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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5503922 No.5503922[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


i love it when stereotypes prove to be real

>> No.5503933

>Black Americans don't tip
>Europeans don't tip
Coincidence? I think not.

Blacks confirmed for Europeans in disguise.

>> No.5503934 [DELETED] 

>europoors confirmed for niggers

>> No.5503936 [DELETED] 

americans confirmed worse then niggers

>> No.5503942

confirmed american troll trying to start a shitstorm

nice try bucko

>> No.5503968

What's worse is when they do go out they often buy shit they cab in no way afford.
I have seen basketball Americans ask for chryshtawl in places that would never carry high end champagne.
Then they stiff the waiter.

>> No.5503971

>stiff the waiter
>implying it takes more effort to cart out a glass of champagne than it does a glass of water
fuck yourself you waiter twat

>> No.5504004

For a food board there sure are a lot of people who hate waiters here.

>> No.5504007

because they double major in russian lit and art history and act incredibly entitled and think that people owe them more money for the same amount of work

i can't wait for those tablets to be put into the table thus eliminating the need for pizza-faced grad students

>> No.5504010
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Pretty much every time a waiter posts here they're complaining about tips -- i.e. begging. Waiters are basically hobos. Get a job where your employer pays you.

>> No.5504013

>/ck/ bitches about tipping every day for years and years
>suddenly they find out black people don't do it and they're all pro-tipping

You guys are seriously pieces of work.

>> No.5504017

because they don't make my food. They just carry it a few feet from the kitchen. The kitchen staff doesn't see a dime of that tip.

>> No.5504018

There is a bar around here that the blacks took over from the whites, after the "black bar" closed and I've heard the same. I've not had any terrible experiences to prove this but I've heard it second hand. In a nutshell, an employee told me she works the same and ends up with about 1/2-3/4 of what she used to make, lol.

>> No.5504024

Most hobos do not make 100k a year.

>> No.5504025

that's not true. in a lot of places the cook and/or bartenders get a percentage of the tips

>> No.5504028

What, like 5%? If its not at least 75% then they're getting ripped off.

>> No.5504031
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>> No.5504039

I'm white and fuck if I'd tip. Tipping is retarded. If you work for tips you should get a better job or form a union to get actual wages.

>> No.5504047
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If you ever met the average line cook you wouldn't say that.
These people are surly, dim witted epsilons.
The money you tip is to pay waiters to interact with these cretinous wookies.

It is money well spent.

>> No.5504052

You act like waiters are starving.

Good chance they make way more than you do.

>> No.5504053


>The research findings suggest that restaurant managers, executives, and the industry as a whole should try to educate all of their customers about restaurant tipping norms. Such an educational campaign could involve informational brochures in restaurants, as well as an industry-wide effort promoted by trade associations.
>Such an educational campaign could involve informational brochures in restaurants

Holy shit, I tip and tip well but I would walk the fuck out of any restaurant with a pamphlet telling me how much I should pay their employees.

>> No.5504056


Baker here, my restaurant splits tips amongst the entire staff based on number of hours worked.

>> No.5504065

Commie candy-assgot.

>> No.5504072


Whole staff is happy this way. We all get paid minimum wage and then tipped on top of that, works out to making something like $14/hr and my manager only reports 60% of our tips.

>> No.5504080

I always pay the tip with plastic to prevent tax evasion :^)

>> No.5504085

Oh look , another waiter hater.

>> No.5504087
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>I know you are but what am I
it's the best defence

>> No.5504088

That's illegal in America, no joke. One employer was making servers do that and someone finally stood up. He got 3 years in jail and some massive fine. He was a really old coot too and died a year after getting out of jail. I only know because he was the uncle of a friend of mine.

>> No.5504094
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That is fucking disgusting. I am tipping the person I am interacting with based on how much I like them.
I do not intend for that money to go to some prole in the back stooped over a fucking cutting board.

>> No.5504113

What's the correct amount to tip a police officer who writes an accident report?

>> No.5504130

We have a special system to compensate waiters.
If you don't like it, don't eat out.

>> No.5504131

Depends on what country you live in. Mexico, Italy, and Russia countries are pretty cheap tip amounts. In the USA it is sketchy as to who you can tip and how much since it can land you in jail.

>> No.5504142




Cool, don't eat there then. Please be sure to ask every manager at every restaurant what their tipping policy is.

>> No.5504148

Yeah, it's called minimum wage laws. Fuck off.

