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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 178 KB, 960x1280, gillaugh moveout damages and misc 112.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5531501 No.5531501[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If there could only be 1 thing that I could say I hate is waste of food. Specifically meat, where an animal had to die, then fuckers waste that meat.

I am a Landlord, and I see horrors when I get to cleaning a house after people move/evicted.
I know their financial info; I know they are on every single type of government "assistance" possible... and they don't care.
It's not "their" money that pays the rent... or their gas/electric utilities... or clothing.
But the attitudes towards food... *RAGE*

Just cleaned out this house, it's 90 degrees and they left the fridge off, let about $400 in food to spoil. We filled a 55 gallon drum can with just the refrigerator contents...
Which included the $27 leg of lamb, 9 packages of prime bacon, fresh filets of seabass, tubs of fresh garlic avocados mangos apples carrots celery and other produce, milk and expensive organic juices.
They left their papers, so I know that all this waste was bought on Tax Money through the SNAP program.
Then canned item they get for FREE through WIC, they puncture the cans and leave them outside... probably about 200 lbs. of ruined canned food items into the trash.

This isn't even the worst I've seen either, which is aggravating as I could never afford to spend on what they just destroy.

>> No.5531527

Timestamp pls.

>> No.5531550
File: 154 KB, 960x1280, gillaugh moveout damages and misc 113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I've seen everything. sadly.

In 1 eviction they left a chest freezer in the middle of the living room... that was leaking blood onto the oak floors.
They left a almost intact deer carcass to defrost, leak and ruin my hardwood floors.
But an animal that they hunted and killed and partially dressed for meat... let to ruin. And the smell...
Had to rip up and replace those oak floors, the stains wouldn't sand out.

Another, there was a refrigerator in a basement, again in spite they unplug the thing, and it had been filled to past capacity with imported tropical fruits, papayas and melons etc. Hundreds of dollars worth of fruit.
But 2 weeks of no refrigeration... opening the door caused a rotten-fruit mush-o-fall, almost like a waterfall but worse... the smell we had to evacuate the house and ventilate it for 2 days before going back in.

>> No.5531600
File: 308 KB, 960x1280, HeckmanStrayer post eviction misc 032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not something I usually think to do. When I print out for court cases the time/date is automatic.

Anyway, older photo here.
I try, I really do. I won't rent a place I myself would not live in.
Here they emptied out the kitchen and refrigerator out onto the back deck... even their pots and pans filled with rotting food... left outside.

>> No.5531604

>hardwood floors
>government assistance

ya ruined it

i mean i was going to point out that govfood is often low-cost by way of being shop spoiled anyway, but you ruined it

two posts

new world record

>> No.5531672

Yep, oak floors, most houses around here are 100+ years old, and all of them have hardwood floors.

Ignorance is bliss isn't it?
In my industry, everyone knows just how lavish the gov assistance is to the leeches of society, landlords, judges, caseworkers... we all talk to each other and we're all disgusted by it.

A single mother of 2 kids, no job, can pull down a $56,000 a year lifestyle on nothing but the "benefits" system. Food assistance, heating assistance(HEAP), transportation assistance(payment for a leased car, clothing assistance (Kohl's cards), free iPhone, Season tickets to Kings Island, assistance for to buy dance lessons... not to mention the nearly $2000 a month cash monies she receives just to spend as part of a economic stimulus program.
I was worried when then new Eviction Court Magistrate was appointed as he's black... but boy oh boy he's more hateful about the welfare leeches then I am... he's like a black Judge Judy.

>> No.5531720

Sounds like you live in hell, OP. Why not sell your shit, and move somewhere civilized?

>> No.5531747

>Have work barbecue
>500 pounds of tri-tip
>Dingus abandons his post at the grill after leaving it on way too high of a temperature
>500 pounds of meat with a 1cm thick crust of black char on the outside and an internal temperature probably hotter than boiling water

>> No.5531807

this post gave me death

>> No.5531831

Do they leave in a hurry or just assume you'll clean the shit up?

>> No.5531847

I worked at a tavern a while back as a dishwasher and would regularly get plates with one or two bites taken out of the food. Not even exaggerating.

>> No.5531857

What's the point of puncturing the cans?

>> No.5531876
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Once convinced my parents to stock up on $40 of ice cream, a variety of Haagen Dazs and Dreyer's tubs. Was supposed to last half the summer.

Had a power outtage the very next day right after leaving for a day out. Got back home to tubs of foamy syrup. Thing that bugs me the most was spending that 20-25 mins at the grocery store deciding what flavors I wanted to try.

>> No.5531880


To be wasteful assholes, I guess.

