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File: 37 KB, 512x341, il-fornaio-waiter-20101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5562405 No.5562405[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Am I the only one that dislikes being waited on by males?

Its just awkward.

As bartenders they are great but I must admit I tip men far less than women.

>> No.5562408

You must be a closet-fag

>> No.5562409

I don't mind male servers at all, as long as they act like men and not mincing fags. That's when I get irritated by them. A confident man who holds himself like a man, even when serving food to diners, is a pleasure, but effeminate or snotty male servers really get on my nerves.

>> No.5562410

I agree. I also want my women waiters to wear low cut shirts so that I can see their tits when they bend over to pick something up off my table ><

>> No.5562411

the only thing about waiters that i detest is when they leave my water glass unfilled for 15 minutes and ask how the food is when i'm chewing

>they bring you a new glass of water
>no lemon in it
all of my hate

>> No.5562414

I don't mind.

But having worked as a waiter, it is a little infuriating that some of my staff pulled in more tips than our male workers even though I know for a fact that our guys worked just as hard if not harder than our some of our female staff.

But that's just me.

>> No.5562418
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typical male waitress pic related

>> No.5562419

>I must admit I tip men far less than women.


>> No.5562423

Because they are supposed to have the intelligence and drive to possess a real job.

>> No.5562428


That doesn't actually explain why you tip them less.

Think about it.

>> No.5562431

Sure it does. They are my lesser and they don't deserve my hard earned money.

>> No.5562435
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>> No.5562440

>>They are my lesser and they don't deserve my hard earned money.

Arent the female waitresses your lessers too though, based on your logic?

Yet you pay them MORE, even though you get nothing additional from them?

Makes no sense, man.
Your reasons are that of a cunt.
Illogical and nonsense.

Straighten your shit out, or admit you are a fucking faggot.

>> No.5562444

If they are super suave and proffesional like this guy then I don't mind.

Know Your Size: Suits: http://youtu.be/b4l4khCUnIM

Otherwise horrible

>> No.5562448

All females are lesser to men in any given situation

Go back to white-knighting on r9k, fagface

>> No.5562449

I am so glad the city where I worked had no such bullshit regarding tips.

Minimum pay was minimum pay, there was an added bonus for showing up on time every day that bumped my hourly wage from 35 to 40 dollars.
And whatever tips that we had was either shared and totalled, portion intended for back of house subtracted and the rest divided amongst the rest of the servers.

>> No.5562455

>the male server that trys to small talk and act cool
>Hey whats up bro, nice shirt man where you get it from? Oh yeah i shop there all the time.

>> No.5562462

I don't like waited on by anyone. I'd prefer my food to be taken to me via robot/conveyor belt

>> No.5562466

>be waiter first night
>get small section
>go to same tables over and over
>guy yells at me to leave him a lone with his woman
>come back at end, get huge tip

>> No.5562468

>>All females are lesser to men in any given situation
Then why are you paying her more?

Makes no fucking sense.
Its cunt-logic.

>> No.5562469

aspects of nursing that do not relate to techincal knowledge or physical tasks, especially social interaction with patients


>> No.5562470

>>And whatever tips that we had was either shared and totalled, portion intended for back of house subtracted and the rest divided amongst the rest of the servers.

Except women don't turn in even a fraction of those tips for sharing, do they.

>> No.5562473

i find male waiters much better on average than female waitresses.

waiters on average keep it more professional, tend to be more attentive of their service, and less likely to give attitude.

>> No.5562477

Why do insist on using the sea word so much?

>> No.5562478

male-nurse here.

and that is bullshit.

>> No.5562482

>>sea word

fuck off, imbecile.

>> No.5562508

Dad must be proud. did you work your way through school waitressing?

>> No.5562516

stupid cunt like you make it appropriate, also australians

>> No.5562517

Dad is an asshole, and always has been.
Be glad if yours isn't.

I'm still studying. Am not waitressing. Also not even remotely homosexual before you try that angle.

>> No.5562519

Were you too stupid or too gay to become a doctor?

>> No.5562522

eat a gallon of your own shit

>> No.5562523

Ours did. The place I worked at was a fairly small place with only one cashier, anything discrepancy is noticed fairly quickly.

Heck, they noticed an extra 12 dollar difference in the receipt and the money taken in and spent a good hour trying to figure out where the money came. That's all sorts of ridicilous when you consider that our 140 seat diner had an average 250% turnover rate during lunch shift on a 'slow' day.

Busiest day we've ever gotten was probably had close to a 375% turnover over 3.5 hours.

>> No.5562524

Too lazy.

You say this kind of shit only on 4chan, or you like this offline too?

>> No.5562525

btw im a girl :^)

>> No.5562526

>>Ours did.

Except they didn't.

You don't actually think your female waitresses are bringing in their full tips for sharing?

Are you really that naive?

>> No.5562540

Even with your bs logic that means that even the worst examples of men are better than the best examples of women. Even you can admit there are many broken men in society that can't function normally. Look at all the aspies on here.

>> No.5562541

That would imply that any and all females are incapable of being honest.

>> No.5562544

>the worst examples of men are better than the best examples of women

>> No.5562547

Anon nursing is a good paying job
Don't worry about what these retards here say
My mom is a nurse and she makes assloads of money
Be happy with that and know that the people mocking you are probably living off an allowance they get from their mother who is on welfare

>> No.5562553

I dont deal in implications.

But you are naive to the point of stupidity if you think your female waitresses are bringing in their full tips for sharing.

>> No.5562561

Offline to, I'm very offensive in general but also a really nice guy. This is one of the main reasons I staff an all straight male kitchen.

OP IME Males make much better waitstaff and FOH managers/ Maitre Ds though Ive had good female wait staff too but they are usually older. I find a lot of girls think all they need is their looks and a smile to get good tips and then want to sit on their phones(which I dont allow)

>> No.5562566
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>used to work as a bartender at an Irish pub in Germany
>my boss is the archetype Irish bar owner, kinda brawly, big guy, with a beard and a thick accent
>he usually works with us guys behind the bar
>he, too, thought that guys belonged behind the counter and girls should be the servers
>in six years, I've seen him jump in for a waitress only five times
>even though our waitresses were super quick and friendly, he used to be even faster AND he got more tips every night he worked as a waiter
>his face when he gave the most experienced waitress cheeky comments about this

>> No.5562567

What happens when someone like me comes in and refuses to be waited on by some faggy dude?

>> No.5562573

>I'm very offensive in general
>>but also a really nice guy

Except you aren't a nice guy.

Whats with the fucking ragging on my because I'm studying to become a nurse?

I hope you die alone and hated, fucker.
I for one would deliberately let you die in my care. And before you whine to me about that meaning I'm a bad nurse, well, you fucking deserve it.

Die, fuckwit. Ill put the time into patients who deserve it, instead.

>> No.5562585

And you are jaded to the point of insanity if you think all females act in a dishonest fashion.

>> No.5562587

Not all. Most
And certainly most female waiting staff.

>> No.5562599

Are you trying to say women are just as good lifting or restraining patients? Are you saying they are able to be as logical and unadulterated by emotion in their professional opinions?
Or are you saying patients feel just as easy with a male nurse as with a female

>> No.5562601

>man doing woman's job
>has daddy issues
fucking classic

>> No.5562604

>too lazy to be a doctor
>decide to take the harder, lower-paid job of nursing

>> No.5562611

She was a middle age butch lesbian. Which is nice, I guess. Since there's 0 gender related tension going on with the staff when your female co-worker gives you a dirty look and calls you a weak ass pussy for not being able to drag the darts machine to the bank of the house during lunch prep.

