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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 113 KB, 475x351, moroccan_mint_tea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5527880 No.5527880[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What the hell? Where's the tea thread?
Right here, that's where.

Anyone know a good breakfast tea? I ran out of lavender earl grey today.

>> No.5527889

Yunnan gold or any variety of dianhong is great for breakfast since they're so rich and malty.

>> No.5528526

I'm a complete noob when it comes to tea. Can someone give me a tea 101?

I've had green tea and ginger tea. That's about it.

>> No.5528545

Assam has always been my go-to breakfast tea. Lately I've been brewing it with a few smashed green cardamom pods. Why? Because fuck you that's why. (and it's delicious) :)
Other than that, I drink a variety. Sencha, Gunpowder green. jasmine pearls, Darjeeling, Lady Grey, Buckingham Palace Garden Party, Earl Grey, Lapsang Souchong....
But Assam is my daily morning beverage.

>> No.5528547
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tea is like wine, it's generally classified by where it's grown, when it's harvested and how it's processed.

"green tea", for example, encompasses dozens of varieties grown in China, Japan, Sri Lanka, Pakistan and a few other countries.

it's all the same plant, by the way: camellia sinensis. "ginger tea" isn't tea.

>> No.5528549

If lavender earl grey is a breakfast flavor for you, you'd probably like a jasmine oolong, black or green with orange blossom honey. I like a Constant Comment from bigelow at any time, that yummy cinnamon and orange peel bitterness cut with demerara sugar.

When I go out drinking, I have an ice cold pitcher of sweet tea waiting in the morning. Luzianne is great. Toss in a single mint tea bag in the pitcher for extra cooling refreshment.

>> No.5528559

Oh alright. What is "breakfast" tea? Is it like having a coffee?

>> No.5528560

Whenever I brew tea it always comes out with barely any flavor. Am I just doing it wrong? Is there something wrong with my taste buds?

>> No.5528569

"breakfast tea" is mostly a British thing; it's a blend of black teas, typically featuring assam tea. they're designed to go well with milk and sugar.

what sort of tea are you making? bagged dust? full leaf?

>> No.5528580

I got one of those peets coffee tins as a present. I think its leaf

>> No.5528581

What's a good place to get loose leaf iced tea?

>> No.5528584

just... make strong tea and put ice in it.

gonna need more detail than that, bruh.

>> No.5528603
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okay I know these really arent tea but the last week or two ive been drinking yerba mate like a mother fucker. Its incredible. that and bed time tea with valarian and shit makes my dreams awesoem

>> No.5528605
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One of these things. I've basically followed the instructions on the side and steeped them for 4 minutes in boiling water.

>> No.5528610

>bagged dust

I know bagged tea gets plenty of hate (often for good reason). But I was at the Japanese quick service place at Epcot in Disney chomping down some udon and ordered a green tea with it.

And they gave me a cup of hot water and a bag.

I was kinda pissed at first, but tea is tea so I brewed it. Noticed the bag was heavier than most.

And it was actually fucking good. So I did some digging and found out who makes it


I can't speak for their smaller boxes of bagged tea, it may not be the same tea (possibly better?), but the kind I had was actually quite good.

>> No.5528620
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i don't know about that brand but sencha is typically bagged at a higher grade than dust.

ehhh american bagged teas are usually pretty weak to begin with, and i wouldn't really trust tea from a coffee chain competing with starbucks. try letting the water cool 10~20 seconds before brewing? try adding more tea than directed? i dunno, man.

>> No.5528630

Ok, I'll try that next time. Is there an issue with leaving the leaves in too long, or is just that there's no reason to leave them in after ~5 minutes?

>> No.5528641

steeping tea too long (or too hot) for its type will draw out tannin and make your tea bitter.
some teas are fine with longer time, some are completely ruined.

i've got some Persian tea that needs to be simmered for twelve minutes. i've got a green tea blend that is gently dunked in warm water for thirty seconds.

you could certainly try a longer time, but just putting more tea in is the safer bet.

>> No.5528870

Depending on how far this goes back, I prolly made the last Tea Thread.

OK so heres something I want to ask everyone:

I have issues with bugs at my place and I'm trying everything not to bug bomb the place.

I have tea on the stove in a glass teapot/kettle. I looked at it and I saw something in it. I was
thinking it was part of my tea that fell thru the sifter in it. Nope... It was a small bug. Damn it.
Do you guys think if I just boil my tea (again) it will kill any bacteria in it? This is some of the
best tea I've made in a long time and I would hate to throw it out.

>> No.5528877

Sweet tea goes in all fields.

Good with breakfast, lunch, dinner, and every other time of day.

Dentists can get fucked.

>> No.5528884

Is bug code for roach?

