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5544907 No.5544907[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

alcoholic thread. i felt like this is needed because the amount of people who regularly post that they are alcoholics.

do you get the shakes? dt's? what do you drink? how can you get drunk on beer? whats your fav brand on mouthwash?

>> No.5544933

>do you get the shakes?
>what do you drink?
beer, if i drank liquor i would probably be dead by now
>how can you get drunk on beer?
i don't, i just get normal. sometimes i get really strong beer like IPA or barley wine and that gets me drunk if i drink fast enough
>whats your fav brand on mouthwash?

>> No.5544946

Yes we can get drunk on beer because unlike your kinder surprise hating government we are responsible enough to be allowed full strength beer

>> No.5544947
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alcoholism is creeping up on me.

whenever i buy a handle of taaka, i finish it within 2 days. i can't keep liquor in my house. i'll just drink it non-stop.

the only thing stopping me from becoming a full fledged alcoholic is getting to the liquor store is too much of a hassle, and i'm too shy for bars.

beer does nothing for me. i think i'm just too much of a big guy (6'2" and 200 pounds).

>> No.5544954

No! What am I a faggot?
>what do you drink
Everything from Guinness to Whiskey. Gf loves Tequila. My bros love Corona. Like red wine every now and then although not my fave.
>drunk on beer?
Drink enough. Duh!
What?! Is this a thing now?

>> No.5544978

im canadian, we have kinder surprises/full strength 12+ trappist brews. im talking about how bloated you get before the beer does anything.

a handle in two days? i used to drink one a day until i almost died.

out the thread you go

>> No.5544991

>What do you drink
entirely too much bourbon and not enough rum

>> No.5544993

>do you get the shakes?
>what do you drink?
Natural Ice
>how can you get drunk on beer?
I'm a lightweight
>whats your fav brand on mouthwash?

>> No.5544996

i am not an alcoholic

>> No.5545000

want to quit, what do?

>stop drinking

here seamus

>> No.5545005 [DELETED] 


>hurr durr alcohol is bad for you

That's based on bad science from the 50s, there's new science now, alcohol is healthy

>> No.5545006

Serious question for alcoholics:
Do you feel good physically ever? How can you bring yourself to drink if you feel like shit?
After a night of heavy drinking, even if I drink my water and don't get a hang over, I feel tired and lethargic the next day and the last thing I want to do is drink.

Do you just feel shitty all the time so it's no different after you drink?

>> No.5545007

dont quit
just drink less
whats your issue guy

>> No.5545010

drink more

>> No.5545013

>How can you bring yourself to drink if you feel like shit?
How do non-alcoholics force themselves to not drink in order to avoid feeling the hang over.

>> No.5545045

Not sure if this is troll or not. My father was an alcoholic I wouldn't wish that shit on any body it's made my life hell to the point where I can't even look at a beer can. Get help bro it ruins lives around you.

>> No.5545127

Shakes only once

DTs only once.. It was so bad I was nauseous, couldn't eat anything, headache, sweats, hallucinations. I flew over to my doctor and got some benzos and noshed down on some food. That was two days in,, the insomnia really gets to you.

I drink beer, rum, tequila, red wine unless it's a Riesling, and vodka sodas.

I have lost a lot of weight drinking and I suggest to anyone who starts to get the shakes or insomnia to taper it off slowly if you have been binge drinking. Alcohol withdrawal sucks balls.

I dont drink listerine if that's what your last question entails, but I do have a friend who drank it once at their lowest point. Apparently that was their "rock bottom"

>> No.5545136


Never been able to sleep since childhood. Reading, exercise, no TV, games, etc, nothing worked. 3-4 beers a night finally solves this.

>> No.5545139

nope but i throw up the next morning while sober if i drink 4 days straight
>my bodys "warning" system

only faggots dont drink anything 40% to get drunk regularly btw

>> No.5545417

op here. i dont want to quit.

>> No.5545443


not him but why would you think it's a troll?

>implying that alcoholics want to be alcoholics

I want to quit but can't, too bad I've had no consequences to force me too

well sort of, since I don't WANT consequences although I know that they'd indirectly be good for me if they forced me into treatment

>> No.5545453



well I guess that's my first one

>> No.5545456

Beer alcoholic here. I don't understand how people don't understand this. On paper it seems retarded, but I can just start drinking after work and not stop until I sleep without much hangover if any.

Although I like whiskey or some caffeine/booze as well like vodka and rip-its. Then again, I like some opiates or benzos moreso as drink enhancers.

>> No.5545461

man benzos and booze will demolish your liver

>> No.5545471

probably, but what're ya gonna do when you've stopped caring about much other than instant gratification

>> No.5545472

benzos got me off booze. I get my liver regularly tested. It is fine.

>> No.5545497


Are you me?

>> No.5545504

Yes, we are headmates. You better get that thing checked out.

