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File: 34 KB, 784x522, bubbletea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5586090 No.5586090 [Reply] [Original]

opinions on bubble tea?

>> No.5586093

Looks like a smoothie

>> No.5586101

Good but overpriced in my area. It's like $5+ for one here and I'm not paying that for tea with tapioca in it.

>> No.5586106

Isn't bubble tea dangerous?

>> No.5586116


>> No.5586122

>know two filipinas
>they drink this shit like water

Is it just them, or all asians?

>> No.5586133

All asians.

Its pretty good imo

>> No.5586154

anon is assuming that the tapioca plant is poisonous. Although it is, I'm pretty sure they processed it to the point where the tapioca is safe to eat, unless of course you eat the root.

still taste like dick thou

>> No.5586182

It would seem so easy to make, but so many places fuck it up, and overcharge for it

Ever since I found out what Boba means, I never call it Bubble tea anymore, only Boba tea

>> No.5586195

I love it. Had some today.

>> No.5586203

I hate places that use coffeemate coffee whitener to make their 'milk' bubble teas.

>> No.5586238


taro snow and caramel snow is the fucking bomb.

i do get sick after a while though, i think it's from the boba texture.

>> No.5586254

love this shit and would drink it daily...
if it wasnt loaded down with sugar n shit

mfw found out a taro with pearls averages out to 400+ calories

>> No.5586260



>In May 2011, a food scandal broke out in Taiwan where DEHP (a chemical plasticizer and potential carcinogen used to make plastic) was found as a stabilizer in drinks and juice syrups. Some of these products may have been exported and used in bubble tea shops around the world. DEHP can affect hormone balances.

>> No.5586277

It's shit tier hipster food. Poor Asians have been eating this crap for years and now they expect roundeyes to pay a premium just because it's in fashion.

>> No.5586292

It went from cool little niche stores run by Thai and Vietnamese people, to hipster Starbucks alternative using cheap powders run by white people.

>> No.5586302

really, i thought this was one of those things that was mainstream, but not ruined by corporations like starbucks. The only time i get it is from the aggressively loud koreans at this one place.

>> No.5586341

Love it. I would drink it everyday if I could.

>> No.5586440

Boba tastes nothing like penis. Boba tea is delicious, especially when mixed with fresh fruit.

>> No.5586453

>cheap powders
Apparently the non-whites use expensive tapioca powder? lol

>> No.5586458

well you would know via being a faggot.

>> No.5586465

No, a powdered mix used to make the tea, instead of actually brewing it.

>> No.5586466
File: 1004 KB, 1255x1824, Thai-ice-tea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckin pussy ass lolicup quickly tea station nigger cunts get some real fucking tea this shit right here will make you go ham and yes you swirl it you dumbass whores who the fuck drinks it straight it tastes good cause it is good with all that glucose and sucrose and fructose and shit fuck nigga who drinks tea with balls in it is this milk or something are you gay or something

>> No.5586478


I have asian friends who fucking hate this shit even more than I do. I like tapioca, but the stuff in the tea is undercooked and disgusting.

>> No.5586493

>the stuff in the tea is undercooked
What cooked stuff do you put in boba tea? All I've had mixed in mine is fruits.

>> No.5586505

>What cooked stuff do you put in boba tea?

The boba, genius.

>> No.5586516

My local Asian supermarket recently set up a counter in the store that makes these and crepes. They charge about $3 and it's pretty good. I usually get mango flavor

>> No.5586548

I thought the tapioca was soaked in honey, not cooked? could be wrong though, I've only had boba like twice and not really read up on it that much

>> No.5586554

>what is exercise?

>> No.5586575

so youre telling me i should run an extra hour everyday so i can have a drink that is pretty much a meal calorically.
i think ill just keep it to the occasional treat and keep my gym routine

>> No.5586576


you boil it, and then store it in simple syrup.

>> No.5586580

that makes sense. I saw tapioca pearls in a package once and they were tiny compared to the ones in boba. Do they swell or something when you boil it?

>> No.5586582

i love their milk teas. sesame milk tea with boba is god-tier.

>> No.5586626

>putting anything asian in my mouth hole ever

>> No.5586631

>implying you don't love those balls in your mouth

>> No.5586640

>implying i do
I have nothing against superior far east asian culture but india and the rest of central asia can fuck right off with their cows and dots. Hell even that spam and egg shit that islanders eat is delicious.

>> No.5586645

It is delicious and I wish it didn't have fuckloads of calories because there's a shop literally 30 seconds from my uni.

Taro master race.

>> No.5586746

best with lychee or coconut jelly instead of the plain pearls.

best flav is taro fuck yes I love me some taro bubble tea so creamy and delicious

>> No.5586755

we make bubble tea at my coffee shop and our pearls are shit but yeah you store them in simple syrup and then heat them up in the microwave with a lil water before you use em but that's just how we do it

>> No.5586778

Is it really as simple as half black tea/half half-and-half?

