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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 415 KB, 1440x1080, americas-test-kitchen-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5557407 No.5557407 [Reply] [Original]

We're right, everyone else wrong

>> No.5557414

This is the most soulless cooking show on television.

>> No.5557416

I've actually learned quite a few different techniques from them.

>> No.5557419

Is the guy in the red apron a burn victim

>> No.5557427

>american test kitchen
Gee who would've thought! Everything america touches especially on the reality tv side turns to liquid shit. Not even bashing you guys make pretty good tv-series and movies from time to time otherwise.

>> No.5557438


apparently you've never seen those australia themed chef shows. not that I disagree about ATK, but seriously? what's your idea of a good reality TV show? I don't own a television so I'm open to the idea that someone invented one when I wasn't looking

>> No.5557455
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>> No.5557457

it means he's on his period

>> No.5557458

well... speaking of reality cooking shows etc... the one where random brits are baking shit are okay. Australian masterchef was pretty damn good too.
Call me a pleb but Jamie oliver's cooking shows are quite relaxing and fun to watch too usually.

Then there's dozens of Finnish (muh country) cooking shows that are fine.

American cooking shows and reality shows in general have too much forced drama in them like fuck every half a minute they switch the camera to some faggot sitting alone somewhere talking how this and this other guy is a faggot and he hates him/her because muh drama.
Also the hosts and especially competitors are usually unlikeable shitcunts though this is partly because muh forced drama.

>> No.5557466

"Today on America's Test Kitchen, we'll be trying an exciting new recipe for crackers. Instead of butter, we'll be using economical, trans-fat free corn oil.

After that, we will boil beef until the recommended USDA internal temperature, testing out seventeen different methods of heating. For you tech-loveres out there, we will now be including an induction burner.

Also, we will have a taste test between Kraft and Kroger processed cheese-like powder in their children's brand macaroni and cheese sauce packages.

All this and more, on this episode of America's Test Kitchen."

>> No.5557467


>> No.5557468


>> No.5557473

Cook's Country is an even whiter version of America's Test Kitchen if you can imagine.

>> No.5557486

>forced drama

back when some faggot was streaming chef shows on /ck/ I saw a couple of those aussie shows and there was plenty of forced drama

you TV addicts need to accept that all your garbage is the same stupid shit for retards.

but then you probably one of those people who takes unreasonable pride in shitposting on 4chan and thinks this makes him superior to someone who shitposts on reddit

>> No.5557517

Le upvoted.

>> No.5557534


I love being right

>> No.5557539

Well now you're just fishing for karma.

>> No.5557543

I dunno about australian shows really, only one i've seen is the masterchef though i distingly remember seeing some new zealand ones that had quite bit of drama in them. Then again they were usual "why this and this is bad for you" food shows.

Yoropoor shows rarely show drama as much as murrican ones do and if they do have it it's not shittily painted on them and exaccerated.
I do like that american show that follows that meat guy who works a butchery with his pa. Friera, frieri or something.

>> No.5557553

I don't know what show you watched but in Masterchef AU everyone is pretty much contractually obligated to be nice to each other, while in Masterchef US it's all about the exaggerated rivalry and trash talking.

>> No.5557558


more like gold amirite

>> No.5557579

>being this obvious
I guess the joke is on me and you were just pretending to be retarded.

>> No.5557583

>contractually obligated to be nice to each other
I know this isnt the best outcome but it was nicer to watch than masterchef fuck yeah amurrika fuck i hate this and this guy fuck fuck he's asshole i hope he loses.

Still it'd be best if they could just encourage everyone to behave like they normally do, unless they get their competitors solely from chav/nigger ghettos they arent going to have competitors fighting on tv for some stupid drama.
Main factor i like aus masterchef more anyway is because it's more about food than drama though sometimes it is weird seeing some douchebag looking guy act nice and cuddly.

>> No.5557592

I am aware that the forced camaraderie is just as fake as the US version's forced antagonism but it's more enjoyable to watch. Fuck it, I'm shallow.

>> No.5557595

>Is the guy in the red apron a burn victim

He's a victim of his own assholish personality, which he ten inflicts on viewers.