>> No.5528900

My go-to breakfast tea is Irish breakfast or some other sort of assam/ceylon blend. Too early in the morning for me to appreciate other teas; mostly just need the caffeine. Other blacks are what I drink throughout the day, namely darjeeling (summer flush, hnnnnnnggggg) and oolong (my favorite for pairing with meals). I'm getting more and more into greens, but I like to pause whenever I drink those and sort of study the tea, since I don't really have much experience with those. I'm digging sencha and genmaicha, and I have some houjicha that I haven't tried yet. I'd really like to expand into more teas, but I don't have the time or money atm ;_;

And I can't into herbal teas at all.

>> No.5528903

it was a baby and I think so. I boiled it for a few minutes and I suppose I will take the chance (yes I removed it).

I figured as boiling always does, it kills bacteria so yeah..

>> No.5528906

You are gross

>> No.5528908

If it's any consolation, a shitton of bugs were probably already crawling around in your tea before, during, and most likely after processing.

>> No.5528913

no tea bags. everything is from Teavanna and is in sealed containers. I don't buy store brand tea.

>> No.5528947

Looks like we have a badass here.

>> No.5528957

shush anon, don't tell any one.

>> No.5528966

Oh wise tea-masters, is there a definitive guide for which temperature to brew different colors/types of teas at? I ask because I plan on getting what a temperature control unit (a la sous vide cooking) and I was hoping to also use it to perfectly brew tea.

>> No.5528969


>> No.5528972

Are you saying Tea deserves a promotion?

>> No.5529011

Yamamotoyama is pretty good value tea. I think I got 7oz of solid genmaicha from them.
That was a good winter.

>> No.5529012

BTW tea is fine.

>> No.5529031

I'm a fucking pleb, so here's how I do it.

Start by boiling water to 212°f
If black or puerh tea, steep it then and there.
If Darjeeling, wait for 30 seconds
If oolong, wait a minute
If white or green, wait 2 minutes

But this is probably far from the temperatures posted in this little guide:

>> No.5529117

Puer drinkers, represent.

>> No.5529137

As far as your average breakfast teas go, your conventional British imperialist teas like Darjeeling, Assam, Ceylon etc etc. are always a good default, as English Breakfast is usually made from a blending of the three. Some brands which have really good traditional variations on these teas are Fauchon, Fortnum & Mason, and Twinings is fairly reasonable in a pinch.

If you're looking for something more hearty though, check the Taiwanese wulong tip or one of the Wuyi mountain wulongs from China. Depends on what kind of tea you like in the morning.

I'd honestly above all advise you trying to find a small teashop or dedicated online site to explore. Some of these independent shops really kill it. Steepster.com is a fantastic place to explore tea fanaticism at it's greatest. Also fuck Teavana, they have an absurd amount of pesticides in their tea, and honestly it's way overpriced for the way it tastes.

>> No.5529138

Im looking for a Bento Box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii (cute)). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a Bento Box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.5529294


better even

>> No.5529594

Sorry I enjoyed myself?

>> No.5531583


More info on the Persian tea? Sounds intredasting

>> No.5531593
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Just had a tea with a layer of salted cream on top
Tastiest fucking drink I've had in my life

>> No.5531603

If you like Earl Grey you would probably like orange spice.
See if you can't find it fresh though, the dry stuff is kinda meh.

>> No.5531607

what's the tea with the most health benefits/vitamins

I've been getting sick a lot recently and am trying to do everything I can to make my body not become sick. Should I stick with the green tea I've been drinking or is there some wonder tea that exists

does milk tea count as tea because I like milk tea and boba a lot

>> No.5531612

Is that some kind of ultra-hipster version of boba tea?

>> No.5531623

Is it kinda like Thai iced tea?

>> No.5531649

I love tea guys, I drink like 5 cups a day at least.

I pretty much only use cheap lipton tea bags
And I microwave the water

Am I scum?

>> No.5531660


You can do an image search for 'tea brewing chart' for a bunch of useful results, but you'll also notice that there's tons of conflicting information. In my experience this one is the best. (This is for western style brewing, obviously)

Not represented on this chart is that most quality teas can be brewed multiple times. My rules of thumb is for each subsequent brew add one quarter of the original brew time. So let's say you're making some green tea and steep it for two minutes on the first brew. Then the second should be two and a half minutes, three minutes for the third, etc...

>> No.5531666
File: 128 KB, 600x597, brewing_chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Forgot the chart

>> No.5531675

No, it's a normal boba place. Almost all of their locations were previously in taiwan, and they just started opening some in the US.
You can get any kind of tea, Black, Green, Oolong, Matcha, and some others I'm forgetting, and they put a scoop of this salty semi-solid cream on top
It's significantly less sweet than thai tea, and has a very thick and decadent consistency
Never had anything like it before

>> No.5531681

I like black tea. Yeah, I know Im boring.