>> No.5562619

Then we ask you to leave and please not come back but as I said we have female waitresses just a male BOH and a male Maitre D.

But I am a nice guy though, when the restaurant was just starting out I wouldnt cash my checks so that I could make sure everyone else would get paid, I've paid people out of my own pocket to work, Loaning my BOH guys money when they need it, Let one borrow my car for a month when someone without insurance totaled theirs (i have a company car so wasnt using it really). Once a month we close and cook a meal for a local nursing home and then go do something as a team(sports, lazer tag, etc) all out of my pocket, and I give 1000 to a local toys for tots type thing every year. I am a nice guy and Ill do anything for you especially if youre loyal and work hard.

Why would I care whether you are a nurse or not? Doesnt bother me at all. It was only a joke man, as I said I'm fairly offensive but I dont really mean anything like it plus what would it even matter if I was serious. Who care? Regardless Im sorry if I hurt your feelings(seriously)

>> No.5562623

You sound even gayer than the male nurse.
Hookup thread?

>> No.5562626

>>Are you trying to say women are just as good lifting or restraining patients?
Depends on her physique, but usually no.

>>Are you saying they are able to be as logical and unadulterated by emotion in their professional opinions?
They should aspire to be, though I can't speculate on whether it is harder for them. It is certainly an important element of the job.

>>Or are you saying patients feel just as easy with a male nurse as with a female
Patients are generally ambivalent as to the gender of their nurse, except in some instances where patients are shy about being naked infront of opposite sex nurses.

It should never have been a woman's job to begin with. I do this because I enjoy helping the weak, the suffering and those in need. If you don't find those to be manly attributes, then I think you are much less of a man than I am.

Had I realised I wanted to make a living helping people earlier in my life, I would have tried to become a doctor. Unless you are a doctor yourself, you are harder in a position to criticise me on that choice.

>> No.5562629

>>Regardless Im sorry if I hurt your feelings(seriously)

And I'm serious I hope that you die. Painfully.
There is nothing nice about you. Just another fucking cunt who thinks they are. I doubt anyone who doesn't have to lick your ass for a living thinks of you as a nice guy either, and that includes your family.

>> No.5562635

It just dawned on me that it will be my shitty luck to be stuck with some goddamned male nurse at some point.
Fuck you all.

>> No.5562638

>It should never have been a woman's job to begin with. I do this because I enjoy helping the weak, the suffering and those in need. If you don't find those to be manly attributes, then I think you are much less of a man than I am.
No, caregiving has always been women's work, even as far back as archaeological records.

>Unless you are a doctor yourself
You and i both know this is a logical fallacy. Are you sure you're not really a woman and only pretending to be a man for the sake of argument?

>> No.5562647

Almost all the guys who work for me are people Ive worked with through my career and when I got the opportunity to build my own crew I reached out and offered them more money and a better position with more creative freedom and we're all really good friends, but its cool man enjoy being a CNA and wiping peoples asses and giving them showers for the rest of your life. Sorry you can't take a joke. I've been called much worse than a faggot or a retard in the kitchen and never wished any of them died because of it.

>> No.5562652

Are you this fucking cunt:

>>No, caregiving has always been women's work, even as far back as archaeological records.
And I said it should never have been women's work. Learn to read, delinquent moron.
>>I enjoy helping the weak, the suffering and those in need. If you don't find those to be manly attributes, then I think you are much less of a man than I am.

>>You and i both know this is a logical fallacy.
Unless you yourself have chosen the medical profession, and attended all the years it takes to become an MD, then you are in no fucking position to criticise my choice in becoming a nurse instead. What the fuck do you know about being a nurse, or a doctor for that matter, or what the education entails.

You are just some fucking shit-tier, full of himself, uneducated kitchen faggot, who thinks he is a "nice guy" because he pays his fucking staff on time (which is fucking normal, and not something to be separately commended on).

I fucking pity you, whatever sad fuck you actually are. And I pity your fucking family for having produced, and to deal with such a shitbag onto the rest of the world.

>> No.5562656

im >>5562619 and >>5562638 isnt me

>> No.5562660

>Sorry you can't take a joke
¨What fucking joke.

Jokes are meant to be funny.

Your shit was just starting a fight, and face-to-face, you would have fucking had my fist in your mouth right after you failed to explain it.

Nobody can stand fuckstains like you unless they need something from him. I hope you fall to the point where eventually realise that. Fuckers like you belong alone, at the bottom.

>> No.5562663

>what joke
the common joke that nurses are nurses because they (for one reason or another) are unable to be doctors

>> No.5562665

i actually prefer male servers,

Male ones are usually classy men in the 50's or Bro tier 30's

female servers or most of the time sharp looking pretentious types, differs in each profession i quess.

>> No.5562675

>And I said it should never have been women's work. Learn to read, delinquent moron.
If it should never have been women's work, then why are we descended from the early societies that had that group dynamic, and not some variety of amazon tribe?
It was the most successful, and therefore right, way of doing things and always has been.

>unless you are a published chef, you cannot criticize my cooking
>unless you are an A-list director, you cannot criticize my acting
>unless you are a nutritional scientist, you cannot criticize my diet
But yes, it seems going into a social job suits you better than a logical job could ever, since this shit would have you flunk Logic 101

>> No.5562678

You think male nurses will laugh when you ask them:
>>Were you too stupid or too gay to become a doctor?

You would have had 10seconds to explain that shit to me IRL before I physically assault you.

Are you that much of a fucking cunt that you don't realise that?

>> No.5562679


>Because they are supposed to have the intelligence and drive to possess a real job.

So you must be lower-class scum from whatever country you live in because high quality restaurants often have a much higher ratio of male to female waiters/waitresses. You can make an easy $80k a year waiting tables at a decent establishment.

>> No.5562681

Guess who did the cooking too, fuckwit.
And there you are, in the kitchen, like a bitch.

>> No.5562684

I'm kinda with OP. I like male bartenders the most. They are cool to talk to usually, there is only a couple girl bartenders I can think of that are cool, give me free drinks, don't act like cunts or fake hit on me for a better tip, just cool.

Males being servers is either a weird over enthusiastic guy or a older (over 40) guy that seems burnt out and there way too long and they don't care that much. The women seem to be better at this for some reason.

>> No.5562685

being a cook is to being a nurse as being as chef is to being a doctor.

not that I'm the guy who works in the kitchen

>> No.5562690
File: 66 KB, 500x375, tumblr_mxikm3gRDw1qhvwk3o1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>being a cook is to being a nurse as being as chef is to being a doctor.

>> No.5562695

>>being a cook is to being a nurse as being as chef is to being a doctor.

Except its not.

Consider the required education and responsibility to perform as a nurse, vs what you need to prepare a meal.

chefs work in the kitchens at hospitals.

neither compares to the time, intelligence and effort required to become an MD though.

>> No.5562699

Depends on if they are an uptight asshole like you or had a sense of humor and could tell I was joking. Thought if you are going to "physically assault" someone for an offhand remark, especially something like that, you've got some issues and you'd be lucky to just get your ass beat or go to jail instead of getting put down since I almost always CC.

I've told nigger jokes to blacks and queer jokes to fags and they dont get all bent out of shape.

>> No.5562700

>you would have fucking had my fist in your mouth right after you failed to explain it.
Get a load of the male nurse trying to intimidate someone

>> No.5562703

What do you guys think of fat waiters or waitresses?

