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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5547061 No.5547061[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I wanna make a big ass homemade pizza /ck/ because I don't wanna pay 18$ plus for some shitty pizza made by lazy employees at a Dominoes or Pizza Hut along with having to wait for some fucker to bring it to me. Got any tips?

Ill post results right in this thread if it is still alive. Ill be heading out to the store to get some yeast and some sauce. Already got lots of flour. Wish me luck.

>> No.5547068

>I'll be heading out to the store

make sure you pick up a tombstone while you're there so you have something to eat when you fuck this up.

>> No.5547075

What he said. I've tried making pizza so many times and more than half of them have been inedible.

For what it's worth, get your oven as hot as possible and prebake the crust for five minutes or so before adding the toppings. Buy 00 flour if you don't already have it, it's essential.

>> No.5547095

its not essential but HG flour def. makes a better pizza though AP works in a pinch or dont have much use/want to spend the $ on HG flour.

OP heres a good crust for one pizza
20oz flour + 2T salt
12oz H2O + 1T sugar +1/2-1t yeast(depending on time, the faster you want it use more)

add water mix to the flour mix then when halfway mixed add 1oz olive oil slowly while mixing. let rise then roll/throw into desired shape and thickness

>> No.5547101

Why are they lazy? Have you met them personally?

>> No.5547107

It is not rocket science to make a decent pizza.. no need to make a whole thread about it.

>> No.5547144

Im back. And you guys must be retarded. I wont mess up like you.

>> No.5547474

Glad to hear it OP, eagerly awaiting results. Please post not only a top down picture but also a close up cross section of a slice so we can see exactly how the base turns out.

>> No.5547806

Op fucked his pizza up.

>> No.5548490
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OP here. I didn't fuck up the pizza, but after I made the pizza dough I let I sit for like 15 min so the yeast could work then I took a nap. When I woke up I felt like shit and put the dough in the refrigerator until tomorrow.
If this thread is still up tomorrow when I finish, I will post pics and you will all regret doubting me.
This time fo sho

>> No.5550455

Keeping thread alive, still doubting OP to the max

>> No.5550789
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Its morning time fuckers and I just woke up.
I got work to do but Ill be back later and then ill be ready make the best pie you losers have ever seen.

>> No.5551887
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hows that pizza coming along, OP?

>> No.5551906

Op's pizza confirmed for vapourware

>> No.5551930
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oh ye of little faith

>> No.5551945
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>> No.5551948
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*giggling intensifies*

>> No.5551954
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>> No.5551957
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>> No.5551961
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>> No.5551966
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This was the kind of pan I used co/ck/ suckers

>> No.5551968
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>not slapping your dough out into an actual circle

>> No.5551970
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And I fucking ate all of it. It was pretty gud. The only thing that I messed up that Ill admit was the crust was a little hard. I don't think it was burnt, but I probably let it stay in the oven a little bit too long.

>> No.5551978


that's half a a pan. Specifically the top half to a broiling pan.

>> No.5551979
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*heavy breathing*

>> No.5551991
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here's one more

>> No.5551992

I'm pretty sure your first pie looked the same if you even made any.

>> No.5552001
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well, the first pie i made was working at a pizzaria so i got taught how to toss/slap out a round pizza before i made it, so i could be being too harsh. just doesn't seem that hard is all, either way i'd still eat a misshapen pizza

>> No.5552017
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I did one recently. Forgot to brush the crust but otherwise it turned out pretty good on ciabatta.

>> No.5552029

I brushed the crust on mine with butter. I forgot to add the garlic salt though.

>> No.5552033
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>use this shit on my crusts
>dip in ranch dressing and eat like candy bar

>> No.5552036

oh wow

>> No.5552107
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Well /ck/, I believe an apology is in order for all those that doubted I could perform such a simple task.
I made the pie without any mishaps and it was pretty tasty.
Now then........
how do I make my crust softer for the next time? It was pretty hard, but not rock hard.

>> No.5552110

show it a picture of your mom you weab

>> No.5552119

I got your picture right here
*grabs dick*

>> No.5552498

More oil. Or shorter cooking time with higher temp.

>> No.5552509

Put it on a higher rack.

>> No.5552561

OP sweetie, a thicker crust; you may also pre cook it beforehand, for a softer crust, I am glad it was tasty

>> No.5552569
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>> No.5552583

>btw im a grill

>> No.5553179


Looks pretty bad tbh.

>> No.5553368

Good work OP! Looks great. How long did you cook it and at what temp? also you brushed the bottom of the dough with butter? I'll have to try that.

>> No.5553370

Well that's the hard bit to be honest OP, melting cheese isn't difficult. You did well to simply get it edible on your first try though. Unfortunately I have no idea how to make a nicer crust, despite trying countless times. I'll be monitoring this thread for tips.

>> No.5553669
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>brushed the bottom of the dough with butter
And why would you do that?

>> No.5553796

Nyet. I burshed only the crusts with butter. The bottom was exposed to some olive oil i coated the pan in.

>> No.5553798

But it tastd great

>> No.5553801

Oh yeah and the temp started out really hot. About 495 degrees. That was the temp I used to prebake the dough. After 8 minutes, I took it out and added the sauce and the other toppings. I changed the temp to 395 and let it stay in the oven for about 19 minutes.

>> No.5553816

You didn't make a pizza before you could legally work? Your parents are shit.

>> No.5553821

if you say so ... I really doubt it though.

>> No.5553846

>if you say so
My word is law you thunderous faggot

>> No.5553852

You're bad at cooking, and making pizzas, please stop shit posting on /ck/

>> No.5553859
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>> No.5553968

you suck if you make anything other then french bread pizza!

>> No.5554493

I'd say OP must have been pretty dedicated then. considering he actually made the pizza. He could have just trolled everyone and bought a Tombstone and said he made it.

>> No.5555613

I made a pizza once but the bread was shit
I didn't use yeast is that the problem?

>> No.5555711

Well yeast is the traditional way but you can use other stuff.

>> No.5555761

I want fluffy tasty bread like they do at the pizza places

>> No.5555869

Yeast is essential in making pizza dough. Next time buy some other wise the pizza will just taste like a gue biscuit

>> No.5555883
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>I didn't use yeast is that the problem?

>> No.5555886

Then you want to use yeast. Good flour + yeast make a good bread.

>> No.5556098
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>being this much of a faggot
Thanks for making it easy to filter you.