>> No.5504153

>paying to do the manager's job

>> No.5504188

I don't like it, so I eat out and tip when service is actually worthy of a bonus. Deal with it

>> No.5504192

>black people don't tip
fucking negros, thinking they can get away with this
>foreign people don't tip
how strange and exotic, we should aspire to be more like them

I usually tip 10%, because I don't feel like paying 1.2-1.25 times a normal meal
if I could go get my own food from the kitchen I would, but they don't let you

>> No.5504193

Not in america you don't.

>> No.5504203


If it is illegal, is there some sort of difference in the law specified between different sorts of businesses? Because I work at Starbucks and I do the tips and this is how we do them, and I highly doubt that it's illegal because this is how all Starbucks in our county do them.

>> No.5504214
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>implying you know anything about serving champagne.
>implying you know anything about champagne period.
>being this much of an ignorant redneck.

>> No.5504216

Waiters are salespeople for whom part of their pay is typically based on commission. In their case, the commission is paid by the customer instead of the employer.

>> No.5504219

Being a cook is not the same as being a waiter. They are two completely different jobs. Equating them like that makes you seem ignorant. Cooks/chefs do not (normally) get tipped because they are doing a skilled job. Waitstaff gets tipped because they are doing a service job. Service jobs get tipped in the US, and any amount of your bitching doesn't change that, the only way to change that is to change the entire service industry.

>> No.5504249

It doesn't need changing.
Americans love doting service and this is how they get it.

>> No.5504275

You tip at mcdonalds?
Or the cashier at a store?
No. You fucking dont. It's just the certain few low wage shit jobs that get them. Because paying living wages is Sooo hard.

>> No.5504281

Sometimes they have these communal tip jars at those places. I'll put a few coins in, sometimes, if they were nice.

>> No.5504289

>i love it when stereotypes prove to be real

yeah because tipping culture is the sign of a healthy attitude towards salaries

>> No.5504292
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Keep your measly change you cheap fuck. Coins are a fucking insult.
I can't imagine having so little self respect that I would not tip paper money ANYWHERE a tip was expected.

>> No.5504297

It is healthy. You misunderstand the entire system.
Waiters make great money for short hours thanks to the tipping system.

>> No.5504303

it means waiters have to resort on begging to complete their income instead of being paid a decent wage by their boss

>> No.5504312

No one is begging anon and a good waiter in a nice American place makes way more than any wage earning waiter in the world.

>> No.5504323

Yeah right. I know for a fact that some waiters will turn their nose up at a 10% tip. They now expect 15-20%.

>> No.5504331

the tipping system also keeps operating costs down which keeps food prices down.

>> No.5504341

You are goddamn right they expect 20%.
That is not begging anon.
You are an idiot.
Tipping in america is not analogous to tipping in Europe

>> No.5504351


We don't have to beg. I'm a waitress and I just act like a normal person, because I hate it when I go out to eat and I feel like someone is just trying to kiss my ass because they want a big tip.

And yeah we do make a lot a money, a lot more money than we should. I've worked at many other customer service places where we got none or minimal tips (supermarkets, jamba juice, coffee shops) and I worked my ass off compared to what I have to do as a waitress. I do this because I'm in college and it's the best money for aside from stripping. We do make an inappropriate amount of money due to tips.

>> No.5504355

As a matter of fact, /ck/, I am Italian and I don't know how much money I should give as tip.

>> No.5504357

I'm a physically disabled loser and can't afford to tip more than that :{

>> No.5504361

Being black is not a disability anon no matter how many times left wing assholes tell you it is.

>> No.5504365

Most waiters do not make $100k a year, too. What a coincidence.

>> No.5504367

A-are you my Uncle Ruckus?

>> No.5504370

That IS begging. Tipping is optional and supposed to be for service that goes beyond the norm. Not only do they not appreciate the extra 10%, they now demand 20% or they will give you an attitude. Doesn't that remind you of those over aggressive hobos who aren't happy with $1 but demand $5?

>> No.5504383


>Tipping is optional and supposed to be for service that goes beyond the norm.

This is only part of why you do not understand american culture.
You are unable to accept that tipping is different here.
Not even the same thing.

>> No.5504411

>not real
they wouldn't be stereotypes if they didn't come from somewhere.

>> No.5504412

I would like to see you stop a customer from leaving after not tipping.

>> No.5504461

Blow it out your ass cunt

>> No.5504483

What a fucking chirclejerk.

You're all a bunch of inbred retards.

