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File: 62 KB, 464x340, _56752910_toast_sandwich_464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5568559 No.5568559[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Can any Bongistanis please explain this?
I the UK isn't known for their food but come on

Toast Sandwhich is UK's 'cheapest meal':


>> No.5568563

also more ridiculous cuisine

>> No.5568569

>The Royal Society of Chemistry is offering £200 to whosoever can create a cheaper alternative.

W-what about a slice of toast that isn't between two pieces of bread?

Or does that not count in whatever definition of 'meal' they're using?

>> No.5568572

Do Britons really do this?

>> No.5568577

sadly yes, they do. My best friend is British and he has confirmed it

>> No.5568582

I only have a toast sandwich if I have run out of prawn cocktail/chesse & onion crisps, which make a far superior sandwich filling

>> No.5568586
File: 7 KB, 284x178, amerrigah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im tired of seeing this thread especially on the front page
>btw im american

>> No.5568587

Good grief, thats not a meal! its just a piece of toast

>> No.5568588

No. I've never heard of this before.

>> No.5568589

What don't you understand about it? As the article explains, some people tried to find out what the cheapest meal possible is and decided it's a toast sandwich. Obviously the cheapest meal you can make isn't very nice.

>> No.5568592

Rice is cheaper than bread

I give you: the rice sandwich. Where's my money, Bongos?

>> No.5568593

yes, I agree

>> No.5568594

Toast is not a proper meal. A sandwich, on the other hand, is.

Why do I even bother with you peasants?

>> No.5568595

boohoo im sick of the do americans really and all the other pooper peeved yuropoor american hate threads

>> No.5568596


>this samefagging

>> No.5568599
File: 97 KB, 675x900, britfood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

britfood is the most depressing shit in the word

>> No.5568600
File: 2.74 MB, 408x218, disfaggit.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not even faggot
>newsflash: some people actually like to talk about food here

>> No.5568603

delicious chips and cheese

>> No.5568604
File: 440 KB, 638x491, brit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But just look at this delicacy!

>> No.5568605

prove it with a screen cap then homo.

>> No.5568608
File: 18 KB, 429x410, 1404068441743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are not food related whatsoever

>> No.5568609

>16 November 2011

You need to find some fresh bait material

>> No.5568615
File: 1.50 MB, 365x205, dolwithits.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5568616

oi m8 eez takin the piss, amirite?

>> No.5568618

This, print screen that shit.

>> No.5568620

>will instantly change any misconceptions about "bland" British food

>> No.5568627

ok. ok. How about we make rice balls. Not enough? put them in between two pieces of bread. Even toasted bread.

Give me my money Royal Society of Chemistry.

>> No.5568630
File: 58 KB, 639x572, chip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it possible to get a decent sandwich in Britain?

>> No.5568631
File: 160 KB, 1366x728, nigger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now im off to a real thread

>> No.5568632

>Indians fan

>> No.5568633
File: 193 KB, 1280x871, .fuckyoucunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5568637

"There is a feeling which persists in England that making a sandwich interesting, attractive, or in any way pleasant to eat is something sinful that only foreigners do.

“Make ‘em dry” is the instruction buried somewhere in the collective national consciousness, “make ‘em rubbery. If you have to keep the buggers fresh, do it by washing ‘em once a week.”

It is by eating sandwiches in pubs at Saturday lunchtime that the British seek to atone for whatever their national sins have been. They’re not altogether clear what those sins are, and don’t want to know either. Sins are not the sort of things one wants to know about. But whatever sins there are are amply atoned for by the sandwiches they make themselves eat."

Douglas Adams, So Long And Thanks For All The Fish

>> No.5568638

doesnt prove shit, you need to do it where it shows you posted one of the comments but not both

>> No.5568641

>whites in charge of having culinary taste

>> No.5568644
File: 100 KB, 500x331, sharia-law1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5568645

now how the fuck am i gona do that when those are the only 2 comments in question you autist?

>> No.5568647

you open the tab and print screen on >>5568596 's comment if you arent samefagging only one of those two quoted will have (you) next to the post #

>> No.5568653
File: 18 KB, 430x300, 1328346384693478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a 10/10 in England

>> No.5568657
File: 165 KB, 1366x728, nigger2.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there you go autist who talks about stupid shit

>> No.5568661

Did they seriously bring in a chef to butter and put pepper on three slices of toast?

>> No.5568665

except one of those should say (you) next to it if you posted one of the comments

>> No.5568667

All this shows is that you didn't post either of the comments.

>> No.5568670

That, once again, proves nothing, since the (You) is next to neither. Samefag.

