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5574166 No.5574166 [Reply] [Original]

Beer hipsters are missing out. Domestic macros are the best.

>> No.5574178
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Every beer has its place. Domestic macros are good for going to the lake, swinging in hammock, tubing, ballgames, and other out-of-doors activities where you need a light refreshing beer and you're not worried about complex flavor or a lot of taste.

I mean, I sure as shit wouldn't crack a porter after mowing the lawn, but then I wouldn't want a yellowbelly with a really nice meal.

But I do like a yellowbelly ever now and agin.

>> No.5574195

Fair enough.

I also have this philosophy of drinking what's been made in that country when you're in that country. I came back from a trip in Europe and tried to enjoy a Heineken and was sorely disappointed.

>> No.5574249

I used to drink Bud and only Bud, but you do know they are not even an American owned company any more.

>> No.5574264

budweiser is terrible

at least get a high life

>> No.5574273



>> No.5574305


>Beer drinkers are missing out. Liquor, especially whiskey, is the best.


>> No.5574307


Budweiser is so gross.

Yuengling or miller high life master race

>> No.5574311

>Beer hipsters are missing out
I know a lot of "craft beer" guys and am more or less one myself, but I've never seen anyone actually turn down a XXX/light and we buy lone star pretty frequently

>> No.5574319

Yuengling or High Life for constant drinking.

I have a guilty pleasure in the piss that is Rolling Rock.

>> No.5574324

>constant drinking

enjoy being fat as fuck

>> No.5574327

Bud is remarkably average and it's only elitist dicktards that spam "HURR LOL BUD IS FUCKING SHIT"

>> No.5574333


Not true, I drink a lot of malt liqours as well, and I still think budweiser is shit.

>> No.5574351


>Being this sober
>Not being a stillborn

Enjoy your unfortunate existence.

>> No.5574352

hipsters swill cheap beer, they just like pbr

>> No.5574401


>implying i'm not drinking gin at his very moment
>implying beer doesn't have an absurdly high amount of calories for such a low ABV
>still choosing beer over liquor

yeah nah

>> No.5574408

Lone Star is my shit of choice.

>> No.5574411

Lonestar is shit*

>> No.5574418


I mostly drink Micro-brews, Elysian is my favorite. When I do drink Macro it is usually Coors Banquet.

What is everyone's opinion of Pabst Blue Ribbon?

>> No.5574433



Though Elysian has grown a bunch, and I don't think it would qualify as a micro brewery any more.

And if that is the case then my second favorite is Sound Brewery.

>> No.5574437

I know everyone rags on PBR as being a hipster beer, and its trendy to hate, but it really really does taste bad IMO. I think Bud tastes way better.

>> No.5574440


Due to earlier incidents of disregarding moderation with hard alcohol, every time I smell or drink the stuff, it causes an almost immediate case of acid reflux. It happens fast and is very uncomfortable.

I can only really stand beer.

>> No.5574457
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I hope youre not trolling OP because I totally agree..

I went through a phase after my $20 30 pack of keystone college days where I tried to "appreciate" beer. All I encountered was $9-$12 six packs of hoppy swill with a few tolerable dark beers discovered throughout. At the end of my experiment I came to the realization that the macros are macros for a reason... they are cheaper, easy on the palate, refreshing, and lets be honest, they accomplish the end goal of getting you buzzed/drunk.

Give me an ice chest full of miller lite anyday over a fancy glass of bitter overpriced ale.

I do not apply this same logic to liquors though... quality and craftsmanship really matters in that realm

>> No.5574458

that's what he said you dumb nigger

learn to read

>> No.5574513


I like you guys a lot.

I usually get High Life or PBR at home, but I'm at a friend's house and his fridge is literally packed with Bud.

>> No.5574525

I'm in college and it's the best overall value, taste and price/quantity wise.

$8.50 for a 12 pack is not bad.

>> No.5574533

You either have the palate for enjoying a large variety of beers, or you don't. If you refer American macros to everything else, you just don't.

>> No.5574540

I didn't say "American" for a reason.

The best beers I've had are macros from their respective country.

