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5559522 No.5559522[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

People really believe this to be the true way of humans to eat sustainable and healthy? Look at the calories. Look at those carbs. 877g of sugar. Do you understand what she's telling you to eat? 18g of potassium - the FDA views this as TOXIC. You can seriously fuck yourself up with this amount. the Copper/Zinc balance is out of whack. She's hardly reaching her needed sodium and that can do a shit ton to you if you check her water intake, you can seriously injure yourself by doing this. There is no B12. Vitamin A overdose equals fatigue, insomnia and so on. She's getting no fats whatsoever. You do realize your human body is made up of fats, all those cell membranes and shit? Yeah, they ain't made out of sugar. You're fat. Eat some fat.

What the fuck people?

>> No.5559542

>18g of potassium - the FDA views this as TOXIC. You can seriously fuck yourself up with this amount.

Some people live on bananas. Why aren't they fucked up, anon? Why aren't they writhing in toxicity?

>> No.5559549

4 pounds of figs? 17 peaches? what is this

>> No.5559554
File: 25 KB, 484x253, safe_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is veganism, anon. you should try it some time.

>> No.5559559

Sigh. You made no mention on how those people feel or what their health concerns are. Unless there is a meta study out there that monitors a vast majority of those people you claim that eat just bananas, I'm not buying your bullshit.

>> No.5559571

your bullshit

I have nothing to do with it, jackass. Go to youtube and paste this: "30 bananas a day"

I don't give a fuck about it other than your hilarious comment about potassium.

>> No.5559574

>>your bs etc.

>> No.5559588

>30 bananas a day
>"the raw fit bitch"
wow, really? she looks fit though, 8/10 would bang

>> No.5559621

I'm sure she doesn't eat that much a day. I can't imagine anyone eating 5000 calories, especially a female. She's just trying to seem edgy and get youtube likes.

>> No.5559627

>1 whole watermelon
>17 peaches
>64 figs
>2.5 heads of lettuce

Do these people literally just spend their entire day eating?

>> No.5559632


Does this girl make horrible Youtube videos? I would like to see them if you have them.

>> No.5559639

You don't know about Kristina? Lol, dude... https://www.youtube.com/user/FullyRawKristina

enjoy fapping

>> No.5559655

how pathetic are you that clothed women get you off

>> No.5559657
File: 34 KB, 800x365, spawningpool.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets bitten by black widow spider
>stays in jungle
>finds two native ladies
>they use herbs to treat spider bite
>she recovers
>proof raw fruitarianism is the best diet in the world

>> No.5559675

When you refuse to eat fat, you have to eat like a cow or another herbivore.
So yes, they would spend their whole day eating.

>> No.5559841


This is a shopping list for a WEEK, dumbass. Not a day.

>> No.5559845

>What FullyRaw Kristina Eats in a Day
>in a Day

retards everywhere

>> No.5559989

Most shameful thing I'm willing to admit: I watch Freelee's videos regularly, and I'm not even vegan. it's like a fucking reality tv show and I'm hooked

>> No.5560003

Why wouldn't they want to do anything else? Don't they get incredibly frustrated and bored having to constantly be eating? So many questions...

>> No.5560042
File: 98 KB, 550x490, steve jobs fruitarianism killed him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh animals
>muh health benefits
>muh superiority
veganism, fruitarianism and vegetarianism are just hipster diets without any proof of concept. look at op's picture. the amount they eat and how it translates into your nutrient/minerals is insane.

>> No.5560048

you're not alone anon, i do the same. it's like a freakshow, i just can't look away

>> No.5560055

what the fuck? is this real? I call BS. Never heard of this before. This is some crazy creepy shit.

>> No.5560168

yeah, and they get paid for it

>> No.5560219

>feeding dogs vegan foods

what. the. fuck. these people think everyone should be a vegan even lions. then their eyes turn a different color, god knows what that means for health, and they die of pancreatic cancer.

>> No.5560226

Dogs are not obligate carnivores. I would never feed my dog a vegan diet, but to think they cannot survive off of a vegan diet with supplements is silly. A genomic study a couple years ago showed a marked increase in amylase production in dogs versus wolves. They are adapting to a more grain-based diet as a result of domestication.

>> No.5560230

>4267 calories and 87 grams of protein.

>> No.5560235

How can you lose weight on a 4267kcal diet? Bodybuilders eat that at a surplus.

>> No.5560237

>140g fiber
Good night sweet anus.

