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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 62 KB, 640x480, BEAN+BURRITOS+WITH+CHEESY+SALSA+SAUCE+003[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5511420 No.5511420 [Reply] [Original]

Hey, /ck/.

I need some advice on making salsa.

I've made it twice in the past from scratch, boiling fresh tomatoes, grinding it up and putting in onion, lemon/lime, salt & pepper, jalapeño, basically everything a salsa needs but cilantro.

My problem is that either it's WAY too hot (which is easy to fix, just put in less chili), and when I make it milder, the sauce gets completely bland.

What am I doing wrong? Is it the quality of the tomatoes (which tomatoes would you recommend?), or not enough seasoning?

And please don't tell me it's the cilantro. The most delicious salsa I've tasted did not taste a hint of dirty dishwater.

>> No.5511424


Also, forgot to mention:

I'm having a really hard time finding fresh jalapeños in my local area. Is it possible to replace it with other chilis, or will this take away any distinct flavour?

>> No.5511435

>basically everything a salsa needs
All a salsa needs is tomatoes, salt and a bit of oil.
If the tomatoes are of good quality i will taste awesome just like that.
Basil or cilantro, and onion or garlic to gave it more personality.
Chili if you like it hot.
that's all.

Then of course you can add in as much shit as you like to make different variants.
But lemon/lime is shit to put in salsa. Don't do that.

>> No.5511444

What this guy said save for the oil. Salsa does not need oil. You need really good tomatoes, in-season, and you need to roast them or grill them (on a charcoal grill) for maximum flavor. Also roast the peppers, garlic, and onion.

Boiling them is okay for a quick salsa but flavorwise it's not good. You need to deseed and devein any peppers you're using if you want it mild. Use a pestle and mortar if you want as traditional chunky sauce or a food processor with a pulse button. Never a blender.

>> No.5511446


What I do to the tomatoes is cut them in half, put them in a frying pan with water, flat side up, and boil until the water is all gone, then let them roast for a little bit. Is that bad?

I've tried grilled tomatoes before, and it really doesn't taste like something I'd put in a salsa. I could be wrong on how it tastes when ground up, though.

>> No.5511447

the last one I made consisted of:
chilis (part jaalapeno part habanero)
just a lil bit of lemon juice
sugar (don't hate, the tomatoes weren't that good)

I browned the small bellpepper pieces and part of the onions, then added the tomatoes, cooked that shit for some time, then added the rest of the onions, sugar, salt, pepper and after it cooled some chopped parsley

not exactly what beaners would (probably) serve as "classic salsa" (if that exists), but then again fuck beaners

>> No.5511449

oh I forgot, added the chilis with the tomatoes and the lemon juice at the end

>> No.5511450

Traditionally in my family we prepare salsa to be stored into bottles without oil, garlic onion or whatsoever.
Just boil the tomatoes and grind, then put in a bottle.

If you want to use it from the bottle, add it to a pan with little oil and browned onions and cook it 20 minutes.

>> No.5511455

i thought a salsa was supposed to use raw tomatoes

>> No.5511457
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>taste a hint of dirty dishwater.

>> No.5511458
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This is the way to go dude, trust me, I'm half mexican myself. Mexicans always say that you need to see charring on the ingredients to get good flavor out of a salsa. Try it. If you don't like it then stick to what you know or like. Just how everyone has their own pasta sauce recipe, everyone has their own salsa recipe.

>> No.5511459
File: 156 KB, 640x429, 5809128169_0b24e63a6d_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to link to the recipe site but 4chan says no blogs.

4-5 ripe tomatoes, sliced in half, and seeds removed
2-4 jalapeno peppers, tops cut off, and seeds removed (use your discretion here - if you like your salsa mild, use one pepper with the seeds removed. It you like it really spicy, do 4 peppers with the seeds still in, since that's the spiciest part.
2 cloves garlic, skin on
1 large white onion, peeled and cut in half
1 bunch cilantro, roughly chopped (about 1 cup loosely packed)
lime juice
sea salt
cracked black pepper
additional pepper if desired, such as cayenne or chipotle

1. Turn on oven broiler. A gas stove is best, since you will get that awesome flame kissed flavor, but an electric stove will work too. Place tomatoes and onion cut side down on a rimmed baking sheet, along with garlic and jalapenos. broil 5-10 minutes, until tomatoes and onions are softened and charred (if garlic begins to burn, remove it early). Remove from boiler, and let cool to handle.

