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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.65 MB, 3128x2346, Perfect-smoked-chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5513739 No.5513739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, I'm going to be using a smoker tomorrow for the first time and I would like to know what type of rub I should use for my meat. I also have several apple trees in my backyard and plan on tearing off a few limbs to use in the smoking process.

I'm going to be using a Boston Butt and a couple chickens. Is there any other type of meat I should try smoking? Considering getting a rack of ribs as well.

What type of rub/seasoning should I use? How much of it should I put on the meat, enough to cover it? Surely you wouldn't dip it the meat into the mixture like you would flour.

>recipe I planned on using

>> No.5514019

I've never actually tried smoking meat but I would assume that the use of the rub would be exactly like you would use it for meats in the oven.

You really just rub the mix on the meat and sort of massage it on so that it stays on. You rub it all over, making sure you get in the nooks and crannies of the meat.

As for the type of seasonings, the recipe you linked has a nice one. I'd start with that one and then try something different once you get the hang of it.

Wish I could be more help but I wanted to bump this because I would also like to try smoking.

>> No.5514120

Why is the chicken in that picture so light after being smoked?

>> No.5514206

Looks like it was only smoked for a couple hours according to the website I found it on.

>> No.5514233

The key to good results when smoking is brining beforehand. It's especially important with chicken. I normally dry brine, which just means rubbing it with salt/sugar and sealing it in a ziploc bag. I also sometimes cheat by adding pink salt at 1/2 the recommended levels, (i.e. 1/2 teaspoon per 5 pounds)

I usually use a 2:1 kosher salt/sugar (note that all salt is Diamond Crystal, which is much less dense than normal salt; use 1/2 by volume if you've got table salt) for chicken and pork, 1:2 for salmon, and just salt for beef.

Then, before you smoke, rinse and dry it off well and apply a light dry rub. For pork and chicken, my go-to rub is 4 parts salt, 4 parts chili powder, 1 part sugar, 1 part black pepper, 1 part cumin. For beef, I just normally do a 1:1 salt and black pepper. Don't crust it like when you're dry-brining; you just want a light coating.

Don't use wood you just cut for smoking. Wood needs to be dried and cured for months, or it'll be full of bitter tannins that will ruin your food. Use the chunks/chips from your hardware store for now.

>> No.5514503

This is the rub I use on chicken when I smoke one.

Paprika - 4 tbsp
Brown Sugar - 3 tbsp
Granulated Sugar - 3 tbsp
Kosher Salt - 2 tbsp
Cayenne Pepper - 2 tsp
Black Pepper - 1 tsp
Ground Mustard - 1 tsp
Garlic Powder - 1 tsp
Onion Powder - 1 tsp

>> No.5514782

Is that 2:1 by weight or volume? Thanks for the advice! I won't use fresh wood.

Thank you for the rub suggestion, I'll probably use this on one of the chickens.

If I can remember, hopefully I can provide some pictures. There is a 9 lb. Boston Butt and a couple 5-lb chickens.

>> No.5516551
File: 445 KB, 1212x910, smoked butt1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ended up using this on the pork butt, not sure if I'm going to do the chickens today. I made a couple small additions. Looking forward to it.

pics as promised

>> No.5516554
File: 463 KB, 1212x909, smoked butt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and from a different angle

So we're about 4.5 hours in at this point, I took a couple pictures to note the progress. I had to add some more charcoal and wood chips, but I think it'll come along even better in about five or six more hours. stay tuned

>> No.5516557

what kind of asshole smokes with charcoal and woodchips

>> No.5516601

Id love to see a pic once you cut into it. I Smoked a pork shoulder and a bourbon glazed brisket for memorial day.

>> No.5516626

Can do, not sure how long it will be since it's my first time doing this. I'm expecting at least 5-6 more hours. What do you wait for the internal temp to be when you pull it off?

>> No.5516630

The kind of asshole that doesn't live in a hardwood forest.

>> No.5516635


>> No.5516641

you dont have to chop a tree down to get wood and its not like its hard to split logs and burn wood down to coals. If you have time to smoke all day why cut out the most important part that takes 1/10th the total time

>> No.5516642


>> No.5516646

>dry brine

>> No.5516781


If you've done it, you'd see what happens. The salt pulls water out of the meat, which forms a (mostly-saturated) brine.

>> No.5516785

its not a brine if its dry dumbfuck, even after it leaches the moisture. I do it with pork belly for bacon and salmon all the time and its a good method but its not a brine

>> No.5516796


Look autist, dry brining is an actual well-known technique that you can google if you don't believe. Don't assume because 2 words sound funny together, that means you know what the fuck you're talking about.

>> No.5516805

I'll be so glad when 4chan stops calling everyone they don't like an autist. Its stupid as fuck. I miss the old days.

>> No.5516813

Yeah I miss UMAD and UJELLY too... not.

>> No.5516815


>wah I'm mad because I'm wrong

>> No.5516820

I'm not even them.

>> No.5516825

its more of a quick cure than a brine

>> No.5516828

>autism speaks

>> No.5516837

I don't think you know what that is.

>> No.5516873
File: 426 KB, 1212x908, smoked butt3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no! It appears my bark has peeled a little. I hope this doesn't fuck up the rest of it. It does have a nice color to it, though.

more pics, about 7 hours in now.

>> No.5516884

dont go through all this trouble and not let it rest for 30-1hr after you are done

>> No.5516897

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5516899
File: 488 KB, 1210x907, smoked butt4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This side... hnnnng

>> No.5516900

thats way too hot for pork

>> No.5516901

Yep! My plan is to let it rest an hour before cutting into it. So you think I'm okay even with it like this? Any tips so I don't fuck this up from here on out?

>> No.5516902

oh jesus... those dripppings

>> No.5516904

just keep the heat low and the smoke going

>> No.5516906
File: 3.40 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0976[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, yes 190 is done for pork, but around this temp is when the fat and connective tissues start to work their magic and is when the meat becomes "fall off the bone" and juicy and delicious.

>> No.5516910

Is that a good Jesus or a bad Jesus? The bowl was full of water, so it's not just drippings in there.

>> No.5516928


>> No.5516933


>> No.5516936

Looking good, OP.

>> No.5516939

would've been good if it was all drippings, but i guess it's still okay...

the start of some tippity top-tier barbecue sauce is the drippings

>> No.5516940

Smoking is a different animal. Obviously you've never done it.

>> No.5516950

Thanks! I have had my worries, glad to hear some positive reinforcement.

recipe? sounds good.

go make your own thread

>> No.5517125

Just put a chicken on... hoping for good results and that it gets done about the same time as the pork.

>> No.5517694
File: 432 KB, 1211x908, smoked butt5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After resting an hour...

>> No.5517698
File: 403 KB, 1213x910, smoked butt6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the money shot. Not so glamorous, but it's fantastically delicious. Worth the wait. Almost perfect, it's exactly the way I like my pork!

>> No.5517726

Good work OP. How large in lbs was the cut and what was the internal temp prior to letting the meat rest.

>> No.5517856

The butt was 9 lbs. and I saw it at 181F before I took it off the smoker.

It came out extremely tender for the most part, the bottom was a bit tough but nothing inedible. The bark - HOLY WOW WHY I DIDN'T I DO THIS SOONER - that good.

>> No.5517878

so do i have to roll up the entire chiken or cut it into pieces and then roll it. wat do i use to light it?

>> No.5517879

hows 7th grade

>> No.5517881

420 blaeze it faget ur food is shit bro

>> No.5517884

You know shitposting is against the global rules.

>> No.5517889

too late i already left the thread

>> No.5518541

Don't smoke, bra. It's bad for you.