?

nobody can really be this pretentious can they?

>> No.5595844
File: 51 KB, 545x350, corned beef hash omelet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Corned beef hash omelet, which is really good, despite the picture...

>> No.5595851


>liking skippy crap
>thinking it's pretentious to not want to eat something that tastes like a diabetic took a shit

never change, /ck/, never change

>> No.5595860

Most poverty breakfast I have ever seen and I have volunteered in soup kitchens before

>> No.5595880

I just peed in your bed

>> No.5595882


If I'd have added jalapenos to it like all you hipster "chefs" do with EVERYTHING, you'd be sicking my dick and saying what a fucking culinary delight it is.

>> No.5595899

Some eggs in purgatory scooped up with rice cakes.

>> No.5595913
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>> No.5595928

Where's that deformed shun?

>> No.5595937
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>> No.5595949
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>> No.5595967

first time on /ck/?

>> No.5595971
File: 1.83 MB, 1352x759, 27368767de8c6dd91a4d5406c3325013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5595988


I had eggs in baskets. They were okay but I didn't enjoy them as much as I used to, the butter taste was overpowering. But it's the weekend and I though I'd make something a little more complicated than oats.

>> No.5595992

Hahaha I know it would actually be really tasty but fuck man it looks like somebody punched it lol
It looks so defeated

>> No.5596002

Good mushrooms

>> No.5596162

That mug is awesome

>> No.5596398

oh st andrews market in vic? nice

>> No.5596516

what is that blue book?

>> No.5597222

I'd be way healthier and energetic if i ate like this. Today for breakfast i think i had a granola bar and chocolate milk. and now pretzels. if theres no cereal i basically just starve

>> No.5597477


thx, they are just swiss shrooms baked in oven then crumbled some blue cheese and rosemary over and put under griller/broiler.

>> No.5597498
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>> No.5597524

>tastes like a diabetic took a shit

What? Why would a diabetics shit taste any different?

>> No.5597563

he's saying it's too sweet

>> No.5598556

why would a diabetics shit be sweet?

>> No.5598569

diabetics can't process sugar completely, google "pissky"

>> No.5598625

but that's urine not shit

>> No.5599101

mah nigga

>> No.5599125

fucking sperg

>> No.5600211
File: 5 KB, 249x203, 1341977727619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a diabetic with a scat fetish & can confirm my poop tastes no more sweet than others

>> No.5600380

gross lmao

>> No.5600528

I am a raging fatty and I must make this for dinner.

>> No.5600543

That's not even that fattening, compared to other meals. I bet you're a girl or a hungry skeleton, aren't you?

>> No.5600559

I'm just hungry, man. We don't have to drag girls or skeletons into this.

>> No.5600611

skeletons aren't real

>> No.5602210

Nothing, thanks for asking

>> No.5602370
File: 1.77 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Procrastination cooking. Haven't studied for my exam :S :S

>> No.5602565

Just a bowl of cornflakes.

>> No.5602687

wtf is wrong with your table OP

>> No.5602701

Just take a fucking picture and don't be a faggot about it

>> No.5602705
File: 166 KB, 500x500, spooky-skeleton.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a live skeleton inside of you RIGHT NOW just waiting for the right moment to escape.

>> No.5602779


Don't say that Mr. Husband, you're frightening me.

>> No.5602969

That should be a banner

>> No.5603212

Lol wat?

>> No.5604079
File: 1.31 MB, 2592x1456, WP_20140715_09_02_06_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rice with pork,bread,water.Not in pic is a banana and an apple

>> No.5604081

>/b/ tier gramner
Haha, you dork

>> No.5604098

>white bread
>plastic cup of water
>mystery meat chunks on white rice in tupperware
ugh, i hope your banana is ripe at least

>> No.5604117
File: 434 KB, 1632x916, WP_20140715_09_39_05_Pro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meat is blade stake pork, cut in cubes. The steaks looked horrible and I'm not the kind of person that would throw out the food so I made the best I could with it. Bread... yeah, it sucks, but that had no other in caffeteria. I've got a glass cup, pic related. And the fruits aren't overriped, they're beat up from carrying in a shoulder bag (was running to work, almost came in late).