Legally, I couldn't do anything other that trash out the food cans or otherwise, anyway.

>> No.5531890

Which is the worst demographic?
I know there are shitheads in all areas and ages but there must be one that stands out.

>> No.5531900

Well, I could understand the meat but the cans of food could've gone to a food kitchen or something.

>> No.5531906

>work at a restaurant
>near close on a slow day
>doing a cleaning on the ice machine
>power goes out... no fridges, no ice.
>power stays off for a day and a half... everything's been above 40F for quite a while.
>into the garbage it goes.

I remember the manager trying to give me shit for that. I quit and called the health board on him.

>> No.5531956

they don't exist

he's talking shit

go on, dare him to show you the details of how single mothers can make more than the average US household income, tax free, from nothing but benefits

he can't because nowhere actually does that

at all


the only possible way they could be getting close to that kind of money is if he, the landlord, had set his rents artificially high to screw the system and so had every other landlord in the area

who's the bad guy then? why the landlords who are trying to game the system and pin it on others, of course

but this guy's not a landlord, he's some prick with too much time on his hands

and to reiterate: nowhere does that because if they did, if you could literally make more than the average US household by doing nothing, nobody would do anything, including this guy

"oh but he's got photos that look authentic" well don't that beat all

he must be on the level if he's got photos

nobody EVER faked one of those or used a real one in a fake context

you a big dummy anon

you a big dummy

>> No.5531982
File: 5 KB, 124x125, 1400513622722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gr8 b8 m8 id r8 8/8.

>> No.5532034

and here I am working like a chump arguing day and night with my health insurance to reflect the payments I've been making on my account.

It makes me feel like such an idiot that I don't know how to be a welfare queen.

>> No.5532041

How did that turn out?

>> No.5532049

My sister is poor as fuck and rapes the system constantly

She has "back pain" so they give her Oxys which she sells to make money. The government gives her 350 a month in foodstamps (she has a kid) and the local charities pay most of her utilities. The government helps pay for her home so she pays half of the normal rent. She lives a great life of free food, free utilities, dealing drugs and being a shit parent. Get your head out of your ass you fucking faggot

>> No.5532064

I dumpster dive, so I see a tragic waste of food everytime I go out, goto an Aldi at midnight sometime and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Here's a pic from a few weeks ago I took after a run on an Aldi, this is a fraction of what was there since I packed my truck, 2 dozen hams(each worth about $30 and still very cold), dozens of packages of pastas, 2 dozen jars of imported balsamic vinegars, 20 lbs of mixed vegetables, among other assorted things.
never had food poisoning and have saved hundreds of dollars a month on food and other items.

>> No.5532074

nice haul

>> No.5532076
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shit, forgot the pic

like I said, HAMS

>> No.5532078

enjoy dying :^)

>> No.5532080
File: 424 KB, 2048x1216, sTbD2IH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been doing it for 3 years and never been sick, I'm also on food stamps, because of the wasteful need around here I only use half of them every month, I'm saving food and taxpayer money at the same time as feeding myself. Expiration dates and food fears are overblown, just keep up with recall lists, use common sense, and don't eat open food and you'll be fine.

Also, coffee, this it lasted me a year

>> No.5532083

Now I'm jealous

No way they sell Starbucks at Aldi

>> No.5532088

I work as a security guard near an "artisan organic foods" grocery. Whenever anything has a smeared label or approaches its 'best before' date it gets tossed in a bin in the loading area.

At the end of the month, the bin is taken away to the dump. Employees are not allowed to take food from the bin. No one is allowed to take food from the bin.

I understand that it's a liability issue but there are crackers and dented cans and a whole fucking case of virgin olive oil just sitting there waiting to get wasted. Makes me sad-mad.

>> No.5532089
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CVS actually, they throw away mostly junk food, electronics, and medicine.

I have about 3 of these Oreos/ChipsAhoy boxes as well as several bags of the regular versions

>> No.5532092

You just go at night?

I remember my mom used to do this but with dog food

>> No.5532093

I work in a food wholesale warehouse and I throw out about $2000 worth of food each week.
Last week I had to chuck out a pallet of raw cashews and just today I wasted out 800 bucks worth of organic coconut milk.

>> No.5532101
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Some people go in the day but I just don't like the risk, I suppose it depends on the location and opportunity. Around here, there's barely anyone around after midnight and since most store employees only stay until about 11pm, midnight is the best option.

My only issue is cops, some are cool, some aren't, I try to avoid them whenever possible even though it's legal here since dealing with cops can be annoying at the best of times.

