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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5542695 No.5542695[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw most supermarket yogurt is actually slightly fermented milk thickened with corn starch, whey, and carrageenan (gelling agent extracted from seaweed)
>tfw they sometimes even add lactic acid to give it that sour yogurt taste
>tfw Activia's supposedly beneficial bacteria is not grown in the milk, but rather separately grown on agar mixture, separated, then injected into the "yogurt"

Why isn't there a law regulating what yogurt is like there is with chocolate, butter, and cheese?

>> No.5542704

there is

>> No.5542710

In my country, these things have to be labeled as "fermented dairy product". The label also has to have something like "this product is not yoghurt".
People still call them yoghurt anyway.

>> No.5542713

If you want a yogurt that is just yogurt all you need to do is look at the ingredient list, honestly. You spend your consumer dollars on what you like, let the idiots buy swill that they think will make them healthier because a celebrity or a model stood next to it.

>> No.5542714

>muh authentic yogurt
go back to your yurt, yemeni fuck.

>> No.5542716

I just want something that was thickened because of the bacteria, not because it was mixed with seaweed extract.

>> No.5542718


>muh heavily processed hfcs and splenda treats

Paging Dr. Beetus, the OR is ready for you to perform that foot amputation now.

>> No.5542720

People who buy stuff for "healthy bacteria" deserve and want to be ripped off.

>> No.5542722

>wahhh 21st century food marvels and inventions are evil! everything should be like it was in the ancient times!
kill yourself
>projecting this hard
shove it up your ass, faggot. you loved danimals and gogurt as a kid, so why are you pretending to be a hoity-toity haute cuisine foodie on an anonymous imageboard? your opinion is literally worthless.

>> No.5542726


>loved danimals and gogurt

This is how I know you're fat.

>> No.5542729

nice reading comprehension, mongo

>> No.5542739
File: 289 KB, 1024x768, fatfatfucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try to enjoy life sometime

>> No.5542741


nope, you can't know what I liked as a kid, only what you liked as a kid.

hence, you liked danimals and gogurt.

I'm sorry your parents let you eat that shit and become obese, but it doesn't mean you have to be so mad at people who care about their health.

>> No.5542746


>implying you can't enjoy food that is legitimately nutritious
>implying you even know what that means
>implying I won't be still enjoying myself when I'm 80 and active and you're in a home waiting for someone to toilet you

>> No.5542749

>>implying I won't be still enjoying myself when I'm 80 and active and you're in a home waiting for someone to toilet you

you're already living like you're in a home

>> No.5542766

>tfw people ruin my thread with off-topic flame war

>> No.5542999


I cannot enjoy that kind of shit tier trash you call yogurt. Sorry you've never experienced nice things before or you'd understand.

>> No.5543020

And what country is that? Stupidland?

>> No.5543121

You've obviously never made your own yogurt and if so, sans a sachet

Its easy to make op. Look around for live culture yogurt, put a couple tsp in per litre of milk. Wrap in towel and leave in warm car or extremely low oven for 6-12 hours. Bam. Plain home made yogurt. Mix in your fruit preserve or whatever.