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5517278 No.5517278[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why do [primarily white] people scrape their chopsticks together after separating?

If I see loose strand I'll peel it but scraping them together doesn't even do much. I even see them do it for nicer disposable chopsticks. Not racist, just my observation.

>> No.5517299

Why do [primarily black] people hoot and holler in public restaurants?

If I am sitting down to eat with friends, I may speak loud enough to be heard at the end of the table, but not the end of the dining room. I even see them do it at nicer, places like a Red Lobster after church gets out. Not racist, just my observation.

>> No.5517317 [DELETED] 

Why do [primarily hispanic people] work in sugarcane plantations?

If I am driving down to Miami, I may pass by a field or two and see 5'2 walking scarecrows planting and harvesting. I even see them with nicer hats that have the neck protectors. Not racist, just my observation.

>> No.5517324

Why do [primarily hispanic] people work in sugarcane plantations?

If I am driving down to Miami, I may pass by a field or two and see 5'2 walking scarecrows planting and harvesting. I even see them with nicer hats that have the neck protectors. Not racist, just my observation.

>> No.5517336 [DELETED] 

Why do [primarily arabs] people fly their planes into buildings?

If I'm sitting at my desk I like to relax a bit by looking outside my window. But every time I see a plane crash into a building, I think, "Should've taken flying lessons." Not racist, just my observation.

>> No.5517337


>> No.5517362

Can using the words "Why do ___" to start a thread be an auto ban? Please?

>> No.5517383

I never do that, it's bad manners, and basically insulting the restaurant by implying they can't afford decent chopsticks. I've never had any problems nor had any splinters, ever. Like OP said, on the rare occasion I see a loose strand (which has been almost never) I'll just discreetly peel it off. Rubbing your chopsticks together is like smacking your food with your mouth open, or stabbing your food with your knife to eat it.

>> No.5517404

no it's not you oversensitive prick

nobody is going to deride you for small ways of eating, and nobody is going to give you a pat on the back to how culturally-considerate you think you are.

>> No.5517424

I'm not look for any pats on the back, I just know how to not behave like white trash. When you are out in public, you are constantly judged, on how you look, how you dress, and how you act. I prefer not to have strangers around me think I'm some sort of heathen who just crawled out from under a rock. You, on the other hand, obviously don't mind being perceived as trash. Good for you.

>> No.5517435

keep telling yourself that your autistic tendencies prevent you from being seen in a bad light.

But of course, I'm talking to someone who thinks fiddling with your ethnic utensils makes you look like "white trash."

>> No.5517447

>I'm so progressive because I don't give a shit about how I'm perceived by other people

That's called laziness, child.

>> No.5517454

>nitpicky insignificant thing is indicative about sweeping overarching issues

You sound like a hardcore faggot.

>> No.5517490


You can't have arbitrary word combinations ban people.

>> No.5517496

He can't. Moot can.

>> No.5517527

Pull them apart and hold them directing your hands as if you are praying with chopsticks vertically in between palms. Then rub sticks together back and forth several times and start eating!

>> No.5517536

Also, I'm white, my family does this. I don't know why.

It's like how people clack their tongs before using it.

>> No.5517537

You sound like a barely functional moron. You're just angry because someone called out a bad behavior that you participate in, obviously. Does that hit you right in your self esteem?

>> No.5517559

I've never even heard of rubbing chop sticks together, and I've never heard of people being so autistic that they have taken note of it and denote it as bad behavior.

Sounds like some minor neutral idiosyncrasy, not some societal faux pas that automatically makes you low class.

This is stupid. Why am I even arguing about this? I'm out.

>> No.5517564


My Chinese friends do it all the time. Haven't met too many people outside our family, have we?

>> No.5517569

Everybody does this.

>> No.5517579

>red lobster
>nicer place
oh u

Miami has a lot of hispanic and cuban immigrants who don't have many transferrable skills besides manual labor. Unfortunately, they are paid sub minimum wage and in harsh conditions.

>> No.5517584

>I've never heard of people being so autistic that they have taken note of it and denote it as bad behavior
That'd be the entire nation of Japan.
You rub cheap chopsticks together to knock off splinters.
It's considered an insult because you're implying the restaurant/your host is cheap.

>> No.5517592

I like offending japs, that sneak attack on Pearl Harbor was offensive to me and I really don't spend my time worrying about whether I offend a jap or not. I just don't care about them. Get over yourselves if you're capable.

>> No.5517603

>blaming every member of a race for something that didn't happen to him
>thinking that that justifies how he thinks

>8 year old kicks his ass when he's 11
>hates every 8 year old from then on

I like how you're very open-minded.

>> No.5517604

Nobody is forcing them to be in the USA or to be slave labor. Don't want to be here, get the fuck out!

That crap makes us look like chumps and we're not.

>> No.5517608

I don't have to be open minded, it's chump open minded types such as you that let us get sneak attacked in the first place. You should kill yourself and not have children.

>> No.5517612

>It's considered an insult because you're implying the restaurant/your host is cheap.
Am I the only one here that rubs his chopsticks together to start a small fire to imply the food was undercooked?

>> No.5517616
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>> No.5517623

Let me guess, you're from the Southern states, right?

"We's need to get dem blackies befours deys get us!"

>I don't have to be open-minded

That explains a lot.

>> No.5517624
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>> No.5517629

No, I'm from New York

Don't assume anything because you'll likely be wrong.

>> No.5517632

this >>5517584 and >>5517584

They'll probably either pretend not to notice to be polite, or they'll sum it up to you being foreign. If you know you're being impolite then you're being a rebel and are probably a Yakuza.

When the japs discover you're Yakuza.... they'll take you out back and beat you with sticks.

>> No.5517637

That's pretty funny, you wrote out of your asshole and even then were completely incorrect.

Try again moron.
And that will likely be wrong as well.

Where are you from mr smartie?

>> No.5517638

>Don't assume anything because you'll likely be wrong.
>Clearly a racist
>Obviously assuming things about other people but hates it when it's turned around

Are your parents from the South?

>> No.5517644

No lie here, I went out with a Japanese chick from Brasil, her brother was Yakuza. She had to go back there on short notice to take care of her family after her brother got murdered. She was hot, but not that hot that I want anything to do with that.

>> No.5517646

no, what are your next assumptions?

>> No.5517650

>That's pretty funny, you wrote out of your asshole and even then were completely incorrect.
>Supports racism

Now that's pretty funny.

>> No.5517658

I guess I'll try your logic. Since you're from New York and you hate Japs for bombing Pearl Harbor, ALL New Yorkers hate Japs. So that makes New York a state full of racists.

I find it funny how you dislike my wrong guesses when you do exactly the same thing. You would rather make fun of an unknown Japanese person because they are related to something that probably doesn't have a direct effect on you.

>> No.5517660

>disposable chopsticks

Of course they're cheap.

>> No.5517661

That's a lame comeback, so anyone that disagrees with you is a racist? You should copyright that shit.

>> No.5517675

They are if I say that you shouldn't hold an entire race responsible for something they didn't do themselves.

Seriously, what are you getting at? Do you really think that that EVERY Japanese person should be punished because of what their ancestors did? A huge majority of them didn't even participate in it.

Should I hate your mom/dad/siblings/offsrpings for what you did? That's just being dense.

>> No.5517866

Fucking chinks man. Its like chopsticks are some undying source of cosmic hilarity and wonder when white people use them. Just let us eat with your novelty sticks and shut up.

>> No.5517872

You better be careful with that shit or he just might. Amazons already patented photographs on a white background.