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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5589167 No.5589167 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is on sale and I don't give a fuck.

Drinking thread? Drinking thread.

>> No.5589206

Newbie here, how often can I get drunk? Not just buzzed, I mean actually drunk. I did it for 5 nights straight a few days ago, but, even though I didn't feel like shit the next day and didn't get hungover, I still fear for my liver and my brain cells. Pls help, am I an alcoholic?

>> No.5589211

>am I an alcoholic?
for as long as you're asking yourself this question, you can probably safety answer "no"

>> No.5589225

Alright. I think I'll tone down my volume anyway though

>> No.5589227
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>> No.5589229

probably a good thing. becoming an alcohol sounds fun in theory, but once you do, drying out is a fucking bitch.

>> No.5589231

That's so wrong though. People are really good at rationalizing their shitty behavior and telling themselves that it's okay because they can totally quit whenever.

>> No.5589234

but that's the thing. those people generally aren't questioning whether they're alcoholics either. as far as they're concerned, they're obviously not.

>> No.5589242

What's the type of liquor I can have that has the highest alcohol percentage for the least amount of calories?

I don't care about taste.

>> No.5589245

vodka obviously. just plain alcohol and water. i think you're looking for alcohol/calorie ratio instead of percentage by volume.

>> No.5589247

High alcohol content and low calories do not mix, because alcohol by nature has a really high energy content, so you're essentially asking the impossible.

I would try just pure ethanol, aka everclear.

>> No.5589255

Right, I see what you mean now. I guess some people are that delusional.

My point was that if you're asking yourself the question, it's most likely because some of your behaviors are problematic, and questioning yourself about it is not a guarantee at all that you're in control of your habit. If the other anon had said "hey guise, I drink a 12 pack 5 days a week but it's not affecting my work, am an alkie?", the answer is yes even if he is concerned enough to ask the question.

>> No.5589260

But vodka doesn't have more calories than everclear for the same amount of alcohol.

>> No.5589266

well that depends on how you define "alcoholic".

to me, if you're not dependent on the sauce or otherwise show signs of addiction/lifestyle problems, you're not an alcoholic, just a heavy drinker.

>> No.5589267

I suggest Tito's.

>> No.5589272
File: 122 KB, 500x646, Everclear-6120013697319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everclear, 190 proof.

>> No.5589277

also great for clearing the sinuses, cleaning glassware, or starting fires!

>> No.5589283

Nope, try again. Alcohol has and always will have 7 calories per gram, doesn't matter how much there is in vodka, the calories per gram of alcohol will stay the same. The best you can hope for is to purify it as much as possible.

>> No.5589286

Addictions are developed, though, and with enough time, a regular, heavy drinker will most likely become an alcoholic.

At the same time, if it doesn't harm you financially, professionally or in your relationships, it doesn't matter as far as I am concerned. So yeah, functional alcoholic, heavy drinker, whatever. At that point we'd be arguing about terminology

>> No.5589292

That's exactly what I just said though. I didn't say same volume, I said same amount of alcohol. For example, beer has more calories per amount of alcohol than vodka, because beer has carbs. However, vodka is alcohol and water. Everclear is alcohol with less water. Same thing.

>> No.5589302

>At that point we'd be arguing about terminology
pretty much. and i don't think either of us wants to waste time with that.

i'm not drinking tonight, maybe there's a quality fatty/tipping/pizza/whatevertheflavorofthedayis thread going on to shitpost in

>> No.5589304

aye, a wife can do that too

>> No.5589308

Ah, now I understand what you meant.

The reality is that alcohol will have some impurities that may or may not increase the caloric content, so as I said, it may just be best to err on the side of caution and have the most pure form of alcohol possible.

>> No.5589310

How can sherry be so delicious in food but so disgusting to drink?

>> No.5589316


Why can I drink a handle of vodka in 2 days without gaining weight?

Like I seriously have no idea.

I meticulously count my calories (ironic considering what a raging alcoholic I am, I know) from food, so it's not like I just don't eat.

>> No.5589324

>you're counting wrong
>vodka doesn't have as many calories as you think it does
>enough physical activity to burn the excess calories
>going by the wrong tdee
>you've broken the laws of physics

pick one

>> No.5589327

Meeeeeeh. There's a limit to that reasoning as far as I'm concerned. The difference in calories because of impurities between whiskey and everclear is negligible. Whiskey tastes good, everclear doesn't. I get that alcohol is a drug, but unless you're doing enemas, taste matter too, doesn't it?

>> No.5589328

beer beer beer gin beer gin gin.

i drink too many days of the week

>> No.5589332


Not counting wrong.

Also as far as it not having as many calories as I think it does, that's the point. I'm not counting its calories as part of my intake, I'm downing thousands of calories of vodka without gaining weight. I know it sounds like I'm retarded and don't understand physics, and I know that using myself as a case study is also retarded, but I don't know how this is possible.

