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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5528094 No.5528094[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Summoning moot. I know you're reading this. Give us your favorite recipe.

>I did this interview a few months ago with Rhizome, I compared it to gardening or something, or maybe cooking. I’ve been cooking a lot recently, now I have an appreciation for it. Cooking sucks for other people.

>I love cooking with and for other people but, when you’re the chef and see how the sausage is made, you sit down for the meal and the other person is like, “Oh this is great!” and you’re like, “Oh this could have been salted more this could have been cooked a little bit.” You find the flaw. It’s the same thing with gardening, an outsider can appreciate something for its beauty, whereas you’re looking for the weeds

>You’re like, “Oh there’s fucking weeds! That’s not right!” When it’s your thing and you have the power to change it, your relationship changes.

>Not to say it’s stressful, but it’s a different way of using a product, and I think that goes for most everybody who uses a product they work on, you’re constantly looking to make it better.


>> No.5528138

I've also read he frequents /ck/.
Might be interesting.

>> No.5528189
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I've seen him post on here several times, he's anon because everytime he posts with the trip theres a shitstorm because muh moot. Thinking he once said /ck/ was his favorite board but don't quote me on it.

anyway, give us the goods. I bet somebody can do a cook along with it.

>> No.5528201

>an outsider can appreciate something for its beauty, whereas you’re looking for the weeds


>> No.5528231
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/ck/ is indeed best board.


Personal favorite:

>> No.5528259

Moot posted a recipe with pics, it looked damn good. Was some kind of breakfast skillet that was baked.

I didn't know who he was at the time, just remember thinking "if more anons were like this guy, this place wouldn't suck so bad"

>> No.5528299

I remember seeing his kitchen which was quite interesting. But I can't actually remember if I was impressed or surprised by the lack of something important, think it may have been both.

>> No.5528300

Quality post.

>> No.5528336

This one?

>> No.5528342


Moot's favorite recipe: Lobster Gefilte

>> No.5528365

That'd be the one, maybe I was making the rest up then.

>> No.5528456
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>Did that /ck/ club ever work out?
>No, because of insane people.

Moot's talking about me there

>> No.5528459

Why you gotta do that?

A /ck/club would have been pretty cool; if everyone wasn't a ginormous cock.

>> No.5528468

I tend to be overzealous and come on a bit strong. Sorry /ck/. If Moot sees this, please know you can restart the /ck/club, I'll abide the judge's orders.

>> No.5528478
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MOOT What is your favorite cuisine?

Do you like Korean?

I can't respect someone who's favorite cuisine is Korean.

>> No.5528485

>moot could have read my balsamic steak recipe


feels good

>> No.5528487

>Not loving based DPRK's cuisine

>> No.5528489

Id like to think i get along with moot because we both frequent /ck/ and the /soc/ asian female generals.

Probably not though im an avid shitposter and i get banned frequently.

>> No.5528511

I bet moot shitposts when anon. I mean, fuck it why not. I wonder how many times I've unknowingly called him a FGGT on here.

>> No.5528514

I doubt it, he hates shitposts.
Plus he's always comparing the site to a garden, like he's spending all his time pulling shitweeds out and pruning shittwigs off.

>> No.5528540

No, moot is perfect.

>> No.5528565
File: 1.45 MB, 312x346, moot_4chan_gay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He'd hardly find that offensive, since he is a big gay.

>> No.5528578
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I can confirm that he only eats the finest lobsters and steaks funded by your 4chan passes

>They think he used to the money to run the site

>> No.5528585

I'm fine with that, captchas are a bitch.

>> No.5528586


>> No.5528653

What is this /ck/ club?

>> No.5528660

Moot wanted to start a /ck/ cooking club. It was meant for people in the NYC area, but would have expanded. I sent an email, and /ck/ club is kill.

>> No.5528666

I was going to post the email, but I just reread it...fuck, now I know why I had to go to court.

>> No.5528669

not sure what this is all about but a /ck/ cookbook or best of /ck/ would be pretty cool.

>> No.5528670

Was getting raped part of your plan?

>> No.5528673
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We already have a /ck/ cookbook though.

>> No.5528676

Of course.

>> No.5528679

wait what.
Did you threaten to stab him?

>> No.5528681

Shit, think volumes son

>> No.5528689

Stab him? No, I love Moot, but some things may have been implied. Now I must apologize to the rutabaga.

>> No.5528713

I know this is Moot or a mod because nobody knows my ip address except them.

>> No.5528720


>> No.5529004

Dear Moot,

If you reply to this thread, I'll fly to NY or LA and suck your cock. If you don't want that, I'll buy you and boxxy a >$100 dinner at the restaurant of your choice.


>> No.5529006

NGL, I'm watching this thread.

