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File: 45 KB, 500x500, chef boyardee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5518874 No.5518874[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is Chef Boyardee above or below ramen-tier?

How about those Campbell's condensed soups?

>> No.5518911
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>What about those Campbell's condensed soups?
Campbell's tomato soup was 90% of my diet as a kid growing up in a family with 2 full-time working parents. Salty goodness. I would say that specific soup was far above ramen-tier, but I've never actually had a non-canned tomato soup so I may be talking entirely out of my ass.

Chef Boyardee I've never had, but on looks alone I would probably judge someone with a cabinet full of that more than I would judge someone with a cabinet full of Maruchan.

>> No.5518916

they're all on the same tier, OP.

>> No.5518919

Beefaroni is still delicious to me. Their spaghetti is one of my favorite foods when high. I don't smoke anymore though so only beefaroni please

>> No.5519089


chef boyardee and some of the campbell's soups at least have protein. which is more than you can say for ramen.

>> No.5519098

yea I was going to say this. the chef boyardee and the soups are bad food but at least they have some sort of nutrition in them like protein and vitamin c. a ramen meal is as nutritious as eating a bag of doritos for dinner, it might even be worse.

>> No.5519109

I judge Chef Boyardee more, because it seem lazy having a full meal prepared for you in a can.

I can trick myself into thinking the people at the supermarket buying cases of ramen might be at least making ramelettes or something

>> No.5519171
File: 31 KB, 640x209, campbells-tomato-soup2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cambell's tomato soup has never really done it for me. They put a ton of wheat flour in it, it's like i'm slurping down a loaf of cheap supermarket bread.

On the other hand, it gives me the giggles that this dumb soccer mom is putting it in a gluten-free recipe.


She even posts a picture of the ingredients.

>> No.5519212

You didn't understand that post at all. I used to think testing for reading comprehension in school was silly, but apparently people are this stupid.

It is admittedly a poorly written post, but god damn you are stupid.

>> No.5519223

Above. More nutrients. Ramen is mainly a filler.

>> No.5520306
File: 46 KB, 640x480, 1402730633108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw she was comparing what she made to the cambells soup

>Mfw you either cant read or you just want to shit on anything you can because you're on a high horse

>> No.5520328

I feel like most people hate it because they just dump it in a bowl and microwave, which of course is going to be shitty.

Get it in a pan so the heat is evenly distributed and cook on medium high (moving it around so it doesn't stick and bake on the bottom) until the majority of the water evaporates and the sauce thickens, then add red pepper flakes.

>> No.5520351

the only good campbells are the cream ones when you use milk instead of water, any of the other ones just taste like flavoured water or water with veggies in it.

chef boyardee is the best lazy food

>> No.5521145


Yeah, this. I cooked some Beefaroni in a pan one morning and was surprised at the difference.

>> No.5521214
File: 152 KB, 640x356, 1399058582366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating it unheated right out of the can

>> No.5521216

I once ate nine cans in one night, what's your record?

>> No.5521323

heh did that on a camping trip once. mmm cold canned ravioli. funny thing was, I think it probably tasted better at that temperature than 'real' pasta and sauce would have.

>> No.5521353
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my nuggas

>> No.5521354

don't bullshit me I know you burned a car or two with the blowtorch

>> No.5521364

Always nice to have someone get the reference.

>> No.5521368
File: 13 KB, 287x257, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Heinz cream of tomato master race

>> No.5521400

Oh god you bongs and your Heinz obsession. They make ketchup, that is all. Now I want you to go back and think about what you've done.

>> No.5521432

Literally orgasm in mouth if you have nothing else to eat

>> No.5521465

To do this day, taking a can of that, with some whole milk and eating with saltines is a perfect meal on a raw, rainy day.

>> No.5521466
File: 112 KB, 900x567, Gołąbki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My Polish mom and godmother always used Cambells tomato and cream of mushroom, plus half & half for their gołąbki sauce.

>> No.5521467

i love using the toamto soup stuff to make rice. Mix it with water and add rice and cook. Very good.

>> No.5521470

I think you'll find they make a heck of a lot more than that. And they are all delicious.

>> No.5521578


I once laid these out in a casserole dish, topped with shredded cheese, and baked in the oven for a while. Surprisingly decent.

>> No.5521589

campbell's tomato soup and grilled cheese was my favorite dinner as a kid

>> No.5522352
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Pic related. They also make a very mild-flavored baked beans which goes fantastically with some cheddar and Worcestershire (use Lea & Perrins for the W though). And a quality mayo that for some reason I've only ever found at Walmart. And an equally good yellow mustard and dijon mustard. And the definitive sandwich spread. And salad cream. And just a bunch of other things. It's surprising how consistent their quality is across such a wide range of products.

>> No.5523099

>not heating it in the pan like >>5520328
then letting it get cold in the fridge and eating it the next morning

I don't know why it's so good but if you make it like that it's like eating pasta except with crack rocks sprinkled over it instead of parmesan

>> No.5523452
File: 81 KB, 500x495, heinziss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heinz makes so much weird shit I've never had