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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5540887 No.5540887[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lunch /ck/, you?

>> No.5540898

nuked leftover mcdonalds

protip: warm it up flipped upside down

>> No.5540902
File: 306 KB, 1600x1200, classic_kermatoffee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had a Caesar salad with smoked salmon and shrimps.
Also pic related as a dessert.

>> No.5540905
File: 103 KB, 720x960, 14859_4949026055973_238051290_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vodka and soda.

>> No.5540916

Sadness and Tears

>> No.5540921

what is that

>> No.5540945

a"teakum" sandwich (hey, they were on sale
$2.99/ for six) and some iced tea, ok a beer, last one,while making tuna salad for supper ( watermelon and plums for desert) too damn hot to cook much 90.f at 3 pm plus tea is good brewed and cooled and no sugar.

>> No.5540955

>cup noodles

I really fucking hope you didn't eat that.

>> No.5540957

its ramen. you can tell the op is some pretentious weaboo wannabe faggot because of the gay chopsticks and spoon us the faggy dole drink

>> No.5540970

It's always hilarious to see someone try to make ramen anything but shit. 0/10, depressing meal, OP. Get a job and stop eating that trash.

>> No.5541060
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sorry forgot image they are really pretty bad for you but good tasting one of those horrifying terrible secrets like potted meat, canned fruit salad and spam sells out every week I can't be the only one. jello, nanner pudding (you put fresh pineapple in jello it wil never set like wise green bananass wont ripen in the fridge and if your taters onions or kids have sprouts, might be time to kick them out.for a while. maybe.I myself am perfect yeah ,right you former vacuam salesman ( 30 years hence and still can't spell it).steakum arenot bad but not geat and really expensive if not on sale.

>> No.5541143
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>> No.5541144

>People liking what I don't like makes me very angry

>> No.5541148
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strawberry shortcake for dessert

>> No.5541170
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>> No.5541559

the strawberry shortcake looks dank

>> No.5541605


thats a lot of fucking food, do you normally have meals this big?

>> No.5541627

this was my breakfast/lunch and haven't had anything else to eat

I'm drinking now and will either pass out and go to bed or get real hungry and binge before passing out

>> No.5541630


you dun goofed, should have gone with the spicy chicken.

>> No.5541636

teriaki master race

>> No.5541648

are you huge? I ate and drank like that for a couple years and got fat as fuck. finally lost all the weight last year but I'm still careful about how I eat. that whole meal would last me about two days.

>> No.5541655

I'm a big guy

>> No.5541674
File: 68 KB, 435x640, for you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


getting the inevitable out of the way with my pic.

>> No.5541696

thats 4 meals you fat fuck

>> No.5541750

it was one meal for me

>> No.5541756

Shin Ramyun cooked on the stove. It was delicious.

>> No.5541773

no, thats 4 meals for any human being. youre a fat fuck

>> No.5541783

>no cheese

otherwise breddy good

>> No.5541789

1. I'm human
2. I ate it all

check mate

>> No.5542787

It's a massive amount of calories to consume in one sitting dude. Just wow. What is it exactly? I think I'm seeing a hamburger, a hot dog - both with loads of trimmings, a big slice of pizza, and a fillet of...either fish or chicken with some mushrooms.

Oh and that cake, schweeeeet.

>> No.5542796

are you eating your lunch in a voting booth?

>> No.5542829

I know, I usually put processed cheese in mine like a pleb but it was fine without


>> No.5542844


i didn't realize exactly how easy it is for the majority of 4chan to get trolled by tripfags, but i am snickering

>> No.5543496

the black plate is swordfish with butter and lemon juice

>> No.5545116

Oddly enough, what really catches my interest in that spread is the three mushrooms.

>> No.5545124

>that huge amount of mustard and relish on the hot dog
you may as well just eat it off a spoon

>> No.5545135

>fuckload of food
>doesn't even wash the dishes as evidenced by paper plates
Have you given up on life?

>> No.5545279


Don't care about how much you eat, but paper plates? Man save some for the fuckin rain forest.

>> No.5545286

Fried chicken skin, rice, and orange juice.

>> No.5545289

An adderall.

>> No.5545308
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Spiral mac n cheese with a poorly cooked hot dog inside a flour tortilla topped with sirachi

>> No.5545326


It is not 4 meals. its maybe 3. Maybe. Wanna count the calories with me?

Average adult human male, we will say needs 2k calories a day, just to live and stand up and sit down and walk a bit.

Lets be generous

>3 x Mushrooms, Calories 21
>Pork Chop w/ semen, Calories 230

Plate 1 Total 251 Calories

> 1/6 a three meat Dellissio pizza, Calories 330

TinFoil plate Total 330 Calories

>2 Medium pickles, 16 Calories
>Lettuce, Tomato, mustard, onion, say 30 Calories
>cheese slice, 100 Calories
>Buns, 300 Calories
>Relish, (maybe ketchup) 100 Calories
>Hotdog, 120 Calories
>Burger 200 Calories

Plate 3 Total 866 Calories

Total Calories in picture excluding soda 1447 Calories.


>> No.5545329


And correction, apparently its sword fish and lemon, not porkchops and semen.

>> No.5546935

I made a whole tinfoil pouch of them but 3 fit nice on the plate

they were baby bellas btw

I do this sometimes for a snack at night time if I don't want to eat a ton of food

sorry but I was too full to do dishes after my meal

I would have given a 6/10 but you loose 2 points for sirracha


>> No.5546946

Haven't made lunch yet. But, it'll probably be chicken salad sandwiches, because I have a bunch of leftover grilled chicken.

>> No.5546964

someone brought a carafe of coffee to class so I guess that's what I'll be having

>tfw in uni class an hour from home and I have to leave too early to make food

>> No.5547007

probably a turkey sammich and cottage cheese.

>> No.5547047


läski :D:D:D:D:DD

>> No.5547053


GODAMMIT, Rummy. Srs'ly did you black out again and forget to eat for a few days while you were on your last bender?

>> No.5547143

Recipe OP? That looks fucking delicious, I have the exact same lunch box as you.