>> No.5562706


Drop the act. There was nothing "joking" about it, nor did you mean it to have fun with me.

You are picking fights, and being a fucking cunt.
Thats all there is to it, whether or not anyone has ever taught you a lesson about it.

I have a sense of humor which works just fine.
I don't tolerate cunts, though. Cunts like you.

>> No.5562707

Watch out we got a bad ass over here, guys. What a tough man he is!

Male nurses laugh all the way to the bank. They are also complete bros.

>> No.5562709

>Male nurses laugh all the way to the ban
While gayly swinging their purses

>> No.5562710

Get a load of a kitchen faggot trying to pick fights.

>> No.5562712

I don't think you understand.
A chef runs the show, a cook just prepares food, often under guidance of the chef but can also work without chef's direct supervision.
Meanwhile a doctor runs the show in patient care, while the nurses do the caring under the guidance of the doctor, but not necessarily his direct supervision.

And chefs do not work in hospitals (unless the cafeteria is especially high-end), nutritionists do

>> No.5562713

Everyone knows chefs suck cocks to advance in their line of work.

Lots and lots of cocks. Also take it in the ass.

>> No.5562714

You're too angry to be a nurse. Which is strange because homos are generally friendly people.

>> No.5562715


>> No.5562718

he's probably in the denial stage and the pressure is too much to bear

>> No.5562719

>>I don't think you understand.

No. Its you who doesnt understand.

As a nurse you are dealing with real people, with complicated physiological conditions and histories.

Not with fucking vegetables on a frying pan.

The level of autonomy and responsibility necessary on a ward is completely unlike anything in any kitchen.

The "chef" you are referring to, is equivalent to a Head Nurse on a ward.

They are essentially the first among equals, and coordinate, lead, organise and guide the conduct of the ward. Doctors duties are completely different and extraneous from those.

There is no-one as qualified as MD walking around in kitchens.

>> No.5562722


And you are too much of a cunt to be a good chef.

>> No.5562725

You're very emotionally invested in this, aren't you?
Tell me more about your father.

>> No.5562728

Thing is, kitchen people are the last ones you wanna fuck with, They're sweaty, pissed of, good with a knife, familiar with working through pain, and have lots coworkers exactly the same who are right there to back em up.

>> No.5562729

>>refuting bullshit
>>>means emotionally invested

How about you tell me about your father instead.
Afterall, his son turned out to be a cunt.

>> No.5562730

It seems you continue to not understand, Nowhere have I said a cook is as qualified as a nurse, I have only stated that the role dynamic between nurse/doctor is equivalent with the one between cook/chef.
And the head nurse would be akin to a head cook, not a chef.

>> No.5562732

yes. bottom shit. pretty much.

and its health professionals you dont want to fuck with. because it could be you, or someone close to you, who ends up under their care in the future.

>> No.5562734

>dat projecting

Tell me, when is the last time you had contact with him. What is his relationship with other members of your family

>> No.5562735

And it is you who continues to not understand.

As I already explained to you, the equivalent of a chef, would be a head nurse.

There is no direct parallel to an MD working in kitchens. The job simply does not require that degree of education/responsibility.

>> No.5562741

Are you still this cunt?

>> No.5562743

>more threatening from the sexually confused male nurse
You're going places, kid.

>> No.5562744

>As I already explained to you, the equivalent of a chef, would be a head nurse.
You didn't explain it, you stated it. I stated you are wrong to think this and offered you a more accurate fill-in for head nurse(ie. head cook)

>There is no direct parallel to an MD working in kitchens. The job simply does not require that degree of education/responsibility.
Why do you hold this for a doctor and not for a nurse?

>> No.5562745

Unlike faggy nurses we'll just have it out and thatll be that. I wouldnt go to a nurses family and seek revenge on them b/c of something a nurse did to me, and I wouldnt fuck with your food just because we got in a fight because I actually take pride in what I do.

>> No.5562758

nope they are me >5562519, most of these arent any more, heres the only ones that are me.


>> No.5562759

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
>it is inconceivable that more than one person would challenge my opinion

>> No.5562770


Here, nurseman a shit.

>> No.5562772

You guys ever hear about the male female wage gap?

It's this thing where men make more money than women for working.

>> No.5562777

Better places than you.
Stop whining like a cunt when you get back what you yourself give out.

The dynamic between chefs/cooks is same as head-nurse/nurses. There is also a specialised team-structure to support this with overlapping authorities.

>>Why do you hold this for a doctor and not for a nurse?
There is no equivalent to an MD in the kitchens, as there is no need for that degree of education and responsibility in a kitchen, as there is in a ward where PEOPLE require personalised and impeccable care, and where any mistake leads to human suffering and law suits galore. Doctors handle diagnosis and prescriptions, nurses handle the rest of the patientcare. You seem to not entirely understand the actual nature of that division of labor.

I understand why you think as you do, but you are nonetheless wrong. In understanding the structure of authority of hospitals vs kitchens, the comparison is valid only uptil nurse/headnurse and its equivalent of cook/chefs. There are no MD equivalents in kitchens, and its certainly not chefs.

>> No.5562779

When you account for men doing more hazardous, harder jobs at longer and less desirable hours, the wage gap disappears

>> No.5562782

And I wouldn't insult you or pick fights with you out of the blue simply because of your job.

That however, is exactly what you did. So dont whine to me the consequences of your own bullshit.

>> No.5562783

[citation non-existent]

>> No.5562786

>Better places than you.
Like jail. When you carry out your juvenile and thuggish threats.
Lots of buttsex in jail, you'll like it in there.

>> No.5562787

The head nurse NEVER prescribes a treatment, they only manage how the care is carried out in accordance with the doctor's instructions.

>> No.5562790

It is entirely conceivable.

But how the fuck am I supposed to keep track without IDs.

Thats why I ask, fuckwit.

>> No.5562793


One example from forbes.
Perhaps this will whet your appetite in trying to find more publications on the matter

>> No.5562798

>But how the fuck am I supposed to keep track without IDs.
'writing' style is how.

>> No.5562802

I'll just add that if writing style is indeterminate, then it doesn't matter 'who' said it any further than it 'was' said

>> No.5562803

Coming from someone who starts a conversation with other people by insulting their job out of the blue, and then whines that its a joke, that means absolutely fuck all.

>>The head nurse NEVER prescribes a treatment
I have not claimed otherwise.

And yet that does not change that there is nobody in kitchens with the degree of education or responsibility as a MD. Nor is it necessary, because you are dealing with fucking food, and not people.

>> No.5562805

I never whined it was a joke.
Nurse is a woman's job. Faggot.

>> No.5562806

Your writing style looked like "cunt" to me.
Just like the other guy looked like "cunt" to me too.

If you don't want to be considered a cunt, stop writing like one.

>> No.5562807

>provides opinion piece on Forbes website
>throws the burden of proof to the person asking for citations
Yeah... I thought so.

>> No.5562808

>I have not claimed otherwise.
You did tho, when you repeatedly exclaimed the role of the head nurse in relation to nurses is equivalent with the role of the chef in relation to the cooks

>> No.5562814

>Your writing style looked like "cunt" to me.
>Just like the other guy looked like "cunt" to me too.
Then you need to look at things more objectively instead of thinking 'things I don't like' entails only one single category

>> No.5562815

>>Nurse is a woman's job. Faggot-

So is working in a kitchen.

You seem to be getting mad. I'm not surprised, cunt. You suddenly upset your "jokes" are not going down well?

