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5584772 No.5584772 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most difficult dish to cook?

>> No.5584777

In the entire world? There are too many to even begin to count. A lot of shit is ridiculous.

Everyday sort of things? Hollandaise sauce is a pain in the balls to get right.

>> No.5585036

Especially if you don't have the right equipment. Making that shit not curdle is a pain in the ass. At least with custards you can rely on cream to cool that shit down, but Hallandaise is full flames go.

>> No.5585043

Souffles aren't hard, just time consuming.

>> No.5585120

are you even a professional chef?

>> No.5585140

Baked ice cream cake. It's hard because the ice cream always ends up melting in the oven.

>> No.5585146

Hollandaise is fucking easy, I do it every morning.

>> No.5585159

twice baked potatoes, I can never fit the second oven in the first.

>> No.5585184

A little secret from a chef, use an italian meringue instead of a french and then just brown the top with a torch, the Italian is already cooked and much more stable than a french or swiss meringue.

and make sure you have a light sponge to soak up anything that does melt

>> No.5585191

Risotto is very hard to get right, mainly because it continues to cook long after you take it off the heat/out of the pan.

>> No.5585215

ISHYGDDT. Risotto, really?

>> No.5585231
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>> No.5585268

Real fudge. It might not be that hard, but i cannot get it right for the life of me.

>> No.5585291

It's not easy to guesstimate when to stop cooking. Even when you have it down, next time you happen to buy a different brand of rice that cooks at a slightly different speed and suddenly everything you knew is wrong.

>> No.5585300

thats why you taste constantly

I may have (wrongly) assumed you were talking about baked alaska

>> No.5585323


>> No.5585330

Yeah but the difficulty comes from the fact that you have to take it off significantly before it's ready, so tasting isn't that helpful.

>> No.5585340

finish with cold cream to stop a lot of the carryover cooking

>> No.5585345

to cook perfectly?


>> No.5585355

That was one of the early things I made when I was learning to cook from scratch instead of boxes and cans back when I was 13.

>> No.5585386

easy, just put them into the microwave 5mins on high and theyre done

>> No.5585391

Here's easy hollandaise for your. All your ingredients except butter in a blender. Turn on. Slowly add butter. You're done. Ta-daaaa!

>> No.5585396

>step 1: get a blender

god damnit

>> No.5585397

>not tempering your eggs

>> No.5585405

>not deepfrying the butter first

>> No.5585411

what to comeback with a completely unrelated retort

>> No.5585415

It works, I do it quite regularly. Doesn't curdle, holds for hours no problem, is delicious.

>> No.5585422

its not rich and luxurious like a proper hollandaise sorry, enjoy your runny raw yolk and butter juice though

try it the right way one time and see the difference

>> No.5585427

Proper pancakes. After the first one, the rest seem to always go to shit.

>> No.5585440

gotta wipe the pan, reheat and regrease every time.

>> No.5585445

I'm a chef, I have done it the traditional way hundreds of times. I have also done it this way. They are pretty much identical. If anything the blender method holds better and is smoother, the traditional method holds half the time, but has a brighter color. Taste wise the same. If your hollandaise is getting runny after using this method there is something else wrong with what you are doing than just using a blender. Servers at my place tend to prefer the blender method hollandaise because of how smooth it looks on the plate, some of my cooks prefer traditional because of the color difference.

>> No.5585452

Nougat. Fucking nougat.
I love it to death but it always fails.

>> No.5585454

certified CdC here, youre absolutely wrong. its no where close to identical with proper hollandaise, if your trad hollandaise isnt super smooth anyway you made it wrong

>> No.5585457

but eggs are easy anon

>> No.5585459

to go a bit further the only thing i would say that comes close to trad hollandaise is one made in an iSi

>> No.5585504

even if this was the case (it's not), it's the type of thing you get a feel for after 2-3 times making it, max.

>> No.5585603

This is the kind of idiot who thinks risotto is easy.

Just add some fucking heavy cream at the end he says.

Fucking Americans.

>> No.5585616

why dont you describe why it doesnt work then?

>> No.5585621

I'm an american and I don't care about your fucking risotto. 0-7 Germany, Brasil is really getting fucked up the ass.

