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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5537001 No.5537001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We haven't had a good old /ck/ haul thread in awhile. So, I'll start. Went to the glorious Russian market today. Here's pic of my meat/fish haul (and I'll post pics of all the other stuff I bought as I unpack it, etc.)
Veal short ribs
Red Trout
Beef shanks
Lamb chops
Smoked pork belly ribs
Dry salami
Dry kielbasa

>> No.5537005
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Trout, which is going on the grill later.

>> No.5537012

Btw, feel free to post kitchenware and stuff, not just food.

>> No.5537019
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Mom mm veal short ribs.....

>> No.5537025

Lol fucking auto correct.....

>> No.5537027
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Lamb. (Obviously, the pic would be better without the plastic bags, but ya know...)

>> No.5537032

Hope you brought it home on ice.

>> No.5537039
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Beef shanks

They had whole beef feet, which I was really tempted to buy, but I wasn't sure what I was going to do with it.

>> No.5537049

You betcha. I keep a cooler in the back of the car all the time, and just buy a bag of ice to throw in there.

>> No.5537052
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Smoked belly ribs....

Okay, I've got to keep unpacking, I'll post more in a bit. Everyone post your recent purchases!

>> No.5537066
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Ajvar, Ikra, Dolmas, rye seeded bread, dark rye, "ciabatta" (which its not, but it is very good), pita.

>> No.5537069

no one gives a fuck about a break down of what you got at the grocery store

>> No.5537070

Got one more ridiculous post before I get to the fruit and veg.

>> No.5537073

Then hide the thread, couldn't be simpler than that.

>> No.5537075

>grocery store

>> No.5537093

This looks fucking ridiculous, I know, but I'm sending some of this to my nieces. But certain Russian candies are glorious. Let's see....
Some kind of coconut chocolates
Tiramisu chocolates
Toffee chocolates
Moccachino (I think) chocolates
Some kind of fruit candy "Bim bom"
And two kinds of hazelnut cream chocolate bars

>> No.5537095

theyre groceries the place you but them is a store

>> No.5537096
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Ooooo forgot pic, bummer.

>> No.5537098

> But certain

I don't even know what the fuck.....

>> No.5537104

My dad went to Save-A-Lot today, I'm super pissed but all he got was snacks and bread, so...

>> No.5537120
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First pic of veg
Dandelion greens
Yellow peppers
Shit ton of fava beans

>> No.5537123

What's wrong with buying food from a market?

>> No.5537141

Fruit and veg part 2!

Baby potatoes
Shit ton of tomatoes
Red onions

>> No.5537144
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>> No.5537162

Why are those mushrooms in plastic?

>> No.5537170

Because they were bulk mushrooms. Now I have to put them in my mushroom basket in the fridge.

>> No.5537181
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And finally....pickles! One container of sours, two of half sours. The market makes them in house, and they are the best pickles I've ever had, besides homemade. That's why I have to buy three at a time, everyone eats the shit out of them.

>> No.5537195
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Went to the 99 cents store a while ago and found this stuff.

Ended up putting the candies away because I realized I only wanted them because I never tried them and didn't even have a sweet tooth and decided not to be a total fat ass.
But the rest was delicious.

The Earth Balance vegan cheddar kettle chips are usually like 3 or 4 dollars elsewhere, and the gluten free mixes are usually like 5 or 6.

All vegan. I use a cup of apple sauce to replace the eggs in the cupcakes I made, then vegan butter. Came out perfect. Added some Betty Crocker Hershey's cookies 'n' creme frosting and sliced strawberries on top. Mm.

>> No.5537233

Does your 99 cent store carry produce? The one by my house does, and while a lot of it is crap, it's always worth looking around. The other day, I found some gorgeous cocktail cucumbers there, 1 lb. bags (for 99 cents ofcourse) and some 6 oz. containers of fresh raspberries. Both were locally grown (well, relatively locally, both came from within 100 miles). I always try to make a point of stopping in there to see what they have before I go to other produce stores.

>> No.5537237

Man what store do you go to?

>> No.5537287

They do. I get mangoes from there, sometimes avocados. (Not sure how local they are though.) They even get organic lettuce and stuff like that sometimes. I always like to shop there first too because I can save so much money sometimes.

I've been finding kind of a lot of vegan products there lately (which is awesome for me since I'm vegan and kinda poor), probably because we have a Whole Foods here now. I got some fishless tuna the other day (not like how I remember tuna at all but works as a substitute for the texture in recipes), and unrefined brown and powdered sugar that is usually expensive if you get it from Vons/Safeway. And they always have Silk soy yogurt 2 for 99 cents. Then I got some awesome vegan margarine with a blend of oils like coconut and canola.

I love the 99 cents store.

>> No.5537290


>> No.5537497

Gluten Free cake mix. That is the most retarded thing ever. I bet you have literally no legitimate reason to buy that.

>> No.5537537
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>> No.5537544

What was your grand total for all that?

>> No.5537545


It's pretty delicious actually. Wouldn't buy it at the regular grocery store though, would make my own instead. And yes I do. I have Hashimoto's disease and it's recommended we don't eat gluten. I also have some reactions after eating high concentrations of it if you must know.


Yes. Good eye.

>> No.5537556

So, after dinner, we all tried one piece of each candy. (Well, not all of them, I tried four) Holy mother of fuck, they're good. How is it that Russians can make such god tier candy, but we can't? Those hazelnut cream bars are so good, like, shockingly delicious. And even the fruit candies are great. The green fruit candy is pear flavored, and I've never had a pear flavored candy that tastes so much like actual pear. The coconut chocolates are crispy round wafers with a creamy filling, covered in chocolate, and taste just like a creamy version of the butter cookies my mom made on holidays when I was little. The "mocchi" chocolates taste like chocolate chip ice cream.
I had to hide the candy from everyone, because I'm supposed to be sending some of them in a package, and if I leave them out, there won't be any left.

>> No.5537560

Let's see... it was around $140. Not too bad for a couple weeks worth of food for 3 people. I imagine I'll still have to restock some things, but that should pretty much do it for us. I still need to buy eggs, though, I didn't get them there (I get them at the farmer's market).
Oh, and something else I forgot to put in the pics were puff pastry sheets. I put them in the freezer right away, so I forgot to add them to the haul pics.

>> No.5539281

Looking pretty good OP, I just want to know what you're going to do with them there belly ribs, and the veal. Mmmm, love me some veal, but I don't usually have short ribs, usually just cutlets.

>> No.5539703
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Saw this thread earlier and today was grocery day so behold my haul. I have to carry it all by motorbike so it is what it is.

>inb4 processed garbage
I like to have some things I can heat up real quick before work

>> No.5539721

>How is it that Russians can make such god tier candy, but we can't?

>> No.5539741

I hear it comes down to butterfat, honestly. That's what makes foreign ice cream so damn good.

>> No.5539767

Those candies were FAR from expensive. Are you butthurt because people don't appreciate your sour milk wax?

>> No.5539769

That's quite a bit to haul on your motorcycle. Nice! What are you planning on making?

>> No.5539791

Never made meatballs before so I'm going to make a big batch and make some spaghetti, then I'm gonna use some extras for subs for a few days. I don't cook much but I'm trying to not eat out as much. Forgot the parm though, about to grab some.

>> No.5539804

Ah yeah, parm is needed for meatballs! If you're going to make some subs with them as well, provolone would be good on those. I don't make meatballs very often, but sometimes you just crave a good plate of spag and meatballs.