>> No.5574549

I don't want to sound like a snob or a hipster, because I'll drink a bud or a miller if it's handed/offered to me; but I really prefer IPAs and the light.

They are almost always taste better, get me drunk faster, and are about the same price (if you go by alcohol by volume).

Besides gulden draak, what is a good beer I can get? I need to try some new ones.

>> No.5574560

Except for the US...

>> No.5574561

except that InBev bought out all the American brands, and don't actually make anything that could be considered on par with beer anymore. Read about their process for brewing - they essentially produce beer tasted soda pop and add a small amount of ethanol to it. The InBev conglomerate murdered any semblance of a quality brand, and is another prime example of American outsourcing leading to inferior quality products.

also, Leinenkugel would be my top pick of low priced, quality American beers.

>> No.5574565

Try Golden Monkey. 9.5%, and like 12 bucks for a six pack.

>> No.5574567

>BIDF is shilling up our board

>> No.5574568


Texan here.
I love drinking lone star for price and patriotic duties.. the taste could be better.

However.. the day after lone star means diarrhea chachacha

>> No.5574580

The thing about non-macros is that they are very often regional or even statewide. For example, I would recommend New Glarus No Coast IPA which has a very balanced hoppiness, but only avaliable in WI.

I've heard good things about Dale's Pale Ale, but I find it a little too light for me.

>> No.5574581

I prefer ales, but I'll happily drink a lager from time to time.

What now?

>> No.5574582

IPA's are so vile and overly hopped..

I swear to god the only reason guys drink them is so they can say "IPA"


>> No.5574589

Agreed. Some hoppiness is great in a light, fruity, citrus-y beer. But MUH HOPS HOPS HOPS HOPS bullshit is just too much.

>> No.5574593

I disagree.

International macros taste crap here. A lot of domestic micros here are crap as well. Unless Gordon Biersch is a micro. Their stuff is good.

>> No.5574597
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>12 bucks for a six pack

>> No.5574606

It's 19.50 where I live (NJ) for a 4 pack of 10-12oz (can't remember the volume) of gulden draak. It's a damn fine beer though, so I'm totally ok with paying that much; especially since I don't drink it all the time.

>> No.5574611

Love of beer is cyclical.

First you learn to love that cold one after a day of work, or at a summer bbq

Then you start getting into darker beers for their richer, deeper flavor.

Then some more artsy beers that may not be as palpable, but are way more interesting. Starting with IPAs, fruit beers, funky farmhouse ales, maybe even some sour beers.

Then comes beer nerd territory. Obscure, bizarre, hand-crafted stuff. Rarity, finer points of balance and consistency and respect for quality process comes here.

Then you take what you learned and then realize that there are beers that are made with that quality, that tradition, that balance and pure flavor. German, Czech, Belgian lagers and golden ales become the daily drink for their refreshing simplicity and perfection.

Then you realize that the domestic lagers are the end-goal that most of the original austrian beers were striving for, and that some have quite a bit of character to them. Maybe you won't drink a Natty Ice or X Lite, but a good Hamms, a Coors Banquet, maybe even some Mexican/S.A. beers like Corona Familiar.

>> No.5574640

>domestic macros

thanks for making a fucking can of beer sound hipsterish, america

>> No.5574646
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upvoted :^)

>> No.5574652
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It's an industry term. You've probably never heard of it.

>> No.5574690

I have cut way back on my recreational drinking and that is what the bigs are suited for. They pretty much taste the same but I liked MGD the most.

>> No.5574728


I feel this way too. I drink a lot of macros and micros but cost and "passion" seem to matter much more in the outcome of liquor.

>> No.5574732

>What is everyone's opinion of Pabst Blue Ribbon?

Fantastic fucking beer for the price point

>> No.5574737

This pretty much. Except Guinness. Overly bitter and weak tasting.

The only thing that's a bit more expensive I've found worth paying for are certain lambics. They're sweet, sour, and subtle.

>> No.5574747

if you are going to drink a shitty macro beer, at least pick high life, there is never a situation where any Bud product is a good choice even if you want a cheap beer

>> No.5574750

>the stuff I don't like is just a phase
>the stuff I do like is what everyone really wants all along

Yeah nah. Ale is great. Lager is decent too on a hot day. You don't have to hate one or the other, and neither is objectively better - although liking ale does open you up to a near-limitless selection of them, which is nice.