Clappistan has this stupid concept of required tipping, and it's retarded.
Europeans are against this shit, good for them, but "when in Rome..." So if you're in the US you shut up and tip, and behave as is expected. Complaining about it is retarded and you'll look like such.

I swear no matter the board 4chan is full of complete twat.

>> No.5504508 [DELETED] 

>confirmed nigger with typical name calling because too stupid to make a reasonable argument
Get back to your government housing, darky

>> No.5504524

>"Stop! Come back! Give me a chance to spit in your food!"

Man waiters are awesome they are one of the few professions where it's okay to utterly abandon any sense of professionalism because you feel you're not being compensated enough.

>Fuck by paltry 87k salary doesn't justify all these late nights at the data center! I know! I'll cut random ethernet cables and fiber then piss on some of the servers! That'll show 'em!"

We should all follow their example until we get the salaries we think we deserve,

>> No.5504532

I really don't understand the American tipping system. I mean, sure, you have minimum wage laws that some businesses / industries are apparently exempt of. Now, I don't really see what's the point of making a law and then not enforcing it, but whatever, I understand that's how the situation is so people expect tips.

What I don't get is if tipping is not really voluntary (except strictly legally), why do these establishments not make it mandatory to tip? I.e. you get an automatic +15% to the prize of everything you order. To me the current system is like having a customer spit on his waiters face and the waiter being passive aggressive about it but serving him anyway, instead of just throwing him out of the establishment. If it's such an insult to not tip, how about making a fucking rule about it and making people follow it?

>> No.5504539
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That customer would likely just get a snide comment.
But come back again and expect service after stiffing a waiter and see what happens to you.

>> No.5504545

We don't need rules because everyone except blacks tips just fine.

Black people almost never go out to eat so its not a huge deal.

>> No.5504568

But you do have rules for stuff like no sexual harassment or "no shirt no service". I don't imagine it's very common to have a customer that comes to your restaurant naked and demands service, or who slaps the asses of passing waitresses, but many places have rules regarding that sort of behavior for the eventuality that a guy like that does show up. I don't understand why establishments wouldn't treat no-tippers the same way instead of just being passive aggressive about it when some poorfag doesn't tip.

Unwritten rules are only good for things that either can't be enforced or that are too inconsequential to make a fuss over.

>> No.5504597

I disagree.
In america we try to have as few written rules and laws as possible.

Really, a waiter getting stiffed us extremely rare.
Its only a few blacks and the odd European fresh off the boat.
Not a big deal except here on /ck/

>> No.5504645

All these people bragging how they don't tip in america are lying.
In america everyone tips.


Except black people.
We kinda let them slide because slavery.
They do get shitty service though.

>> No.5504743

we enact over 4000 new laws a year

>> No.5504757

Honestly it's in large part because wait staff see us and lag the fuck behind because they assume we won't tip them; poor service = fuck you no tip from us.

Especially being in the restaurant world I see my co-workers do it constantly, when I am as attentive to black patrons as anyone else I get tipped well; they think its race related though when they are just douchebag who don't see gold mines.

>> No.5504826

I'm Asian
Shows how much you know grand faggot of the kkk
Pro tip: nothing

>> No.5504835

>In america we try to have as few written rules and laws as possible.
It's hilarious that you probably believe this.

>> No.5504837
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>tfw you get a 100 percent tip

>> No.5504872

What a fucking baby

>> No.5504880

Why? Nobody tips at McDonalds. Are you saying the wait staff is even more unprofessional and whiny than someone who works at fast food? That just goes to show that you aren't worth much than them. If anything, you are worth less.

>> No.5504892
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>> No.5504920

At least its considered a laudable goal in the us and a .
In Europe there are more rules by far.

>> No.5504926
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I don't tip the bag boy that takes out my bags and loads my car for/with me - not because I don't want to or anything, it's just the grocery store I go to has a policy against it.

>> No.5504930


>the bag boy that takes out my bags and loads my car for/with me

what are you, a cripple? That service is for old ladies.

>> No.5504934

>be black
>see all these venomous replies
>I'm expected to tip to the likes of retards like you
>continue to not give a fuck about tipping

The cycle continues.

>> No.5504941

>you continue to get shitty service
>everyone fucking hates you cuz you're black

good stuff right there

>> No.5504942

They've helped me out when I've been injured, so pretty much.

>> No.5504994 [DELETED] 


The research indicates that you tip colored servers badly just as you would any server, darky.

See: OP's link.