Powerbars came from CVS, the super nintendo and N64 were had from a Vintage Stock, I've also got an Xbox, 3 Wiis, some other things including a brand new pair of Tritton headphones

>> No.5532105

Dude aren't they always under lock?

Also how can you tell whats the actual "Waste" dumster and the nice expired goods dumpster?

>> No.5532117

man good on you

I respect how you dont give a fuck that you're dumpster diving

All that coffee, and medicine? Keen on the medicine

>> No.5532119

350 a month? Jesus, that's more than I get as student benefit, which I use to pay for everything other than rent. And food is damn expensive where I come from.

>> No.5532123

lol shills getting BTFO

>> No.5532131

if she has any left over she just sells it too

she will go with someone she knows and will buy them 100 in groceries and they will pay her 40-60

>> No.5532136

I've never understood how people can live like that.
I'm not the cleanest guy in the world, but holy shit at least take your goddamn garbage bags outside, y'konw?

/r/'ing more pics from nasty houses

>> No.5532141

Every single shopping centers bin is locked here thanks to messy slobbish looters. Plus I'm guessing they think they'll be missing out on a couple customers buying cheap penne and milk every 2nd week thanks to freeganism like its their greatest asset.

>> No.5532142

That sorta makes me mad. The food wastage, though, is truly rage-worthy.

>> No.5532145

why do you dumpster dive? are ypu poor?

>> No.5532147
File: 293 KB, 500x333, diving.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dumpster diving
>on food stamps
>saving taxpayer money

Not only are you logically wrong, you're also a narcissistic shitbag. Now I'm mad at myself for bitching at someone on the internet who is probably borderline retarded.

>> No.5532151
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x1836, OhXGUBm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the midwest, so most places don't have anti-diving laws, I've encountered only 2 locked dumpsters and they've been at cellphone stores.

I haven't encountered separate bins other than for cardboard/recyclables so it's usually going to be the same one. Generally most places bag their garbage unless it's bulky like shelving or large shipping boxes. Most usable food items are usually dumped straight in or they are bagged themselves, sometimes you have to search around, but it's fairly easy to tell the difference between actual trash and usable items/food.

FYI, most bins aren't filthy gross, I'm not saying they're clean, but most places don't have nasty sludge or anything at the bottom(unless it's food places like restaurants), it's usually just rust and dirt.

I used to until I realized that I would do this even if I could afford everything I wanted, I hate waste and always have, it's unacceptable that we live in a world that throws away food because of cosmetic damage or specious claims of expiration while people like myself are on foodstamps and have no option to buy these items or get them for free. Also, you can find amazing shit in bins, not even just food, electronics for instance and tools.

This pic is from a Dollar Store, I guess so much food and items from the places around here I have to donate like 80% of it to food banks.

>> No.5532155

I actually clean up around the bin when possible, most of the time I've encountered a mess it's been because of employees tossing shit everywhere.

yes, but I'd do it anyway because it's free, have you ever picked up anything next to the curb before? An old couch or table? This is basically the same thing, except I go the extra mile.

Nothing you said made any sense, instead of spending $200 on food a month, I spend $90 or less, instead of having food, perfectly edible food, get thrown away, I eat it. How am I a narcissist for that? Do you even know what that word means?

>> No.5532156

It's such a stupid system. Even if they wanted to they are not allowed to just leave the food out for people to take because they could get sued if someone gets sick from it. Also even if the food is still good they have to bin it because of REGULATIONS LOL

My sister once owned a local "le pain quotidien". Every day they had to throw away perfectly fine cakes, bread and pastry just because they didn't sell it at that exact day. She asked a nursing home if they want to have what's left for free so the old people could enjoy free cake, but they declined. It's not possible because it's not ALWAYS THE EXACT SAME AMOUNT OF STUFF. If you can't say exactly how many of what they will get everyday there's no way they can allow it.
It's beyond shitty

>> No.5532162


>Not only are you logically wrong, you're also a narcissistic shitbag.
>narcissistic dumpster diver

I don't think that word means what you think it means.

>> No.5532182
File: 140 KB, 1178x664, economics101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing you said made any sense
Probably because you lack the cognitive ability to understand what I was saying.

>instead of spending $200 on food a month, I spend $90 or less
You're a statistic in a welfare system. Nobody gives a fuck how much you spend on food stamps. Government money spent on food is a drop in the ocean. The problem is that you, and probably many people like you, are throwing several analytics (not all governmental) out of whack.

>instead of having food, perfectly edible food, get thrown away, I eat it. How am I a narcissist for that? Do you even know what that word means?
Oh, you're a little savior, championing against a broken social structure?