>> No.5574758

>drinking a terrible beer that isn't even made by an american company

Buying Budwieser or Bud Light is the most rednecked, unamerican thing you could possibly do

>> No.5574762

>Domestic macros are good for going to the lake, swinging in hammock, tubing, ballgames, and other out-of-doors activities
There are better beer for literally every one of those situations

>> No.5574765
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>drinking anything but Chicago Old Style

DDDD: fuggggg

>> No.5574766

i've tasted beer and it was gross

>> No.5574815

but its from Wisconsin, not Chicago

>> No.5574830


>rednecked, un-American

that is an oxymoron you liberal fuckbucket..better hop in your prius and go buy another sixer of dogfish head

>> No.5574836

That's complete bollocks of course, that said there's nothing wrong with a generic lager on a hot day.

>> No.5574843

Remember that rednecks are the ones that specifically tried to leave america until northerners defeated them in the civil war. Being a redneck is very anti-american

>> No.5574849

Drinking a shitty foreign owned beer like Budweiser is straight up unamerican, at least drink shitty american owned beer if you must drink shitty. Southerners are the worst

>> No.5574855

Hipsters don't drink beer, regular dudes all over drink craft beer, way the fuck too mainstream for hipsters

>> No.5574862
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Fun fact: "Light" beer refers to the fact that it's watered down to appeal to Americans. It's kinda like when you always get a ridiculous amount of ice cubes when you order a whiskey in the US. The equivalent of ranch dressing in the drinking world.

>> No.5574875

>it's watered down to appeal to Americans
no, its to appeal to women, most of the heaviest most alcoholic beers are sold solely in america

The problem is that the giant foriegn owned macro brewers learned that if they market stuff enough they can get me to buy anything if they think women want them to buy it

>> No.5574901

There's nothing wrong with an American macro beer on a hot day when you're thirsty. The clean crisp taste cuts right through a parched palate.

>> No.5574917

Its not that there is something wrong with it so much as there are countless better options

>> No.5574975

MHL is my usual session brew, great in summer, but I'll usually switch to Colt45/Sagres Bohemia/Larry for BBQs, something with more kick but not too heavy.
PBR is OK in the can/bottle but it's really great on tap, fine example of the genre.

>> No.5574990

>being a beer hipster

Your life is empty

>> No.5574993

Uh the most alcoholic stuff is sold in America dumbass.

>> No.5575151

So I'm at the bar now. Why is Jack and Coke so good?

>> No.5575348

pretty much

just the same as with any other product that tries to be a healthier sounding product than the original, just consume fucking less instead of a gimped product.

>> No.5575367


>needing to call out anonymous people on the internet and accuse them of having empty lives

i've got bad news for you

>> No.5575383


it has less calories per can/bottle.

considering how many calories beer has in the first place, i don't know why anyone chooses it over liquor... but light beer is a cute start, i guess.

>> No.5575414

probably because most liquor tastes fucking disgusting unless you mix it with soda giving it significantly more calories than beer

>> No.5575443

yeah I only smoke weed if its cut with tobacco. why the fuck would you just smoke weed

>> No.5575452

but tobacco is way more disgusting than weed, thats a bad analogy

>> No.5575453



whiskey can taste great, especially a good bourbon like knob creek, elijah craig, angel's envy, etc.

then you've got spiced/spiced dark rums: kraken, sailor jerry, blackheart. some are nearly sickeningly sweet like myers, but if you're going to mix it with soda anyway...

also, diet soda exists. flavored seltzer exists. if i am mixing SHITTY liquor, i don't use full-sugar soda. that's just stupid.

>> No.5575456

>i don't use full-sugar soda. that's just stupid.
Sure, but most liquor drinkers do anyways

>> No.5575460

but they don't have to. that's my point. regular beer is just highly caloric no matter how you cut it, but you can always choose to mix liquor with zero-calorie options.

