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5581711 No.5581711[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm hoping someone can help me out. I'm looking to find a large, heavy, thick-walled "pot" for stewing. It needs to be relatively large in diameter and fairly shallow with a tight-fitting lid. I've found plenty of them online and at local asian markets but they aren't large enough. I want one that I can use to cook for 6+ people. something that will hold a whole 3-4 lb fish. Anyone have any thoughts on where to find something like that? I don't care what nationality/style it is--it could be a donabe, dolsot, cast iron, dutch oven would be fine. It just needs to be the right size and shape.

>> No.5581743


>> No.5581763

There's a video on youtube of someone cooking ribs in this thing. You can probably fit a large fish in it.

>> No.5581767


Thanks. Shape is not ideal but it will work. I'll hang onto that as a backup plan.

>> No.5581773

Eh, you can put it in the oven or across the whole stove or do the charcoal thing. It will transfer heat pretty evenly for stews and things too. Good luck in your search.

>> No.5581783


I would rather have a more shallow shape--more like a wok or "salad bowl" than one with a more "rectangular" shape--but it will work though. thanks.

I'm still looking by the way, so if anyone else has any thoughts I'd be happy to hear them.

>> No.5581798

You can buy a lid separately that fits it im sure.

>> No.5581874


Thanks for the effort, but an actual wok will not work because they are too thin. I want something seriously thick.

>> No.5581907


why not just get a big donabe?

>> No.5582019

You didn't mention where you're from but in NYC there are a lot of restaurant supply stores on the east side of Bowery for a a few blocks above Canal St.

Also check this out from Lodge:

>> No.5582055


I would love a big donabe. I just can't find anywhere that sells large ones. Largest I can find are about 12" diameter--not large enough.

I know lodge cast iron well--alas they don't make anything in the right size/shape.

>> No.5582059

what size are you looking for? like how many quarts(thats a common way they are measured)

>> No.5582107
File: 10 KB, 418x277, Lodge-14inch-10quart-L14DCO3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even this thing with a 14" diameter, and 10 quart capacity?

>> No.5582150

It's not thick, but "granite ware" is my favorite covered roaster, and it's oval shaped or rectangular, and meant for long roasts, various sizes up to a 25lb turkey. Le Crueset makes a cast iron covered roaster, but you're talking more $$$.

>> No.5582153
File: 213 KB, 1024x768, Oil_Drum_Cooker-FMCTCLZGAA0WV9C.LARGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might also consider something like this, an oil drum cooker. Everything is bigger in Texas...

>> No.5582161

If this is for baking only, don't forget corningware "french white" type covered roasters, comes in ovals and lasagna types.

>> No.5582178


It's hard for me to give a volume size because that depends on how deep it is. What is most important for me is a bowl-like shape (preferably not "cylindrical" like a dutch oven), and it must be large enough to hold a 3-4lb fish. If it's round it would need to be at least 16" or so; if oval then the long side can be 16".

that would technically work but it's cumbersome for what I want. I'm not using this on a campfire so I don't want the legs. The shape is also not ideal. You see the pic I posted in OP? That shape. Not a cylinder--I want something more like a bowl shape.

>Le Crueset makes a cast iron covered roaster
I looked. I couldn't find one large enough. Also, Le Crueset is quite thin iron. I know they are high quality but I would rather have something thicker.

>> No.5582186
File: 130 KB, 800x600, DSC03773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've already got one of those. Pic related, I made it myself. (BTW, using barrels sucks. The metal is too thin. you want something 1/4-inch or thicker to really maintain an even heat)

What I'm asking for is a larger version of what is shown in my OP pic. Same thing. Just bigger.

>> No.5582189

why do you want it round and not an oval like the shape of the fish? what else are you putting in besides fish? just a roaster for the fish?

>> No.5582204



>> No.5582218


It doesn't have to be round, however all the ones with the bowl-like shape from the side happen to be round. Oval is perfectly OK.

>>what else are you putting in besides fish? just a roaster for the fish?
Veggies, rice, other meats, etc. But those are all flexible with respect to shape. The large whole fish is what ends up determining the size. Any shape/size works for the rest of it.

Also, I don't want it for roasting. I want it for long, slow, cooking in an oven.

>> No.5582227

that is roasting

>> No.5582232

>Also, I don't want it for roasting. I want it for long, slow, cooking in an oven.
So, yea, a roaster.

>> No.5582235

He could mean braising. I see slow roasting as a different method to normal roasting.

>> No.5582238

a fish poacher would work, you can use the insert like a roasting rack to keep the fish out of the liquids or you can remove it and just cook it in the oven without it



sure you can find it cheaper if you look around

>> No.5582242

>don't forget corningware
I'll check those out, thanks.

>"granite ware"
too thin

Now we're talking. They have some nice stuff there, just a question of whether or not I can get a lid for the large oval roasters. Thank you.

That's not bad at all. I don't need it anywhere near that tall in height, but it could work. thanks.

>> No.5582244

braising has a liquid. slow roasting is still roasting

>> No.5582249


I do mean braising. Sorry, I neglected to mention that it will contain a lot of liquid.

Yes, that would work great. Alas that thing is expensive as hell and still not very thick. I will look around though, that did provide some good ideas.

>> No.5582280

>>"granite ware"
>too thin
You'd think so, but it's not. And, very excellent browning.

>> No.5582310


No, I own one of those. Trust me, for what I want this for it's not thick enough. Not even close. I have no need for browning. This is for long, slow, braising, not for roasting.

>> No.5582373

I called my brother because I know a friend of his uses these. One of these might work for you...


Cheers from NY and my bro in GA.

>> No.5584498


Nobody here knows where to get a large donabe (or similar) pot?

>> No.5584522

Check out Etsy, if one of the stores doesn't have what you are looking for you can probably find someone who can custom make it for you.