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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 666 KB, 1280x720, breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5585620 No.5585620[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's for breakfast, /ck/?

>> No.5585628

where do you live that it's breakfast time and you're eating that?

i pulled an all nighter studying for some goddamn test so i chewed on a piece of gum till i got home at ~1PM

then i had some chicken wings

>> No.5585632

>where do you live that it's breakfast time
Toronto; day off means I wake up at 17:00.

>and you're eating that
I like a tasty breakfast.

>> No.5586345
File: 131 KB, 500x332, puttanesca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to eat an early lunch instead and I'm going to do a puttanesca with added mussels. Shit's going to be glorious.

>> No.5586464
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Want some coffee with your fucking creamer, m8?

>> No.5587228

I think that's tea.

>> No.5587230

Fried chicken from Price Chopper in NY.
Their chickens are a lot better than shit from chain places.

>> No.5587245

What the fuck is a creamer?

>> No.5587360

3 egg omelette and half a cinnamon bagel.

>> No.5587364
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OP fail

>> No.5587366

bowl of raisin bran 2% milk

>> No.5587369

>limit butter
>use olive oil instead
it's as if they don't actually know what either of them are(hint: butter has less calories and higher nutritional content than olive oil by far)

>> No.5587378

>anon likes high saturated fat content

>> No.5587380
File: 179 KB, 960x720, Breakfast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

judge me /ck/

>> No.5587381

more veges, less fruit and you'll be okay

>> No.5587387

also, you could cut out the egg yolks for leaner protein

and you could add some spices to your eggs and veges to make them more flavorfull

>> No.5587390

also, a lower fat milk. that looks pretty fatty.

>> No.5587393

yeah, you're probably right. I needed some sugars to go running later, so fruit depicted is .2 C of blueberries, 5 medium strawberries halved, and 1 medium banana next to what measured out as a cup of steamed broccoli which was suprisingly fresh and tasted cleaner than expected (thank you co-op).

Yeah i had a friend show me this really nifty technique where he uses an empty waterbottle to suck out the yolk. But i love me the shit out of dipping my toast in the spilled yolk.

1 C of whole milk that i actually only really drank because i need more fats in the meal.
Post-Script: Not pictured was the black coffee i also had.

>> No.5587398

>cutting out the yolks

If I couldn't have the yolk I would just skip breakfast and lie in bed until lunch instead. What a waste of an egg not to have the best part.

>> No.5587401

add some cut up peppers to your egg whites for something more flavorful

>> No.5587414

>you could cut out the egg yolks
>Yeah i had a friend show me this really nifty technique where he uses an empty waterbottle to suck out the yolk.

>> No.5587420


i just googled it and apparently it's a common thing. Still wouldn't take the yolk out, just cause it tastes so good and i have no need to cut down the fat (or cholesterol even) content in my diet.

>> No.5587435

Fruit salad, handful of almonds, fried squash from the garden, and scrambled egg with leftover brussels sprouts

>> No.5587469

>The planet is America and everything runs on American time
So fucking arrogant as a people.

>> No.5587470

>With dinner

>> No.5587474

It's your dessert.

>> No.5587543

america is this foreigners favorite word.

>> No.5587552

you must be one of those australian shitposters i've heard about

>breakfast commonly enjoyed in europe (see: england)
>thread was made at ~11PM GMT
>wonder if maybe OP was on a nocturnal schedule in bongland
>ask simple question

>> No.5587559

OP said he was in Toronto.

>> No.5587568

yeah, after i made the initial post which that poster was referring to...

>> No.5587573

whoops my b, not the aussie shit poster you were referring to.

>> No.5587584
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shepherds pie for lunch

>in oven

>> No.5587588
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On plate

The crust turned out perfect.

>> No.5587600

>assuming america is shit-tier size like your baby country
>assuming america uses one time.

>> No.5587613

whats up w/ the flower plates everywhere

>> No.5587620

It's a plate, who cares what the design is on it?

>ck is a cookery board not a pottery one

>> No.5587636

yeah weird, nobody ever talks about knives on either huh.

>> No.5588063

Knives are cooking utensils, not something used to put food on ya dingus

>> No.5588100

No, you're just a fucking cunt that wants to be offended. People use local time because it's convenient where they are... get over it faggot!

>> No.5588139
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i had cheese and soup

>> No.5588163
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>putting cheese on shepherds pie
>not letting the potato itself gain a crisp crust

I bet that's actually a cottage pie too.

>> No.5588175
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>> No.5588183
File: 119 KB, 1532x1056, US-Flag1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And where this website is hosted?
Oh right, AMERICA

>> No.5588210

I-I can't eat anything for breakfast.

Everytime I do, I either have to vomit or am just feeling pretty sick.

>> No.5588244

this website is hosted by several countries

>> No.5588261

Your insecurity is showing again, rest of the world.