2. Roughly chop tomatoes, onion, and jalapenos, and peel garlic. Place in a food processor. Pulse until smooth. Add chopped cilantro, the juice of 1 lime (about 1.5 tablespoons), sea salt, pepper, and chili (if using), and pulse until incorporated. Taste, and correct seasoning. Serve immediately, or transfer to a container, and refridgerate up to 4 days (or, you could can it and stock your pantry!) enjoy!

>> No.5511460

>charcoal grill
>pestle and mortar
Thats not salsa, you silly thats pure de tomate.
Isnt this too early to shitpost?

>> No.5511463

>save for the oil
>making salsa without oil

get out of here

>> No.5511470

I'm half mexican. We don't use oil. Salsa isn't like italian pasta sauce, fuck off.

>> No.5511473
File: 1.65 MB, 2592x1936, salpicon (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the most basic form of red salsa you can make.
Give me a sec and ill post everything.

>> No.5511481
File: 1.45 MB, 2592x1936, salpicon (33).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what you are going to need.
4 Tomatoes (Jitomates in spanish) it doesnt really matter the type.
4 serrano peppers you can get away with it using jalapeños but i wouldnt recommend, you can try dry/smoked serranos or dry/smoked mora peppers.
1 onion
1 garlic clove (not in pic)
1 chile shaped chile container

This is going to be roasted salsa, because boiled salsa is the one you use in top of enchiladas or anyother guiso.

>> No.5511490
File: 1.57 MB, 2592x1936, salpicon (30).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Instead of a comal use a regular iron skillet.
If you are gonna use fresh peppers poke a lil hole in them otherwhise they may make a lil puff.
Roast the tomatoes top, bottom and two sides, youll understand what i mean when you get to it.
If you are going to use dry chiles DONT ROAST them, ill explain in the next post.
Did i say 4 tomatoes? well fuck me i meant 5.

>> No.5511494
File: 1.56 MB, 2592x1936, IMG_2618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the dried peppers (if using them) you have to hydrate? re-hydrate? them.
Let them swim in hot water for 5-10 minutes until theyre softer than fuck. DONT LET THEM BOIL.
Yes you can roast those bad boy but its pretty fucking easy for them to start smoking and you are gonna have a bad, BAAAAAD time.
Im talking couffin and crying bad time.

>> No.5511506

>I'm half mexican. We don't use oil.
So you don't.
You don't is different from it's not necessary.
Salsa with oil is a lot better.

>> No.5511507
File: 1.52 MB, 2592x1936, salpicon (27).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so now this is what you are looking for in the roasted tomatoes.
Pic totally related.
Dont worry bout the blackness and stuff we are gonna peel them anyways.
Just make sure you dont loose too much tomato juice.
I would recommend using your bare hands to move them, if using something else you risk poking them and making a mess.

>> No.5511512
File: 1.27 MB, 2592x1936, salpicon (15).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now put those tomatoes in cold water along with the peppers.
Peel the tomatoes and cut the tails of the chiles.
If you are using dried peppers just let them sit for a lil while in the hot water, theres no need to mix them already.

>> No.5511521
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Why the fuck i dont have a pic of the blender with all the shit inside?
Anyways this is what it goes into the blender:
The roasted tomates already skinned.
The peppers either roasted and tail-less or dried and re-hydrated.
One garlic clove crushed or diced or complete, it doesnt matter just use a small one.
Heres the deal, the onion gives a fresh hint into the salsa but it can easely overpower all the rest of the ingredients so go easy with it.
Blend that shit into oblivion.

>> No.5511525

>Blend that shit into oblivion

nope nope nope. you just destroyed all the textures by doing that. well if that's your preference then whatever.

i'm the mortar and pestle guy. It's either that or a food processor with pulsing.

>> No.5511532


I blend the dried peppers and onions quite fine, then add the tomatoes and pulse so to get the consistency I prefer.

>> No.5511536

It's really not though

>> No.5511538

Let me guess, your mommy used to make it exactly like that?
Or your legendary granny?
Using only the ancient molcajete that was carved out from the templo mayor?
With handcrafted harvested 5 minutes ago corn tortillas for maximum mexican authenticity?
GTFO fagot i bet you hardly cook at all.

>> No.5511539


Why are you upset that some people like a chunky texture while others like a smoother texture?

>> No.5511540

Yes im mad.
You fagots keep pullin the same stupid shit over and over again.

>> No.5511547
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>> No.5511548

>With handcrafted harvested 5 minutes ago corn tortillas for maximum mexican authenticity?

Mass produced factory tortillas are shit. It's analogous to sandwich bread. No flavor. I don't have the patience for making them myself. But if I'm eating tacos that day, I'm getting fresh tortillas out of a local mexican supermarket. Again, if I'm eating tacos, it's like a special occasion and I'll make a fresh salsa for it.