>> No.5586796

I like this stuff, and I get it a lot with the gf. It's overpriced as fuck imo, but i'm too lazy to make it myself. Taro, honeydew, and peppermint are the best at my local place

Recently went to an organic tea bar with the stuff. Was fucking terrible; $5 for a ~8oz cup. clearly the fruit they used wasn't quite ready

>> No.5586843

I love it, used to spend a lot of money getting it from a local place until I discovered I could get the ingredients cheap online, and now i just make it for myself.

>> No.5586846

It's pretty nice but kinda expensive...
Unless it's happy hour

>> No.5586908
File: 178 KB, 1700x1431, yukio_mishima.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is taro objectively the best flavour? a s. korean turned me onto it, and no other flavour can even compete—fruits (like mango) make it sickly sweet [though lavender is also nice].

also, what even is taro? i gather it's related to potatoes or rhubarb, but never seen it outside of boba tea.

>> No.5586923

Taro is actually in the same family as lilies. Also the milk in boba tea probably helps to further reduce the effects of the chemicals in the root that cause kidney stones, beyond the overnight water soak the corm usually goes through.

>> No.5586927

no one calls it bubble tea here , just boba and places sell for around $1, its an Asian majority neighborhood here though

>> No.5586952

Well there's bubble tea chains that are popping up in trendy neighborhoods and malls and such that sell the shit for like 5-7 dollars a cup. It's tea with dough balls in it goddamn

I love how capitalism turns things to shit(bullshit syrups, coffee whitener etc,) and makes it more expensive.

>> No.5586954

>fresh fruit

bullshit. That exists? I've only seen shops use the concentrated fruit flavoring syrups (which make me sick)

>> No.5586957

You need to find better shops, non-franchises are probably your best bet.
>dough balls
Do you even know what tapioca is? If anything they're more like gelatin than anything lese.

>> No.5587186

Opened thread looking for this. /ck/ did not let me down. Added to the list of cool hipster food along with sushi, avocados, olive oil, Starbucks, and yogurt.

>> No.5587195

Good when done properly, but if not, it tastes and looks like dishwater.

>> No.5587229

All eaten from a mason jar

>> No.5587232

Yogurt was hipster fifty-five years ago to kids who grew up in the Midwest. Olive oil is a goddamn staple food. Boba tea was hipster six years ago, now it's gone full suburban.

>> No.5587239
File: 162 KB, 411x411, Jason-Aldean-Fly-Over-States-single.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Welcome to /ck/, enjoy your stay

>> No.5587250

Note, unlike pure hipster like Starbucks, this, along with Sushi, is Weaboo stuff as well.

>> No.5587268

I love bubble tea, but it can be made poorly just as well as god tier.

Only two local places in Miami serve it (that I'm aware of). Sushi maki, a powerhouse local japanese chain that does all the grocery sushi supply, stadiums and as well as their restaurants, has a location within FIU campus and has a $5 bubble tea + steamed bun combo, which is a killer deal, as the bun is pretty large, but it's average ingredients of thai tea mix, green tea, jasmine tea. There's a fusion asian joint underneath Dadeland North Station (forget the name), and they do the smoothie route, making an amazing frozen honeydew or frozen lychee bubble tea (along with a dozen other flavors) that is as refreshing as a long sipped slurpee. They have fruit chunks as well as bubbles.

But when I visit D.C., 'tnr' (tea, noodle, rice) near courthouse metro, is my favorite. Their tender bubbles are obviously soaked in brown sugar with a solid molasses flavor, and have the bergamot flavor of being soaked in earl grey too. Simply delicious. No matter which flavor you get, you wait like 5 minutes as the tea is brewed and the preparation happens.

The worst bubble tea is when they use these liquid filled bubbles, all different fruit syrup flavors inside of a thin tapioca skin that was inedible. I've seen this a few places, not surprisingly including McDonald's in Vienna Austria (last Fall). Even though they have an amazing cappuccino coffee bar with pastries, this bubble tea thing is not their best. Despite that, a gaggle of little school uniformed asian kids filled the whole restaurant waiting for them in the afternoon.

>> No.5587340

>go back home
>nearby mall has 11 separate stores selling bubble tea
>discover incredible wintermelon boba tea
I never want to leave

>The worst bubble tea is when they use these liquid filled bubbles
Damn straight, it tastes awful and doesn't pair well with the tea itself.

>> No.5587371


>> No.5587421

weeaboo doesn't pertain to all of asia
just japan
so calling someone eating some chinese take out a weeaboo would be erroneous

>> No.5587445

I tried it 3-4 times when I was in taiwan but I didn't like the texture of it.

>> No.5587475


Weaboo pertains to obsessive fans of anime and by extension anything barely related.

If someone is eating chinese take-out because wow, eating with chopsticks, that's so kawaii, then fuck, they are weaboo and clueless on top of that.

>> No.5587496

Bubble tea does nothing for me, since I'm not into sweet drinks. But I don't mind the proliferation of brightly colored joints selling it along with little snacks. Teenage girls need places to hang out, too.

>> No.5587515


idk, taro tastes like bitter shit but it's a great flavor in bubble tea