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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5496093 No.5496093 [Reply] [Original]

Sales thread!
I paid 75.99 for all of this fucking meat! Lots of nice steaks in here too. Separated it into ziploc quart freezer bags in portions, will be enjoying this for the next few months. Post good sales you've gotten on things.

>> No.5496099

>putting meat on the fucking floor

>> No.5496100

Get that shit off your filthy fucking floor, you slob

>> No.5496109

So are the nice steaks going to be in the next picture?

>> No.5496116


That's what I'm wondering, because I don't see a single nice steak in there. I see a lot of cheap shitty steaks that have no marbling at all, but I don't see any nice ones.

>> No.5496121

I buy my ribeye steaks from a local butcher as a subprimal cut, bone on for $4.99 a pound. That way I can slice them to any thickness I like, plus I get those wonderful beef ribs I can smoke. The grocery store charges something like $12-$14 for ribeye and all I seem to be getting is sub-quality meat that is pre-sliced too fucking thin.

>> No.5496125


>> No.5496134

>Eating food that has been frozen
>Eating meat that has been frozen

What's it like being poor?

>> No.5496161

i didn't have a better place to take the fucking picture, sorry.

oh man cry me a river, they are not top quality steaks. You find me better prices for all of that.

>> No.5496165

It wasn't frozen when I bought it, it is fucking now though. It really isn't going to harm the meat that much.

>> No.5496170

actually the steaks were well marbled, didn't come out in the picture too well.

>> No.5496293

meet is merdur huehue

>> No.5496319

Wendys never freezes their beef, neither does five guys. Its hard for me to imagine you cannot taste the difference between frozen meat and meat that has never been frozen

>> No.5496320

>didn't come out in the picture too well.

That's because they're not well marbled. They're barely marbled at all.

>> No.5496328

>thinks a rib roast is a subprimal
>thinks you can cut a bone in rib roast to any thickness without removing the bones or using a saw

if youre going to lie do it believably

>> No.5496329

>putting food on the floor

>> No.5496339

if its vac sealed and frozen quickly theres not much difference at all, especially with ground beef.

>> No.5496340

>>thinks you can cut a bone in rib roast to any thickness without removing the bones or using a saw

Where did he say anything about that? He stated that he was going to smoke the ribs, which implies that he would have cut them off.

>> No.5496341

Thats the voice of poverty right there

>> No.5496345

cook the rabbit or the dog first.

>> No.5496346

while the price isnt that bad its not that great either and the meat doesnt seem to be of high quality.

Once a year or so I go and pick out a cow from a ranch nearby and have them take it to the slaughterhouse to be killed and butchered, They'll cut it into whatever cuts you want and grind however much you want. You can also do this with pigs

there is also a chicken house nearby that twice a year does huge sales on bulk chicken though i dont do this anymore since i raise chickens now.

while buying meat on sale is an OK way to save money, it usually has to be frozen immediately since its going off and still isnt as cheap as buying in bulk which also gives you a better quality of meat

>> No.5496350

>ribeye steaks from a local butcher as a subprimal cut, bone on for $4.99 a pound. That way I can slice them to any thickness I like

>> No.5496351

or you know, just the voice of someone who wants to save $ and now pay full price for meat and go to the store every time they want meat, which i dunno about you but i eat meat every day

>> No.5496367 [DELETED] 
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>not going food shopping every day for the freshest ingredients possible

You obviously dont give a shit about how your food tastes

>> No.5496376

i get fruits and veggies fresh sure but some of us work for a living and cant go to the fucking store everyday and really its not necessary for meat

>> No.5496378

y'know 75 bucks for this meat seems like an average weekend sale, nothing worth buying in bulk. Maybe you shop at expensive stores anon?

>> No.5496385

Oh shut the fuck up.

>> No.5496393

I also work everyday and go food shopping after work to eat that night for dinner. Everything is much better fresh, including meat

>peak flavor

>> No.5496408

you think those meat and veggies were picked and cut that day, not to mention not everyone works a 9-5

>> No.5496409

Mmm, I bet that is some high quality flesh.

>> No.5496410

youre also costing yourself a lot of extra money for next to no benefit

>> No.5496412

No I dont, I just know that they were picked and cut later than the ones that were on the same shelf/stand the day before

>> No.5496415

what is first in first out

you think they harvest everyday and get new shipments in daily. youre delusional

>> No.5496424
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Amazon Mturk doesn't count as a real job, m8

>> No.5496440

The farmer I buy fruits and vegetables from harvests daily

>> No.5496453

Meant for

>> No.5496475

you never said anything about a farmer, you said you go to the store everyday on the way home from work

also I guess youve never actually worked on a farm so you wouldnt know how shit works but things are only available for a short window of time and they arent producing year round so youd only be going to pick up your "fresh veggies" for dinner every night about half the year

>> No.5496478

...are those actual rat turds on the lower left and right of the picture?

Jesus fuck OP, 10/10 would be trolled again

>> No.5496765

I like how all of you people crying about it being on the floor don't fucking realize it's wrapped in a fucking package.

And for those of you who don't think it's a deal? I priced it out and this would have cost me at least 100$ more at my local grocer. The good steaks in the white packaging tasted amazing.

>> No.5496772

Pretty sure that's a little bit of old bok choy leaf.

>> No.5496794

we didnt say it wasnt a good deal just that its not a great deal

>> No.5496805

OP's fiance here, jesus christ guys those steaks are going to be chopped up and stir fried served with rice Chinese style. Who gives a fuck how good they are? And anyway I just ate some and they tasted great. The point of this thread was holy shit look at all that meat for only $75! We are eating good for the next month or so I can assure you.