Now, if only you could come up with a system where the actual need for food could be tied to the supply of food. Maybe people could give a portion of their income to people that can't afford food. It doesn't even have to be cash, it could be in the form of a piece of paper or debit card that can only be spent on food. The spending of this "food-money cash" could even roll benefits into the economy, like providing the need for more jobs. Damn, if there were more jobs then the people using this food money would have a better chance of increasing their own income. The only problem would be if a bunch of people starting abusing this system.

You should look into something like this.

>> No.5532186
File: 23 KB, 236x236, inconceivable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looked up the first definition on google
>has mastered all aspects of psychology and communication

>> No.5532194
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>Kings Island
Worked out the issue, OP

>> No.5532196
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>> No.5532199

>worked at a banquet
>buffet style dinner that night
>see huge piles of perfectly good food thrown away
>people laughing at their tables

i can never smile again

several roast turkeys were just DUMPED, ANONS

>> No.5532216

When I was on food stamps, I wouldn't dream of wasting anything. I couldn't afford to. If I spent every last cent I was given on one thing, I still wouldn't have been able to buy a fucking lamb shank. I consider wasting meat to be a sin, and probably hate it even more than you do.

Now you're telling me you see this kind of wasted extravagance all the time? Infuriating. Has nothing to do with my experiences. I will say this, though: you aren't in the ghetto. Ghetto trash doesn't even have ready access to this kind of food, let alone eat it. You can't buy sea bass and lamb shanks at the bodega.

>> No.5532226

>they could get sued if someone gets sick from it
Clinton signed Good Samaritan laws that protect businesses from litigation when they donate food.
It's literally because businesses are lazy.
They're too fucking lazy to put this stuff aside and call food banks to come pick it up.

>> No.5532229

>Judge Judy
>King's Island

What the fuck? Are you a European pretending to be from the US?

>> No.5532230

Where's the timestamp?

>> No.5532248 [DELETED] 

A guy puts himself in harm's way to make himself less of a burden on the system, and you give him shit for it. On 4chan.

Do you know that you're a prick?

>> No.5532251

>food wasting
>dumpster diving
To the anons criticizing either parties, I want your badges and your guns. Sorry folks, we need this OC. Commissioner's orders.

>> No.5532252

you got him.

OP is ronald reagan. damn welfare queens.

>> No.5532258

A guy regularly puts himself in harm's way to make himself less of a burden on the system and reduce waste, and you give him shit for it. On 4chan. In a thread about the tragedy of waste.

Do you know that you're a prick?

>> No.5532263

Where's. The. Fucking. Timestamp.

>> No.5532289

>They left their papers, so I know that all this waste was bought on Tax Money through the SNAP program.
>Then canned item they get for FREE through WIC, they puncture the cans and leave them outside... probably about 200 lbs. of ruined canned food items into the trash.
Are you renting through Section 8? If so, it's your own damn fault you are helping to enable them.

>> No.5532305
File: 20 KB, 300x200, wastedbuffet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A guy regularly puts himself in harm's way to make himself less of a burden on the system and reduce waste, and you give him shit for it.
I'm sorry, I didn't realize that a guy on public assistance who decides that the best use of his time is to raid private dumpsters in the middle of night had some kind of moral high ground. Good thing he doesn't brag about all the luxury electronics and coffee beans he squirrels away.

I bet he's even meticulously cataloguing all of the items he takes and compiling a list of waste reduction-based ideas (volume, packaging, etc.) to be sent to the manufacturers, packagers, and distributors.

But seriously, you're right, somebody that has the means and will to drive around a personal vehicle in the middle of the night, forage for food (and various other things) in industrial dumpsters, transport the items, store the items, photograph the items, and post said photos on the internet probably has some disability or difficult situation that prevents him from making a larger impact on waste management or getting a decent job.

>> No.5532312
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economist pls go

seriously though, I actually only take pics of the big finds for bragging rights to friends and some people online, so what. And I actually do have health problems that prevent me from working a regular job(not like there's much here anyway), but I literally spend only 3 hours a night twice a week doing this and it takes a lot out of me even though it's not really strenuous. I do this mostly because it's the only way to contribute in some manner to the household as it is other than the small garden I have which also takes a lot out of me. I know you don't give a shit and just have some weird axe to grind, I'm assuming you're some sort of supply-side guy which would explain all the harping about where the money goes and complaining about "private dumpsters", as if garbage should even have an owner.

I support myself the best way I can, I don't seek your approval, I only wish to show others that there are options available should they need it.

stay mad

>> No.5532314

>made myself a sandwich
>dog walks into me as I'm turning the corner
>trip and drop the sandwich onto the floor


>> No.5532329

>best use of his time is to raid private dumpsters in the middle of nigh
And you are the judge of how he should his time more efficiently in a manner that pleases you because?