>> No.5575465

>regular beer is just highly caloric no matter how you cut it
eh, I'd say its moderately caloric. Not really problematic unless you drink very frequently and lead a sedentary lifestyle (like most of 4chan)

>> No.5575899
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>> No.5575926

Ohiofag here and let me say I love yuengling so glad it's here now

>> No.5575945

>$20 for a 30 pack

shit, where i live a 30 pack of cheap shit is only like $13

>> No.5575956

old style blows pabst out of the water any day

perfect beer for a sweltering chicago day, especially when out of the bottle. i used to go through a 12 pack before dinner even came aroud if it was especially hot out when i didnt have AC

>> No.5575967

Remember that yankees are the ones who betrayed the original ideals of America by consolidating way too much power in the hands of the fed. And look where it's gotten us now.

Being a yankee is very anti-american.

>> No.5576022

Ah yes Budweiser, the champagne of weasel piss.

>> No.5576098

It's OK for the price but it's not some kind of masterpiece. Its unique in that it's a regional brew that's survived being bought out, that's it. If you're outside of PA/NJ and paying more for it than your local swill brew (genny, gansett, lone star, etc) then you're getting screwed because the shit is CHEAP there.

>> No.5576177

Why would you drink any beer at all with a nice meal? Wine goes with food. Beer is a substitute for food. This has been known since forever. Are you on a diet?

>> No.5576257

We're not all girls here. I don't calorie count.

I'm skinny and live an active lifestyle so the calories in maybe 5 beers a week is nothing.

>> No.5576264

but Yuengling is terrible

>> No.5576265
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My fucking man.

If you're still in Chicago, we should hang out.

>> No.5576268

>Why would you drink any beer at all with a nice meal? Wine goes with food
bullshit, in most situations there is a better beer option than wine option

Why do you have such silly french propaganda?

>> No.5576300
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>in most situations there is a better beer option than wine option

Not the guy, but wat.

Are we talking about fine dining joints... hipster gastropubs... bistros... or what? And where?

Plus, some dishes demand wine, while others pair very well with beer. For example, you wouldn't reach for beer with pasta, but you would eating brats.

>> No.5576306

any type of food, I wasn't referring to a specific type of place. The whole pairing wine with food thing is just french bullshit that you have been taught to believe

>> No.5576315

You know the French didn't invent wine, right? Have you ever left your flyover state, let alone the national borders?

>> No.5576317

All of my what

>> No.5576318

>You know the French didn't invent wine
no, but they invented much of our cultural conventions about dining

>> No.5576321
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I have never been autistic about pairing particular varietals of wine like a lot of foodies, and I will agree that the whole pairing thing is overblown.

I've even read books about it, but at a certain point, I just think, "what the fuck, who cares if I have a grenache with my duck breast instead of a cab. You're eating a fish? Cool, have a glass of white wine. Oh, you want syrah with it? Go nuts."

Now, I'm of the opinion that wine pairs well with many more dishes than beer, but honestly, it's like Cicero said, "in matters of taste, there can be no debate."

Also, the way I live, I'm almost never sitting down for meals, I'm eating lots of random sandwiches and greens and whatever at home. And if it's night, I'm almost always drinking, so I'll wash my sashimi down with gin or Chicago Old Style, I don't give a shit.

>> No.5576327

No, that would be Russia

>> No.5576329
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>being this much of a alcoholic

>> No.5576331

>cab or garnacha with duck breast instead of peeno gnwar

Intermediate qeq

>> No.5576335
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Yeah yeah. I was going to say "have a pinot with my duck instead of a cab" but then I realized that pinot pairs perfectly with duck.

I've been drinking this Belle Glos California pinot these days that is a fucking knockout.

>> No.5576339

Hell yes it does. When the old man treks to my new state, I always ask for a case of style.

>> No.5576662

If by original values you mean in practice how they owned slaves, maybe. If by original values you mean in theory how all men are created equal, no.

Slavers will always try to dance around the issue. Your rights end where a black guy's freedom begins. Deal with it revisionists.

>> No.5576682

If you drink the recommended daily allowance of 3 units of alcohol per day, you're classed as an alcoholic.