>> No.5531689

Interesting, kind of sounds like Vietnamese iced coffee sort of. Know of any good recipes for home made boba tea, by chance?

>> No.5531709

Ever try hong kong milk tea?
It's super easy to make.
Just brew a strong variety of black tea, and top it with sweetened condensed milk to taste instead of regular milk
Tasty stuff.
Are you asking for how to make the tapioca pearls too?

>> No.5531725

I was more thinking of the milk-syrup-tea-whatever you call it that places add to boba and puree'd fruit. I know that you can buy boba to soak in syrup.

>> No.5531739

All they use is normal tea, half and half or nondairy creamer depending on the place (a lot of asians are lactose intolerant), and then a literal fuckton of sugar.
There's not much of a recipe to be had.

>> No.5532169

>says ginger tea isn't tea
>doesn't even offer the noob the correct title
Here we go, another pretentious tea fuck. You'd have probably tried to keep Latin your sooper seecret language too you sewer floater.

Its a "tisane" OP.

>> No.5532184

You can try hibiscus for the vit c but tea is a compliment to good health, not cure.
>milk tea & boba
Well it has some tea in it? What are you asking for about this? Its a beverage yes

>> No.5532187

Nobody cares
I wonder how coconut milk would do. Its all I have. Brb will post resultss

>> No.5532191
File: 33 KB, 600x600, mulex_samovar_white_4_1_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

persian tea is traditionally prepared with a samovar: a two-piece set of kettle and teapot.
the teapot is nested on top of the kettle and the heat from the kettle keeps the teapot simmering.

they like their tea hot and strong.

>> No.5532201

So their tea isn't their leaves, but the way its cooked

>> No.5532222
File: 175 KB, 800x586, 800px-Rize_Tea_Plantation_2005-jk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the tea leaf itself i don't really know anything about, i'll have to pester the shop owner next time i'm in.

i do know that /ck/'s favourite Turkish tea is prepared in the same way, and Turkey grows it's own tea in the province of Rize.

>> No.5532232

Why do Iranians insist on being called Persian? Iran is closest to the original name. Persia was coined by the Greeks many years after Iran was well established.

Iranians, your insecurity is showing.

>> No.5532325

I have a little bag of mate tea and just wondering how important the gourd and bombilla is for it. Anyone know if brewing it in a teapot makes a difference to the average palate?

>> No.5532328


Because they think that they will be called terrorists if they say they are Iranian.

Iranians were viewed as supervillains in the 80s and you have to remember that random brown people were getting murdered in the US after 9/11. Hence anyone who could be misconstrued by a redneck retard as being a terrorist would go overboard trying to prove that he's actually not a terrorist.

tl;dr it's not for people who know history, it's for the retard gun nut conservative types who would murder someone if the wrong hair trigger was stimulated.

>> No.5532353

>bought a beautiful 4 set of tea cups + matching tea pot
>have no friends to share with on the patio with servings of figs and lovely spring garden view with a garden display you grew yourself

>> No.5532365
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Why britbongs put milk in their tea? It's fucking disgusting and disgraceful.

>> No.5532372


>waa waa stop liking what i dont like

>> No.5532373

What do you think of that frothed milky chai they make in India?
Must be fuckwits, yeah?

>> No.5532379

Do you measure your distances in furlongs?

>> No.5532381

Just let the blubbers feel special, they'll always find some way to.

>> No.5532393
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>> No.5532399
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>> No.5532439

Do you measure weight in newtons?

>> No.5532481

kilograms are sufficient
(I hope)

>> No.5532595

Ok. I can now agree that this chart is largely right.

>> No.5532748

What is the most disgusting tea you ever had /ck/?

>> No.5532758

generic sweet tea

>> No.5532760

Confirmed shit taste.

>> No.5532762

What non-generic sweet tea did you like & would recommend?

>> No.5532763
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I measure weight in units of ɡ0*M and temperature in degrees Rankine. Somebody convert the chart for me.

>> No.5532768

sun tea (made correctly, without bacteria).

>> No.5532778

This is kind of my point. Different systems of measurements are some of the most easy things to adapt to. I am confident that everyone who is not mentally handicapped could use the old Danish system effectively, with only a little work.

>> No.5532794

Doesn't work with coconut milk. I tried it before. Sweetened condensed milk is what you want to use for any of those Asian teas.

I need to make one this weekend, I don't think I have any Thai ice tea blends in my house, will have to go out to but the tea.

>> No.5532830

how much sugar To tea ratio?

>> No.5532869

That really depends. I just sort of eyed it. Too little is fine, but you never want too much in tea.

>> No.5534667

I just tried to filter green tea using Brita since I left it for too long.

It kind of reduced the bitterness. Which is pretty cool.