>> No.5545508

taaka is my drink of choice too. I normally just buy a bunch of the pint bottles tho cause they are easier to carry around everywhere. I still can get drunk off beer tho but only if it's like the black steel reserve or icehouse edge and if I drink several of them quickly. It also probably helps that for years I have stopped eating anything past 2 pm so my stomach is always empty in the evening. It's fucking impossible for me to get drunk with food in my stomach. All it does is piss me off.

>> No.5546955

I drink 1.75ml bottle vodka in 3 days. alcoholic?

>> No.5546968

I'm not a classic-style alcoholic. I go on short benders interspersed with periods of no drinking. My main problem is that I can't handle being hungover, so if I get drunk enough that I'm hungover the next day, I'll keep drinking to avoid it. Then, it takes me a couple more days of tapering down the amount of alcohol until I can stop completely. Then, I go another 2 weeks or so without drinking at all, and then have another 3-4 day bender. I'm sitting here shaking a little right now (hands shaking a bit, eyebrow twitching), because I was on a bender this past weekend, and today is my first day of no drinking at all. You'd think I'd learn my lesson and realize drinking just isn't for me, but no. The reason the benders usually start is because I have anxiety problems, and it'll build up to the point where I feel like I have to drink.

>> No.5546970


>Do you feel good physically ever? How can you bring yourself to drink if you feel like shit?

Yes. Ironically I exercise about 20 hours a week. I was sober for 3 months last year and I didn't really feel any better so I guess I don't feel that bad.

>Do you just feel shitty all the time so it's no different after you drink?

I feel worse when I drink during the day (yet I still do it, logical I know), sometimes better when I drink at night but I'm usually drunk all day and night anyway.

>> No.5546977


Also go through a bottle of that in 2 days and I'm a 140lb female. I think I am a full fledged alcoholic but I'm still functional despite being drunk all day (I work and go to school full time). I get panic attacks if I don't drink so I'm essentially on the maintainance program with alcohol. Feels degenerate man.

>> No.5546978

Beer alchy here, trying to stop though, usually drink shitty stuff like mat liqour (steel reserve mostly).

Although when I can get my hands on some good IPAs or stouts im in heaven.

>> No.5546984


wait, i get shaky when I'm hungover and i always have weird dreams when i drink

am i an alcoholic?

>> No.5546988


alcoholism has a genetic component and is defined by consequences

if you have a family history of alcoholism and have experienced consequences as a result of your drinking then yes, you probably have the genetic predisposition for alcoholism

>> No.5546991
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>not making your own liquor
good goyim
i get 11-10 bottles out of this little still on one run
thats after second distillation and deluding it to 43%

>> No.5546994
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>muh physical withdrawal symptoms
>muh slow poison-drip
>muh shakes 'n hangovers
>muh inability to control

ITT: what's cannabis?

>> No.5546995


something that gives me panic attacks, do not want

>> No.5546996

Can't do cannibis. Makes me feel crazy. As in, much crazier than I already feel when sober.
In other words - this is why I drink.

>> No.5546998

Ha, this.

>> No.5547002


I think a lot of people become alcoholics because they started drinking due to anxiety

those people don't usually mesh well with weed, myself included

>> No.5547003

So when did these symptoms start showing up for you guys?

For maybe 2 years now I've been binge drinking but I've never experienced anything other than really mild hangovers, and even that's rare.

>> No.5547005

>do you get the shakes?
Not since I made it a point to avoid hard liquor at the end of the night.
>what do you drink?
Wine with dinner, then a six pack to put me to sleep.
>how can you get drunk on beer?
Spend the day drinking it. I try to avoid doing this. Usually don't have my first drink until 7PM.
>whats your fav brand on mouthwash?
Avoiding daytime drinking eliminates the need.

>> No.5547008

Even with light but regular usage, though?

I get a mild 45-min panic attack if I take a big smoke after a prolonged period of no smoking, but after that I ease into the stone and I'm like, "What the fuck am I even doing sitting around on my sofa panicking, when it's a beautiful fucking day out" and I go outside and enjoy nature.

>> No.5547025


>hur dur smoke weed 420 dog cures everything

I thnk a lot of pot-heads forget that people can have disabling anxiety disorders, which weed tends to make a shit load worse.

My favorite stoner quote is:

"Yo dude its all in your head just smoke less"

>> No.5547030
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>tfw this was me until i quit drinking 2.5 years ago

>virtually never physically ill
>save an obscene amount of money, even over cheap beer-drinking
>judgement never seriously impaired
>with better judgement, can basically avoid ever getting into serious trouble doing mildly illegal shit like driving above the speed limit, smoking weed, etc

>> No.5547037

Never implied it's a cure; learn to read, alkie.

For "disabling anxiety disorder" I wouldn't recommend smoking weed, instead would recommend getting this thing called medical treatment.

>> No.5547040

What the fuck people? I thought I should cut back when I had a beer daily for four days straight.

Though even when drinking liquor, I rarely get drunk. Being drunk is just a waste of time IMO.