>> No.5576687

DPA is fire

>> No.5577175


Budweiser 5/10
Bud Light 3/10
Coors Banquet Beer 7/10
Coors Light 2/10
PBR 5.5/10
Miller Lite 5/10
Miller High life 6/10
Yuengling 6/10
Bud light platinum 8.5/10

>> No.5577345

If your only experience is with stale IPAs, I can see where you come from. Most IPAs are bitter swill, unless you're lucky to get a good quality one fresh. Citrus and sweetness in a huge contrast to what I normally expect of a pale ale.

However, if it's $9 a 6 pk for a 7% and verses $6 for 3% abv, you aren't going to save money if you're trying to get drunk, it evens out to be the same.

4 budweisers make me feel the same as 2 7% beers.

>> No.5577449
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I don't have a terrible lot of experience with beer. I generally drink for effect, so I lean towards whatever hard liquor is around, no matter how cheap it is.

This is a live pic though. Love me some Corona. Wouldn't have picked light but that's the only thing at the party.

>> No.5577455

>$40 for a California pinot noir
Why not just get German. At least it's basically guaranteed to be good

>> No.5577476

Found out shock top is Anheuser Busch. So that counts right?

>> No.5577485

holy shit, I thought $6.50 was expensive.

>> No.5577486

So is goose island but it actually makes the neckbeards shit themselves with rage. Drink goose island.

>> No.5577551

>8.50 for a 12-pack

I live in a part of soviet canuckistan that charges a minimum of $18 for a 12-pack. We might have universal health care programs, but goddamnit, beer is expensive, at this point I'm sticking to homebrew, for obvious reasons.

>> No.5577564

I don't even pay that much for a 30 pack. Jesus. I guess part of living in the US is that the stuff that kills you is cheaper than the stuff that keeps you alive.

>> No.5578201

>I guess part of living in the US is that the stuff that kills you is cheaper than the stuff that keeps you alive.

Yeah, kinda. Cigarettes are really expensive though, I have no idea how that business thrives in this day and age.

>> No.5578600

Light beer in Australia just has a lower alcohol content...

>> No.5578624
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You call that shit beer? German masterrace reporting in

>> No.5578635


I have had a lot of German beer and never been too impressed with most of it, there are a couple half-way decent beers but the import price doesn't justify the purchase.

>> No.5578641
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The problem with German beer is that it hasn't evolved at all. For example take Oktoberfest. The same six brands in the same style, year after year after year. The American micro scene has exploded, but what's Germany doing? Sticking to its tired old Purity laws? Bleah.

>> No.5578662

We have lots of different beers in our supermarkets there is basically no flavour you can't buy.

>> No.5578665

why do americans like hops so much?

>> No.5578679

Because decades of only adjunct lagers confused us. We need 5x over hopped as a stamp of "quality" otherwise it's too much like "normal beer" (the opposite of muh craft beer).

Also bacon is more epic. Something something the moon landing, judgment of Paris, sharia law.

>> No.5578690

~$4.50 a pack here. It's doable. I switched to vaping anyways, but I'll still buy a pack of muh turkish royals every now and again

>> No.5578702

A 6-pack(6x0.5l) of the normal mass-produced stuff cost 30$ over here... But at the same time I also earn 30$/h.

>> No.5578707
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Why change when you already have the best?

Americans will never understand. Why do you need hipstery logos and piss poor quality "micro" brews that are literally just light beer mixed with any fruit juice? What the average American won't understand is that they're basically buying marketing - not beer. And that's just sad :(

>> No.5578709

So $30 an hour must be minimum wage. Because a 6 pack of run of the mill beer elsewhere would be, let's say, 8 bucks. Roughly the average unskilled labor wage in the US.

>> No.5578713

minimum wage is around 17$

>> No.5578716

American here, don't lump us all in with that retard. It will take us a few generations to figure it out. It's difficult to grasp what prohibition did to our drinking culture unless you grew up in the second half of the 20th c. Kids these days didn't love through changes like older folks so they are prone to running their mouths off about stuff they can't understand

Inb4 anti american

>> No.5578721

Yuengling is the only macro worth buying imo

>> No.5578743

No one believes I'm an alcoholic who drinks 8-10 beers a night just because I'm not fat.