>Good thing he doesn't brag about all the luxury electronics and coffee beans he squirrels away.
And to be proud of oneself for finding something useful in items that would otherwise end up in a landfill is shameful because?

>I bet he's even meticulously cataloguing all of the items he takes and compiling a list of waste reduction-based ideas (volume, packaging, etc.) to be sent to the manufacturers, packagers, and distributors.
This bears no relevance to the discussion.

But seriously, you're right, somebody that has the means and will to drive around a personal vehicle in the middle of the night, forage for food (and various other things) in industrial dumpsters, transport the items, store the items, photograph the items, and post said photos on the internet probably has some disability or difficult situation that prevents him from making a larger impact on waste management or getting a decent job.
Without the person who has rustled your jimmies going into detail about his or her own personal life, you really can't be the judge of the matter. Whether or not that person qualifies for financial assistance bears to significance what he finds in a refuse container and why he would go search such a container.

Your anger is irrational.

>> No.5532354

>as if garbage should even have an owner
What do you think happens to trash after it's put out? It doesn't magically disappear. And your disability story reeks as bad as the garbage you swim in.

Randomly digging through garbage on private property, or any property, is not a viable means for sustainable survival. That "every little bit counts" defense is bullshit and contradictory. So it matters for waste management but not basic economics? Nice double standard.
>not mad
>very disappointed

>says people shouldn't judge other people
>judges other people

>> No.5532380

>And your disability story reeks as bad as the garbage you swim in.

>you must disabled
>actually, I am. It prevents me from working

>> No.5532404

>sob story on the internet
>must be true
>can totally prior evidence that states otherwise

>> No.5532410 [DELETED] 

In many jurisdictions, some (or all) industrial trash bins are public property. In any case, what he's doing is still better than doing nothing and sponging off of our taxes. The food would still be wasted otherwise. Real Conservatism used to include thrift and abhor wastefulness. Besides, who said that the guy doesn't have a job?

>> No.5532419

Your anger is irrational as you have stated multiple reasons for those strong emotions and feelings you have on this subject

Let's start from here:
While fundamentally right, as food stamps are regarded as money already 'spent' by the government and hence, the idea that it is somehow an indication of narcissistic behavior is just you. Somewhere in your mind, you have some misguided notion that the allocated money should be spent because it has been allocated.

In here, you translate another person's misunderstanding of how the money for food stamps come from into that person's overall lack of intelligence.
Onto your second point that nobody cares about how another person spends their food stamps - apparently, you do. You take issue with a person not spending their full allocated amount because it throws those attempting to analyze (and presumably, address the needs base on data interpretation) this to no longer reflect on reality.
However, one has to account that should there be a small amount of persons dumpster diving and finding such alternative methods, then it is statistically insignificant. If there is a large number of individuals doing so, then this statistically significant deviation would have been detected during data analysis and the aid allocated for persons who supplement their food choices through alternative means would be decreased while do that do not would not change. With the issue lately being that the funds budgeted for such aid programs not being spend, it would actually be ideal for more persons to go dumpster diving in order to induce a review regarding wastage of edible food items from commercial entities and a policy review on how the budget for food aid should be allocated.

[Continued in next post]

>> No.5532420

In many jurisdictions, some (or all) industrial trash bins are public property. Either way, what he's doing is still makes him less of a tax burden. The food would still be wasted otherwise. True Conservatism used to include thrift and abhor wastefulness. Besides, who said that a person with employment can't dumpster dive? Do you even hack? Isn't that why you came here to begin with, as a Fox News recruit?

>> No.5532438

ITT all of my rage has turned into hopless sadness..

>> No.5532441

>>5532419 Continued
Your third point, where you pointed out that food aid funds can directly translate to job creation in industries that dumpster diver is not entirely valid. Assuming that the profit of small business increased due to more spending from food stamps, the effects on local unemployment and wages may not necessarily increase. Your perceived 'abuse' of the system stemming from this dumpster diving is build on the illusion that dumpster diving is gaming the system under the guise that the items gained from dumpster diving at no cost to the dumpster diver would otherwise be purchased via food stamps. This notion while true on basic essential such for easily perishable and unpacked items such as produce does not extend to items that the dumpster diver has mentioned. To operate a business, throw out items and then be angry and say "I could have sold that to you if I didn't throw that out" is complete nonsense.