>> No.5562816
File: 120 KB, 765x990, 1395968092990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doubt this is true for servers. even if it was there are worse things going on that a wage gap

men are more than 2x as likely be homeless

boys are 30% more likely to drop out of HS

men are 15x more likely to incarcerated then women

men on average receive a 12% longer prison sentence than women for the same crime

men are 2x more likely to woek over 50 hours a week

men account for 93% of workplace deaths

men are 3x more likely to be a victim of homicide

men are 4x more likely to kill themselves

women seeking sole custody are 65% more likey to receive it than men seeking sole custody

even if a man was a rape victim he is still responsible for child support

Some courts have even ruled that all a male has to do is provide for a child for a small amount of time has to pay child support even if the child is not his

american men die an average of 5x earlier than women and boys are more likely to die before 18 than women

>> No.5562825

>>You did tho
Except I haven't.

Go ahead and quote me where I claim that different than:
>>The head nurse NEVER prescribes a treatment

Go ahead. I will wait.

>>the role of the head nurse in relation to nurses is equivalent with the role of the chef in relation to the cooks

Yes, it is, roughtly.

If you can compare knowing how to fry fucking vegetables with knowing how to care for people with complicated real physiological conditions and medications.

As to MDs, there is no equivalent in kitchens. Not in terms of education or responsibility. Nor interms of their dynamic or division of labor in the organisational structure of a hospital.

>> No.5562826


>> No.5562828

You actually went to school for a job so challenging and demanding that a woman can do it.
Yes, I mad. Now wipe my butt.

>> No.5562831

There's not a lot of male exclusive jobs out there provided that the female is physically and mentally capable.

>> No.5562834

>deny making a claim
>go on to assert that you made that claim and it is correct that you made it.

>> No.5562835

Do you ever look at primary literature or do you rely on opinion pieces which filter the data as the writer sees fit?

>> No.5562836

except the best chefs throughout history are men and most exec chefs are men.

as far as the head nurse = exec chef things thats bullshit. A head nurse would be more of a Sous Chef or chef de cuisine while the exec chef would be the doctor and the chef proprietor would be the chief of medicine or board of directors

>> No.5562837

>>You actually went to school for a job so challenging and demanding that a woman can do it.

As did you, as a cook.

And no, I wont wipe your butt. Ill leave you sitting in your own shit for a few hours. Then I'll call one of your relatives to come clean up your pitiful excuse for an existance.

>> No.5562838

>physically and mentally capable
Well there's the rub, aint it?

>> No.5562842

>except the best chefs throughout history are men and most exec chefs are men.
Historically, the best researchers were men. I wonder if there are any biases that could cause such a skew...

>> No.5562843

wipe it, poopy pants, MD

>> No.5562844

I prefer female waitresses. Easier on the eyes. Usually more friendly. It's just nature.

Bartenders I prefer males, simply b/c I've encountered more inept female ones while males have been on top of things. Not sexist, it's just experience I've had.

>> No.5562845

Have you an example of primary literature that supports the notion that there exists a gender pay gap?

>> No.5562846

I'm getting dumber and dumber reading this thread

>> No.5562847

I did not make the claim that Nurses prescribe treatment. You falsely claimed that I had.

This part, however, is correct, despite you trying to claim it as if it was not correct:

>>>>the role of the head nurse in relation to nurses is equivalent with the role of the chef in relation to the cooks

Im sorry you are such an uneducated and moronic shitbrain that you cannot comprehend or accept that. It is, however, nonetheless so.

And your attempts to compare a chef to an MD, are FUCKING HILARIOUS.

>> No.5562849

Maybe you should stop hanging out with vapid, shallow women.

>> No.5562852

>ll leave you sitting in your own shit for a few hours
>Then I'll call one of your relatives to come clean up

then youd get fired for not doing your job because no one expects the relatives to do this.

>> No.5562854

I don't mind male servers. Some of the finest restaurants in the world use them, almost a true white collar job if done well. I think it's a valid profession even later in life if it's the right venue.

I don't like sniveling, hey baby chummy waiters, or really effeminate waiters in an all managed/all tended gay joint, or really anyone if they're too unprofessional. But, get me in some 4star setting where menu questions are answered with knowledge, or the guy is so good he's not writing a thing down, or remembers you from last visit, if he delivers food and silverware by the proper side and picks up the proper side, refills before I ask them, and so forth. I simply want my waiter to be good at their job, and then leave you the heck alone when you want to enjoy your companions. If I glance up thinking of something I might want or need, and someone comes over, great, big tip. They should dress cleanly, unfrumpy, unwrinkled, unstained. You don't want to see their poverty, but rather pride.

>> No.5562855

>And your attempts to compare a chef to an MD, are FUCKING HILARIOUS.
Agreed. Chefs don't kill anywhere close to the number of people MDs do

>> No.5562857

High-test has been linked with increased competition.
Therefore high-test not only gets things done, it strives to get them done better than how anyone else got them done.

This, combined with a mindset that is more geared towards logical thinking, is why men are the better chefs and researches, whiel the complacancy of women is why they make adequet cooks and nurses, since they are required to keep the ball rolling and never rock the boat

>> No.5562860

>Maybe you should stop hanging out with vapid, shallow women.
Well there's the rub, aint it?

>> No.5562862

then how do you explain it still being true today?

>> No.5562866


I'm sorry to tell you this, and don't take it the wrong way, but there really is no valid comparison between what a chef learns and a nurse learns.

I know this is hard for you to imagine, because you think you are very important while cutting vegetables, but the fact of the matter is that one profession requires a great degree of responsibility and education, and the other is basically cutting shit up and cooking it according to a recipe.

The comparison gets even more ridiculous when you go onto MDs.

I'm sorry, but chefs rank even below nurses on the social and educational ladder.

Ask yourself.

Would you rather have a good nurse when you are in need, or a good chef?

>> No.5562875

>>then youd get fired for not doing your job because no one expects the relatives to do this.

No, I wont.

Im very pressed for time and I have other actually decent and reasonable patients to care for.

Time runs out frequently, and frankly, your broke ass family and you aren't paying me enough. I just sadly inform your shit family that I'm afraid we didnt have time to finish with you, and that could they come down later.

Plus, you have no evidence I was there when you shit your fucking pants. So not my problem. And any nurse I tell about your attitude towards nurses, will agree that "fuck him, leave him sitting in his shit".

maybe one of your chef friends can come wipe your ass with some lettuce?

>> No.5562877

You just listed what a coo does, then attributed it to a chef's job.
This may be where the core of your misunderstanding lies.

>> No.5562878

>Well there's the rub, aint it?
I'm sorry that the place you live in are full of vapid, shallow people.

Like you.

>> No.5562879

You, sir, are the potty mouth without intelligence or logic. Get a thesaurus to express yourself better when communicating and stop offending everyone. You're making yourself look bad.

The sociology of tipping is multi-factored. There will be people who tip like a CPA, getting out a calculator, subtracting tax, subtracting alcohol tax, percentage of the pre-tax total and firm rules about time of day, portion of the menu they ordered from, light or heavy, desire to help a waiter who validated their feelings, guilt for doing well, understanding about single parents, desire to create favor for subsequent visits, fear about retaliation in subsequent visits, ability to ignore their badly adjusted highly emotional children, looking the other way on free drinks, looking the other way for smoking or loud phone calls, special orders, you name it. Now, calm down. No matter what any poster states about tips varying by gender, it's never that black and white. Use your brain.