>> No.5585695

It took me three tries the first time to figure out, but now it's pretty easy.

You start by getting an inch of water simmering in a saucepan that you can put a work bowl over.

In the bowl (off heat), whisk three yolks and one tsp water for about 2 minutes, then a quarter tsp of sugar and whisk till dissolve.

Then put the bowl over the simmering water and keep whisking till it pulls clear/coats spoon, about 3-5 minutes.

Then TAKE THE BOWL OFF THE SAUCEPAN and start to add 12b of chilled butter a few small, cubed chunks at a time, and keep whisking. As they melt, add a few more. If if needs a little more heat, put it back on the saucepan for a bit as you whisk.

When all the butter is in, whisk in a half teaspoon of salt, two teaspoons of lemon juice, and an eighth of a teaspoon of cayenne.


Can also be pretty easy if you add nearly all the liquid at the beginning rather than doing it piecemeal - and adding a little extra at the end.

Oh? I have an iSi - can you give me the recipe?

>> No.5585756


Cheffag here, you're being way too fussy with your hollandaise.

Throw your yolks into a pan with a small cube of butter. Save two more cubes, melt the rest. Get a small amount of water, around 1/4 cup. Put a heavy saucepan pan over medium to medium high heat. Whisk whisk whisk whisk whisk. Drive your whisk into the corners of the pan. If your eggs start to scramble, you're whisking too slow and not enough. Heat your eggs until they form a thick custard, meaning they cling to the whisk and you can see the bottom of the pan after you pass over it with the whisk. Immediately throw in your two reserved cubes of butter and whisk them into the eggs. Slowly drizzle in your butter a ladle full at a time, whisking the entire time. If your sauce looks like it's about to break, add a few drops of water and whisk it in. Continue in this fashion until all of the butter is incorporated. Adding the milk solids and water makes for a stable emulsion, but a runnier sauce. It's up to you whether you include it or not.

Chefsteps has a recipe for iSi hollandaise that they pretty much cribbed wholesale from Modernist Cuisine at Home. Search for it.

>> No.5585920

I can try that way but the direct heat is a little harder to manage. I usually cook with electric. I know what 'simmering water' looks like, not 100% sure on how to keep a heavy bottom pain on 'med high' and not end up with scrambled eggs.

I'll look for the iSi method, thanks.

>> No.5585937

risotto is easy
it just takes time

>> No.5586023
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>> No.5586389

you cant be a chef if you think its okay to not measure your butter based on amount of yolk, add butter at the beginning, and finishing with cold butter. Hollandaise isnt a mounted sauce. THe reason CS iSi method is similar is b/c the founders of CS worked on MC and MC@H

I posted the iSi thing, link at bottom of this post. No need for sugar to be added.

Here how we do Hollandaise at my place on Sunday(~1 case of eggs worth) scaled down to 1 quart

6 yolks 1 & 1/2 lbs of butter, 3T vinegar, pinch pepper, 7g salt

salt+pepper+vinegar+3T H2O in saucepan reduce by 3/4 whisk yolks and slowly add in vinegar reduction over flame (you can use a double boiler if needed)

When the sauce is good and thick get a wet towel and roll it up and then into a circle, place bowl on top of this(keeps the bowl from moving) slowly pour in butter in a thin stream, whisking constantly, finish with a couple drops of lemon juice.

if you want it thicker use more yolks thinner use less, For a super thick and creamy sauce keep it much cooler and whisk it much longer

We also change the base occasionally depending on what its for, sometimes adding Tabasco or Worcestershire in the reduction.

iSi method

>> No.5587298


>12b of chilled butter

1. ^!get fucked

>> No.5587337

dis guy

>> No.5587446

>not having a Ronco Perfect Pancake Popper

>> No.5587447


>> No.5587459

why is 4chan so contrarian? from /ck/ to /v/ if you post "X is difficult" you always get 2 or 3 people replying with "what? it's the easiest thing in the world"

>> No.5587486
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a perfect beef wellington looks pretty tricky.

>> No.5587507


It takes 10+ years of hellish non-stop training just to turn rice and fish into decent sushi.

>> No.5587523

anonymity makes people assholes.

>> No.5587749


because nothing in cooking is that hard and when you've learned how to do it it feels like saying it's hard is bullshit.