In here, not only do you exaggerate on the the quality and type of products the dumpster diver has acquired, implying that the person has achieved large personal gains in such actions but also highly exaggerated of what the dumpster diver is achieving in terms of waste reduction in a poor attempt to ridicule the fact that dumpster diving for salvageable items is a form of waste reduction.
You also attempt to insinuate that the dumpster diver is committing fraud due to their ability to go dumpster diving at night, by driving a car and have the place of residence that is surprisingly capable of storing a number of items.

>> No.5532445

That's funny.
My girlfriends daughter is an irresponsible, coal burning whore, who decided its easier and more profitable to get knocked up by random ghetto losers than to keep working at her McJob.
The sad thing is that she was right. 20 years old, two kids, dads back in prison. She gets a free apartment, free food, free utilities, free healthcare, free cell phone, free Comcast Internet/tv, and around $2k cash each month. It's fucking disgusting.

>> No.5532459

>while fundamentally right... is just you
You're way off, I wasn't associating these things with narcissism. That comment was based more on my perception of his attitude, using the given information. You may have been trying to say something else, but that "sentence" is a mess. Also, I never associated expenditure with allocation.

>in here... Aid should be allocated
How is an adult's lack of knowledge pertaining to the source of funding for food stamps not an indication of intelligence?
I never said I cared about how he used food stamps, I was talking about the overall relevancy of the food stamp system.
It's pretty apparent you don't know much about analyzing stats, accounting principles, or economic theory and practices.

This is just rambling mental gymnastics and misguided, cheap jabs.

>> No.5532464

You're barely writing coherently. Your arguments are wildly deviating from the main points. Your lack of business and commerce is apparent.

>> No.5532470

The message implied with you having to bring up that the person's ability to take photographs and have internet access to post such pictures online also suggests that you believe persons requiring financial assistance should not own personal methods of transportation, use such transportation methods at night, be physically fit (for dumpster diving), have access to camera,s the Internet nor a residence with adequate storage space.
Should a person be any of those above, they are most likely committing fraud by having applied to and receiving food stamps and should follow your exaggerated claims by conducting an in-depth analysis on waste reduction and submit it to commercial entities involved as that somehow is equivalent to dumpster diving in your deluded mind.

Not to the contrary of what you claim, as the dumpster diver has proven for the past 3 years, food stamps supplemented by dumpster diving and any means that might not have been mentioned has allowed that person to survive sustainably up to this point. So bringing up whether or not 'randomly' digging through garbage is a viable means of sustainable survival is irrelevant.
Your double standard is in fact, not a double standard. For it to be a true double standard, then one has to find values of equal value.
The value of refuse already written off by business is high to the dumpster diver and negligible to the business. For the sake of argument, if one assumes that the revenue generated by the purchase of those products or portions of selected products is returned to the local economy in the forms of increased wages and employment, one will still have to calculate how much of that revenue actually trickles down back to local employees as opposed to contribute to a insignificant increase in profit margins for select businesses.
Let me put this into simpler terms:

>> No.5532475

Yeah, I guess calling someone out for possibly abusing assistance after they have proven that they have viable skills to maintain in several different industries makes me deluded.

He hasn't proven anything about the length of time he has been dumpster diving.
His food stamps are supplementing dumpster diving, not the other way around.
Dumpster diving is randomly digging through garbage, that's half of the definition. His planning process may not be very random, but everything else is.
You aren't even addressing the standards I mentioned. You picked different standards to weigh, either because you misunderstood or they fit your argument better. What you did mention about economics is dated and inaccurate.

>> No.5532476

A dumpster diver collects refuse that is already written off by businesses, this contributes to less waste and an increase quality of life to the dumpster diver.
If one takes the full amount of money from food stamps, the person would only be able to afford some of those items. The revenue gained may or may not trickle down to the local economy and even if it does, whether or not it is significant is not known. As the dumpster diver's funds does not allow the purchase of all the products, the left over products also go back into the trash, albiet in a slightly smaller quantity/volume.

I was not way off, it is you who is attempting to draw links between the person's notion that dumpster diving as a cost saving measure that ultimately decreases his own personal burden to taxpayers as some some sort of narcissism

>I never said I cared about how he used food stamps, I was talking about the overall relevancy of the food stamp system.
If you never cared about if he uses food stamps or not, then why constantly bring it up? Your entire argument revolves around someone's good but misguided intentions on decreasing their burden to taxpayers translating to narcissism; and that should a person be physically able to go dumpster diving results in a decrease in wages and employment opportunities due to decrease revenue.

>It's pretty apparent you don't know much about analyzing stats, accounting principles, or economic theory and practices.
Yes, please show me where these things prove your point.