>> No.5562882

Its obvious you know nothing of what is required to be a good chef or even a good cook.

theres a lot more doctors than Certified Master Chefs and nearly everyone who tries cant live up to the standard. Hell even Ramsay failed it 3 times.

>> No.5562884

Thanks for the life advice, special namefag snowflake

>> No.5562892

>>This may be where the core of your misunderstanding lies.

And yours is misunderstanding that nurses would work for doctors.
They don't.

I don't know where youve got this into your head, but you don't seem to have any comprehension of the division of labor and chain of command in hospitals.

The closest parallel, is nurses/head-nurses and cooks/chefs. Thats as far as you can take it, in terms of planning and carrying out patient care.

There is no equivalent "tier" as MDs, in kitchens.

>> No.5562894

>your broke ass family and you aren't paying me enough.
we arent paying you the hospital you work for is

and yes you will get fired it you leave someone sitting in their own shit for hours

>> No.5562895

He's defending doctors like his life depends on it yet he just changes people's poopy pants for a living.

>> No.5562897


i don't know how you could have come to this conclusion unless you were projecting.

>> No.5562898

>>poster doesn't tip men because of gender bias
>>yet you start railing at me for posting "cunt" and "faggot"

I think its you who needs to use your brain.

>> No.5562904

because a gender bias is not the same are resorting to obscenities

>> No.5562905


all dat bait on one hook!

>> No.5562909

>What happens when someone like me comes in and refuses to be waited on by some faggy dude?
My grandfather did this everyone he went. He couldn't stand the thought of some germy person with hepatitis, AIDS or whatever shit is on his hands touching him or his food. To get his wish, he just appeared like he really would prefer to have a pretty waitress, like he was a perv instead. He was 80-95, and adorably cute. No one ever argued he was old enough to get some nice TLC attention from some sweet waitress.

>> No.5562912

and you dont understand how kitchens work

nurses = cooks
head nurse = sous chef
doctor = chef de cuisine
chief of medicine = exec chef
board of directors = chef proprietor

>> No.5562918

>>Its obvious you know nothing of what is required to be a good chef or even a good cook.

And its obvious you know nothing of what is required to be a good nurse, much less an MD.

The work-environment and the nature of responsibility in the job is completely incomparable, but as far as the rough organisational structure, as I have said, repeatedly and which you are too ignorant to recognise as the truth, the closest parallel is nurses/head-nurse to cooks/chefs.

The nurses are a society of equals in kitchens, with the best of them rising up to various leadership jobs and heads of departments. This is based on extensive formal education, seniority and a long experience in that particular area of patient care.

This is completely inline and in parallel to chefs who rise from cook ranks to take similar positions.

There is no extra "tier" as MDs in kitchens because it is NOT NECESSARY. It is, in healthcare, for reasons you seem incapable of understanding. The level of responsibility and education is much higher in healthcare. This isnt fucking around with fucking dishes, and the day is ruined if someone overcooks some fuckjing spaghetti. This is real peoples lives.

>> No.5562919

>gender bias
The PC indoctrination in this thread is almost complete

>> No.5562925

>This is real peoples lives.
Is that why you think it's okay to threaten their health?

>> No.5562926

If you aren't paying me, then I could care even less about a whining wankstain like you then.

I have other patients to care for. You sitting in your own shit is your problem, not mine.

And no, I wont get fired for it. I know the system, and I know what I have time for. Ill just use that time one someone else rather then you. Next time you will know not to act like a fucking cunt, wont you.

>> No.5562930

that is fucking hilarious.

you are a fucking retard extraordinaire.

thats why you work in a fucking kitchen.
brains, you fucking don't have them.

>> No.5562934

Says the (male) diaper wiper.

>> No.5562935

Act like a cunt, get treated like one.

Your choice.

>> No.5562939

You'll be sorted out soon enough, tough guy.

>> No.5562941

>>actually thinks that nursing involves only asswiping

some new kind of retard.

>> No.5562944

none of your patients pay you. In fact you get paid the same no matter how many patients you have to treat dumbfuck.

And yes if you are assigned to care for someone and neglect them then you will get fired and then can even be legal repercussions

>> No.5562946

I don't treat people like cunts off the bat, unlike you.

So thanks, but I'll be fine.
You should worry about yourself
(and start saving money for private healthcare, cos if any nurse gets even an inkling of the shit you wrote here, you will pay for it)

>> No.5562950

Wrong on all accounts.

>> No.5562953

so they patients pay you directly?

and the hospital isnt responsible for neglect

>> No.5562955

I've been intimidated by one or two people in my life and none of them were male fucking nurses, I'm sure.

>> No.5562959

Are you not paid hourly? I didnt realize nurses worked on commission.

>> No.5562967

From the way he talks he probably isnt even a nurse, just a CNA if anything. Definitely not a LPN or RN

>> No.5562972

>>so they patients pay you directly?
Not for me at this exact point, but there are private nursing jobs where the nurse is paid directly by the patient.

>>hospital isnt responsible for neglect
You think you can sue for neglect after sitting in your own shit for a few hours after repeatedly insulting your nurse?

Good luck!

>> No.5562988

You didn't intimidate me either.
Just immediately showed that you are a cunt.

Yes, some jobs are like that. Either privately or through an employer.

Its a 3.5yr degree here, and we have a different system of designations here, but I think it coincides with RN.

>> No.5562995

wheres here

>> No.5562997


>> No.5563000

that explains everything then

>> No.5563002

This nursing thread needs to die.

Men and women are both going to get sick and die one day, and as such there is a very valid reason to have both genders in the nursing profession. Each gender brings something to the table desired by patients, and not just for privacy in the bathroom and needing a second witness to prevent abuse claims. The information about men being stronger can be valid, if compared to some 89lb woman from the Philippines doing home health post-hip replacement care nursing without assistance of a device or other people. But nurse work can be anything from handing out meds in a rehab facility, seeing patients as RNP for diagnosis and script writing, to wound care, to all paperwork jobs, working in wards in hospital that are mostly one type or another of patients, from maternity to ICU to telemetry to cardiac rehab to cath labs....there's far too many ways for nurses to work to sit around and pick apart the pros and cons of men vs women.

One thing is for sure, it's got some lesser math and lesser chemistry, but it's not a joke of a degree. People who go to med school have one thing they did better than anyone else, in that they decided on their path by 10th grade in high school and got their ducks in a row, because admissions and acceptances is a many layered planned thing. Nursing school can be far more forgiving, because there are simply more schools and less competition. You can be an older student, as well. The med schools that take anyone over the age of 23 are less than a dozen, in the whole world. There's the difference. Nurses can and do get advanced degrees, and are hired for level of experience in the equivalency of a residency, in many cases because they are taking exams. It's not identical, but all this subjugation is kind of silly.

>> No.5563009

Thanks, bro.

Well said.

>> No.5563012

Factually incorrect.

>> No.5563015
File: 12 KB, 182x161, 1403124694642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question for all you foreignfags who mock Americans for tipping. What do you do at a strip club?
>implying you have strip clubs

>> No.5563030

That's some weak trolling.

>> No.5563048

Not trolling, My brother and his friend he met in undergrad are both in med school, My brother didn't start school until he was 20 and his friend got a degree in psych and went back at 25 to go to med school.

So saying you have to decide in 10 grade and plan it out ahead of time and that there are less than a dozen med schools that will take someone over 23 WORLDWIDE is, as I said, factually incorrect.

>> No.5563062

Sounds valid.

