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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5495337 No.5495337 [Reply] [Original]

I'll be honest with you /ck/, you can take this as a homework thread if you want but here goes.

Basically I have to make three courses using a separate main ingredient for each course, kind of like Iron Chef, except each course has a different main ingredient.

The kicker is that these courses need to be relatively simple, since I am extremely limited in terms of satellite ingredients I can use (veges, fruit), and TIME:
4 hours to get everything done from scratch to serving it.

I just want your suggestions or input.

Starter: Smoked Trout Fillet
>I was thinking here of making a Trout terrine/mousse with a core of actual trout, served with some tossed salad and a saffron glaze.
Main: Pork Chops
>My idea was to simply braise the lightly seasonsed porkchops in a garlic sauce, served with Baked potatoes and vichy carrots (No, there aren't green vegetables available to me. Stupid, I know.)
Dessert: Apples
>Apple crumble or Apple Pie with vanilla sauce since I can't make ice-cream with the limited equipment I have.

How feasible is this all?
>pic unrelated, but inspiring.

>> No.5495345

>image of a tiny slab of meat pretentiously sprayed with some sauce

How the fuck is this inspiring? God professional "chefs" and haut cuisine are the fucking worst.

>> No.5495369

if you really want to get all fancy, do a lightly flavored meringue on top of your apple whatever. hit it with a broiler or blowtorch and dat caramelized sugar and airy sweet nothing

>> No.5495373

hes obv not trying to be too fancy making baked potatoes and fucking apple crumble/pie and thinks a terrine is similar to a mousse

>> No.5495378
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and fucking simmered carrots

did we time travel back to 1986

>> No.5495402

OP here.

Guys, forget the image, this isn't exactly what I'm going for. Like I said, it's only inspiring, and not what I'm trying to make.

I literally only have, at my disposal, Yellow and orange carrots, floury and firm potatoes, garlic, Leek, celeriac, tomatoes, lemons and onions.

If not butter-glazed carrots, what do you suggest I use as a vegetable side for the main course?

>> No.5495407

aaand double posting;

As for the carbohydrate based side, I could make a risotto, or use jasmine rice, dumplings, or even polenta crescents.
Hell, if its possible in the space of an hour I suppose I could make noodles from fucking scratch, but I'd rather not risk the time use for making noodles when something a little more accessible is at hand.

>> No.5495426

dude youve got 4 hours its not that fucking hard

for the main if we stick with pork id do a pan roasted chop, pommes maxim or fondant, a celeriac green apple puree, crispy leeks and use the carrots to make a carotene butter

also vichy carrots arent butter glazed they simmered in water, butter, and sugar (among other things)

and apple pie/crumble come the fuck on man

>> No.5495437

>i've got 4 hours from scratch to plate
>lets fucking smoke and braise things

Dude... I want to help but you are starting from some real shit. I mean a terrine with a glaze on it? Come on.

>> No.5495445

i know terrines take hours, some a full day, this kids hopeless, though smoking the trout is feasible in you dont do a cold smoke

>> No.5495457

hmmm, true, and maybe since it would be effectively cooked, he could make a mock terrine with some kind of aspic to hold it in a loaf, into a kind of mock terrine.

I was going to suggest making a layer of a saffron aspic (instead of the glaze), maybe that would be a good way to introduce the flavor? In fact that right there would go great with the carrot.

>> No.5495462

The smoked trout fillet is given to us as a smoked fillet of trout, no further smoking or other shit needed.

The fondant potatoes piques my interest, although stock will be the problem. We have to make stocks from scratch, and haven't been given a chicken for this.
The other stuff looks good though.
Any particular sauce I could make with all that?

And what about the apple pie? Is it that bad of an idea? I was thinking of one of those mini apple-crumble pot pies served/baked in a small ceramic ramekin. Perhaps a vanilla sauce or nutmeg-cinnamon spiced plum sauce on the side.