>> No.5560243

Imagine how sex is like with her. Hearts on fire, hearts on fire.

>> No.5560255

So her eyes changed from brown to hazel by eating fully raw? Goddamn these people are full of shit.

>> No.5560268


not all breeds of dogs are made the same. My husky gets chicken & ground beef and rice once a week.

I used to have a czechoslovakian wolfdog and she needed a raw steak to survive. But that's a WOLF dog so, doesn't really counter your point

>> No.5560273

fucking her anally must be like trying to paddle up a waterfall.

>> No.5560276

No way, it must be clean as a whistle and always in a dilated state. hnnnng

>> No.5560282

If she eats 64 oz. of figs daily, she'd be eating 8 POUNDS OF FIGS if measured by weight, or enough figs to fill a half gallon jug if by volume, along with all that other stuff she's supposedly eating.
That's not even possible. How can you fit that much mass into your stomach without it bursting?

>> No.5560295

you get bitten by a black widow spider and develop raw fruitarianism powers. if only steve jobs had her level of RAW power, he might've beat the cancer.

>> No.5560298

That pic looks pretty fucking good to me right now. Figs, strawberry salad, cherries... hnnnng

>> No.5560319

Along with that, a watermelon weights 20 lbs on average.
You would die if that and that alone was the only thing you ate, from your stomach bursting.

>> No.5560325

Didn't Steve Jobs die because he was some fag who refused actually medical treatment and tried lol alternative medicine and died.

>> No.5560356
File: 331 KB, 932x1710, winter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP again. This is what she eats in winter.

80/10/10 diets ftw... aha.

>> No.5560360
File: 6 KB, 247x204, orkish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. He died because he listened to this well established Medical Doctor. He should've eaten some bacon and butter pancakes.

>> No.5560368

>only 15% of the required fat
Do her joints even work?
I suppose that's also why vegans/vegetarians are so stupid: no fat to maintain their brain.

>> No.5560369

That ain't veganism, that's a raw foodist, the extremist terrorist branch of veganism.

>> No.5560371


>> No.5560440

I follow a mostly raw, 100% vegan diet and I am very surprised at the amount of negative comments towards my diet in this thread.

Why is it that some people get extremely anxious, nervous and violent when they hear others do something they don't, be it a religion, a diet, any kind of activity, etc.?

>> No.5560452


It only annoys me because most of the people are super ignorant about nutrition in general and just do it because they read about it on naturalnews or heard about it from the banana cunt. Then they'll criticize what I eat even though they have almost no knowledge about nutrition and I'm almost done with my internship and will soon be an RD.

If you just want to do something, even if it isn't ideal, that's ok if you aren't a cunt about it. I don't bother to argue with people unless they ask my opinion, whatever floats your boat.

>> No.5560453

>I'm sure she doesn't eat that much a day

I'm sure your mother has never had children.

>> No.5560454

Because ingesting 887g of sugar, 140g of fiber, 18g of potassium, 4200 calories, 0 B12 and an overdose that borders on Vitamin A toxicity is NOT, I repeat, NOT healthy. Do not listen to these online youtube gurus telling you to eat this much and in volume. If it works for you, great. But realize that eating like Kristina is something no medical professional would ever advise you to do.

>> No.5560457


>> No.5560469

People who are super ignorant about nutrition in general eat all kinds of diets, not just raw vegan.

If you are just buttmad someone is into raw foodism and called you out for eating something, why even start a whole thread about it? Do you even care THAT much to give it a space in your life?

Imagine if I made a thread for every time people ask me where I get my proteins from, or that my diet is "unnatural" (because somehow, animals eating raw food is totally unnatural), or what the hell do I eat if I am not eating REAL, COOKED food.

Get over it and if you think you know more than them then fuck their opinion.

>> No.5560478

how do you get b12 in ur diet?

>> No.5560500


No, I'm annoyed by anyone who is ignorant but vocal about it. I was just responding to the thread.

I didn't make the thread, this is the first time I've replied in it.

I think my stance is very reasonable and my approach toward dealing with those I disagree with is respectful, I don't know why you're getting so upset about it.

>> No.5560502

Not that guy, but B12 supplements exist.

>inb4 naturalistic fallacy

>> No.5560504

Why thanks for asking dear anon.

I am lucky to live in a south american country and buy local produce. I don't wash my veggies or fruits and try buying the most fresh-looking produce available.