>> No.5547044

What government are you talking about? The USA has lots of high-proof beers.

>> No.5547055

>do you get the shakes?
only once after drinking all day at a wedding and next day was hungover as hell (open bar :D )
dont know wtf this is?
>what do you drink?
cheap vodka and cheap beer usually. sometimes ill buy some decent porter beer though. generally get karkov or gordons for vodka and usually can polish off about 2 handles (1.75L) + good amount of high % beer in a week.
>how can you get drunk on beer?
i always try to combo vodka with beer and that helps me get drunk easier.
>whats your fav brand on mouthwash?
lol luckily not at that point yet

I used to be a big pothead so I know I have that addictive tick. I want to start smoking weed again on a regular basis so I can ween off the drinking. I really don't want to ever stop drinking completely just be how I used to be where I would drink 2-3 decent beers a night and smoke. I used to drink more for enjoyment where now I drink to get drunk since it makes many things more fun :)

>> No.5547056


it's happened pretty much every time I've tried it so I haven't tried smoking regularly

I never smoked a lot when I did though

>> No.5547062


If you get high quality weed sometimes certain people need to build up somewhat of a tolerance to weed otherwise you will be gone to the moon when you smoke.

There was a recent NYT article where some dumb bitch didn't read dosing and ate a whole edible candy bar and it was supposed to be 8-16 doses I believe. And needless to say she was on mars.

>> No.5547064


naw I've had what my stoner roommate described as shit weed, I think it was just "shake", and it still happened

I have horrible anxiety though so maybe I'm somewhat of an outlier

>> No.5547071

I'm not an alcoholic really, I don't drink in the morning or on days when I work. Definitely a bit dependent though, the idea of not drinking for a few days is pretty horrifying.

I drink lager, usually tsingtao, budvar or Heineken, and I use the purple Listerine.

>> No.5547124
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Is rthat Sabotka?

>> No.5547188

Does anyone else get dt's daily even though they drink every night?

>> No.5547192


I think you're probably mistaking something else for dts, I'm pretty sure you can't get them unless you haven't consumed alcohol for at least 2 days. You probably mean the shakes, and yes that's not uncommon.

>> No.5547205

Also anyone got any skin conditions, namely lumps and peeling skin on the toes and soles of feet. Probably not related but may as well ask lol?

>> No.5547207

naw you can get them within 8 hours

>> No.5547208


I don't have any of those and I drink a handle of vodka in about 2 days.

>> No.5547211


"In general DT is considered as the most severe manifestation of alcohol withdrawal, which occurs 3–10 days following the last drink."

>> No.5547224

>do you get the shakes?
only if I don't eat or drink any calories for a long time
>what do you drink?
Old Crow
>how can you get drunk on beer?
take three shots of hard liquor before you start drinking your beer
>whats your fav brand on mouthwash?
generic store brand wintergreen.

>> No.5547231

Nah, anxiety, disorientation, impending sense of doom, tunnel vision, panicking etc.
Yeah 8 hours would make sense, though I'd say the earliest was probably 6-7 hours after the last drink

>> No.5547237

In a thread full of alcoholics you might not want to go against all these years of experience with evidence from Wikipedia

>> No.5547240
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Yellowing of skin around eyes and some weird shit from dehydration.

>daily drinker, 15 or so years
>around year 12, wake up in middle of night and drink small glass of water/vodka to keep it going so I can work in the am
>Sunday Morning Coming Down.mp3
>shit turned white
>muscle loss
>feet and ankles swell up, hello gout.
>don't eat but keep getting fatter from being boozebag

Not sure how I broke cycle, but I made it past year 4 without a drink, finally feel pretty good. Used to be the only time I felt great was when I chugged a cocktail and laid down to wait for the warm and fuzzy to kick in.

>> No.5547259

>all these daytime drinkers
Do you even have jobs?

>> No.5547269

>not have a kegerator in your office

>> No.5547286

>being on 4chan in the middle of the day

Do you have a job?

>> No.5547292

Current alcoholic trying to get off the booze.

Drink 12 pack a day (not that bad compared to some, I know)

Trying to taper off to avoid DTs, cuz that shit can kill you. I'm going from 12 to 10 to 8 ect..dropping 2 beers each night to zero. I hope this is the right way to do it.

Has anyone tried this method before?

>> No.5547318

I've used beer to cut back my intake a few times, its the best for quitting. You shouldn't have too much trouble since you are a beer drinker, its rougher for people that shoot hard liquor. I'd suggest you only drop one beer a night and space it out so that you have more time to adapt and won't say fuck it and get drunk one night. Cut back slow but be determined. Eat more food than usual since half a days worth of your calories are coming from beer. Buy melatonin to help you sleep better.

Good luck!

>> No.5547323

I did a triple shot of absinthe the other day, and felt zero burn. It was sort of unsettling.