>> No.5558607

I like this show.

>> No.5558631
File: 214 KB, 1024x993, cunt destroyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don't like Christopher Kimball anymore? Am I on bizarro-/ck/? This guy shits all over Alton as far as "science" goes.

>> No.5558632

People approach cooking with different methods. The reason ATK's methods are popular is because they can explain why they did what they did, and you can consider if their reasoning would help improve your cooking. It's not soulless, it's just a different way of going about things. Would you rather have Paula Deen wandering around, waving a stick of butter and ya'lling at you dears while she made some down home cooking? Because yeah, sometimes that's fun with the right personality (drunk Julia maybe?).

But ATK uses methodology and reasoning, and I know that pisses some people off, but at least they explain things and actively try not to perpetuate bad information and housewife falsehoods like 1). everything is better with cream of mushroom soup, and 2). let's sear this to lock in the juices, or other nonsensical reasons people come up with. You have to massage the beef to appease its spirit so it won't make the roast dry! No, that's not why you fucking do it. People are stupid. This show makes people (usually) a little less stupid. So, >>5558607.

>> No.5558636

there's that fag talk we talked about

>> No.5558656

>unadulterated strawberry

>> No.5558670

Atleast they givve the science, reasoning, taste test results for why they can claim they are right. Alton, martha, flay all just make up a bunch of shit and claim "it's a good thing."

I will admit their delivery is generally dry and somewhat less entertaining than other shows.

>> No.5558672


Americlap pls go

>> No.5558775
File: 308 KB, 378x597, alton brown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This guy shits all over Alton as far as "science" goes.

Please, not only is Alton Brown better at the "science" of cooking, he gets it across to the viewer without being a pretentious asshole.

>> No.5558793


>> No.5558842


Never seen anyone discuss UK masterchef on /ck/. It's pretty comfy.

>Just watched latest celeb masterchef
>goddamn dat Millie is solid cookfu material

>> No.5558854
File: 43 KB, 400x478, alton-brown-book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Alton is just as pretentious as Kimball, he just acts all laughy about it so you think it's supposed to be a joke.

Shitting on people who eat rice hundreds of times a year is not "science" it's being a stupid smelly white retard with no sense of why people own certain things.

>> No.5558857
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>butthurt rice-eater

>> No.5558859


Your insults would be more effective if you didn't reveal yourself to be one of those people who thinks he was born the wrong race, you deranged pervert.

>> No.5558861

>without being a pretentious asshole
>deep-fries a turkey with a fucking ladder

>> No.5558866

>deep frying a turkey with 4 gallons of 400F oil.
>not taking safety precautions

>> No.5558868
File: 63 KB, 238x297, smirking koreans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5558869


1. The fact that you even know this about Koreans is not helping your argument
2. That's Koreans. I am not Korean. I recommend a generic "all Asians" insult for your next reply unless you want to be going at this all day.
3. Pick something that isn't from your fap folder next time, deranged pervert.

Your'e welcome.

>> No.5558871
File: 651 KB, 500x422, ofshitniggerwhatisdoings.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying this much

alton is a beast in the kitchen and is like the bill nye of the food world
>get fuuuged

>> No.5558873
File: 186 KB, 520x677, BUTTSUICIDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


projecting harder isn't going to soothe your butt any faster

>> No.5558877

Since when does /ck/ hate ATK?

>> No.5558879


Do you realize Asian women are disgusted when you "casually" mention that you like some Korean girl band? Or have you never actually made it far enough with one?

>> No.5558881
File: 85 KB, 492x600, buttfrusturated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


congratulations on toning it down some, but you're still projecting

>> No.5558884


There is nothing I can do to help your genetics, but at least I can help you be less of a repulsive, pitiable, creepy awkward sperg. Don't be so ungrateful.

>> No.5558939

"good advice" is buying a solid fryer with four legs, pre-measuring your oil, and frying away from structures
"pretentious asshole" is making a pulley system out of a fucking ladder

that said there's a reason why I have an electric, indoor turkey fryer

>> No.5559022

Just say, "I know you are but what am I".