>> No.5560505


by shots probably, like all the retards I know (not just talking about people who eat raw)

>> No.5560506

>No, I'm annoyed by anyone who is ignorant but vocal about it.
It's not like they are yelling outside your door. You chose to click the link and knew exactly what it was going to be like.

>> No.5560516


I meant irl, I should have specified that initially since I was referring to interactions with people I know irl when I talked about that. I figured that the way I described it made it seem like I was referring to interpersonal relationships but I could have been more specific.

>> No.5560519


But anon, only one of those scenarios is impossible.

>> No.5560520

I really doubt you run into these people frequently.

>> No.5560523

Steve Jobs died of pancreatic cancer.

Steve Jobs was a strict fruitarian. Fructose has been shown to have terrible effects on the pancreas, including causing tumor growth.

Ashton Kutcher adopted the diet, for one one month, while preparing to play the role of Steve Jobs in a movie. He was later hospitalized, and as he described it: "I was doubled over in pain, and my pancreas levels were completely out of whack, which was terrifying, considering everything."

Fruit-based diets, not even once.

>> No.5560527

>"vegan" supplements
lololol and the world spins 'round and 'round

>> No.5560531


I wish I didn't, but I live in California.

>> No.5560534
File: 187 KB, 595x511, 1337034436080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ on a bike, my stomach cramped up and my pancreas shrivelled just from looking at the sugar/fiber counts.

>> No.5560538

The issue is not fruit is bad in high amounts the issue is the fruit varieties grown in the United States and the west are extremely sweet.

Toxic levels of minerals? Honestly i question the bioavailability of most fruits and plant based foods to be worried.

>> No.5560539

You can't deny she's beautiful and 9/10.

>> No.5560540

What is wrong with getting B12 from bacteria?

>> No.5560541

He wasn't a strict fruitarian. He did fruitarianism for a few weeks then went back to an omnivore diet.

>> No.5560544

>Oddly, the researchers found no association between plasma B12 levels and meat, poultry, and fish intake, even though these foods supply the bulk of B12 in the diet. “It’s not because people aren’t eating enough meat,” Tucker said. “The vitamin isn’t getting absorbed.”

>> No.5560552
File: 40 KB, 357x400, FK,6684,72,eti-topkek-meyveli-40gr-24-lu-koli-atistirmalik-urunler-eti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"It's called fat for a reason: because it makes people fat."

>> No.5560556

She is, but what happens to someone after eating like that for a while? It would have to do some sort of damage.

>> No.5560561

>cholesterol is bad for you
>i wish i could get 0 cholesterol, i don't want cholesterol at all!

>> No.5560574

Quite the opposite, my friend. Apparently she got bit by a black widow spider and survived without any medication and apparently her blood levels and such were "perfect" after the recovery.

Also, believe it or not but apparently her eye color changed from brown to blue.

There is no reason we shouldn't all just eat like her. Nevermind there are no studies or controlled test subjects on this type of diet over a long period of time and most studies looking at vegans for long term turn out to be not in the favor of veganism.

>> No.5560609

You guys don't understand how hard it is to eat a shitton of fruit without feeling like shit. All dat fiber will make you full after like 3 bananas. The people eating this much fruit have a eating disorder and they have over stuffed their stomachs stretching the lining to accommodate unnatural amounts of food.

>> No.5560627

black widow spiders aren't that serious

>> No.5560647

>30 bananas a day
I'm 5'9 130lbs, I couldn't even eat 30 bananas a day, let alone every single day. Hell, I don't even think I could keep down 10 bananas a day, that's way too much food.

>> No.5560665

Some of us put everything in a blender and then filter the fiber by hand. Then you get a nice juice or mylk, depending on what you are making.
I myself can eat 5 bananas in a meal and be completely full for around 4 hours, then I drink 2 big glasses of almond mylk and after that a salad.

It ain't that hard to eat a lot of fiber, but you have to welcome the 3 or 4 pooping times your body will need per day.

>> No.5560671


>> No.5560683

quality post anon
why cant you guys eat high quality proteins like fish and eat a shitton of veggies and fruits along with that?
>thats a srs question

>> No.5560686

Some omnivores would get mad if I called it Milk, after all it ain't coming from an animal.

>> No.5560698

are you a womyn

>> No.5560701

I just stopped eating meat, dairy and eggs altogether about a year ago when I had to start chemo treatments. Today I find meats greasy and foul-smelling. When I lifted and did sports every day, I ate mostly fish.

Most (raw) vegan athletes aren't too focused on the lifting part and gravitate towards the cardio part, running, cycling, etc.