>> No.5496838

If you don't care you dumb bitch, why the fuck did you post in the first place?

>> No.5496851

The point of the OP was how fucking good the deal was. Are you retarded?
Also I am not a bitch, I'm a dude. OP is my lady fiance.

>> No.5497039
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>> No.5497048

Fucking Jamie Oliver is a big advocate of freezing.

>> No.5497053

Oh well that makes it totally okay because he is the voice of truth, reason, and all that is holy

Youre a fucking moron. I hope you choke to death on Jamie Olivers chode

>> No.5497054

and nobody is going to remark on how cheap this all was?

>> No.5497055

He's quite vocally big on fresh and healthy food, so it's relevant to point out that he supports freezing food.

>> No.5497056

Go fuck yourself you blind parrot

>> No.5497062

>dat rekt

>> No.5497065


>> No.5497069

Jamie Oliver tries to promote home cooking and healthy eating, if freezing some food is going to make it easier for some people to make a meal at home instead of buying some fast food then so be it.

>> No.5497085

Those are obviously rat turds on the floor that you arranged your meat on. Also, why the fuck did you pic your meat on the floor? You have a few steps up to go if you want to be pleb.

>> No.5497088

yes of course, but it is also important to remember its not the *BEST* way to go about it.

Fresh is always > frozen there is no arguing

>> No.5497090

A few months back I bought a quarter of a bison online (about 85 pounds) for $400. It came as roughly half ground, a quarter steaks, and a quarter roasts, along with some short ribs and miscellaneous stuff. Tastes fantastic.

>> No.5497095

these all look cheap as hell

>> No.5497152

They are in the package Nancy, btw i think you drop your tampon. (fucking faggots).
Dont want fat? I think semen is low on fat you candy ass fagot.
Get a load of this faggot "foodie".
The voice of faggorty right there.
Go suck a free range cock faggot.
The edge of this faggot.
Look at McCarnic L'e-connoisseur
Go choke on a bag of dicks faggot.

So yeah OP answering your question /ck/ i full of retarded people and faggots.

>> No.5497206

>Not growing your own produce and raising/butchering your own meat.
>Letting a bunch of dirty mexicans and minimum wage slobs handle your food before you eat it.

You obviously don't give a shit about how your food tastes.

>> No.5497210

cross contamination op
have you heard of it

>> No.5497222


OP pls

>> No.5497230

OP is a grade A cock mongler

>> No.5497236

that depends, is it better to get something fresh thats been shipped cross country(or more), been sitting there on the shelf for a few days, or picked underripe or out of peak season, than it is to but something thats been picked at perfect ripeness at the peak of freshness and flash frozen

>> No.5497237


What does that have to do with putting WRAPPED food on the floor?

>> No.5497381
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I usually buy 3 kilos of low-fat ground steak meat for 29$ and divide it up into 15 200gram bags for the freezer. Easily 1-2 meals per bag when mixed with spices, beans, rice, veggies or whatever I make.

2 kg of frozen skinless and boneless chicken for 22$ also makes for a very nice addition to the meal composition. Along with the ground steak meat and pork chops I buy for 15$/kilo, I have meat for 2 for an entire month for pretty cheap.

I also buy butchers made oxen/chili sausages. They are a bit expensive, but they taste absolutely amazing, and a single $1.6 sausage can completely change an entire dish for 2 people which otherwise consists of veggies and rice/pasta.

I also like to buy 4-6kilo steak roasts for 50$ and cut them into 180 gram steaks. That gives a ton of nice steaks, and even if I freeze them, they are still very decent meat later on - and I also often cut up the steaks later on, for dishes like Beug Borgognion (and since I cook that for 5+ hours anyway, you cant really tell the difference between frozen and fresh),

Pic is my lunch a few days ago and unrelated, I forgot how to remove an image from the Browse area, and for some reason, 4chan thinks I wanted to add a random pic.

>> No.5497420

I don't mind spending a few extra dollars on quality meat for me to eat at home. Most of the time I buy a whole cut of beef, I like rib eye, rump and porterhouse. Even if it cost me $20 per kilo or so it's still going to work out way cheaper then eating out.
All the meat in OP's picture looks like it would be ok for stir frying or slow cooking, chicken legs are cheap as fuck. It's good having some cheap meat in the freezer for when you want to make a stew or something but don't want to use the high quality stuff.

>> No.5497601

fucking using wendys as an example...ummm ok hahaha wendys is disgusting

>> No.5497626

>Lots of nice steaks in here too.
>chuck & arm steaks

i have no face for this

>> No.5497673

this guy knows whats up
thank you for actually contributing to the thread

>> No.5498184

They're nice chuck and arm steaks, though,

>> No.5498614

Can we all just agree that it's a shitload of meat for only $75?

>> No.5498618

I agree

>> No.5498630
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>OP's fiance

>> No.5498642

I freeze meats, not because I'm poor, but because I'm too lazy to go out and buy it regularly.

>> No.5498643

I say wendys never freezes their beef every time I grab the giant ass bag of frozen patties from the freezer. How do you think they ship the meat? They get away with it because it is never frozen before it is made into the square patty.

Don't know what five guys does, and frankly, who cares. Unless you are eating it raw, freezing doesn't do shit, when done right. Freezerburned meat, yes, frozen meat that gets bruised, yes, but that's it.