His statement may have been exaggerated, but probably accurate to an extent though about the difficulties of getting into med school at an older age (and associated costs).

You probably should have written that shit instead of just stating "Factually incorrect." without any reference to what, or why.

Turned out, thats a pretty tiny and irrelevant detail.

>> No.5563066

wave a bundle around and act like i'm going to give them $30 for a lapdance, receive lapdance, do not tip and give fatherly advice instead
>literal money-grubbing whores

>> No.5563068

Sorry, posting from work and sometimes its easier to just post quick and come back to it later since Im trying to do a bunch at once. You are probably right though.

>> No.5563070


Its people like you is why I don't want to get into nursing anymore. It turns you into a confused sociopath

>> No.5563076

Pick up a barron's guide to medical schools.
Look at admission ages.
Check your facts, idiot.
There are only 6 medical schools in the US that actually prefer second degree/career changing doctors, half of those are ivy league. And, the prefer you have some master's degree before med school, in something amazing that actually applies to medicine, like ethics, religion, biomedical engineering, etc. Psychology is nonscience, so if he wanted to get in on that, he'd also have to take 2 years of pre-med science, statistics and math.

But the rest of the medical schools will absolutely not take anyone +/- a deviation of 3yrs from the normal graduation age of your bachelors. They consider a medical class a team of people who need to be similar in age to be successful. Half of the competition of medical schools is they don't want a single dropout.

>> No.5563077

>>confused sociopath

I tell you whats a confused sociopath.

Its someone who thinks you can compare what a Cook does in the kitchen to what a Nurse does in a hospital, and then try to claim that Chefs are like Doctors.

That is some confused sociopathic shit, right there.

>> No.5563080

American here.
For my birthday I was taken to the VIP room. My friends paid 300 for a lap dance and a bj. I did not tip because i was told it was all taken care of.

>> No.5563098

>he'd also have to take 2 years of pre-med science, statistics and math.
he had a psych degree, he went back for a bio/chem double major

>check your facts idiot
well seeing as how I have to first hand examples it seems you need to check your facts.

>something amazing that applies to medicine

>medical schools will absolutely not take anyone +/- a deviation of 3yrs
not true either.

>> No.5563100

Anyways, returning to topic:

Fuck people who have somekind of irrational dislike of male waiters.

(and fuck those who have them with male nurses, too)

I can understand, as a hetero male myself, that its nice to have a good set of tits, ass and smile waiting on you. But I'd just as well have a male who is good at his job.

Its not like the waitress is gonna fuck you for a 20% tip anyways, is it.

>> No.5563101

seems you dont know what sociopath or analogy means.

>> No.5563109

>want to return to topic

immediately goes off topic by talking about the thing that led us off topic.

>> No.5563111

I know what they mean.

I just have no fucking idea in what context you think you are applying them accurately or representatively. You didn't exactly explain it, except you seem to fear that if you become a nurse, you will become a confused sociopath, because you will know the difference between a fucking cook, chef, nurse and doctor after that?

Seems fucking insane to me.

>> No.5563113


not him but you don't know what sociopath means, either. personality disorders are embedded in you from childhood, not a career path.

>> No.5563116

You haven't even read the OP, have you.

>> No.5563120

>if you become a nurse, you will become a confused sociopath
no one is saying that, just that you are.

>> No.5563124

(and fuck those who have them with male nurses, too)

not exactly on topic huh?

>> No.5563125

>>no one is saying that, just that you are.
No, he said it.
Look here:
>>Its people like you is why I don't want to get into nursing anymore. It turns you into a confused sociopath

>> No.5563129

>he had a psych degree, he went back for a bio/chem double major
In other words, what medical school is this guy in now? Because pre-med isn't medical school admissions. You seem to not realize that science degrees are not in the school of liberal arts like psychology.

Go read Barrons. Your friend obviously isn't in medical school, yet. And, has poor odds.

>> No.5563130

>>immediately goes off topi by talking about the thing that led us off topic.

Not exactly immediately when its in the 3rd fucking line and in parenthesis.

Whats wrong with you, cunt?
Something jammed in your anus?
You seem to be in quite a bit of pain about it.

>> No.5563141


you're doing the same thing.

>> No.5563145

Doing what same thing?

>> No.5563148


contributing to the same straying-off-topic-while-simultaneously-criticizing-straying-off-topic behavior that you're angry at someone else for doing

>> No.5563151

thats what happens when dealing with faggots like that.

no other way to communicate with them.

>> No.5563157


you could just choose not to deal with anonymous faggots on the internet idk

>> No.5563158

same goes for you.

>> No.5563166


did you just call yourself a faggot?

>> No.5563176

Both are in Emory Medical School and he wasnt "premed" he got a second degree in chem/biology(dual major)

>> No.5563179


but im calling you a fucking faggot now, for that.

>> No.5563203

first-year students range between 21 and 24 years of age, there is no upper age limit.

Generally speaking, the first group consists of students ages 24-28.

Medical school admissions can seem competitive. The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) reported that 42,742 applicants applied in the 2009-10 application cycle (a record), but only 18,665 applicants matriculated. While it may seem like applicants are all coming straight out of their undergraduate degree, that isn't the case.

Many incoming medical students are not recent graduates; a 2006 joint survey conducted by the AAMC and the American Medical Association (AMA) showed that as much as 10 percent of incoming medical students are 27 or older. However, because of the financial and time commitments involved in pursuing a medical education, many students have said that the later in their lives that they enter medical school, the more difficult it is to adjust.

medical schools and interviewers are not legally permitted to ask you directly about age or family-related circumstances

can you provide any example of the med schools that have an maximum age they will accept? Shouldnt be hard since you said "rest of the medical schools will absolutely not take anyone +/- a deviation of 3yrs from the normal graduation age of your bachelors" and "The med schools that take anyone over the age of 23 are less than a dozen, in the whole world"

>> No.5563205

What degrees do you hold and from what universities?

>> No.5563207

What degrees do you hold and from what universities?

>> No.5563216

BSc from University of Toronto, MSc from University of Ottawa, and currently working on my PhD at Duke.

I've gotten a lot out of my education but I think that is because I really enjoy my field and am self-motivated and into "learning for the sake of learning".

I still consider universities to be primarily degree mills whose sole purpose is to make money and not groom critically-thinking citizens.

>> No.5563224

I was asking the guy who glibly (and irrelevantly to the topic) asked you.

>> No.5563227

And I'm: >>5563205 and >>5563216

>> No.5563241

SO you are this faggot?

What is your PhD in?

>> No.5563248

In my restaurant the female workers make more tips because they go the extra mile for the customers. They offer complimentary blowjobs to male customers and pussy licking to female customers. The male waiters don't.

>> No.5563250

im >>5563048 and those others arent me. I dont have any PHD or anything like that just asking you to prove the points where you said less than a dozen med schools world wide accept anyone over 23.

its obviously bullshit since >5563203 disproved the bullshit you were spouting which is why you havent responded to it yet

>> No.5563256

Astro physics, robotics and advanced A.I. programming.

>> No.5563258

I'm not him. I dont have to prove anything.

I was basically asking you for your degrees, cos you seemed to be the one asking for them from the other guy.

He seems to have plenty, so his shit is covered. You are just some pissant who got upset on a technicality about what age most Doctors still enter uni at.

No idea why you are so persistent and insistent on it.

>> No.5563261

so basically you are a dumb-as-fuck cook, right?