My grandma used to make legit salsa with a mocaljete (mortar and pestle) and then my lazy mom switched to a blender system and give me tomato puree for many years. I associate a smooth salsa with the crap my mom made.

>> No.5511551

So should you remove the tomato seeds or not?
Remove the skin or not?
I understand that roasting will make the skin of the tomato easier to remove, but the seeds? Do it before? not at all?

>> No.5511557

>local mexican supermarket
>legit salsa

Wait a fookin minute.
Are you fookin mojarra?

>> No.5511560

>Are you fookin mojarra?

what is

>> No.5511561


Yes remove the skin.
No, theres no need to remove the seeds.

>> No.5511562

what about the pepper skins?

>> No.5511564


Am I a fish? Is that slang? I'm not fresh out of the Rio Grande if that's what you're asking. I'm second gen. My family aren't illegals.

>> No.5511567
File: 331 KB, 1000x957, 1387136706108 tex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did the border not get moved and mov3d and moved

>> No.5511570

i don't even

>> No.5511571

to be fair, you also recommended blending it into oblivion. I'd like someone else's opinion

>> No.5511581

You have been told what to do and how to do it.

You want to try something else go ahead who will stop you. Should you want a more chunky salsa it would be best for another dish or a whole other salsa.

You can expect people who know better to notice, that they speak up well that is another thing.

>> No.5511588

im the mexican guy. i leave the skin on because that's where the charring happens. you would be removing flavor by taking it out. But yeah, if you want a smooth salsa, then it wouldn't be good to leave it. it's a matter of preference.

>> No.5511590

You seem to be having trouble speaking English. Are you OK?

>> No.5511593

Thanks. What about the seeds what does that do to the flavor profile/texture of the salsa

>> No.5511598

i've heard before that blending tomato seeds can make it bitter but i can't attest to that. i think it's more of textual and visual thing. people don't like to see the seeds in sauces. i take them out myself.

>> No.5511606


I'm not the guy you're replying to, but I leave the seeds in and I haven't noticed an appreciable change to the flavor or the texture.

>> No.5511610

No, please dont do this.
If you leave the roasted skin you will get:
A brownish/darkened salsa and it will change the flavor to something bitter and somehow it will decay faster.
Dude, please dont shitpost.

No need to remove the peppers skin.

>> No.5511616

>blending tomato seeds can make it bitter
I have never call out anybody while posting but you sir have NO idea of what you are talking about.
Thats it, im taping out.

>> No.5511617

Not shitposting.
There are two different methods being posted. One says leave the skins on for flavor, the other says take them off. To top it all off, the one saying to take the skins off is a tripfag.
Multiple opinions is a good thing. You say that leaving the skins on will make the salsa bitter, the other guy says that the seeds could make it bitter.

>> No.5511621

>If you leave the roasted skin you will get:
A brownish/darkened salsa and it will change the flavor to something bitter and somehow it will decay faster.

Well if your tomato is burned then it will taste like that yeah. I haven't had that issue using the roasting method. I think direct contact grill char marks are more likely to taste burned/bitter.

I think this is a matter of personal discretion. You're the boss of your sauce. Just remove the skin if you want to avoid the entire possibility of a bitter flavor. But then again, why do we leave the skin on peppers though?

>> No.5511629

Op, I think you need to be a bit more specific about the type of salsa you're trying to make and how you intend to eat it. There are various types of salsas made for different applications. Based on your picture and the description of your recipe it seems like you're trying to make something like the store-bought stuff to eat tortilla chips with. The thing that will ruin any salsa are subpar ingredients and it sounds like the boiling of the tomatoes is killing the flavor of your salsa. First of all Mexican food always uses the more flavorful varieties usually used for sauces, even in the raw form. So you always want to use either Roma or San Marzano tomatoes, don't boil all of them. Onion should always be the white or purple ones, never yellow ones those are for cooking and if eaten raw are too harsh and contribute to the perceived heat. An Anon mentioned removing seeds and veins to control the heat of the jalapeños, you could also try serranos since they also have a fruity taste to them like jalapeños. It seems you have the misfortune of having a genetic defect and can't enjoy cilantro, which is a shame since it is an important and defining flavor to any raw salsa, since you can't use it, try a sprinkle of Oregano, even better Mexican Oregano (there is a difference) don't even bother with parsley it's flavorless and you might as well throw grass in there. If you're trying to make the boiled salsa from the dips you find in the store, don't add lime or lemon, you need to partially boil all the vegetables (bell pepper, onions etc.) and add some sweetness with ketchup (which has a bit of garlic).