>> No.5560704

Boneless skinless chicken breast is not greasy. The smell is objective.

>> No.5560718

I think it is personal...don't get on my shit if we disagree. I believe my diet (raw veganism) is better defined by what I eat (a great variety of fruits and veggies, seeds, nuts and some seaweed) than what I don't eat.

>> No.5560729

>not knowing how much of a neckbeard this statement confirms you as
click link.. talking about black widows n shit
>not your personal blog..maybe it is but i got ADD son so i clicked that X

i remember reading how a dog or cat died because a vegan forced his/her lifestye on the animal
talk about a quality ratio i can get 100protons in 450kcal and still have calories to spend eating fruits and veg to my hearts content
anal is nasty whether youre a vegan or not
>but i do happen to know that vegan chicks smell better all over including the wussy

anyways ive read this thread and im still sure vegan/fruititarianism isnt for me

eating low fat proteins with a cornucopia of veg and fruit is what works for me since i care about muscle growth/maintaining and i dont have the time to eat 5 lbs. of the same food every day

>inb4 fit/ pls go... no you

>> No.5560738

dairy sucks and i dont use it
but this is true right here>>5560704
>same goes for turkey,and a shitton of seafood

most raw vegan athletes dont lift
>well thats why those who enjoy building muscle skip over that food course..

goodluck with your though treatments anon

>> No.5560742

I don't know how you are reasoning about this, but the average working person wakes up around 6:30 to 7:30 and goes to sleep around 10:30 to 11:30, these numbers aren't important but I think people are generally awake about 15 hours per day. That said, you'd only need to eat 2 bananas per hour. Not everyone sits down to a huge plate of food 3 times a day. Me I eat 5 medium sized meals per day. Anyway, eating 2 bananas per hour is not difficult or even impressive.

>You guys don't understand how hard it is to eat a shitton of fruit without feeling like shit.

Seems more like you don't understand how to do it. But now you do.

>> No.5560755

3300 calories of bananas is not healthy anyway even you do eat that much. Thats 420 grams of sugar and 30 incomplete grams of protein.

>> No.5560760

And everyone was fine.

>> No.5560764

and didnt lift

>> No.5560766

Works if you want to look like a scrawny child.

>> No.5560832


this was an interesting exchange to read

i'm not vegan but i am vegetarian, i have found that a lot of my friends who are vegan (i live somewhere very liberal) seem to have some sort of victim complex, and it seems like this raw dude does too

idk maybe looking into it too much, just interesting to me

also that freelee banana girl is an ex junkie, also interesting to me in its similarity of people going extreme in one direction or another

>> No.5560990

I am >>5560440 and >>5560469, the "raw dude" as you like to call me, and I did not intend on showing any sort of victim complex as I am victim of nothing. I am a firm believer of different diets fitting different people and everyone eating what suits them best.

Now, I do disagree with gorging on fast food and calling yourself healthy or being an "ethical" vegetarian while eating heaps of dairy and eggs. And even in those cases, I am not on an evangelization quest to veganize everyone around me.

>> No.5561017
File: 2.93 MB, 300x200, dbzover9000.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i find it unironic that hese posts got ignored though>>5560729

>but youd rather say anyone who dont accept my lifestyle is a meanie and ignant

jus saiyan

>> No.5561058

How can you call yourself an ethical anything if you cast stones and are judgemental towards other people. ;_;

>> No.5561512

Wasn't Hitler a Vegetarian?

>> No.5561539
File: 9 KB, 230x200, bush_shrug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wasnt that an irrellevent post?

>> No.5561540

Wow, holy shit. That was so pseudo scientific i can't see straight anymore.

>> No.5561548

You do realize that not washing your vegetables is not a good idea, right?

>> No.5561550

vegans are bunch of retards

>> No.5561560


No, he had digestion problems because of his war injuries, and could only eat specific foods.

>> No.5561588

No, he was a vegetarian who would eat meat sometimes, then go back to being a strict vegetarian. In short, Hitler was an asshole.

>> No.5561593

So uh, how does she deal with the Vitamin D deficiency?

>> No.5561616

Don't these retards realize you need a varied diet to get essential nutrients?

Don't these retards know that fat/protein/carbs all make you fat if you don't use them? I really don't know what you would be doing to need 1k carbs.

Energy in - energy out
Carbs are honestly the worst because there's so much in most foods today, people need more fat and protein.