I haven't had a drink since. Alcohol has given me so much over the years, I don't want to go through the motions and end up having to quit for good

>> No.5547333

1) No
2) Nope
3) Whiskey and coke
4) If I drink half a fifth of whiskey first
5) Listerene

>> No.5547336


Thanks for the advice.

hmmm. Got melatonin already. Last time I quit I had no problems with anything expect those first two days of hot flashes and trouble sleeping. But I;ve read that DTs are more likely to occur the more times you try to quit.

My biggest issue though is money. I simply can't afford to drink. Physically and financially.
But I do want to quit. Thanks again for the advice.

>> No.5547337

I feel good most days. When I feel shitty I drink after work and it makes me feel better

>> No.5547349

Got loads of family history for it. No consequences though...what am I?

>> No.5547351

I've never completely quit or even tried to, just have cut back significantly a few times. My biggest problems were also sleeping and sweating a lot at night like I'm on fire, very strange and vivid lucid dreaming too. From my experience eating or drinking calories will alleviate jitter shakes and anxiety. If it helps its OK to eat unhealthy comfort foods since you'll be consuming at least 1200 calories less daily when you completely stop. Instead of grabbing a beer when things get stressful grab something to eat or drink (non alcohol) that makes you feel cozy.

>> No.5547355

>Do you feel good physically ever?
Most of the time. Drinking is my vice, but I otherwise eat a healthy diet, and work out four times a week.
>How can you bring yourself to drink if you feel like shit?
If I feel like shit I'll just have a couple drinks.
>Do you just feel shitty all the time so it's no different after you drink?
My body is used to a specific intake. If I exceed it I get hung over, so I try not to do that. If I under soot it I have trouble falling asleep. If I drink the right amount (about 6-8 drinks) I'm fine.

>> No.5547369

>I get panic attacks if I don't drink

Fucking hate this. I try to take a few days off and know in the back of my head that all I'll need is just one drink to feel better, and, well, it's obvious where that leads. Also work full time, but I've cut down the drinking every morning and throughout the day thing.

I also have this drive to drink before I do something, like hang out, eat, do some activity, what have you. It's one of the main things I'm trying to cut down on... Used to be like that with weed before I quit that, would always :have: to smoke before doing certain things. Same with shit like coke back in college but that was much more activity dependent.

>> No.5547404

I cried a little bit when they fished Frank out of the bay. He just didn't know...

>> No.5547495

My mom is an drunk. Her life is ruined because of it. She's less than 55 and she looks like shes fucking 80+. It's disgusting, she is disgusting, and being around her when she was drinking of drunk was just unbelievable. The smell she had, the way she looked. It was just gross and depressing.

I have no respect or love for her anymore, I don't give a shit what happens to her.

There really is only one option; just get help. Or stop being a cunt and just stop drinking.

>> No.5547501

dunno if I am an alcoholic or not

I never drink during the week, but I drink pretty much non-stop at the weekend.

literally as soon as I get home from work on friday I will have a sandwich or something and then just start pounding in the beers. on saturday I will have my dinner around 1pm, and within the hour I am pounding them in again; likewise on sundays (unless I'm working early on monday)

Often I won't bother showering or even changing my clothes over the weekend unless I'm going out (which I rarely do anymore tbh)

also, no shakes, don't even know what 'dts' are, and I probably get as drunk as I do from beer because I drink a shitload without eating much and I'm quite slim to begin with

but again I never drink during the week. don't have any desire to either so I guess I'm a drinking enthusiast rather than a straight up alcoholic

>> No.5547611


You're not an alcoholic, you just drink heavily when you feel like it.

>> No.5547662

Y'all niggas gonna drink yourselves to death. I was running through a handle of Ol Granddad 100 proof a day, day and half at my peak. Ended up sobering myself up without a hospital for 2 days (like an idiot, alcohol withdrawals are like benzo withdrawals, they can kill you) before checking into Rehab. I was a mess, not worried about hygiene, just a fucking slob of a person. I put the bottle down 4 years ago and haven't had a drop since. Shit is scary dangerous when you think of how ingrained it is in society as "acceptable" to get drunk.

>> No.5547777


I thought alcohol withdrawal was the only one that could kill you

>> No.5547787
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mfw this so true
but its inherited from both sides of my family
>thus i will drink until im financially independent and can smoke weeds to my hearts content
...i hope i can quit then guise

>> No.5547795

hes not an alcoholic... YET
ftfy guy

it creeps and creeps until youre drinking 4-6 days a week

>> No.5547803

good for you brah.

>> No.5547805

>do you get the shakes?
>what do you drink?
go in cycles but most of the time beer. around 6-8 8% alc per day. Was at a stage where I was drinkin 3/4 of a 26oz of hard liquor per day as well as 2 beers on top.
Been drinkin daily for probly 5 years, since i turned 20.

do the shakes and dts come later in life or am i just not drinking enough yet
>how can you get drunk on beer?
i don't, i just get normal. sometimes i get really strong beer like IPA or barley wine and that gets me drunk if i drink fast enough
>whats your fav brand on mouthwash?