>> No.5511635
File: 357 KB, 2784x1848, get on my level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making salsas without cilantro
op needs endless hand holding after calling salsas with cilantro "greywater"
troll thread

>> No.5511638

This fagot is like real very pride mexican viva la raza ajua but it is in the wrong side of the border.

>To top it all off, the one saying to take the skins off is a tripfag.
Is this a bad thing? The guy is backin up its recepie.
The other recepie calls for cayenne, pepper or chipotle? So im gonna call bulshit on this shit.
And theres even a more retarded one asking for sugar and fucking lime?
Oh yeah i forgot, theres one stating that oil improves the salsa?
What the fuck is wrong with you?

Didnt you see the pics?
The charred surface on the tomatoes is huge compared with the peppers, meaning that they transfer a lot more bitter taste to the salsa you dumb fuck.

>> No.5511648

>it sounds like the boiling of the tomatoes is killing the flavor of your salsa.
>don't boil all of them
>purple onion
>parsley it's flavorless

Im baffled with this monumental piece of shitposting.
It is like the world record of shitposting.
The grand slam of shitposting.
The worldcup of shitposting right here...

>> No.5511652

>another /ck/ thread turns into a "you're doing it wrong" shitfest
>4chan kiddies cannot cope mentally, immediately become enraged
>all this fucking greentext

Seriously, the only thing this thread needs now is a "professional chef" to weigh in on this faggotry.

>> No.5511654

ITT:white salsa and white salsa accessories

>> No.5511661

>The charred surface on the tomatoes is huge compared with the peppers, meaning that they transfer a lot more bitter taste to the salsa you dumb fuck.

this picture >>5511459

those dark specs is flavor. to each his own.

>> No.5511675

I need to clarify I was talking about a raw salsa, but it sounds like they're trying to make some kind of tortilla chip dip, that's why I said they shouldn't boil all of the tomatoes. I don't know what's wrong with purple onion it's used raw and pickled in Mexican food. Oregano is the only substitute I can think of for people that don't like cilantro. Dry parsley is flavorless no point in wasting money on it. If you're using fresh that's a different story and a different sauce all together; in fact if you're going to combine raw tomatoes, onions and parsley (tomato, onion and cilantro being the Mexican triad for the most basic salad) you might as well add cucumber, omit the lemon/lime and use some red wine vinegar and make it a mediterranean salad with pita chips.

Ketchup has salt, sugar, onion and garlic, it's good as sweetener for the store type of "salsa" for tortilla chips. If the ketchup and boiling of vegetables and oregano offend you, then why didn't the bell pepper, which isn't used in Mexican salsas?

That's why I asked Op to specify what type of salsa he's wanting to make and for what purpose.

>> No.5511724


No, cilantro is absolutely disgusting. Whenever I have a dish with cilantro in it, the dish will sometimes taste only of cilantro, which is an overwhelming, soap-like taste.

>> No.5511735

I did this once, the leave all the charred surface on, thinking it would add more flavor.
And this is true
It got bitter. I cant tell about the decay because i didnt keep it.
Also this recipe is all wrong.
That is waaaaaaay too much cilantro, it would taste like a handfull of grass.
That is too much onion.
That is too much garlic.
Black pepper, cayenne or chipotle for seasoning? Theres no need for that.
And you cant have lime juice in there and keep it for 4 days.
And it is pretty obvious that the pic is from another recipe because this one? its pretty fucking retarded.

>> No.5511776

I want to make a salsa, but I don't have access to a food processor, mortar, grinder, food mixer, or blender at the moment.

>> No.5511780

What the fuck is wrong with purple onion, nigga? I always use it in my tomato salsas. Better flavor and color. White onions get used in my tomatillo based salsas (and a few others). Also, there are salsas that are flavored with mexican oregano, I don't understand why you'd have a problem with that. Do you seriously only eat one kind of salsa? That's pretty gay.

>> No.5511781

Well, you know, there are professional cooks/chef who lurk and post here pretty often.

>> No.5511783

I to want to make a salsa with no tomatoes, no chilles, no cilantro and if possible with incredible flavor.

I also like to order my pizzas with no sauce, no cheese and extra meat.

>> No.5511789

Potato masher.

>> No.5511791

>mexican oregano.
You are either one of the following:
A fagot mojarra.
A fagot border dweller.

Anyways, regardless of what type of fagot you are, its clear you cant cook for shit.

>> No.5511796

What is with calling people fish all the time.

>> No.5511797
File: 38 KB, 320x240, kingofthefags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Says the cocksucker who can only make one kind of salsa.

I'm sure most people in this thread could cook circles around you. GDIAF

>> No.5511802

Prove it fagot.
I dare you.
I triple dare you.
Get a trip and fucking post your recipes.