>> No.5579744

I've tried it a couple times, it just tasted like slightly less appealing Coors Banquet.

>> No.5579755

UK macro lagers:

>Carling (Worst lager available imo)
>Tennents (No idea, never seen it...think its sold lots up North/Scotland)

Luckily we have macro ales:

>London Pride (Great)
>Sharps Doombar (Great)
>John Smiths (meh...)
>Greene King IPA (Shite)

>> No.5580029

What category would Samuel Smith's be in?

>> No.5580177
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I hate how they slap the American flag on everything and loudly proclaim they're "America's beer" and all that shit when Budweiser is owned by a Belgian-Brazillian company.

>> No.5581218

They brew all sorts, lager, ale, bitter, stouts. Is it a macro? If it is then you'd have to count Timothy Taylors, Hobgoblin, Deuchars etc. too. They're all big, but not ubiquitous

would be (god-tier) though.

>> No.5581790

It's been said several times ITT in one way or another, but there is a time and a place for both craft and macro brews.

Most of the time when I drink, I drink craft. And the type of craft varies greatly on the situation at hand- weather, food, social environment, etc.. But I will absolutely not turn down your standard Bud/Miller/Coors.

I just prefer to drink better beer when given an option. That's why when I do beer shopping, I usually buy craft. Sure, the craft beer world is filled with MUH 4X MEGAHOPS and MUH EDGY HIPSTER ARTWORK, but that's not to say there aren't some absolutely fantastic beers to be found, even at a local level.

Drinking is all about options. Limiting yourself to either macro or craft is just that- limiting yourself. Saying DURR ALL CRAFT IS SHIT is no better, and equally hipster, as saying DURR ALL MACRO IS SHIT.

tl:dr- Drink both.

>> No.5581815

It's still brewed in the US of A, motherfucker

>> No.5582175

Absolutely disgusting. But that's just, like, my opinion, man.

>> No.5582184

>hurr hipsters love craft beer
>hurr hipsters love shitty PBR

When will people decide on a fucking criticism? Apparently a hipster is anyone who likes anything.

>> No.5582220

I think the catch here is that most of the people discussing the topic aren't old enough to buy alcohol themselves.

>> No.5582222

nice ingredients label

>> No.5582225

>hipsters love miller high life**

>> No.5582241

Also a hipster is someone who hates things.

>> No.5582248

I think according to 4chan's usage:
A hipster is someone who hates things.
An autist is someone who likes things.

>> No.5582281
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I like this. Is cheap.

>> No.5582291
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And good color.

>> No.5582304


>> No.5582307


I went to the anheuser-busch factory. When I started off drinking beer, I didn't even like the taste of most beers until I started drinking the "hispter" stuff. I just drank with friends because if you don't drink in college you basically commit social suicide.

Then I remember a party where someone brought "Old Rasputin" and like, no one wanted to drink it because it was gross. So I drank a few of them, shit tasted like straight up chocolate milk with a bite. It was so smooth going down, so I drank a lot of stouts. Eventually I got an american stout called "Dragon's Milk," which is basically chocolate ice cream at 10.5% abv.

Then I moved to California. There's like no stouts out here (in my town) and everyone drinks IPA. So, I went out and got some. Hated most of them until I tried Lagunitas "Brown Shugga." Shit was great, like candy. As it turns out all of Lagunitas's selection is good.

Anyways, the expensive beer tastes better and I don't understand why most people don't like it. There's something to be said about wanting flavorful beer. This comes from a completely untrained palet (I started drinking at 22, when I entered college.)

>> No.5582313
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Am I a beer hipster, /ck/?

>> No.5582315


To each their own, anon. I'm sure stouts are available where you are. Guinness is part of the annual St. Patrick's day celebration for one thing. It's in every Mexican restaurant too, as Negra Modelo is delicious.