>> No.5505668

this is the best article i've read this year

>> No.5505683

Because it makes fun of another race?

Wow great job man we all think you're really cool.

>> No.5505689
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>Black people tip less
>this is shown across both the middle and lower class
>They also do not tip servers who are black better, but the same
>even when the service was the same as white patrons black patrons still tipped less
>black people just tip less because...well, they black

Well, that's mildly funny. But as long as they aren't getting dicks dipped in their soup I don't see who cares. You should be more worried if you're white and your server is black. That red lobster story has made me beyond paranoid. Everyone just took her word as truth, gave her 10K, and then sent death threats to the entire family. Even after they proved he didn't write it and she admitted she did it, they still get treated that way.

>> No.5505694

>objective research goes against my masters' political agenda

libruls in a nutshell

>> No.5505697


>something incredibly trivial
>can have a giggle at it because race
>doesn't matter worth shit
>Wow you're so cool

I ain't even him, eat shit. Mother fuckers take race so god damn seriously it's annoying. Especially when white people do it for minorities. As a representative of minority races everywhere (as I have just declared myself) to you, probably a whitey who will be the representative to white people (which I also now declare). Fuck off.

>> No.5505705

if minorities didn't make such a big deal about race at every fucking chance they got stuff like this wouldn't be so satisfying

>> No.5505716
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>> No.5505719

Maybe other races wouldn't make such a big deal about it if they weren't oppressed for hundreds of years and are actively preventing a back slide. White people love to claim that racism is over but this website and everywhere else on the internet where people aren't accountable for what they say proved white people wrong

>> No.5505724 [DELETED] 

what about the jews?

they've been enslaved and beaten up much longer than niggers have and they're doing just fine

>> No.5505726 [DELETED] 

>Walk into Dunkin Doughnuts
>>There is a tip jar

>Walk into 5 Guys
>>There is a tip jar

Tipping is a Jew scam, Euros and Nigs are just ahead of the cur. Does a waitress deserve 15% for giving you your drink or food?

>> No.5505732

You haven't been to the inner city in your life, have you?

That's not caused by "evil white oppressors," it's perpetuated by themselves you delusional fuckstick.

>> No.5505733


Did you respond to the wrong person? Nigga I said it's funny and that people make too much of a big deal out of race. Shit son get reading comprehension.


You, stop that. Stop being such a stupid fucking faggot. I am not oppressed. I was not my ancestors. I can live my life for my own now. They may have been and may haven given people these opportunities, but I am not them, and neither are those whiny mother fuckers. Fuck off. Most white people here claim the complete opposite of racism is over to the extremest view, where the fuck are you even hearing that? Not even the most southern conservative I know says that. Fuck off out of here, racism will never be over completely but who gives a fuck about comments on the fucking internet. Oh no, he said nigger. Oh no, BEANER. Get the fuck out of here. Even the god damn black Mr. Rogers bill cosby told whiny cunts complaining about white people to fuck off.

>> No.5505760

Racism isn't problem when people don't help themselves. The problem is despite being successful, theres still shit a lot of shit working against minorities. They can't name their kids what they want because white HR just throws the resume in the trash. Harvard isn't worth it for most minorities because despite going to the best college in the world most minorities continue to end up with lower salaries than their white peers.

>> No.5505767

as it rightfully should be

>> No.5505774

People like you are why I take advantage of every single minority scholarship, affirmative action thing I can and don't feel any shame about it despite not having any noticeable racism against me in my life.

>> No.5505778

>all these implications
>muh identity politics

Boy you sure are a brainwashed retard, aren't you?

>> No.5505786

Thoroughly brainwashed. Let me guess, you're voting for Hillary when she runs, right?

>> No.5505794

tipping is great but you don't tip on the full price of alcohol.

>> No.5505798

Unless you're at the bar you shouldn't be tipping on alcohol period

>> No.5505808


it was probably just carelessness on the part of the wait staff, but it's not terribly surprising that successful black folks don't want to be categorized according to their race, is is the case with successful members of most otherwise disadvantaged communities.

>> No.5505810

No you haven't

>> No.5505814 [DELETED] 

>Blacks are a shit race of human

No surprise there.

>> No.5505821

Tipping isn't optional. Lack of enforcement is a means of extending good will to customers, giving them benefit of doubt. But that should not be mistaken as making tipping optional.

As far as waiters' salaries, they're set just like everyone else's salaries: by supply and demand. It's roughly the same for computer scientists and janitors. You pay everyone that provides you some good or service according to supply and demand, and wait staff are no exception.