>> No.5547842


I consume like 1400 calories a day in alcohol and have been doing so in addition to maintenance calories for almost a year without gaining weight

there's gotta be something about alcohol calories that we don't understand

>> No.5547889

>do you get the shakes?
started recently, every morning until I get home from work and can start up again. they're still faint enough that nobody else has noticed yet (I think)
not yet
>what do you drink?
on average a 750ml bottle of vodka daily, a little more on weekends
>how can you get drunk on beer?
lots and lots of IPAs/stouts. I only drink beer when I'm hanging out with my friends who are also boozehounds, so rarely
>whats your fav brand on mouthwash?
funny enough I only use non-alcohol mouthwash, and not because I'm afraid to keep it around the house but because it seems to work much better

>> No.5547965

Let's see.. almost every weekend since I turned 21 (24 now) I've drank on Fri/Sat. I'll go on month benders where it's 3 times a week plus weekend, usually a half liter a night. Then I'll be clean for 4-5 times a week and stick to weekends. I work full time so it has effected my job a bit. The weird thing is, if I want to, I can just go home, hang out for a while and go to bed with no liquor. I have control but only when I really want to. Is this alcoholism? Or is it just lack of willpower on days that I do drink? I also attricute drinking as something that I do when I get home from work and play vidya. It's just a habit formed over years of drinking and playing COD with friends. Maybe it's just a habit. Idk.

>> No.5547984
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I've got it bad. Can only afford to buy these badboys now.
I'm in bum territory.

>> No.5547993
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step it up m8

>also lets stop drinking

>> No.5547998

Had to look it up, nope
>What do you drink
Rum and coke
>How can you get drunk on beer?
Have my buddy Jerry force it on me, otherwise I can't
>Favorite brand of mouthwash?

>> No.5548007

Handle in three days? Nope, that's what I do. I quit every so often, no problems physically.

>> No.5548022

Too expensive in the UK, high strength lager is taxed up the arse. £3.50 for 3 litres of high strength cider can't be beat.

>also lets stop drinking
Too late for me bro, too late.

>> No.5548112

A few times, last two times I got clean I got benzos which help *so much*.
Cider, vodka, rum. Whatever.
Yeah. Obviously it takes 6/7 litres over ~2.5/3 hours, so it's uncomfortable to drink that much and eat much though.
Lidl own-brand (Pearla), but it has an emetic in it so you can only either top off with it or use it as an enema...

DTs = Delerium Tremens, hallucinations from quitting alcohol too quickly.

There's a board on reddit /r/crippingalcoholism for people who are alcoholics and aren't faggots about it, if any of you go there...

Captcha: drink 151

>> No.5548116
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mfw your captcha implications
>its like you want to methodically make leddit somewhere that we will never go

>> No.5548133
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dubs confirm that you should try to quit until you succeed

>> No.5548144

I don't give a fuck where you go man, I'm just pointing out another forum for alco fuckups. Do what you feel.

>> No.5548156

Legit question to alcoholics, what makes you prefer it over weed?

Weed is better for your health, personally I enjoy a nice high a lot more than being drunk, it's usually a cheaper habit unless you buy the cheapest nastiest alcohol available, and you get none of the shitty hangovers/other side affects of drinking.

I'm not asking this to offend anyone, i'd honestly like to hear why you favour it.

>> No.5548163

no friends with connects
no weed card

by far

but yeah thats why

>> No.5548170

ah, that's understandable.

Sucks though.

>> No.5548197

I honestly only rarely get the shakes, but my breaks have never been too long. DTs, yes, though. whenever I'm not drunk and start withdrawing, I get to the point where I nearly pass out (no fun at work hah), I have horrible anxiety and fear (like absolute unending terror of I don't even know) along with hallucinations, had a seizure JUST once, and weird feelings of disassociation ("brain fog"?)

Don't drink beer, enough would get me drunk, but it would be a lot of beer. I drink popov, sometimes with gatorade. only downed a bottle of mouthwash once, its pretty bad.

I feel shitty all the time, except after a couple drinks. when I wake up, I usually still have it in my system and am buzzing when I go to work in the morning. after a couple hours, "hangover" comes on. I don't mind feeling a little like shit, I just chug the fuck out of water and piss out of my ass. after a little bit more time, it moves from "hangover" to just withdrawing/"dt's" ta which point I straat drinking (I try to power through as long as possible because I can't be in a constantly drunken bender and realistically keep a job -- also I eventually want to quit and not DIE)

but yeah there's the answer from a severe alkie. I feel perfectly fine when I'm drinking (even before I'm "drunk", when I just feel normal)

why does it have to be a troll?
he doesn't even sound like he's glorifying it with talk of shaking and drinking mouthwash..

at least I hope its not being glorified. its not cool, and if you're not at this point don't get there. DON'T.

it is nice to talk about the stuff though, with people going through the same shit.

hey also I think I might have diabetes now. should I go to the doctor? I don't have money

>> No.5548202

I don't shake too much. But I get other symptoms of DTs strongly. every day. I get drunk every night, and then in the middle of my work shift the next day life goes to shit, so I start drinking.