>> No.5589335


We're still unclear on how calories from alcohol are handled by the human body. I'm clearly not saying you should totally just pound liquor because it doesn't matter, but it's not as black and white as you present it.

>> No.5589336

Absolutely, it matters, but not to the person who asked. The logic may be flawed in one way or another, but I for one think that when applied how the anon asked it is relatively sound.

>> No.5589341

>alcohol by nature has a really high energy content

pure ethanol is also a highly flammable source of fuel, and the calorie measurement system is some shit about having enough energy to raise water temperature. I'm pretty sure that since ethanol is volatile it will show up as much higher calorie than something more stable since from what i hear, a calorie is approximately the amount of energy needed to raise the temperature of one kilogram of water by one degree Celsius.

so yea, ethanol has a lot of technical calories and since its flammable it can heat some fucking water, which is how calories are measured. I don't think the body processes volatile liquids the same way that it would process calories from grains or dairy.

for the record, a gallon (4 litre) of gasoline contains about 31,000,000 calories. pretending we could process that (of course we can't) a single gallon of gas would make us gain a whoooooooole lot of pound using the calorie system, where 1 pound = 3000 calories

just saying, calories don't equal calories. I've lost a shitload of weight boozing on the pure shit.

>> No.5589350

Fair enough. That person should probably revise their priorities a little bit.

On another note, how is it that you can have a somewhat reasonable discussion in /ck/ drinking threads, but everything else is completely retarded? No one got called a faggot yet.

>> No.5589361

Yeah, and as another poster said, people don't really fully understand how alcohol is processed in the body, whether the net calorie count for alcohol is indeed higher or lower than how you were saying.
I don't know, I only browse /ck/ occasionally.

>> No.5589369

surprisingly enough, the alcoholic threads are some of the most civilized conversation on this board.

i think it's because the people who hate them have given up on shitposting in them outside of isolated incidents, and for some reason the drunk people who post here just aren't very argumentative.

>> No.5589379

I think also a lot of the people posting in the alcohol threads are alcoholics and kind of have some unfortunate bond with other people who have fallen into the addiction trap.

Vodka and beer again for me tonight :) :(

>> No.5589382

I am surprised too, I figured they'd be full of drunken belligerent assholes, but the vast majority of them are pleasant.

Anyway, I'm enjoying some cheap tempranillo. It's decent if you're into not so subtle reds with a good amount of acidity. What's everyone else drinking?

>> No.5589390

i mean, most of us have enough problems without berating each other, right?

staying dry for a few days but these threads are some of my favorite parts about coming to /ck/. too many people in real life want to make everything about how i drink too much. and i don't even drink too much. fuck, i purposely dry out periodically by choice god damnit

>> No.5589392
File: 197 KB, 397x326, beers for obama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here long time and the drinking/alcoholism threads are the only ones that are consistently honest, reasonable, civil, friendly, thoughtful, helpful, consistent, real, and on topic.

al/ck/oholics are the best.

Hey moot I know you come here. have you ever thought about making a board for alcoholics? Seriously, I think an alcoholics anon board on 4chan could help a whole lot of people, or at least give them a good place to vent that isn't on the cooking board.

/aa/, moot plz

>> No.5589398


I remember reading some study a while back about how alcoholics tend to have higher than average IQ

but yeah it is funny that people who are drunk as shit are, on average, a lot more pleasant and rational than a lot of the people in other threads

>> No.5589402

no idea why there aren't any drug specific boards, really. i think moot expects those threads to get filtered to /b/

but fuck that, alcoholic threads on /b/ are fucking terrible

>> No.5589404

Not worth it really. The board would be incredibly slow and prone to shitposting.

>> No.5589407

>but yeah it is funny that people who are drunk as shit are, on average, a lot more pleasant and rational than a lot of the people in other threads
this has always confused me

you know how in most bars, there's at least one jackass who gets belligerent and tries to fight everyone? how does /ck/ not have one of those people?

>> No.5589410

That was like the go to liquor when underaged around here

>> No.5589412

Because unlike in an actual bar, getting belligerent and trying to fight everyone when you're posting online means you can't get a reaction from people.

>> No.5589417

>you can't get a reaction from people.
sure you can

see- the shitposting that goes on throughout the rest of this board

>> No.5589424

Shitposting isn't quite the same as a physical reaction. It lacks the level of gratification they're looking for.

>> No.5589425

I can understand him not wanting a drug board because laws and shekels, you don't want to condone and support illegal shit if you are trying to operate and exist. I think an alcoholic board would REALLY help people though. I mean, not all of us are cool with going to AA because there is a damn roomfull of people that will see you and know who you are.

But here. We could have a great alcoholics 100% anonymous meeting.