>> No.5568678


I'm still surprised about this phenomenon. What year did the Arabs begin pouring in? I always thought the UK was predominantly white. I first heard about the Muslims invasion around 2009.

>> No.5568702
File: 279 KB, 1662x987, TOAST SANDWICH MATE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5568713

i guess you dont know what austerity means, also it looks nothing like autist or autism which i think is what you are trying to imply

>> No.5568737

I think he is retarded.

>> No.5568753

I know what it means, dingleberry. The fact that toast sandwiches are associated with budget cuts and tax increases is hilarious. Its not even a fucking meal its just toast and bread and a little butter.

Stay buttfrustrated though.

>> No.5568762


is bread subsidized? if the tax payers are paying for the ingredients I doubt it.

>> No.5568766

>the fact that a dietary shift towards cheap staples is associated with austerity is hilarious
Really? It seems logical and a common pattern in human history.

You seem quite unintelligent.

>> No.5568792

I'm British and I have never myself witnessed or heard talk of the consumption of such a product. I do, however, have no doubt that it does exist. This is not what the majority of people eat.
Back when I was a poor kid, I regularly ate ketchup sandwiches and crisp sandwiches and "chip butties"- but usually eggs or cheap oats for breakfast- lots of milk too. Dinner, we sometimes had oats or weetabix but mainly omelettes or eggs with marmite on toast or baked potato with beans (we grew our own potatoes and vegetables which helped, but potatoes are cheap) or beans/lentils and rice.

Also, as people are saying- what about a bowl of rice?

>> No.5568812

>toast sandwich
>cheap staple

>> No.5568822

>bread is not a staple

>> No.5568835

Worst thing I've ever had was british airways inflight sandwich. Have had it served multiple times to and from the Budapest, Prague airports.

It was a sandwich roll, hoagie shaped, some kind of grain bread, but filled with some kind of stuffing. Not meat, stuffing, ie more bread. Literally the kind of thanksgiving stuffing or bread cubes, spices, reconstituted with water and mushy, and not even sure if there was some kind of potted meat blended into it. If so, it was pork flavored. It was inedible. My traveling companion actually gagged and spit it out into a napkin.

Is this some british thing? Or czech? Hungarian? A stuffing sandwich? WTF kind of poverty nonsense is it to stuff bread into bread?

>> No.5568837

I dont really see what the problem is... eating a plain bread roll/stick/baguette is perfectly acceptable, even in high-cuisine cultures.
This is no different, albeit a little more trashy, but the seasoned taste would give an interested texture and would probably be somewhat satisfying.

>> No.5568842

that is suppose to be "toast".

>> No.5568924

Air Berlin gives out the GOAT sandwiches

>> No.5569688

>not the cum of a dozen moslems

>> No.5570797

Uh no, because then you'd have to buy the bread, AND the rice.
Toast sandwich you just buy one loaf of bread.

>> No.5570804

What about a bowl of fucking porridge? Just oats and water. That has to be fucking cheaper.

>> No.5570838


most of the UK is predominantly white. the 'invasion' didn't happen recently, we've had a significant muslim population for a very long time. and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.5570839


i don't understand why you think that's funny.

>> No.5570840


it doesn't sound inedible to me.

i guess some people eat stuffing sandwiches after christmas but in my experience the stuffing is the first thing to go.

>> No.5570843

>cheaper alternative.
Stolen toast sandwich.

>> No.5570862

>muslim detected

It started around 2006

>> No.5570876 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to muslimland you filthy shitskin

>> No.5570934

>le british food is so le bad xD
>not like le american food like le apple pie and le carrot cake xDDD

>> No.5571506

based DNA.

>> No.5571514

Rice balls, with toasted rice coating for flavour.

>> No.5571523

>Can any Bongistanis please explain this?
>Toast Sandwhich is UK's 'cheapest meal':

What is there to explain? It's the cheapest possible meal in the UK, is the cheapest possible meal in the USA a culinary masterpiece?

>Beans on Toast.

Beans on Toast is fine, I think Americans get disappointed by it because they were expecting something special, but it's just a cheap and quick meal in the UK.

Bread and baked beans are usually sold as loss leaders in UK supermarkets so it is cheaper than rice and beans for UK shoppers, it's also quicker to make as it takes about 2 minutes to cook the bread in a toaster and beans in the microwave.

>> No.5571524

>Can any Bongistanis please explain this?
It's literally explained in the article. Are you thick? It was a scientific experiment.

>> No.5571528

>What year did the Arabs begin pouring in? I always thought the UK was predominantly white. I first heard about the Muslims invasion around 2009.

There have been two waves of migration.

The first wave was after WW2, the UK wanted cheap labour to rebuild after the war and it encouraged mass immigration from former colonies.