>> No.5587791

I followed Ramsay's videos on how to make one, and found it easy but time consuming

>> No.5587814

Fucking puff pastry.
By hand.

>> No.5587832

As an American, I apologize for this dipshit. Most of us know that risotto doesn't include cream

>> No.5587844


risotto often does include cream, you don't have to be american to use it.

>> No.5587870


>> No.5588135

People are already assholes. Anonymity just allows them to express their assholish true selves without repercussions.

>> No.5588145

macarons are a pain in the ass

>> No.5588164


I wasn't giving an exact recipe, but rather an overview of the technique. I also didn't suggest mounting cold butter. Julia Childs suggests starting with a cold cube of butter, and while not a chef, she's a pretty damned good authority on French food. I do it because I found that it keeps the eggs from getting too hot too fast.

>> No.5588211

not as good an authority as Escoffier, Careme, or Taillevent, and those recipes are for the general public/home cooks who need a idiot proof recipe and dont want to learn the right way

you did suggest mounting cold butter here
>throw in your two reserved cubes of butter and whisk them into the eggs.

and your overview of the technique was wrong

>i did it because I found that it keeps the eggs from getting too hot to fast
then pull it off the fire more often or for longer periods dont fuck the recipe b/c of your incompetence. I make it in a metal bowl over a gas flame(no baine marie) with no issue and do up to a case at a time.

>> No.5588246


The two cubes of butter is to stop the eggs from cooking, and I haven't curdled my eggs in a long-ass time, but the AVERAGE USER MIGHT. The butter helps with that.

If you want to pull your little baby line cook dick out and have a pissing contest, I'm ready, kid.

>> No.5588258

>your little baby line cook dick out and have a pissing contest

unfortunately Im a Certified CdC by the ACF and CdC for one and Sous for the other 4 in a local 5 restaurant group and youve already demonstrated your ignorance a number of times.

Though to be fare I am on the line for almost every service at my place

>> No.5588262

I do have a small dick though

>> No.5588269
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lol'd. ninety percent of /ck/ could pass that test, and 100% would be too smart to pay the dues.

But to be >fare, I'm sure youre a (i think your apostrophe key might be broken?) very competent assistant.

>> No.5588283

read the post.

I doubt almost any meet the requirement to even take the written test much less pass it and then pass practical

If its so easy to pass why did Ramsay attempt and fail the CMC cert 3 times and why are most chefs unable to complete the CMC exam, especially on the first try

I guess you are just a retarded steward pretending to be a chef

requirements for CDC
thats just to take the written exam

>> No.5588324


Yeah, you're a sous chef. Assistant chef. Same thing. It's all good, little buddy.

And don't pretend that the written test for the CCC isn't piss-easy. ACF is an industry joke. The only guys who even have one are the fat old hacks who work in shit-tier hotels, sporting arenas and giant institutional kitchens. Who fucking cares if Ramsay couldn't pass it? How many CMC chefs have Michelin stars? Zero? One? Two?

>> No.5588409

I think some Vietnamese dishes, soups especially. They spend so much time on them and you have to kill and prepare thdings right when you're making it for everything to be fresh.

>> No.5588426

No Im the CdC for one restaurant and Sous for the other 4 I guess you dont really understand the brigade system though I wouldnt expect a steward to.

You cant equate CMC to michelin stars in the states b/c only three cities in the whole country are eligible to be rated.

The test isnt piss easy maybe you should try it and let me know how many times it took you to pass it. How would you even know how difficult it was when you havent taken it? even the practice tests are paid.

I see you are butthurt about it so ill leave you alone

enojoy your life as an enfant de cuisine

>> No.5588520

fucking swiss rolls. I have tried multiple times, but i can't get it right.

>> No.5588536

the secret is in the sponge, it needs to be thin, light, and rolled while still warm

>> No.5588539

nothing with a recipe is especially hard if you know how your cookware works.
Shit like sushi or fancy sugar sculpture require skill though. but cooking a piece of meat or a sauce is all about a few try at worst.

>> No.5588556

I gotta go with this guy. Risotto really isn't all that hard after the first couple times you make it.