>> No.5561618

eating high carbs low fat is HORRIBLE for you. it results in your insulin levels being so high that you can never burn any fat and at the same time so low that you always feel hungry. hence why the foods we see advertise "low fat" foods, which usually in turn results in high sugar + carbs. this is how people become diabetic.

>> No.5561625

>2350 kcal (182%)
>86.9g protein (87%)

seems reliable
everyone only needs 1300kcal but 100g protein after all

>> No.5561797

i don't have a problem with different diets, raw sweets are tasty as fuck. eat what you want, i don't care. i do have a problem with certain people preaching their deluded shit. especially if they didn't have a healthy attitude towards food in the first place, for instance binging on processed foods before, and now doing the same thing, except this time it's good for you, cause it's all natural. not having any kind of restrainth is a selling point of their programme. they go from one extreme to the other, then telling people how this is the only way to be healthy, when in fact it isn't.
plus, it makes for a very good reality tv.

>> No.5561837

>woman not looking like a horrifying monster
>D deficiency

pick one

>> No.5562329

What nutritional calculator site is that, anon?

If that's all she's eating in a day, then yeah she's missing out on a lot. The raw\paleo\fruitarian, etc people are insane.

I'm a vegan and I know that every major nutritional organisation in the world has published statements that an adequately planned vegan diet is more than sufficient if not superior. There are however multiple minerals and nutrients you have to pay special attention to. I take vegan Omega 3 and B12 tablets, and you have to vary what you eat to make sure you're getting enough calcium, zinc, iron. It's really not difficult but you do have to make sure you pay attention.

>> No.5562357

So you honestly think a diet requiring you to take supplements are superior?

>> No.5562361

I hope she and others like her die.

>> No.5562368

No actual health reason to go vegan, exists.

A normal human can simply eat slightly less meat than is the current norm. No need, whatsoever, for health reasons, to completely cut out meat from a diet.

Any diet that contains meat, is defacto, better, than one which completely does not.

>> No.5562377


>So you honestly think a diet requiring you to take supplements are superior?

Yes. It takes literally 10 seconds to pop a couple of pills. Most omnivores I know already take a variety of pills, Omega 3's are very popular and most nutritional organisations and government health bodies already insist that most people need to be eating vastly more fish or using supplements to get their Omega 3 needs met for example. Many omnivores have B12 deficiencies, I know several people who have pernicious anemia which means they can't process B12 naturally and require injects. I don't see the problem with 'artificiality' when we're living in a fallen world. It's no more 'unnatural' to take pills than it is to eat cooked meat.

By spending a little bit of time planning my diet, I'm saving animal lives and lowering the amount of unncessary cruelty, suffering, abuse in the world.

>> No.5562382


>No actual health reason to go vegan, exists.

>Any diet that contains meat, is defacto, better, than one which completely does not.

As I explain here ( >>5562377 ), I'm vegan for the moral reasons, but there are plenty of dietary reasons to completely exclude meat and animal products.

The greater risk of contamination and food poisoning, the caloric displacement of otherwise phytonutrient rich plant matter, the fibre which is essential to getting more nutrition out of food and for the health of your digestive system.

>> No.5562387

Her pussy probably does tastes pretty good with a diet like that. Is there some science to that or would that not affect pussy taste? I figure it would somewhat, if you eat a lot of dairy, your sweat smells really bad, right?

>> No.5562394

Because when they're serving food for you they have to cater to your needs for no reason other than you being difficult.

>> No.5562404


Any diet that includes meat is superior, from a nutritional perspective, than one that does not.

Thats just how it is. Be a vegan all you want, but never try to make the false intimation that it is somehow nutritionally superior to not eating meat, because its a flat out lie.

>> No.5562424


Well tell me what I'm missing out on?

You're saying the simple inclusion of meat make is superior, but the addition of ANYTHING to a diet could technically make it more nutritious. What is in meat that can't be found elsewhere from vegan sources? A 200g piece of steak will have significantly higher protein than the same amount of broccoli, and it'll have more iron for example - but the 200g of broccoli will have much more fibre, it'll have significantly more of the protective water-soluble nutrients, and it'll be full of cancer-fighting phytonutrients like sulforaphane. There's significantly less risk of food poisoning, etc.

Please tell me HOW a diet that includes meat is superior.

>> No.5562460


is it weird to say that as a fairly angry guy who hates this kind of person, I always end up going out with this exact type of chick? I don't even know how it happens either. Like, I go to some local punk show, spend the whole night drinking whiskey and punching whiney hardcore kids and getting into scraps, and then somehow I wake up next to some bubbly happy girl with flowers in her hair. It's like the third time that's happened.