>> No.5589429

Bars suck, friends and I at least when we were kids would find places, at one of our parents wasn't home so we'd just go there. Then we can smoke weed and drink all we like and not have to deal with bar bullshit and lame music.

Take your bar shit and stuff it.

>> No.5589438

I'll drink to that

>> No.5589439

true enough. but why, then, do soberfags shitpost so hard in other threads trying to get a rise out of others?

>alcoholics are more rational people than your average 4chin poster

>We could have a great alcoholics 100% anonymous meeting.
not sure how well that would go, though. many of us are perfectly happy with out drinking habits, and that might not mix too well with the people trying to quit drinking, you know?

>> No.5589444

Kind of like religious types, they need to justify themselves. Without justifying themselves, they freak out into non existance.

>> No.5589489

It'd be a slow board but I think it would be consistent. There are a bunch of alcoholics on 4chan, enough for an anon alcoholic board. You'd think there would be rampant shitposting but from my experience every alcoholic thread I've dug into was totally on spot and full of real people, for some strange reason the shitposters and troo;;s don't go there.

/aa/ moot pls.

>> No.5589496

>every alcoholic thread I've dug into was totally on spot and full of real people
maybe on /ck/. but have you seen alcoholic threads on /r9k/ and /b/? they're fucking terrible. and /aa/ would attract those as well.

don't get me wrong, i'm all for an alkie board, but i think it would definitely attract shitposters from the more fast paced boards.

>> No.5589499


It seems like there are a ton of people who aren't happy with their drinking habits though.

Which is weird because I thought that one of the hallmarks of alcoholism was denial.

>> No.5589511

plenty of different types of alcoholic.

and i only mentioned that because trying to "help" those who have a problem with their drinking habit would probably not go to well if administered by happy, raging alcoholics like many of us. granted, AA isn't very helpful either, but probably moreso than a group of drunk people.

>> No.5589521

>AA isn't very helpful either

Sure it is. I know lots of people here think it's a cult somehow (I think of cults as either being something that require money, or something where some 50 year old dude wants to bang 13 year olds), but it's helpful to lots of people

>> No.5589541

yeah you are right that it's helpful to plenty of people (it is, after all, the largest organization of its kind). i just have an inherent bias against them. i don't consider them a cult, but i just disagree with some of their ideals. step 1 in particular.

>> No.5589543

I'm drinking Lagavulin 16 mixed with Mug root beer in a frosted mug followed by a bottle of vermouth

>> No.5589588

I believe you.

>> No.5589601


I have a bottle of Laga 16 on the shelf. I can't imagine mixing it with anything. Do whatever you want bro, but a 85-90 dollar a bottle single malt (that's amazing neat)... mixed with soda? Really? How can you do that.

>> No.5589657


Why, out of curiosity? I know a lot of people have issue with step 2 although at least in my city it feels like the majority of the people in AA are actually atheist or agnostic, but why step 1?

I assume it's just the admission of powerlessness. I can understand that. But I mean if you're drinking too much and you don't want to you are sort of powerless then aren't you?

>> No.5589697

>I mean if you're drinking too much and you don't want to you are sort of powerless then aren't you?
i fundamentally disagree with people who think that because you do something wrong/bad/harmful/etc that it's because you're powerless to some sort of temptation.

people make their mistakes and do stupid things. hell i've been there, many times, but i just completely disagree that i'm powerless to avoid them.

it's surprisingly hard to eloquently explain my feelings on the matter. just how i was raised i suppose. my dad went from a complete fuck up (drugs, alcohol, prison, the works) to a law abiding, contributing member of the community for my entire childhood through nothing but his own willpower. and i've always respected that, and used his actions in life as a barometer for my own decision making. coincidentally, he said he absolutely hated AA when he tried it himself.

in any case, i honestly believe that if someone is given the right motivation to fix their problems, they will do it. and for some people, AA can be an avenue to that. i think people should do whatever they think is effective to fix their own personal problems. just so happens that i disagree with [most of] AA's methods.

and yeah i'm not a huge fan of step 2, but from what i understand they don't make you treat it like a "religion" per se, so i don't mind it as much as i would if they were telling people that church would solve all their problems. i do actually like steps 4 and 8 especially.

>> No.5589719

Finishing off my bottle of laphroaig. I'm not sure what the deal is, but I can keep drinking it and not get drunk. Tasty either way, but I doubt I'll be getting any more soon due to poor.

>> No.5590311

People, stop worrying about calories from alcohol.
Toilet paper is more fattening: cellulose will turn out as quite high-energetic on calorie tests. Doesn't mean you can survive on it, because you won't digest it. That value would hold for termites, not humans.

Human body has no way of storing alcohol, even short-term like sugar. It's all removed from system fast enough that it won't influence your body weight.

The worst impact of alcohol on body weight is that it both increases appetite and decreases self-control, meaning if you're buzzed or drunk you're likely to stuff yourself on shitty food, breaking any diet you're having.