The 2nd wave was created by the New Labour government in the mi 90's. Labour wanted to change Britain demographics to maintain political power and encouraged mass immigration from poorer countries all over the world. This worked and places like London are now less than 50% white British and the immigrant voters all vote Labour.

>> No.5571536

>Is this some british thing? Or czech? Hungarian? A stuffing sandwich? WTF kind of poverty nonsense is it to stuff bread into bread?

It is a British thing, the idea is to recreate a Sunday Roast Dinner or Christmas Dinner in sandwich form.

In Britain it's common to make Sandwiches out of leftover roast dinners and people actually look forward to the Turkey sandwiches after Christmas day.

>> No.5571558

but it's probably not 3 pieces of bread

>> No.5571564


>Some organisation wants to grab headlines
>search for Britain's cheapest meal because recession or some bullshit
>nobody's ever heard of it
>the only previous record of it is from an 19th century cookery book as a food for sick people
>it's so stupid, even for us, that it was brought up on a satirical news comedy panel show

>> No.5571569


Yeah but we do turkey and stuffing or something like that. Sounds like he means a sandwich with JUST stuffing in it

>> No.5571601

2006? Are you retarded?

>> No.5571622

The UK is still predominantly white, as a percentage of population they're much whiter than america. I have been to London and its suprising to see the statistics after being there and seeing more nonwhites than whites. All the immigrants congregate in London and several other communities, whereas outside of the capital where I went to other cities there were way more white people

>> No.5571666

Let's seriously discuss this, now.

We have to account for all factors. For example, an edible loaf of bread costs 1.39 where I live. A bag of rice--say, 10 pounds, costs 5.98.

We have to account for how long the meal is going to feed you [and therefore how often you're going to have to replace it], how much bread and rice counts as a "meal", how much your time spent creating the meal is valued, and how much time you spend making the meal.

Are you going to use butter and pepper like the person in the OP did? If so, we also have to factor in the cost of those items as well. A jar of ground pepper cost me about three dollars the last time I bought one. Butter was far more expensive, as about a pound of it cost me 3.58.

Lastly, you're going to have to account for how you prepare it. A toast sandwich is probably going to take about five minutes to prepare. On the other hand, a rice sandwich is going to take about 25 minutes to prepare as the rice has to be cooked. How much does that time cost you? Can we have an objective price per minute of cooking time? You have to consider that a lot of poor people are unemployed, and therefore time spent cooking could be time spent looking for a job--but, often, poor people often do not spend their time wisely and assume that time has little to no monetary value.

If we can establish what the span of time is that we are going to be poor, and attach a definitive value to the minutes spent preparing the meal, then we can find out exactly what the cheapest meal is. It's not only a matter of price.

>> No.5571704


London is not representative of England at all, it's like saying New York or LA accurately reflects the entire USA.

There are pockets of immigrant communities elsewhere (Bradford, parts of Birmingham etc.) but the immigrant situation in the rest of England is nothing like it is in London.

This whole "Britain is swamped by muslim immigrants" idea seems like some insecure American kid got hold of some UKIP or BNP leaflet and spammed it on 4chan until he and a bunch of other Americans started to believe it.

And those muslims I have met over here have been lovely people, very friendly and quite hard working, if a little hesitant to integrate.

>> No.5571705

It's probably three pieces of Wonderbread.

Maybe some GMO corn and soy monstrosity.

>> No.5571716

Let's assume that a standard loaf of bread has about 20 slices. Often, poor people are somewhat ignorantly wasteful, so they don't eat the heels of the bread. So that leaves us with 18 slices of bread--6 toast sandwiches. 1.39 will yield 6 toast-only-no-seasonings sandwiches, or about 23 cents per sandwich.

How many toast sandwiches will it take to become satiated throughout the day? If we're very poor, and we're really watching how we spend our money, and we only eat one sandwich at the appropriate mealtime, that leaves us living on a 1.39 every two days. In one month, that becomes about $22. This doubles if someone realizes they aren't satisfied with one sandwich and has to eat two per meal.

Keep in mind that this does not account for the butter and pepper, or the time spent making the sandwich.

As for the rice sandwich, we would only be using two slices of bread per sandwich instead of three. This yields us enough bread for one sandwich per meal for three days instead of two. Already, we are spending 15 cents worth of bread on the rice sandwich, compared to the 23 cents from the toast sandwich.

Now we need to account for the rice. A simple conversion generator tells me that 1/4 cup of uncooked rice weighs about .12 pounds. Assume that when we make a sandwich, we will always use 1/4 cup of uncooked rice, creating 3/4 cups of cooked rice for our sandwich. At .12 pounds of rice per sandwich, that leaves us at 7 cents per serving. Add that to our 15 cents' worth of bread, and we get a 22-cent sandwich.