>> No.5529010

he and boxxy bangin?

>> No.5529038
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>> No.5529051

What do u call a moot wearing all denim?

A jean Poole :^)

>> No.5529055



>> No.5529061

The offer still stands

>> No.5529062

What's wrong?

>> No.5529070

This thread is doomed. He recently said something about wanting to be more productive in life. also I doubt the offers to suck his dick are helping

Are you a teenage girl? Because you sound like one.

>> No.5529147
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>mfw no Mootdick

>> No.5529149


>> No.5529160

>it thinks moot even browses 4chan anymore

moot might shitpost a few times one day a year but that's it, he's busy creating more crash and burn sites
and ideas instead of accepting that 4chan was his one big thing and he only got lucky that one time

>> No.5529290

Damn, that dish looks good. Damn, moot.

>> No.5529301

b-but he's always watching over us, r-right?
Papa moot wouldn't abandon us, n-no, I'm sure of it!

>> No.5529307

Where am I, /b/ circa 2008?

>> No.5529311
File: 62 KB, 600x800, just chillin with the queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moot recently met with boxxy a.k.a. Catie Wayne spontaneously. moot's twitter is surprisingly entertaining at times.

>> No.5529328



>Moot gets burnt out on the Internet, probably wasting time on /a/ or /b/
>Decides to take a break, enrich his life >Gets into active hobbies like reading and cooking
>Hobbies influences his Internet time, now hangs around /ck/ and /lit/

Makes sense to me. That's basically been my experience with 4Chan.

If Moot reads this, post an updated productivity board. I'm interested in seeing the payoff.

>> No.5529393

I remember Moot made a thread around new year's eve in which I made an ass of myself by responding to someone who made used 360 instead of 180 degrees

>> No.5529418

moot has a lot of jewish features
is moot a jew?

>> No.5529449

>I remember Moot made a thread around new year's eve in which I made an ass of myself by responding to someone who made used 360 instead of 180 degrees
ZOMG how do you live with this shame?????

>> No.5529525
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>Moot gets burnt out on the Internet

You can do that?

>> No.5529534

I want to be...

>> No.5529562

Lasped Roman catholic. Not that that's a race.

>> No.5529563

It's an anonymous image board. Nobody knows it was me. Nobody knows who I am.

>> No.5530591

moot knows

>> No.5531004

/tv/ is my regular cesspool, and Moot posting on /ck/ did inspire me to post here more.

I love talking about hot sauce.

>> No.5531009

you know he tore that pussy up

>> No.5531019

no, he didn't do anything of the sort

at best he gave her a light hug

>> No.5531028

Moot's favorite meal is Mac n cheese made with kraft singles with cut up hot dogs and plenty of ketchup.

>> No.5531039
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>> No.5531041

it's been confirmed that that's just a cucumber
>implying moot's dick is that small

>> No.5531064
File: 1.16 MB, 2592x1944, Picture 096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think he would like this?

>> No.5531090


there is just no way moot's dick is bigger than 6" and isn't curved to the left

>> No.5531107
File: 8 KB, 225x225, lamb of malcomb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ultra kek.

>good macaroni consistency, not too runny
>nice even spread of meat, all sides are covered
>hot dog looks above average quality, is that browning I see on the skin?
>perfectly executed ketchup drizzle
>paper plate graphics add an elegant touch, eye catching but not extravagant
>metal fork, not skimping on silverware

Presentation: 4/5
Originality: 3/5
Appeal: 4/5
Challenge Goals: 5/5
Total: 16/20

>> No.5531112

left curved dicks are very convenient to maintain a straightforward stream when taking a freehand piss through your jeans' fly

>> No.5531116
File: 49 KB, 421x359, 1294455882887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How high are you right now?

>> No.5531129

Who wouldn't? That looks good as fuck

>> No.5531130
File: 7 KB, 262x192, thumbs high.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

over 6'0 when I'm wearing my cleats anon.

>> No.5531139

Wow, those are some limp as fuck wrists.

>> No.5531141

i see someone else goes to ck

>> No.5531147

i am retarded. i meant to say the cooking challenge threads
too drunk 4 this

>> No.5531154
File: 6 KB, 292x172, sharpteeth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moot, thank you for the mod's infrequent but justified bans over the year.
It helped me to determine the appropriate responses to unfriendly people.
Nothing at all

This place is the most pleasant distraction and is great for building wit and pouring out one's soul.
Think of us as old people.
We will still have this sweet secret.

>> No.5531155


I want to stick my pee pee in your poo poo

>> No.5531186

why is this so popular in canada?

>> No.5531215

>It helped me to determine the appropriate responses to unfriendly people.
>Nothing at all

Did you start posting when you were ten?