>You're barely writing coherently. Your arguments are wildly deviating from the main points
If my writing is barely coherent, it is because I am trying to wrap my mind around how you reached your conclusion based on your points and found equally as confusing.

>> No.5532487

You write exactly like a pseudo-intellectual drunk talks.
Just stop... you're embarrassing yourself in front of your internet friends.

>> No.5532496
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> Smith
> Having Internet friends

I'll take that as a compliment.

>> No.5532504

I've seen a lot of dumb shit of /ck/. Nothing has compared to those supporting the waste of food and taxpayers money.

>> No.5532508

cry moar, poorfag

>> No.5532524

So we should all aim to be wasteful then?
The reason many people gain wealth is because they are/were frugal.

>> No.5532528

You should worry less about what others do.
And keep crying.

>> No.5532530

No I should worry more about what others are doing because they are obviously as retarded as you are and condone throwing away objects that are still perfectly useable.

>> No.5532534

Come at me, crybaby

>> No.5532536

This is kinda related.

I work at Woolworths (Ausfag) and we can't take any of the "legally can't sell but perfectly fine" food. I have to throw away a carton of eggs, because 1 is cracked, can't combine it with another pack either.

>> No.5532543

What'd you do to piss them off?

>> No.5532572

Holy shit.
When I worked as a stocker. Whenever we had broken eggs we would just replace it with a egg from an carton we had on hand from when someone drops the carton and not all the eggs break.

>> No.5532586

Dumpster diving is a waste of time unless you know exactly when things are going to be thrown out.

>> No.5532598
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>I actually do have health problems that prevent me from working a regular job
>but don't prevent me from dumpster diving

>I don't seek your approval
>but i'll reply to every post criticizing me

>> No.5532807

This thread sure got euphoric

>> No.5532829

i wish i got enough foodstamps to have $400 worth of food. i alst wish my fridge could hold $400 worth of food :(

>> No.5532863

You usually only get that much if you're in a family of four. One person can get around 150 a month though which is still a lot

>> No.5532879

But if you just 'gave away' all the stuff you were throwing out, then no one would buy anything.
They'd just wait till it went bad and you'd have a giant hoard of poor people hanging out around your store waiting for you to throw something out and fighting each other over the scraps

Poor people are just fucking awful.

>> No.5532925
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>they get for FREE through WIC

Ten years or so back, I worked with a fellow machinist who was making $19 an hour and who had shacked up
with a white trash slut, who was gaming the system and getting them food stamps, aid-for-dependent-children
(for a daughter who lived with grandma...) and other government benefits.

He'd periodically tease us that he was going to have steak and lobster that night for dinner a that WE were paying for it.

>> No.5532937

umad >:)

>> No.5532942
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>They left a almost intact deer carcass to defrost, leak and ruin my hardwood floors.

Former landlord here, and what kinda fucking tenants were you renting to?!

The worst I had to deal with over 9 years of renting out a house, was getting the sewer line snaked
four times in one year (at $100 a pop) because the old granny was flushing non-dissolving baby wipes
down the toilet.

>> No.5533063

Is freeganism popular in Australia? Does your store fore example lock the dumpsters for the night?

>> No.5533079

okay, but we're talking food here, so the max there is like 200 dollars. and I needed that money so that my 500 dollar check a month could pay my rent and I could also fucking eat.

not everyone is an asshole.

>> No.5533146
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>what kinda fucking tenants were you renting to?!

I've rented houses in 4 parts of the country to every race, type or socio-economic level person there is.

Everyone lives like trash wants everything and expects that the "rich landlord (sic)" to take care of their shit
--A white oral surgeon paying a little over $2000 a month for a fully furnished 2 bed house in the burbs just randomly punched holes in the walls then went around the house and "drew" smiley faces in his own poo around them
-A gay black insurance agent in a 1 bed house liked to cook drugs in the basement
-4 USAF guys all back from Iraq rented a 2 bedroom house and were great to have until their "girlfriends" started having babies, then parties and drugs. I got around to it and the front door was wide open, no one home, place filled with cats (no pet policy) and they left all their stuff; military uniforms, badges, commendations for the service, baby photos... everything the just left and disappeared. I kept their stuff for three months, then trashed it except for their uniforms, badges and papers which I turned in at WrightPatt base.
--A single white mom manager at a grocery store begged to keep her 1 elderly dog... fine I caved despite my "no pets" rule... come 4 months later and she's running a dog breeding thing out of the second bedroom with like 7 dogs that she never let out of the room; the room had to be gutted drywall trim top floor and subfloor all had to be ripped out and replaced

The 3 best tenants I ever had was my 1 and only Sec8 woman, little old lady kept the place neat as a pin But the Sec8 inspector was a asshole
LEGAL Mexicans were great worked at a restaurant so were hardly ever there and they repainted when they moved
And lastly a single guy truck driver, had no furniture was only there every 3 days and paid a week early in cash.

