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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5531517 No.5531517 [Reply] [Original]

>Making cookies from scratch
>Spend 7 hours on them, making icing and everything
>Drop half the batch right as I'm putting them in the fridge
Just happened, I need to hear other people's cooking disasters to make me feel better, please.

>> No.5531532

>7 hours

>> No.5531534

7 hours? what the fuck?

Even if you had to go buy the ingredients, it would only take like 3 hours at max....

But that really blows, guy, I feel your pain.

>Making some really dope chicken and rice
>Just as I bowl-up the rice, chicken, and peas; I trip on my own stupid fucking foot
>Drop the food into the cat bowl and cat water, bowl shatters
>Just stare at it for a while in a depressed manor
>No food left but cookies and chips
>Eat chips and cookies while my cat enjoys my chicken...

>> No.5531539

I started at 6, then let the cookie dough cool for two, then baked several batches, then made icing, which took some time. I may be mistaking the time, but still, it was a lot of time.

>> No.5531545

>7 hours

one night I made chocolate swirl brownies and dropped the pan when I was taking it out because I just had towels and part of my hand was exposed, I flinched when I got burned and it shattered on the ground

after that I made something else in another glass pan, I can't remember what it was, but the exact same thing happened. I remember I spent a really long time on it too.

for some reason that caused some sort of extraordinarily extreme reaction in me and I proceeded to go into my bedroom and cry, which was really embarrassing because I had company over.

I have oven mits now. I had recently moved at that time and my old roommate stole my other ones.

>> No.5531547

Jesus you must be "special"

>> No.5531556
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>> No.5531560

I'd cry too if I spent a long time making two different dishes in a row only for them both to end up falling on the floor. Also losing two glass pans is a bitch

>> No.5531564
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>7 hours

>> No.5531566


>> No.5531576
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Its all true, I'm trash, garbage, i dont deserve to make cookies, i'm a fucking worthless worm lower than dirt

>> No.5531582

So long as you know.

>> No.5532087

it bears repeating
>7 hours

>> No.5532096

>making lasagna
>accidentally left a pan in the oven while preheating
>take pan out using towel
>then grab said pan again with bare hand
>don't feel it for a few seconds, suddenly my hand starts feeling weird, then i throw the pan down
But it was too late. I threw my lasagna into the oven, and proceeded to hyperventilate from the extreme pain covering half of my hand for 2 hours. The lasagna was slightly burned on the edges.

>> No.5532099

>>Making cookies from scratch
>>7 hours
Did you have to go out in your farm to harvest and process the wheat into flour yourself and churn the milk into butter manually

>> No.5532107

Yeah, did you also lay the eggs yourself and grow the sugarcane then harvest it and boil it down then remove the sugar crystals from the molasses and forge your own baking sheets and build your own oven then harvest wood to burn in the oven because you didn't take an electrical engineering class and build an electric oven then you had to be careful because wood ovens are regulated as well and can be very hot or have a lot of hot spots that would burn your cookies or maybe you burned them and that's why it took 7 hours