Because tipping is expected, their salaries are set accordingly. Some restaurants pay below minimum wage and get away with it, because tipping is, again, expected of all customers.

And a society that tips consistently is better off than a society that doesn't Customers have direct leverage over the quality of the service they receive in a society that tips. Otherwise, service prices are figured into food prices; customers end up paying the same as they would anyway.

>> No.5505822

>not tipping the somm

>> No.5505829


Given that their community's culture developed under slavery and their families were destroyed, it's not terribly surprising they grow up seeing themselves as outsiders to mainstream society, or otherwise have a distrust for traditional authority.
Sure, it's backwards, but kids in the black cliques at my high school often looked down on one another for completing their homework. Roughly the only "successful" black kid that comes to mind at my high school was some nigerian migrant. He wasn't brilliant to be honest, but he placed in science fair and could generally be relied upon to complete his fair share of the work.

>> No.5505832

Im not even them but youre stupid if you think that shit doesnt happen

>> No.5505838

that was hundreds of years ago

no other formerly enslaved group is like that and they dont bitch and whine about it either

>> No.5505839

>blame slavery

They had pretty good values and role models throughout the early and mid 20th century. Now it's a culture of crime, ignorance, entitlement and sperm donation without any intent to father.

>> No.5505852

>that was hundreds of years ago
yes but for whatever reason, the influence of those events have followed them ever since.

>> No.5505859

Yes, it's slavery. Not a terrible self-destructive culture, it's da white man keeping em down.


>> No.5505860

no they just use it as an excuse

>> No.5505864

Lyndon Johnson was the worst thing that happened to blacks during/after desegregation.

Government handouts were designed to cement the minority voting bloc for Democrats. And, it worked. Also, it doesn't hurt that blacks have a lower average IQ, but that's another thread.

>> No.5505866 [DELETED] 

My dad knew a real-life African prince when he was at Swarthmore. The prince stated that he unequivocally hated American blacks because they were complete shits. Gotta hate it when someone from the homeland calls out your shit, huh niggers?

>> No.5505874

was he a nigerian prince?
did he loan him some money for a 10x return?

seriously though african immigrants to the us are 1000x better than domestic

>> No.5505947 [DELETED] 

sales guy here

i deal with real american niggers every day.
i also deal with real african blacks.
the africans are generally nice people and not pieces of shit.

>> No.5505953

theyre super nice and polite, hardworking, respectful, and were actually disenfranchised and had to overcome real hardships and instead of a hand out they just bust their ass.

though caribbean blacks are shit, haitians, jamaicans etc

>> No.5505971


given the amount of racism on 4chan, it's funny that you would be surprised that a successful black person wouldn't want to risk being identified by his race.

>> No.5505974

Why did op post the article? Why do people here find it funny?

You're the ones taking race seriously. I'm glad no ones respects shit heads like you.

>> No.5505976

I'm white actually. Were the ones making a big deal about race.

>> No.5505978

So people who have been oppressed for so long should just straighten up just like that? How about whites throwing away resumes? Whites purposefully not letting minorities buy homes in predominately white neighborhoods? You're painfully ignorant.

>> No.5505979

because people act like everyone is the same instead of accepting we are different

>> No.5505981


Obviously the issue of poor black performance across whatever social metric is a little more complex and nuanced than "white people are conspiring to destroy all black people!" at one end and 'black people just complain to much! they should just be smart and hard working!" at the other end.

>> No.5505984

>oppressed for so long
sounds like youre the one whose ignorant

>> No.5506001


Yes, of course we're different in terms of race. But we're different in terms of every possible category we can be placed in. We're different based on our income, our education, our IQ, our various talents, our favorite films, our favorite color of pants.

You are free to cluster people however you want, but the justification for 'pretending' groups are the same with respect to categories they've no meaningful control over is that we run the risk of overgeneralizing and unfairly stereotyping.

If humans were perfect, we might be able to accept that people of different backgrounds are different, but because we've got an imperfect tribalist instinct, we often end up abusing that knowledge; inadvertently or because of some vested political / ideological interest.

If a black man has a PhD he'll still often be categorized according to the mean of his race regardless of the countless other categories to which he belongs. We're flawed in that we naturally have difficulty keeping particular characteristics in perspective, given our primate brains are designed for pattern recognition, and in modern life often over-categorize and see relationships where none exist (also why we have other superstitions). So we compensate by trying to fool ourselves in order to have a more meritocratic and fair society.