>> No.5563266

i never asked for degrees from anyone. He only 6 medschools take people over 23 world wide so i called him on his bullshit

>> No.5563277


good, I hate men

>> No.5563280

was some one molested as a child? or are you just a SJW

>> No.5563290

plenty of those here, who seem to hate male waiters and nurses.

>> No.5563410

Nobody here hates male waiters or nurses, we only assert there is a factor that causes these professions to favour women, the importance of social interaction.

>> No.5563419

I actually prefer male waiters. They're less annoying.

>> No.5563441

>a puppy is to a kitten as a dog is to a cat
> oh my god are you retarded? Cats are not dogs! Dogs are far more intelligent and they can do way better tricks!!

>> No.5563455
File: 289 KB, 800x600, 1389202001446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we only assert there is a factor that causes these professions to favour women

>> No.5563467

But that doesn't mean we hate men who wait/nurse, just like we don't hate women in STEM, we only recognise them as outliers

>> No.5563472

never said anything about hating anyone except that faggy male nurse from earlier.

>> No.5563622


This is how I read what you posted:

"Am I the only one that is sexist?"

"I'm just insecure and should probably stay home."

"As bartenders men are great but I must admit that I am suuuuuper sexist."

Seriously, OP? Disgusting.

>> No.5563660

>> the importance of social interaction.

A false myth.

Think of the women you know in your life.
Do they strike you as somehow "socially interactive"?

No. I didn't think so.

You are confusing the hormonal and empathic reaction a woman has to her baby, which is a function of being able to vicariously experience when the baby needs to be delivered a few external development cues which the baby cannot provide itself. Things such as facial expressions, early voice recognition, understanding when the child is hungry, etc.

These are of advantage to a baby, because without any cognisant way to communicate with a mother whos language it cannot speak, in a world which it does not understand, if the mother is biologically wired and prompted hormonally to empathise with her babies physical condition, it is of advantage.

This does NOT however extend to any fucking other social interaction or social environment a woman is in, or anyone else in it. It applies ONLY a very young baby, and it applies ONLY when the woman is experiencing post-natal hormonal releases.

Basically, you have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Stay in the kitchen, fucktard. And be careful with your knives.

Leave the science and understanding to those with the brains.

>> No.5563670


look at these shiteaters backpedalling.

>> No.5563673

Found the vegan

>> No.5563682

How does your shit even make sense.
It doesn't.

How is any of what that person said, related to whether they eat meat or not?

>> No.5563685

from what exactly? go ahead and reference posts and cite example to confirm and make sure to let us know how you know whos who.

>> No.5563692

Am I retarded or did you just answer your own question?

>> No.5563694

Its fucking hilarious.

You work in a fucking kitchen.
Think about it.

You. Work. In. A. Fucking. Kitchen.

>> No.5563696

Yes, you clearly are below average intelligence.

Nothing in what the person said, even remotely relates to being an omnivore, or a vegan.

>> No.5563716
File: 15 KB, 200x300, 1362625920262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are very welcome. I am just doing my bit to contribute to this community.

I am always happy to offer constructive advice. I am glad you see the error of your ways and look forward to hearing from you again now that you know how your thinking is flawed.

See you soon! *brohoof* :^)

>> No.5563729


That's just... unnecessary.

Especially from a fucking namefag.

>> No.5563731

>This does NOT however extend to any fucking other social interaction or social environment a woman is in, or anyone else in it. It applies ONLY a very young baby, and it applies ONLY when the woman is experiencing post-natal hormonal releases.
How could you possibly think such fundamental biological functions are binary and do not extend beyond a single role? You are dense.

>> No.5563733

>Leave the science and understanding to those with the brains.
Provide a peer-review citation providing support for your hilarious pseudo-science psychological theories.

>> No.5563737

A cursory look at the literature would suggest you are completely wrong, e.g.:


>> No.5563744

They don't extend beyond a single role, which is very much demonstrated by women's social behavior thereafter.

The mothers vicarious empathic reaction to a young baby is so the baby can prompt certain behavior from the mother, and also receive certain stimulus which stimulate its own development (such as speech and language recognition centers in its brain, which will not develop if it does not have a guardian which stimulates it).

These traits in no way shape or form have any bearing in terms of being advantageous or "special" in relation to a womans other social interactions. This is made even more evident by their connection to hormones which are released only post-natally, and even then, only generally for as long as the woman is breast-feeding.

These predilections have no significance on her relationship with other women, or other men, for that matter. Only for a baby she considers her own, and the hormones involved in that early period of the relationship.

Your developmental psychology and physiology is fucking decades behind.

As I said, fuck off back to the kitchen, and leave the learning/thinking to those with a brain.

>> No.5563753

>>Provide a peer-review citation providing support for your hilarious pseudo-science psychological theories.

Provide me with one that shows women have some kind of extraneous "social interaction" that makes them "favoured" for "these professions" and the other fucking bullshit you and your shiteater assmaggots spouted.

Provide me with that, and I will provide you with studies which support what I said.

>> No.5563757

And you should read under what circumstances a womans body produces oxytocin.

Go ahead.

Ill wait. Fucking moron.

>> No.5563762

But you are a vegan aren't you?

>> No.5563768

I am not a vegan.

And I am not the person you at first accused to be one, either.

So no, you are wrong on both accounts.

>> No.5563772

you quoted the wrong post.

And just to point out, I'm not currently in the act of fornicating.

>> No.5563778

He simply gave an anecdotal reference of someone he knows who is a friend of brother, who he claims is in medical school right now. It's not proof at all. He didn't state which school or seems to even know the application process and the age range restrictions.

HS ends around age 18, on average.
So, his brother is only 2 years behind, he doesn't count, unless he did something shitty with his life. And rather than the norm on the BS which ends around 21, he's 23. Big deal. Two years. But the friend who didn't even start the proper BS degree til 25? I don't think so. If he wasn't in the military, and didn't go on his GI Bill, he has to apply to the right medical school at age 29. That's too old for most of the schools.

So, cough up who accepted him, and what year? Is he 25 with med school or did he apply after 29? Let's talk in facts now. What school, what year, and what is his age right now? If you won't open a Barrons, what are your real "facts"?

>> No.5563790


>> No.5563795

>Both are in Emory Medical School

23 Average Age at Matriculation

>> No.5563805

>What is your PhD in?
To be purposefully vague, it is related to molecular ecology, phylogenetics, metagenomics, etc.

>> No.5563810

>>>treats children with severe burns or terminal diseases=faggot
>>>helps elderly people with multiple bone fractures and no-one who cares=faggot
>>>reconcile and treat amputees of traffic addicents, and the loved ones of the dead=faggot
>>>helps possibly a family member of yours =faggot

but then

>>fries shit in a kitchen=manly man
>>>can chop a carrot=manly man

What the fuck is wrong with you retards?

>> No.5563814

Where does it say that you HAVE to be under 23?

you said:
The med schools that take anyone over the age of 23 are less than a dozen, in the whole world


rest of the medical schools will absolutely not take anyone +/- a deviation of 3yrs from the normal graduation age of your bachelors

both of which are untrue and I provided examples here >5563203

Can you show me some US med schools that say you have to be under 23 or any of the other bullshit you spouted?

>> No.5563839

>What degrees do you hold and from what universities?
I have a combined M.D/PhD in molecular and cellular pharmacology. I wrote a textbook for sophomore pharmacology used at several medical schools. My research area is largely classified as toxicology and applied pharmacology. My clinical practice, as required by my university to be 10% of my time, which it is not, is mostly consulting with infectious disease and diagnosticians at a county hospital. Thirty percent of my time is teaching.