>> No.5511807 [DELETED] 

Because you have the pleb gene that makes cilantro taste bad.

>> No.5511809

faggot wants company

>> No.5511812

I have. Many, many times. How about you, gaylord?

>> No.5511816

What the fuck do you mean by mojarra in whatever context you're using it? I've never heard it used like that where I'm from.

>> No.5511818 [DELETED] 

He's most likely a white boy posing as a mexican and trying to use "mojarra" as a slang equivalent to "wetback" because he read it on Wikipedia.

>> No.5511819

I knew you wouldnt faggot. Its allrite.
Its easier to shitpost and fling shit at people like
because it requires no effort.

>> No.5511827

Que quieres que te explique de México mijo?
O quieres que te diga que tan cobardes son tus jefesitos por correr de su patria?
Por que ora si son bien mexicanotes estando del lado equivocado de la frontera?
Ora si se esfuerzan los hijos de la chingada?
Bien orgullosotes no? Bien mexicanos.

>> No.5511834

This faggot probably used google translate. You ain't fooling me asshole.

Anyway, Mexico is a shit place to live in unless you're the top 1%. The culture is nice, the food is nice. and scenery is nice. but unless you were born with a silver spoon, you're gonna have a shit life. My family did right in leaving that place behind.

>> No.5511837 [DELETED] 
File: 577 KB, 600x450, 1402424202265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Burrito burrito taco chimichanga.

>> No.5511848 [DELETED] 

una gordoburgesa con extra gordo y una bolsa de condimentos para llevar :---DDD

>> No.5511851 [DELETED] 

Queso taquito enchirito.

>> No.5511852

HAHA stupid fuck.
Google translate doesnt translate into slang.

Cuando regrese el cobarde de tu jefe dile que te ayude a entender.
Y si no naciste rico te pinche esfuerzas, te pinche vas a la escuela y pinche trabajas duro todos los putos dias.
No te pones de maricon y huyes.

Go ahead ask him.

>> No.5511853

I don't have anything to prove, shitdick, you do. I know I can cook, unlike you. I post recipes here regularly, unlike you. And unlike you, my self esteem isn't based on what assholes on an anonymous image board think. You're in a losing battle, idiot, because you can't cook and everything that you type proves it.

>> No.5511865 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 800x600, eagle_cry_bld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American here.

Please leave our AMERICAN imageboard if you cannot comply to the AMERICAN standards.

We are a Nation of One, United We Stand, and we try our best to uphold the glory of the American way. If you cannot submit to this request, we will have you forcibly removed from our country with our 2nd Amendment granted firearms.

God Bless America.

>> No.5511869 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 550x413, american-flag-background-with-eagle-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is now about FREEDOM.

>> No.5511871

Errrrr, this message board is in English, I'm pulling rank on you as you are a slave to my language

>> No.5511875 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5511880 [DELETED] 
File: 46 KB, 432x361, flag_eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I can't hear you over the sound of my FREEDOM you filthy third worlder

I'm about to go douse myself in some CLEAN RUNNING WATER because I have it and you don't

>> No.5511884
File: 74 KB, 400x300, 34069971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Bless the US of A.

>> No.5511890 [DELETED] 
File: 433 KB, 480x270, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Am Proud To Be An American.

>> No.5511898 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 279x350, polls_5819_American_Eagle_and_Flag_II_Posters_3526_776187_answer_1_xlarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Praise the good lord for blessing us with this freedom

>> No.5511907

Ethanol please leave. They call you out and you werent up to the challenge.
You are claerly brown. No white murriturd would back up any wetback.
I hope this is some retarded meltdown and samefaging, otherwhise the sheer amount of stupidity is beyond belief.

>> No.5511911
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>> No.5511913


Guess again.

>> No.5511914 [DELETED] 
File: 48 KB, 512x384, eagle flag tear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't take away my FREEDOM, Commie Rat Bastard.

>> No.5511918 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5511938

>being this assblasted.

Well OP i hope you have learned something out of this.
Never ask /ck for advice in mexican food topics.

>> No.5511947 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5511952 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 300x390, runningwater.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this, rat mudslime commie scum. It's clean, pure running water. You will never have this. In fact, I am going to go turn on all the faucets in my 5000 sq ft house just because I have THE RIGHT to.

>> No.5511955
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>mfw I ordered seltzer and got salsa

>> No.5511963
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Some mad fag ate some bad shit he made himself because he thought he could cook.

>> No.5512275


Not my fault then.

>> No.5512305

No. It's your parent's fault for mixing up their genes to create such a colossal failure

>> No.5512317


For not liking one disgusting herb? Are you even listening to yourself now?