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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5527477 No.5527477[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just found this on /pol/.


What the fuck?

>> No.5527498

not gonna bother to open it, but im assuming thats its soylent and its old news and we have a thread about it almost daily

>> No.5527502
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Soylent has been discussed (ahem) here for quite a while already. Whatever, go wild.

>> No.5527509

Polite sage because soylent isn't exactly /ck/.

How can you possibly justify spending £100 A FORTNIGHT on slop? If I wanted to eat cheaply I could probably live on like £30 a week for food, this stuff is almost double that and suddenly all the joy of food is gone.

>> No.5527511

The first post:

>What are there shits like?

This is an extremely relevant question. Idiots think you can make a sci-fi "nutrient pill" and live off that, but density, fat content, acidity/alkalinity and texture counts for a lot to your bowels.

>> No.5527541

If you do some research on the topic you do realise that just drinking soilent will actually not give you horrible shits. Aparently some people (the creator included) have been attempting to exclusively live off it for a longer period of time (speaking 2+ months). Their trials worked splendidly both in terms nutrition and digestion.

That's not even what the product's intended use is, it's not supposed to be a complete meal plan. More like an easy, quick, convenitent and healthy alternative to the stuff you'd normally eat when you're not interested in/don't have the time for making something.

When it comes to the whole bit about proposed digestive issues, your claim is completely ungrounded. Does eating soup give you terrible indigestion - even if it's all you eat for a while? No, it doesn't and soylent isn't all that different - besides as previously stated that's not even soylent's intended use.

>tl;dr You appear to have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.5527555

But eating food is very pleasurable. Why would anyone specifically want to prevent themselves from having pleasure ever day?

I can see this as something one would drink on a diet of some sort but to actually thinking of drinking this for the rest of your life? Naaaaaah.

>> No.5527597

Oh so it's a retard's nutrisystem?

Your stomach and the rest of your digestive system relies and requires solid food items to go through. It makes constant churning motions and contractions in order to process the food and the high acid content is a part of the process.

In WW1, Germany had the bright idea of creating ersatz food out of plant matter flavoured with various coal tar derivatives. The reason why they had to deal with ersatz food and not feed supplement pills to the population was beacuse:

1. Your digestive tracts would be ruined and you would die from inside out if you are permanently placed on a pills-and-liquid diet

2. The human body has numerous mechanisms of detecting delight in the food by smell, taste and texture. Humans grow bored and depressed when they eat the same thing day in day out because it is the body's mechanism of saying "you might be malnutritioned".

The eating of food, especially with others, is a source of mental and social stimulation that honestly cannot be replaced by a table of people gulping down some shake. It's why solitary confinement sucks, and why food is used as a punishment in some cases (nutraloaf). Our psychology is too well geared to seeking variety and social commonality with food to adapt to it, and you will invariably end up with depression.

>> No.5527720


Most of what you just said about digestion is correct, but you attribute too little to the various emzymes released during disgestion and how they separate nutrients, fats, vitamins, carbs and facilitate better extration of nutrients from the various components.

You must also remember that soylent contains all of these things, so after you drink (eat?) it they are separated (by the enzymes) and treated much in the same way as anything solid. It's just easier on your stumach as it doesn't have to work as hard and can let the emzymes do most of the work.

You can see this yourself, actually. If you go and eat a solid meal, wait 30-45min, then vomit it all up again you'll see that it's mostly the same consistency as if you had eaten a soup and vomited it up again. With some of the ingredients being maybe more solid than others due to much of the digestion not yet having taken place, and so the nutrients that haven't been worked on still remain in the food. Given that when the food is in your belly, it's still relatively early in the digestive process.

The last differences between a solid and liquid meal are finally swiped off the board with the final dehydration of the food somewhere in the intestines leaving no nutrition, no water and just plenty of waste.

You'd have a very fair point if the situation was that soilent only contained nutrients, but it includes fat, carbs and protein. Without that ofc you'd die. You can't live on 0 calories.

>> No.5527723


iven the psycological argument; you should you have read what I posted. I agree, and it's the one possible problem of Solyent, but it's not intended for breakfast, lunch and dinner; and definately not as a replacement for going out with friends.

It's meant as a replacement for that oatmeal or cornflakes you have every morning or that microwave Mac and Cheese after work before that football game you've got tickets for that starts @ 5pm.

Some people lead very busy lives, are not that interested in cooking, but still have an interest in good nutrition.

>> No.5529073

>2. The human body has numerous mechanisms of detecting delight in the food by smell, taste and texture. Humans grow bored and depressed when they eat the same thing day in day out because it is the body's mechanism of saying "you might be malnutritioned".

I can confirm this personally, as my dinner-at-work meals consist of a protein bar and water because that's all I have time for. Doing that every day for one meal, even when the rest of my meals are varied, gets extremely boring. I technically could pack a sandwich or something but it's just that it's faster to scarf the bar as, like I said, I don't have much time.