I can't even fathom what my body would do to me if I hadn't drank in "at least 2 days" right now.

>> No.5548205

you should eat protein and veg for a month
then realize that eating healthy will cure you most likely
>you should go to a doctor first though.. but dont forget this post when he perscribes you medicines that only make the rich richer

>> No.5548206

I got scaly skin on my elbows and back.
been on my elbows for years, now my back itches like hell.
Think it might be diabetes, yknow, from the sauce

>> No.5548215

stop. when it gets bad it'll be too late. its not fun.

>> No.5548218


thats not even anything out of teh ordinary for a 23 year old dude.

>> No.5548221

i'm a ca, but we typically don't like the forum being advertised elsewhere btw

>> No.5548237

I can barely eat, and got the sugars from the booze. aint nothing getting better about my body until I slow down, but thats not realistic for me. I need to quit and I'm fully aware of that.

I do try my best to drink a LOT of water, and also take vitamins and shit (b vitamins are important)

>> No.5548271

IK, I figured a thread for alcos which is probably going to be dead tomorrow fell short of advertising though. :/

>> No.5548286

hah true, not surprised to see another in here.
I just think its funny seeing new people go there after its posted. "I don't remember last night? am I crippled by alcoholism?!"

>> No.5548301

wats this ca you samefag with noremorse.metallica

>> No.5548302

>being boozebag

my sides anon, my sides

>> No.5548314

do not understand

>> No.5548328

Sounds like psoriasis, I get it on my elbows. It's not due to the sauce, it's genetic. Ask your doctor if there is a cream you can apply to it.

>> No.5548352

hmm, maybe
not to discount you or argue
but when I first found it on the elbows (the inside of them mind you -- back when I was a chubster it was also under the creases of my man boobs) I looked it up a lot. psoriasis didn't seem right. it doesn't itch or anything, its just been there. actually it went away when I lost weight, but came back with the alcoholism.

I'll still ask a doctor about whatever it is, don't get me wrong. but i think i gots the beetus :(

>> No.5548366

nm i dont want to hear whatever you have to say

>> No.5548398

ok fair enough, you sound reasonable fucker. is that supposed to be your username at the end of the post cause I didn't find anything.

>> No.5548414

they love your ignorant and butthurt comments there i here

>> No.5548446

They do, really. I'm a legend.

>> No.5548539

Well just get a doctor to check it out. In the UK seeing a doctor is free, so if you live here you might as well. My psoriasis doesn't itch at all; i just try to resist picking at it.

>> No.5548635


I prefer weed more but I'm much more social and outgoing drinking (I think most are this way). So especially if I'm doing social shit or gaming with friends late night I like at least a few drinks in me. Plus drinking is more of a social norm than smoking so when I hang with friends we're usually getting drunk or hitting up bars.

I used to be very social when smoking weed but now I'm the opposite. I like just smoking and watching some good TV/movie or gaming alone. It was a weird transition. Probably going to be moving back to CO though and I'll probably be smoking more and hopefully I can cut down on the booze.

Also I looked up DTs finally. Anyone getting that in this thread needs to be careful, it's the part about alcohol withdrawal that can kill you because you can go into convulsions. It's rare but it happens.

>> No.5548646

only reference to the wire...

I know this is /ck/ but I mean it is like one of the greatest shows evar.

>i think i'm just too much of a big guy

For you

Seriously, OP. I understand you trying to do your best to hear another voice and/or get it off your chest but 4chan is not a sympathetic place.

>> No.5548648


Diabetes can be dangerous, I would suggest seeing a Dr asap. You could go with the person's previous reply to just eat healthy for a month and see how it goes but that isn't the greatest advice.

Alcohol also will only increase the likelihood of getting diabetes, especially if you're drinking extra sugar with it like rum and cokes etc.

>> No.5549448

>I used to think that on the bars, every single color strip represented a different medal

>> No.5551170

>muh secret club

>> No.5551290

What you're forgetting, Detective, is that every I.B.S. local on the East Coast has had its ass in front of a federal grand jury two or three times already. You want to throw your summonses, throw 'em. You want to subpoena our records? Shit, you don't even need a subpoena no more. Our books have been open to the Justice department for eight years. We're here through Bobby Kennedy, Tricky Dick Nixon, Ronnie "The Unionbuster" Reagan and half a dozen other sons-a-bitches. We'll be here through your weak bullshit, no problem! These four ain't workin' today. You wanna leave the papers here, I'll make sure they get 'em and go downtown on 'em.


