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File: 402 KB, 1306x980, dumplings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5576551 No.5576551[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Chinese > Hong Kong > Taiwanese > Korean > Japanese

>> No.5576562

Pic looks gummy and delicious. I like a thicker wrapper like that, but afaik, it's japan that makes their gyoza much thicker?

>> No.5576567
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>> No.5576571

Japan uses thin gyoza wrappers. China and Taiwan both have different variations of gyoza filling and their wrappers.

>> No.5576579

I say X > Japanese = Korean

>> No.5576623
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>> No.5576709

Yeah, Sichuan dumplings are the GOAT. None better. Whenever I make them, I make a double batch because I know that one is never enough, I'll crave them again the next day. And when I order them from a restaurant, I get 2 orders, one for now, one for later. No other dumpling of any kind does that for me.

>> No.5576725

Yes, this is one of my favorite meals. I haven't had it in so long though, since I don't have a slow cooker.

>> No.5576746

German potato dumplings > *

>> No.5576750

I like the thicky, chewy ones.

>> No.5576751


>> No.5576753

In Flushing, Brooklyn, NY, there is this dumpling stand that makes all sorts of dumplings.

My favorite, I forget the name, are these dumplings that are more like mini pork buns, about the size of golf balls. The dough is in between a noodle and a dough.

I love them. ANd so cheap.

>> No.5576757
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LIke these

>> No.5576802

Anyone got a good recipe for something like this?

>> No.5577120

just go to chinatown and buy some

>> No.5577161

care to share your recipe?

>> No.5577166

Where in Brooklyn is that? I have lived in Manhattan for 15 years and never knew there was a flushing in Brooklyn.

>> No.5577167

nevermind, i mean the regular flushing

>> No.5577300
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Here you go!

>> No.5577326

>not making your own wrapper

fuck off

>> No.5577340


>> No.5577346

Why would I bother doing that when the Asian market down the street sells like 15 different kinds of fresh wrappers in various thicknesses? I'm no glutton for punishment.

>> No.5577351

Hong Kong and Taiwan doesn't make food with gutter oil and rats.

>> No.5577488
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Seriously does anyone have a recipe for this??

>> No.5577501

it's not that hard to make.

literally two ingredients; flour and water

>> No.5577510

Never mind I think I found it.


>> No.5577529

I personally make my own wrappers but it's not hard to imagine why somebody wouldn't want to. Sure it's just flour and water but it's kneading it together for at least ten minutes but usually half an hour for a novice, then breaking parts of the dough off and individually rolling every one out. For about 500g of flour making about 100 wrappers, if someone spends a minute to roll two out, presuming they're a novice, that's fifty minutes taken up, possibly making it a one and a half hour deal. And not everybody has the time to practice enough to be fast about it.

>> No.5577610

Basically, this. I'm >>5577346 and >>5577300
And, while I know how to make wrappers, and have before, it's pretty silly when I can get fresh wrappers at the store down the road and save myself a bunch of time. Like I said, I'm no glutton for punishment. When I get home from work and want to make sichuan dumplings, it's going to take enough time in the evening to stuff the dumplings, much less make the wrappers first. I'll let the employees down the street who do it every day make them, and then I'll stuff them myself. It's not a matter of can't, it's a matter of time management.

>> No.5577756
File: 128 KB, 1024x768, komla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Norwegian potato dumplings called "komla" or "raspeballer". made of potato flour and shredded potatoes. Usually served with lamb meat, pork sausage, bacon, rutabaga and carrots.

>> No.5577859

thank you anon

>> No.5577881

No chinatown

wat do?

>> No.5577892

all you need is a pot on the stove or a dutch oven. Anything that can be done with a slow cooker can be done with a range or oven

>> No.5577897

Honestly, do these people think that so many classic dishes only came to be after the 70s?

>> No.5577922

Now see I never was raised with dumplings in anything other than peach cobbler maybe its a creole thing though :-P

>> No.5577928


I use this for almost all my dumplings excepts things like Xiao Long Bao, they can be done really thin or thick and cook well.

Their popiah skins recipe and walk through is good too.

some good info on fillings and types (top three are best ones)






>> No.5577932

I know right, you'd thinks so they way people act like everything as to be made in a crock pot nowadays if it takes more than 30 min to make

are you saying that because youre creole? B/c Chicken and Dumplings is a trad. country dish, possible southern but def not only cajun/creole

>> No.5578118

this thread is based

>> No.5578162

jiaozi skin is really easy to make just work one part water into four parts flour and don't stop until smooth

>> No.5578165


汤圆's not dumpling, fucking 小笼包 is not dumpling, 馍馍 is not dumpling, fucking 包子is not fucking dumpling. What's next, 肉夹馍 and 粽子 are fucking dumplings too?

>> No.5578172

I never liked Japanese food
It tastes like dog shit
Chinese food is damn delicious comparing to Japanese

>> No.5578175

why type half your post in one language and the other half in another?