I still haven't seen you look up which schools take nontraditional students and why you think your brother applying to one and being accepted to one is somehow indicative of the norm, or of the other 9 choices he had during application process that he knew from research to either not bother with, or were poor odds. Why don't you talk to him and stop arguing your "facts."

As far as financing goes, most medical students do nearly completely finance the portion of their schooling not covered by grants, scholarships, basically school money, and grant stipends. Why? Because interest is so low on nonprivate loans. Whatever money you or your family have for paying your tuition is best left to whatever investments that existed previously. Any personal money you have is better utilized to cover the gaps in loans to ensure a higher standard of living, driving a car, better diet, and trips home.

Your brother went to medical school. Is that your expertise?

>> No.5563855



I went to medical school at the age of 29 after I'd been out of school for seven years, and it was the best decision I've ever made. I've actually had a lot of really good times as a med student and a resident, and I'm looking forward to being an attending some day in the distant future. While I'm very thankful that I don't have to, I would do it all again. All four years of medical school and one and a half years of residency.

My dear friend Jason is in his late 30's and is in his 3rd year of med school.

I started at 27. There are a half dozen people in my class who are in their mid 30's when they are starting. A few years ago we had a lady in her mid 40's start. Kind of crazy.

I started an MD-PhD program at 29, and should be done at 37. And then onward to residency + fellowship. Best decision I ever made. It's been really stressful at times, but so is working out in the "real world." I think the time off put the hours in perspective for me. I would have been a terrible med student at 22. I'll also be debt free when I graduate, which I think helps a lot.


http://www.amednews.com/article/20040621/profession/306219962/6/ (61 year old med student)

Some statistics on the 2001 entering class: Fifty-seven percent of the class is female; last year it was fifty percent. The ages of the entrants range from 21 to 40 with an average age of 26.

>average age of 26 at admittance

So how can all but a dozen worldwide only accept people under 23????


I have addressed it you seem to ignore them. AGAIN can you show me some US med schools that say you have to be under 23 or will absolutely not take anyone +/- a deviation of 3yrs from the normal graduation age of your bachelors

or address >>5563203

>> No.5563857

why dont you back up your bullshit with some sources that prove it?

>> No.5563905

>all of this thread

>> No.5563912

>I wrote a textbook for sophomore pharmacology used at several medical schools.
lol I bet you wrote a chapter

>> No.5563916

>I have a combined M.D/PhD in molecular and cellular pharmacology. I wrote a textbook for sophomore pharmacology used at several medical schools. My research area is largely classified as toxicology and applied pharmacology. My clinical practice, as required by my university to be 10% of my time, which it is not, is mostly consulting with infectious disease and diagnosticians at a county hospital. Thirty percent of my time is teaching.
You are a professor?

>> No.5563920

come on please show me some US med schools that say you have to be under 23" or will "absolutely not take anyone +/- a deviation of 3yrs from the normal graduation age of your bachelors" since you claim there are only a dozen worldwide that will?

or just take a picture of some pages in that book you keep talking about that say that and post em?

and then address these points >>5563203 and these stories >>5563855 or which there are many more that are very similar

and also this: statistics on the 2001 entering class: Fifty-seven percent of the class is female; last year it was fifty percent. The ages of the entrants range from 21 to 40 with an average age of 26.

How is that possible if only a dozen med schools world wide accept people over 23 years old?

>> No.5563935

> 4star setting

your opinion is invalid

>> No.5563948

>come on please show me some US med schools that say you have to be under 23"
This is definitely not a thing.

>> No.5563950

/ck/ - Waiters and Med Students

>> No.5563955

Well Mr. Six Degrees seems to think it is since he keeps saying the stupid shit over and over.

>> No.5563960

Don't forget gay male nurses!

>> No.5563963

Well now you have my interest.

>> No.5563977


>> No.5563992

what is that supposed to prove?

doesnt say shit about at all about med schools that say "you have to be under 23" or will "absolutely not take anyone +/- a deviation of 3yrs from the normal graduation age of your bachelors"

>> No.5563994

The only reason I can plausibly see where being waited on a guy would be somehow awkward is if you're being waited on at some kind of strip club in which case you should probably stop going to male strip clubs for your meals.

>> No.5564022

What if the food was delicious?

>> No.5564057

What is this supposed to show?

>> No.5564081


I'm sorry I'm not going to give you all the schools that don't want older students. There aren't that many who take them. Interestingly, the ones who desire nontraditional students, happen to be the best medical schools with the lowest acceptance rates who value them the most. Your GWU, Georgetown, Brown, NYU Downstate, Colombia, Harvard....schools with acceptance rates of extremely competitive 4% or less, are actually some of the best schools to apply to if you are nontraditional. And, if you are older, and you attempt to then get into a residency match that benefits you? You'd better be from one of the above competitive schools with early hospital rounds and the experience it gives you, or your age simply will hinder you.

>> No.5564100

you still arent showing anywhere that says you WONT be accepted if you are over 23 or anyone +/- a deviation of 3yrs from the normal graduation age of your bachelors

>> No.5564108

if there are only 12 world wide it shouldnt be hard.

>> No.5564132


>> No.5564136


>> No.5564140

Doesnt show that they dont accept student over 23 retard

>> No.5564153

It should be obvious to you that if only 1% who make it to matriculation are outside of the deviation that they aren't accepted. If 75-85% of the students are within 2 years of age, or 95% are within 3-4 years of age, it should be even more clear. That should be obvious to you, too. Maybe you don't understand statistics.

What is your problem anyway? If you intend to go to medical school and you're old, go get a Barron's guide, and only apply to schools that have nontraditional students. The information is inside, school by school. I almost wonder if you are a age 26 NEET college student with big dreams and a lousy track record. Did someone just burst your bubble?

>> No.5564159

I'm still not gay, you fucking shitheel cunt.

And read this:

>> No.5564160
File: 80 KB, 621x644, 1373682747193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most male waitresses I have had make snide or smart ass comments directed towards me in an attempt to flirt/show-off in front of whatever girl I happen to be eating with.
fuck em

>> No.5564172

You must collect gay dinosaurs cause you got a megasoreass

>> No.5564190

You're just being trolled, bro. I have respect for people who can do that job, male or otherwise.

>male waitresses

They're called waiters...

>> No.5564191

>>i called him gay
>>he says not gay though
>>>he must be gay cos he says hes not gay

You are considered as having below average intelligence by people who know you, am I right?

Generally thought of as having been dropped on their head and abused as a child?

>> No.5564218


>> No.5564225

trying to congratulate himself on one of his "jokes".

cunts gonna cunt.

>> No.5564229

lol that wasnt even me.

>> No.5564233
File: 31 KB, 371x400, lenattyliftings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you considered accepting lifting into your life?

>> No.5564273

the cunt speaks again.

>> No.5565195

tipping should only occur for service that is above what is expected(busyness dependent)

you should pay tips with cash(not plastic) so the management don't take it all

i live in the UK where we have a sensible minimum wage and benefits system

>> No.5565228

>implying they deserve to be called anything but male waitresses

>> No.5565285

s-shut up

>> No.5565318

*tips fedora*

>> No.5565687

There has been 3 threads exactly like this in the past day.

>daily reminder shilling is 4chan wide and not restricted to /pol/, /k/, /b/, /v/ etc

>> No.5565696

No one even mentioned tipping, stupid britbongs always trying to start shit.