The US figured out that immigration based on talent is the best policy long ago, and it's kept our academic and industrial establishment at the forefront of innovation ever since.

>> No.5506023

>So people who have been oppressed for so long should just straighten up just like that?
Lok at the Irish who were pushed down by the British. Look at South Koreans who were pushed down by the Japanese. Look at the Chinese who were oppressed by their own government.

The reason some ethnicities fail lies in their genes.

>> No.5506041

The Irish are not some of the richest people in the world. Neither are the South Koreans. They are at a status they're allowed to reach. Of course the Irish can reach where they are. A rich man who owns many homes is much more likely to give one to an Irish man than a black man and you know it. Same goes for jobs.

And most of my latino friends are successful. And yes they grew up poor. I'm in med school ffs. And before you blame it on affirmative action I changed my last name to a white one and I simply write white or that I don't want to answer on applications.

>> No.5506054

Why would I say niggers? I'm not racist

>> No.5506059

I find it amusing that you used a photo of two rather sophisticated looking black people. Are we to believe they also harbor this dirty little secret?

>> No.5506062
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but blacks are only 13% of the US pop and account for 52.4% of all murders and an even high percent of all violent crime(in atlanta they are 54% and account for 95% rape, 94% robbery, 84% of aggravated assault and 93% or burglary)

in 2008 of the 19293 black on white rapes 100% were committed by blacks

The Average brain weight and volume for a white american is 1323g/1260cc whereas the average black americans is 1223g-1100cc

The genetic difference between homo sapiens and homo erectus is .17 while the genetic distance between africans and eurasians is .28

Anthony Johnson, a black man, was the first person to legally own a black slave in the mainland American colonies and most slaves were sold into slavery by blacks and most were kept in Africa or sent elsewhere besides the American colonies.

>> No.5506064


This isn't even pretending to be about food anymore. There are boards for this type of thing, morons.

>> No.5506066

Quite possibly one of the most obnoxious threads in /ck/ history.

>> No.5506071

so many bullshit, troll, and bait threads on /ck/ that no one ever bitches about but as soon as one showing a race in a negative light pops up its mods mods mods

seems like you care less about /ck/s integrity than you do about you personal feeling about race

>> No.5506074


Primo deflection. Not arguing with you. /ck/ isn't the board for this, you're in the wrong.





>> No.5506084

>The Irish are not some of the richest people in the world. Neither are the South Koreans. They are at a status they're allowed to reach.
> They are at a status they're allowed to reach.
Do you wear a tinfoil hat?

>> No.5506087


Dunno why you bothered referencing my post at all, given that you haven't responded to anything I've pointed out.

You can tell pretty easily who the stormies are, they've always got some inane copypasta handy; didn't even bother to finish reading the comments he was replying to before dishing it out.

A society based purely on talent is a society that is one with a mixed race and multicultural hierarchy; at the end of the day, talent does not confined itself by race. The 'problems' stormfags associated with multiculturalism always arise from conditions where immigration is unrestricted; otherwise, the most meritocracy immigration policies are mixed race and multicultural.

It's up to humans to decide what categories are most important to them.

>> No.5506088

I'm assuming /ck/'s janitor is asleep.

>> No.5506090

>It's up to humans to decide what categories are most important to them.
Ethnicity is important to most people, like it or not.

>> No.5506091

>assuming /ck/ has a janitor

>> No.5506095


Like seriously learn something away from stormfront John Punch was the first slave and he was owned by a white man. John became a slave after he joined to Irish indentured servants from running away, they got wiped he got whipped and enslaved.

Also stop with the interracial rapes white men are responsible for 85% of rapes against indigenous women in the United States native women have the highest rates of rape in the country.

>> No.5506097
File: 136 KB, 400x400, 1389239720594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying everything i said isnt true

>implying a homogenous society isnt more productive

The greater the diversity in a community, the fewer people vote and the less they volunteer, the less they give to charity and work on community projects. In the most diverse communities, the neighbors trust one another about half as much as they do in the most homogenous settings, as per a harvard study.

>> No.5506101

sources on the rapes?

>> No.5506104

Not taht guy, but personally I think that the best societies would have 1 major ethnicity, which amkes up around 95% of the population, while the rest would be foreign elites.

This way you would still have a homogenous population, and with en extra competetive edge given by elite immigration.

>> No.5506111

holy shit y'all are retarded

>> No.5506114

Makes me really wish I had something to spam.