I do extensive screenings on applications,but Ive done this nearly 20 years; I now hate everyone equally.

pic is of my smallest house

>> No.5533159

>The worst I had to deal with over 9 years of renting out a house, was getting the sewer line snaked
>four times in one year (at $100 a pop) because the old granny was flushing non-dissolving baby wipesdown the toilet.

oh shit, i didn't know they weren't flushable

>> No.5533185

Some are flushable. Check the packaging.

>> No.5533310

Can you charge them for all the damage?

>> No.5533321

It's probably a big "fuck you" for being evicted

>> No.5533371


Take your stupid memeshit to /v/ or /b/.

Get fucked.

>> No.5533406

A lot of landlords have no choice in the matter.
They HAVE to rent to them or they can get fined/arrested.

>> No.5533426
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Sorry everyone for bringing the supply-side idiots down on this thread because I decided to bring up food stamps once.

If there's other people out there that want info on dumpster diving, there's a subreddit at r/dumpsterdiving

>in b4 that explains everything

I'm still going to save the taxpayers money though and if you want to get mad at that, guess I can't help you ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.5533679

Holy shit, that sounds horrible.

I rented an apartment once and the worst thing I've ever did have to kick down a door because my roommate was cutting himself in the bathroom. I offered to pay for the damages but got taken to the small claims court instead, the landlord lumped a bunch of shit such as the fact that there was bird crap on the patio and the place had some stains onto his claim.

The stains came from me trying to clean the house, when you wipe areas that are dusty for a while, the moisture from the towel apparently made the dust cling to the wall surface - unsightly, yes but nothing a clean towel and some cleaning products will not handle.

Because the door had a massive gaping hole in it where my boots went clean through it, I knew it had to be replaced and by my estimation, based on the materials the door was made from, it would cost no more than 150 dollars. The landlord put in claims for several thousand, just under the limit of the small claims court handles.

I showed up to court, with legal counsel, a professional cleaner and a handyman in case they needed to give expert advice on whether or not the landlord's claim was justified. - The person who sued me never showed up in the court, apparently he showed up, saw that I was prepared and left.

Never got my bond for the place refunded and I've been unofficially blacklisted by several real estate companies in the area because I contested the landlord's claims.

>> No.5533879

so is that one guy actually getting mad that some dude is eating food that would otherwise be wasted?

what the fuck?

>> No.5534256

That's what the deposit is for.

>> No.5534276

>>Worked at Walgreens
>>Expiring items have to be scanned out
>>lol new just throw them into trash
>>get scorned by manager
>>Anon you have to destroy it so the hobos can not get into it
>>tells me next time I don't do it his way I get written up

needless to say I did not work there for that long

>> No.5534296

I've done this before, when a dish is really bad or not what I was expecting.

>> No.5534324

It's usually a legal requirement to not discriminate against section 8 users.

>> No.5534357

Just drained about 140 gallons of milk. Shit was fun. Dining halls on college campuses waste so much. When us employees ask to take some food home, the higher ups get pissed and say "no, throw it away".
Fuck you, higher ups.

>> No.5534618

I didn't say it was true. The guy was accused of having a disability, he said "Yeah, I do" and then the accuser suddenly retracts his accusation.

>> No.5534656

>tfw good christian and libshits conspired to create this reality

if wanting the dregs of humanity starve to death is wrong, I don't want to be right

>> No.5534661

>tfw I am probably a bad tenant
I accidentally burned a few patches of carpet throughout my apartment (incense and cats don't mix)

>> No.5534663

hobos are scum
just hide them and take them home

>> No.5534738

I should do this at sam's club.

>> No.5535334

worked at a restaurant that would throw away baked potatoes at the end of the night as well as dinner rolls. So I asked if I could take them home for me and my friends. The manager said no that he wont be feeding anyone for free. He then proceeded to watch me throw everything in the trash.

>> No.5535421
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Yeah I remember the chefs and cooks at my last place being more than happy with us taking food that was headed for the bin. That meant everything and anything from a cleared buffet, leftover chicken or fish from a function, pastries from a large breakfast.
But they warned us dishies about the manager seeing us taking food or even packaging food to eat after a busy shift..

In a year there I would have seen at least 500 bread rolls and a dozen sacks of potatoes chucked.
We threw away more food than could be eaten by every worker in the building.