>> No.5495464

fuck I said mock terrine twice, lousy amphetamine psychosis.

As for the pork chop, I saw this interesting technique that Heston Blumenthal created. Basically you sear the meat super hot and super fast, then you get it cold or rather homogenized temp.

Then you slowly bring it up to temp in an oven in a crock or something else to hold in moisture. And I mean SLOOOOWWWW, like start with your oven as low as it can go and work up from there, maybe even with the crock in a larger tub of water. Kinda need one of those wired meat thermometers for this, because you need to pull that sucker the second it hits 140-150. Rest, slice, plate, dress, serve.

>> No.5495467

For the apple pie... you can do better than that.

Do maybe an apple "Au gratin", but make a sweet cream sauce and no cheese. Vanilla would work fine with this, and you can do your crumble.

If you have any puff pastry or yufka, you can make apple baklava, that would be neat. Just do almost like an apple chutney, with spices and raisins and such. Corriander, anise, cinnamon, clove, etc

>> No.5495468

I have gelatin at my disposal, and the actual terrine is mostly made out of finely processed smoked trout fillet in combination with a little butter, cream, and seasoned with lemon, s+p, and horseradish. From what I'm reading in my cookbook, the whole thing should only take an hour or so including cool time to have it set, and other stuff for the other courses will be going on at the same time.

>> No.5495473

the carotene butter served on top of the chop would serve as a sauce, not every dish has to be covered in a sauce. if you dont have stock do a pomme anna or maxim

AFA the apple crumble its just kind of juvenile IMO

>> No.5495476

Puff pastry is out of the window. All doughs need to be made from scratch too, and puff pastry is a long, long process of folding, rolling, and leaving it to set for each cycle. My chef told me it simply isn't worth the time. He said to go as simple as possible, and make something good out of it; not to put everything at risk by doing the opposite.

The mixture for the apple with clove, anise, cinnamon, and raisins, is nice though, in terms of flavour for the crumble (I am really serious about this crumble now for some reason.)

>> No.5495491

a sharlotka is super easy you could a thin custard, pickled apple and caramel sauce covered with a sugar cage and pickled apple

>> No.5495803


you're a fucktard

>> No.5495810
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That and a fedora will get you into flavortown. Pic related

>> No.5495814


Most of the customers in that place are over 50, and at least half of them are black or caribbean. Source: I walk past the store a couple of times a week.

>> No.5497905

What's your point?
I used to live and work on the block so see morons with the fedoras all the time. Now I'm lucky, I don't have to live in that shithole anymore.

>> No.5499630

Keep it simple for these things. Its likely to be a show of basic skills rather than a foodie wet dream.

Terrine ain't sounding simple. Mousse maybe. Try the classic safe flavors...salmon, dill, cream, cucumber, toast, etc. You can try to step out of the boundaries with presentation or approach. That might grab some attention for better or worse.

Mash your potatoes and make some duchess. Those are simple and awesome because they show some initiative while, yet again, keeping it simple. Season well and don't curdle your yolks. Maybe stuff the chops...or keep then plain and focus on the pork. Just bouncing some ideas. Garlic and pork sounds funky to me personally. Why not take your apples and make a chutney or compote with some pork fat and make that into your sauce?

Dessert.. Hmm crumble could be fine. I'm partial to custards but I dunno, fuck desserts I suck at that shit. If you stick to a crumble work on the plating, because I am seeing just a pile of cooked fruit and topping, browned on a white plate.

/drunk checking out

>> No.5499651
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The point is that the whole "tips fedora" joke is about young men who appear silly because they are not from a culture where fedoras are typically worn.

Older men as a whole, and, for some reason, blacks and caribbeans in New York are commonly seen wearing fedoras and there is nothing awkward or contrived about it. Therefore your choice of a picture of JJ Hats is wrong if you are attempting to reference the internet meme.

Please save this picture to your hard drive and go to urban dictionary or one of those websites so you can brush up on your memespeak.