Also they look like dumplings to me, or atleast variations of/what are commonly thought of as dumplings, those credentials you posting with your comment convinced me that you are obviously an authority on the subject.

>> No.5578177
File: 38 KB, 480x360, aushak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love dumplings.

>> No.5578190

tang yuan (汤圆) is glutinous rice balls with red bean filling (most of the time) and eaten at new years, xiaolongbao (小笼包) and baozi (包子) are meat buns, momo (馍馍) is literally a bun made from wheat or corn flour with no other ingredients.
It's like calling all kinds of breads Wonder Bread™

>> No.5578194

Having lived in both. I'd say it depends.
I will consistently find japanese food to be more reliable.
In China theres great things. but then there some really nasty shit.

>> No.5578196


>> No.5578199

>小笼包 (Xiaolongbao), 汤圆
comes up as dumpling when searched

> 馍馍
comes up as momo(dumpling) when searched

comes up as buns which are similar to a dumpling just without a seal and thicker skin

and no

hamburgers will never be considered dumplings

and neither will Zongzi (粽子)

>> No.5578200
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Gyoza is delicious.

>> No.5578204
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>> No.5578205
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>> No.5578209

>tang yuan
soup dumplings

>xiaolongbao (小笼包) and baozi (包子) are meat buns
xialongbao are wrappers filled with meat and broth twisted and pinched sealed at the top, they are also considered a soup dumpling

baozi isnt mentioned in the article at all

>momo is literally a bun made from wheat or corn flour with no other ingredients
no its not http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momo_(dumpling)

>> No.5578210
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>> No.5578213

肉夹馍 and 小笼包 are types of 包子, and a 包子 is closer to a hamburger than a dumpling, 小笼包 can pass as a dumpling except there's only one way to cook a 小笼包, the same way you make a 包子.
there are two types of 馍馍, the most common one by far is the 馒头 kind, which is fucking a fucking bun.

A fucking 汤圆 is as close to a dumpling as noodles are, it doesn't have wrap or meat/vegetables inside and is completely round.

>> No.5578215

why dont you type all in one language. or just stop posting since you were already proven wrong here >>5578209

>> No.5578216
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Homemade gyoza.

>> No.5578222
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>> No.5578227

xiaolongbao is the third one down

calling tang yuan dumplings is calling pizza bread.

And the momo you eat in mainland China is called mantou,

momo is considered dumpling in >native to Nepal, and in some communities in Tibet, Bhutan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momo_(dumpling) not China

>> No.5578235

brb going to local dimsum place to get dumplings
oh wait shit its full even though its 2:30pm

>> No.5578237

Kinda remind me of Pyzy. http://easteuropeanfood.about.com/od/polishnoodlesanddumpling/r/pyzy.htm

As a Polfag I'm obviously an expert on dumplings. Polish food is dumplings and crap that you eat in between another dumpling meal. I love Asian dumplings, I've tried many different kinds and many of them are great. But none will ever compare to the perogies my grandmother used to make. They were something else really.

>> No.5578243

>momo is considered dumpling in >native to Nepal, and in some communities in Tibet, Bhutan not China http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Momo_(dumpling)

The article in question states its not the chinese

>calling tang yuan dumplings is calling pizza bread.

again these are soup dumplings and can be filled or unfilled,


Xiaolongbao are often referred to as a kind of "dumpling", but should not be confused with British or American-style dumplings

they are considered a kind of "soup dumplings"

>> No.5578262

No wonder all Chinese restaurants in North America are all fast food tier, can't make specialty foods when every kind of pasta is called noodles, vermicelli, or dumplings

>> No.5578267

I just think you dont understand what a dumpling actually is

also you wont find any of the things you are trying(and failing) to argue about in an Americanized "fast food tier" Chinese restaurants

nice deflection though, whenever you keep getting proven wrong on all points just blame it on America!

>> No.5578268

Types of dumplings are many and varied, just like there are many different types of bread, pasta, etc.

>> No.5578274

Next time you go to an Asian restaurant see if they have more than two names for pasta dish that doesn't end with noodles or vermicelli.

>> No.5578281

What I like to do is fry gyouza, and put them in the soup after its finished cook (when plating). Its also what I sukiyaki and tenpura

>> No.5578286

You Americans have fucked up categorization of Chinese foods.
Technically speaking baozi and bing are all dumplings because they're made with balls of dough and may or may not have fillings inside them. Is dumplings just everything that has flour and water as the main ingredient that at one point or another has been rolled into a ball?

>> No.5578296

Vietnamese > Chinese
it takes the best of asian food and adds french attention to detail & technology

>> No.5578312
File: 269 KB, 1600x1200, chicken+and+dumplings+bowl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chicken and Dumplings american masterrace

Comfort food >>>> exotic