>> No.5562467

How about you eat vegetables and add a healthy serving of meat like any regular human being i get over 100% dv fiber and i eat meat. Just eat legumes and vegetables with your meat.

>> No.5562493


>How about you eat vegetables and add a healthy serving of meat like any regular human being

You're missing the point, it's not nutritionally NECESSARY, because i live in a modern western country in conditions where I have more choice in terms of food and the variety of food to eat than even the greatest kings of Europe had a hundred years ago. It's not necessary to inflict needless suffering on animals.

> i get over 100% dv fiber and i eat meat. Just eat legumes and vegetables with your meat.

Ok, but weren't you arguing that the meat is superior, you haven't answered my question posed here in response to your claim - >>5562424

>> No.5562504

>itt vegans/vegetarians that think people who eat meat only eat meat

>> No.5562698

sunbath, duh? lol.. i guess you didnt know the sun gives you vitamin d.

>> No.5562717

Ill give you the vitamin D

>> No.5562757

OP here, I hear you on the whole moral thing but here's my take on it and why I personally went back from a vegan lifestyle to a complete diet:

I'll start off by saying I believe all life is sacred. Bugs, mushrooms, plants, trees, humans and other animals. The issue I had when I didn't want to eat meat anymore was that it increased my body inflammation and overall probably provided food for tumor growths. Overall I was probably putting a lot of bad stress on my body. I was on the typical SAD. I then saw how these animals were treated and how fucked up that was, so I went vegan for a year. I didn't miss the meat, nor did I crave it because I was fortunate enough to have supporting parents, one of which is a cook. So that went on for a while and I realized something else.. this whole planet is interconnected. Plants, mushrooms, trees and grass all talk to each other. They're all conscious, albeit not in a similar way that is easy for us to relate to. It's much more abstract than the relationship between us and animals. So when I understood that all life is precious, even that of broccoli I also understood that we are fueled by everything. What matters is how that thing was treated and prepared. And science actually backs this up...

>> No.5562775

People kill themselves with their eating habits all the time. I don't know why OP's example is so shocking and inciting such a reaction. Probably because most of the posters are so familiar with obese people who eat terribly and never exercise that they don't even consciously make a not of them any more.

At least this girl is cute and her delusional is under the pretense of ethics and morality. Most fat asses just cram whatever processed food they can down their gaping maws and don't give a shit about anything beyond that.

>> No.5562784

I learned that if you grill meat, deep fry potatoes, bake broccoli on 400F for 45 minutes all that black crust that forms, or brown in some cases is actually carcinogenic, rancid parts of the food gone bad.. Food isn't just fuel, food is you. It's not just how it's prepared (denaturing of proteins, loss of vitamins/minerals, rancidity etc), but it's also how that specific food was brought about. In case of meat, I'm now sourcing meats that are AGA certified and Animal Welfare approved. Is that 100% guarantee the animal is having a great life? Nope. It's a 90% guarantee. I'm fortunate enough to have found a great farmer that raises cattle and lamb just like that here. In case of vegetables and fruits, I grow several of my own but also buy from local organic farms who take care of these precious plants. They don't spray them, they don't genetically mess them up. It's a complete life circle. I won't eat a moldy, brown clustered broccoli as much as I won't eat a hamburger meat from Walmart.

It's all about understanding what food is and how it influences you. I know I'm gonna get shit for this but this is what I believe and I know exactly where every single food in my fridge and pantry comes from and how it was treated. That itself makes me feel empowered and healthy.

cronometer.com was the site, by the way and I made my own diet to reach all my goals, although I try to stay below 100g of carbs every other day, simply because I don't want all that excess sugar.

>> No.5562921


if food is you, what if you don't eat?

>> No.5563259

Does this get bland and boring after a while? Eating no meat or animal products? Not even cooking the vegetables you do eat?

>> No.5563270

yeah thats exactly what happened

>> No.5563278
File: 110 KB, 960x720, 1391840104324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its ok to eat some meat.

No need to be a fucking moron like a vegan, and irrationally completely cut out a normal and healthy part of the human diet.

Vegans refusing to eat meat, is exactly like Muslims refusing to eat pork. There really is no difference. Both are based on an irrational belief with no actual health benefit.

>> No.5563430

It seems to me like this vegan problem is going to work itself out.