>> No.5559916
File: 49 KB, 541x653, AB Fav.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alton is just as pretentious as Kimball, he just acts all laughy about it

Which means he's NOT pretentious.

Kimballsack is dick all the time, sneering at everybody and always talking shit about any of the food
that's presented and even if he actually likes something, he ALWAYS claims _he_ could do it better.

Fuck that fuckwad.

>> No.5559927

what does the word pretentious even mean to you

>> No.5559928

>cut Brooklyn
Alton confirmed for moron

>> No.5559937

>BHP 9mm
Alton is the shit

>> No.5559954

You mean his episode on making a sandwich the night before and scooping the bread out is not pretentious. He got fucking dropped after that episode.

>> No.5559987
File: 355 KB, 865x849, pleb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How dare you compare Jamie twat Oliver to the fucking gods of America's Test Kitchen you plebian fuck!

>> No.5559991

Yeah, he totally got dropped because of a sandwich. He got dropped so hard he was slam dunked, never mind 13 years, 244 episodes and 8 specials.

>> No.5560000

Thats because you are a pleb with pleb taste

>> No.5560038

This guy is rich millionaire, from a privileged prep school and ivy league background, with a liberal arts degree....in art. He started a magazine with his own money, in an era, that people actually did that and magazines weren't digital, where he featured his own sketches of fruit and vegetables. He sold it. And, started a new one. And has never been to cooking school nor has he run a restaurant. He's not a chef. It never contained much content, just people writing in their made up shortcuts and tips, using a coffee filter to store loose tea with a piece of twine tied together. Shit like that. If you read about 10 tips, one, maybe only one, might be huh, that was sort of interesting, and the rest were crap. Says alot for the editor. But, people were rabid back in the days before the Food Network for content, and the alternatives were reader's digest sized Betty Crocker cookbooks near the grocery checkout. This was like the low rent version of Gourmet, with not even 2 features or recipes.

One of the earliest cooking websites, before there was even the word, blog, was a private citizen doing "cooking for engineers" which featured this methodical scientific/chemistry experiment style of recipes. It was intended to be humorous,yet also accurate. Christopher Kimball copied that idea but from the perspective of someone with zero logic, intelligence about physics or cooking experience. SNL parodied Christopher Kimball who occasionally would appear on a morning show like Today to discuss his magazine. He is obviously aspbergers, and that mid-atlantic snooty accent added to it. Phil Hartman really mocked him well, double bagging all his garbage, folding down things nicely, all OCD.

The fact his guy has hired people willing to work in the middle of bumfuck nowhwere New England at his house, on his farm, like he's doing science all day. He excites naive kids who never saw real experts show up on like a Sara Moulton's old Cooking Live.

>> No.5560046
File: 217 KB, 347x415, 1401126236456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alton Braun is good on good eats, but I HATE him in everything else I see him in.

>> No.5560050
File: 36 KB, 435x435, 1400467528728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alton Brawn not a prentenious asshole, are you kidding me?

>> No.5560058

Yeah Sarah Moulton really knew what she was doing. What happened to her?

>> No.5560063

>Your insults would be more effective if you didn't reveal yourself to be one of those people who thinks he was born the wrong race, you deranged pervert.
So this.

Alton does use a lot of science, but I would totally withhold the "not an asshole" classification. He's personable enough when you meet him, but he's a touch schticky that comes across grumpy or pompous in later seasons, and some of the editing lost the charm. Funny camera angles just to include x per episode. Alton did indeed bring in very credentialed food science experts when warranted too, from the butcher to the ancient grains specialists. I love Shirley Corriher.

But, to insult Martha Stewart like she flourished about some handwave with "it's a good thing" versus actual teaching is so false. She scienced up almost everything she ever taught, from seasonal gardening, maintaining tools, flower arranging, to recipes to wood stains. If you want to know how to do something right, and why, you can find it in her lengthy repertoire if you actively look for it. And, any industry expert has also been on her show. The guy doing the best this or that in any restaurant or bakery in the world. Long before Bobby Flay did challenges for the best cinnamon bun in the US, martha was bringing those people around for decades.