Once again, this is not factoring in for the butter, pepper, or time.

At a moment's glance, it looks like the rice sandwich wins, being 1 cent cheaper than the toast sandwich. Assuming the same amount of butter and pepper are used for each sandwich, the cost will go up, but still leave the rice sandwich as the cheapest option.

>> No.5571726

Where this gets tricky is time. Rice takes about 20-25 minutes to cook, and the sandwich would take a few seconds to assemble. However, the total time for making and assembling a toast sandwich is about 5-10 minutes, depending on how toasted you like your toast. If we assume that time has a value--and it does, because we are poor, and the time creating a meal could be time spent working or looking for a job--then the toast sandwich will end up having more value-per-cent than a rice sandwich.

Conclusion: a toast sandwich costs less than a rice sandwich.

>> No.5571754

And so close to the fourth of July.
Britbongs pls go from this american board.

>> No.5571765

>American Southern style gravy

Nice try.

>> No.5571776

>American Southern style gravy
>implying you can tell what kind of gravy it is by simply looking

Nice Down's.

>> No.5571779

>doesn't look like British style gravy
>does look like cream gravy
>described as 'spicy gravy' despite British gravy never being spicy

Hurr. More generally though, are you seriously saying that you can't make any kind of assessment of what a food is by looking at it? Really, anon?

>> No.5571785

if youd have ever made sawmill gravy youd know thats not whats in the pic

>> No.5571793

>does look like cream gravy
No, it doesn't.

>Hurr. More generally though, are you seriously saying that you can't make any kind of assessment of what a food is by looking at it? Really, anon?
Why are you asking stupid questions? You're wasting both your time, and mine. I'd appreciate it if you stopped that. I'm able to make an assessment from pictures of food, but that picture cannot tell you what specific kind of gravy it is, other than "spicy."

>> No.5571827


It's from a food truck in Dallas, Texas. Albeit, apparently one run by 2 'Brits'

>> No.5571828
File: 37 KB, 460x300, bong_food.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that looks so good, I can't wait to go to bongland and have some of their fine eats

>> No.5571885


just take out the butter and that's a pence saved

>> No.5571911

If you don't count time as having value because you don't have autism, then the rice sandwich is cheaper. You forgot to calculate what the rice sandwich would cost per month, which is $20. the toast sandwich would cost $22 in the same amount of time. you'd save $24 a year with the rice sandwich.


>> No.5572085

This thread is a testament to just how much bullshit Americans believe.

>> No.5572119

>Rice is cheaper than bread

Rice is more expensive than bread in the UK. Check Mate!

Bread costs 45p a loaf which is around 2p a slice.

>> No.5572135

>0.45 GBP ~= 0.8 USD
At the nearest super market from my current location, bread costs 4 USD a loaf. Is it really so cheap over there?

>> No.5572136

>not an openfaced, toast sandwich
>not a toast lettuce wrap

>> No.5572138

depends on the bread
and if your cheapest bread is 4 dollars, then hopefully you're in a really expensive upscale place

>> No.5572157

Because you idiots never make sweeping generalizations based on worse sources like television shows right? Oh the irony.

>> No.5572162

The cheapest where I live is a dollar something

>> No.5572170

>Is it really so cheap over there?


Bread is a loss leader in British super markets, that means they sell it for less than it actually costs the supermarket to buy because it encourages customers to enter the store and hopefully buy other things when they are there.

Bread is so cheap in the UK that a few years ago farmers were buying bread in bulk from supermarkets and using it to feed their livestock because it was cheaper than buying animal feed.

>> No.5572236

toast cooks quicker than rice, requiring less expensive electricity
also i think toast has a longer shelf life than cooked rice, and will even keep well without refridgeration, so making large batches of rice to compensate for the longer cooking time may not be economical (depending on how many people you are serving, i suppose)

also i can get a loaf of bread for 50p, which shits all over your calculations

>> No.5572254

Not really. I was accounting that we wouldn't be buying inedible bread.

The cheapest bread where I live is actually 79 cents. 46p for you. And it's shit.

>> No.5572261

Cheapest meal? A fucking vegetable garden.

>> No.5572275


>> No.5572283

basing your calculations on premium ingredients when trying to make "the cheapest meal" renders them all completely redundant

>> No.5572300

>premium ingredients
>a 1.49 loaf of bread

nigga a "premium" loaf of bread is gonna run you twice that. you simply cannot make an edible sandwich with the cheapest bread available in the grocery store. it's all sugar and binder and it crumbles if you look at it funny.