>> No.5604129

Ah, good, I don't mind overripe bananas, but I was worried it might be a green banana, they taste kind of... soapy to me. As for the other things, I'm just fuckin' with ya, no worries

>> No.5604146

It looks so bland.

>> No.5604160

That isn't artsy, it's just a decent camera and light, and not totally fucked up basic food.

Looks like a decent toss together to me.
It does look tough, though. I bet it would've been a lot better to eat if you took another minute or two and peeled the pepper.
What kind of cheese?

>> No.5604175

jalapenos are hipster now?
fucking hell, is all my food is going to have to be midwestern bullshit or mass produced junk to not be considered hipster, or what?

>> No.5604181


Jesus Christ nigga that is some white trash breakfast.

>> No.5604184
File: 57 KB, 360x267, 1370229709795.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sicking my dick

>> No.5604316

i try to eat a different thing for breakfast every day.
today is just honey Cheerios
yesterday was jam on toast
day before was scrambled egg
and so on

>> No.5604317

Banana bread and lamb ragu baked with whole wheat penne and grated parmesan cheese. I'm super stoned and I got flour all over the damn floor :(.

>> No.5604359
File: 22 KB, 310x232, chas_chaser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5604364

Store brand scotch and fish tacos

>> No.5604367
File: 15 KB, 460x334, noots internally.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much Oz. on here today.

>> No.5604370


Get some fish into ya, cunt

I often have sardines on toast with baked beans. I called it beans and 'dines, lel. A cup of tea goes very nice with it.

>> No.5604372


Litre of coffee in a travel mug. Wish I had time to actually do up some bacon and a poached egg though.

>> No.5604376

I know I talked trash about your punch omelet but it did inspire me to make a bacon egg burito, the egg wrapped around the bacon
Was pretty good,

>> No.5604379

fuck, that sounds awful

>> No.5604386
File: 197 KB, 634x855, rs_634x855-140319143742-rs_634x855-140319134738-634-6taco-bell-breakfast.ls.31814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taco Bell Breakfast is classic breakfast tastes (eggs, sausage, bacon and hashbrowns) with a Taco Bell twist – products uniquely wrapped up and portable for consumers’ “on-the-go” lifestyle. Fans are already taking to social media to buzz about their appetite for the Waffle Taco – a warm waffle wrapped around a hearty sausage patty or flavorful bacon, with fluffy scrambled eggs and cheese, and served with a side of sweet syrup. For an all-in-one breakfast solution, the A.M. Crunchwrap™ offers a morning twist on the iconic Crunchwrap® featuring classic breakfast tastes of fluffy scrambled eggs, a golden crispy hash brown, melted cheese and flavorful bacon (or a hearty sausage patty or premium thick cut steak), all wrapped up in a warm flour tortilla.

>> No.5604388
File: 213 KB, 1280x720, WIN_20140715_045843.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Egg and cheese English muffins with basil tomatoes in and on the side with homemade blueberry lemon honey soda...

It's 5:00 and I haven't slept yet haha

>> No.5604393

Poached eggs on homemade toast with a cup of tea and a pudding.

>> No.5604397


I sure do love the smell of newfags.

>> No.5604448

I've got basic breakfast essentially. Eggs, Bread, Assorted spices and herbs. Pretty much alot of shit.

Now I have a package of ground turkey, what can I do with this?

>> No.5606514
File: 291 KB, 516x334, skinless.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make some skinless sausages

>> No.5606562
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/fit/ here

>> No.5606587
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Congrats on serving a weeks worth of brotein in one meal.

>> No.5606598

>implying eating 2kg of chicken is healthy

>> No.5606601

Lol when will people stop getting tricked by the supp industry into believing that you actually need 50x BW in protein a day to get big.

.5/.6g is perfect for me.

>> No.5606623


Do you really think i ate 6 pounds of salmon in one meal?

>> No.5606631

No, but your protein intake is probably way, way more than you actually need.

>> No.5606642

This thread, this fucking thread right here is why I spent an hour at an ungodly time in the morning drooling over pictures of omelettes.

If I had just $3 I could be lazy and get sunrise croissant sandwiches from Hardee's....

>> No.5608127

omelettes always seem like a dissapointing amount of work - reward ratio.