>> No.5588570

Chilean Empanadas

>> No.5588577

this, my nougat was always either cement or soggy

i always had a hard time recreating complicated cakes every other time.
Attempt 1: Perfect, delicious, kept well and was a delight
Attempt 2 (for guests): Fell instantly, cooked like a brick
Attempt 3 (to prove I wasn't crazy): Perfection
Attempt 4: Chocolate chalk

>> No.5588640

I have been making sushi for 16 months. I am regarded as the best sushi chef in my state. Please try harder if you are failing to make decent product with more experience.

>> No.5588648
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>sushi chef
>16 months
>in my state



>> No.5588660

I have won sushi making competitions in Japan. I really don't give a shit about Jiro's 10 year apprenticeship bullshit agenda you learned from a movie.

>> No.5588669
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>lying on an anonymous board

>> No.5588671

Are you really that frustrated that a white guy can make rice at a 4.0 ph balance and slice fish to put on top of it way better than a Jap?

>> No.5588674


I'm not frustrated at all. Quite the opposite, I find your claims hilarious.

>> No.5588677

I'm not sure what's so funny about anything I've said so far.

It does not take over 10 years of practice to make good sushi. You're a retard if you think so.

>> No.5588687

Check out some Cuban and central American soups and stews, they're pretty awesome. I used to live next to a Cuban restaurant or two in NYC down in Chelsea and that stuff was awesome. Get a cubano and a soup and sorted after a day of work.

>> No.5588689


Pretty much everything you've said so far has been comedy gold.

What's the name of your restaurant? What sad flyover state do you live in? What cooking competitions have you won? Do you have any pictures of your food?

>> No.5588697

Have you tried doing a small batch in a toaster oven?

>> No.5588702

I've only made it a couple of times, but they were successful. What procedure are you following? What sugars are you using? How does it go wrong?

>> No.5588771

>kosher salt

>> No.5588787

You spelled 'fair' wrong btw

>> No.5588875

where is that coming from and what is that supposed to mean?

Im a terrible speller especially when im in a hurry

>> No.5588884

I don't know. I am Australian and see this called for in North American recipie a all the time. I have no idea what it's about.

>> No.5588889

the recipe I gave doesnt mention a specific type of salt

>> No.5588899


so what's your most difficult dish that you cook?

>> No.5588905
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The one that she really wanted

>> No.5588918
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that looks fuckign disgusting

>> No.5588934

oi mate its beef wellington don't hate it, it's banging nosh

>> No.5588940

Depends on what you mean? At home or at work? diffucult from a technical stand point or longest/biggest pain in the ass

I fuck up(in a way) almost every new dish the first time I try it. I'll usually make a dish atleast a dozen times a dozen different ways before it goes on the menu.

Doing a beautiful terrine that looks and taste great cold, both whole and sliced is hard to day and takes a couple days. Or a galantine in aspic or chaud froid. Sausage is another that can be a pain, especially when you have to wait a while to see what you need to fix.

but like anything it just takes time and practice

>> No.5588955


Got any pix?

>> No.5588961

of what?

>> No.5588967


Galantanies, terrines, sausages. Any of your food.

>> No.5588973

Live and learn, that's the fun part.

>> No.5588996

Oh no sorry, I dont really take picture of food(actually dont allow it in the dining room of the restaurant either) If you lurk a lot I'm the guy that uses the nokias and dropped his phone in the fryer. Those flip phones and touch screens seem like a waste to me. I just use my phone for texts and phone calls and If i didnt have to have for work i prob wouldnt even have one. Never been much of a picture taker either. Only camera I got is an old pentax(and an izone for nostalgia cant get film)

Sorry, If there is any thing in particular youd like to know about I'll be glad to help if I can, mostly familiar with classic french, southern US, and some spanish(mainly spanish charcuterie) though I have a limited knowledge of other cuisines

>> No.5589625

Baked potatoes

>> No.5589752

yo. if you think puff pastry is hard, try making croissants all by hand, it's like puff pastry but having to manage active rising dough as well.

Especially if you don't have a sheeter.

>> No.5589765

yeah puff and croissants are one of those things that you can buy pretty much just a good if not better premade and is a lot less hassle. more so puff than croissants, I can and have made them but Id rather let someone else worry about that shit that does it everyday

>> No.5589785

what, I suck at cooking but I can make pancakes every time