>> No.5560092

>Yeah Sarah Moulton really knew what she was doing. What happened to her?
She did a more simple show after "Live!" and stopped having the cool guests on, I think it was around the time they stopped publishing Gourmet magazine (she was the editor). This probably made her stop needing to be in the city each day before going over to the set after work. Almost a commuting issue I'd think once the magazine ended it's reign.

The new Sara show was about weeknight meals, like of what Rachel Ray later did, but it was kind of pushed into some less happy time slot by Food Network, iirc, because I only caught it once or twice, maybe super early Saturday morning? I think it went to public television after one season, which imho is unarguably doing way better chef programming.

I'm going to guess she's more about her family. She mentioned them often and I know she ended her very highly placed chef career for them. Teaching was less travel. Fun trivia tip: She graduated 3 years earlier than Bourdain at CIA, top of the class.

>> No.5561443

>lol guys Alton likes guns so he's clearly a better cook and a better scientist

>> No.5561464


My thought exactly.

In any case, I barely ever watch the show, but listen to them on the radio most days on the way to work.

They give basic, otherwise obvious info on various food/drink shit, and then answer questions from call-in listeners who generally have no idea what they're doing.

It's nothing that special, but they clearly give good advice, and generally know what they're talking about. And yeah, listening to them 2-3 times a week I do learn a few things.

That said, I did know a girl who got an internship with them after a year in culinary school. I only heard about the experience second hand, but it sounded like she was basically doing the same thing / following the same recipe a dozen times, changing one little thing each time and recording everything.

>> No.5561469

no different than /ck/, except they justify their thought process. tippity top tier show

>> No.5561485
File: 76 KB, 400x400, god_dammit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm going to guess she's more about her family. She mentioned them often and I know she ended her very highly placed chef career for them.

>> No.5561523

I like Alton. Sure, he's a little aspy sometimes about details, but that's just how some folks are. I've learned a lot more from him than anybody else. He actually teaches instead of what ATK does.

And honestly, it doesn't matter what any of them do, because nobody will ever agree on one person being the best. Everybody bitches about something.

>> No.5561675
File: 44 KB, 620x360, Don-Draper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There's actually being a pretentious asshole like Kimballsack and then there's _pretending_ to be a pretentious OCD autist as part of your TV character, like Alton Brown does.

Now Alton Brown may be a pretentious asshole in real life but on his show, it's all for fun, while Kimballsack clearly is a dick all day erry day.

I never got the feeling from Alton Brown's show that he was talking down to me, he was just yucking-it-up for the camera.

>> No.5561679
File: 94 KB, 558x230, altonbrown-tweet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's just a picture.

>> No.5561687

it isn't even a reality show, it's just a cooking show

really depends on what season, the quality of the show varies widely from season to season, which is a bit odd for a show/group that believes into sticking to one formula only. Anyhow though, there are some really good episodes, you just have to dig a bit.

>> No.5561690

why do you people keep calling it a reality show, it isn't... it's just a normal cooking show...

>> No.5561698

>then there's _pretending_ to be a pretentious OCD autist as part of your TV character, like Alton Brown does.
I'm pretty sure he's not pretending yo, some one needs to post those uber-OCD Autistic tweets he made a couple of years ago that caused a huge backlash amongst his fans.

>> No.5561728
File: 2.55 MB, 2100x1700, 45_AltonBrownAndOscar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The point (which you keep missing) is how the two of them come across _on their shows_; Alton Brown is funny, Kimballsack is just a dick.

>> No.5561731

first off, I'm not the person you seem to think I am
second off, sorry, I didn't read the entire post before resonding
third off, I don't think Kimball is a dick, just misunderstood... and possibly a real actual autist

>> No.5561801


Even read it in his voice.

>> No.5561969

Remember when Alton Braun flipped his shit over a troll on twitter? lol

>> No.5562200
File: 38 KB, 600x450, BrVvrgDIEAA1QVM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mickey Rooney?
#Arton Blown

I think it was 3 times. He quits twitter but always came back