>> No.5551554

Beer and cheap vodka every single day for the past 5 years. I don't get shakes or severe withdrawals but i do show other signs of withdrawal symptoms. Severe sweating for no reason. I can be taking a shit after a heavy night of drinking and break out into a sweat like i just finished a marathon. Since i do lawncare in the summer i'll literally soak my shirt like i just jumped in a pool.

A 30 pack of natural ice and a 1.75 liter bottle of cheap vodka will last me at best 2 days.

>> No.5552220

If you're actually an alco: If you go on the icanhaschat website and join the CA room, there's some peeps there who are pretty cool...

The system wants me to write a bit more, so as to appear like a normal cultured anon, who delicately selects the anime he'll fap over each and every night. Apologies for the interruption...

>> No.5552259
File: 26 KB, 840x600, shy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kind of a /fit/ related question as i doubt many of you exercise.

I've been binge drinking for about 6 years. only on the werekends though. Friday and Saturday I'll go through a handle of liquor or 24 beers.

I run a lot too, and it seems that i've been getting a stitch between the second or third rib on my right side a lot. it's not a cramp, it's much worse than that. it doesn't go away and the pain will linger into the next day if I push it too hard.

It seems to come on stronger and harder on the weekends after I drink.

Have any of you experienced this?

>> No.5552263

possible inflammation

>> No.5552597

>do you get the shakes
used to, cut back
>what do you drink
bourbon or vodka mostly, beer always but that doesn't count
>how can you get drunk on beer?
drink on empty stomach
>whats your fav brand on mouthwash?
I use generic but not to get drunk

>> No.5552638



I do an hour minimum of intense cardio daily (a few days a week it's more like 4; dance practice) and lift 4 days a week

drink fuckloads everyday

>> No.5552640


Oh god this, the demon sweats. I don't (usually) drink at work so by noon my lower back and legs are sopping wet. I've spent numerous lunch breaks driving home to change clothes.

>> No.5552681

Seeing Taaka makes me sad. That was my shit for about two years, cheap, mixes with ANYTHING and gets you drunk easy. I'd probably be dead if I still were fucking with that bitch. I went from 1 every to days to 1 a day and finally 1 and a half a day.

Stop bro, seriously. Taper off and switch over to beer. That shit will wreck you. Wait until you go through withdrawals a few times. For me it was just extreme nausea, a lump in my stomach that weighed a ton, the shakes, constant vomiting, anxiety, hearing voices, crying.

I'm a much smaller dude than you (5'10 and 150 pounds), but you've GOT to find an alternative. That shit will fucking kill you. Best of luck.

>> No.5553032

>do you get the shakes?
>what do you drink?
beer, vodka, scotch, bourbon
>how can you get drunk on beer?
drink lots or drink strong beers. i think the strongest beer i've had was 21%
>whats your fav brand on mouthwash?
don't have one

>> No.5553039
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Unfortunately i don't get to have lunch breaks. I find if i drink a beer in the morning with my coffee before work it usually holds off the demon sweat for a while.

>> No.5553079

Yeah, sometimes. I try to not drink so much anymore, but I still go way too far sometimes.
Yeah, I was shaking and sweating bad today. I got so fucked up last night, im not going to drink for a least a week. I drink rum like it's water. Reading up on dts is scary. "feeling of doom" holy shit, I thought that was just me being crazy. I feel like I'm about to die tragically when I am bad, 2 day hungover.
My chest hurts today...it sucks.

I get drunk on beer sometimes, Coors original usually
Never done this. I always have real booze.

>> No.5553151

I drink every day, but it'll usually be 3-6 beers, except for the weekend, where I'll go in the 9-12 range. Sometimes I'll buy a 40 of whiskey, but that shit can last me 2 weeks. I like to drink until I get a nice buzz, but if I'm shitfaced I'll cut down because I don't like the feeling. I also only drink after work and I don't get hangovers.

So technically, I'm a casual and I shouldn't post ITT. I can't even comprehend how you can go through a handle in a day. That being said, I get anxious if I think I won't be able to afford booze and I try to budget around it. I'm a bit scared of how much I like to drink.

So, to the more experienced fuckups: did you feel it coming? Am I being a little bitch or is my worry warranted?

>> No.5553172


I'm not a fuckup yet, unless you're talking about alcoholism in which case yeah I guess I fucked up. I have a very high paying job though, so I'm not a degenerate. I down a handle in about 2 days.

I felt it coming on some level, not necessarily that I'd become a raging drunk but I could tell that I had momentum with alcohol.

If you also feel like you have momentum with alcohol and you have alcoholism in your family then it's something to at least be aware of. While most of 4chan are teenagers and say "hurr durr just stop drinking", alcohol has a genetic component. This is not up for debate, it has been proven. IIRC it's a single mutation in one of the base/pairs (or whatever this is called, I don't work in a lab and it's been too long since chem class)... Anyway, if one of your parents had it you have a 50% chance to inherit it.

I work in the medical field, ironic I know.