I think to enjoy "sweet" and highly flavored beers back to back, exclusively and to deny the value of a lager is as hipster as you can get, and only specialty beers, no matter the pricetag, in a session is not what a beer drinker typically does. In fact, the price is due to demand. Many new beers are highly rated, and just slower to high demand. I don't love IPAs considering how popular they are right now, but I freely admit they are a happy medium of flavor versus light beer, if that's a flavor you enjoy. But, there's nothing whatsoever wrong with enjoying the taste of a lager or light beer during a beer drinking session. Unless I have food, I can't down more than 1-2 anyway.

>> No.5582323

opposite way, anon

hipsters are those who like obscure things
autists are those who dislike obscure things

>> No.5582358

Negra Modelo is not a stout. Get the fuck out of this thread, idiot.

>> No.5582360


No, Milk Stout kicks ass.

>> No.5582372
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>> No.5582385

Guinness has a lower calorie content than Budweiser.

>> No.5582516


>no one wanted to drink Ol Raspie

fuckin plebs

>> No.5582545

That's not the reason people drink Guinness, even though you have a point.

I never truely understood the concept behind, "light beer." It doesn't taste anything like actual beer, and costs almost as much. It only takes a short walk to burn the calories you'll get from drinking, unless you binge drink, and then you just vomit them all up anyway.

Americans disgust me when they go for light beer because everyone else is doing it and it might cost 50 cents cheaper than a good stout. If I am paying, might as well enjoy it.

I'm not in your argument and I can't understand who is on what side, just thought I'd chime in.

>> No.5582598
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Though it isn't an american macro per-se, this is my absolute favorite. It's nearly impossible to open a can of red stripe and not have it cum in your hands

>> No.5582725

>It's nearly impossible to open a can of red stripe and not have it cum in your hands

>> No.5582734
File: 64 KB, 405x720, Ultimate+Neckbeard_c83e23_4682395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is no good reason to have old rasputin at a July 4th BBQ. Only a fucking neckbeard shut-in would even think of doing that.

>> No.5582811

Agreed. They are drinking for effect more than taste. Instead of feeling full from drinking twice as many light beers for the same effect.

Therefore, you counteract the reason for drinking cheap light beer in the first place. It's not cheaper because you consume twice as much to get the same mental effects, and because you consume two light beers of around 90 calories, thus making it the same (if not more) caloric content.

If people are going for crisp and refreshing, ciders, pilsners, island lagers, hefe, and cysers fulfill the pleasant taste and money value quite much more than light beer.

You aren't supporting America by buying Busch products, seeing as only the stocks are the thing American about it anymore. It's managed by Brazilians.

>> No.5582829

Not that Anon, but I have a stout in my pantry and another dark beer in the rear of my fridge. Certain kinds keep very well. I got the about about 6-7 months ago.

I did it with a seasonal Sweetwater last year. I had 2 if one kind, opened one right away and let the other age for about 10 months. The flavors were wildly different.

I think you can do the same with certain sours?

>> No.5582834

>Though it isn't an american macro per-se
Per se? It isn't an American macro at all.

>> No.5582835

yeah red stripe is pretty good i unfortunatly just get coors light for the most part.

>> No.5582840

fuck this shit, ever since they started making it in Pennsylvania or where ever I have not been able to find the Jamaican stuff anywhere.

>> No.5582855


It wasn't a fourth of july BBQ, it was a birthday party in the middle of winter.

I have no idea why a neckbeard shut-in would be drinking old rasputin. Most of them that I know don't even drink. Why do you associate neckbeards with things you don't like?

>> No.5582862


are you suggesting that I don't like rasputin, or that I don't like rasputin outdoors on a 95 degree day with 90% humidity?

different drinks for different occasions. neckbeards never learn.

>> No.5582866


I wasn't suggesting any of those things, I was just revealing the context and wondering why you assumed a neckbeard was talking.

>> No.5582884


because in college the only kind of people who took 18% abv syrup beers to outdoor parties were smelly neckbeards. it's something you drink out of a glass, while sitting in a big comfy chair. not from a bottle while standing around a BBQ grill while listening to rock and roll on a boom box. you filthy neckbeard.

>> No.5582886

>Bud isn't American

I mean, there's a HUGE factory right there on 270 but it's about as American as Honda or Toyota.