Just like those people who own pet chimps. Never hear about too many of those guys these days.

(because they're all dead)

>> No.5563439

well said fellow carnivore

>> No.5563481

i think you mean omnivore

>> No.5563488

a thousand apologies

>> No.5563508
File: 910 KB, 1163x639, retards2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raw veganism is a cancer on the fitness and culinary industries.
Fully raw kristina OWNS A COOP and still spends 300+ on produce PER WEEK on groceries and touts this as an affordable diet.
Meanwhile I spend around $150 per month on all food, including eating out. Of course I go over/under some months, but rarely do I double it unless I'm out of a lot of bulk items I buy from Costco.


>> No.5563520

The bitch is orange. So she fake tans or her skin is orange.

>> No.5563528

I am a grad student in Canada and my gf and I probably spend $200 a week on food.

When I am fully employed I will obviously be spending more on food. I like quality food, a varied diet, and eating well.

Who gives a shit if you can't afford or fathom spending more than $150/mo on food. Your standards =/= mine.

>> No.5563547
File: 833 KB, 667x583, rawmurrica.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're missing the point. She is making a video showing how to make eating raw vegan "affordable" but that price level is not affordable for the average person. I could definitely afford to spend more, and sometimes I do, but in terms of what someone needs to survive, if your bare minimum is $300/week then your diet is going to take up too much of your budget. It's about the standards of the people that need to worry about their budgets that matter the most in this instance.

Also, on a more /ck/ related note, all of these bitches suck at prepping (since they can't cook). All of their knife skills are dangerously shit and most recipes amount to chucking everything into a food processor/blender.

>> No.5563549

they were making the point that the diet isnt really possible for the average person as she owns a coop (which would make the products a lot cheaper) and still spends 1200/ month on 1 person

>> No.5563554

It sure looks like a spider bite in that vid. But if it really was a black widow, there's no way she pissed blood or was bedridden for two weeks. Even with severe bites, most normal healthy adults recover within a day or four. Either she's full of shit or she has some serious underlying health problems.

>hurr durr fuck medical professionals I'll just eat watermelon for two weeks straight

She sounds retarded as hell.

>> No.5563560

Don't you know retards get the most media attention?

>> No.5563641

what the fuck are you doing spending 200bucks a week as a grad student.

>>Your standards =/= mine
Then don't tell other people what standard they should eat at, moron.

You are categorically a complete fuckwit when you in the same post start presuming to tell other people what standard of costs per month they should have on food, when you specifically just said that "who gives a shit what someone else can afford".

Fucking. Retarded. You. Are.

>> No.5563676

>what the fuck are you doing spending 200bucks a week as a grad student.
I am obviously making enough money, problem?

>Then don't tell other people what standard they should eat at, moron.
>Fully raw kristina OWNS A COOP and still spends 300+ on produce PER WEEK on groceries and touts this as an affordable diet.
>Meanwhile I spend around $150 per month on all food, including eating out. Of course I go over/under some months, but rarely do I double it unless I'm out of a lot of bulk items I buy from Costco.

It's like you can't follow a thread.

>> No.5563680

>It's about the standards of the people that need to worry about their budgets that matter the most
Since when did the standards of the poor matter the most?

>> No.5563693

>Then don't tell other people what standard they should eat at, moron.

>> No.5563728

lol wtf

>> No.5563740
File: 469 KB, 757x426, hurrdurr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not spending $300+ per week because of your stupid diet

>> No.5564099

fully raw will make you a super saiyan?

>> No.5564169

>being vegan for "moral" reasons
>fallen world
>thinking most animal lives actually matter
>thinking cruelty and abuse done by most animals means anything
>not realising you're just anthropomorphising errything

>> No.5564254

>>not realising you're just anthropomorphising errything
are you saying that vegans are furries?

>> No.5564285

So brown eyed people have shit in their eyes? What the fuck am I watching?

>> No.5564567


She has a very jewish look to me, her teeth remind me of that Jewish pornstar.

>> No.5564574

>"ethical" vegetarian while eating heaps of dairy and eggs
What is living in a country with effective farming/labelling regulations, Alex?

>> No.5564824


>She's getting no fats whatsoever

Says right there in your pic she got 22 grams of fat

>Look at those carbs

When have carbs from whole foods, especially fruit, ever been shown to be bad for you?

>Vitamin A overdose equals fatigue, insomnia and so on

You're thinking of the animal form of vitamin A, retinol, which can cause blindness and even death. Beta-carotene, the plant version, has no toxicity limit; you can't overdose on it.