>> No.5553185
File: 52 KB, 493x423, feelsman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you saved up your strength for a day so that you can finish a couple fifths tonight when your family goes to sleep
>livin the dream

>dont know wat is
>vodka and whiskey
>dont like it really since i cant be pissing every 30 minutes as i try to hide my problem from others
>brown listerine

>> No.5553216

Stressful jobs will make people more likely to drink though. If your job is stressful the irony loses a bit of its bite. Let's just hope you're not a surgeon.

How's your social life? Because if you can drink a handle every two days and still keep a lucrative job and a healthy social life, I feel like it kinda stops being a problem and is more just a thing that you do. I mean, your liver might disagree, but still.

>> No.5553227

its long since been the days where i would chug vodka on a saturdaynight. i had a rather long immature stretch of that but lack of ambition lead to a much stronger alcoholism
i had no job and not much to do so i would just wake and bake, spend the morning cooking shitty food, smoke more weed, head to the skatepark around noon where i would grab beer and just drink 40s of malt liqour and just be drunk everyday allday smoking weeed the whole time too stoned to even talk. just sitting there wasted. i did that allday everyday for like 4 years straight and i now feel much dumber than i did when i was younger

>> No.5555261

> how can you get drunk on beer?
Abita Spring's AndyGator. It's an overpriced Louisiana Hellenes Doppellbock and if you drink a whole six pack quickly, you will be shocked how drunk you are off of it.

>> No.5556912
File: 1.93 MB, 310x176, 1374488671048.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoa dude, why would you drink the purple? Doesn't that have the enamel stuff in it?

>> No.5557023
File: 52 KB, 800x600, stella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My life cycle is as follows:

>7am, wake up for work feeling like shit.
>Get ready for work and dont eat anything until about 1pm, all morning thinking about how drinking is shit and I dont even enjoy it and why bother when it makes me feel this shitty the next day
>Eat lunch
>About an hour after lunch I'm so desperate to get my drink on
>Argue with myself all day about drinking later
>Do pathetic shit literally every day like flipping a coin and if heads get best of 7 in 2 out of 3 rounds (thats how far its gone) then I drink, or if it's an even number when I get to the shop then I drink
>If I dont "win" those games I just drink anyway
>Drink 10 pints of pic related every weeknight then order a takeaway before passing out
>Hate myself for drinking every weeknight but somehow feel totally fine about doing it on friday and saturday night
>Wake up 7am and repeat

How many of you are at the point where you get that knowing smile or look from people? Im pretty sure everyone in the shop I buy from knows I'm an alcoholic as theyve each served me 100 times over. Also I order from like only 2 different takeaway places and they always have the same driver. When he arrives he says shit like "hello sir i have delivery for you as usual :)"


>> No.5557032


Also I have moved my "dinner time" from a normal time to about 1am now when I'm done drinking.

I started drinking at 18, was ripped and stacked and would be the envy of any /fit/ cunt back then. I'm 24 now and it's like I've bloated and my muscles have melted into blobby fat. I also look about 35.

>> No.5557042


Also, I haven't done a solid poo since 2008. Feels wet man.

>> No.5557064


>tfw scared whether or not I'm alcoholic

There was a time where I got drunk every single night for a couple of months. Stayed awake too long, felt like shit in the mornings but every night I drank. It helps me to feel, makes me enjoy things more.
And I like how I am when I'm drunk, more open, far more confident, friendly and just more adventurous.

>> No.5557169


I know what you mean. I'm a functioning alcoholic, and have actually managed to acquire 4 girlfriends since I started being a washout. It gives me confidence, wit and game.

About enjoying things more, I get that too. Unfortunately I can no longer play video games unless I'm drinking as my habit has always been to drink and play games. I've always been very competative as a PvP player and beering helps that. For the last couple of years I can't play any game for more than 30 minutes sober without getting bored, but while drinking, I can play it for 10 hours.

tabbed out of CS:Source to write this. its okay though cos its the weekend

>> No.5557259


I get the knowing look from the guys at the liquor store, surprisingly I don't think anybody else suspects yet. I know it's only a matter of time but at least I'm not a degenerate yet.

I drink a handle in 2 days.

Still have solid shits, ironically I eat very clean despite being a raging drunk. I also exercise excessively, which probably helps people not suspect since I don't look like shit.

>> No.5557317

Lately, I've been drinking Bacardi 151 (75.5% alc/vol) rum and cokes starting at 12 noon, this is due to watching world cup soccer. A 750ml bottle will last me 3-4 days. Before this, I would sip whiskey and consume about the same about, 750ml bottle over 4 days.

>> No.5557333


How do you feel in general, working out a lot while drinking? I used to work out a lot and drink and I felt like horrendous shit. Didnt eat right though. Meat and cheese 3 meals a day.

I wonder how long it will be before I'm dead

>> No.5557731


not that bad, I feel a little more fatigued than normal but I stopped drinking for 3 months last year and I still felt like shit