>> No.5506132

Its using these statistics of native women partnerships


Along with this governmental report

Which is put simply with this link

Most rapes occurred in the reservations of Midwest and Southwest

You can google it, there is quite a bit of info out there

>> No.5506140

thats still a very small % of rapes overall, plus a very small pop of blacks around these areas

>> No.5506167

So what your saying is, even though most rapes occur intra-racially and that poster posted a picture showing most interracial rapes being black men in white men as being important.

But 1 in 3 native women being raped with 85% of rapes being white men isn't.

Basically the first people of this land mean less even thought they are target 8.5/10 times by men outside their race

>> No.5506177

the top link says 57% are by whites and 10% by blacks and when you take into account that only 1 in 9 people in america are black and blacks make up an even smaller % of pop in those area youll find your assumptions are largely exaggerated

>> No.5506190

>in charge of reading comprehension


>> No.5506198

No that link shows a nationwide trend relationships; the black and indian relationships are related to federally recognized tribes in the New England area because they themselves (Pequot, Narraganset, Wampanoag, etc...) are of African and Indigenous descent themselves.

These urban/suburban legally native mixed race people are not the Indians being spoken about in these papers

For example there are 5,000 cases done in rosebud reservation every year alone.

Of the five counties that the reserhttp://www.salon.com/2012/12/13/how_abusers_get_away_with_targeting_indian_women/vation

is on none have a black population of more than .01%

I said google it because if you don't know what they hell is being spoken on than why respond?

I can read well, I just assumed (incorrectly) that people were informed on here since this is very current news and isn't hard to find out about.

Its okay paleface, I forgive your stupidity

>> No.5506199

you have no idea what youre talking about

>> No.5506200


>fried chicken starter

my sides

>> No.5506205

>knowing the difference between literacy and reading comprehension


>> No.5506206

yes i do :^)

>implying i eat out enough for waiters to recognize me and hold a grudge

>> No.5506207

You clearly don't if you can't counter with anything; the rapes going on right now are a result of a loophole for non-native men in reservations
, the Rez courts can't prosecute them while at the same time the women can't report outside of the reservations because of "tribal sovereignty" (which honestly isn't even real at this point)

Still because of this situation for decades now local white men have been coming onto Pineridge, Rosebud, White Earth, and many other reservations and reserves in the mid and southwest to rape indigenous women.

Just because you don't know the subject doesn't mean I don't know what I am talking about.

It was my fault for trying to speak on a subject with such an uneducated bunch of people.

White men are taking advantage of our women because they can get away with it and yet the poster who talks about black on white rape just gets a pat on the back and a "good job".

Its bullshit

>> No.5506208

fuck you dude, you don't get to decide what 'american culture' is just because your shitty town thinks people should pay 20% more for the pleasure of having a gay waiter pierce their eardrums for an hour.

>> No.5506209

so,in theory all these "Rapes victims" could be totally full of shit?

>y-yea he was totally white

get over yourselves you fucking drunks

>> No.5506237

That racism isn't going to get you far friend

>> No.5506248

That victim mentality isn't going to get you anywhere either buddy

>> No.5506250

>our women
when the white man took them, they were his women.
If it's prevalent as you claim, then the children are the white man's too.
How many generations of dilution do you think your tribe has? Can you even call yourselves native with a straight face while collecting your tribal reparations?

>> No.5506251

>unreported rapes argument
Disregard that native americans aren't nearly common enough for white rapes to reach even half the level as black

>> No.5506253

I am so glad 4chan browsers represent such a small part of the world's population, and even better, most of you are too chicken-shit to even bring this up outside of the internet.

I am somewhat relieved after reading this whole thread.

>> No.5506261

>I hate the four chains for unspecified reasons
Seems you are too chicken-shit to even bring this up online, let alone outside of the internet

>> No.5506277


I'd like to see some source on any of this. The US donates more in charity than any other nation, far more than ethnically homogenous nations like China, even disproportionately more when controlling for GDP/capita.

Even if it were true, one would question whether it was actually the fact t hat they were ethnically diverse which prevented them from appreciating one anothers' interest, or the fact that they chose to divide themselves along community lines. In nations where the dominant ethnic group prevents assimilation of those of different ethnic backgrounds, it is more natural to expect greater apathy between communities of different backgrounds regarding appreciating one anothers mutual interests.