Why are you so passionately upset over something you clearly don't even understand? I agree that it's not a realistically sustainable diet that anyone can afford, but you just look like an idiot when you try to break it down as if you know anything about nutrition yourself. We come from fruit-eating apes, having a fruit-and-vegetable based diet is most likely a very healthy way to eat. As for the rest of us who can't afford all those fresh fruits, we follow the next step of human evolution, which is the switch to a starch-based diet that also includes fruits and vegetables. Both are great, starch is just easier.

>> No.5565338

I have absolutely no context for this.

She just eats fruit? I guess? Of course she's an idiot, everything about your biology points to an omnivorous diet being advisable. She's got a serious case of eating like a panda going on if she just eats fruit. Pandas are retards.

Nobody lives on bananas.

People with heart disease or high blood pressure or osteoporosis or any other calcium-retention problems shouldn't eat bananas, because even a couple a week could fuck them up.

The before and after are on the wrong side, most vegan foods are high carb, most vegans eat badly because they haven't thought it through properly and don't know what they're doing. You know this. /ck/ knows this. Let's just move on.

She'll be dead at 50.

Looking good has a price.

>> No.5565350

>You're thinking of the animal form of vitamin A, retinol, which can cause blindness and even death. Beta-carotene, the plant version, has no toxicity limit; you can't overdose on it.

That's not an entirely honest statement. Based on studies with rats and dogs an LD50 has been established; more to the point, it's not a viable direct substitute for Vitamin A because it's so poorly absorbed. You literally have to dissolve it in oil to improve your intake to acceptable levels if you want to replace animal sources.

> In man 30-90% of ingested beta-carotene is excreted in the faeces
and concomitant intake of fat does not improve absorption. Excessive
doses depress the Vitamin A activity of the absorbed fraction. Only
small amounts appear in the serum. Beta-carotene dissolved in oil is
much better absorbed, 10-41% for adults, 50-80% for children (Fraps &
Meinke, 1945).

>Vitamin E is necessary to prevent enzymatic destruction and bile
acids are necessary for absorption (Wagner, 1962).

>Other workers quote 11% absorption by adults and 2.6% by babies
of a dose of 20 mg carotene (Kübler, 1963).

>The possibility of producing hypervitaminosis A in animals by
hypercarotenemia has never been completely proven because of the poor
absorption and slow conversion.
Acute toxicity

>Estimate of acceptable daily intake for man

>0-5 mg/kg bw*


>> No.5565353

Well they probably exercise too you dingus

>> No.5565375

Is she saying brown eyes are caused by what you eat and not genetics?

>> No.5565381
File: 51 KB, 604x451, carnivores keep being awesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5565382

22 grams of fat is what a short woman on an extremely calorie-restricted diet might eat.
She might not be getting hypervitaminosis A simply because she's not absorbing it.

>> No.5565389

Can't you eat some beans/nuts and grains?

>> No.5565504
File: 483 KB, 729x812, Okinawa Diet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is the same sort of argument people make against ALA omega-3, except for vitamin A it's even less practical. The human body absorbs and uses what it requires; obviously people who are also getting retinol through diet are going to absorb and use less beta-carotene because your body isn't going to make more retinol than it needs, which is why it has no toxicity limit in the first place.


>22 grams of fat is what a short woman on an extremely calorie-restricted diet might eat.

It's almost twice as much fat as the daily intake of the traditional Okinawan diet, where more people live to be 100 than anywhere else in the world. Just because it's not the norm in America to eat less than a pound of lard a day doesn't mean it's unhealthy or inadequate.

>> No.5565523

The best thing about it is the montage of pictures showing her eyes gradually getting lighter since long before she started eating vegan and fully raw.

>> No.5565544

This is just a single day's intake right? Pretty hard to tell how healthy someone's diet is from just a single day.

Also, a kilogramme of carbs? That's like having 10 litres of fruit juice. The fuck?

>> No.5565638

He lives in Canada, in places like Vancouver food prices can seriously be 2-3x the price it is in the states.

>> No.5565656

well, heavy metal poisoning can cause Wilson's disease. Symptoms show a metallic color of iris. Bitch may be poisoning herself.

>> No.5565663

she has to eat so much because the carbs are digested too quickly. Thats fucking stupid to eat nothing but simple carbs from fruit.

Your body can do gluconeogenesis for a reason, we're not fucking fruitbats.