I mean it's better than Keystone or Natty, but once you leave college you realize no one drinks those anymore.

>and, to top it all off, the fucking american flag is all over it
pig disgusting: using the flag just so you can make more money

>> No.5582893


It was inside during a pretty bad blizzard. Most of the parties I've been to are pretty laid back where we all sit around in a circle and bullshit with each other.

>> No.5582901

He just said it was a birthday party in the middle of winter in >>5582855.

So yes, you are just swinging around buzzwords to fit in a conversation you don't understand, or even bother to read other people's replies to.

>> No.5582953

I actually did bring an Old Rasputin to a Summer BBQ recently. About a month ago.

It was a single bottle that I had sitting in the fridge for awhile so I brought it along.

Guess I'm a neckbeard then.

>> No.5583053

tough break, how much is your fedora collection worth

>> No.5583056

It's no worse than having smores, which people often do at July 4th parties. I personally would rather have a pilsner or helles, but I don't fault anyone for craving an Old Rasputin. I just had a Stone RuinTen on my neighbor's porch yesterday afternoon, and that's decidedly not a "post-lawnmowing" beer.

>> No.5583211

Why don't you tell us the value of your dildo collection, since you're such a faggot? You must have a lot to keep up with you faggotry level.

People have preferences and tastes that are different. You must find it hard to function in day-to-day life since you have such an issue with palates different than yours.

>> No.5583237

Holy shit look at all this assmad

>> No.5583761

>being b8'ed dis hard

>> No.5584092

>it's not a macro

It is a macro.

>> No.5584840

Coors, Bud, Miller, none of these taste good. It's not that there's a situation for them, it's that they just taste plain bad. There's not really a situation for McDonald's hamburgers because you could just get Wendy's instead. In the same way there's never a situation for budweiser because you can just get a yuengling.

>> No.5584843

Everyone raves over this shit, it's nothing special.

>> No.5586430

It's $5 in my state.

>> No.5586431

Have you had Stella Artois? It's absolute shit and super expensive in the US because it's imported. The only decent macros you can get easily are Mexican unless you live in a good state.

>> No.5586436

And they have a theme park.

>> No.5586629

>isn't an american macro

Good job reading

>> No.5586635

It's $2 a can at my preferred bar in Chicago. When I lived in NC I used to frequent a place that served $.75 10oz drafts.

>> No.5588083

I went to college in PA and kinda burned myself out on it. Now I'm starting to miss it, it's perfect for casual drinking.

>> No.5588212
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>IPAs a shit and I have no palate
>all micros are bitter or overpriced
>the end goal is getting buzzed/drunk

There are so many varieties of micro produced in the U.S., to say that you can't get one that's cheap, easy on the palate and refreshing is ridiculous. Sure, it won't be ~$1 a can, but the ABV is usually ~20% higher for a ~20% higher price. If you don't enjoy an extremely hoppy beer, try something that hasn't been dry-hopped. Porters, red and brown ales are all low IBU and have nice malty accents but aren't too bitter; try a London porter. Lambics and stouts are less bitter and more sweet, I'd suggest something like a Sammy Smiths.

If your only goal while drinking is to get drunk, I'd suggest putting down the bottle, that's alcoholism.

That's another reason I prefer micro over macro, (if you know what you're looking for and what to buy) the taste and quality are both superior, in every way. I can actually enjoy drinking a nice micro-brew without having to chug the first two beers just to start to tolerate the taste of the rest of them. You can pair micro-brews with just about any food and you can drink them with woman without looking like a damn alcoholic.

>macro a shit

>> No.5590650

No, the real catch is that most people, including you are full of shit.

This is the internet. Never take anything seriously here.

>> No.5590797

Rolling rock is my favorite of the macro brews. Just can't let it get below ice cold or it tastes like beer vomit

>> No.5590914
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>US domestic macros
pick one

>> No.5591988

OP here.

My point was more about domestic (not American; domestic) beer. If you're in a certain country, drink their stuff or stuff from neighboring countries.

If you taste a beer you like from your country overseas, there's an extremely significant and noticeable dip in quality.

>> No.5591992

I choose the
>good enough