>> No.5506386

African Americans as a whole have more spending power and more wealth than every single African country. The only African Americans that give a shit about Africa have never met any Africans

>> No.5506397

>most of you are too chicken-shit to even bring this up outside of the internet.
This. You just know these guys are the super-introverted, brooding quiet guys or socially retarded people that you see IRL. The mediocre losers who think they are smarter than everyone else and blame their lack of success on everything but themselves.

It's why /pol/ is so popular. Convenience and anonymity encourage vitriol in people who do not have any social outlets IRL and would never dare speak such things aloud.

>> No.5506407

4chan is a small portion, but every single major news outlet has disabled or completely revamped their comments section because of similar shit like this.

I used to naively believe most people werent racist and didn't think they were until they showed they were. But the internet has shown that you should believe someone to be racist until they show that they aren't since most just don't say anything in mixed company because of social stigma not because they actually think like that

>> No.5506447

that's a ton of projecting and self-hate
get help, friend

>> No.5506454

My white guilt won't allow it.

>> No.5506477

They're you're employees, you pay them. If I'm paying them that makes them my employees, and they do what I say and attend no other tables.

>> No.5506492

To be fair, isn't that only justifying their hate? If someone is afraid to cite statistics about a group of people without them chimping out and resorting to physical barbaric violence, doesn't that just give them more proof?

>> No.5506539

>White people do not like black people
Wow! This is new and exciting!

You're a fool if you didn't know this. Just surround yourself with white people who are not retarded as fuck and you will be fine.


>> No.5506548

actually, the article implies darkies don't like white people

from your reading comprehension i'm assuming you're one of these bad tipping black people

>> No.5506553

>darkies don't like white people
Not racist

>> No.5506570

I didn't read the article, just the later responses in this thread by the coloreds whining about white people being racist.

Oh and I typically go to Asian fusion buffets and other cheap places for lunch. My bill is no more than 10 bucks but I tip 5 bucks every time. 50 percent of the bill.

Nice generalization there, idiot. Keep posting in 4chan about "much white super genes" and blaming minorities for your problems in life.

>> No.5506704


basketball americans be basketballing

>> No.5506720

Seems like black people are the only sane ones in America. Tipping is just so retarded.

>> No.5506730

Go be poor somewhere else, europe

>> No.5506773

if you do not plan on tipping your waiter it is only fair that you tell them prior to ordering. All of you non tippers want to enjoy top notch service before you stiff your waiter.

>> No.5506778


>> No.5506779


Go back to reddit you fucking niggers, 4chan has always hated niggers and if you have a problem with that, you don't belong here.

Your social justice warrior bullshit is not wanted here.

>> No.5506795

4chan has never hated niggers you bix nood, they're just incredibly easy to troll

>> No.5506798

Pretty sure we troll and hate niggers here

>> No.5506799


>> No.5506819

newfag easily detected

>> No.5507018

>tipping on a carry out order

I really hope people don't do this cause it is retarded

>> No.5507052

>we've always been into equality and social justice! I should know, I've been here all summer

>> No.5507516

>4chan has always been edgy as fuck
AM I FITTING IN YET xD? Seriously though, who cares?

>> No.5507521

Get with the program micro dick

>> No.5507529

>not doing one thing
>must be doing the polar opposite

Get a load of this newfag.

>> No.5507541

i am black and racist people are the reason i dont go to restaurants anymore

i am getting ignored and snubbed by a fucking waiter

and these bitches probably spitting on my filet

and now these racists complain that I dont reward their racist abuse?

fuck you waiters

I tipped every fucking time

now i wont! gues what i ain't visiting your crpappy establishment either

your food is rotten

and so is your morals and standards

this is why restaurants close

>customer is king

if you don't understand that simple fact you are going to starve you racist bitch

>> No.5507571

don't blame the pattern recognition, blame the subjects that create the pattern.

>> No.5507579

>most of you are too chicken-shit to even bring this up outside of the internet.
The whole charm of this place is precisely so people can be brutally honest.

In comparison, it sickens me how fake some people feel in other communities with usernames.

>> No.5507583

fuck off this racist bitches wont neither see any tips nor my business

I am taking my business elsewhere!
this is what you get for tipping racist people

>> No.5507593

Just like the 1994 L.A. riots themselves, that was a very intelligent way to express your point of view.

>> No.5507614

well one has to basically spell it out for you racists you are slow after all

>> No.5507624

what are you exactly "spelling out"?

>if you're racist we'll fuck our own shit up?

stands to reason i guess,you nignogs are horrible spellers

>> No.5507625

I'm probably blacker than you are hood monkey.
Stop making us look bad.

>> No.5507633
